English 7 Verb Tenses Activity

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1. Which of the sentences is correct? ______7. What is the tense of this question?

Was there
A) Last year I go to India. anybody in when you called?
B) Last year I went to India. ______8. What is the tense of this question? Will Tom
C) Last year I am going to India. be able to mend that broken window?
D) Last year I will go to India. ______9. What is the tense of this question? What are
2. Which of the sentences is correct? the shops like around here?
A) I usually getting the bus to work. ______10. What is the tense of this question? What will
B) I usually gets the bus to work. you do when this course finishes?
C) I am usually getting the bus to work.
D) I usually get the bus to work. ______1.I am on holiday at the moment.
3. Which of the sentences is correct? ______2.I will be seeing my nan and granddad next
A) Next week I am going to the cinema. week.
B) Next week I will going to the cinema. ______ 3.I went shopping to Asda with my mum on
C) Next week I is going to the cinema. Wednesday.
D) Next week I went to the cinema. ______4.Next week is the Easter holiday.
4. Which verb is NOT in the past tense? ______5.Here comes the car now.
A) He walked. ______6.This year I am in class 10.
B) He went. ______7.Next year I will be in class 12.
C) He works. ______8.Last year I was in class 7.
D) He bought. ______9.For my birthday I had lots of new toys.
5. Which verb is NOT in the present tense? ______10.At Christmas I would like a really good book.
A) She listened. ______11.This year we will be going to Bournemouth
B) She talks. on holiday.
C) She waits. ______12.I am enjoying school today.
D) She watches. ______13.Concorde is one of the fastest planes in the
6. Which verb is NOT in the future tense? world.
A) He will go. ______14.The Matthew sailed out of Bristol last year.
B) He will come. ______15.We are waiting for the bus, but it is late.
C) He will arrive.
D) He leaves. TRUE OR FALSE?
______1. 'Drove' is the past of 'drive'.
PAST, PRESENT OR FUTURE? ______2. 'Felt' is the past of 'fill'
______7. What tense is the verb in this sentence? 'I got ______ 3. 'Was' is the past of 'is'.
home from work at 6.30pm.' ______4. 'Shut' is the past of 'shout'
______8. What tense is the verb in this sentence? 'The ______ 5. 'Taught' is the past of 'teach'.
children are playing outside.'
______9. What tense is the verb in this sentence? 'I'll A) Did B) Do C) Will
take you in my car.' ____ you come again tomorrow?
______10. What tense is the verb in this sentence? ____you hear the thunder last night?
'They go to college on Mondays.' ____ you eat meat every day?
______1. Which tense would you use for describing last
year's holiday? Write three sentences each in
______2. Which tense would you use for talking about
next weekend? A. Past Simple tense
______3. Which tense would you use for talking about B. Present Simple tense
your daily routine? C. Future Simple tense
______4. Which tense would you use for talking about
your childhood?
______5. Which tense would you use for talking about
the area where you live?
______6. What is the tense of this question? Did you go
to the chemist's on your way home?

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