Sample Paper Departmental It Manager: Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Sample Paper Departmental It Manager: Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Sample Paper Departmental It Manager: Building Standards in Educational and Professional Testing
Complete the sentences by choosing the most
appropriate option from the given lettered choices (A
to D) below each.
A. a large amount of
B. large amount of
C. a large number of
D. large number of
A. stenographer: typewriter
B. painter: brush
C. lawyer: brief
D. tailor: scissors
E. runner: sneakers
A. biography: accurate
B. melody: spoken
C. poem: rhythmic
D. anthem: patriotic
E. ballet: intricate
A. supplement
B. strange
C. direct route
D. amplification
E. understatement
A great scholar recognized that, while all men should have equal
opportunity, all did not have the same capacity. Some had the ability to earn
more than others. But he believed that those who had talent would be
performing the work of society if they used their talent wisely and well. He
said that he would allow a man of intellect to earn more and not suppress
his talent. But it was his view that the bulk of his larger earnings should go
to the common fund. Those with talent and opportunity would find their
fulfillment as trustees.
He extended this concept of trusteeship to cover all fields of life.
A. social equality
B. equality of opportunities
C. political equality
D. complete equality in all respects
A. a philosophy
B. applicable to social life only
C. applicable to all fields of life
D. irrelevant today
A. if one is talented
B. if one used his talent wisely
C. if one earned well
D. if one worked honestly
A. Character
B. Views
C. Services
D. Personality
Questions 10-13
An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of
an arts review. The only articles available for publication are theater articles
F, G, H and J, and dance articles K, L, M and O.
A. 20
B. 2,000
C. 3,900
D. 20,000
A. 4
B. 3.50
C. 4.80
D. 3.80
17.What is the effect on area of circle if its radius is cut down to half?
A. remain same
B. become half
C. become quarter
D. may or may not change
18. x 12 equals?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 18
A. 1
B. 3
D. 7
20. 5 is to 7 as x is to 35. x =?
A. 7
B. 12
C. 25
D. 49
A. -4
A. 52
B. 192
C. 28
A. Interpreter
B. Assembler
C. Compiler
D. Translator
A. Requirement gathering
B. Requirement analysis
C. Requirement modeling
D. Requirement planning
A. Merge sort
B. Quick sort
C. Bucket sort
D. All of the above
A. 31
B. 33
C. 29
D. 39
27.DOS 2.0 had support for __________ and support for hierarchical
A. Multimedia
B. Windows
C. Hard disk
A. Name of Dean
B. Name of Department
C. Female staff
D. Name of student
29.A computer based system makes use of which of the following system
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Database
D. All of the above
A. Cheaper
B. Less susceptible to noise interference
C. Highly susceptible to noise interference
D. Both 'A' and 'B'
A. Ɵ-notation
B. o-notation
C. -notation
D. % notation
32.Which of the following does NOT cover the activities necessary for the
Quality Program?
33.Which of the following critical success factor for software project deals
with testing and correction of mistakes?
A. Quality assurance
B. Change management
C. User involvement
D. Integration of components
E. Adequate corrections of the schedule
Q #. Right Choice
1 C
2 D
3 B
4 E
5 D
6 C
7 B
8 B
9 B
10 E
11 C
12 A
13 E
14 A
15 B
16 C
17 C
18 C
19 A
20 C
21 E
22 C
23 B
24 C
25 D
26 B
27 C
28 B
29 D
30 D
31 B
32 D
33 A
34 A