Korean J Neurotrauma 2016;12(2):112-117
Objective: To determine whether baseline cerebral atrophy can predict the rate of future chronic subdural hematoma
(CSDH) after head trauma and compare indirect markers of brain atrophy with volumetric analysis of computed tomogra-
phy (CT).
Methods: Single institution case-control study involving 1,476 patients who visited our hospital after head trauma from
January 2009 to December 2014. Forty-one patients with delayed CSDH were identified and age, gender matched 41 pa-
tients were selected as control group. Both volumetric analyze on CT and Evans index, frontal horn index, bicaudate ratio,
sylvian fissure ratio and cortical atrophy scale of 82 patients were estimated by different raters and relationship of those
factors with CSDH was analyzed.
Results: Every indirect indices except cortical atrophy scale were not enough to give a good estimate of CSDH. Brain at-
rophy and cortical atrophy scale were predisposing factors of CSDH on multivariate analysis with statistical significance.
Conclusion: Brain atrophy was a potential prognostic factor of CSDH after trauma. In practice, patients with a value of
cortical atrophy scale over moderate grade needed more attention for CSDH.
(Korean J Neurotrauma 2016;12(2):112-117)
KEY WORDS: Analysis ㆍAtrophy ㆍBrain ㆍEvaluation studies as topic ㆍHematoma, subdural, chronic.
Materials and Methods rophy index (%)=(1-CSF volume/IC volume)×100] (Figure 1). 113
Cortical Atrophy Scale and Indirect Indices to Predict CSDH
FIGURE 2. Brain computed tomography examples of cortical atrophy scale. (A) Absent atrophy. (B) Mild atrophy. (C) Moderate at-
rophy. (D) Severe atrophy.
sion of SPSS Version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Correlation between indirect indices and quantitative
Student t-test and chi-square were utilized for difference volume
between groups; in addition, linear regression was used to BCR and EI had significant and moderately strong cor-
quantify the relationship between brain volume and indi- relation with ventricle volume (r=0.679, r=0.44, p=0.000,
ces of brain atrophy. And linear regression with 95% confi- respectively). BCR (r=0.447, p=0.000) was the most signifi-
dence interval was used to identify the correlation between cant influencing factor for brain atrophy, followed by EI
CSDH and indices of brain atrophy. A p-value of less than (r=0.247, p=0.17), and SFR (r=0.221, p=0.033). BCR also
was considered as statistically significance. had correlation with volume of cortical subarachnoid space,
but correlation coefficient was low (r=0.247, p=0.02). On
Results the other hand, there was no relationship between indirect
indices and brain hemisphere volume. All results were
Patient characteristics shown in Table 2.
The mean age was 73.7 years Group A, and 78.2 years in
Group B (p=0.059). Among 82 patients, 36 patients took an- Volumetric analysis (quantitative value)
tiplatelet agents; 19 patients of Group A and 17 patients of In quantitative study, brain volume was 1,158.1 mL in
Group B and there was no statistically significant (p=0.522). Group A and 1,130.6 mL in Group B (p=0.45). Ventricle vol-
History of cerebral infarction showed higher percentage in ume was 50.8 mL in Group A and 42.5 mL in Group B and
Group A than Group B, with borderline significance (p= volume of cortical subarachnoid space was 89.2 mL in
0.083). Gender, DM, HTN, smoking, anticoagulation agent Group A and 85.2 mL in Group B with no statistically sig-
and history of heart disease, epilepsy, hematologic disease nificance, respectively (p=0.19, p=0.79). There was a high-
had no statistical significance between 2 groups. We sum- er degree of brain atrophy index in Group A (9.08%) than
marized all results in Table 1. Group B (6.38%), with statistical significance (p=0.003). All
results are shown in Table 3. tween Group A and B (p=0.014). In brain cortical atrophy
(2 or 3 of cortical atrophy scale), there was 17 patients in
Indirect indices analysis (qualitative value) Group A and 6 patients in Group B with statistical signifi-
EI was 0.24 of Group A and 0.25 of Group B and there cance (p=0.024).
was no statistical significance (p=0.348). FHI was 0.29 of
Group A and 0.3 of Group B without statistical significance. TABLE 4. Multivariate analysis of factors on chronic subdural
In BCR and SFR, there was higher tendency in Group A hematoma after trauma
than Group B but, there was no statistical significance. On Factors p-value Exp (ß) 95% CI
the other hand, cortical atrophy scale and brain cortical at- Brain atrophy index* 0.029 3.1 1.092-11.853
Brain cortical atrophy† 0.042 2.02 0.721-4.8930
rophy had statistical significance (p=0.014, p=0.024, re-
spectively). All results are shown in Table 3. *brain atrophy index: 1-brain volume/intracranial volume ×100%,
†brain cortical atrophy: value of brain cortical atrophy scale
Cortical atrophy scale had statistically significant be- over moderate grade. CI: confidence interval
TABLE 3. Indirect indices and brain volume between chronic subdural hematoma and control groups
Factors Group A (n=41) Group B (n=41) p-value
Quantitative value
Brain (mL) 1158.1 1130.6 0.45
Ventricle (mL) 0050.8 0042.5 0.19
Cortical subarachnoid space (mL) 0089.2 0085.2 0.79
Brain atrophy index* (%) 0009.08 0006.38 0.003
Qualitative value
Evans index 0000.24 0000.25 0.348
Frontal horn index 0000.29 0000.30 0.357
Bicaudate ratio 0000.15 0000.14 0.417
Sylvian fissure ratio 0000.067 0000.056 0.181
Brain cortical atrophy scale 0.014
Normal 0007 0018
Mild 0017 0017
Moderate 0011 0006
Severe 0006 0000
Brain cortical atrophy † 0017 0006 0.024
*brain atrophy index: 1-brain volume/intracranial volume ×100%, †brain cortical atrophy: value of brain cortical atrophy scale
over moderate grade 115
Cortical Atrophy Scale and Indirect Indices to Predict CSDH
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