Co-Cr-Mo New Alloy Free
Co-Cr-Mo New Alloy Free
Co-Cr-Mo New Alloy Free
Tribo-Mechanical Properties of a
Wear Resistant Cobalt-Based
Alloy Produced by Different
H. Yu
Manufacturing Processes
R. Ahmed1 This paper aims to compare the tribo-mechanical properties and structure–property re-
e-mail: [email protected] lationships of a wear resistant cobalt-based alloy produced via two different manufac-
turing routes, namely sand casting and powder consolidation by hot isostatic pressing
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, (HIPing). The alloy had a nominal wt % composition of Co–33Cr–17.5W–2.5C, which is
Heriot-Watt University, similar to the composition of commercially available Stellite 20 alloy. The high tungsten
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK and carbon contents provide resistance to severe abrasive and sliding wear. However, the
coarse carbide structure of the cast alloy also gives rise to brittleness. Hence this re-
search was conducted to comprehend if the carbide refinement and corresponding
H. de Villiers Lovelock changes in the microstructure, caused by changing the processing route to HIPing, could
Deloro Stellite, provide additional merits in the tribo-mechanical performance of this alloy. The HIPed
Cheney Manor Industrial Estate, alloy possessed a much finer microstructure than the cast alloy. Both alloys had similar
Swindon SN2 2PW, UK hardness, but the impact resistance of the HIPed alloy was an order of magnitude higher
than the cast counterpart. Despite similar abrasive and sliding wear resistance of both
alloys, their main wear mechanisms were different due to their different carbide mor-
phologies. Brittle fracture of the carbides and ploughing of the matrix were the main
wear mechanisms for the cast alloy, whereas ploughing and carbide pullout were the
dominant wear mechanisms for the HIPed alloy. The HIPed alloy showed significant
improvement in contact fatigue performance, indicating its superior impact and fatigue
resistance without compromising the hardness and sliding/abrasive wear resistance,
which makes it suitable for relatively higher stress applications.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.2736450兴
586 / Vol. 129, JULY 2007 Copyright © 2007 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
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Table 1 The chemical compositions of cast and HIPed alloys „wt %…
Co Cr W C Mo Fe Ni Mn Si
Cast alloy Bal. 34.50 16.50 2.39 0.50 1.50 1.00 0.60 0.78
HIPed alloy Bal. 31.85 16.30 2.35 0.27 2.50 2.28 0.26 1.00
erties for the design process. However, the investigations related nearest 0.001 g. The abrasive wear test results were reported as
to the structure–property relationship of these alloys produced via volume loss, which was computed from the mass loss and the
different processing routes 共especially HIPing兲 are limited in the density of the alloy.
published literature. Hence this paper aims to provide comparative
investigations of the tribo-mechanical properties on the basis of 2.4 Sliding Wear Tests. The sliding wear performance of the
structure–property relationship of Stellite 20 alloys, produced via alloys was investigated via the reciprocating ball-on-flat test
two different processing routes of sand casting and powder con- method. These tests were conducted on a bench mounted wear test
solidated HIPing. These investigations were made on the basis of machine using a tungsten carbide ball 共93.5–94.5% WC, and 5.5–
the microstructural comparisons via scanning electron microscopy 6.5% Co兲 and a cobalt alloy disk sample under a normal load of
共SEM兲, energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy 共EDS兲, and x-ray 25 N. The ball radius was 6.35 mm. The disk sample had a diam-
diffractometry 共XRD兲. Tribo-mechanical evaluations involved eter of 31 mm and thickness of 8 mm. During the test, the disk
hardness, impact toughness, abrasive wear, sliding wear, and con- sample experienced reciprocating sliding motion at an oscillating
tact fatigue performance tests. frequency of 1.0 Hz with a stroke length of 10 mm. The total
sliding distance was 500 m for each test. The friction force was
measured via a tension–compression load cell. Three tests were
2 Experimental Test Procedure conducted on each alloy. The wear volume loss of the disk sample
2.1 Materials and Microstructure. The HIPed alloy was was computed from the stroke length and the average cross-
produced via canning the gas-atomized powders at 1200° C and sectional area of the wear groove, which was measured via an
100 MPa pressure for 4 h. The sieve analysis 共+250 m: interferometer.
0.1 wt %, −250 m + 180 m: 1.5 wt %, −180 m + 125 m: 2.5 Rolling Contact Fatigue Tests. The rolling contact fa-
6.4 wt %, −125 m + 45 m: 61.9 wt %, −45 m: 29.7 wt %兲 of tigue 共RCF兲 tests were conducted on a modified four-ball ma-
powders indicated that most of the powders were less than chine, as illustrated in Fig. 1, details of which can be appreciated
125 m, and generally of spherical morphology due to the atomi- from Stewart et al. 关7兴. Three Si3N4 ceramic balls with diameter of
zation process. The cast alloy samples were produced via sand 4.76 mm were equispaced at 120 deg using a polymer spacer, and
casting. Table 1 summarizes the chemical compositions of both driven by a 31-mm-diameter cobalt alloy disk sample. The rotary
the cast and HIPed alloys. The microstructure of the powders and speed of the drive shaft was set at 5000 rpm, and the total contact
both alloys was observed via SEM using a backscattered electron load was varied as 120 N and 180 N. The lubricant used in the
imaging 共BEI兲 detector. The chemical compositions of different RCF tests was Exxon Turbo 2389. The value was approximated
phases developed in the powders and alloys were determined via between 1.4 and 1.8, indicating that the tests were carried out
EDS and XRD with Cu K␣ radiation 共 = 1.5406 Å兲. Image analy- under a mixed elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication 共EHL兲 regime.
sis was also conducted to ascertain the volume fractions of indi- The RCF failure was detected by the increase in the vibration
vidual phases. amplitude of the cup assembly above a preset level.
2.2 Hardness and Un-notched Charpy Impact Tests. The
Vickers hardness was measured at both macro- and microlevels. A 3 Experimental Results
conventional Avery hardness tester was used to measure the mac- 3.1 Microstructure and Phase Analysis. Figure 2共a兲 shows
rohardness under a load of 294 N. Five measurements were con- the fine dendritic microstructure on the cross section of gas-
ducted on each alloy. The microhardness was measured using a atomized powder used for HIPing. Figure 2共b兲 shows the hyper-
MVK-H1 hardness tester under a load of 2.94 N. Thirty measure- eutectic microstructure of cast alloy. It consists of rod-like pri-
ments were conducted on each sample. The un-notched Charpy mary Cr-rich carbides 共dark phase showing section of rod-like
impact tests were carried out on the samples with dimensions of primary carbide兲, lamellar W-rich carbides 共light phase兲, and the
10 mm⫻ 10 mm⫻ 55 mm, using an Avery impact tester at an im-
pact rate of 5 m / s. Three tests were conducted on each alloy.
2.3 Abrasive Wear Tests. The abrasive wear performance of
both alloys was investigated via the dry sand rubber wheel
共DSRW兲 abrasion tests 共ASTM G65 standard 共Procedure B兲兲 关6兴.
During the testing, the alloy sample, with dimensions of 6 mm
⫻ 25 mm⫻ 75 mm, was forced under a load of 130 N against the
rubber wheel, which rotated at a speed of 200 rpm± 5 rpm. The
outer polyurethane rim of the wheel had a diameter of 228.6 mm
and a hardness of Shore A-60. Two types of silica sand particles
were used as abrasives in the current work. Both were dry and
rounded, but they were different in their size distribution. Sand A
had a larger average particle size, with at least 85 wt % particles
having sizes between 150 m and 300 m. For Sand B, 85 wt %
particles had sizes within the range of 90– 180 m. The silica
sand was introduced between the sample and the rubber wheel,
with sand flow rate of about 330 g / min. Each test lasted a total of
2000 revolutions, which was controlled by a revolution counter.
Three tests were conducted on each material with Sands A and B, Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the cup assembly for the roll-
respectively. The wear mass loss of the sample was weighed to the ing contact fatigue tests
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Fig. 3 XRD patterns of: „a… alloy powder; „b… cast alloy; and „c…
HIPed alloy
CoCrW matrix 共grey region兲. The microstructure of HIPed alloy is Table 2 The volume fractions of individual phases in cast and
HIPed alloys
shown in Fig. 2共c兲, in which the fine carbides 共Cr-rich dark phase
and W-rich light phase兲 are uniformly distributed in the matrix Cr-rich carbides W-rich carbides Co-rich matrix
共grey region兲. Figure 3 summarizes the XRD patterns of atomized 共dark phase兲 共bright phase兲 共grey region兲
powder, cast, and HIPed alloys. The possible phases are also 共%兲 共%兲 共%兲
given on the basis of the crystallographic database. Table 2 lists
the image analysis results. Cast alloy 24.5± 2.0 18.1± 0.2 57.4± 1.8
HIPed alloy 24.2± 1.0 24.7± 0.7 51.1± 1.4
3.2 Hardness and Charpy Impact Tests. The macro-, micro-
Downloaded 25 Sep 2007 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright, see
Table 3 The hardness and un-notched Charpy impact energy
of cast and HIPed alloys
Charpy impact
Macrohardness Microhardness energy
共HV, 294 N兲 共HV, 2.94 N兲 共J兲
Fig. 4 The fractographs after the un-notched impact test on: Fig. 6 The wear scars after the dry sand rubber wheel tests
„a… cast alloy; and „b… HIPed alloy with sand B on: „a… cast alloy; and „b… HIPed alloy
Downloaded 25 Sep 2007 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright, see
Fig. 7 Average disk volume loss of cast and HIPed alloys after
the ball-on-flat wear tests
Fig. 11 The wear tracks after the contact fatigue tests on: „a…
cast alloy, 3.6 GPa; and „b… HIPed alloy, 3.6 GPa
Downloaded 25 Sep 2007 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright, see
Zorth共max兲 ⬵ 0.35a 共1兲 impact and fatigue strength, therefore benefitted significantly from
the absence of a three-dimensional eutectic net in the HIPed alloy.
Z共max兲 ⬵ 0.48a 共2兲 However, there was a tradeoff between the improved impact
strength and relatively lower wear resistance due to smaller car-
where a is the radius of the contact area, which is given by the bides in the HIPed alloy, because of the changes in the wear
Hertzian point contact equation 关9兴 mechanisms during the abrasive and sliding wear of the two al-
a= 冉 冊
loys. The image analysis 共Table 2兲 indicated that despite similar
volume fractions of Cr-rich carbides in both alloys, the approxi-
mate W-rich carbides content in the HIPed alloy 共24.7%兲 was
in which w is the normal load; r is the radius of the ceramic ball; more than that in the cast alloy 共18.1%兲. In view of the higher
and E* is the combined Young’s modulus which depends on the carbide content, one might expect superior abrasive and sliding
Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio of the contacting mate- wear performance of the HIPed alloy. However, as discussed later,
rials. The maximum contact stress, P0, is given by the following the changes in the wear mechanisms due to the relatively smaller
equation size of carbides observed in the HIPed microstructure, did not
provide significant abrasive wear improvement over the cast
3w counterpart.
P0 = 共4兲
4.2 Hardness and Impact Energy. It is widely accepted that
the contents of carbon and tungsten play a dominant role in the
4 Discussion hardness of cobalt-based alloys. Both the formation of hard car-
bides and solid solution strengthening by tungsten can enhance
4.1 Microstructure. The microstructure of cobalt-based hardness 关4,13,18,19兴. In the current investigation, the presence of
共Stellite兲 alloys has been the topic of research for almost a century M7C3, Cr23C6, and Co6W6C carbides in both alloys was beneficial
and a number of investigations have discussed their microstruc- to their hardness. The intermetallic compounds, i.e., Co3W and
ture on the basis of alloy composition and processing route Co7W6, also strengthened the solid solution and increased the
关4,5,10–17兴. However, comparative analysis of the microstructure matrix hardness. The HIPed alloy had slightly higher macrohard-
of these alloys is scarce in the published literature. The aim of the ness than the cast alloy, which was mainly due to its slightly
discussion here is therefore to highlight the differences in the higher carbide fraction 共Table 2兲. The indentation diagonal length
microstructure of the two alloys, with a view to underpin the in the macrohardness measurements was typically 0.28 mm,
understanding of structure–property and tribo-mechanical which was much bigger than the typical carbide size for both
behavior. alloys 共30– 150 m for the cast alloy, 2 m for the HIPed alloy兲,
The cast alloy had a hypereutectic microstructure, which was or the spacing between the carbides 共matrix phase兲, and hence
typical of cobalt-based alloys of this composition. The primary provided a reliable measure of the hardness of both alloys with
idiomorphic carbide was Cr-rich M7C3, with a composition of low standard deviation. At the microlevel, however, both the cast
共Cr0.75Co0.20W0.05兲7C3, as approximated by the EDS analysis. and HIPed alloys showed higher average hardness than those
These are rod like carbides, a section of which can be seen as the measured at the macroscale. Additionally, the average microhard-
dark blocky carbide in Fig. 2共b兲. It was surrounded by the den- ness of the cast alloy was significantly higher than the HIPed
dritic CoCrW solid solution 共grey region兲. The final phases to counterpart. Three factors are thought responsible for this behav-
solidify were the lamellar eutectic phases containing both the Cr- ior, i.e., 共1兲 relationship between carbide size and indentation size;
rich 共dark兲 and W-rich 共light兲 carbides. The three-phase area 共2兲 higher standard deviation of the microhardness of cast alloy;
shown in Fig. 2共b兲 indicates the simultaneous occurrence of both and 共3兲 observations of carbide cracks after the indentation of cast
primary carbides and CoCrW dendrites in the microstructure. The alloy. The indentation diagonal length during the Vickers micro-
XRD analysis 共Fig. 3共b兲兲 revealed that the carbides were Cr7C3, hardness test was around 26– 28 m, which was smaller than the
Cr23C6, and Co6W6C, while the primary phase in the solid solu- size of the blocky carbides in the cast alloy, but an order of mag-
tion was ␣-cobalt 共fcc兲, together with the intermetallic com- nitude bigger than the carbide size in the HIPed alloy. Hence
pounds, Co3W and Co7W6. Hence, in the cast alloy, there were microhardness measurements were very sensitive to the location
three kinds of carbides, i.e., the relatively large blocky Cr-rich of indentation in the cast alloy. In some cases, the indentation was
carbides, the interconnected three-dimensional W-rich eutectic located well within the carbide and in others between the carbide
carbides, and the relatively smaller Cr-rich eutectic carbides, and matrix. Hence there was a relatively larger variation of mi-
which coexisted in the microstructure. crohardness values in the cast alloy, as seen in the standard devia-
The HIPed alloy had a finer microstructure 共Fig. 2共c兲兲 with tion value. In some cases large blocky carbides of the cast alloy
Cr-rich 共dark兲 and W-rich 共light兲 carbides uniformly distributed in also fractured under the indentation load, which also influenced
the matrix. These carbides were typically 2 m in size and much the hardness values when compared to the HIPed alloy, where
finer than the large blocky carbides observed in the cast alloy. there was no evidence of carbide fracture.
Despite different microstructure, the possible phases identified in The Charpy impact energy absorption represents the impact
the HIPed alloy were similar to those in the cast alloy 共Fig. 3兲. toughness of the alloy under dynamic conditions. During the im-
These phases seemed to be inherited from the atomized powders, pact tests, brittle fracture took place along and within the coarse
except for the replacement of Co3W3C by Co6W6C. The pure carbides in the cast alloy, followed by rapid crack propagation, as
chromium phase identified in the powder, which formed due to the indicated by a number of macrocracks observed in Fig. 4共a兲. The
rapid solidification from the molten state during the atomization fractograph indicated that the blocky Cr-rich M7C3 carbides were
process, was not identified in the HIPed alloy. This indicated that the main propagation path for cracks, due to their large size and
it either was combined with cobalt, or formed carbides, and no brittle character. Contrary to this, the HIPed alloy showed inter-
longer existed as a pure phase after the HIPing process. granular fracture, where cracks initiated and propagated along the
The total volume fraction of carbides 共Table 2兲 was nearly 50% carbide/matrix and carbide/carbide boundaries 共Fig. 4共b兲兲. The
in the HIPed alloy, which were uniformly distributed in the metal fracture within the carbide particles of the HIPed alloy was not
matrix 共Fig. 2共c兲兲. The differences in the carbide morphology of appreciable. As these carbides were relatively fine, the fracture
both alloys can have a significant influence on their tribo- path had to change direction frequently along the carbide/matrix
mechanical properties. In terms of the structure–property relation- and in some cases carbide/carbide boundaries before transforming
ships, as discussed in later sections, the failure mechanisms, into macrocracks. The finer microstructure along with the matrix
which were very much dependent upon crack propagation, e.g., ductility therefore provided the crack arrest mechanism. Contrary
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to this, although the matrix in the cast alloy had similar composi- 共Fig. 5兲.
tion and hence expected to provide similar assistance for the crack The carbide morphology therefore significantly influenced the
arrest mechanisms, the preferred crack propagation route was not dominant abrasive wear mechanisms, i.e., brittle fracture in the
at the carbide/matrix boundary, or through the matrix, but within cast and carbide pullout in the HIPed alloy. Due to the fine mi-
the large blocky carbides and the eutectic net. Once microcracks crostructure of the HIPed alloy, the contact load applied on each
initiated, they readily propagated to form macrocracks within the carbide grain was relatively low, as the load applied by individual
coarse blocky carbides, avoiding the matrix. sand particles was shared between a number of carbides and the
matrix. Therefore the normal load on a single carbide grain was
4.3 Abrasive Wear Performance. Previous investigations
unlikely to reach the critical value for brittle fracture, w* 共Eq. 共5兲兲.
have indicated that the abrasive wear resistance of cobalt-based
This can be understood from a simple back of the envelope cal-
alloys is influenced not only by the hardness of the alloy 关12兴, but
culation of the contact area 共Eq. 共3兲兲 formed at the interface of
also by the volume content, size, and morphology of the carbides
abrasive 共sand兲 particles and alloy. As the sand particles were
关3,12,13,20兴. The coarse carbides seen in the cast alloy seemed to
rounded, for an approximate calculation they can be modeled as
be of great benefit to the abrasive wear resistance. The possible
abrasive wear mechanisms include microfracture of the carbides spheres of 150 m diameter 共2r, which was typical of the sand
关21兴, micromachining of the matrix 关14兴, and carbide pullout size used in this investigation兲. Although it is almost impossible to
关14,22兴. know the exact number of sand particles, and the load shared by
The cast alloy showed superior abrasive wear resistance to the each of them within the contact region of the DRSW tests at a
HIPed alloy in the tests with the coarse Sand A, whereas both given time, a conservative approach can be adapted to assume that
alloys showed similar resistance in the tests with relatively finer the loading 共w兲 on a given sand particle, responsible for carbide
Sand B. This is attributed to the size distribution of sand particles cracking, can be on the order of 1% 共1.3 N兲 of the total normal
in relation to the size of coarse carbides in the cast alloy, i.e., the load 共130 N兲 during the DSRW test. This is not unlikely given the
size of Sand A was generally larger than the blocky carbide size fact that for an absolute minimum 共idealized兲 loading of each sand
共30– 150 m兲, whereas Sand B was similar in size to most of the particle, the load should be uniformly distributed by a single layer
large blocky carbides, which comprised almost 25% of the micro- of sand particles 共as multiple layers will mean less particles di-
structure. The dominant wear mechanisms during these tests were rectly in contact with the alloy due to random distribution兲, within
different, which were identified via the investigation of the worn the apparent contact area 共or wear scar area of typical dimensions
surfaces. The abrasive wear of cast alloy involved brittle fracture 1.5 cm⫻ 1 cm兲. This provides a maximum number of sand par-
of the blocky carbides and ploughing of the matrix. Figure 6共a兲 ticles as 6000 in a single layer for minimum loading, and they can
indicates the cracks on the carbides and the ploughing tracks in coexist between the rubber wheel and alloy interface at any time.
the matrix region. The angularities of the abrasive sand particles If each sand particle then carries equal load 共i.e., minimum load-
could result in a high normal load 共or stress兲 on the large blocky ing condition兲, it will be on the order of 0.02 N. However, not all
carbides and/or the three-dimensional eutectic region in the cast sand particles enter the contact region, and are not loaded equally
alloy. If the normal load exceeded a critical value, w*, the cracks or perfectly circular in shape, hence the assumption of 1% load
would form 关9兴 can be justified as the first approximation. Based upon this model,
the contact diameter 共2a兲 calculated from Hertzian calculations
w* ⬀ 冉 冊
KIC 共5兲
共Eq. 共3兲兲 of elastic loading can be approximated as 艌20 m. This
area3 will grow further with the increase in sand particle diameter,
increase in loading of individual particles, plasticity effects, fric-
tional effects, and roll/slide ratio. Contact area of this dimension,
where KIC is the fracture toughness and H is the hardness. How- based upon a conservative model, therefore indicates that the con-
ever, the brittle fracture on the coarse carbides in the cast alloy did tact diameter is an order of magnitude bigger than the carbide size
not account for a large amount of material removal, because the 共approximately 2 m兲 in the HIPed alloy. Hence individual car-
carbides were interlocked in the matrix even after they fractured, bide particles are only subjected to a small fraction of total load
as discussed later. The coarse microstructure of the cast alloy also on a given sand particle. This reduces the tendency of carbides to
offered relatively large spaces among the hard carbides, where crack in the HIPed alloy, as critical load w* 共Eq. 共5兲兲 is less likely
silica sand with small size could enter and plough. The sharp to be reached. This was confirmed by the SEM observations of the
angularities of the sand particles resulted in preferential microcut- wear tracks, where only a negligible proportion of carbides frac-
ting of the matrix. Pits were also observed on the surface of the tured in the HIPed alloy.
cast alloy, indicating preferential pullout of smaller lamellar car- Contrary to this, individual large blocky carbides in the cast
bides 共Figs. 2共b兲 and 6共a兲兲. It is appreciated that this mechanism alloy had to sustain much higher contact load, as the entire contact
accelerated with finer sand 共B兲 for the cast alloy, and was respon- area 共2a 艌 20 m兲 could be located on a single carbide particle
sible for the relatively lower abrasive wear resistance of the cast 共30– 150 m兲. There was therefore a much higher probability that
alloy when compared to the coarse Sand A 共Fig. 5兲.
the loading resulting from such contact conditions on an indi-
For the HIPed alloy, brittle fracture of the carbides was not
vidual carbide particle could exceed the critical value w*, and
widespread. Ploughing of the matrix and the pullout of the car-
result in its brittle fracture. The value of contact stress approxi-
bides were the main wear mechanisms. The abrasive marks ob-
mated from Eq. 共4兲 for this simplified model, can be estimated to
served in Fig. 6共b兲 indicate that the carbides were simply pulled
give a typical contact stress of approximately 5 GPa, which is
out during the abrasive wear process. Detailed examination of the
high enough to fracture a carbide. However, despite significant
wear scars also indicated that the abrasive grooves were generally
fracture of carbides in the cast alloy, their abrasive wear perfor-
smaller than the average carbide size in the HIPed alloy, and the
mance was similar to or better than the HIPed alloy 共Fig. 5兲. This
carbides were seen protruding from the matrix. These observa-
was because despite being fractured, some fragments of carbide
tions indicated preferential wear of the matrix, prior to the carbide
remained interlocked within the main body of the carbide, due to
pullout. This mechanism was similar to those previously reported,
complex crack propagation within the blocky three-dimensional
where carbide pullout and pit formation were the dominant wear
carbide. This prevented these fragments of cracked carbides from
mechanisms in the fine carbide alloys 关14兴, and also cermet coat-
being pulled out, and hence did not contribute to the volume loss
ings of similar carbide size 关23兴. As both sands used in the inves-
tigation were much larger in size than the typical carbide size
共2 m兲 in the HIPed alloy, the changes in sand particle size re- 3
Even if the loading is approximated as 0.1% 共0.13 N兲, the contact diameter 共2a兲
sulted in less variation in abrasion resistance than the cast alloy will be 艌9 m.
Downloaded 25 Sep 2007 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright, see
measured after the DSRW tests 共Fig. 5兲. In the HIPed alloy, once application. This processing route therefore provides a unique
the matrix was abraded by the abrasive sand particles, the carbides blend of tribo-mechanical properties, e.g., hardness, toughness,
were left vulnerable. The fine carbides in HIPed alloy were not abrasive/sliding/impact, and fatigue wear, which was not observed
able to withstand ploughing due to their two-dimensional struc- in the cast counterpart.
ture, as opposed to the large blocky and three-dimensional eutec-
tic net in the cast counterpart. Hence carbide pullout was the 4.5.2 RCF Failure Modes. The contact fatigue failure modes
dominant wear mechanism in the HIPed alloy. in polycrystalline materials vary from catastrophic delamination
Other factors such as spacing between carbides, especially in and macropitting/spalling to micropitting and surface distress
relation to the sand particle size and shape, can also influence 关8,27–33兴. The failure mechanisms underpinning these failure
abrasive wear performance. Hence, the difference between the modes are based upon the theories of surface and subsurface stress
performance of the cast and HIPed alloys might differ if even finer risers. For the case of cermets and other ductile materials, subsur-
sand particles are used. This is because the finer abrasive particles face stress risers, e.g., the orthogonal shear stress 共Eq. 共1兲兲 and
could plough the matrix between the carbides more easily, and maximum shear stress 共Eq. 共2兲兲, generally result in crack initiation
result in more material removal. Hence, even finer sand particles and propagation 关31–33兴 for fatigue failure. For the case of ce-
than those considered in this investigation may further elaborate ramics and other materials with negligible ductility, maximum
the differences in the wear mechanisms of the cast and HIPed tensile stress at the edge of the contact region initiates and propa-
alloys. Additional factors, although not considered in this investi- gates fatigue cracks. The SEM investigations of the wear tracks
gation, can be the difference between the carbide/matrix interfa- 共Fig. 11共a兲兲 indicated that the cast alloy failed via spalling, and at
cial bond strength of the cast and HIPed alloys. a depth which was representative of the maximum shear stress.
Spalling failure mode was observed on the worn surfaces of cast
4.4 Sliding Wear Performance. In the sliding wear tests alloy tested under both stress levels 共3.1 GPa and 3.6 GPa兲, and
against the WC–Co ball, the cast disk sample showed slightly microcracks were also visible at the edge of the spalls 共Fig. 11共a兲兲.
better wear resistance than the HIPed alloy. The carbides in the The failure mode for the HIPed counterpart was surface distress,
WC–Co ball were much smaller 共typically 2 m, manufacturers which is generally defined as microscale spalling fatigue, at a
data兲 than the carbides in the cast alloy, resulting in appreciable slightly shallower depth of orthogonal shear stress. A number of
wear of the WC–Co ball 共Fig. 8共a兲兲. However, the carbides in the micropits were observed in the wear track of HIPed alloy, and it
HIPed alloy were similar in size to those in the WC–Co ball, was evident that during the fatigue test, some of the micropits
which resulted in negligible wear of the WC–Co ball 共Fig. 8共b兲兲. transformed to macropits 共Fig. 11共b兲兲. Further details of these fa-
Therefore the ball volume loss was significantly higher for the tigue failure mechanisms can be seen elsewhere 关8兴. The widths of
cast alloy, which should ultimately reduce the difference in the the wear tracks 共400– 500 m兲 observed under the SEM were
total sliding wear volume loss of the test couples for the two greater than the computed contact widths in Table 4, which is
alloys. However, as the ball wear scar in the cast alloy couple was attributed to the plastic deformation and/or wear on the sample
nonuniform, its volume loss could not be evaluated using the surfaces during the fatigue testing, and the influence of material
three-dimensional interferometer. shakedown effects during the first few cycles of testing 关27,28兴.
Previously published results on the sliding wear performance of In terms of the structure–property relationships, similar mecha-
Stellite alloys indicated that the wear mechanisms consisted of the nisms of crack propagation were influential as were discussed for
fracture of the hard carbides 关24兴, the oxide layer 关15,25,26兴, and the Charpy impact and abrasive wear tests 共Secs. 4.2 and 4.3兲.
the predominant wearing of the matrix 关16兴. Some indicated that Once subsurface cracks initiated at the depths of orthogonal or
under severe sliding wear the influence of microstructure on the maximum shear stresses, they readily transformed into macro-
wear loss was limited 关5兴. In this investigation, better wear resis- cracks under cyclic loading along the eutectic net and/or within
tance of the cast alloy is attributed to its coarse microstructure. As the blocky carbide of the cast alloy. Contrary to this, propagation
the harder counterface, the WC–Co ball could plough through the of subsurface fatigue cracks at these depths in the HIPed alloy
alloy, and the relatively softer matrix was worn preferentially. The was resisted due to the absence of blocky carbides, which pro-
surfaces became rugged due to the remaining protruding carbides. vided a relatively easy crack propagation route in the cast alloy.
After cyclic loading by the WC–Co ball, cracks initiated on the Hence for the HIPed alloy, the subsurface cracks had to propagate
blocky carbides. Figure 9共a兲 shows the cracks on the carbides in through the metal matrix and at the carbide/matrix boundary,
the cast alloy, indicating brittle fracture occurred there. However which provided resistance to crack propagation during the RCF
these carbides in the cast alloy were coarse and interlocked in the failure.
matrix. Even after the fracture, they could still be retained in the
microstructure due to the interlaced net in the cast alloy. There- 5 Conclusion
fore, the carbides in the cast alloy resisted pullout and ploughing,
The main conclusions can be summarized as follows:
and therefore reduced the wear loss significantly. For the HIPed
alloy, ploughing and carbide pullout were the main wear mecha- 共1兲 The cast alloy had a hypereutectic microstructure, while the
nisms. The groove shown in the middle of Fig. 9共b兲 was wide HIPed alloy had a much finer microstructure with fine car-
enough to plough away a number of carbides together with the bides uniformly distributed in the matrix. Microstructural
matrix in a single groove. The pits on the worn surface indicated phases in both alloys, however, were similar, i.e., ␣-cobalt,
carbide pullout was widespread in the HIPed alloy. M7C3, Cr23C6, Co3W, Co7W6, and Co6W6C;
共2兲 Despite similar hardness of the two alloys, the impact
4.5 Contact Fatigue toughness of the HIPed alloy was approximately an order
. of magnitude higher than that of cast alloy. This improve-
ment in the impact resistance was attributed to the fine
4.5.1 RCF Performance. The improvement in the impact carbide morphology of the HIPed alloy, which resisted
toughness of the HIPed alloy also resulted in significant improve- crack propagation;
ment in its relative fatigue performance 共Fig. 10兲. This improve- 共3兲 Smaller sand particle size could result in more abrasive
ment in performance was observed at two different loads of 120 N volume loss for both the cast and HIPed alloys. Brittle frac-
and 180 N 共Table 4兲, and was indicative of a consistent trend in ture of the carbides and ploughing of the matrix were the
performance improvement. These results confirm that in addition main wear mechanisms for the cast alloy, whereas for the
to the well known abrasive and sliding wear resistance of these HIPed alloy, ploughing and carbide pullout were the domi-
alloys, the HIPing processing route provides additional benefits nant wear mechanisms; and
for the use of these alloys in high-impact and fatigue resistance 共4兲 The relative contact fatigue performance of the HIPed alloy
Downloaded 25 Sep 2007 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright, see
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