How To Teach Reading (Steps)

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No. STEPS Flow Future Notes

 After teaching the short vowels, teach him the

consonants except: c, k, q, x

 Teach only the hard sound of /g/

 Teach him only the /s/ sound of s and not the /z/
The five short vowels and all
1 consonants spelled by single  Teach him only the consonant y and not the vowel

letters.  Once mastered, give the student the sound of /k/.

Tell the student that before a,o,u, this sound is
spelled c, but before e and I, it is spelled k.

 After a short vowel, the /k/ sound is usually

spelled ck.

 Those at the end of the word is easier than those

at the beginning of the word

ft lk lm lp lt mp
nd nt pt sk sp st

 Teach the rule about the letter s

Consonants and consonant
2 combinations spelled with 2 or 1. After the consonants f,k,p, and t, it sounds /s/
3 letters 2. After all other sounds it becomes /z/

 Teach these consonant combinations:

ng nk x sh
 Teach consonant combinations at the beginning of
bl br cl cr dr fl fr gl gr
pl pr sc sk sl sm sn sp st
sw tr tw scr shr spl spr str

 One way to teach the combinations above is to

give him words that become other words when a 2nd
consonant is put in front: lapslap, ringbring,
rugdrug, etc

 Teach some other consonant sounds and

combinations at the beginning of words:

qu wh soft th hard th ch

 Explain why /ch/ is spelled ch at the beginning and

tch at the end.

 Practice reading two-syllable words i.e. basket,

redskin, frosting, lemon, napkin, rabbit, chicken

 Teach the /ee/ sound which spells both ee,ea, and

e (he, be, me, she, we)

 Teach the long and short /oo/ as in moon and

Vowels and vowel
3 combinations spelled with 2 or
 Teach the /ah/ sound as in car, park, lark, pa, ma

3 letters  Teach the /or/ sound as in lord, fort, born

 Teach the /er/ sound as in bird, hurt, her

 Teach the /oi/ sound as in oil, boil, toy, boy.

<Explain that it is usually oi inside a word and oy at
the end>

 Teach the /ou/ sound as in house, cow. It is

usually ou inside and ow at the end.

 Teach the /au/ sound as in Paul and raw. It is

usually au inside and aw at the end.

 Teach the /ai/ sound as in air, pair, fair. It is

usually spelled ai inside and ay at the end.

 Teach the long /i/ sound as in pie, dry, my, shy. It

is spelled ie or y.

 The long /o/ sound as in boat, toe, blow, go, so,

no. It is usually spelled oa,oe,ow, or simply o.

 Teach the long /u/ sound as in new, true, blue. It

is usually spelled ew or ue.

 The best way to teach is to show the effect of a

silent e added to a word.

 In other words, teach him to read and write:

fad fade
pet pete
pin pine
rob robe
cut cute

4 The five long vowels  Teach the final ing rule. This syllable makes the
vowel long (rating, baking, filing) unless the letter
before it is doubled as in bedding, shipping,
trapping, humming.

 Teach the final y rule. The vowel is long(lady,

rainy, handy) unless the consonant before it is
double as in nutty, sunny, foggy.

 Teach the ending ed again with the double

consonant rule as in matted, rugged, robbed

 Teach the final er and le as in rubber, trigger,

settle, middle.

 Teach the following:

a. ce as in rice
b. ge as in age
c. se as in cheese
d. the as in loathe

 Teach words in sion and tion

 Teach ight, ought, caught
Irregular spellings  Teach silent k in knife
5  Teach silent w in write
 Teach silent t in whistle
 Teach silent l in calf
 Teach silent g in gnu

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