Oct 1st 20011 Prime Industries Quantity Sum of Quantity ENY Pending Transactions Actual Quantity Back-Flash

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P = Packaging Material FG = Finished Goods Oct 1st 20011

R = Raw Material WIP = Work in Process

Prime Industries Quantit
Sum of Pending Actual Back-
Item Code Item Description UOM Quantity Pending Transactions Quantity Unit Cost Sum of Value Physical Flash

215 Destree 14G (Blue Export) EA 788 -788 - - 2,047.51 - - 0

37228 Liquid Glue KG 0 110 111 19.33 2,137 250.00 0
37513 Outers Self Shine 75ML EA 2,949 -170 2,779 9.55 26,543 2,661.00 0
37526 Outer (3Doz)CB Lq White 100ML EA 31 31 62 13.70 852 62.00 0
37602 Labled Bott+Cap CBLW 100ml CP 1,904 -402 1,502 62.84 94,404 562.50 0
38011 Tape Hotmelt Unprinted 64 Yrd EA 343 14 357 50.50 18,012 504.00 0
76101 Applicator CB liq-selfshine EA 134,964 2,956 137,920 6.45 889,583 137,200.00 0
76212 Bott+Cap CB Selfshine DT75ml EA 17,486 1 17,487 5.02 87,783 16,250.00 0
76228 Bott+cap CB Selfshine Black EA 2,707 3,273 5,980 4.79 28,644 4,000.00 0
76317 Carton Mortein Rat kill EA 17,031 -4 17,028 0.91 15,495 17,000.00 0
76702 Glue Mowlith (Common Co-Pack.) KG 1 - 1 110.52 116 - 0
77202 Lid - Plastic (Robin Ccan) EA 88,645 -2,149 86,496 1.38 119,364 77,000.00 0
77215 Lid,body & sponge EA 3,105 -115 2,990 17.63 52,715 3,200.00 0
77526 Outer CB-insta shin EA 249 8 258 21.23 5,471 286.00 0
77528 Tray CB-instshine 06pack EA 112,985 -1,884 111,102 2.20 244,424 100,000.00 0
77538 OUTER- Robin 225g.(Combican) EA 890 -183 707 13.81 9,766 - 0
77604 Polycoat-Paper Seal(Robin can) EA 191,527 -8 191,519 0.26 49,795 179,500.00 0
77610 Poly Bag Mortein Rat Kill KG 93 -33 60 193.40 11,567 38.68 0
162923 INSR,PEL,BLUE,PWR EA 80,192 255 80,447 0.55 44,246 48,395.00 0
163148 BOTL,PEH,HRPC 200ML EA 28,045 -612 27,433 4.31 118,237 16,380.00 0
163299 BOTL,PEH,HRPC 500ML EA 44,346 314 44,659 7.15 319,314 28,015.00 0
163301 BOTL,PEH,HRPC 750ML EA 7,802 552 8,355 9.14 76,361 4,000.00 0
163303 CLOS,PP,HRPC COM CAP EA 80,192 255 80,447 1.27 102,168 48,395.00 0
164819 LABL,CHERY,PK,CB LIQUID 100ML CP 2,716 -129 2,587 4.19 10,839 1,000.00 0
168933 LABL,CHERY,PK,LIQ BLK 75ML FR EA 37,822 60 37,882 0.46 17,426 30,000.00 0
168936 LABL,CHERY,PK,LIQ BLK 75ML BK EA 32,722 1,392 34,114 0.46 15,692 27,000.00 0
168942 LABL,CHERY,PK,LIQ DT 75ML FR EA 2,724 -4 2,720 0.45 1,224 - 0
168947 LABL,CHERY,PK,LIQ DT 75ML BK EA 2,724 -4 2,720 0.46 1,251 - 0
169047 LABL,CHERY,PK,SPONGE INSTASHIN EA 32,696 -501 32,194 0.58 18,673 27,000.00 0
193441 BOTL,PEH,ROBIN BLUE 75ML ND EA 195,925 -62 195,863 2.04 399,561 170,850.00 0
193444 CAPL,PP,RED ROBIN COMMON ND EA 262,579 -10,981 251,598 0.49 123,283 192,168.00 0
193445 LABL,ROBIN,PK,LIQUID BLUE 75ML EA 547,885 267 548,152 0.17 93,186 523,000.00 0
193446 CASE ROBIN,PK,LIQ BLUE 75ML EA 2,492 8 2,500 12.42 31,045 1,990.00 0
193447 BOTL,PEH,ROBIN BLUE 150 ML ND EA 37,438 - 37,438 2.87 107,446 16,758.00 0
193450 LABL,ROBIN,PK,LIQUIDBLUE 150ML EA 79,511 -7,017 72,494 0.29 21,023 42,000.00 0
193452 CASE,ROBIN,PK,LIQ BLUE 150ML EA 883 68 952 23.08 21,965 523.00 0
200128 Harpic Fresh 500 FR Label EA 19,571 -68 19,504 0.69 13,458 19,500.00 0
P = Packaging Material FG = Finished Goods Oct 1st 20011
R = Raw Material WIP = Work in Process
Prime Industries Quantit
Sum of Pending Actual Back-
Item Code Item Description UOM Quantity Pending Transactions Quantity Unit Cost Sum of Value Physical Flash
200134 Harpic Fresh 500 BK Label EA 19,571 -68 19,504 0.69 13,458 19,500.00 0
202458 Harpic Power 200 FR Label EA 122,141 621 122,762 0.42 51,560 111,000.00 0
202459 Harpic Power 200 BK Label EA 122,141 621 122,762 0.42 51,560 111,000.00 0
202520 Harpic Power 500 FR Label EA 65,326 - 65,326 0.69 45,075 59,000.00 0
202522 Harpic Power 500 BK Label EA 65,326 - 65,326 0.69 45,075 59,000.00 0
202526 Harpic Power 750 FR Label EA 29,966 - 29,966 0.76 22,774 24,000.00 0
202527 Harpic Power 750 BK Label EA 29,966 - 29,966 0.76 22,774 24,000.00 0
203375 Harpic Fresh 750ML FR Label EA 10,382 48 10,430 0.88 9,178 9,900.00 0
203377 Harpic Fresh 750ML BK Label EA 10,382 48 10,430 0.88 9,178 9,900.00 0
260908 HARPIC ROSE 500ML FR LABEL EA 89,691 2,635 92,326 0.69 63,705 87,870.00 0
260910 HARPIC ROSE 500ML BK LABEL EA 89,691 2,635 92,326 0.69 63,705 87,870.00 0
260913 HARPIC ROSE 750ML FR LABEL EA 41,427 196 41,624 0.76 31,634 41,390.00 0
260914 HARPIC ROSE 750ML BK LABEL EA 41,427 -1,804 39,624 0.76 30,114 38,900.00 0
290093 CASE,ROBIN,PK,LIQ BLUE 300ML EA 1,226 192 1,418 31.20 44,227 953.00 0
290217 LABL,ROBIN,PK,LIQUIDBLUE 300ML EA 107,618 -487 107,131 0.47 50,887 95,900.00 0
290245 BOTL,PEH,ROBIN BLUE 300 ML EA 15,777 -33 15,745 4.60 72,426 4,560.00 0
290475 Label Combican 225 gm EA 41,933 -5,930 36,003 0.57 20,522 26,900.00 0
293273 Combican Robin 225g. EA 49,393 -3,382 46,011 5.20 239,260 36,480.00 0
322359 Case,Harpc,Common 200ML EA 4,571 -101 4,471 31.10 139,033 3,074.00 0
322360 Case,Harpc,Common 500ML EA 4,264 -135 4,129 33.95 140,183 3,780.00 0
322361 Case,Harpc,Common 750ML EA 1,770 543 2,313 41.52 96,042 1,899.00 0
11202 BHT(Butylated Hydroxy Toluene) KG 97 7 104 539.55 56,012 104.00 0
31101 Acticide MBS KG 387 2 388 295.13 114,644 360.00 0
31201 Bentonite KG 79 -64 15 87.36 1,330 16.34 0
31304 Carnauba Wax F.G. KG 538 -8 530 545.50 289,292 522.00 0
31501 EMULSIFIER 2106 KG 178 -28 149 529.46 79,149 146.74 0
31702 Gum Arabic KG 63 -3 60 590.93 35,421 61.50 0
31802 Hydrochloric Acid KG 9,575 16 9,591 5.53 53,038 5,880.00 0
32202 Levendin KG 41 2 42 4,890.54 206,701 39.30 0
32203 LICOWET VPF3/Flowet SB KG 110 0 110 12,825.75 1,406,982 110.00 0
32304 Morpholine KG 167 0 167 411.08 68,813 166.00 0
32504 Oleine (Croda fat FA2458) KG 160 -1 160 1,151.04 183,792 162.00 0
32505 Lanolin KG 177 0 177 405.94 71,903 175.70 0
32507 Ubatol 3244/ Craymul 3244 KG 904 2 906 253.30 229,513 839.70 0
32509 Colanyl Black PR130 KG 116 -0 116 493.08 57,223 112.75 0
32510 Tributoxyethyl Phosphate(TBEP) KG 640 1 641 540.90 346,690 639.00 0
32511 Methyl Carbitol/Methyl di- KG 67 -4 63 3,573.15 225,580 61.10 0
32512 Alresat R35 KG 127 3 130 376.94 49,025 110.00 0
P = Packaging Material FG = Finished Goods Oct 1st 20011
R = Raw Material WIP = Work in Process
Prime Industries Quantit
Sum of Pending Actual Back-
Item Code Item Description UOM Quantity Pending Transactions Quantity Unit Cost Sum of Value Physical Flash
32605 POLYETHYLENE WAX AC-656 KG 482 1 483 307.61 148,465 465.42 0
32902 Silcolapse KG 8 -1 7 390.53 2,766 7.04 0
33001 Talc (L.W./C.P.) KG 471 -20 451 5.60 2,527 315.00 0
33002 Techni Wax 9210 KG 113 -2 111 513.85 57,070 107.50 0
33004 Terpineol LT 106 0 106 329.50 34,902 106.00 0
33005 Titanium Dioxide HR Grade KG KG 767 -25 742 164.43 121,976 718.46 0
33301 Nigrosene 48627-Water soluble KG 264 5 269 436.78 117,431 271.40 0
41501 EDTA DAC/DOC KG 16 1 17 462.47 7,860 17.00 0
71104 Arquad T50 KG 1,144 21 1,164 483.31 562,761 1,081.00 0
71105 Acid Yellow 3* KG 38 2 41 485.38 19,681 41.00 0
71202 Brown Water soluble MM KG 27 0 27 2,286.40 61,683 25.65 0
71503 Ethomeen T12 (Tallow-amine) KG 2,066 18 2,085 498.82 1,039,846 1,980.00 0
71703 Perfume GIR Spitz 73 KG 155 9 164 1,037.68 170,205 144.60 0
72801 Ultramarine blue no-462 KG 29,639 18 29,657 86.50 2,565,295 26,758.00 0
72802 Rhodamine Water soluble KG 36 4 41 2,785.85 113,574 37.00 0
72902 Silicone 500 cst KG 23 -1 22 544.69 11,840 12.68 0.00
72903 Silicone 12500 cst KG 73 0 73 596.07 43,297 58.92 0.00
72904 Silicone 30000 cst KG 56 0 56 647.46 36,293 36.70 0.00
73002 Tinopal CBS-X KG 442 7 449 2,384.54 1,070,821 425.00 0
73004 Rodenticides Pallets KG 1,573 0 1,573 346.42 545,034 1,592.00 0
145194 SPRING FRAGRANCE KG 749 -0 749 1,127.92 844,558 747.00 0
151031 Acid Violet Dye-49 KG 2,258 20 2,279 446.26 1,016,920 1,625.00 0
354222 METHYL SALICYALATE KG 443 13 456 462.47 210,981 450.00 0
BR5001293 DYE IRAGON BLUE ABL80 POWDER GM 1,878 451 2,329 11.18 26,038 15,900.00 0
XCB107MB ACID RED 52 KG 7 -0 7 4,648.99 32,368 7.00 0

3,094,216 16,794,738
Quantity EXCESS / (SHORT)

Other Damaged /
Location Write-off Total QTY Amount Excess Amount (Short) Amount Remarks

- - - - -
250 139 2,695 2,695 -
2,661 -118 -1,131 - -1,131
62 -0 -2 - -2
563 -940 -59,057 - -59,057 we have without labled bottles missing in counting
504 147 7,440 7,440 -
137,200 -720 -4,643 - -4,643
16,250 -1,237 -6,208 - -6,208
4,000 -1,980 -9,484 - -9,484
17,000 -28 -25 - -25
- -1 -116 - -116
77,000 -9,496 -13,104 - -13,104
3,200 210 3,701 3,701 -
286 28 601 601 -
100,000 -11,102 -24,424 - -24,424
331 331 -376 -5,191 - -5,191 available at bottle supplier
179,500 -12,019 -3,125 - -3,125
39 -21 -4,086 - -4,086
2500 50,895 -29,552 -16,254 - -16,254 damaged stock send to supplier for replacement
16,380 -11,053 -47,639 - -47,639
2500 30,515 -14,144 -101,132 - -101,132 damaged stock send to supplier for replacement
4,000 -4,355 -39,801 - -39,801
2500 50,895 -29,552 -37,531 - -37,531 damaged stock send to supplier for replacement
1587 2,587 0 1 1 - remaining stock at Bottle supplier
7822 37,822 -60 -28 - -28 Rejected stock will get replacement
5,722 32,722 -1,392 -640 - -640 Rejected stock will get replacement
2724 2,724 4 2 2 - Rejected stock will get replacement
2724 2,724 4 2 2 - Rejected stock will get replacement
5,696 32,696 502 291 291 - Rejected stock will get replacement
170,850 -25,013 -51,027 - -51,027
192,168 -59,430 -29,121 - -29,121
523,000 -25,152 -4,276 - -4,276
1,990 -510 -6,329 - -6,329
16,758 -20,680 -59,351 - -59,351
42,000 -30,494 -8,843 - -8,843
523 -429 -9,894 - -9,894
19,500 -4 -3 - -3
Quantity EXCESS / (SHORT)

Other Damaged /
Location Write-off Total QTY Amount Excess Amount (Short) Amount Remarks
19,500 -4 -3 - -3
111,000 -11,762 -4,940 - -4,940
111,000 -11,762 -4,940 - -4,940
59,000 -6,326 -4,365 - -4,365
59,000 -6,326 -4,365 - -4,365
24,000 -5,966 -4,534 - -4,534
24,000 -5,966 -4,534 - -4,534
9,900 -530 -466 - -466
9,900 -530 -466 - -466
87,870 -4,456 -3,075 - -3,075
87,870 -4,456 -3,075 - -3,075
41,390 -234 -178 - -178
38,900 -724 -550 - -550
953 -465 -14,493 - -14,493
95,900 -11,231 -5,335 - -5,335
4,560 -11,185 -51,450 - -51,450
26,900 -9,103 -5,189 - -5,189
36,480 -9,531 -49,564 - -49,564
600 3,674 -797 -24,772 - -24,772 Check with Prime
-600 3,180 -949 -32,222 - -32,222 Check with Prime
1,899 -414 -17,195 - -17,195
104 0 101 101 -
360 -28 -8,397 - -8,397
16 1 97 97 -
522 -8 -4,541 - -4,541
147 -3 -1,456 - -1,456
62 2 921 921 -
5,880 -3,711 -20,522 - -20,522
39 -3 -14,503 - -14,503
110 0 3,850 3,850 -
166 -1 -574 - -574
162 2 2,677 2,677 -
176 -1 -579 - -579
840 -66 -16,817 - -16,817
113 -3 -1,628 - -1,628
639 -2 -1,055 - -1,055
61 -2 -7,261 - -7,261
110 -20 -7,562 - -7,562
Quantity EXCESS / (SHORT)

Other Damaged /
Location Write-off Total QTY Amount Excess Amount (Short) Amount Remarks
465 -17 -5,297 - -5,297
7 -0 -16 - -16
315 -136 -763 - -763
108 -4 -1,831 - -1,831
106 0 25 25 -
718 -23 -3,840 - -3,840
271 3 1,111 1,111 -
17 0 2 2 -
1,081 -83 -40,303 - -40,303
41 0 219 219 -
26 -1 -3,036 - -3,036
1,980 -105 -52,183 - -52,183
145 -19 -20,157 - -20,157
26,758 -2,899 -250,728 - -250,728 uncountable in container. Need to recheck
37 -4 -10,497 - -10,497
13 -9 -4,934 - -4,934
59 -14 -8,177 - -8,177
37 -19 -12,531 - -12,531
425 -24 -57,392 - -57,392
1,592 19 6,467 6,467 -
747 -2 -2,002 - -2,002
1,625 -654 -291,745 - -291,745 missed in stock count by prime
450 -6 -2,869 - -2,869
15,900 13,571 151,724 151,724 - Short in ACI. IT is pending
7 0 467 467 -

-1,448,976 182,395 -1,631,370

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