L-65295 March 10, 1987 controversy and which is the result of the
negligence of the defendants;
CARBONEL, petitioners, (3) To pay the plaintiff jointly and severally the
vs. sum of P 10,000. as moral damages for the
THE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and LEONARDO unexpected and sudden withdrawal of
DIONISIO, respondents. plaintiff from his lifetime career as a marketing
man; mental anguish, wounded feeling,
serious anxiety, social humiliation, besmirched
reputation, feeling of economic insecurity,
and the untold sorrows and frustration in life
FELICIANO, J: experienced by plaintiff and his family since
the accident in controversy up to the present
In the early morning of 15 November 1975 — at about 1:30 a.m. time;
— private respondent Leonardo Dionisio was on his way home —
he lived in 1214-B Zamora Street, Bangkal, Makati — from a (4) To pay plaintiff jointly and severally the sum
cocktails-and-dinner meeting with his boss, the general manager of P 10,000.00 as damages for the wanton
of a marketing corporation. During the cocktails phase of the disregard of defendants to settle amicably this
evening, Dionisio had taken "a shot or two" of liquor. Dionisio was case with the plaintiff before the filing of this
driving his Volkswagen car and had just crossed the intersection case in court for a smaller amount.
of General Lacuna and General Santos Streets at Bangkal,
Makati, not far from his home, and was proceeding down
(5) To pay the plaintiff jointly and severally the
General Lacuna Street, when his car headlights (in his allegation)
sum of P 4,500.00 due as and for attorney's
suddenly failed. He switched his headlights on "bright" and
fees; and
thereupon he saw a Ford dump truck looming some 2-1/2 meters
away from his car. The dump truck, owned by and registered in
the name of petitioner Phoenix Construction Inc. ("Phoenix"), was (6) The cost of suit. (Emphasis supplied)
parked on the right hand side of General Lacuna Street (i.e., on
the right hand side of a person facing in the same direction
Phoenix and Carbonel appealed to the Intermediate Appellate
toward which Dionisio's car was proceeding), facing the
Court. That court in CA-G.R. No. 65476 affirmed the decision of
oncoming traffic. The dump truck was parked askew (not
the trial court but modified the award of damages to the
parallel to the street curb) in such a manner as to stick out onto
following extent:
the street, partly blocking the way of oncoming traffic. There
were no lights nor any so-called "early warning" reflector devices
set anywhere near the dump truck, front or rear. The dump truck 1. The award of P15,000.00
had earlier that evening been driven home by petitioner as compensatory damages
Armando U. Carbonel, its regular driver, with the permission of his was reduced
employer Phoenix, in view of work scheduled to be carried out to P6,460.71, the latter
early the following morning, Dionisio claimed that he tried to being the only amount that
avoid a collision by swerving his car to the left but it was too late the appellate court found
and his car smashed into the dump truck. As a result of the the plaintiff to have proved
collision, Dionisio suffered some physical injuries including some as actually sustained by
permanent facial scars, a "nervous breakdown" and loss of two him;
gold bridge dentures.
2. The award of P150,000.00
Dionisio commenced an action for damages in the Court of First as loss of expected income
Instance of Pampanga basically claiming that the legal and was reduced
proximate cause of his injuries was the negligent manner in to P100,000.00, basically
which Carbonel had parked the dump truck entrusted to him by because Dionisio had
his employer Phoenix. Phoenix and Carbonel, on the other hand, voluntarily resigned his job
countered that the proximate cause of Dionisio's injuries was his such that, in the opinion of
own recklessness in driving fast at the time of the accident, while the appellate court, his loss
under the influence of liquor, without his headlights on and of income "was not solely
without a curfew pass. Phoenix also sought to establish that it attributable to the
had exercised due rare in the selection and supervision of the accident in question;" and
dump truck driver.
3. The award of P100,000.00
The trial court rendered judgment in favor of Dionisio and against as moral damages was
Phoenix and Carbonel and ordered the latter: held by the appellate court
as excessive and
unconscionable and
(1) To pay plaintiff jointly and severally the sum
hence reduced
of P 15,000.00 for hospital bills and the
to P50,000.00.
replacement of the lost dentures of plaintiff;
Petitioners also ask us to apply what they refer to as the "last Turning to the award of damages and taking into account the
clear chance" doctrine. The theory here of petitioners is that comparative negligence of private respondent Dionisio on one
while the petitioner truck driver was negligent, private hand and petitioners Carbonel and Phoenix upon the other
respondent Dionisio had the "last clear chance" of avoiding the hand, 17 we believe that the demands of substantial justice are
accident and hence his injuries, and that Dionisio having failed satisfied by allocating most of the damages on a 20-80 ratio.
to take that "last clear chance" must bear his own injuries alone. Thus, 20% of the damages awarded by the respondent
The last clear chance doctrine of the common law was appellate court, except the award of P10,000.00 as exemplary
imported into our jurisdiction by Picart vs. Smith 11 but it is a damages and P4,500.00 as attorney's fees and costs, shall be
matter for debate whether, or to what extent, it has found its borne by private respondent Dionisio; only the balance of 80%
way into the Civil Code of the Philippines. The historical function needs to be paid by petitioners Carbonel and Phoenix who shall
of that doctrine in the common law was to mitigate the be solidarity liable therefor to the former. The award of
harshness of another common law doctrine or rule that of
exemplary damages and attorney's fees and costs shall be
borne exclusively by the petitioners. Phoenix is of course entitled
to reimbursement from Carbonel. 18 We see no sufficient reason
for disturbing the reduced award of damages made by the
respondent appellate court.
- versus – Thus, Ranida went back to CDC for confirmatory testing, and this
RANIDA D. SALVADOR and time, the Anti-HBs test conducted on her indicated a Negative
RAMON SALVADOR, Respondents.
G.R. No. 168512 March 20, 2007
This is a petition for review[2] under Rule 45 of the Rules Ranida also underwent another HBs Ag test at
of Court assailing the February 27, 2004 Decision[3] of the Court of the Bataan Doctors Hospital using the Micro-Elisa Method. The
Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 58668 finding petitioner Orlando D. result indicated that she was non-reactive.[10]
Garcia liable for gross negligence; and its June 16, 2005
Resolution[4] denying petitioners motion for reconsideration. Ranida submitted the test results
On October 1, 1993, respondent Ranida D. Salvador of the Company who requested her to undergo another similar
started working as a trainee in the Accounting Department of test before her re-employment would be considered. Thus, CDC
Limay Bulk Handling Terminal, Inc. (the Company). As a conducted another HBs Ag test on Ranida which indicated a
prerequisite for regular employment, she underwent a medical Negative result.[11] Ma. Ruby G. Calderon, Med-Tech Officer-in-
examination at the Community Diagnostic Center Charge of CDC, issued a Certification correcting the initial result
(CDC). Garcia who is a medical technologist, conducted the and explaining that the examining medical technologist
HBs Ag (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) test and on October 22, (Garcia) interpreted the delayed reaction as positive or
1993, CDC issued the test result[5] indicating that Ranida was HBs reactive.[12]
Ag: Reactive. The result bore the name and signature of Garcia
as examiner and the rubber stamp signature of Castro as Thereafter, the Company rehired Ranida.
When Ranida submitted the test result to Dr. Sto. damages against petitioner Garcia and a purportedly unknown
Domingo, the Company physician, the latter apprised her that pathologist of CDC, claiming that, by reason of the erroneous
the findings indicated that she is suffering from Hepatitis B, a liver interpretation of the results of Ranidas examination, she lost her
disease. Thus, based on the medical report[6] submitted by Sto. job and suffered serious mental anxiety, trauma and sleepless
Domingo, the Company terminated Ranidas employment for nights, while Ramon was hospitalized and lost business
When Ranida informed her father, Ramon, about her ailment, On September 26, 1994, respondents amended their
the latter suffered a heart attack and was confined at complaint[14] by naming Castro as the unknown pathologist.
Ranida underwent another HBs Ag test at the said hospital and Garcia denied the allegations of gross negligence and
the result[8] indicated that she is non-reactive. She informed Sto. incompetence and reiterated the scientific explanation for the
For his part, Castro claimed that as pathologist, he Garcia maintains he is not negligent, thus not liable for
rarely went to CDC and only when a case was referred to him; damages, because he followed the appropriate laboratory
that he did not examine Ranida; and that the test results bore measures and procedures as dictated by his training and
only his rubber-stamp signature. experience; and that he did everything within his professional
prove the liability of Garcia and Castro. It held that respondents At the outset, we note that the issues raised are factual
should have presented Sto. Domingo because he was the one in nature. Whether a person is negligent or not is a question of
who interpreted the test result issued by CDC. Likewise, fact which we cannot pass upon in a petition for review
respondents should have presented a medical expert to refute on certiorari which is limited to reviewing errors of law.[19]
explanation behind the conflicting test results on Ranida.[17] Negligence is the failure to observe for the protection
Respondents appealed to the Court of Appeals which reversed and vigilance which the circumstances justly
the trial courts findings, the dispositive portion of which states: demand,[20] whereby such other person suffers injury. For health
care providers, the test of the existence of negligence is: did the
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed
from is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and another health care provider either fail to do something which a
one entered ORDERING defendant-appellee
Orlando D. Garcia, Jr. to pay plaintiff- reasonably prudent health care provider would have done, or
appellant Ranida D. Salvador moral damages
that he or she did something that a reasonably prudent health
in the amount of P50,000.00, exemplary
damages in the amount of P50,000.00 and care provider would not have done; and that failure or action
attorneys fees in the amount of P25,000.00.
caused injury to the patient;[21] if yes, then he is guilty of
plaintiffs house in a fire which started in his establishment in view (1) This shall be mandatory for all
categories of free-standing clinical laboratories;
of his failure to comply with an ordinance which required the all tertiary category hospital laboratories and for
all secondary category hospital laboratories
construction of a firewall. In Teague v. Fernandez, we stated that located in areas with sufficient available
where the very injury which was intended to be prevented by
ordinance was not only an act of negligence, but also the Sec. 11. Reporting: All laboratory
requests shall be considered as consultations
proximate cause of the death.[23] between the requesting physician and
pathologist of the laboratory. As such all
laboratory reports on various examinations of
human specimens shall be construed as
In fine, violation of a statutory duty is consultation report and shall bear the name
of the pathologist or his associate. No person
negligence. Where the law imposes upon a person the duty to
in clinical laboratory shall issue a report, orally
do something, his omission or non-performance will render him or in writing, whole portions thereof without a
directive from the pathologist or his authorized
liable to whoever may be injured thereby. associate and only to the requesting
physician or his authorized representative
except in emergencies when the results may
be released as authorized by the pathologist.
Section 2 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 4688, otherwise
known as The Clinical Laboratory Law, provides:
Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any Sec. 25. Violations:
person to be professionally in-charge of a
registered clinical laboratory unless he is a 25.1 The license to operate a clinical
licensed physician duly qualified in laboratory laboratory may be suspended or revoked by
medicine and authorized by the Secretary of the Undersecretary of Health for Standards
Health, such authorization to be renewed and Regulation upon violation of R.A. 4688 or
annually. the rules and regulations issued in pursuance
thereto or the commission of the following
No license shall be granted or acts by the persons owning or operating a
renewed by the Secretary of Health for the clinical laboratory and the persons under their
operation and maintenance of a clinical authority.
laboratory unless such laboratory is under the
administration, direction and supervision of an (1) Operation of a Clinical
authorized physician, as provided for in the Laboratory without a
preceding paragraph. certified pathologist or
qualified licensed physician
authorized by the
Corollarily, Sections 9(9.1)(1), 11 and 25(25.1)(1) of the Undersecretary of Health or
without employing a
DOH Administrative Order No. 49-B Series of 1988, otherwise registered medical
technologist or a person
known as the Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the not registered as a medical
technologist in such a
Registration, Operation and Maintenance of Clinical position.
Laboratories in the Philippines, read: And Section 29(b) of R.A. No. 5527, otherwise known
These rules are intended for the protection of the public Castros infrequent visit to the clinical laboratory barely
by preventing performance of substandard clinical examinations qualifies as an effective administrative supervision and control
by laboratories whose personnel are not properly supervised. The over the activities in the laboratory. Supervision and control
public demands no less than an effective and efficient means the authority to act directly whenever a specific function
performance of clinical laboratory examinations through is entrusted by law or regulation to a subordinate; direct the
compliance with the quality standards set by laws and performance of duty; restrain the commission of acts; review,
officials or units.[27]
First, CDC is not administered, directed and supervised appellee Castro, who admitted that:
by a licensed physician as required by law, but by Ma. Ruby C. [He] does not know, and has never
known or met, the plaintiff-patient even up to
Calderon, a licensed Medical Technologist.[24] In the License to this time nor has he personally examined any
specimen, blood, urine or any other tissue,
Open and Operate a Clinical Laboratory for the years 1993 and from the plaintiff-patient otherwise his own
handwritten signature would have appeared
1996 issued by Dr. Juan R. Naagas, M.D., Undersecretary for in the result and not merely stamped as shown
in Annex B of the Amended Complaint.[28]
Health Facilities, Standards and Regulation, defendant-appellee
respondent Ranida without the authorization of defendant- and attorneys fees.Exemplary damages are imposed, by way of
appellee Castro.[29] example or correction for the public good, in addition to moral,
Garcia may not have intended to cause the attorneys fees may be recovered when, as in the instant case,
consequences which followed after the release of the HBsAG exemplary damages are awarded.[34]
test result. However, his failure to comply with the laws and rules
promulgated and issued for the protection of public safety and WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals in
interest is failure to observe that care which a reasonably CA-G.R. CV No. 58668 dated February 27, 2004 finding petitioner
prudent health care provider would observe. Thus, his act or Orlando D. Garcia, Jr. guilty of gross negligence and liable to
omission constitutes a breach of duty. pay to respondents P50,000.00 as moral damages, P50,000.00 as
the laws and rules aforequoted. She was terminated from the SO ORDERED.
several more tests. All these could have been avoided had the
legal provision.[31]