Lesson Plan Template: Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in Student Friendly Language)
Lesson Plan Template: Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in Student Friendly Language)
Lesson Plan Template: Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in Student Friendly Language)
Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language)
GCO 4: Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of literature...etc.
-SCO 4: Emergent K-1 engage in reading and reading-like behaviour as they experience a variety of literature
-SCO 5: begin to use knowledge of sound-symbol relationships as one reading cue (e.g: initial and final consonants)
GCO 8: students will be expected to use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify and reflect on their
thoughts, feelings, experiences and to use their imagination.
-SCO 2: use writing to convey meaning (communicating messages, recounting experiences)
Learning Outcome Discussion: This opens the literacy block. Teacher will ask the students what they learn
about/do in literacy. Additional Question(s): Why do we learn our letters? Why do we learn how to read?
Self-Assessment (Daily 5): Students will assess themselves after Daily five. They rate themselves on a scale
of 1-4. 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest. Students will be asked to assess themselves by holding
out however many fingers they believe they earned.
(3 min) Phonemic Awareness: Beginning sounds. I’m going to show you a picture of something (it could be
an animal or a thing) and you will tell me what the beginning sound of the word is. Ex: Dog. [d] *Use
popsicle sticks.
(10 min) Daily 5: 2 Rounds (Students are to do either: Read to self, Read to someone and Work on
writing) Independent reading, Independent writing
Modelled writing: Teacher will model the writing topic for the day (drawing, labelling, sounding/stretching
out words). Writing topic for today is pets. If students have pets they write about their own, if they do not
they write about what kind of animal they want as a pet.
**Remind students of expectations by showing them the I chart. Teacher picks four people (two pairs) for
read to someone. One pair goes to the reading shelves, one pair goes out into the hall. The remainder of
the students are working on work on writing and reading to self. Teacher will use the checklist to mark
everyone’s choice for the 1st round. Timer is put on for 7-10 minutes.
Intervention Group: Teacher works with selected student(s) on letters and/or name writing.
Attention getter/Transition: Ring chimes and students clean their tables and come back to carpet with their
journals and books. Once students are at carpet groups (star, heart, diamond, flower) are selected to place
their books back in the bins.
(10 min) Daily 5; 2nd round: Select new students for read to someone, work on writing and read to self.
Same student will be working with teacher. Set timer for another 7-10 minutes. Attention Getter: Ring
chimes students clean their tables and return to carpet. Groups are selected to place their items away.
Self-Assessment: Students rate themselves based on how well they followed the I chart rules (read/write
the whole time, read/write quietly, stay in one place, get started right away, build stamina). 4 is the highest
and 1 is the lowest.
Reader's Workshop
(5 min) Read Aloud: Reread parts of the text that lends itself to the text-dependent questions.
Ask these questions before: Who are the characters? Where did it take place? (setting) Students turn and
talk to discuss these questions. Model turn and talk
Word Work: Go over vocabulary words. Valley, Fine, Rushing, Roared. Trampled. Teacher shows student
the vocabulary word card with picture and students are chosen to give the definition in their own words. If
they can explain it, they get the vocabulary words to hold.
Shared Reading: Teacher leads the students in a reading of “Grumpy Troll”. Teacher reads one line first,
using pointer, then students echo read. If time: Ask individual students to come up and read the poem using
the pointer. *use popsicle sticks to pick students.
Circle discussion: What did you learn in literacy. Students get the talking stick and are able to have turn to
talk and tell the class what they have learned during literacy.
Logan: to join the class during daily 5 time. Is to read independently first, then read to someone (Mrs. Frenette).
Brody: is to read during daily 5: independently or to Mrs. Fisher or Ms. Simpson.
Sera: behaviour interventions-send to office to deliver a message, give “special duty”, stand on her standing circle,
last resort is to call office if she is non-compliant/aggressive and being highly disruptive to the learning environment
of other students.
Joshua (intervention group for Daily 5)