Public Corp and LGC
Public Corp and LGC
Public Corp and LGC
b) Municipal corporation: a body politic and Their officers and agents in such capacity,
corporate constituted by the incorporation of the though elected or appointed by them, are
inhabitants for purposes of local government. public functionaries performing public service,
and as such they are officers, agents, and
servants of the State. In the other capacity,
B. Municipal Corporations the municipality exercise a private, proprietary
or corporate right, arising from their exercise
1. Elements: legal creation or incorporation, as legal persons and not as public agencies.
corporate name, inhabitants and territory.
Municipal corporations are not liable for
damages for acts done in the performance of
a. Legal Creation or Incorporation - law governmental functions provided its officers
creating or authorizing the creation or performed it in good faith and did not act
incorporation of a municipal wantonly and maliciously.
b. Corporate Name - name by which the However, if the acts were done in the
corporation shall be known performance of proprietary functions, the
c. Inhabitants - the people residing in the municipality may be held liable for the acts of
territory of the corporation its agents under the doctrine of respondeat
d. Territory - the land mass where the superior.
inhabitants reside, together with the
internal and external waters, and the In this case, the holding of town fiesta is a
air space above the land and waters proprietary function. The Municipality of
Malasique, Pangasinan, was held liable for
the death of a member of a zarzuela group
when the stage collapsed, under the principle
2. Nature and functions of respondeat superior.
Section 15, Local Government Code
Every local government unit created or City of Manila vs. Intermediate Appellate court,
recognized under this Code is a body politic 179 SCRA 428
and corporate endowed with powers to be
exercised by it in conformity with law. It shall
exercise powers as a political subdivision of The City of Manila is a political body corporate
the national government and as a corporate and as such endowed with the faculties of
entity representing the inhabitants of its municipal corporations to be exercised by and
territory. through its city government in conformity with
law, and in its proper corporate name.
Torio vs. Fontanilla, 85 SCRA 599 It may sue and be sued.
It may contract and be contracted with.
Its powers are two-folds:
A municipal corporation proper has a public
character as regards the State at large insofar 1. Public, governmental or political
as it is its agent in the government and private 2. Corporate, Private, Proprietary
insofar as it promote local necessities and
conveniences for its own community. Governmental Powers are those exercised in
administering the powers of the State and
promoting the public welfare and they include
Municipal corporations exist in a dual
the legislative, judicial, public and political.
capacity, and their functions are two-fold. In
one, they exercise the right springing from
Municipal powers on the one hand are
sovereignty, and while in the performance of
exercised for the special benefit and
advantage of the community and include Compliance with the foregoing indicators shall be
those which are ministerial, private and attested to by the Department of Finance (DOF),
corporate the National Statistics Office (NSO), and the Land
Management Bureau (LMB) of the Department of
In this case, the operation of public cemetery Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
is a proprietary function of the City of Manila.
The City is liable for the tortious acts of its Section 8. Division and merger of existing local
employees, under the principle of respondeat government units shall comply with the same
superior. requirements herein prescribed for their creation:
Provided, however, That such division shall not
reduce the income, population, or land area of the
local government unit or units concerned to less
3. Requisites for creation, conversion, division, than the minimum requirements prescribed in this
merger or dissolution Code: Provided, further, That the income
classification of the original local government unit
Sections 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Local Government or units shall not fall below its current
Code classification prior to such division.
The income classification of local government
units shall be updated within six (6) months from
Section 6. A local government unit may be created, the effectivity of this Code to reflect the changes in
divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries their financial position resulting from the increased
substantially altered either by law enacted by revenues as provided herein.
Congress in the case of province, city,
municipality, or any other political subdivision, or Section 9. Abolition of Local Government Units. -
by ordinance passed by the sangguniang A local government unit may be abolished when
panlalawigan or sangguiniang panlungsod its income, population, or land area has been
concerned in the case of barangay located within irreversibly reduced to less than the minimum
its territorial jurisdiction, subject to such standards prescribed for its creation under Book III
limitations and requirements prescribed in this of this Code, as certified by the national agencies
Code. mentioned in Section 7 hereof to Congress or to
the sangguniang concerned, as the case may be.
Section 7. As a general rule, the creation of a local The law or ordinance abolishing a local
government unit or its conversion from one level government unit shall specify the province, city,
to another level shall be based on a verifiable municipality, or barangay with which the local
indicators of viability and projected capacity to government unit sought to be abolished will be
provide services, to wit: incorporated or merged.
a. Income – it must be sufficient, based on
acceptable standards, to provide for all Section 10. Plebiscite Requirement. - No creation,
essential government facilities and services division, merger, abolition, or substantial alteration
and special functions commensurate with the of boundaries of local government units shall take
size of its population, as expected of the local effect unless approved by a majority of the votes
government unit concerned; cast in a plebiscite called for the purpose in the
b. Population – it shall be determined as the political unit or units directly affected. Said
total number of inhabitants within the plebiscite shall be conducted by the Commission
territorial jurisdiction of the local government on Elections (COMELEC) within one hundred
unit concerned; and twenty (120) days from the date of effectivity of
c. Land area – it must be contiguous, unless it the law or ordinance effecting such action, unless
comprises two or more islands or is separated said law or ordinance fixes another date.
by a local government unit independent of
others; properly identified by metes and
bounds with technical descriptions; and Section 10, Article X, Philippine Constitution
sufficient to provide for such basic services
and facilities to meet the requirements of the Section 10. No province, city, municipality, or
barangay may be created, divided, merged,
abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, Due to this, Mendenilla’s position as chief of
except in accordance with the criteria established police was given to Onandia.
in the local government code and subject to
approval by a majority of the votes cast in a ISSUE: What legal effects had the conversion
plebiscite in the political units directly affected. of municipality to the city on the existing
municipal offices?
League of Cities v. COMELEC, GR 176951, HELD:
April 12, 2011 With the creation of the City of Legaspi, the
legal personality of the municipality was
extinguished. The new city came into being as
RA 9009 amended the income requirement for a new legal entity or municipal corporation.
the creation of cities including the conversion The consequent effect of said dissolution, was
of a municipality to city from P20M to P100M. the abolition of all municipal offices then
existing under the superseded municipality
After its adoption, Congress passed several except those exempted in the charter itself.
laws converting municipalities into cities
based on the old law (P20M income Since the repeal of the charter destroys all
requirement) and the new law (P100M income offices under it, it also put an end to the
requirement). functions of the incumbents.
Due to this, the constitutionality of the
Cityhood laws were questioned for violation of
Section 6 and Section 10 of Article X of the Municipality of San Narciso vs. Mendez, 239
Constitution. The creation of LGU must follow SCRA 11
the criteria established in the LGC itself (which
is already repealed).
EO 353, creating the municipal district of San
Prior to the adoption of RA 9009, the Andres, was adjudged as unconstitutional in
municipalities covered by the Cityhood laws the case of Pelaez vs. Auditor General. Due to
had pending conversion bills. this, the municipality of San Narciso
questioned the officials’ exercise of duties and
ISSUE functions.
Whether RA 9009 would apply to the pending
conversion bills in the Senate? As a defense, they contend that due to the
enactment of LGC, it converted the municipal
HELD districts organized pursuant to presidential
NO. Congress clearly intended that the LGU issuances or executive orders into regular
covered by the Cityhood Laws be exempted municipalities.
from the coverage of RA 9009. Therefore, the
Cityhood laws can become component cities ISSUE
of their respective provinces. Whether San Andres may be recognized as a
regular municipality? YES.
Mendenilla v. Onandia GR L-17803, June 30, The Municipality of San Andres at least
1962 attained a status uniquely of its own closely
approximating, if not in fact attaining, that of a
de facto municipal corporation.
Mendenilla was appointed as Chief of Police ● When Pelaez v. Auditor General was
of Municipality of Legaspi, Albay by the promulgated, it was in existence for
Municipal Mayor. Under the new charter of more than six years.
City of Legaspi (RA 2334), the President of ● Certain governmental acts all pointed
the PH became the appointing power in to the State’s recognition of the
relation to the position of Chief of Police.
continued existence of the
Municipality of San Andres. The legal effect of nullification of Andong was
○ After more than five years as to revert the constituent barrios of the voided
a municipal district, EO No. town back into their original municipalities.
174 classified the Municipality
of San Andres as a fifth class
municipality. a. Barangay: Section 386, Local Government
○ It been covered by the 10th Code
Municipal Circuit Court of San
Francisco-San Andres for the
province of Quezon. Section 386. Requisites for Creation. -
(a) A barangay may be created out of a contiguous
Throughout its 30 years of existence, the territory which has a population of at least two
municipal district had exercised the powers thousand (2,000) inhabitants as certified by the
and authority of a duly created local National Statistics Office except in cities and
government institution, and the State had, at municipalities within Metro Manila and other
various times, recognized its continued metropolitan political subdivisions or in highly
existence. urbanized cities where such territory shall have a
certified population of at least five thousand
(5,000) inhabitants: Provided, That the creation
thereof shall not reduce the population of the
Camid vs. Office of the President 448 SCRA 711 original barangay or barangays to less than the
minimum requirement prescribed herein.
To enhance the delivery of basic services in the
E.O 353, creating the municipality of Andong, indigenous cultural communities, barangays may
was passed. Later, in the ruling of Pelaez vs. be created in such communities by an Act of
Auditor General, it was adjudged as Congress, notwithstanding the above requirement.
unconstitutional. (b) The territorial jurisdiction of the new barangay
shall be properly identified by metes and bounds or
ISSUE: by more or less permanent natural boundaries. The
Whether Andong can be recognized as territory need not be contiguous if it comprises two
municipal corporation? NO (2) or more islands.
(c) The governor or city mayor may prepare a
HELD: consolidation plan for barangays, based on the
Municipal corporations may exist by criteria prescribed in this Section, within his
prescription where it shown that the territorial jurisdiction. The plan shall be submitted
community has claimed and exercised to the sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
corporate functions, with the knowledge and panlungsod concerned for appropriate action.
acquiescence of the legislature, and without
interruption or objection for period long In the case of municipalities within the
enough to afford title by prescription. Metropolitan Manila Area and other metropolitan
political subdivisions, the barangay consolidation
Andong is not similarly entitled to recognition plan shall be prepared and approved by the
as a de facto municipal corporation. The sangguniang bayan concerned.
Executive Order which created Andong was
expressly annulled by the Court in 1965.
b. Municipality: Section 442, Local Government
Andong does not meet the requisites under Code
Sec. 442(d) LGC for said municipality created
by EO may receive recognition. Under said
provision, they must “have their respective set Section 442. Requisites for Creation. -
of elective municipal officials holding office at (a) A municipality may be created if it has an
the time of effectivity of LGC”. In this case, average annual income, as certified by the
Camid admits that Andong has never elected provincial treasurer, of at least Two million five
its municipal officers. hundred thousand pesos (P2,500,000.00) for the
last two (2) consecutive years based on the 1991
constant prices; a population of at least twenty-five reduce the land area, population, and income of the
thousand (25,000) inhabitants as certified by the original unit or units at the time of said creation to
National Statistics Office; and a contiguous less than the minimum requirements prescribed
territory of at least fifty (50) square kilometers as herein.
certified by the Lands Management Bureau: (b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created
Provided, That the creation thereof shall not reduce city shall be properly identified by metes and
the land area, population or income of the original bounds. The requirement on land area shall not
municipality or municipalities at the time of said apply where the city proposed to be created is
creation to less than the minimum requirements composed of one (1) or more islands. The territory
prescribed herein. need not be contiguous if it comprises two (2) or
(b) The territorial jurisdiction of a newly-created more islands.
municipality shall be properly identified by metes (c) The average annual income shall include the
and bounds. The requirement on land area shall not income accruing to the general fund, exclusive of
apply where the municipality proposed to be specific funds, transfers, and non-recurring
created is composed of one (1) or more islands. income.
The territory need not be contiguous if it comprises
two (2) or more islands.
(c) The average annual income shall include the
income accruing to the general fund of the Alvarez vs. Guingona, 352 SCRA 695 (Annual
municipality concerned, exclusive of special funds, Income)
transfers and non-recurring income.
(d) Municipalities existing as of the date of the
effectivity of this Code shall continue to exist and RA 7720, converting the municipality of
operate as such. Existing municipal districts Santiago, Isabela into an independent
organized pursuant to presidential issuances or component city, was passed. Petitioners claim
executive orders and which have their respective that Santiago could not qualify into a
set of elective municipal officials holding office at component city because its average annual
the time of the effectivity of this Code shall income for 2 consecutive years fall below 20M
henceforth be considered as regular municipalities. for its conversion into a city. This is contrary to
the certification by Bureau of Local
Government Finance which indicates 20.9M
average annual income. In its computation, it
c. City: Section 450, Local Government Code included the Internal Revenue Allotments.
(RA 9009 increased the 20 Million pesos income
requirement to 100 Million pesos for the last two ISSUE:
Whether the Internal Revenue Allotments are
consecutive years based on 2000 constant
to be included in the computation?
HELD: YES. The Internal Revenue Allotments
Section 450. Requisites for Creation. should be included in the computation of the
average annual income of the municipality for
(a) A municipality or a cluster of barangays may
purposes of determining whether the
be converted into a component city if it has an
average annual income, as certified by the municipality may be validly converted into a
Department of Finance, of at least Twenty million city.
(P20,000,000.00) for the last two (2) consecutive
Annual income is defined to be “revenues and
years based on 1991 constant prices (NOW:
P100M based on 2000 constant prices), and if it receipts realized by provinces, cities and
has either of the following requisites: municipalities from regular sources of the
(i) a contiguous territory of at least one hundred Local Government Fund including the internal
(100) square kilometers, as certified by the Lands revenue allotment and other shares.
Management Bureau; or
(ii) a population of not less than one hundred fifty Samson vs. Aguirre, 315 SCRA 53 (Population
thousand (150,000) inhabitants, as certified by the or land Area; Seat of Government)
National Statistics Office:
Provided, That, the creation thereof shall not
Republic Act No. 8535, creating the City of original unit or units at the time of said creation to
Novaliches out of 15 barangays of Quezon less than the minimum requirements prescribed
City, was challenged because it failed to herein.
comply with the land requirement and failed to (b) The territory need not be contiguous if it
specify the seat of government of the comprise two (2) or more islands or is separated by
proposed City of Novaliches. a chartered city or cities which do not contribute to
the income of the province.
Annual income of 13 barangays - P26M (more (c) The average annual income shall include the
than required P20M) income accruing to the general fund, exclusive of
Population - 347K (more than required 150k) special funds, trust funds, transfers and non-
recurring income.
Whether land area must also be complied
with? C. Principles of Local Autonomy
Whether the failure to specify the seat of
government of the proposed City of Section 2, Article X, Philippine Constitution
Novaliches was fatal?
W/N the administrative order is valid? – No Facts:
DAR issued AO No. 01-02, as amended,
providing that the reclassification of society are questioning the constitutionality of
agricultural lands by LGUs shall be subject to the said Act. One of the issues alleged is that
the requirements of land use conversion it violates the local autonomy of LGUs and
procedure or that DAR’s approval or ARMM with respect to the delivery of basic
clearance to effect reclassification. Petitioner services and facilities.
questioned the same on the ground that it
violates the autonomy of the LGU to reclassify Issue:
agricultural lands within its jurisdiction. W/N RA 10354 violates the local autonomy of
LGUs and the ARMM – No.
W/N the administrative order is valid – Yes Held:
Unless an LGU is particularly designated as
Held: the implementing agency, it has no power
The SC distinguished conversion from over a program for which funding has been
reclassification, the former under the power of provided by the national government under
DAR and the latter under the LGU. the annual general appropriations act, even if
Conversion is the act of changing the current the program involves the delivery of basic
use of a piece of agricultural land into some services within the jurisdiction of the LGU. A
other use as approved by the DAR while complete relinquishment of central
reclassification is the act of specifying how government powers on the matter of providing
agricultural lands shall be utilized for non- basic facilities and services cannot be implied
agricultural uses such as residential, as the Local Government Code itself weighs
industrial, and commercial, as embodied in against it.
the land use plan, subject to the requirements
and procedures for land use conversion. In In this case, a reading of the RH Law clearly
view thereof, a mere reclassification of an shows that whether it pertains to the
agricultural land does not automatically allow establishment of health care facilities, the
a landowner to change its use. He has to hiring of skilled health professionals, or the
undergo the process of conversion before he training of barangay health workers, it will be
is permitted to use the agricultural land for the national government that will provide for
other purposes. It is clear from the aforesaid the funding of its implementation. Local
distinction between reclassification and autonomy is not absolute. The national
conversion that agricultural lands though government still has the say when it comes to
reclassified to residential, commercial, national priority programs which the local
industrial or other non-agricultural uses must government is called upon to implement like
still undergo the process of conversion before the RH Law.
they can be used for the purpose to which
they are intended.
Ergo, the ordinance being repugnant to a Like any other enterprise, CATV operation
statute is void and ultra vires. maybe regulated by LGUs under the general
welfare clause. This is primarily because the
CATV system commits the indiscretion of
b. Regulation of Public Utilities crossing public properties. (It uses public
Batangas CATV, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 439 properties in order to reach subscribers.) The
SCRA 326 physical realities of constructing CATV system
– the use of public streets, rights of ways, the
founding of structures, and the parceling of
FACTS: large regions – allow an LGU a certain degree
On July 28, 1986, respondent Sangguniang of regulation over CATV operators.
Panlungsod enacted Resolution No. 210
granting petitioner a permit to construct, xxx
install, and operate a CATV system in
Batangas City. Section 8 of the Resolution But, while we recognize the LGUs’ power
provides that petitioner is authorized to charge under the general welfare clause, we cannot
its subscribers the maximum rates specified sustain Resolution No. 210. We are convinced
therein, “provided, however, that any increase that respondents strayed from the well
of rates shall be subject to the approval of the recognized limits of its power. The flaws in
Sangguniang Panlungsod. Resolution No. 210 are: (1) it violates the
mandate of existing laws and (2) it violates the
State’s deregulation policy over the CATV confine it within reasonable bounds; or in the
industry. vicinity of property of another owner who,
though creating a noise, is acting with
LGUs must recognize that technical matters reasonable regard for the rights of those
concerning CATV operation are within the affected by it.
exclusive regulatory power of the NTC.
Action to abate private nuisance; incapable of
pecuniary estiation – an action to abate
private nuisance, even wehere the plaintiff
asks for damages is one incapable of
AC Enterprises, Inc. vs. Frabelle Properties pecuniary estimation
Corporation, 506 SCRA 625
FACTS: AC enterprises (Petitioner) is a
corporation owns a 10-storey building in
Makati City. Frabelle (Respondent) is a
DOCTRINE: Private and public nuisance; condominium corporation who's condominium
definition – The term “nuisance” is so development is located behind petitioner.
comprehensive that it has been applied to Respondent complained of the 'unbearable”
almost all ways which have interfered with the noise emanating from the blower of the air-
rights of the citizens, either in person, conditioning units of petitioner.
property, the enjoyment of property, or his
comfort; A private nuisance is one which ISSUES:
violates only private rights and produces (1) Is it a nuisance as to be resolved only by
damage to but one or a few persons while a the courts in the due course of proceedings or
nuisance is public when it interferes with the a nuisance per se?
exercise of public right by directly encroaching
on public property or by causing a common (2) Is an action for abatement of a private
injury, an unreasonable interference with the nuisance, more specifically noise generated
right common to the general public. In this by the blower of an air-conditioning system,
case, the noise generated by an even if the plaintiff prays for damages, one
airconditioning system is considered a private incapable of pecuniary estimation?
(3) What is the determining factor when noise
Noise emanating from air-con units not alone is the cause of complaint?
nuisance per se – Noise becomes actionable
only when it passes the limits of reasonable HELD:
adjustment to the conditions of the locality and (1) It is a nuisance to be resolved only by the
of the needs of the maker to the needs of the courts in the due course of proceedings; the
listener; Injury to a particular person in a noise is not a nuisance per se. Noise
peculiar position or of especially sensitive becomes actionable only whenn it passes the
characteristics will not render the noise an limits of reasonable adjustment to the
actionable nuisance. Whether or not the noise conditions of the locality and of the needs of
is a nuisance is an issue to be resolved by the the maker to the needs of the listener. Injury
courts. to a particular person in a peculiar position or
of especially sensitive characteristics will not
Test to determine noise as a nuisance – The render the house an actionable nuisance–– in
test is whether rights of property, of health or the conditions, of present living, noise seems
of comfort are so injuriously affected by the inseparable from the conduct of many
noise in question that the sufferer is subjected necessary occupations.
to a loss [i.e. Actual Physical Discomfort]which
goes beyond the reasonable limit imposed (2) Yes, the action is one incapable of
upon him by the condition of living, or of pecuniary estimation because the basic issue
holding property, in a particular locality in fact is something other than the right to recover a
devoted to uses which involve the emission of sum of money.
noise although ordinary care is taken to
(3) The determining factor is not its intensity or Ratio:
volume; it is that the noise is of such character 1. Petitioner contends that a resolution
as to produce actual physical discomfort and approved by the municipal council for the
annoyance to a person of ordinary sensibilities purpose of initiating an expropriation case
rendering adjacent property less comfortable “substantially complies with the requirements
and valuable. of the law” because the terms “ordinance” and
“resolution” are synonymous for “the purpose
of bestowing authority [on] the local
government unit through its chief executive to
2. Eminent Domain initiate the expropriation proceedings in court
in the exercise of the power of eminent
1. Necessity of Ordinance domain.
Municipality of Paranaque vs. V.M Realty To strengthen this point, the petitioner cited
Article 36, Rule VI of the Rules and
Corporation, 292 SCRA 678
Regulations Implementing the Local
Government Code, which provides: “If the
LGU fails to acquire a private property for
Facts: public use, purpose, or welfare through
Under a city council resolution, the purchase, the LGU may expropriate said
Municipality of Parañaque filed on September property through a resolution of the
20, 1993, a Complaint for expropriation Sanggunian authorizing its chief executive to
against Private Respondent V.M. Realty initiate expropriation proceedings.”
Corporation over two parcels of land of 10,000 Court-No. The power of eminent domain is
square meters. The city previously negotiated lodged in the legislative branch of
for the sale of the property but VM didn’t government, which may delegate the exercise
accept. thereof to LGUs, other public entities and
The trial court issued an Order dated February public utilities. An LGU may therefore exercise
4, 1994, authorizing petitioner to take the power to expropriate private property only
possession of the subject property upon when authorized by Congress and subject to
deposit with its clerk of court of an amount the latter’s control and restraints, imposed
equivalent to 15 percent of its fair market “through the law conferring the power or in
value based on its current tax declaration. other legislations.
According to the respondent, the complaint Sec 19, RA 7160
failed to state a cause of action because it A local government unit may, through its chief
was filed pursuant to a resolution and not to executive and acting pursuant to an
an ordinance as required by RA 7160 (the ordinance, exercise the power of eminent
Local Government Code); and (b) the cause domain for public use, or purpose, or welfare
of action, if any, was barred by a prior for the benefit of the poor and the landless,
judgment or res judicata. Petitioner claimed upon payment of just compensation, pursuant
that res judicata was not applicable. to the provisions of the Constitution and
The trial court dismissed the case. The pertinent laws.
petitioner’s MFR was denied. The CA Thus, the following essential requisites must
affirmed. concur before an LGU can exercise the power
of eminent domain:
Issues: 1. An ordinance is enacted by the local
1. WON a resolution duly approved by the legislative council authorizing the local chief
municipal council has the same force and executive, in behalf of the LGU, to exercise
effect of an ordinance and will not deprive an the power of eminent domain or pursue
expropriation case of a valid cause of action. expropriation proceedings over a particular
2. WON the principle of res judicata as a private property.
ground for dismissal of case is not applicable 2. The power of eminent domain is exercised
when public interest is primarily involved. for public use, purpose or welfare, or for the
benefit of the poor and the landless.
Held: No to 1st Yes to 2nd. Petition dismissed. 3. There is payment of just compensation, as
required under Section 9, Article III of the in eminent domain.
Constitution, and other pertinent laws. 2. As correctly found by the Court of Appeals
4. A valid and definite offer has been and the trial court, all the requisites for the
previously made to the owner of the property application of res judicata are present in this
sought to be expropriated, but said offer was case. There is a previous final judgment on
not accepted. the merits in a prior expropriation case
In the case at bar, the local chief executive involving identical interests, subject matter
sought to exercise the power of eminent and cause of action, which has been rendered
domain pursuant to a resolution of the by a court having jurisdiction over it.
municipal council. Thus, there was no Be that as it may, the Court holds that the
compliance with the first requisite that the principle of res judicata, which finds
mayor be authorized through an ordinance. application in generally all cases and
We are not convinced by petitioner’s proceedings, cannot bar the right of the State
insistence that the terms “resolution” and or its agent to expropriate private property.
“ordinance” are synonymous. A municipal Eminent Domain can reach every form of
ordinance is different from a resolution. An property which the State might need for public
ordinance is a law, but a resolution is merely a use whenever they need it.
declaration of the sentiment or opinion of a While the principle of res judicata does not
lawmaking body on a specific matter. An denigrate the right of the State to exercise
ordinance possesses a general and eminent domain, it does apply to specific
permanent character, but a resolution is issues decided in a previous case.
temporary in nature. In Republic vs De Knecht, the Court ruled that
If Congress intended to allow LGUs to the power of the State or its agent to exercise
exercise eminent domain through a mere eminent domain is not diminished by the mere
resolution, it would have simply adopted the fact that a prior final judgment over the
language of the previous Local Government property to be expropriated has become the
Code. But Congress did not. In a clear law of the case as to the parties. The State or
divergence from the previous Local its authorized agent may still subsequently
Government Code, Section 19 of RA 7160 exercise its right to expropriate the same
categorically requires that the local chief property, once all legal requirements are
executive act pursuant to an ordinance. complied with.
Moreover, the power of eminent domain
necessarily involves a derogation of a
fundamental or private right of the people.[35]
Accordingly, the manifest change in the 2. Prior Offer to buy
legislative language -- from “resolution” under Jesus is Lord Christian School Foundation, Inc.
BP 337 to “ordinance” under RA 7160 -- v. Municipality of Pasig, 466 SCRA 235
demands a strict construction.
When the legislature interferes with that right
and, for greater public purposes, appropriates FACTS: Court of Appeals affirmed the lower
the land of an individual without his consent, court’s decision of declaring respondent
the plain meaning of the law should not be municipality (now city) as having the right to
enlarged by doubtful interpretation. expropriate petitioner’s property for the
Petitioner relies on Article 36, Rule VI of the construction of an access road. Petitioner
Implementing Rules, which requires only a argues that there was no valid and definite
resolution to authorize an LGU to exercise offer made before a complaint for eminent
eminent domain. It is axiomatic that the clear domain was filed as the law requires (Art. 35,
letter of the law is controlling and cannot be Rules and Regulations Implementing the
amended by a mere administrative rule issued Local Government Code). Respondent
for its implementation. contends that a letter to purchase was offered
Strictly speaking, the power of eminent to the previous owners and the same was not
domain delegated to an LGU is in reality not accepted.
eminent but “inferior” domain, since it must
conform to the limits imposed by the ISSUE: Whether or not a letter to purchase is
delegation, and thus partakes only of a share sufficient enough as a definite and valid offer
to expropriate.
The City of Manila has an undeniable right to
HELD: No. Failure to prove compliance with exercise its power of eminent domain within
the mandatory requirement of a valid and its jurisdiction specifically in pursuit of its
definite offer will result in the dismissal of the urban land reform and housing program.
complaint. The purpose of the mandatory
requirement to be first made to the owner is to Very clear from the provisions are the
encourage settlements and voluntary limitations with respect to the order of priority
acquisition of property needed for public in acquiring private lands and in resorting to
purposes in order to avoid the expense and expropriation proceedings as a means to
delay of a court of action. acquire the same. Private lands rank last in
the order of priority for purposes of socialized
housing. In the same vein, expropriation
3. Socialized Housing proceedings are to be resorted to only when
Filstream International, Inc. vs. Court of the other modes of acquisition have been
Appeals, 284 SCRA 716 exhausted. Compliance with these conditions
must be deemed mandatory because these
are the only safeguards in securing the right of
owners of private property to due process
when their property is expropriated for public
Facts: Filstream filed ejectment suit before use.
MTC against occupants on the grounds of
termination of contact and non-payment of RA 7279 Uran Development Housing Act of
rentals. MTC decided in favor of Filstream. 1992
This was appealed in RTC and CA and both
upheld existing decision. During the pendency Sec. 9. Priorities in the acquisition of Land. —
of ejectment proceedings, City of Manila Lands for socialized housing shall be acquired
approved Ordinance 7813 authorizing Mayor in the following order:
Lim to initiate the acquisition by negotiation,
expropriation, purchase, or other legal means (a) Those owned by the Government or any of
certain parcels of land that covers properties its subdivisions, instrumentalities, or agencies,
of Filstream. City of Manila filed complaint for including government-owned or controlled
eminent domain to expropriate Filstream corporations and their subsidiaries;
properties. Filstream filed a motion to dismiss
the complaint for eminent domain as well as a (b) Alienable lands of the public domain;
motion to quash the writ of possession on the
ground of no valid cause of action, the petition (c) Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands;
does not satisfy the requirements of public
use and maneuver to circumvent the (d) Those within the declared Areas for
ejectment suit, violation of the constitutional Priority Development, Zonal Improvement
guarantee against non-impairment, price sites, and Slum Improvement and
offered was too low violating just Resettlement Program sites which have not
compensation. RTC denied the petition and yet been acquired;
declared the property condemned in favor of
City of Manila. (e) Bagong Lipunan Improvement of Sites and
Services or BLISS sites which have not yet
Issue: Whether or not Filstream was deprived been acquired; and
of due process on the ground of non-
compliance with priority in expropriation? (f) Privately-owned lands.
Petron v. Mayor, GR No. 158881, April 16, 2008 Evidently, Section 133 prescribes the
limitations on the capacity of local government
units to exercise their taxing powers otherwise
While local government units are authorized to granted to them under the LGC. Apparently,
burden all such other class of goods with paragraph (h) of the Section mentions two
“taxes, fees and charges,” excepting excise kinds of taxes which cannot be imposed by
taxes, a specific prohibition is imposed barring local government units, namely: “excise taxes
the levying of any other type of taxes with on articles enumerated under the National
respect to petroleum products. Internal Revenue Code [(NIRC)], as
amended;” and “taxes, fees or charges on
In accordance to the New Navotas Revenue petroleum products.”
Code or Ordinance 92-03, petitioner Petron
Corporation was assessed a total tax of The power of a municipality to impose
P6,259,087.62. Petron filed a letter protest business taxes is provided for in Section 143
arguing that it is exempt from paying local of the LGC. Under the provision, a
business taxes as provided by Article 232 (h) municipality is authorized to impose business
of the Implementing Rules of the Local taxes on a whole host of business activities.
Government Code. Suffice it to say, unless there is another
provision of law which states otherwise,
The letter-protest was denied. A Complaint for Section 143, broad in scope as it is, would
Cancellation of Assessment was filed before undoubtedly cover the business of selling
the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Malabon. diesel fuels, or any other petroleum product
The RTC dismissed the Complaint and for that matter.
then proceeds to assert that “[i]n case of
Section 133(h) provides two kinds of taxes doubt, any tax ordinance or revenue measure
which cannot be imposed by local government shall be construed strictly against the local
units: “excise taxes on articles enumerated” government unit enacting it, and liberally in
under the NIRC, as amended; and “taxes, favor of the taxpayer.” And this latter
fees or charges on petroleum products.” qualification has to be respected as a
There is no doubt that among the excise taxes constitutionally authorized limitation which
on articles enumerated under the NIRC are Congress has seen fit to provide. Evidently,
those levied on petroleum products, per local fiscal autonomy should not necessarily
Section 148 of the NIRC. translate into abject deference to the power of
local government units to impose taxes.
The power of a municipality to impose
business taxes derives from Section 143 of Section 133(h) states that local government
the Code that specifically enumerates several units “shall not extend to the levy of xxx taxes,
types of business on which it may impose fees or charges on petroleum products.”
taxes, including manufacturers, wholesalers, Respondents assert that the phrase “taxes,
distributors, dealers of any article of fees or charges on petroleum products”
commerce of whatever nature; those engaged pertains to the imposition of direct or excise
in the export or commerce of essential taxes on petroleum products, and not
commodities; retailers; contractors and other business taxes. If the phrase actually pertains
independent contractors; banks and financial to excise taxes, then it would be an exercise
institutions; and peddlers engaged in the sale in utter redundancy, since the preceding
of any merchandise or article of commerce. phrase already prohibits the imposition of
This obviously broad power is further excise taxes on articles already subject to
supplemented by paragraph (h) of Section such taxes under the NIRC, such as
143 which authorizes the sanggunian to petroleum products. There would be no sense
impose taxes on any other businesses not on the part of the legislature to twice
otherwise specified under Section 143 which emphasize in the same sentence that excise
the sanggunian concerned may deem proper taxes on petroleum products are beyond the
to tax. pale of local government taxation.
This ability of local government units to The Court concedes that a tax on a business
impose business or other local taxes is is distinct from a tax on the article itself, or for
ultimately rooted in the 1987 Constitution. that matter, that a business tax is distinct from
Section 5, Article X assures that “[e]ach local an excise tax. However, such distinction is
government unit shall have the power to immaterial insofar as the latter part of Section
create its own sources of revenues and to levy 133(h) is concerned, for the phrase “taxes,
taxes, fees and charges,” though the power is fees or charges on petroleum products” does
“subject to such guidelines and limitations as not qualify the kind of taxes, fees or charges
the Congress may provide.” There is no doubt that could withstand the absolute prohibition
that following the 1987 Constitution and the imposed by the provision. It would have been
Code, the fiscal autonomy of local government a different matter had Congress, in crafting
units has received greater affirmation than Section 133(h), barred “excise taxes” or
ever. Previous decisions that have been “direct taxes,” or any category of taxes only,
skeptical of the viability, if not the wisdom of for then it would be understood that only such
reposing fiscal autonomy to local government specified taxes on petroleum products could
units have fallen by the wayside. not be imposed under the prohibition. The
absence of such a qualification leads to the
Section 5(a) of the Code states that “[a]ny conclusion that all sorts of taxes on petroleum
provision on a power of a local government products, including business taxes, are
unit shall be liberally interpreted in its favor, prohibited by Section 133(h). Where the law
and in case of doubt, any question thereon does not distinguish, we should not
shall be resolved in favor of devolution of distinguish.
powers and of the lower local government
unit.” But somewhat conversely, Section 5(b) The language of Section 133(h) makes plain
that the prohibition with respect to petroleum that b.) Lepanto’s petition for review of the
products extends not only to excise taxes decision of the RTC to the CA is erroneous
thereon, but all “taxes, fees and charges.” The because when the RTC decided on the appeal
earlier reference in paragraph (h) to excise brought to it by Lepanto, the RTC was
taxes comprehends a wider range of subjects exercising its original jurisdiction and not its
of taxation: all articles already covered by appellate jurisdiction; that as such, what
excise taxation under the NIRC, such as Lepanto should have done is to file an
alcohol products, tobacco products, mineral ordinary appeal under Rule 41.
products, automobiles, and such non-
essential goods as jewelry, goods made of ISSUE: Whether or not a RTC deciding an
precious metals, perfumes, and yachts and appeal from the decision of a city treasurer on
other vessels intended for pleasure or sports. tax protests is exercising original jurisdiction.
In contrast, the later reference to “taxes, fees Whether or not a condominium corporation
and charges” pertains only to one class of organized solely for the maintenance of a
articles of the many subjects of excise taxes, condominium is liable for local taxation.
specifically, “petroleum products”. While local
government units are authorized to burden all HELD:
such other class of goods with “taxes, fees
and charges,” excepting excise taxes, a 1. Yes. Although the LGC (Section 195)
specific prohibition is imposed barring the provides that the remedy of the taxpayer
levying of any other type of taxes with respect whose protest is denied by the local treasurer
to petroleum products. is “to appeal with the court of competent
jurisdiction” or in this case the RTC
(considering the amount of tax liability is P1.6
million), such appeal when decided by the
Yamane v. BA Lepanto Condominium, GR No. RTC is still in the exercise of its original
154993, October 25, 2005 jurisdiction and not its appellate jurisdiction.
This is because appellate jurisdiction is
defined as the authority of a court higher in
Facts: In 1998, BA Lepanto Condominium rank to re-examine the final order or judgment
Corporation (Lepanto) received a tax of a lower court which tried the case now
assessment in the amount of P1.6 million from elevated for judicial review. Here, the City
Luz Yamane, the City Treasurer of Makati, for Treasurer is not a lower court.
business taxes. Lepanto protested the
assessment as it averred that Lepanto, as a The Supreme Court however clarifies that this
corporation, is not organized for profit; that it ruling is only applicable to similar cases
merely exists for the maintenance of the before the passage of Republic Act 9282
condominium. Yamane denied the protest. (effective April 2004). Under RA 9282, the
Lepanto then appealed the denial to the RTC Court of Tax Appeals (CTA), not CA,
of Makati. RTC Makati affirmed the decision of exercises exclusive appellate jurisdiction to
Yamane. Lepanto then filed a petition for review on appeal decisions, orders or
review under Rule 42 with the Court of resolutions of the Regional Trial Courts in
Appeals. The Court of Appeals reversed the local tax cases whether originally decided or
RTC. resolved by them in the exercise of their
original or appellate jurisdiction.
Yamane now filed a petition for review under
Rule 45 with the Supreme Court. Yamane 2. No. Lepanto was not organized for
avers that a.) Lepanto is liable for local profit. The fees it was collecting from the
taxation because its act of maintaining the condominium unit owners redound to the
condominium is an activity for profit because owners themselves because the fees
the end result of such activity is the collected are being used for the maintenance
betterment of the market value of the of the condo. Further, it appears that the
condominium which makes it easier to sell it; assessment issued by Yamane did not state
that Lepanto is earning profit from fees the legal basis for the tax being imposed on
collected from condominium unit owners; and Lepanto – it merely states that Makati is
authorized to collect business taxes under the however, have already paid the last named
Local Government Code (LGC) but no other fees starting 1985.
reference specific reference to specific laws
were cited. Issue: Whether or not the Municipality may
validly impose taxes on petitioner’s business.
No. Held:
It is the legislative branch which has the
inherent power not only to select the subjects The petition was dismissed by the Supreme
of taxation but also grant exemptions. Court. Truly, tax exemptions of this kind may
Paragraph 4, Section 28 of Article VI of the not be revoked without impairing the
Constitution is crystal clear: "No law granting obligations of contracts. These contractual
tax exemption shall be passed without the tax exemptions, however, are not to be
concurrence of a majority of all the Members confused with tax exemptions granted under
of the Congress." franchises. A franchise partakes of the nature
of a grant which is beyond the purview of the Tax exemptions are never presumed and are
non-impairment clause of the Constitution. strictly construed against the taxpayer and
While the Court has referred to tax liberally in favor of the taxing authority. They
exemptions contained in special franchises as can only be given force when the grant is
being in the nature of contracts and a part of clear and categorical. The surrender of the
the inducement for carrying on the franchise, power to tax, when claimed, must be clearly
these exemptions are far from being strictly shown by a language that will admit of no
contractual in nature. reasonable construction consistent with the
reservation of the power. If the intention of the
legislature is open to doubt, then the intention
of the legislature must be resolved in favor of
Batangas Power v. Batangas City, GR No. the State.
152675, April 28, 2004
The "in lieu of all taxes" clause in Smart's
franchise refers only to taxes, other than
Facts: income tax, imposed under the National
To attract investors in power generation, Internal Revenue Code. The "in lieu of all
National Power Corporation (NPC) assumed taxes" clause does not apply to local taxes.
the payment of investors’ taxes in the Build The proviso in the first paragraph of Section 9
Operate and Transfer (BOT) Agreement. of Smart's franchise states that the grantee
shall "continue to be liable for income taxes
Issue: payable under Title II of the National Internal
Whether or not NPCs tax exemption privileges Revenue Code." Also, the second paragraph
under its Charter were withdrawn by Section of Section 9 speaks of tax returns filed and
193 of the Local Government Code (LGC). taxes paid to the "Commissioner of Internal
Revenue or his duly authorized representative
Held: in accordance with the National Internal
Yes. Revenue Code."
Court recognized the removal of the blanket
exclusion of government instrumentalities
from local taxation as one of the most
significant provisions of the 1991 LGC.
Specifically, we stressed that Section 193 of 4. Closure and Opening of Roads
the LGC, an express and general repeal of all Cebu oxygen and Acetylene Co., Inc. vs.
statutes granting exemptions from local taxes,
Bercilles, 66 SCRA 481
withdrew the sweeping tax privileges
previously enjoyed by the NPC under its
Charter. Facts:
In 1968, a terminal portion of a street in Cebu
was excluded in the city’s development plan
Smart Communications v. City of Davao, GR hence the council declared it as abandoned. ,
The City Council of Cebu passed a resolution
No. 155491, September 16, 2008
authorizing the Acting City Mayor to sell the
land through a public bidding. Cebu Oxygen &
Facts: Acetylene Co., Inc. was the highest bidder .
Smart contends that its telecenter in Davao Cebu Oxygen applied for the land’s
City is exempt from payment of franchise tax registration before CFI Cebu but the provincial
to the City. fiscal opposed it. It was ruled that the road is
part of the public domain hence beyond the
Issue: commerce of man.
Whether or not Smart is liable to pay the
franchise tax imposed by the City of Davao. Issue:
Whether or not the city council may sell the
Held: property
Held: Issues:
Yes. Under Cebu’s Charter (RA 3857), the city Whether or not Sanggunian Members who are
council “may close any city road, street or abroad should be included in the counting of
alley, boulevard, avenue, park or square. the entire Sangguniang body.
A. Procedure
Casino vs. Court of Appeals, 204 SCRA 449
1. Quorum
Zamora vs. Caballero, 419 SCRA 384
Sangguniang Panlungsod of Gingoog City
Facts: enacted Resolution No. 49, Code Ordinance,
Manuel Zamora, a member of the Series of 1984, which classified certain areas
Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Compostela of the city as residential zones, declaring,
Valley, filed before the RTC a petition to among others, the site of cockpit as such.
invalidate the acts executed and resolutions
issued by the Sanggunian lack of quorum. Sec 6.44. of the said resolution states
Zamora, the petitioner, argued that the that changes in the zoning ordinance shall be
Sanggunian, during its February 26 session, treated as an amendment provided that any
conducted official business without a quorum amendment to the zoning ordinance or
since only 7 out of the 14 members were provision thereof shall be carried out through
present. Respondents argued that Board a resolution of three fourths vote of the
Member Sotto was in the United States during Sangguniang Panglunsod.
such sessions and that the actual number of
Board Members in the country was only 13 Resolution No. 378, was then enacted which
which, they claimed, should be the basis for reclassified Block 125 as within the
the determination of a quorum. recreational zone, thus allegedly amending
Resolution No. 49. Nine (9) members of the government.
said sangguniang panlungsod, participated, In the meantime, the Vice Mayor requested for
with four (4) members voting for the the renovation of the councilors office and
amendment, while four (4) voted against, and salaries for the city government personnel.
with one (1) abstention. The vice-mayor, as The City Treasurer issued a certification on
presiding officer, broke the deadlock by voting the availability of funds. The City Council,
for the amendment. acting favorably on Mayor Malonzos
endorsement, appropriated the amount of
Issue: P39,343,028.00 and passed Ordinance No.
Whether or not the three fourths vote is 0254, S1998. A certain Eduardo Tibor filed an
merely a formal requirement administrative complaint against petitioners
before the Office of the President (OP) due to
Held: the passage of the said ordinance. Petitioners
No. herein filed a motion to refer the case to the
Department of Budget and Management. This
Section 6.44 of said ordinance regarding motion remained unresolved by the OP. Later,
amendments thereto is a specific and Teotimo de Guzman Gajudo filed an action for
particular provision for said ordinance and the nullity of the ordinance before the
explicitly provides for a different number of Regional Trial Court of Caloocan.
votes. Where there is in the same statute a
particular enactment and also a general one Petitioner again filed with the OP a
which in its most comprehensive sense would manifestation that the determination of the
include what is embraced in the former, the validity of the said ordinance was a prejudicial
particular enactment must be operative, and question. Likewise, the motion was not acted
the general statement must be taken to affect upon. Without resolving the two motions of the
only such cases within its language as are not petitioners, the OP rendered the assailed
within the provisions of the particular judgment meting upon them the penalty of
enactment. suspension for a period of three months,
which is immediately executory upon the
receipt of the decision. Without moving for
reconsideration, petitioners filed before the
2. Three Readings Supreme Court the instant Petition for
Malonzo vs. Zamora, 323 SCRA 875 Certiorari.
Facts: Moreover, the circumstances that preceded
In 1994, the Sangguniang Panlungsod (SP) of the enactment of Ordinance No. 0254, S.
Caloocan City authorized through an 1998 are irregular, to say the least. First, there
ordinance, the Mayor to initiate expropriation was undue haste in conducting the three (3)
proceedings for the acquisition of Lot 26 of the readings in one session day, especially so
Maysilo Estate registered in the name of CLT when said session day was in the first day of
Realty Development Corporation. Because of the regular session preceding the elections.
a territorial dispute between Caloocan City Although this is not prohibited by law,
and the Municipality of Malabon, CLT Realty separate readings were contrived to give local
filed an action for interpleader praying for an legislators, or national legislators for that
order for the two local government units to matter, ample time for cool reflection and
litigate their conflicting claims over the right to circumspection before a bill is passed into law.
collect real estate taxes from them. Second, no new rules have been adopted by
In 1997, the Sangguniang Panlungsod, under the Sanggunian and no new committees have
the stewardship of incumbent Mayor Malonzo, yet been formed at the time of the enactment
enacted an ordinance increasing the of the ordinance, so it is difficult to imagine
appropriated amount for the subject property how petitioners could have passed the
supposed to be expropriated. However, after ordinance in an orderly, mature and
failing to conclude the voluntary sale, a suit of deliberative manner. The argument that if no
eminent domain was filed by the city new rules were adopted by the new council,
the old ones could have been availed of is
unconvincing considering that petitioners did The resolution was approved by then
not ever bother to show what the old rules Municipal Mayor Anuncio C. Bustillo and
were. transmitted to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
for its approval.
Facts: Whether or not the Sangguniang
Petitioner was a mayor who was charged with Panlalawigan has the authority to disapprove
the crime of falsification of a public document. a resolution of municipality to expropriate
He contends that as local chief executive, he private property
has neither the official custody of nor the duty
to prepare said resolution Held:
Issue: Eminent domain, the power which the
Whether or not the singing of ordinance or Municipality of Bunawan exercised in the
resolution by local chief executive affixes his instant case, is a fundamental State power
signature, is purely a ministerial act that is inseparable from sovereignty. It is
government’s right to appropriate, in the
Held: nature of a compulsory sale to the State,
No. private property for public use or purpose.
Contrary to petitioners belief, the grant of the Inherently possessed by the national
veto power confers authority beyond the legislature the power of eminent domain may
simple mechanical act of signing an ordinance be validly delegated to local governments,
or resolution, as a requisite to its other public entities and public utilities. For the
enforceability. Such power accords the local taking of private property by the government
chief executive the discretion to sustain a to be valid, the taking must be for public use
resolution or ordinance in the first instance or and there must be just compensation
to veto it and return it with his objections to the
Sanggunian, which may proceed to reconsider The power of the sangguniang panlalawigan
the same. The Sanggunian concerned, to review ordinances, resolutions and
however, may override the veto by a two- executive orders promulgated by the
thirds (2/3) vote of all its members thereby municipal mayor; declaration of invalidity must
making the ordinance or resolution effective be on the sole ground that it is beyond the
for all legal intents and purposes. power of the sanggunian bayan or mayor to
issue the resolution, ordinance or order under
C. Review Thus, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan was
Moday vs. Court of Appeals, 268 SCRA 586 without the authority to disapprove Municipal
Resolution No. 43-89.
The Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of
Bunawan in Agusan del Sur passed a D. Power to Investigate
resolution authorizing the Municipal Mayor to Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative vs.
Initiate the Petition for Expropriation of a Lot Sangguniang Panlungsod, 155 SCRA 421
owned by Moday .
Facts: contumacious behavior would be for said
The Sangguniang Panlungsod (SP) of power to be deemed implied in the statutory
Dumaguete sought to conduct an investigation grant of delegated legislative power. But, the
in connection with pending legislation related contempt power and the subpoena power
to the operations of public utilities. Invited in partake of a judicial nature. They cannot be
the hearing were the heads of NORECO II implied in the grant of legislative power.
(Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative, Inc.)
NORECO II is alleged to have installed
inefficient power lines in the said city. Torres
and Umbac refused to appear before the SP
and they alleged that the power to E. Validity of Ordinances and Resolutions
investigate, and to order the improvement of, 1. Validity Ordinances and Resolutions
alleged inefficient power lines to conform to
standards is lodged exclusively with the
National Electrification Administration (NEA) a municipal ordinance
(1) must not contravene the Constitution or
Issue: any statute
Whether or not SP has the power to (2) must not be unfair or oppressive
investigate a suspected violation by an (3) must not be partial or discriminatory
electric cooperative of the conditions of its
electric franchise (4) must not prohibit but may regulate trade
(5) must be general and consistent with public
Held: policy, and
No. (6) must not be unreasonable.
The power to inquire into the efficiency of the
service supplied by electric cooperatives is
within the franchising powers of the NEA.
a. Zoning
The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Dumaguete Ortigas and Co., Limited partnership vs. Feati
may, therefore, enact ordinances to regulate Bank and Trust Co., 94 SCRA 533
the installation and maintenance of electric
power lines, e.g. prohibit the use of inefficient
power lines, in order to protect the city FACTS:
residents from the hazards these may pose. In Ortigas sold lots to two private individuals.
aid of this ordinance making power, said body These private individuals then sold the lots to
or any of its committees may conduct one person named Chavez. The TCT of the
investigations similar to, but not the same as, properties stipulated that the land is to be
the legislative investigations conducted by the used for residential purposes only. Then Feati
national legislature. As already discussed, the bank acquired the property from Chavez.
difference lies in the lack of subpoena power Feati is now buidling a bank. This was being
and of the power to punish for contempt on challenged as the TCT stipulated otherwise.
the part of the local legislative bodies. They
may only invite resource persons who are Feati argued that Resolution No, 27 provides
willing to supply information which may be that in the area where they are building the
relevant to the proposed ordinance. bank is declared to be an industrial area.
There is no express provision either in the ISSUE: WON Resolution No, 27 is valid
1973 Constitution or in the LGC (BP 337) HELD: YES
granting local legislative bodies, the power to Resolution prevails over contract stipulations
subpoena witnesses and the power to punish (TCT)
non-members for contempt. Absent a Section 3 of RA 2264 of the Local Autonomy
constitutional or legal provision for the Act empowers a Municipal Council to adopt
exercise of these powers, the only possible zoning and subdivision ordinances or
justification for the issuance of a subpoena regulations for the Municipality
and for the punishment of non-members for Section 12 or RA 2264 states that implied
Tatel vs. Municipality of Virac, 207 SCRA 157
power of the municipality should be “liberally
construed in it’s favour”, “to give more power
to the local government in promoting FACTS:
economic conditions, social welfare, and
There is a disturbance caused by the abaca
material progress in the community”.
Although non-impairment of contracts is manufacturing machine which affected the
constitutionally guaranteed, it is not absolute peace and tranquility of the neighborhood due
since it has to be reconciled with the to the smoke, obnoxious odor and dust
legitimate exercise of police power, e.g. the emitted by the machine
power to promote health, morals, peace, Resolution No. 29 was passed by the
education, good order or safety and general Municipal Council of Virac on April 22, 1966
welfare of the people. Resolution No. 27 was
declaring the warehouse owned and operated
obviously passed in exercise of police power
to safeguard health, safety, peace and order by petitioner a public nuisance
and the general welfare of the people in the petitioner contends that said ordinance is
locality unconstitutional, contrary to the due process
and equal protection clause of the Constitution
and null and void for not having been passed
Velasco vs. Blas, 115 SCRA 540
in accordance with law
ISSUE: WON the ordinance is valid
Resolution No. 3 authorized Blas to build a Ordinance No. 13, series of 1952, was passed
cinema house. However it was being built next
by the Municipal Council of Virac in the
to a medical clinic. Therefore, the Resolution
prohibited use of loudspeakers outside of the exercise of its police power.
cinema. Any violation would result to a municipal corporations are agencies of the
revocation of the permit. State for the promotion and maintenance of
Then Dr. Velasco challenged, so Resolution local self-government and as such are
No. 68 was enacted, declaring Resolution No. endowed with the police powers in order to
3 void because it is in clear contravention of
effectively accomplish and carry out the
Sec. 3 of RA 1224 (regulation of nightclubs,
cabarets, dancing schools - not built within declared objects of their creation
200 m of public schools, churches and Its authority emanates from the general
hospitals) welfare clause under the Administrative Code
ISSUE: WON Resolution No. 68 is valid a municipal ordinance (1) must not contravene
HELD: NO the Constitution or any statute (2) must not be
Resolution No. 68 of the Provincial Board of
unfair or oppressive (3) must not be partial or
Cavite is null and void because it is beyond
the powers granted to the board discriminatory (4) must not prohibit but may
the only power granted to the provincial board regulate trade (5) must be general and
by Sec. 2233 of the same Code is to declare a consistent with public policy, and (6) must not
municipal council issuance void on the sole be unreasonable.
ground that it is beyond the power of the
municipal council to issue.
the only ground upon which a provincial board Delfino vs. St. James Hospital, Inc., 501 SCRA
may declare any municipal resolution, 97
ordinance, or order invalid is when such
resolution, ordinance, or order is "beyond the
powers conferred upon the council or FACTS:
president making the same." St. James is a hospital. It expanded its
Absolutely no other ground is recognized by building structure into a four-storey building,
the law.
but then, an ordinance was enacted because
it’s a non-conforming structure already and
b. Foodstuff
violates the Zoning Ordinance
Javellana vs. Kintanar, 115 SCRA 627
St. James argues that it has complied with the
1981 zoning ordinance
But respondents provided that the 1981 FACTS:
zoning ordinance has already been repealed. Glicerio Javellana is the owner of a market
(building and lot) in Crossing Bago, Bago City,
ISSUE: WON the ordinance is valid which consists of store spaces and of
permanent and movable stalls all leased to
HELD: YES vendors
The enactment of the 1991 Zoning Ordinance Then the government refused to accept his
effectively repealed the 1981 Zoning payment of fees for the business permit
Ordinance. because the Treasurer said that an Ordinance
The complete title of said Ordinance, "An was enacted prohibiting the operation of a
Ordinance Adopting a Comprehensive Zoning market which is not owned by the government
Regulation for the Municipality of Santa Rosa,
Laguna and Providing for the Administration, ISSUE: WON the ordinance is valid
Enforcement and Amendment Thereof. And
for the Repeal of all Ordinances in Conflict HELD: YES
Therewith," as well as the Repealing The enactment of these ordinances by the
10 City Council of the City of Bago is clearly
Clause of the same Ordinance which states
authorized under Section 15 of the said City
that "all other ordinances, rules or regulations Charter
that are in conflict with the provisions of this authorizes said Board 'to regulate and fix the
11 amount of the license fees for peddlers, and
ordinance are hereby repealed," clearly
the keeping, preservation and sale of meat,
express the intent of the Sangguniang Bayan poultry, fish, game, butter, cheese, lard,
of Santa Rosa, Laguna, to repeal any vegetables, bread, and other provisions;
enactment that is inconsistent with the new (b) Paragraph (cc) which authorizes said
Ordinance Board 'to provide for the establishment,
A perusal of the two pieces of legislation will maintenance and regulation, and to fix the
fees for the use of public markets;
reveal that both Ordinances were enacted to
Also, a scrutiny of the charter provision win
guide, control, and regulate the future growth readily show that by public market is meant
and development of the Municipality of Santa one that is intended to serve the public in
Rosa, Laguna, in accordance with the general. This is the only conclusion which can
municipality's development plan, as well as to be drawn when it used the word "Public" to
promote the general welfare of the residents modify the word 1 "market" for if the meaning
of the community by regulating the location sought to be conveyed is the ownership
thereof then the phrase "by any, person,
and use of all buildings and land within the entity, association, or corporation other than
municipality the city" win serve no useful purpose
Since it is presumed that the Sangguniang
Bayan knew of the existence of the older
c. Massage Parlors
Ordinance, by enacting the later law
Velasco vs. Villegas, 120 SCRA 568
embracing the complete subject matter of the
1981 Zoning Ordinance, it must be concluded
that the legislative body had intended to FACTS:
repeal the former Ordinance. The assailed ordinance is worded thus: "It
shall be prohibited for any operator of any
barber shop to conduct the business of devolution is the enforcement of fishery laws
massaging customers or other persons in any in municipal waters including the conservation
adjacent room or rooms of said barber shop, of mangroves
or in any room or rooms within the same This necessarily includes the enactment of
building where the barber shop is located as ordinances to effectively carry out such fishery
long as the operator of the barber shop and laws within the municipal waters
the rooms where massaging is conducted is In light of the principles of decentralization and
the same person." devolution enshrined in the LGC and the
The petitioners assail the provision as it has powers granted therein to LGUs which
deprived them of their livelihood unquestionably involve the exercise of police
power, the validity of the questioned
ISSUE: WON the ordinance is valid – YES ordinances cannot be doubted.
HELD: it is a police power measure
e objectives behind its enactment are:" (1) To
e. Allowances for Judges
be able to impose payment of the license fee
Dadole vs. COA, 393 SCRA 262
for engaging in the business of massage clinic
under Ordinance No. 3659 as amended by
Ordinance 4767, an entirely different measure FACTS:
than the ordinance regulating the business of Acting on the DBM's Local Budget Circular
barbershops and, (2) in order to forestall No. 55, the Mandaue City Auditor issued
possible immorality which might grow out of notices of disallowances to RTC and MTC
the construction of separate rooms for Judges, in excess of the amount (maximum of
massage of customers." P1000 and P700 in provinces and cities and
municipalities, respectively) authorized by said
circular. The additional monthly allowances of
the judges shall be reduced to P1000 each.
d. Moratorium on Fishing
They were also asked to reimbursed the
Tano vs. Socrates, 278 SCRA 154
amount they received in excess of P1000 from
the last six months.
the Sangguniang Panglungsod ng Puerto ISSUE: WON the Budget Circular is valid
Princesa enacted an ordinance banning the HELD: NO
shipment of all live fish and lobster outside Although the Constitution guarantees
Puerto Princesa City autonomy to local government units, the
Subsequently the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, exercise of local autonomy remains subject to
Provincial Government of Palawan enacted a the power of control by Congress and the
resolution prohibiting the catching , gathering, power of supervision by the President.
possessing, buying, selling, and shipment of a Sec 4 Art X of 1987 Constitution: "The
several species of live marine coral dwelling President of the Philippines shall exercise
aquatic organisms for 5 years, in and coming general supervision over local governments. x
from Palawan waters x x" The said provision has been interpreted to
exclude the power of control.
ISSUE: WON the ordinances are valid The members of the Cabinet and other
HELD: YES executive officials are merely alter egos of the
There is absolutely no showing that any of the President. As such, they are subject to the
petitioners qualifies as a subsistence or power of control of the President
marginal fisherman.
one of the devolved powers of the LCG on
f. Adjustment of Salaries
DBM vs. City Government of Cebu, 518 SCRA
iSSUE: WON the Ordinance is VALID
t was within the ambit of the Sanggunian’s
FACTS: authority in the exercise of police power to
Respondent City Government of Cebu, regulate the enjoyment of the privilege to
lease the market stalls. The enactment of the
through an appropriation ordinance, granted
Municipal Ordinance No. 56, series of 1993
additional allowances to the judges and fiscals repealing Municipal Ordinance No. 25, series
of the city in an amount more than P1,000 per of 1983 (the basis of petitioners’ lease) was a
month valid exercise of such governmental authority
Then, it was passed and approved Ordinance to regulate the possession and use of the
No. 1468, which provided appropriations for public market and its facilities.
the salary adjustments of department heads The operation of a market stall by virtue of a
and assistant department heads. license is always subject to the police power
of the city government. An application for
ISSUE: WON the Ordinance is valid
this privilege may be granted or refused for
reasons of public policy and sound public
it was merely an appropriations bill
Court notes that Ordinance No. 1468,
approved on August 9, 1993, merely provided
for appropriations for the salary adjustments 2. Void Ordinances
of department heads and assistant
department heads to conform with the a. Working Permits
correct position titles under Joint Villegas vs. Hiu Chiong Tsai Pao Ho, 86 SCRA
Commission Circular Nos. 37 and 39 which 270
took effect on July 1, 1989
Section 1 of said Ordinance No. 6537
g. Lease of Stalls in Public Market
Lucero vs. City Government of Pasig, 508 SCRA prohibits aliens from being employed or to
23 engage or participate in any position or
occupation or business enumerated therein,
whether permanent, temporary or casual,
FACTS: without first securing an employment permit
Petitioners were granted lease contracts to from the Mayor of Manila
3 Hiu Chiong Tsai Pao Ho challenged the
occupy and operate stalls in the public
ordinance for being discriminatory and it is an
market of Pasig by virtue of Municipal
invalid exercise of police power
Ordinance No. 25, series of 1983.
Sometime in 1993, the municipal government
ISSUE: WON the Ordinance is valid
of Pasig renovated the market facilities and
constructed annex buildings to the old public
Ordinance No. 6537 does not lay down any
criterion or standard to guide the Mayor in the
Pursuant to the new ordinance, municipal
exercise of his discretion.
officials urged all stall occupants to fill up and
It has been held that where an ordinance of a
submit the necessary application forms. The
municipality fails to state any policy or to set
application form contained the terms and
up any standard to guide or limit the mayor's
conditions for the occupation and operation of
action, expresses no purpose to be attained
the stalls
by requiring a permit, enumerates no
conditions for its grant or refusal, and entirely
lacks standard, thus conferring upon the
Mayor arbitrary and unrestricted power to c. Disposition of Public Land
grant or deny the issuance of building permits, Baguio Citizens Action, Inc. vs. City Council, 121
such ordinance is invalid, being an undefined SCRA 368
and unlimited delegation of power to allow or
prevent an activity per se lawful.
Ordinance 386 passed by the City Council of
b. Traffic Regulation Baguio City. Said ordinance considered all
Primicias vs. Municipality of Urdaneta, 83 SCRA squatters of public land who are duly
462 registered as such at the time of the
promulgation of the ordinance as bona fide
FACTS: occupants of their respective lots.- Petitioners
Juan Augusta B. Primacias plaintiff appellee, filed a petition for declaratory relief, praying for
was driving his car within the jurisdiction of a judgment declaring the Ordinance as invalid
Urdaneta when a member of Urdaneta's and illegal ab initio
Municipal Police asked him to stop.
He was told, upon stopping, that he had ISSUE: WON the ordinance is valid
violated Municipal Ordinance No. 3, Series of HELD: NO
1964, "and more particularly, for overtaking a The Ordinance in question is a patent nullity. It
truck." The policeman then asked for plaintiff's considered all squatters of public land in the
license which he surrendered, and a City of Baguio as bona-fide occupants of their
temporary operator's permit was issued to respective lots. No amount of acquiescence
him. on the part of the city officials will elevate
Thereafter, a criminal complaint was filed in squatting from being an unlawful act into
the Municipal Court of Urdaneta against lawful. The land occupied by the squatters are
Primicias for violation of Ordinance No. 3, portions of water sheds, reservations,
Series of 1964 scattered portions of the public domain within
Thereafter, accused filed a motion to declare the Baguio townsite. Certainly, there is more
the ordinance void reason then to void the actions taken by the
City of Baguio through the questioned
ISSUE: WON the ordinance is valid ordinance.
An essential requisite for a valid ordinance is, d. Admission Fee to Movie Houses
among others, that is "must not contravene . . Balacuit vs. CFI of Agusan Del Norte, 163
7 SCRA 182
. the statute," for it is a "fundamental
FACTS The city of Butuan passed Ordinance
principle that municipal ordinances are inferior
in status and subordinate to the laws of the No. 640 wherein any person, group of persons,
8 entity or corporation engaged in the business of
state." Following this general rule, whenever selling admission tickets to any movie or other
there is a conflict between an ordinance and a public exhibitions, games, contests, or other
statute, the ordinance "must give way. performances are PENALIZED if they require
Moreover, while the law did not contain any children between 7-12YO to pay full payment for
classification, it is thus important for the ticket. Price must be only ½ of the price.
Municipal to add details esp when it comes to
the classification of vehicles ISSUE WON ordinance is valid? NO.
HELD The operation of theatres, illegal gambling because it must be read in
cinematographs and other places of public relation to “and other prohibited games of
exhibition are subject to regulation by the chance”.
municipal council in the exercise of delegated
police power by the local government. However, Here: The Ordinance contravenes PD 1869
while a business may be regulated, such (creation of PAGCOR) and public policy since it
regulation must be within the bounds of prevents PAGCOR from exercising powers
reason—must be reasonable and cannot be conferred on it to operate a casino in CDO.
oppressive amounting to an arbitrary Ordinances should not contravene a statute
interference with the business or calling subject since municipal governments (LGU) are only
of regulation. In this case, the lack of safeguard agents of national government (Congress); a
measures against abuse to determine age of delegate cannot be superior to the principal.
child and the unjust burden upon theatre to bear
the loss of earning and penalty of the reduction Enacting ordinances are expressly vested upon
of price from children between 7-12YO is LGUs through the General Welfare Clause
unreasonable. (sec16) and under its powers, duties, and
functions under sec458 of the LGC. However,
To Test the validity of an ordinance, it must:
e. Prohibitions of Legalized Gambling 1. Not contravene constitution (or
Magtojos vs Pryce Properties Corporation, statute)
234 SCRA 255 2. Not be unfair or oppressive
FACTS PAGCOR decided to expand operation 3. Not be partial or discriminatory
in CDO in 1992 and leased a portion of a 4. Not prohibit or regulate trade
building from Pryce Corporation, to which 5. It is general and consistent with
renovations were made. Sangguniang public policy
Panlunsod then enacted Ordinance No. 3353 to 6. Must not be unreasonable
prohibit the issuance of a business permit and
cancel existing business permit of
establishments for using and allowing the use f. Allowances of Auditors
for operation of the casino. Later Passed Villarena vs. COA, 408 SCRA 455
Ordinance No. 3375-93 which prohibited the FACTS Villarena was the City auditor in
operation of casino as a whole, pursuant to Marikina. The city enacted Ordinances for the
powers given to LGUs under Section 458 of the budget which included allowances and benefits
LGC where it states, “enact ordinances to granted to COA personnel assigned to Marikina,
prevent, suppress and impose appropriate including Villarena. Under Sec18 RA 6758, to
penalties for…establishment and maintenance preserve the integrity and independence of
of houses of ill repute, gambling and other COA, its officials and employees are prohibited
prohibited games of chance”. from receiving salaries, honoraria, bonuses,
allowances or other emoluments from any govt
ISSUE WON the Ordinances were valid? NO. entity, local government unit, and govt-owned
and controlled corporations. Additionally, under
HELD Gambling is not illegal per se since there COA Memorandum No 89-584, receipt of such
is no categorical prohibition under the allowances and other forms of fringe benefits by
Constitution nor the mention of such. Thus, it is auditing personnel shall be considered illegal.
up to Congress to determine which to prohibit Thus, COA found Villarena guilty of neglect of
and allow. They prohibited jueteng and monte duty, simple misconduct and violation of Rules.
but permit lotteries, cockfighting and horse- Villarena argued, such receipt was valid
racing. Thus, in reading Section 458 of the LGC, pursuant to the ordinance pursuant to LGU
the word “gambling” must be referred to as power under Sec 447 of LGC to enact
ordinances “when the finances of the municipal employee of offices or govt corporations
govt allow, provide for addtl allowances and charged with the grant of licenses or permits
other benefits to judges, prosecutors…and other under concessions. Under EO 205, only the
national govt officials stationed in the NTC can grant such certificates of authority to
municipality”. cable television operators and issue the
necessary implementing rules and regulations
ISSUE WON Ordinance passing allowances and under EO 436, NTC is vested with such
was valid? NO. regulation and supervisions of the cable
television industry. Thus, members cannot be
HELD Local legislative bodies may provide for guilty of violation of Anti Graft since they have
additional allowances and other benefits to no power to grant franchise and cannot be held
national government officials stations or liable.
assigned to their municipality or city. This is, Although under the General Welfare Clause of
however, subject to RA 6758, removal of extra the LGC, it goes to show that LGUs can regulate
emoluments specifically prohibiting COA officials the operation of cable televisions BUT it must
from receiving such. So in order to perform their only do so when it encroaches public
constitutional mandate, COA need officials that properties, such as public street, rights of ways,
will be free from unwarranted influences and the founding of structures and parceling or large
removal of temptation and enticement of extra regions. Beyond such act of REGULATION such
emoluments under RA 6758 was placed to as the grant of franchise is ultra vires. No right
ensure this. nor privilege was granted to Spacelink by virtue
NOTE: Villarena stated the repeal clause of the of the void ordinance.
LGC (paragraph 7 of Section 534), however HERE: Since there was no commencement of
there was no mention of RA 6758 and implied operations and the Resolution 261 but merely
repeals are not lightly presumed. In case of expressed willingness to allow petitioner to
conflict, the courts must harmonize and not install and operate cable television and not grant
uphold one over the other. a franchise entirely, it is valid. However,
Ordinance No. 19 in specifically stating the grant
of the franchise is invalid.
g. Regulation of Cable Television Industry
Zoomzat, Inc. vs. People, 451 SCRA 226
FACTS memebrs of the Sangguniang
Panlungson of Gingoog City were charged for h. Prohibiting Entertainment Establishments
violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019 for passing City of Manila vs. Laguio, 455 SCRA 308
Resolution No 261 in allowing the Zoomzat to FACTS Zoning Ordinance was passed that
install and operate a cable TV system and forbids the running of the enumerated
passed Ordinance No. 19 granting franchise to businesses such as sauna parlors, karaoke
Spacelink Cable TV to operate cable tv for 10 bars, beerhouses, nightclubs, day clubs,
years since such right must be don’t by NTC. superclubs, discotheques, motels, inns in the
Sanggunian contends that LGC also grants the Ermita-Malate area and in Section 3, instructs
city councils to grant permits, licenses and the owners/operators to wind up business
franchises in aid of local govt unit regulatory or operations or transfer outside area or convert
revenue raising powers. business into those that are allowed.
ISSUE WON LGUs have power to grant ISSUE WON Ordinance is valid? NO.
franchise to cable television operators? NO
HELD LGC empowers legislative bodies to
HELD to be liable under RA 3019, Anti Graft and enact ordinances, approve resolution and
Corrupt Practices Act, one must be an officer or appropriate funds for the general welfare of
province/city/municipality and its inhabitants Ownership therefore of sidewalks in a public
pursuant to Section 16 of the LGC and in the subdivision belongs to the subdivision until it is
proper exercise of corporate powers of the transferred to the government by donation or
province/city/municipality. However, such police acquired through expropriation. According to PD
power is still subordinate to constitutional 1216, the subdivision is relieved of responsibility
limitations and must be reasonable and for the of maintaining road lots and open space only
public good where there is a relation between upon securing a certificate of completion and
the purposes of the police measure and the executing a deed of donation of these road lots
means employed. Otherwise, it will be an and open spaces to the LGU. The use of LGU
arbitrary intrusion into private rights. funds for widening the privately-owned
Here, the ordinance is unreasonable and sidewalks is unlawful as it directly contravenes
oppressive since it permanently restricts the use Section 335 of RA 7160, wherein only
of property that cannot be used for any construction, improvement and repair of
reasonable purpose “Winding up” business is infrastructure facilities owned by the LGU may
tantamount to closure, a deprivation or property be bankrolled with the Local Govt funds.
and confiscation, which when not noxious,
cannot be removed without compensation.
j. Zoning
Parayno vs. Javellanos, 495 SCRA 85
i. Appropriation for Private Purposes FACTS SB Calasiao Pangasinan passed
Albon vs. Fernando, 494 SCRA 141 Resolution No. 50 recommending the closure or
FACTS City of Marikina undertook a public transfer of the locations of the gasoline station
works project to widen, clear and repair existing of Petitioner claiming that it was less than 100
sidewalks of Marikina Greenheights Subdivision, meters from the nearest public school and
pursuant to Ordinance No. 59. Taxpayers suit church, violating Art 6 of the Official Zoning
was filed by Albon claiming unlawful to use govt Code of Calasiao. Petitioner claims that her
equipment and use of public funds for such gasoline FILLING station is NOT covered under
sidewalks within the subdivision since they were Section 44 of the Official Zoning Code since it
private property. City claims it is empowered was not a gasoline SERVICE station as
under LGC to exercise such powers necessary, contemplated under the section prohibiting
appropriate or incidental to efficient and effective gasoline service stations within 100m from any
provisions of the basic services and facilities. public or private school, public library,
Additionally, PD 1216 declares that roads, alleys playground and hospital based on straightline
and sidewalks in a residential subdivision are for method.
public use and beyond commerce of man,
mandating owners to set aside open spaces ISSUE WON Resolution is valid? NO.
which shall be devoted exclusively for use of
general public. HELD “Gasoline SERVICE station” does not
necessarily include “gasoline FILLING station”.
ISSUE WON LGU may validly use public funds Service station includes supply of gasoline oil,
to undertake widening, repair and improvement grease, batteries, tires and car accessories
of sidewalks of a privately-owned subdivision? while the other only services automobile and
NO; RTC ordered to see if donated and if other motor vehicles with gasoline and oil only.
public has full and unimpeded access to and Here, although it has the power under the
use of the roads and sidewalks. general welfare clause to take actions to enact
measures to promote health and general welfare
HELD Under subdivision laws, lots allotted by of its constituents, should still be within limits of
subdivision developers as road lots include constitution. There was no record that the
roads, sidewalks, alleys and planting strips. municipality measured the distance
notwithstanding the fact that such distance was of Preparatory Recall Assembly Resolution No
crucial in determining whether there was an 01-96 that calls for the initiation of a recall
actual violation of section 44. Thus, abatement proceeding against the Mayor. Mayor contends
of a nuisance without judicial proceedings when that the recall proceedings were infirm because
it is NOT a nuisance per se, violating it was convened by the LIGA ng mga Brgy and
Constitutional Due process. A gas station is not the required members of the PRA.
NOT a nuisance per se or one affecting the
immediate safety of persons and property. ISSUE WON the Liga in meeting for Recall met
and voted in accordance with the law that
mandates it should be a Preparatory Recall
3. Initiative and Referendum Assembly and not a liga? YES. The same
Garcia vs. Commission on Elections, 37 personalities under the liga were those
SCRA 279 needed for a PRA.
FACTS SB of Morong Bataan agreed in the
inclusion of Morong as part of Subic Special HELD Liga ng mga barangay is DISTINCT form
Economic Zone in accordance with RA 7227. the Preparatory Recall Assembly. Liga is an
Petitioners resorted to power of initiative under organization of all barangays. The Preparatory
Local Govt code and started to collect Recall Assembly is an organization of barangay
signatures to repeal the resolution. COMELEC captains and kagawads. However, in this case,
denied petition claiming a resolution is not the representatives of the LIGA were the SAME
subject to any local initiative. MEMBERS needed for the Preparatory Recall
Assembly, convening as a PRA and not as a
ISSUE WON resolution can be subject of an Liga. Thus, the meeting and the voting of the
initiative? YES resolution calling for the recall of Mayor Malonzo
HELD Constitution includes not only ordinances was VALID.
but also resolutions as appropriate subjects of a
local initiative. Under Art 6, “whereby the people Malonzo v. Zamora – 323 SCRA 875
can directly propose and enact laws or approve FACTS City passed Ordinance No. 0254 to
or reject any act or law or part thereof” shows appropriate P39M to fund expropriation of Lot 26
that the word “ACT” includes a resolution. When of Maysilo Estate, which was found to be a
the Local Govt Code was passed, it did not realigned portion of the P50 denominated by law
change the scope of local initiative or limit for “expropriation of Properties”, classified under
coverage of local initiatives to ordinances alone. the Current Operating Expenses in the Annual
Section 120 Ch2 Title 9 of book 1 merely Budget of Caloocan City. Additionally, that
defines the concept of local initiative as a legal Ordinance was passed without funds actually
process where registered voters of a local govt available nor compliance with the requirement
may directly propose, enact or amend any under section 50 LGC that house rules be
ordinance. It does NOT deal with the subjects or adopted or updated and there was undue haste
matters that can be taken up in a local initiative in such passage.
since Section 124 includes the word “any
proposition or ordinance” upon the limitation ISSUE WON Ordinance is valid? Yes.
which shows the broad inclusion of resolutions HELD Nothing showing that Ordinance No 0246
as well. of the P39M is actually part of the P50M under
the “expropriation of properties” under the
Malonzo v. COMELEC, 269 SCRA 380 (1997) Current Operating expenditures. Moreover, it
FACTS Mayor Malonzo elected as Mayor of shows that the P39M is under ordinance series
Caloocan City. However, after a year, the 1997 while the P50M is under ordinance series
punong brgys and SB members and SK of 1998. Even more so, such ordinance under
chairmen met and deliberated upon the approval
the 1998 series did not even specify specific Sanggunian that requires such prior
properties for expropriation. authorization in favor of the mayor before filing a
Additionally, it showed that Sanggunian took up suit on behalf of the city.
the matter of adopting a set of house rules in a
general meeting to which it enacted Ordinance
0254. Although this was after such passage of 2. Representation by Counsel
the earlier expropriation ordinance, There is no
requirement that the completion of the updating a. Prohibitions against Hiring of Private Lawyers
or adoption of the internal rules of procedure Ramos vs. Court of Appeals, 108 SCRA 728
before the Sanggunian could act on any matter FACTS Municipality of Hagonoy Bulacan,
like the enactment of an ordinance. Lastly, there through a law firm of Cruz Durian & Academia
is No prohibition that the rule on the three sued Marcianos for the recovery of its 74-
readings of an ordinance be done in just one Hectare fishpond to which the municipality will
session day. The urgency of the passage was pay attorneys fees to the firm. The municipal
due to the salaries of the city employees funded attorney then entered appearance as counsel for
by the ordinance that even such councilors who municipality stating that the firm will be under
objected took advantage of such benefits. control of the officials. Marcianos moved for the
disqualification of the law firm.
6. Corporate powers ISSUE WON the law firm can represent the suit
brought by municipality? NO.
a) To sue and be sued
HELD While a public prosecutor is allowed in
1. Powers of Governors and Mayors criminal cases, the same is not allowed in CIVIL
City of Caloocan vs. Court of Appeals, 489 cases where the MUNICIPALITY is the plaintiff.
SCRA 45 Section 1683 of Revised Admin Code and
FACTS Sanggunian of Caloocan passed Section 3 of Local Autonomy Law is clear: only
Ordinance No. 068 authorizing Mayor to the provincial fiscal and the municipal attorney
negotiate and enter into a contract of sale of the can represent a municipality in its lawsuits. This
patrimonial property of the city. Deed of is mandatory. Even if there was a collaborating
Absolute Sale with Gotesco over property for with the private law firm and the municipal
P136M signed. COA initially disapproved this attorney and fiscal, such is still in contravention
Deed of Sale but instead ordered that the price of Section 1683. The municipal attorney is the
should be at P182M. Mayor then disagreed with head of the legal division or office of a
the sale and refused to sign the documents or municipality and “shall act as legal counsel of
accept the payments. Mayor filed civil case for the municipality and perform such duties and
annulment of sale. Gotesco claims petition is exercise such powers as may be assigned to
defective because it was instituted by a non- him by the council”. He is paid out of the
party, the mayor, and not the city of Caloocan. municipal funds and can represent the
municipality without the collaboration of the
ISSUE WON the institution of the civil suit to fiscal, clearly showing that the municipality
recover land of the city by the Mayor was should not be burdened with the expenses of
proper? YES hiring a private lawyer. The only exception to
hiring a private lawyer is when the provincial
HELD The Mayor has the authority to file suits fiscal is disqualified to represent it.
for the recovery of the funds and property on
behalf of the city even without prior authorization
from the Sanggunian.There is nowhere in the b. Sanctioned Hiring of Private Lawyer
enumerated powers and duties of the
Province of Cebu vs. Intermediate Appellate and Philsucom. Atty Inciong filed case for
Court, 147 SCRA 447 payment of attorneys fees against Province of
FACTS While Governor Espina was in Manila, Batangas and RTC rendered judgment in favor
Vice Governor and 3 members of the Provincial of Atty. Inciong and the decision became final.
Board enacted Resolution No 188 donating to COA disallowed payment since hiring of private
the City of Cebu 210 province-owned lots all attorney had no approval by SB required by the
located in the City of Cebu which would later on law nor was there ay appropriation for such.
be sold by the City to raise funds for public ISSUE WON COA erred in disallowing the
improvement projects as well as authorizing the payment? YES.
VG to sign the deed of donation. Governor
returned and denounced the Resolution as HELD The employment of Barangay Coloocan
illegal and immoral since almost all patrimonial of petitioner as its counsel even if allegedly
property of the City was donated. Gov filed case unauthorized by SB is binding as it took no
to declare donation declared illegal and prompt measure to repudiate the employment.
employed the services of Atty. Garcia in filing Thus, there should be no disallowance in the
and prosecuting the case in his behalf and in payment to Atty Inciong as this has become final
behalf of the Province of Cebu. Provincial Board and executory. Lastly, the COA Circular in
disallowing payment cannot dimish the
ISSUE WON Governor allowed to hire private substantive right of recovery of attorney’s fees
lawyer? YES for this case falls within the under a final and executory Decision.
Alinsug vs. Regional trial court, 225 SCRA
HELD Although Section 1683 of the Revised 553
Admin Code is clear that only the municipal FACTS Alinsug was a regular employee of the
attorney and fiscal can represent the municipal government of Escalante, Negros
municipality, the municipality’s authority to Occidental and appointed as Clerk III in the
employ a private lawyer is expressly limited Office of Municipal Planning and development
only to situations where the provincial fiscal Coordinator. She was then detailed to work
is disqualified to represent it. In this case, under the newly elected Office of the Mayor.
however, since the Governor, in behalf of the When she absented herself from work to attend
Province of Cebu, seeks redress against the to family matters with only the permission of the
very members of the Provincial Board, can hire personnel officer and NOT the Mayor, the Mayor
a private counsel since the Provincial Fiscal had suspended her for one month on the grounds of
been directed by the Board already to appear on simple misconduct. She filed a petition for
behalf of the Board in the case, leaving the injunction with damagers and prayer for tro and
Governor no choice but to seek other prelim injunction against mayor and municipal
representation. treasurer. Mayor filed an answer through private
lawyer SM Lezama. Alinsug questioned
Inciong vs. Domingo, 211 SCRA 139 authority of private lawyer when it should be the
FACTS PHILSUCOM failed to pay real estate municipal officer instead. However, Mayor
taxes due on its sugar refinery in Brgy. Caloocan claimed that the municipality of Escalante has
Batangas so the Provincial Treasurer schedule no legal officer and that the case was based on
the sale of the refinery at a public auction. moral damages, thus, hiring a private counsel
PHILSUCOM filed petition for prohibition against was justified.
the Provincial Treasurer. The Brgy then hired
Atty. Inciong and filed a motion for intervention ISSUE WON the hiring of the private lawyer was
claiming it is an indispensable party as it has justified? YES.
10% share in the property tax. An Amnesty
Compromise Agreement was entered by the PT
HELD The law allows a private counsel to be Cebu as part of the defendants since they
hired by a municipality only when the operate, maintain, and manage the hospital. The
municipality is an adverse party in a case parties decided to enter into a compromise
involving the provincial government or another agreement including provision for payment of
municipality or city within the province since the sum of P30,000 to which the sanggunian ratified
provincial fiscal would be disqualified to serve the agreement. COA disallowed the payment,
and represent it. In this case, although the claiming such was not within the powers of the
Mayor was sued in his official capacity, he was Sanggunian. The giving away of funds in form of
also held to have exceeded his authority financial assistance to a family has no causal
together with a complaint that contains other relation to the general welfare clause.
allegations and a prayer for moral damages. The
allegations in the complaint show that there ISSUE WON the juridical compromise is
were certain acts beyond official capacity: conclusive and binding on all parties, including
political vendetta, vengeance unleashed on her the City of Cebu? YES
for her family not voting him, political
harassment, grave abuse of discretion. Thus, HELD A compromise is a bilateral act or
such a case must be satisfied by them in their transaction that is expressly acknowledged as a
private capacity and may hire a private lawyer. juridical agreement by the civil code. The code
allows juridical persons to compromise as long
c. Representation of Mayor by City Fiscal is it is in conformity with the requisites necessary
Mabutol vs. Maza, 105 SCRA 564 to alienate their property. When the compromise
of a civil suit has a city that is involved as a party
FACTS Mabutol sought disbarment based on is a legitimate transaction, and is even
gross ignorance of the law of Atty Maza as City encouraged by law.
Fiscal of San Jose City is charged in an admin
case for removal as such based on his
representation as counsel for Mayor Pascual. b) To acquire and sell property
Mayor, in his private capacity, charged Mabutol City of Angeles vs. Court of Appeals, 261 SCRA
for libel, charged his wife for violation of 90
Ordinance (operating pharmacy business FACTS Under the Deed of Donation to the City
without permit), and constructing fence and of Angeles of 51 parcels of land under the
repairing a warehouse without building permit. condition that it will be solely utilized for the site
of Angeles City Sports Center and that no
ISSUE WON the city fiscal can represent the commercial building, market or anything similar
Mayor in his private capacity? YES. shall be constructed, a substantial breach will
revoke such Donation. However, public officials
HELD A city fiscal is not prohibited from acting started to construct the drug rehabilitation center
as counsel of the City Mayor even when sued in on the portion of the donated land to which a
his private capacity if such arose out of the complaint was filed with the RTC seeking
performance of his official duties. revocation of the donation.
ISSUE WON can revoke the donation by
2. Compromises violation? NO, both in violation
Osmena vs. COA, 238 SCRA 463 HELD PD 957 is clear that the subdivision
FACTS In an incident where the son of the de owner/developer has to donate the open space
la Cerna spouses was stabbed and died, the for parks and playgrounds a certain percentage
spouses sued the Cebu City Medical Center for of the area; it is no longer optional to donate
damages for the gross negligence, such to the homeowners association with
irresponsibility and incompetence of the 5 consent of the city or municipality. Such
physicians of the public hospital, naming City of donation can be imposed with a condition not
contrary to customs, law, morals public order or under the LGC. There was a perfected contract
good conduct. Here, such condition was to make here entered into with the province and former
the park non-buildable- The public officials governor-therefore, new governor Yap cannot
violated the condition. Also, the petitioners revoke or renounce with consent of the other
likewise violated the required percentage to be party.
donated as open space (less). Therefore, both
being at fault, neither one can recover what he c) To enter into contracts
has given by virtue of the contract (i) Requisites
(Article1412NCC). Thus, the construction of the ● The LGU has the express, implied or
drug rehabilitation center on the land is not inherent power to enter into the
allowed and as a violation thereof, there can be particular contract;
no recovery of damages. There is no liability ● The contract is entered into by the
among public officers concerned because they
proper department, board, committee,
were sued only in their official capacity and
officer or agent;
cannot be made personally liable even if they
are in bad faith. Must separately try them in ○ Unless otherwise provided by
personal capacity. the Code, no contract may be
entered into by the local chief
GSIS vs. Province of Tarlac, 417 SCRA 60 executive on behalf of the local
FACTS Sang. Panlalawigan of Tarlac passed government unit without prior
REsolution which authorized and approved the authorization by the sanggunian
conversion of the Urquico Memorial Athletic concerned.
Field into a Government Center and donation of ● The contract must comply with certain
different portions of the land to other
substantive requirements; and
government agencies for purposes of
● The contract must comply with the
constructing their buildings. GSIS was one of
those that decided to put up their site on the formal requirements of written contracts.
land; Notice of Construction was issued by the (ii) Ultra vires contracts
Governor Cojangco and MOA entered into by ● When a contract is entered into without
both parties. When a new Governor, Gov. Yap compliance with the first and the third
was elected, he wrote GSIS demanding requisites (express, implied or inherent
payment of P33M, representing balance of value power to enter into the particular
of lot donated, claiming earlier MOA was unfair. contract & substantive requirements).
When denied by GSIS, Governor filed for nullity ● Null and void.
of the donation and MOA because of failure to
● Cannot be ratified or validated.
appraise valuation by local commitee on awards
○ Ratification of defective
before the transfer.
municipal contracts is possible
ISSUE WON new Governor can declare contract only when there is non-
entered into by old Governor and GSIS null? compliance with the second
NO. No prohibition requiring appraisal before and/or the fourth requirements
sale. (contract is entered into by the
proper department, board,
HELD A transfer of real property by a local committee, officer or agent &
government unit to an instrumentality of the formal requirements of written
government without first securing an appraised
valuation from the local committee on awards
○ Ratification may either be
does not appear as one of the void contracts
under the civil code nor is it mentioned express or implied.
1. Lease of properties for public use surrendered or bargained away through the
Villanueva vs. Castaneda Jr., 154 SCRA 142 medium of a contract.
Facts: Petitioners were owners of stalls in a
talipapa located in a land owned by the Dacanay vs. Asistio, 208 SCRA 404
municipal government of San Fernando, Facts: In 1979, the Metropolitan Manila
Pampanga. They were said be lessees of the Commission enacted an ordinance designating
land through a municipal council resolution certain city and municipal streets, roads and
dated since 1961. However, the municipal open spaces as sites for flea markets. One of
subsequently issued a new resolution revoking those streets was the "Heroes del '96" where the
the right previously granted to the vendor for the petitioner lives. Upon application of certain
area will be made as a parking space for the vendors, the city mayor and city engineer,
town plaza and subsequently demolished the issued them licenses to conduct vending
market stalls. activities on said street. After a few years, Mayor
Martinez caused the demolition of the said flea
Issue: WON the resolution in 1961 conferred markets on Heroes del '96, V. Hence, the stall
contractual rights to the stall owners making owners filed a case against such action. The
them lawful lessees of the land. RTC dismissed the case on the ground that the
streets are of public dominion, hence outside the
Held: No. There is no question that the place commerce of man. Thereafter, there was a
occupied by the petitioners and from which they change in the city administration and current
are sought to be evicted is a public plaza as mayor (Asistio) did not pursue the action of the
early as 1951. It is elementary that a public previous mayor and left the flea markets in the
plaza is beyond the commerce of man, lease streets as is. Thus, Petitioner,being a resident of
thereon is null and void. Applying this well Heroes del '96 filed a petition for mandamus to
settled doctrine, the Court ruled that the remove the stalls in their street.
petitioners had no right in the first place to
Issue: WON public streets be leased or licensed
occupy the disputed premises and cannot insist
to market stallholders by virtue of a city
in remaining there now on the strength of their
ordinance or resolution of Metropolitan Manila
alleged lease contracts. Likewise, the mayor has
the duty to clear the area and restore it as a
parking place and public plaza. The problems Held: No. There is no doubt that the disputed
caused by the usurpation of the place by the areas from which the private respondents’
petitioners are covered by the police power as market stalls are public streets. A public street is
delegated to the municipality under the general property for public use hence outside the
welfare clause. Hence, police power was validly commerce of man. Being outside the commerce
exercised in this case. Even assuming a valid of man, it may not be the subject of lease or
lease of the property in dispute, the resolution other contract. The Executive Order issued by
could have effectively terminated the agreement Acting Mayor Robles authorizing the use of
for it is settled that the police power cannot be Heroes del ‘96 Street as a vending area for
surrendered or bargained away through the stallholders who were granted licenses by the
medium of a contract. city government contravenes the general law
that reserves city streets and roads for public
Doctrine: A public plaza is beyond the use. Such leases or licenses are null and void
commerce of man, and cannot be the subject of for being contrary to law. The right of the public
lease or other contractual undertaking. And, to use the city streets may not be bargained
even assuming the existence of a valid lease of away through contract. The interests of a few
the public plaza or part thereof, the municipal should not prevail over the good of the greater
resolution effectively terminated the agreement, number in the community whose health, peace,
for it is settled that the police power cannot be
safety, good order and general welfare, the Congress. These basic principles have the effect
respondent city officials are under legal of limiting such authority of the province, city or
obligation to protect. municipality to close a public street or
thoroughfare. Article 424 of the Civil Code lays
Doctrine: Public streets or thoroughfares are
down the basic principle that properties of public
property for public use, outside the commerce of dominion devoted to public use and made
man, and may not be the subject of lease or
available to the public in general are outside the
other contracts.
commerce of man and cannot be disposed of or
Macasiano vs. Diolino, 212 SCRA 464 leased by the local government unit to private
Facts: The municipality of Paranaque passed persons. Aside from the requirement of due
an ordinance authorizing the closure of some process which should be complied with before
streets located at Baclaran, Paranaque for the closing a road, street or park, the closure should
establishment of a flea market thereon. be for the sole purpose of withdrawing the road
Thereafter, Mayor Ferrer was authorized to or other public property from public use when
enter into a contract to any service cooperative circumstances show that such property is no
for the establishment, operation, maintenance longer intended or necessary for public use or
and management of flea market and/or vending public service. When it is already withdrawn
areas. Because of this purpose, respondent from public use, the property then becomes
Palanyag entered into an agreement with the patrimonial property of the local government unit
municipality of Paranaque with the obligation to concerned. It is only then that the respondent
remit dues to the treasury. Consequently, municipality can “use or convey them for any
market stalls were put up by respondent purpose for which other real property belonging
Palanyag on the said streets. However, the PNP to the local unit concerned might be lawfully
Superintendent of Metropolitan Traffic used or conveyed” in accordance with the last
Command ordered the destruction and sentence of Section 10, Chapter II of Blg. 337,
confiscation of the stalls and were returned to known as Local Government Code.
Palanyag. Petitioner then sent a letter to
Palanyag giving the latter 10 days to discontinue Doctrine: The closure of the streets in Baclaran
the flea market otherwise the market stalls shall (Paranaque) was held invalid for non-
be dismantled. compliance with MMA Ordinance No. 2, and
Issue: WON the ordinance issued by the because provincial roads and city streets are
municipality of Paranaque authorizing the lease property for public use under Art. 424, Civil
and use of public streets or thoroughfares as Code, hence under the absolute control of
sites for flea market is valid? Congress. They are outside the commerce of
man, and cannot be disposed of to private
Held: No. Roads and streets which are available persons.
to the public in general and ordinarily used for
vehicular traffic are still considered public 2. Certificate of availability of public funds
property devoted to public use The said streets Osmena vs. Commission on Audit, 230 SCRA
in the case are local roads used for public 585
service and are therefore considered public Facts: In 1985 the City of Cebu decided to
properties of respondent municipality. Properties construct a modern abattoir. For this project, the
of the local government which are devoted to City Treasurer, Ricardo Pestaño, issued a
public service are deemed public and are under certificate of availability of funds (5,419,180php)
the absolute control of Congress. Hence, local specifically for the construction of the abbatoir
governments have no authority whatsoever to (slaughterhouse). After a public bidding, HFCCI
control or regulate the use of public properties was awarded to do the construction of the
unless specific authority is vested upon them by abattoir. Thus, the City of Cebu entered into a
contract with HFCCI wherein the cost was
indicated to be 8,368,920php. In 1986, Osmeña, entered into contrary to the foregoing
then Officer-In-Charge of the City of Cebu, requirements shall be VOID. Clearly then, the
ordered the suspension of the project and contract entered into by the former Mayor
review of the contract by the COA. HFCCI Duterte was void from the very beginning since
claimed the amount of 2,142,964.29php as the the agreed cost for the project (P8,368,920.00)
value of the work accomplished. Unable to was way beyond the appropriated amount
collect the said amount after so many demands (P5,419,180.00) as certified by the City
HFCCI instituted a civil action. According to the Treasurer. Hence, the contract was properly
City of Cebu, while admitting having entered into declared void and unenforceable in COA’s 2nd
a contract with HFCCI, alleged that the contract Indorsement, dated September 4, 1986.
it entered into was null and void as declared by
the Commission on Audit in its 2nd Indorsement Doctrine: The contract was properly declared
dated September 4, 1986. Therefore whatever void and unenforceable in COA’s 2nd
amount is due to HFCCI is to the sole liability of Indorsement. No contract involving the
the officer or officers who entered into the said expenditures of public funds shall be entered
contract. Nevertheless, the City of Cebu entered into unless there is an appropriation therefor and
into a compromise agreement to the effect that a certification that the amount necessary to
as a full and final settlement to the claim of cover the proposed contract for the current fiscal
HFCCI. However, the COA declared that the year is available for expenditure on account
compromise agreement is also void. Petitioner thereof.
argues that the decision of COA invalidating the
contract between the City of Cebu and HFCCI City of Quezon vs. Lexber, Inc., 354 SCRA
was void since it was already executed and 493
fulfilled. Petitioner further stresses that COA has Facts: In 1990, a Tri-Partite MOA was drawn
no authority to declare a contract already between petitioner (represented by its then
executed void. Mayor Simon), respondent Lexber, Inc. and the
then Municipality of Antipolo, whereby a 26,010
Issue: WON the COA has the power to square meter parcel of land located in Antipolo
invalidate the contract between the City of Cebu was to be used as a garbage dumping site by
and HFCCI. petitioner and other Metro Manila cities or
municipalities authorized by the latter, for a 5-
Held: Yes. The Commission on Audit has the year period commencing in January 1991. Part
power, authority and duty to examine, audit and of the agreement was that the landowner,
settle all accounts pertaining to revenue and represented by respondent Lexber, shall be
receipts of and expenditures or uses of funds hired as the exclusive supplier of manpower,
and property, owned or held in trust by, or heavy equipment and engineering services for
pertaining to, the Government, or any of its the dumpsite and shall also have the right of first
subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities. The refusal for contracting such services.
Auditing Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1445) Respondent Lexber alleged that petitioner
further provides that no contract involving the immediately commenced dumping garbage on
expenditure of public funds shall be entered into the landfill site continuously from December
unless there is an appropriation therefor and the 1991 until May 1992. Thereafter, petitioner
proper accounting official of the agency ceased to dump garbage on the said site for
concerned shall have certified to the officer reasons not made known to respondent Lexber.
entering into the obligation that funds have been Consequently, even while the dumpsite
duly appropriated for the purpose and the remained unused, respondent Lexber claimed it
amount necessary to cover the proposed was entitled to payment for its services.
contract for the current fiscal year is available for Petitioner, this time acting through Mayor
expenditure on account thereof. Any contract Mathay denied any liability under the contract on
the ground that the same was invalid and city in its business transactions must be “upon
unenforceable. According to Mayor Mathay, the authority of the sangguniang panlungsod or
subject contract was signed only by Mayor pursuant to law or ordinance,” no such prior
Simon and had neither the approval nor authority was required under the Local
ratification of the City Council, and it lacked the Government Code of 1983.
required budget appropriation pursuant to
Presidential Decree No. 1445, otherwise known 3. Conveyance of real property
as the Auditing Code of the Philippines. City of Naga vs. Court of Appeals, 172 SCRA
Issue: WON the subject contract is null and Facts: Before bowing out of office the lameduck
void. provincial administration of Camarines Sur in
1959 passed Resolution No. 1103 authorizing
Held: No. PD 1445 does not provide that the Provincial Governor Trivino to execute a deed of
absence of an appropriation ordinance ipso fact sale without consideration in favor of the City of
makes a contract entered into by a local Naga of two parcels of land with improvements,
government unit null and void. Public funds may belonging to the province. Pursuant to said
be disbursed not only pursuant to an resolution Provincial Governor Trivino executed
appropriation law, but also in pursuance of other two deeds of sale: one conveying the title and
specific statutory authority. In this case, BP 337, possession of a parcel containing 80,000 square
the law which was then in force, empowered the meters on which the Camarines Sur High School
Mayor to represent the city in its business complex (classroom buildings, library building,
transactions and sign all warrants drawn on the grandstand, etc.) are erected; and 4 parcel of
city treasury and all bonds, contracts and land containing 19,044 square meters which is
obligations of the city. While the Mayor has no devoted to horticulture, farming, gardening and
power to appropriate funds to support the to the study of poultry and pig-raising. The
contracts, neither does BP 337 prohibit him from consideration for each sale is one peso which
entering into contracts unless and until funds are has never been paid. Private Respondent Hon.
appropriated therefor. By entering into the two Apolonio G. Maleniza, as taxpayer and
contracts, Mayor Simon did not usurp the city governor-elect of Camarines Sur filed a
council’s power to provide for the proper complaint against the Province of Camarines
disposal of garbage and to appropriate funds Sur and the City of Naga. The complaint prays
therefor. The execution of contracts to address for the annulment of the two conveyances in
such a need is his statutory duty, just as it is the favor of defendant City of Naga of real
city council's duty to provide for such service. properties belonging to defendant Province of
There is no provision in the law that prohibits the Camarines Sur.
city mayor from entering into contracts for the
public welfare unless and until there is a prior Issue: WON the conveyances of land in favor of
authority from the city council. Furthermore, Naga City is void.
public bidding may have been dispensed with,
not only because “time is of the essence” but in Held: Yes. Section 2068 of the Revised
recognition of the reality that offering property to Administrative Code provides that: “When the
be used as a dumpsite is not an attractive nor government of a province is a party to a deed or
lucrative option for property owners. instrument conveying the title of real property,
such deed or instrument shall be executed on
Doctrine: Public funds may be disbursed not behalf of the said Government by the Provincial
only pursuant to an appropriation law, but also in Governor, upon resolution of the provincial
pursuance of other specific statutory authority. board, and with the approval of the President.”
While the Local Government Code of 1991 now Without the needed Presidential approval, it is
requires that the mayor’s representation of the evident that the conveyances were void. Note
that up to now, said approval has not been the Municipality of Olongapo executed a
obtained. The respondent Court cannot likewise contract for the purchase and sale of electric
be faulted for awarding damages to the City of power and energy. Petitioner filed a complaint to
Naga, for the improvements it had introduced on declare the contract between NPC and
the premises. To eliminate this award would Olongapo null and void for it was executed
certainly be less than fair. The damages can be against the provisions of mandatory and
set off against the rentals to be paid by the City. prohibitory laws, more particularly Section 18 of
the Public Service Law, which provides that it
Doctrine: Conveyances by the former Provincial shall be unlawful for any municipality, province
Board of Camarines Sur of parcels of land to the or other department of the Government of the
City of Naga are void as the required Philippines to engage in any public service
Presidential approval was not obtained. business without having first secured from the
Commission a certificate of public convenience
7. Operation of Public Utilities and necessity as provided for in this Act.
A. Operation of Public Utility by LGU Issue: WON Petitioner has a cause of action
Olongapo Electric Light and Power against respondent.
Corporation vs. National Power Corporation,
149 SCRA 153 Held: None. What section 18 of the Public
Facts: In 1960, Petitioner was granted a Service Law prohibits is the act of engaging in a
legislative franchise to install operate and public service business without first securing a
maintain an electric light, heat and power certificate of public convenience. The law does
system in the municipality of Olongapo, it wrote not declare as unlawful the act of buying electric
to the NPC offering to buy electric power. In power and energy by a public utility operator.
1961, the Municipal Council of Olongapo passed Said operator would only come under the penal
Resolution No. 52, permitting the Petitioner to and sanction of the law from the moment it sells
make use of or avail of its legislative franchise or disposes of the power to its customers,
with the municipality of Olongapo. In view because it would then be engaging in the public
thereof, the Petitioner submitted a power service business. Consequently, the execution
distribution plan which was approved by the of the contract did not by itself constitute a
District Engineer of Zambales and the Municipal violation of the provisions of Section 18 of the
Council of Olongapo. The Petitioner then started Public Service Law as it was merely a contract
negotiations with the individual members of the for the sale of electric power and energy.
Municipal Council of Olongapo for the lease and Accordingly, the amendment of the Public
eventual purchase of the municipality's Service Act by Republic Act No. 2677, placed
distribution lines, and the Municipal Council, public services operated by government entities
authorized the disposal of the existing electric and government owned or controlled
distribution system to private parties through a corporations under the jurisdiction of the Public
public auction sale. The municipal officials also Service Commission, with the qualification,
agreed to lease to the Petitioner the said electric however, that they are not required to secure
distribution system for a period of one (1) year at certificate of public convenience before
a monthly rental of P5,000.00. However, before commencing operations. Furthermore, petitioner
the lease contract could be formalized, the was not a party to the contract nor an assignee
municipal mayor was replaced, Resolution No. or representative of the parties thereto. Neither
58 was approved wherein it was resolved that was it directly affected by the execution of the
the Municipality of Olongapo would maintain and contract because the NPC was ready and in a
operate the electric and power system. Copies position to supply the plaintiff and the
of the resolutions were sent to the appellant for Municipality of Olongapo the specific quantity of
its information. On 4 January 1963, the NPC and power contracted by each.
the establishment of a municipal ferry is first
Doctrine: Public services owned or operated by given to a municipality, ferry service will
government entities or government owned or nevertheless be subject to the supervision and
controlled corporation shall be regulated by the control of the Board of Transportation. The
Commission in the same way as privately owned winner in a public bidding conducted by the
public services, but certificates of public municipal council obtains the privilege to operate
convenience or certificates of public the ferry service, but he has to apply for a
convenience and necessity shall not be required Certificate of Public Convenience from the
of such entities, or corporations. Board of Transportation which then has the duty
to regulate the operation, route, rates to be
B. Operation of Ferry by Private Party charged, as well as specify the kind of
Municipality of Echague vs. Abellera, 146 equipment to be used for the comfort,
SCRA 180 convenience and safety of the public using the
Facts: Since 1936, petitioner municipality had ferry. The grant of supervision and authority by
been operating a municipal ferry service Administrative Code to municipalities or
'traversing the Cagayan River to and from the municipal councils over public utilities such as
Barangays Soyung-Malitao and Barangays municipal ferries, markets, etc. is specific, and
Embarcadero-Dammang East and West, all undoubtedly was "intended to provide an
within the municipality of Echague, Isabela. In additional source of revenue to municipal
this regard, petitioner either operated the ferry corporations for their maintenance and
service itself, or annually leased the operation of operation" On the other hand, the authority
the same to the highest bidder. On November conferred on the respondent Board of
16, 1977, private respondent Ballad furnished Transportation was intended principally to insure
petitioner a copy of a Decision by the Board of and safeguard the convenience, comfort and
Transportation granting respondent a Certificate safety of the public.
of Public Convenience to operate a two-motor
boat service for the regular and public Doctrine: Where a ferry operation lies entirely
transportation of passengers and freight within within a municipality, prior approval of the
Echague, Isabela. Petitioner filed a Motion for municipal government is necessary; but once
Reconsideration on the grounds of lack of notice approved, the operator must thereafter apply
and deprivation of the opportunity to be heard by with BOT for a certificate of public convenience
respondent Board and that the award of said and he shall be subject also to BOT supervision.
Certificate of Public Convenience to respondent
Ballad was approved without favorable 8. Licensing of Cockpits
indorsement by resolution of the Sangguniang Canet vs. Decena, 420 SCRA 388
Bayan of Echague, Isabela of Ballad's Facts: Decena was the mayor of Bula,
application. Camarines Sur. In 1998, Canet, by virtue of a
council resolution, was allowed to operate a
Issue: WON the Board of Transportation has cockpit in Bula. The following year, the
the power to acquire or establish municipal Sangguniang Bayan passed Ordinance 001
ferries. entitled “An Ordinance Regulating the Operation
of Cockpits and Other Related Game-Fowl
Held: None. The provisions of the Revised Activities in the Municipality of Bula, Camarines
Administrative Code which grant to the Sur and Providing Penalties for any Violation to
municipal council or Sangguniang Bayan the (sic) the Provisions Thereof.” However, Decena
power to acquire or establish municipal ferries, denied to sign the ordinance because it does not
are different and should be distinguished from contain rules and regulations as well as a
the authority of the Board of Transportation to separability clause. When Canet applied for a
issue a Certificate of Public Convenience. While mayor’s permit for the operation of his cockpit.
Decena denied Canet’s application on the
ground that under the Local Government Code Doctrine: To compel a mayor to issue a mayor’s
of 1991, the authority to give licenses for the permit for a cockpit, in the absence of ordinance
establishment, operation and maintenance of allowing the operation of a cockpit, would not
cockpits as well as the regulation of cockfighting only be a violation of the explicit provisions of
and commercial breeding of gamecocks is Section 447 of the Local Government Code of
vested in the Sangguniang Bayan. Therefore, 1991, but would also be an undue
she cannot issue the said permit inasmuch as encroachment on the mayor’s administrative
there was no ordinance passed by the prerogatives.
Sangguniang Bayan authorizing the same.
Canet claims that he should be given a permit Tan vs. Perena, 452 SCRA 53
based on the 1998 resolution allowing him to Facts: In 1974, Presidential Decree (P.D.) No.
operate a cockpit as by virtue of local municipal 449, otherwise known as the Cockfighting Law
tax ordinances which generally provide for the of 1974, was enacted. The decree provided for
issuance of a mayor’s permit for the operation of limits on the number of cockpits that may be
businesses. established in cities and municipalities (1 per
250K population). However, with the enactment
Issue: WON Mayor Decena can be compelled of the LGC in 1991, the municipal sangguniang
to issue a permit sans a municipal ordinance. bayan were empowered to authorize and license
the establishment, operation and maintenance
Held: No. It was Ordinance No. 001, S. 1999 of cockpits, and regulate cockfighting and
which provided for the collection of application commercial breeding of gamecocks. In 1993, the
filing fees, ocular inspection fees, mayor’s permit Sangguniang Bayan of the municipality of
fees, filing fees for the institution of complaints, Daanbantayan, Cebu Province, enacted
entrance fees and special derby assessments Municipal Ordinance which provides that there
for the operation of cockpits. This Ordinance, may not be more than 3 cockpits in the province.
however, was withdrawn by the Sangguniang Thereafter, petitioner Tan applied with the
Bayan. Hence, there being in effect no Municipal Gamefowl Commission for the
ordinance allowing the operation of a cockpit, issuance of a permit/license to establish and
Resolution No. 049, S. 1998, authorizing operate a cockpit in Sitio Combado, Bagay, in
petitioner to establish, operate and maintain a Daanbantayan. At the time of his application,
cockpit in Bula, Camarines Sur cannot be there was already another cockpit in operation in
implemented. Suffice it to state in this regard Daanbantayan, operated by respondent Perea.
that to compel respondent to issue the mayor’s Nevertheless, mayor’s permit were issued which
permit would not only be a violation of the allowed Tan to establish/operate/conduct the
explicit provisions of Section 447 of the Local business of a cockpit for 1 year. Perea alleged
Government Code of 1991, but would also be an that there was no lawful basis for the
undue encroachment on respondent’s establishment of a second cockpit. She claimed
administrative prerogatives. It should, that Tan conducted his cockpit fights not in
furthermore, be borne in mind that cockfighting Combado, but in Malingin, at a site less than five
although authorized by law is still a form of kilometers away from her own cockpit. She
gambling. Gambling is essentially antagonistic to insisted that the unlawful operation of Tans
the aims of enhancing national productivity and cockpit has caused injury to her own legitimate
self-reliance. As has been previously said, a business. Petitioners asserted that under the
statute which authorizes a gambling activity or Local Government Code of 1991, the
business should be strictly construed, and every sangguniang bayan of each municipality now
reasonable doubt resolved so as to limit rather had the power and authority to grant franchises
than expand the powers and rights claimed by and enact ordinances authorizing the
franchise holders under its authority.
establishment, licensing, operation and have a population of over one hundred
maintenance of cockpits. thousand, in which case two cockpits may be
Issue: WON the Local Government Code has
rendered the Cockfighting Law inoperative. F. Liability of LGUs
Held: No. While the Local Government Code 1. Liability for Quasi-Delicts
expressly repealed several laws, the
Under Article 2189, provinces, cities and
Cockfighting Law was not among them; As laws municipalities shall be liable for damages for
are presumed to be passed with deliberation the death of, or injuries suffered by, any
and with knowledge of all existing ones on the person by reason of the defective condition of
subject, it is logical to conclude that in passing a roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and
statute it is not intended to interfere with or other public works under their control or
abrogate a former law relating to the same supervision.
subject matter, unless the repugnancy between
It is not even necessary for the defective road
the two is not only irreconcilable but also clear or street to belong to the province, city or
and convincing as a result of the language used, municipality for liability to attach. The article
or unless the latter Act fully embraces the only requires that either control or supervision
subject matter of the earlier one. The qualifying is exercised over the defective road or street.
phrase “any law to the contrary notwithstanding”
in Section 447 (a)(3)(v) of the Local Government Municipal of Dagupan vs. Court of Appeals,
Code serves notice that it is the sangguniang 466 SCRA 78 (Correct case: Municipality of
bayan concerned alone which has the power to San Juan v CA)
authorize and license the establishment,
operation and maintenance of cockpits, and Facts:
● MWSS and Kwong Cheung of K.C.
regulate cockfighting and commercial breeding
Waterworks System Construction
of gamecocks within its territorial jurisdiction. entered into a contract for water
While the sanggunian retains the power to services connections in San Juan.
authorize and license the establishment, ● On the rainy night of May 31, 1988,
operation, and maintenance of cockpits, its while Priscilla Chan was driving her
discretion is limited in that it cannot authorize car along with Assistant Prosecutor
Laura Biglang-awa, the left front
more than one cockpit per city or municipality,
wheel of the car fell on a manhole
unless such cities or municipalities have a which was earlier excavated by K.C.
population of over one hundred thousand, in The said excavation occurred on
which case two cockpits may be established. Santolan Road, a national road within
Furthermore, a municipal ordinance must not the territorial jurisdiction of San Juan.
contravene the Constitution or any statute, ● As a result, Assistant Prosecutor
otherwise it is void. Ordinance No. 7 Biglang-awa suffered a fractured
humerus of the right arm.
unmistakably contravenes the Cockfighting Law
● Because of the incident, Biglang-awa
in allowing three cockpits in Daanbantayan. filed a complaint with the RTC against
Thus, no rights can be asserted by the the MWSS, Municipality of San Juan,
petitioners arising from the Ordinance. some municipal officials, and later on,
impleaded K.C.
Doctrine: While the sanggunian retains the ● RTC ruled in favor Biglang-awa
power to authorize and license the holding MWSS and Municipality of
San Juan jointly and severally liable.
establishment, operation, and maintenance of
cockpits, its discretion is limited in that it cannot Issue:W/N the Municipality of San Juan can
authorize more than one cockpit per city or be held liable for the injury of Biglang-awa?
municipality, unless such cities or municipalities
pile of earth from a digging done
Held/Ratio: YES relative to the base failure at
● For liability to arise under Article 2189 Matahimik Street nary a lighting
of the Civil Code, ownership of the device or a reflectorized barricade or
roads, streets, bridges, public sign perhaps which could have served
buildings and other public works, is as an adequate warning to motorist
not a controlling factor, it being especially during the thick of the night
sufficient that a province, city or where darkness is pervasive. None
municipality has control or supervision was ever presented to stress the point
thereof. that sufficient and adequate
● Petitioner municipality exercises the precautionary signs were placed at
power of control, or, at the very least, Matahimik Street
supervision over all excavations for ● The provisions of Article 2189 of the
the laying of gas, water, sewer and New Civil Code capsulizes the
other pipes within its territory. The responsibility of the city government
municipality’s liability for injuries relative to the maintenance of roads
caused by its failure to regulate the and bridges since it exercises the
drilling and excavation of the ground control and supervision over the
for the laying of gas, water, sewer, same. Failure of the defendant to
and other pipes, attaches regardless comply with the statutory provision
of whether the drilling or excavation is found in the subject-article is
made on a national or municipal road, tantamount to negligence per se
for as long as the same is within its which renders the City government
territorial jurisdiction. liable.
Quezon City Government vs. Dacara, 460 Guilatco vs. City of Dagupan, 171 SCRA 382
SCRA 243; and
Facts: ● Florentina Guilatco, a court interpreter
● On February 1988, Fulgencio Dacara, of CFI-Dagupan, while trying to board
Jr., while driving a Toyota Corolla a tricycle along Perez Blvd. (a
sedan, rammed into a pile of earth national road within the control and
diggings found at Matahimik St., supervision of Dagupan City),
Quezon City, which was then being accidentally fell on an open manhole
repaired by the Quezon City which caused her to fracture her right
Government. leg.
● As a result, Dacara sustained injuries ● Guilatco filed a complaint for
and the car suffered extensive damages against the City of
damages. Dagupan.
● Because of this, Dacara filed a ● CFI ruled in favor of Guilatco.
complaint for damages against the ● CA reversed for failure of Guilatco to
Quezon City Government and a prove that the City of Dagupan had
certain Engr. Tiamzon. control or supervision over Perez
● RTC ruled in favor of Dacara. Blvd. where the manhole was located.
● CA affirmed.
Issue:W/N the City of Dagupan can be held
Issue:W/N Quezon City can be held liable for liable?
Held/Ratio: YES
Held/Ratio: YES ● The liability of public corporations for
● The accident of February 28, 1988 damages arising from injuries suffered
which caused almost the life and limb by pedestrians from the defective
of Fulgencio Dacara, Jr. when his car condition of roads is expressed in the
turned turtle was the existence of a Civil Code
● Under Article 2189, provinces, cities Issue:W/N the City of Manila can be held
and municipalities shall be liable for liable for damages?
damages for the death of, or injuries
suffered by, any person by reason of Held/Ratio: YES
the defective condition of roads,
streets, bridges, public buildings, and On the Applicable Law
other public works under their control ● According to the Charter of Manila
or supervision. (R.A. 409), the city shall not be held
● It is not even necessary for the liable for any damages or injuries
defective road or street to belong to caused by the negligence of the
the province, city or municipality for Mayor, the Municipal Board, or any
liability to attach. The article only other city officer(paraphrased).
requires that either control or ● On the other hand, Article 2189 of the
supervision is exercised over the New Civil Code provides that:
defective road or street. Provinces, cities and municipalities
● In the case at bar, this control or shall be liable for damages for the
supervision is provided for in the death of, or injuries suffered by, any
charter of Dagupan and is exercised person by reason of defective
through the City Engineer conditions of road, streets, bridges,
● The express provision in the charter public buildings, and other public
holding the city not liable for damages works under their control or
or injuries sustained by persons or supervision.
property due to the failure of any city ● Insofar as its territorial application is
officer to enforce the provisions of the concerned, Republic Act No. 409 is a
charter, cannot be used to exempt the special law and the Civil Code a
city, as in the case at bar. general legislation; but, as regards the
● The charter only lays down general subject-matter of the provisions,
rules regulating the liability of the city. Section 4 of Republic Act 409
On the other hand article 2189 applies establishes a general rule regulating
in particular to the liability arising from the liability of the City of Manila for:
"defective streets, public buildings and "damages or injury to persons or
other public works." property arising from the failure of"
city officers "to enforce the provisions
of" said Act "or any other law or
City of Manila vs. Teotico, 22 SCRA 267 ordinance, or from negligence" of the
Facts: city "Mayor, Municipal Board, or other
● Genaro Teotico, fell on a uncovered officers while enforcing or attempting
manhole along P.Burgos Ave., City of to enforce said provisions." Upon the
Manila, as he was about to board a other hand, Article 2189 of the Civil
jeepney. As a result, his eyeglasses Code constitutes a particular
broke which caused him to sustain a prescription making "provinces, cities
lacerated left upper eyelid among and municipalities . . . liable for
others. damages for the death of, or injury
● Because of this, Teotico filed a suffered by any person by reason" —
complaint for damages against the specifically — "of the defective
City of Manila, its mayor, its city condition of roads, streets, bridges,
engineer, city health officer, city public buildings, and other-public
treasurer, and chief of police. works under their control or
● CFI ruled to dismiss the complaint. supervision."
● CA affirmed except in so far as City of ● Since the present action is based
Manila is concerned. The City of upon the alleged defective condition
Manila was ordered to pay damages of a road, said Article 2189 is decisive
to Teotico. thereon.
On Liability
● Under Article 2189 of the Civil Code, it Market, despite the Management and
is not necessary for the liability therein Operating Contract between
established to attach that the respondent City and Asiatic Integrated
defective roads or streets belong to Corporation remained under the
the province, city or municipality from control of the former.
which responsibility is exacted. What ● Petitioner had the right to assume that
said article requires is that the there were no openings in the middle
province, city or municipality have of the passageways and if any, that
either "control or supervision" over they were adequately covered. Had
said street or road. Even if P. Burgos the opening been covered, petitioner
Avenue were, therefore, a national could not have fallen into it. Thus the
highway, this circumstance would not negligence of the City of Manila is the
necessarily detract from its "control or proximate cause of the injury suffered,
supervision" by the City of Manila, the City is therefore liable for the
under Republic Act 409. injury suffered by the petitioner
Torayno vs. COMELEC, 337 SCRA 574 Petitioner claimed that he was a resident of
Facts: Vicente Emano was provincial governor Tangcal, Tubaran; that in 1990, he transferred
of Misamis Oriental for three terms until 1995 his domicile from Bayang to Tangcal and stayed
election and his certificate of candidacy showed there with his wife, a native of Tangcal; that he
that his residence was in Tagoloan, Misamis managed an agricultural land in Tubaran; and
Oriental. On 14 June 1997, while still governor that he filed in 1998 his COC for the position of
he executed a voter registration record in municipal mayor of Tubaran, which he later
Cagayan de Oro City which is geographically withdraw.
located in Misamis Oriental, claiming 20 years of
residence. He filed candidacy for mayor in the Petitioner alleges that the COMELEC gravely
said city and stated that his residence for the abused its discretion in declaring him
disqualified in a resolution, on the ground that he 5. 1997 effectively abandoned her status
is not a resident of Tubaran. as lawful resident of USA for the May
1998 elections
Issue: Whether or not petitioner is disqualified to 6. January 1998 surrendered her alien
run as an elective official. registration
7. May 1998 elections was elected mayor
Held: No. 8. 2001 ran for re-election and won
The petitioner has duly proven that, although he
was formerly a resident of Bayang, he later
transferred residence to Tangcal, Tubaran as ISSUE
shown by his actual and physical presence 1. WON Vercenes was able to meet residency
therein for 10 years prior to the May 14, 2001 requirement for municipal mayor in the May
elections. 2001 elections
Par. 39, Chapter 1, Title 2 of the Local 2. WON LGC impliedly repealed Sec 68 of the
Government Code (RA 7160) provides that an OEC by the fact that LGC does not provide
elective official must be a “…resident therein waiver for status as permanent residents abroad
(barangay, municipality, city or province) for at which is provided under Sec 68 of OEC
least 1 year immediately preceding the day of
the election…” RULING
1. YES.
Domicile and residence are synonymous. The - Sec. 39 of the LGC of 1991 require residence
term residence as used in election law, imports for at least one (1) year immediately preceding
not only an intention to reside in a fixed place the day of the election for local elective officials
but also personal presence in that place, couple
with conduct indicative of such intention. - Abandoned status as permanent resident of
Domicile denotes a fixed permanent residence USA; surrender of green card; decision to
to which when absent for business, pleasure, or relocate to the Philippines; elected mayor in
for like reasons, one intends to return. 1998. Thus, animus manendi (intent to remain)
Requisites in order to acquire a new domicile by in the Philippines and animus non revertendi
choice are: there must concur (1) residence or (without intent to return) in USA prior 2001
bodily presence in the new locality, (2) an elections were established.
intention to remain there, and (3) an intention to
abandon the old domicile. There must be 2. NO.
animus manendi coupled with animus non - Sec 40(f) LGC 1991: “Disqualified: Permanent
revertendi. residents in a foreign country or those who have
acquired the right to reside abroad xxx”
Gayo vs. Verceles, 452 SCRA 504
FACTS: - Sec 65 (e) OEC, BP 881 (1985) provides for
1. 1997 Verceles migrated to USA with an exception of the disqualification “xxx unless
family but she retained her Filipino said person has waived his status as a
citizenship permanent resident or immigrant of a foreign
2. 1993 returned to the Philippines for country In accordance with the residence
good requirement provided for in the election laws”
3. 1995 registered herself as a voter of La
Union and filed her income tax returns - Both provisions are in pari materia – they
4. Between 1993-1997, would travel to relate to the same subject matter an thus should
USA to visit her children be construed together and each legislative intent
is to be interpreted
- OEC is a catchphrase or a conditional cause Citing above as ground, the COMELEC in a
on how a permanent resident or immigrant of a resolution, declared petitioner disqualified from
foreign country could fall outside the coverage of running for the position of Mayor of Cavinti,
prohibition Laguna. COMELEC held that petitioner was
found guilty by the MTC for violation of the Anti-
- Legislature found the inclusion of how to fall Fencing Law, an offense whose nature involves
outside the prohibition in OEC is unnecessary, moral turpitude.
hence the deletion.
Petitioner claimed that Section 40 (a) of the
- Thus the absence of that conditional clause in Local Government Code does not apply to his
Sec. 40(f) of the LGC 1991 may be supplied by case inasmuch as the probation granted him by
Sec. 68 (e) of the OEC the MTC which suspended the execution of the
judgment of conviction and all other legal
consequences flowing therefrom, rendered
II. Disqualification inapplicable Section 40 (a) as well. However, he
S40, RA 7160: The following are disqualified admits all the elements of the crime of fencing.
from running for any elective local position:
1. Sentenced by final judgment for an Issue: WON the petitioner applicant is
offense involving moral turpitude or for disqualified for the coming elections due to a
an offense punishable by one year or crime involving moral turpitude.
more of imprisonment, within two years
after serving such sentence Held: Yes. Moral turpitude is defined as an act
2. Those removed from office as a result of of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private
an administrative case duties which a man owes his fellow men, or to
3. Those convicted by final judgment for society in general, contrary to the accepted and
violating the oath of allegiance to the customary rule of right and duty between man
Republic and woman or conduct contrary to justice,
4. Those with dual citizenship honesty, modesty, or good morals.
5. Fugitives from justice in criminal or non-
political cases here or abroad From the definition of fencing in Sec. 2 of PD
6. Permanent residents in a foreign 1612, an element of the crime of fencing may be
country or those who have acquired the gleaned that “the accused knows or should have
right to reside abroad and continue to known that the said article, item, object or
avail of the same right after the anything of value has been derived from the
effectivity of the Code proceeds of the crime of robbery or theft.
7. The insane or feeble-minded
Moral turpitude is deducible from this. Actual
1. Conviction of offenses involving moral knowledge by the “fence” of the fact that
turpitude property received as stolen displays the same
a. Ground degree of malicious deprivation of one’s rightful
De la Torre vs. COMELEC, 258 SCRA 483 property as that which animated the robbery or
Facts: theft which, by their very nature, are crimes of
Section 40 (a) of Republic Act 7160 (Local moral turpitude. And although the participation of
Government Code of 1991) provides that a prior each felon in the unlawful taking differs in point
conviction of a crime becomes a ground for in time and in degree, both the “fence” and the
disqualification from running for any elective actual perpetrator/s of the robbery or theft
local position – i.e. “when the conviction is for an invaded one’s peaceful dominion for gain – thus
offense involving moral turpitude.” deliberately reneging the process “private
duties” they owe their “fellowmen” in a manner disqualification from running for an elective local
“contrary to accepted and customary rule of right office.
and duty, justice, honesty and good morals.”
On his petition, Moreno argues that the
In determining whether a criminal act involves disqualification under the Local Government
moral turpitude, the Court is guided by one of Code applies only to those who have served
the general principle that crimes mala in se their sentence and not to probationers because
involve moral turpitude while crimes mala the latter do not serve the adjudged sentence.
prohibita do not. However, SC admitted that it The Probation Law should allegedly be read as
cannot always be ascertained whether moral an exception to the Local Government Code
turpitude does or does not exist by merely because it is a special law which applies only to
classifying as crime as mala in se or as mala probationers. Further, even assuming that he is
prohibita. Whether or not a crime involves moral disqualified, his subsequent election as Punong
turpitude is ultimately a question of fact and Barangay allegedly constitutes an implied
frequently depends on all the circumstance pardon of his previous misconduct.
Moreno vs. COMELEC, 498 SCRA 547 ISSUE: Does Moreno’s probation grant him the
FACTS: Norma L. Mejes (Mejes) filed a petition right to run in public office?
to disqualify Moreno from running for Punong
Barangay on the ground that the latter was HELD: Yes. Sec. 16 of the Probation Law
convicted by final judgment of the crime of provides that "[t]he final discharge of the
Arbitrary Detention. The Comelec en banc probationer shall operate to restore to him all
granted her petition and disqualified Moreno. civil rights lost or suspended as a result of his
Moreno filed an answer averring that the petition conviction and to fully discharge his liability for
states no cause of action because he was any fine imposed as to the offense for which
already granted probation. Allegedly, following probation was granted." Thus, when Moreno
the case of Baclayon v. Mutia, the imposition of was finally discharged upon the court's finding
the sentence of imprisonment, as well as the that he has fulfilled the terms and conditions of
accessory penalties, was thereby suspended. his probation, his case was deemed terminated
Moreno also argued that under Sec. 16 of the and all civil rights lost or suspended as a result
Probation Law of 1976 (Probation Law), the final of his conviction were restored to him, including
discharge of the probation shall operate to the right to run for public office.
restore to him all civil rights lost or suspended as
a result of his conviction and to fully discharge It is important to note that the disqualification
his liability for any fine imposed. under Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code
covers offenses punishable by one (1) year or
However, the Comelec en banc assails Sec. more of imprisonment, a penalty which also
40(a) of the Local Government Code which covers probationable offenses. In spite of this,
provides that those sentenced by final judgment the provision does not specifically disqualify
for an offense involving moral turpitude or for an probationers from running for a local elective
offense punishable by one (1) year or more of office.
imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving
sentence, are disqualified from running for any Probation Law should be construed as an
elective local position. Since Moreno was exception to the Local Government Code. While
released from probation on December 20, 2000, the Local Government Code is a later law which
disqualification shall commence on this date and sets forth the qualifications and disqualifications
end two (2) years thence. The grant of probation of local elective officials, the Probation Law is a
to Moreno merely suspended the execution of special legislation which applies only to
his sentence but did not affect his probationers. It is a canon of statutory
construction that a later statute, general in its being the prohibitive period after such
terms and not expressly repealing a prior special conviction. Under the OEC, the prohibitive
statute, will ordinarily not affect the special period is perpetual, while the LGC merely
provisions of such earlier statute. disqualifies for two (2) years after serving the
sentence. Given that bribery is a crime involving
b. Duration moral turpitude, The issue is which of the two
Magno vs. COMELEC, 390 SCRA 495 laws would prevail.
Facts: Carlos Montes filed a petition for the
disqualification of Nestor Magno as mayoralty With LGC being the latter law, being enacted in
candidate of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija during the 1992 while OEC was enacted in 1985, the
May 14, 2001 elections on the ground that the conflict must be resolved in favor of the latter
latter was previously convicted by the law. Hence, when Magno served his sentence,
Sandiganbayan of four counts of direct bribery. he was only disqualified for two years.
5. Temporary vacancy
Monzon vs. Petilla, 197 SCRA 251 (ii) Jurisdiction
1. Term
Galarosa vs. Valencia, 227 SCRA 728
2. Limitations
Paras vs. COMELEC, 264 SCRA 49 - Galarosa is the incumbent president of the
Association of Barangay Councils of Sorsogon
SEC. 74. Limitations on Recall.—(a) Any - He was appointed as a member of the
elective local official may be the subject of a Sanggunuiang Bayan (Pursuant to EO 342)
recall election only once during his term of - As a member of the Sangguniang Bayan,
office for loss of confidence. Galarosa’s term expired on June 30, 1992.
(b) No recall shall take place within one (1)
year from the date of the official’s assumption Issue & Held:
to office or one (1) year immediately Whether Galarosa could continue to serve as
preceding a regular local election. a member of the Sangguniang Bayan beyond
his term of appointment?
Montebon v. COMELEC, 551 SCRA 50
Yes. Succession in local functions. It is therefore more
government offices is by operation compulsory and obligatory rather
of law. Section 44 of Republic Act than voluntary.
No. 7160, provides that if a
permanent vacancy occurs in the In this case, a permanent vacancy
office of the vice mayor, the highest occurred in the office of the vice-
ranking sanggunian member shall mayor due to the retirement of Vice
become vice mayor. Mayor Mendoza. Montebon, being
The legal successor is not given any the highest ranking municipal
option under the law on whether to councilor, succeeded him in
accept the vacated post or not. accordance with law. Thus,
Section 44 of the Local Government Montebon's assumption of office as
Code makes no exception. Only if vice-¬mayor in January 2004 was
the highest-¬ranking councilor is an involuntary severance from his
permanently unable to succeed to office as municipal councilor,
the post does the law speak of resulting in an interruption in the
alternate succession. Under no service of his 2001-¬2004 term. It
circumstances can simple refusal of cannot be deemed to have been by
the official concerned be considered reason of voluntary renunciation
as permanent inability within the because it was by operation of law.
contemplation of law. Essentially (Montebon vs. Comelec, G.R. No.
therefore, the successor cannot 180444. April 9, 2008)
refuse to assume the office that he is
mandated to occupy by virtue of Note:
succession. He can only do so if for
some reason he is permanently ● Since the law no less allowed
unable to succeed and occupy the Montebon to vacate his post as
post vacated. councilor in order to assume office
as vicemayor, his occupation of the
Thus, succession by law to a higher office cannot, without more,
vacated government office is be deemed as a voluntary
characteristically not voluntary renunciation of his position as
since it involves the performance of councilor.
a public duty by a government
official, the non-¬performance of
which exposes said official to
possible administrative and criminal Ong v. Alegre, GR No. 163295, January 23,
charges of dereliction of duty and
neglect in the performance of public
Facts: A candidate was disqualified by the
COMELEC en banc to run for mayor for he
has served for three-consecutive terms. A person without a valid certificate of
During his second term, the opposing party candidacy cannot be considered a
filed a protest and the RTC declared the candidate in much the same way as
opposing party as the duly elected mayor. any person who has not filed any
However, such decision came out three years certificate of candidacy at all cannot,
after and when the candidate has already by any stretch of the imagination, be a
started his third term. Since the COMELEC candidate at all.
disqualified the candidate, his political party
nominated the brother of the candidate as a
substitute. The COMELEC denied due course
the certificate of candidacy in the same Laceda v. Lumena – GR 182867, November 25,
mayoralty election as substitute for his 2008
FACTS: Petitioner Laceda and private
(a) Whether the assumption of office as respondent Limena were candidates for
mayor from July 1,1998 to June 30, 2001 Punong Barangay of Barangay Panlayaan,
may be considered as one full term West District, Sorsogon City, during the
service in the context of the consecutive October 29, 2007 Barangay and Sangguniang
three-term limit rule. Kabataan Elections. On October 23, 2007,
Limena filed a petition for disqualification
(b) Whether the COMELEC committed and/or declaration as an ineligible candidate
grave abuse of discretion when it denied against Laceda before the COMELEC,
due course the certificate of candidacy in contending that Laceda had already served as
the same mayoralty election as substitute Punong Barangay for Brgy. Panlayaan for
for his brother. three consecutive terms since 1994, and was
thus prohibited from running for the fourth time
Held: under Section 2 of Republic Act No. 9164.
(a) YES. We hold that such assumption Limena likewise attached the following
of office constitutes, " service for the full certification from the DILG:
term", and should be counted as a full
term served in contemplation of the three- THIS IS TO CERTIFY that per records in this
term limit prescribed by the constitutional office HON. ROBERTO LACEDA, SR.,
and statutory provisions, supra, barring incumbent Punong Barangay of Panlayaan,
local elective officials from being elected West District, Sorsogon City. was elected as
and serving for more than three Punong Barangay during the May 9, 1994,
consecutive term for the same position. May 12, 1997 and July 15, 2002 Barangay
Elections. He resigned from office on March
For the three-term limit for elective 20, 1995 to run as Municipal Councilor.
local government officials to apply, Hence, he is covered by the three-term rule of
two conditions or requisites must paragraph 2, Section 2 of RA 9164 which
concur, to wit: (1) that the official provides that: No barangay elective official
concerned has been elected for three shall serve for more than three (3) consecutive
consecutive terms in the same local terms in the same position: Provided,
government post, and (2) that he has however, that the term of office shall be
fully served three consecutive terms. reckoned from the 1994 barangay elections.
Voluntary renunciation of office [for] any length
(b) NO. A candidate whose certificate of of time shall not be considered as an
candidacy has been cancelled or not interruption in the continuity of service for the
given due course cannot be substituted by full term for which the elective official was
another belonging to the same political elected.
party as that of the former.
Punong Barangay of Barangay Panlayaan,
Municipality of Sorsogon, would now be
In his Answer, Laceda admitted having served construed as a different local government post
as Punong Barangay of Panlayaan for three as that of the office of Punong Barangay of
consecutive terms. However, he asserted that Barangay Panlayaan, Sorsogon City. The
when he was elected for his first two terms, territorial jurisdiction of Barangay Panlayaan,
Sorsogon was still a municipality, and that Sorsogon City, is the same as before the
when he served his third term, the Municipality conversion. Consequently, the inhabitants of
of Sorsogon had already been merged with the barangay are the same. They are the
the Municipality of Bacon to form a new same group of voters who elected Laceda to
political unit, the City of Sorsogon, pursuant to be their Punong Barangay for three
Republic Act No. 8806. Thus, he argued that consecutive terms and over whom Laceda
his third term was actually just his first in the held power and authority as their Punong
new political unit and that he was accordingly Barangay. Moreover, Rep. Act No. 8806 did
entitled to run for two more terms. He likewise not interrupt Laceda’s term.
argued that assuming he had already served
three consecutive terms, Rep. Act No. 9164 In Latasa v. Commission on Elections, this
which imposes the three-term limit, cannot be Court held that where a person has been
made to apply to him as it would violate his elected for three consecutive terms as a
vested right to office. He alleged that when he municipal mayor and prior to the end or
was elected in 1994 the prohibition did not termination of such three-year term the
exist. Had he known that there will be a law municipality has been converted by law into a
preventing him to run for the fourth time, he city, without the city charter interrupting his
would not have run for office in 1994 as he term until the end of the three-year term, the
was looking forward to the election in 2007. prohibition applies to prevent him from running
for the fourth time as city mayor thereof, there
being no break in the continuity of the terms.
ISSUE: Whether Laceda served his third term
in a new political unit and therefore he should
Thus, the COMELEC did not err nor commit
not be deemed already to have served a third any abuse of discretion when it declared
term as Punong Barangay for purposes of
Laceda disqualified and cancelled his
applying the three-term limit. certificate of candidacy.
HELD: NO. Section 2 of Rep. Act No. 9164,
like Section 43 of the LGC from which it was
taken, is primarily intended to broaden the
choices of the electorate of the candidates Dizon v. COMELEC, GR No. 182088, January
who will run for office, and to infuse new blood 30, 2009
in the political arena by disqualifying officials
from running for the same office after a term
of nine years. This Court has held that for the FACTS: Dizon, a resident and taxpayer of
prohibition to apply, two requisites must Mabalacat, Pampanga, filed a case with the
concur: (1) that the official concerned has COMELEC to disqualify Morales, the
been elected for three consecutive terms in incumbent mayor of Mabalacat on the ground
the same local government post and (2) that that the latter was elected and had fully
he or she has fully served three consecutive served three previous consecutive terms in
terms. violation of Section 43 of the LGC. Dizon
alleged that Morales was municipal mayor in
While it is true that under Rep. Act No. 8806 1995, 1998, 2001 and 2004. Thus, Morales
the municipalities of Sorsogon and Bacon should not have been allowed to have filed his
were merged and converted into a city thereby CoC on March 2007 for the same position and
abolishing the former and creating Sorsogon same municipality.
City as a new political unit, it cannot be said
that for the purpose of applying the prohibition Morales, on the other hand, contended that he
in Section 2 of Rep. Act No. 9164, the office of
is still eligible and qualified to run as mayor of considered as an interruption in the continuity
Mabalacat because he was not elected for the of his service for the full term for which he was
said position in the 1998 elections. He averred elected.
that the COMELEC en banc affirmed the
decision of the RTC declaring Dee as the duly There should be a concurrence of two
elected Mayor of Mabalacat in the 1998 conditions for the application of the
elections. Thus, he was not elected for the disqualification: (1) that the official concerned
said position in the 1998 elections. His term has been elected for three consecutive terms
should be reckoned from 2001. He added that in the same local government post and (2)
his election in 2004 is only for his second that he has fully served three consecutive
term. terms.
COMELEC Second Division ruled in favor of In the Rivera case, we found that Morales was
Morales and denied the petition. It took judicial elected as mayor of Mabalacat for four
notice of SC’s ruling in the Rivera case consecutive terms: 1995-1998, 1998-2001,
promulgated on May 9, 2007 where it was 2001-2004, and 2004-2007. We disqualified
held that Morales was elected as mayor of Morales from his candidacy in the May 2004
Mabalacat in 1995, 1998 and 2001 elections because of the three-term limit.
(notwithstanding the RTC Decision in an Although the trial court previously ruled that
electoral protest case that the then Morales’ proclamation for the 1998-2001 term
proclamation of Morales was void). The SC was void, there was no interruption of the
ruled in that case that Morales violated the continuity of Morales’ service with respect to
three--term limit under Section 43 of the LGC. the 1998-2001 term because the trial court’s
Hence, Morales was considered not a ruling was promulgated only on 4 July 2001,
candidate in the 2004 elections, and this or after the expiry of the 1998-2001 term.
failure to qualify for the 2004 elections is a
gap and allows him to run again for the same Our ruling in the Rivera case served as
position in 2007 elections. Morales’ involuntary severance from office
with respect to the 2004-2007 term.
ISSUES: Involuntary severance from office for any
length of time short of the full term provided by
1. W the period served by Morales in the law amounts to an interruption of continuity of
2004--2007 term (although he was ousted service. Our decision in the Rivera case was
from his office as Mayor on May 16, 2007) promulgated on 9 May 2007 and was effective
should be considered his fourth term. immediately. The next day, Morales notified
the vice mayor’s office of our decision. The
2. W the 2007--2010 term of Morales is his 5th vice mayor assumed the office of the mayor
term. from 17 May 2007 up to 30 June 2007. The
assumption by the vice mayor of the office of
HELD: the mayor, no matter how short it may seem
to Dizon, interrupted Morales’ continuity of
1. NO. This Court unseated Morales during service. Thus, Morales did not hold office for
his fourth term. We cancelled his CoC dated the full term of 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2007.
30 December 2003. This cancellation (4th term)
disqualified Morales from being a candidate in
the May 2004 elections. The votes cast for 2. NO. Morales occupied the position of mayor
Morales were considered stray votes. of Mabalacat for the following periods: 1995-
1998; 1998-2001; 2001-2004; and 2004-2007.
Both Article X, Section 8 of the Constitution
and Section 43(b) of the LGC state that the However, because of his disqualification,
term of office of elective local officials, except Morales was not the duly elected mayor for
barangay officials, shall be three years, and the 2004-2007 term. Neither did Morales hold
no such official shall serve for more than three the position of mayor of Mabalacat for the full
consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of term. Morales cannot be deemed to have
the office for any length of time shall not be served the full term of 2004-2007 because he
was ordered to vacate his post before the would be a voluntary renunciation of his post
expiration of the term. Morales’ occupancy of as Punong Barangay.
the position of mayor of Mabalacat from 2004-
2007 cannot be counted as a term for In his Answer, petitioner argued that when he
purposes of computing the three-term limit. assumed the position of Sangguniang Bayan
Indeed, the period from 17 May 2007 to 30 member, he left his post as Punong Barangay
June 2007 served as a gap for purposes of by operation of law; hence, it must be
the three-term limit rule. Thus, the present 1 considered as an involuntary interruption in
July 2007 to 30 June 2010 term is effectively the continuity of his last term of service.
Morales’ first term for purposes of the three-
term limit rule. Pending the resolution of the case before the
COMELEC, Bolos Jr. won in the election.
ISSUE: Whether the suspensive condition ISSUE: Is the holdover provision in RA No.
9054 constitutional?
interrupts the three-term limitation rule of
HELD: The petitioners are one in defending
the constitutionality of Section 7(1), Article VII
HELD: NO. The preventive suspension of
of RA No. 9054, which allows the regional
public officials does not interrupt their term for
purposes of the three-term limit rule under the officials to remain in their positions in a
holdover capacity. The petitioners essentially
Constitution and the Local Government Code
argue that the ARMM regional officials should
(RA 7160).
be allowed to remain in their respective
The candidacy of Lucena City Councilor Asilo positions until the May 2013 elections since
there is no specific provision in the
for a fourth term in the 2007 elections was in
Constitution which prohibits regional elective
contravention of the three-term limit rule of
officials from performing their duties in a
Art. X, sec. 8 of the Constitution since his
holdover capacity.
2004-2007 term was not interrupted by the
preventive suspension imposed on him.
The clear wording of Section 8, Article X of the
Constitution expresses the intent of the
“Preventive suspension, by its nature, does
not involve an effective interruption of service framers of the Constitution to categorically set
a limitation on the period within which all
within a term and should therefore not be a
elective local officials can occupy their offices.
reason to avoid the three-term limitation,” held
the Court. It noted that preventive suspension Since elective ARMM officials are also local
can pose as a threat “more potent” than the officials, they are, thus, bound by the three-
voluntary renunciation that the Constitution year term limit prescribed by the Constitution.
It, therefore, becomes irrelevant that the
itself disallows to evade the three-term limit as
Constitution does not expressly prohibit
it is easier to undertake and merely requires
elective officials from acting in a holdover
an easily fabricated administrative charge that
capacity. Short of amending the Constitution,
can be dismissed soon after a preventive
suspension has been imposed. Congress has no authority to extend the
three-year term limit by inserting a holdover
provision in RA No. 9054. Thus, the term of
three years for local officials should stay at (b) For efficient, effective and economical
three (3) years, as fixed by the Constitution, governance, the purpose of which is the
and cannot be extended by holdover by general welfare of the barangay and its
Congress. inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of this
Code, the punong barangay shall:
HELD: NO. Section 389. Chief Executive: Section 394. Barangay Secretary:
Powers, Duties, and Functions. x x x Appointment, Qualifications, Powers and
Duties. - (a) The barangay secretary shall be of Manila accompanied by copies of alleged
appointed by the punong barangay with the complaints against her. Respondent was
concurrence of the majority of all the required in the said letter to explain within 72
sangguniang barangay members. The hours upon receipt why no administrative
appointment of the barangay secretary shall sanctions shall be imposed upon her for gross
not be subject to attestation by the Civil misconduct and conduct unbecoming x x x a
Service Commission. public officer in violation of the Civil Service
Law, Rules and Regulations.
Section 395. Barangay Treasurer:
Appointment, Qualifications, Powers and Respondent de Castro filed her answer-
Duties. - (a) The barangay treasurer shall be affidavit which was received by the Office of
appointed by the punong barangay with the the City Legal Officer.
concurrence of the majority of all the
sangguniang barangay members. The Subsequently, Aguirre notified the respondent
appointment of the barangay treasurer shall that her answer-affidavit was found
not be subject to attestation by the Civil unsatisfactory for which reason she was
Service Commission. summoned to appear before the said City
Legal Officer for the purpose of conducting a
Verily, the power of appointment is to be formal investigation.
exercised conjointly by the punong barangay
and a majority of all the members of the Respondent filed a motion to dismiss. She
sangguniang barangay. Without such conjoint claimed that she was a subordinate of the
action, neither an appointment nor a Secretary of the Department of Education,
replacement can be effectual. Culture and Sports (DECS). Thus, the case
should be endorsed to the Office of the DECS
Applying the rule that the power to appoint Secretary or its legal division as nowhere in
includes the power to remove, one that the RA 409, Charter of the City of Manila is there
Court finds no cogent reason to now depart a provision conferring upon the Office of the
from, the questioned dismissal from office of City Legal Officer jurisdiction to try and
the barangay officials by the punong barangay investigate personnel of the DECS in general,
without the concurrence of the majority of all or the Division of City Schools where
the members of the Sangguniang Barangay petitioner is under, in particular.
cannot be legally justified. To rule otherwise
could also create an absurd situation of the This motion to dismiss of respondent was
Sangguniang Barangay members refusing, denied citing Sec. 455 b(1) and (V) of the LGC
like here, to give their approval to the and Section 3(c) of the same code. It was held
replacements selected by the punong that the records of the personnel office
barangay who has unilaterally terminated the disclosed that respondent was included in the
services of the incumbents. It is likely that the plantilla of the City of Manila and therefore her
legislature did not intend this absurdity to flow salary derived wholly and mainly from the
from its enactment of the law. funds of the City for which reason she was
subject to the disciplinary authority of the said
City Legal Officer.
B. Municipality and Cities Thereafter, respondent was notified to appear
before the panel formed by the City Legal
1. Employees Officer to hear administrative case CLO 24-96
Aguirre vs De Castro, 321 SCRA 95 filed against her for grave misconduct and
conduct unbecoming x x x a public officer.
FACTS: Respondent Atty. De Castro is the ISSUE: Whether the Office of the City Legal
Chief of the Legal Affairs and Complaint Officer of Manila has jurisdiction to investigate
Services of the Division of City Schools of the complaint for grave misconduct filed
Manila. Respondent received a letter from against the respondent.
public respondent Aguirre, City Legal Officer
HELD: NO. Under Book IV, Chapter V, the Administrative Code of 1987 authorizing
Section 7(4) of the Administrative Code of the regional director to discipline national
1987, the power to appoint and discipline first- education employees. Nothing prohibits the
level employees, which include respondent, is mayor from filing complaints against
specifically lodged with the regional director of respondent before the DECS.
the Department of Education, Culture and
Sports. Petitioners cite paragraph 12, Section 2 (a) of
Executive Order (EO) 503, which states that
(4) Appoint personnel to positions in the first devolved personnel are automatically
level and casual and seasonal employees; reappointed by the local chief executive. Since
and exercise disciplinary actions over them in respondent was deemed reappointed by the
accordance with the Civil Service Law." city mayor, it follows that the latter can
exercise disciplinary authority over her.
This is also clear in Book V, Section 47 (2) of
the same Code; and in Section 32, Rule XIV We are not convinced. First, the above
of the Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V of provision applies to devolved personnel, and
the Administrative Code of 1987. there is no proof whatsoever that respondent
is one of them. Second, even if respondent
SEC. 32. The Secretaries and heads of can be considered as a devolved personnel,
agencies and instrumentalities, provinces, the cited paragraph of EO 503 must not be
cities, and municipalities shall have jurisdiction read in isolation from but in conjunction with
to investigate and decide matters involving the other paragraphs in Section 2 (a).
disciplinary action against officers and
employees under their jurisdiction. Thus, paragraph 12 -- along with paragraphs
5, 6, 8, 13 and 14[15]of EO 503 -- deals with
The LGC did not automatically repeal the safeguards against termination, reduction of
provisions in the 1987 Administrative Code, pay and diminution in rank of existing
contrary to petitioners argument. There is no personnel; it is not about the power of the
provision in the LGC expressly rescinding the mayor to discipline personnel of the Division
authority of the DECS regional director to of City Schools. In effect, the said provision
appoint and exercise disciplinary authority serves more to limit the appointing authority of
over first-level employees. On the other hand, the city mayor, whose acts must be
implied repeals are not lightly presumed in the circumscribed by the aforecited conditions. It
absence of a clear and unmistakable showing is not incompatible and can exist with
of such intention. aforecited provisions of the Administrative
Code. Indeed, it cannot be deemed to have
Furthermore, responden’ts position as senior divested the regional director of his
legal officer in the Division of City Schools is disciplining power.
not one of the offices covered by the city
mayor’s power of appointment under the LGC. As to petitioner’s argument that respondents
salary is wholly or mainly paid out of city
Moreover, petitioners failed to show a specific funds, suffice it to say that the source of the
provision in the LGC showing that the power wages is not the only criteria in determining
to discipline officials in the Division of City whether the payor may be deemed the
Schools has been devolved from the regional employer. In fact, the most important factor is
director of the DECS to the city mayor. All that the control test; that is, who has the power to
Section 17 (4) of the LGC states is that the supervise and direct the work of the employee
city must provide support for education and concerned?
other such services and facilities.
Absent any contrary statutory provision, the
Section 455 (b-1-x) of the LGC which provides power to appoint carries with it the power to
that the city mayor may cause to be instituted remove or to discipline. Since respondent was
administrative or judicial proceedings against appointed by the regional director of DECS,
any official or employee of the city, is not she may be disciplined or removed by the
necessarily incompatible with the provisions of latter pursuant to law.
a. Local autonomy for territorial and political
Finally, respondent’s primary duty is to subdivisions
conduct investigations of cases involving b. Accountability of Local Government units
teaching and nonteaching personnel of the through recall, initiative and referendum
Division of City Schools of Manila. The report c. Consultation by national offices with local
on the results of her investigations is then government units and no-government
submitted for final evaluation to the DECS organizations before implementing any program
regional director, who may approve,
disapprove or allow respondent to modify it. (Sec.2)
This fact clearly shows that supervision over 2. Rules interpretation
respondent is lodged with the regional a. Liberal Interpretation of power of local
director, not the mayor. government units
b. Strict construction of tax ordinances
c. Liberal interpretation of general welfare
2. Powers of Mayors d. Application of Original terms of construct or
a. Imposition of conditions for issuance of law upon vested rights
mayor’s permit e. Resort to customs in the absence of law or
Acebedo Optical Company, Inc. vs. Court of jurisprudence (Sec.5)
Appeals, 329 SCRA 314 B. General Powers and Attributes of Local
b. Issuance of mayor’s permit Government Units
Robe Arraste, Inc. vs. Villaflor, 499 SCRA 434 1. A local government unit may be created,
c. Revocation of mayor’s permit divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries
Gordon vs. Veridiano, 167 SCRA 51 substantially altered by law in the case of a
Lim vs. Court of Appeals, 387 SCRA 149 province, city, municipality, or other political
d. Appointment of employees subdivision, or by city or provincial ordinance in
Lopez vs. Civil Service Commission, 195 SCRA the case of a barangay
777 2. The creation or conversation of a local
e. Removal of employees government unit to another level shall be based
Municipal of La Libertad vs. Penaflor, 453 SCRA on:
833 a. sufficient income
f. Prevention of pollution b. Population
Technology Development Inc, vs. Court of c. Land area (Sec.7)
Appeals, 201 SCRA xi 3. Division and merger of local government units
shall comply with the same requirements for
C. Provinces their creation. The income, population or land
1. Appointment of officials area shall not be reduced to less than the
Dimaandal vs. Commission on Audit, 291 SCRA minimum requirements.(Sec.8)
322 4. a local government unit may be abolished
2. Vice Governor when its income, population or land area has
Gamboa vs. Aguirre, 310 SCRA 867 been reduced to less than the minimum
Atienza vs. Villarosa, 458 SCRA 385 requirements (Sec.9)
5. The creation, division, merger, abolition or
substantial alteration of the boundaries of local
government units must be approved by
1. Basic Principle plebiscites in the political units affected. (Sec.10)
A. Policy and Application 6. The corporate existence of a new local
1. Declaration Policy government unit shall commence upon election
and qualification of its chief executive and
majority f the members of the sangunian. ii. The President shall exercise supervision over
(Sec.14) component cities and municipalities though the
7. Every local government unit is a body politic province and over barangays through the city
and corporate. (Sec.15) and municipality.(Sec.25)
8. Powers b. No project shall be implemented by
a. Powers expressly granted government authorities without consultation with
b. implied powers the local government units and prior approval of
c. powers necessary, appropriate, or the sangunian.(Sec.27)
incidental for efficient and effective governance 2. Inter-Local Government Relations
d. Powers essential for promotion of general a. The province, through the governor, shall
welfare. (Sec.16) ensure that any component city and municipality
9. A local government unit may exercise the acts within powers. (Sec.27)
power of eminent domain. b. The city or municipality, through the major,
a. an offer must have been made to the shall ensure that barangays act within the scope
owner and rejected. of their powers.(Sec.29)
b. The local government unit may c. The governor shall review all executive
immediately take the possession upon filling of orders promulgated by the mayor. The mayor
expropriation proceedings and deposit in court shall review all executive orders promulgated by
of 15% of the fair market value. (Sec.19) punong barangays. (Se.30)
10. a local government unit may close or open II. Elective Officials
any local road, alley, park or square by two A. Qualifications and Election
thirds vote of all members of the sangunian. 1. Qualifications
Property permanently withdrawn from public use a. Common qualifications
may be used or conveyed for any proposes. i. Filipino Citizen
(Sec.20 ) ii. Registered over the local government
11. Corporate Powers unit, or the district where he intends to elected in
a. powers the case of members of the sangunian.
i. To have continues succession in the name iii. Residence therein for the least one
ii. To sue and the sued year immediately before the election.
iii. To have and use a seal iv. Ability to read and write Filipino or
iv. To acquire and convey property any other local dialect.
v. To exercise other powers granted to b. Age
corporations. (Sec.22) i. candidates and the provinces and highly
b. The local chief executive may not enter into urbanized cities--- 23 years.
any contract without prior authorization by ii. Candidates for mayor or vice mayor of
sangunian. (Sec.22) component cities or municipalities--- 21 years
12. Local government units and their officials are iii. Candidates for sangunian member in
not exempt from liability for death or injury to a component cities and municipalities—18 years
person or damage to property. (Sec.24) iv. Barangay officials—18 years
C. Intergovernmental relations v. Sanguniang kabataan--- 15 to less than 18
1. national government and local government years (Sec. 7, Rep. Act. No. 1964)
units 2. Disqualifications
a. The President shall exercise general a. Those sentenced for an offense involving
supervision over government units. moral turpitude or an offense punishable by
i. The President shall exercise supervisory imprisonment for one year or more, within two
authority directly over provinces, highly years after serving sentence
urbanized cities and independent component b. Those removed from office because of an
cities. administrative case
c. Those convicted for violating oath of b. Second highest ranking sanguniang
allegiance t the Philippines barangay member
d. Those with dual citizenship 3. Ranking in the sangunian shall be determined
e. Fugitive from justice on the basis of the proportion of the votes
f. Permanent residents in a foreign country or obtained to number of registered voters in each
those who have the right to reside abroad and district.
continue to avail of it. 4. Ties will be resolved by drawing of lots.
g. The insane feeble minded (Sec.44)
3. Election 5. Sangunian
a. The Governor, vice governor, mayor, a. Provinces, highly urbanized cities, and
vice mayor, and punong barangay shall be independent component cities---- appointment
elected large. (Sec.41) by President
b. For Provinces and cities with two or b. Component city and municipality ----
more legislative districts, the elective member of appointment by governor
sangunian shall be elected by legislative c. Sanguniang barangay – appointment by
districts. Provinces and cities and municipalities mayor
in Metropolitan in Manila with only one d. Except for the sanguniang barangay, the
legislative district shall be divided into two appointment shall come from the political party
districts by the Commission on Elections. (Sec. of the member who caused the vacancy.
3 (a) and (b) Rep. Act. No. 7166; Sec. 1, Rep. e. If the member does not belong to any party,
Act. No. 7887) the appointee shall be recommended by the
c. Regular elective members of the sangunian sangunian.
of cities and municipalities shall be elected at f. The appointee for the sanguniang barngay
large. (Sec.1, Rep. Act. NO. 7887) shall be recommende by the sanguniang
d. Sanguniang barangay members shall be barangay.
elected in large. g. Vacancy in the representation of the youth
e. The president of the league of the sangunian and the barangay in the sangunian shall be filed
members of component cities and municipalities by the official next in rank in the organization.
shall be ex officio member of the sanguniang (Sec.45)
panlalawigan. 6. Temporary Vacancy
f. The president of the liga ng mga barangay a. When the governor, the mayor or
and the pederasyon ng mga sanguniang punong barangay is temporarily incapacitated to
kabataan shall be ex officio member of the perform his duties, the vice governor, vice
sangunian. mayor, or ranking sanguniang barangay
g. There shall be a sectoral representative member shall exercise his powers except the
from the women, workers, urban poor, power to appoint, suspend or dismiss
indigenous cultural communities, disabled employees, which can only be exercised after 30
persons, or any other sector determined by the working days.
sangunian. (Sec.41) b. When the local chief executive is traveling
4. Terms of office 3 years (Sec.43, as amended within the Philippines for not more than 3
by Sec. 2, Rep. At. No. 9164) consecutive days, he may designate an officer-
B. Vacancies and Sucession in-charge. The authorization shall specify the
1. Governor and mayor powers of the officers-in-charge except the
a. Vice governor and vice mayor power to appoint, suspend or dismiss
b. sanguniang members according to ranking employees.
2. Punong barangay c. If the local executive does not issue the
a. Highest ranking sanguniang barangay authorization, the vice governor, vice mayor, or
member highest ranking sanguniang member shall
assume his powers on the fourth day of his municipality. The sanggunian may override the
absence. (Sec.46) veto by two-thirds of all its members. (Sec. 54)
C. Legislation 8 The governor or mayor may veto any item in
1. The vice governor, the vice mayor, and the the following cases:
punong barangay shall be presiding officer of a. Appropriation ordinance
the sangunians but shall vote only in case of a b. Ordinance adopting a local development plan
tie. and public investment program.
2. In case of inability of the presiding officer, c. Ordinance directing the payment of money or
the members shall elect a temporary presiding creating a liability. (Sec. 55)
officer from among themselves. (Sec.49 9. Review
3 For disorderly behavior and absence without a. the sangguniang panlalawigan shall review
justifiable cause for four consecutive sessions a, ordinances and resolutions of cities and
member may be censured, reprimanded, municipalities to determine if they are within their
excluded from the session, suspended for not power. (Sec. 56)
more than 60 days, or expelled. Suspension or b The sangguniang panlungsod or bayan shall
expulsion shall require concurrence of at least review sangguniang barangay ordinance to
two –thirds of all the sanggunian members. A determine if they are lawful. (Sec. 57)
member sentenced by final judgment to 10. Effectivity
imprisonment for at least one year for a crime a. Unless otherwise stated in the ordinance, it
involving moral turpitude shall be automatically shall take effect after 10 days from posting at the
expelled. (Sec.50 provincial capitol or city, municipality or
4 Every sanggunian member, upon assumption barangay hall and two other conspicuous
of officer , shall make a full disclosure of his places.
business and financial, or professional b.The gist of all ordinance with penal sanction
relationship or any relation within the fourth shall be published in in a newspaper of general
degree which he may have with any one circulation in the province. In the absence of
effected by any ordinance or resolution of the such newspaper, the ordinance shall be posted
sanggunian which involves a conflict interest. in all municipalities and cities of the province
a. such relationship included: where the sanggunian of origin is situated.
I Investment in the entity to which the ordinance c. In highly urbanize and independent
may apply component cities, in addition to posting , the
Ii Contracts with any person to which the main features of the ordinance shall be
ordinance nance may apply published in a local newspaper of general
b. Conflict of interests refers to a situation circulation. In the absence of such newspaper, it
where a sanggunian member may not act in the shall be circulation. (Sec. 59)
public interest due to personal consideration D. Disciplinary Action
that may affect his judgment to the prejudice of 1 Grounds
the public. (Sec. 51) a. Disloyalty to the Philippines
5 A special session may be called by the local b. Culpable violation of the Constitution
chief executive or a majority of the sanggunian c. Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct in office,
members. Unless concurred in by two-thirds gross negligence, or dereliction of duty
vote of the members present, no matter may be d. Commission of an offence involving moral
considered at a special session except those turpitude or punishable by at least prision mayor
stated in the notice. (Sec. 52) e. Abuse of authority
6 A majority of all the members of the f. Unauthorized absence for 15 consecutive
sanggunian shall constitute quorum. (Sec. 53) working days, except sanggunian members
7 The veto shall be communicated to the g. Application for acquisition of citizenship,
sanggunian within 15 days in the case of a resident or immigrant status of another country
province and 10 days in the case of a city or h. Other grounds in the code and other laws,
2. Filling complaint considered as under preventive suspension
a. Elective provincial or city official – Office of should he win the appeal. (Sec.68)
the president E. Recall
b. Elective municipal official – sangguniang 1. Initiation
panlalawigan, whose decision may be appealed Petition of at least 25% of the registered voters
to the Presidfent. in the local government unit. (Sec.71)
c. Elective barangay official - sangguniang 2. Recall shall be effective upon proclamation of
panglungsod or bayan, whose decision shall be successor receiving the highest number of
final (Sec.61) votes. (Sec.72)
3. NO investigation shall be held and no 3. Prohibition against Resignation,
preventive suspension shall be imposed within The official sought to be recalled cannot resign
90 days before any local election. (Sec.62) during the recall. (Sec.73)
4. Preventive Suspension 4. Limitations
a. Authority a. An official may be subject of recall only once
i. Official of province, highly urbanized city or during his term.
independent component city- President b. No recall shall take place within one year
ii. Official of component city or official from assumption of office or one year before
iii. Barangay official – mayor regular local election. (Sec.74)
b. Ground III. Human Resources and Development
i. Strong evidence of guilt; and A. Casual Employees
ii. Probability that continuance in office can The local chief executive may employ casual
influence witnesses or endanger safety records. employees without approval of the Civil Service
c. Duration Commission for not more than six months.
i. Single suspension – 60 days (Sec.77)
ii. Several suspensions – 90 days within a year B. Limitation on Appointment
5. The respondent has the right to appear and No person shall be appointed in the career
defend in person or by counsel, to confront the service if he is related within the fourth degree of
witnesses against him, and the compulsory consanguinity or affinity to the appointing or
process to require the attendance of witnesses recommending authority. (Sec.79)
and production of evidence in his favor C. Compensation
6. Penalty Increase in compensation of elective local
a. The penalty of suspension shall not exceed officials shall take effect after expiration of the
the unexpired term of the respondent nor bar his term of those approving the increase. (Sec.81)
candidacy. D. Resignation
b. Removal from office shall bar candidacy of 1. Submission
the respondent for any elective office. (Sec.66) a. Governor, vice governor, vice mayor, of
7. Appeal highly urbanized and independent component
a. Period – Thirty days cities – President
b. Appellate authority b. Municipality mayor, municipal vice mayor,
i. sangguniang panglusod of component cities and mayor and vice mayor component city –
and sangguniang bayan - sanguniang Governor
panlalawigan c. Barangay official – Mayor
ii. Sangguniang panlalawigan and sangguniang 2. Effectivity
panglungsod of highly urbanized cities and a. Resignation takes effect upon acceptance.
independent component cities – President b. It is deemed accepted if not acted upon within
iii. President – final (Sec.67) 15 working days
c. Execution; The decision shall be executory
pending appeal, and respondent shall be