This Girl Can
This Girl Can
This Girl Can
GCSE Media Studies – Set Product Fact Sheet
this on its head and perhaps suggests that by like the others in this campaign, has a
working out, you are becoming healthier and certain ‘rawness’ to it, focusing on ‘real’
therefore will become more attractive, “like women. There is no glossy finish and it
a fox” - a fox being a young, beautiful lady. doesn’t resemble any of the high-end adverts
• Towards the bottom but still central is the produced by commercial sporting brands.
name of the campaign, or brand logo, “This »» The females are supposed to be seen as
Girl Can”. This is a very positive statement heroic - aspirational role models for the
with connotations of determination. It is readers. Audience members should see
used to reinforce the idea that all women something of themselves in these women,
should exercise and also to convince them bringing their own fear of judgement to
that if they try they can succeed in sport. the forefront and considering whether it is
• If you were unaware of this campaign, the actually an appropriate fear to have when
limited text and unusual image would act like an they see the amount of fun and enjoyment
enigma code (Roland Barthes) for the audience, these women seem to be experiencing.
as we want to find out who this character is and • In addition, the brand name, “This Girl Can”
what the advert means by, “This Girl Can”. uses the noun “girl” as an all-encompassing
• In the top left hand corner of the advert, there is term. It is used to represent (and target)
the hashtag “#thisgirlcan” connecting readers the whole of the female population and
to the campaign’s social media pages, should make them feel included, a force to be
they wish to follow it or find out more, and there reckoned with, a team, a united front.
are logos for the producers of the campaign • When used in the context of sport, “girl”
– Sport England and the Lottery. These are can be thought of as having some negative
much smaller and tucked away so as not to connotations – “throw like a girl” is a common
detract from the visuals. Use of the hashtag will simile used to mock someone who cannot
hopefully connect women with like-minded throw. It plays on the stereotype that girls
others and bring a sense of social cohesion. It can’t do sport. Perhaps then this statement
also allows the print campaign to take readers to is in response to that idea, “This Girl Can”.
the complete YouTube advert, allowing them to • Interestingly though, considering that the
understand the campaign and see more positive campaign is targeting females of all ages,
representations of women enjoying sport. the word “girl” has been used rather than
“woman”. “Girl” is usually associated with
younger females and there is an argument
PART 2: STARTING POINTS – Representation to say that women over a certain age may
Consider the social and cultural significance feel disconnected from this campaign.
of representations of femininity:
• The campaign’s agenda is to encourage women to
participate in physical activities by challenging
the dominant ideology. In order to do this, the
campaign portrays women extremely positively.
• Stereotypically, women have often been thought
of as the weaker sex and often less successful,
particularly where sport is concerned. However,
this advertising campaign is seeking to challenge
these stereotypes and convince women of their
potential. The female in this image is portrayed
from a positive viewpoint: she is represented
as independent, confident and happy. There is a
clear focus on her face, showing an expression
of enjoyment and fun. By selecting such an
image, the producers are seeking to challenge
the sexism and male dominance in sport.
• The processes of selection and production
have been carefully managed. This advert,