The Senior's Voice: Healthy Generations Area Agency On Aging
The Senior's Voice: Healthy Generations Area Agency On Aging
The Senior's Voice: Healthy Generations Area Agency On Aging
H ea l t h y G e n er a t i o n s
A r ea A g e nc y o n End of Summer, 2017 Volume , Issue
A g i ng
Upcoming Holiday
October 9, 2017 - Monday for Co-
lumbus Day
November 10, 2017 - Friday for
Veterans' Day
November 22, Noon - November
24, 2017 - Wednesday through
Friday for Thanksgiving
December 22, Noon - December 26,
2017 - Friday through Tuesday for
January 1, 2018 - Monday for New
Year’s Day
You can play an active role in your health care by talking to your doctor. Clear and honest commu-
nication between you and your physician can help you both make smart choices about your health. It’s im-
portant to be honest and upfront about your symptoms even if you feel embarrassed or shy. Have an open
dialogue with your doctor – ask questions to make sure you understand your diagnosis, treatment, and re-
Here are a few tips that can help you talk to your doctor and make the most of your appointment:
• Write down a list of questions and concerns before your appointment.
• Consider bringing a close friend or family member with you.
• Take notes about what the doctor says, or ask a friend or family member to take notes for you.
• Learn how to access your medical records, so you can keep track of test results, diagnoses, treatments
plans, and medications and prepare for your next appointment.
• Ask for the doctor’s contact information and their preferred method of communication.
• Remember that nurses and pharmacists are also good sources of information.
Hearing loss is a common problem caused by noise, aging, disease, and heredity. Hearing is a complex sense
involving both the ear's ability to detect sounds and the brain's ability to interpret those sounds, including the
sounds of speech. Factors that determine how much hearing loss will negatively affect a person’s quality of
life include:
◾ the degree of the hearing loss
◾ the pattern of hearing loss across different frequencies (pitches)
◾ whether one or both ears is affected
◾ the areas of the auditory system that are not working normally—such as the middle ear, inner ear, neural
pathways, or brain
◾ the ability to recognize speech sounds
◾the history of exposures to loud noise and environmental or drug-related toxins that are harmful to hearing
Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting older adults. Approximately 15 percent (37.5
million) of American adults ages 18 and older report some degree of hearing loss. Men are more likely to ex-
perience hearing loss than women.
Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from using hearing aids, but only one in four U.S. adults
ages 20 and over who could benefit from hearing aids has used them.
People with hearing loss may find it hard to have a conversation with friends and family. They may also have
trouble understanding a doctor's advice, responding to warnings, and hearing doorbells and alarms.
Assistive listening devices include telephone and cell phone amplifying devices, smart phone or tablet "apps,"
and closed circuit systems (induction coil loops) in places of worship, theaters, and auditoriums. There are
many devices that can provide assistance in helping you hear better. There is also assistance to find out what
the best devices are for you.
The disAbility Resource Center, located at 409 Progress Street, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 has the most up-
to-date equipment and referrals that can be made to assist you with better hearing. Brittany Howard joins
them to head up the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Outreach (DHOH) division. In conjunction with the VA De-
partment for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the DHOH program provides core services as well as a variety
of other services and resources: Interpreter & CART Referrals, Sign Language classes, VDDHH Technical
Assistance Program, Loan to Own Equipment Program, as
well as Technical Assistance for Veterans. Not sure what
there is or what you need, don’t hesitate to contact Brittany
for assistance. The phone number is 540-373-2559.
Will you be prepared for the next flood or hurricane that could sweep
through your community taking with it the most essential services such as wa-
ter, electricity, gas, and communications? Would you and your family be
prepared to survive on your own for a minimum of three days post emer-
gency? Disasters, such as these, often strike quickly and without warning
leaving you with little or no time to ready yourself. The likelihood that you
and your family will recover often depends on the preparations done today.
This is especially true for older Americans. Although abilities vary, perhaps you’re not as agile as you once
were or maybe you have hearing or vision deficiencies; while others may use a wheelchair or cane to be
mobile. In either case, whether you are perfectly healthy or have functional needs to consider, preparing
makes sense. By evaluating your own personal needs and making an emergency plan that fits those needs,
you and your loved ones can be better prepared.
All citizens are encouraged to Get a Kit, Make a Plan, and Be Informed. Your local government is doing
their part to ensure you are protected, but it’s also important to do yours! In an emergency you cannot de-
pend on regular services because normal operations may be suspended. Using that as a basis, develop
your emergency plan.
In creating an emergency preparedness kit think, first, of your basic needs – food, water, clean air, and
any life sustaining items you require (for a list of basic items go to More importantly for
older adults, make sure you have enough of the medications, medical supplies, and oxygen needed to last
for three days after a disaster; on average it takes, at least, three days for rescue workers to reach eve-
ryone in need. Be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about insulin or other medications that need to
be refrigerated. Also include important documents such as family records, power of attorney documents,
social security numbers, and insurance and Medicare/Medicaid information.
Make a plan by creating a personal support network. Talk to family, friends, and others whom you can
rely on to assist you after a disaster. Make things you can do to prepare for the unexpected such as creat-
ing an emergency supply kit or making a personal preparedness plan. It’s also important to stay informed
about what might happen and to know what types of emergencies are likely to affect your area. For more
information go to
Volume , Issue Page 5
Board Chairman
James Howard
Interested in
Many opportunities are
available. Contact us for
more information: