Influence The Nozzle Shape On Local Heat Transfer in Impinging Jet

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Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

Influence the Nozzle Shape on Local Heat

Transfer in Impinging Jet
M. Attalla and M. S. Ahmed1
nozzle to plate spacing, the presence of a confining wall, the
Abstract— The local Nusselt number distributions of ambient air temperature relative to the jet temperature, and jet
circular nozzle on a heated flat plate were experimentally diameter [2], [3]. The geometry of the nozzle has considerable
investigated for various nozzle geometries. Experiments have effect on the heat transfer between the impinging jet and the
been conducted with variation of exit Reynold's number, Re, is plate. The nozzle geometry parameters such as orifice shape
varied from 6000 to 40000 and plate surface spacing to nozzle and diameters, as well as the orifice inlet and outlet shapes
diameter, H/d, in the range of 1 ≤ H/d ≤ 6 for single nozzle have been found to play a determined role in heat transfer rate.
with square edge (non-chamfered) and chamfered nozzles of The heat transfer rate depends also on the thickness of the
the same diameter, 5 mm. The chamfered length, Lc is varied nozzle orifice [1]-[4]. The orifice geometry can be designed to
from 1 mm to 3.65 mm with constant chamfered angle, θ = 60 improve the heat transfer between the impinging jet and plate
for each nozzle configuration. The temperature distributions because it affects the development of the jet before it impinges
on the heated flat plate were measured using a thermograph on the plate, principally in the case of confined jets [5]. The
camera, IR with a digital image processing system. The results orifice design is also important because it affects the pressure
indicate that the stagnation Nusselt numbers have the highest drop across the nozzle and the velocity profile along the target
value for square edge inlet nozzle when compared with other surface [1].
nozzle configurations. The Stagnation Nusselt number was A few prior studies have investigated the effects of nozzle2
correlated for the nozzle Reynold's number as configuration on impinging jet heat transfer. In[1] it is started
Keywords— Impingement Jet; Chamfered Edge; Local Heat experimentally the effect of change the nozzle geometry from
Transfer; Turbulence Intensity. square edge to chamfered on pressure drop and heat transfer
rate. They concluded that chamfering the nozzle inlets
Nomenclature reduced pressure drop without affecting much the heat transfer
k Thermal conductivity of air, W/m.K
characteristics. In [6] it is investigated the effect of nozzle
Nu Nusselt number (-)
shape on local heat transfer distribution for three-different
q α Convective heat flux, W/m2 nozzle cross sections, circular, square and rectangular. In [7]
Re Jet Reynold's number, (-) proved a better understanding of the mean flow characteristics
R Radial distance from stagnation point of jet, m and heat transfer of jet array with cross-flow, using different
X Stream-wise distance, from stagnation point of jet jet orifice geometries, circular and cusped ellipse. In [8]
measured along the plate (horizontal direction), m studied the effect of nozzle geometry on pressure drop and
Greek symbols heat transfer on the free surface and submerged liquid jet
α Convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K
arrays. They found that the heat transfer coefficient in
Subscripts confined submerged test was greater than that for their free jet
lo Local value counterparts. In addition, the inlet/outlet chamfered and
f Forced Convective heat transfer coefficient
contoured inlet nozzles were best in terms of the obtained heat
transfer rate for a given pumping power.
The objective of the present paper is to investigate

I mpinging jet has been widely used for applications

where high heat and mass transfer rates are required. A
experimentally the effect of the nozzle geometry of square
edge (non-chamfered) and with chamfered edge on heat
variety of nozzle geometries ranging from slots to square transfer characteristics in point of view of local heat transfer
edged (from profited plate) and round jet [1]. Previous studies distribution in free single circular air jet. The experimental
have demonstrated the dependence of heat transfer on a parameters include nozzle-chamfered length (Lc = 1, 2.3 and
number of parameters, including the Reynold's number of jet, 3.65 mm), Reynolds number, Re, varied from 40000 to 6000,
and nozzle to plate separation distance, H/d, varied from 1 to
M. Attalla, Mechanical Power and Energy Department, faculty of Engineering, 6. The specific goal is to identify condition under which
South Valley University, Qena, Egypt, phone: +2 096 533 0248; fax: +2 096 533
9479; e-mail [email protected]. nozzle shape may be reduced or enhance heat transfer rate by
M. S. Ahmed, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial
Education, Sohag University, Egypt.

Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

using the free single nozzle. The local heat transfer is

presented as a function of separation distance, H/d, Reynolds The heat source consists of a metal sheet (0.1 mm thick)
number, Re, and chamfered length, Lc. with a heated area of (200 mmx170 mm). Because of the very
small thickness of the metal sheet, the conduction resistance
II. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP between the two sides is negligible. Therefore, the temperature
The air jet impingement system is shown in Fig. 1. Airflow of both sides could be assumed equal as reported by [10] and
rate is measured by calibrated orifice flow meter. Air filter and [11]. The temperature was recorded from the plate depending
pressure regulator are installed upstream of the nozzle flow on the emissivity value of surface, which was calibrated by
meter to filter the air and maintain the downstream pressure at Attalla [11]. Power loss from the exposed surface of the
5 bar. The air is delivered to a flow conditioning cylindrical impinging plate due to natural convection and radiation was
plenum in the test section. The separation distance between estimated experimentally [10] – [12].
nozzle and target plate is set by using screw fixed on frame to The temperature distribution on the impinging plate is
move up and down direction [9]. obtained from IR camera image for each nozzle configuration.
The local Nusselt number for the surface is determined by

Nu 
αd (1)
PLenum k
Chamber q f
Rotameters αf 
Nozzle Impinging To  Tj
d Plate

H Where α f is the forced convective heat transfer coefficient

Filter Gate Valve DC Power
Source and To and Tj are the heated wall and exit jet temperatures
Air Compressor Regulator IR Camera respectively. The total heat losses amount up to 2 % of the
Fig. 1 Layout of Experimental Set-Up electrical heat flux for turbulent flow [10,].
The uncertainty of experimental results has been estimated
Figure 2 shows the free nozzle geometry used in this study. following the recommendation and method suggested and
The nozzle diameter was held at d = 5 mm for all the described by [13]. The estimated total uncertainty in the local
experiments. One set of chamfered nozzle involves three Nusselt number was ranged from 3.25 to 5.23 %. The
different chamfered length values (Lc = 1 mm, 2.3 mm and uncertainty in the Reynolds number was estimated to be within
3.65mm), the chamfered angle is θ= 60 for all nozzles, Fig. 2- 2.4 %. Another important source of uncertainty was the
a. The second one involves a free nozzle with square edge and emissivity measured by the thermo camera. The uncertainty of
was selected to determine the local and average heat transfer emissivity was ranged from 0.5 to 1.23 %.
impinging into flat plate, Fig. 2-b. The nozzle length, L = 50
d, was also considered for all the nozzles used. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Experiments were conducted to study the influence of
chamfering nozzle at the inlet on distribution of local Nusselt
number at three different mean jets Reynold's number of
40000, 20000, and 6000. The mean jet Reynold's number is
based on jet diameter (5 mm) and jet average outlet velocity.
The separation distance between jet and impinging plate is d,
2d, 4d and 6d for all the configurations investigated. The
L separation distance between jet and impinging plate is d, 2d,
4d and 6d for all the configurations investigated.
Figure 3 shows examples of the thermal footprints of four
nozzles configurations (square edge, and chamfered edge, Lc
= 1 mm, 2.3 mm and 3.65 mm) obtained from the infrared
measurements. Those examples of the thermal footprints have
θ been obtained at separation distances H/d = 1 and at high
Reynold's number, Re = 40000. It is observed that, the
d d temperature distributions due to impinging jets are perfectly
symmetric around the stagnation point except for the far field
Fig. 2 Section View of Nozzle Geometric Tested of the region of impingement. In addition, the colors of the
a- Chamfered Edge Nozzles, b- Square Edge Nozzle
thermal footprints are whitened with increase of chamfered
length. This is due to decrease of cooling degree. Figures 4 to
7 show the local distribution of Nusslet number -based on

Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

temperature distribution- along the horizontal line through the Also, the stagnation Nusslet number values of square edge and
stagnation point for four different nozzle outlet shapes, three chamfered edge with Lc1 nozzles are nearly equal for all
with different chamfered length and the fourth with non- Reynolds number. However, the stagnation Nusselt number
chamfered (square edge). values decrease by about 8-13 % for chamfered edge Lc2 and
Lc3 for all Reynolds numbers. The experimental result of [1],
Stagnation Point 538.5°C 538.5°C
showed that the pressure drop increases by about 15.7 % with
chamfered hole (Lc2 = 2.31 mm) when compared with the
square edge hole. This increase in pressure drop is
accompanied by a decrease in local Nusselt number [20], [21].
4.7°C 4.7°C
a- Square Edge b- Chamfered Edge, Lc1= 1 mm Square Edge
120 Chamfered Edge Lc1
Chamfered Edge Lc2
538.5°C 538.5°C
100 Chamfered Edge Lc3

Nu Lo. [-]

4.7°C 4.7°C
c- Chamfered Edge, Lc1 = 2.3 mm d- Chamfered Edge, Lc1= 3.65 mm
(a) Re = 40000, H/d = 1
Fig. 3 An Examples of infrared measurement for all nozzles
configurations (H/d = 1, and Re = 40000) 0 2 4 6
R/d [-]

Local Nusselt number distributions at H/d = 1, are shown in Fig. 4a Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Fig. 4a-c. It is observed that with increases in the Reynolds Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 40000, and H/d = 1.
number, the local Nusselt number increases at all horizontal 100
axes for the four nozzles configurations. This may be due to Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1
increase of the turbulence intensity of jet Reynolds number 80
Chamfered Edge Lc2
[14] , [15]. The value of stagnation Nusselt number for nozzle Chamfered Edge Lc3
with chamfered length Lc2 and Lc3 are nearly equal at 60
Nu Lo. [-]

Reynolds number, 40000. However, the Nusselt number at

stagnation point are higher for the square edge and nozzle 40
with chamfered length, Lc1 by about 7% as compared with
chamfered length Lc2 and Lc3. For other Reynolds number, 20
20000 and 6000, the stagnation Nusslet number is highest for (b) Re = 20000, H/d = 1
a square edge nozzle when compared with the other nozzles 0
configurations. For the chamfered length, Lc2 is higher by 0 2 4 6
R/d [-]
about 3 to 5 % from the chamfered length Lc3. This is due to;
Fig. 4b Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
the pressure drop at high Reynolds number has week effect Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 20000, and H/d = 1.
than the other Renold's number [1], [7], [16], and [17].
In the stagnation region, (0 ≤ R/d ≤ 1), The Nusslet number The distributions of local Nusselt number for various values
nearly remains constant for all nozzle configurations up to an of Reynold's number at separation distance ratio, H/d = 4, are
R/d = 0.5 and drop sharply until R/d = 1.6, and then, the shown in Fig. 6a-c. The stagnation Nusselt number values are
change in slope of Nusselt number distribution is clearly nearly the same for all nozzle configurations for a particular
observed for all Reynolds number. The secondary peak is Reynolds number. The secondary peak nearly occurs at R/d =
observed around R/d = 2, in transition turbulence region [18], 2.2 for square edge and Chamfered edge with Lc1 nozzles at
[19], for high Reynolds number (40000, and 20000). However, high Reynolds number. However, the secondary peak is not
secondary peaks are not distinctly seen for lower Reynolds clearly visible for nozzle configurations at all other Reynolds
number, Re = 6000. Generally, the local Nusslet number number.
distribution with square edge nozzle shows higher values at
radial location of (1,6 ≤ R/d ≤ 2,5).
The local Nusselt number distribution for all nozzles
configurations separation at distance/ diameter ratio H/d = 2 is
shown in Fig. 5a-c. All local Nusselt number curves for four
nozzles configurations (square edge, chamfered edge Lc1,
Lc2, and Lc3), have similar trends as those with H/d = 1.

Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

Square Edge 40
Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1
Chamfered Edge Lc1
Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc3 Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc3
Nu Lo. [-]

Nu Lo. [-]

(c) Re = 6000, H/d = 1

(c) Re = 6000, H/d = 2
0 2 4 6 0
R/d [-]
0 2 4 6
R/d [-]
Fig. 4c Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Fig. 5c Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Distribution along Horizontal Axisfor Re = 6000, and H/d = 1.
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 6000, and H/d = 2.
Square Edge
120 Chamfered Edge Lc1 Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc2 Chamfered Edge Lc1
100 Chamfered Edge Lc3 Chamfered Edge Lc2
100 Chamfered Edge Lc3
Nu Lo. [-]

Nu Lo. [-]

(a) Re = 40000, H/d = 2
0 (a) Re = 40000, H/d = 4
0 2 4 6 0
R/d [-]
0 2 4 6
Fig. 5a Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number R/d [-]
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 40000, and H/d = 2. Fig. 6a Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 40000, and H/d = 4.
Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1 100
80 Chamfered Edge Lc2 Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc3 Chamfered Edge Lc1
80 Chamfered Edge Lc2
Nulo [-]

Chamfered Edge Lc3

Nu Lo. [-]


20 40

(b) Re = 20000, H/d = 2

0 20
0 2 4 6 (b) Re = 20000, H/d = 4
R/d [-]
Fig. 5bInfluence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number 0 2 4 6
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 20000, and H/d = 2. R/d [-]
Fig. 6b Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
For Chamfered edge, Lc3, nozzle, the stagnation region is Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 20000, and H/d = 4.
moved outward in horizontal axis, at a value of R/d of about
0.65. This indicates that the pressure drop increases with Figure 7a-c shows the distribution of local Nusselt number
increase of chamfered length, Lc3, [1], [22]. The local for large separation distance ratio H/d = 6, and different values
Nusselt number distributions for all nozzles are nearly Reynold's number. Trends observed in the local Nusselt
constant at the transition region (1.5 ≤ R/d ≤ 2.35) at values of number distribution are similar to those of Figs. 4a-c to 6a-c.
Reynolds number, Re = 40000 and 20000. This indicates that At the largest separation distance H/d = 6, the maximum
the separation distance ratio H/d = 4 can be a threshold for the Nusselt number occurred at the stagnation point and then
secondary maximum to occur [18], [19], and [23]. On the decreased monotonically along the stream-wise directions. For
other hand, the local Nusselt number decreases monotonically a particular Reynolds number Nasselt number values for
after transient region for all nozzles. square edge nozzle up to R/d = 3, are higher than those for all

Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

three chamfered edge nozzles [17]. 100

Square Edge
60 Chamfered Edge Lc1
80 Chamfered Edge Lc2
Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1 Chamfered Edge Lc3
Chamfered Edge Lc2

Nu Lo. [-]
Chamfered Edge Lc3
Nu Lo. [-]


20 20
(b) Re = 20000, H/d = 6
(c) Re = 6000, H/d = 4 0
0 0 2 4 6
R/d [-]
0 2 4 6
R/d [-] Fig. 7b Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Fig. 6c Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 20000, and H/d = 6.
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 6000, and H/d = 4.
Square Edge
Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1
120 Chamfered Edge Lc1
Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc3
100 Chamfered Edge Lc3
Nu Lo. [-]
Nu Lo. [-]



20 (c) Re = 6000, H/d = 6

(a) Re = 40000, H/d = 6
0 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
R/d [-] R/d [-]
Fig. 7c Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Fig. 7a Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Local Nusselt Number
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 6000, and H/d = 6.
Distribution along Horizontal Axis for Re = 40000, and H/d = 6.

The effect of nozzle geometry on the local Nusslet number is 120

Square Edge
examined in Fig. 8a-b, at two Reynolds number 30000 and Chamfered Edge Lc1
20000 and separation distance H/d = 2, for four nozzle 100
Chamfered Edge Lc2
geometry (un-chamfered edge, and nozzle with chamfered Chamfered Edge Lc3
edge Lc = 1 mm, 2.3, and 2.65mm). The curves in Fig. 8 a
Nulo [-]

and b are bell shaped and the local Nusselt number is largest 60
values at stagnation point and decreases with increase of radial
distance R/D for all nozzles configurations and both Reynolds 40
number. Moreover, the local Nusselt numbers values for
square edge are highest than other nozzle geometry at two (a) Re = 30000, H/d = 2
Reynolds numbers. The effect of nozzles configuration on
stagnation Nusselt number are description in next section. -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
The influence of separation distance H/d on Nuesslt number R/d [-]

at stagnation point for different values of Reynold's number Fig. 8a Variation in local Nussewlt number distribution with nozzle
and different nozzle configurations (square edge, chamfered configurations for nozzle diameter of 5 mm and H/d = 2 for Reynolds
edged Lc1, chamfered edge Lc2, and chamfered edge Lc3) is number = 30000.
shown in Fig. 9a-e. This figure shows that the stagnation The differences between maximum and minimum values of
Nusselt number is nearly constant from H/d = 1 up to around stagnation Nusselt number is nearly constant for all separation
H/d = 4 and then slightly decreases for all nozzles. This result distance at high Reynolds number, 40000. However, this value
may be due to the distance/diameter in within the optional changed with decrease in value Reynold's number and the
core jet length [21], [23]. values of stagnation point Nusselt number are close at high
separation distance H/d = 6. This result is explained by the
turbulence has less effect with decrees of Reynolds number
and increase of separation distance.

Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

Square Edge c- Re = 20000
Chamfered Edge Lc1 90
80 Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc3 80

Nu [-]

Nu St

40 60
Square Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1
50 Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc3
(b) Re = 20000, H/d = 2 40
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 H/d
R/d [-]
Fig. 8b Variation in local Nussewlt number distribution with nozzle Fig. 9c Variation of Stagnation Nusselt Number with Separation
configurations for nozzle diameter of 5 mm and H/d = 2 for Reynolds Distance, for all Nozzle configurations at Re = 20000.
number = 20000.
a- Re = 40000 d- Re = 10000

Nu St

Nu St


Square Edge
110 Square Edge Chamfered Edge Lc1
Chamfered Edge Lc1 30
Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc2 Chamfered Edge Lc3
Chamfered Edge Lc3 20
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 9a Variation of Stagnation Nusselt Number with Separation Fig. 9d Variation of Stagnation Nusselt Number with Separation
Distance, for all Nozzle configurations at Re = 40000. Distance, for all Nozzle configurations at Re = 10000.

120 e- Re = 6000

Nu St

Nu St


25 Squere Edge
Chamfered Edge Lc1
60 Square Edge Chamfered Edge Lc2
Chamfered Edge Lc1 Chamfered Edge Lc3
Chamfered Edge Lc2
b- Re = 30000 Chamfered Edge Lc3
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 H/d
H/d Fig. 9e Variation of Stagnation Nusselt Number with Separation
Fig. 9b Variation of Stagnation Nusselt Number with Separation Distance, for all Nozzle configurations at Re = 6000.
Distance, for all Nozzle configurations at Re = 30000.
The stagnation Nusselt numbers for square edge nozzle are
correlated with jet Reynolds number and nozzle–to-plate
separation distance as shown in Fig. 10. The values of
stagnation Nusselt numbers measured by, [24] for straight pipe
nozzles are also included for comparison of separation
distance, H/d, from 1 to 4. It observed that, the figure show
that correlation of the present study for square edge are in
good agreement with the measured values of stagnation

Issue 6, Volume 6, 2012

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