Cessna 172 Private Pilot Procedures - (N950ME)
Cessna 172 Private Pilot Procedures - (N950ME)
Cessna 172 Private Pilot Procedures - (N950ME)
1. 20 feet before reaching desired altitude, reduce pitch to level attitude (increasing
forward yoke pressure).
2. Accelerate to 100KIAS keeping level attitude.
3. Reduce power to 2400 RPM (throttle back).
4. Trim.
5. Check Heading Indicator.
1. Reduce power to 2000 RPM (throttle back).
2. Allow the cowling to lower and stabilize.
3. Adjust pitch for 110KIAS and 500ft per min. descent.
4. At 50 feet above desired altitude, increase power back to 2400RPM.
1. Lift wing and check for traffic in direction of turn. (Use rudder to hold heading).
2. Smoothly apply aileron deflection and rudder pressure in direction of turn. (Slight left
rudder pressure in left turn, more right rudder in right turn). Watch cowling/horizon in
3. As airplane banks, apply slight elevator back pressure proportional to steepness of
bank, to hold altitude.
4. When proper bank angle is established – neutralize ailerons to maintain bank.
5. 5 degrees before the desired heading, apply ailerons and rudder opposite the direction
of turn, simultaneously reducing elevator backpressure.
1. Ask instructor/examiner/passengers to help look for traffic.
2. Do one 180 degree or two 90 degree clearing turns.
3. When rolling in to the turn, dial in 2 full turns of nose up trim.
4. Establish a 40 to 45 degree banked turn, focusing on the cowling/horizon.
5. If low, rollout the bank slightly and increase the backpressure.
6. If high, roll in steeper and reduce backpressure.
7. 20 degrees before the desired rollout heading, begin a smooth rollout with rudder and
ailerons. Hold pitch down and dial out the nose up trim.
1. Carb Heat on.
2. Reduce power to 1500RPM, hold heading with rudder (left)
3. Hold altitude with backpressure and trim (three full turns) while decelerating.
4. At 70 KIAS, add power to1850RPM, adjust pitch and trim for 64KIAS.
5. Adjust altitude with power and maintain 64KIAS with pitch. REMEMBER: PITCH
6.Maintain altitude while making shallow left and right turns.
1. Airspeed – Adjust pitch with 3 turns nose up trim to hold 65KIAS.
2. Best place to land – select best site considering length, obstructions, surface, wind
direction. If high, spiral down over approach end. If not, fly modified pattern.
3. Checklist – Fuel shutoff valve – ON,
Mixture – RICH
Throttle – FULL
Carb Heat – ON
4. Declare – Transponder – 7700, Current frequency or 121.5, Mayday X 3.
5. Exit – Just prior to landing –
Fuel shutoff Valve – OFF
Mags – OFF
Master switch – OFF (if you don’t need radio, flaps or lights for landing)
Doors – POP OPEN
Execute soft field landing
1. On downwind, abeam the approach end, carb heat on, Power to 1500RPM
2. Hold altitude with pitch. Apply 10 degrees of flaps (within the white arc), and then
reduce pitch to hold 75KIAS.
3. When threshold is 45 degrees behind A/C, turn base while applying flaps to 20
degrees. Hold 70KIAS with pitch.
4. Check altitude and adjust with power as needed.
5. Check extended final approach course for traffic and turn final. (Plan to roll out on
extended centerline with wind correction angle. Make radio call.
6. Adjust pitch to hold 65KIAS and ajust position on glideslope with power and flaps.
7. Level off at 10ft AGL. Float dowl level to 5ft above the runway.
8. Pull back smoothly and hold A/C off runway as long as possible.
9. Report clear of the runway. Transponder to Standby, Carb Heat-Off, Retract flaps.
2. Select and load Approach
3. Brief Approach
4. Baro Min – Set
5. Activate Approach (if not already past IAF) or Vectors to Final
6. When level outbound – 24” MP
8. Fuel Selector to Fullest Tank
9. At turn to intercept FAC – 22” MP
10. If “Intercept the Localizer” Press NAV
11. When “Cleared for the Approach” Press APR and Taxi Light ON
12. When established inbound - 20” MP
13. Timer – Zero
14. Missed Approach Altitude – Set
15. Mixture – Forward
16. Prop – Forward
17. 1 Dot below GS – 15”MP and set T/O Flaps
18. GS intercept – 12” MP
19. At GS Intercept Altitude – Start Timer
20. Adjust Power for 110 KIAS
21. When Cleared to Land – Landing Light ON
22. Seat Belts – ON
1. Go Around – Press
2. Power - Full
3. Pitch – Up to Command Bars
4. Flaps – UP
Fuel Pump - Armed
5. Missed Approach Altitude – Set
6. FLC – Press
7. Nav – Press (If it was OFF)
8. A/P Modes – Verify GPS and FLC on PFD
9. A/P - ON
10. Adjust NOSE UP or DN to 130 KIAS
11. Report “Missed Approach” and intentions
2. Select and load Approach
3. Brief Approach
4. Baro Min – Set MDA
5. Insure FAC set on course needle
6. When level outbound – 24” MP
7. Activate Approach or Vectors to Final (If not already Past IAF)
9. Fuel Selector to Fullest Tank
10. At turn to intercept FAC – 22” MP
11. When “Cleared for the Approach” Press APR and Taxi Light ON
12. If ILS w/ GS Inop - Press NAV
13. When established inbound - 20” MP
14. Timer – Zero
15. Stepdown or MDA – Set
16. Mixture – Forward
17. Prop – Forward
18. 0.5 NM from FAF – 15” MP and set T/O Flaps
19. At FAF –press VS, set -800 FPM, 12” MP and Start Timer
20. Adjust Pitch for 800 FPM descent
21. Adjust Power for 110 KIAS
22. When Cleared to Land – Landing Light ON
23. Seat Belts – ON
CFI Oral: Great Good
Paperwork – Pre-Solo Exam □ □ □
Emergency Landing Procedures □ □ □
Start-up – Passenger Brief □ □ □
Taxi / Taxi checks – Minimal Brakes □ □ □
Radio Usage □ □ □
Run up – GPS Setup □ □ □
Normal Take-off – Timer, Centerline, No Brakes □ □ □
Climb – Pitch Control, Departure Procedure □ □ □
Level Off – Altitude Control □ □ □
Turns – Rudder □ □ □
Steep Turn – Procedure, Altitude, Heading □ □ □
Slow Flight – Procedure, Altitude □ □ □
Power Off Stall – Procedure, Slow entry, Rudder □ □ □
Power On Stall – Procedure, Slow entry, Rudder □ □ □
Emergency Landing – Procedure, Pattern, Make TDZ □ □ □
S-Turns across Tracks/Road – Altitude, Wind Correction □ □ □
SFRA Re-entry – ATIS/AWOS, Radio □ □ □
Normal Landing – Procedure, Pitch/Speed Control, Altitude/Power □ □ □
After Landing Checks – Flow & Checklist □ □ □
Shut Down – Checklist □ □ □
CFI signature: ______________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____
□ Cleared to Solo □ Fly w/ Instructor before Solo □ Work w/ Instructor, Schedule w/ Chief Instructor
Chief Instructor signature: ______________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____
Twin Comanche Procedures
Timer Start
Brakes Hold
Throttles 2200
Engine Instruments “Engine Instruments Green”
Brakes Release
Throttles Full
80 MPH Apply Back Pressure
“Positive Rate” Tap Brakes “Gear Up”
Pitch Glare shield on Horizon 125 MPH
400’ AGL or Clear of Obst 25” MP/2500 RPM/Pumps-off 1 at a time
100’ before level off Cyl Head Temps Green then Cowl Flaps Closed
Power 24”MP/2400 RPM
Lean 1400 EGT / 50 Rich of Peak
Fuel Tanks Aux tanks as required
Mixtures Enrich slightly
Throttles 21” MP
50’ before Target Alt 24” MP
Area Clear to left
Fuel Pumps On
Fuel Selectors Mains
Mixtures Rich
Props Forward
Pre-Maneuver Checks Complete, except props 2400 RPMs
Heading Bug On start heading
Throttles 21” MP
Roll Left 50 degrees
Throttles 23” MP
Elev. Trim 1.5 Turns Up
Altitude Maintain with pitch
20 degrees before bug Roll to 50 degrees right
Pitch Forward pressure in transition
20 degrees before bug Roll level on heading
Elev Trim 1.5 turns down
Throttles Reduce 2” MP
Heading Bug On start heading
Throttles 21”, 15 sec, trim
18”, 15 sec, trim
15”, 15 sec. trim
12”, 15 sec. trim
Pitch and Trim To hold 100 MPH
Throttles Adjust for target altitude, about 14”
Gear Check under 140 MPH, Down
Throttles Adjust for Alt, about 16”, trim for 100 MPH
Flaps Half (5 sec)
Throttles Adjust for Alt, about 18”, trim for 100 MPH
Flaps Full (5 sec)
Throttles Adjust for Alt, about 20”, trim for 100 MPH
Pre-Maneuver Check Complete
Throttles Reduce in 3” increments to 12” MP
Gear Speed Gear Down
120 MPH 21” MP
Slow pitch up
Stall Light/Horn “There’s the Stall”
Level wings
Pitch slightly above horizon
Full throttles
“Positive Rate of Climb” “Gear Up”
At designated Altitude Level off and cruise
Emergency Descent
Throttles Close
Clear and Turn 45 degrees Bank Left
Pitch 20 degrees down, not to exceed Vno (200MPH)
Throttles Full
Pitch 7-8 degrees up
“Positive Rate” “Gear Up”
Flaps UP
At initial alt Turn on Course
Landing Lts Off
At 400’ AGL 25” MP/2500 RPM/Fuel pumps off
Report to ATC “Missed approach”
Vmc Demo
Abeam TD -
1,500 RPM
Flaps 10o
Base -
Flaps 20o Rotate - 60 KIAS
70 KIAS Climb - 80 KIAS
Final App -
Flaps 30o