M Aking An Impact at Kohat Cement
M Aking An Impact at Kohat Cement
M Aking An Impact at Kohat Cement
M arc Piccinin, Process Engineer, M agot t eaux, describes t he opt imisat ion
of a raw mill circuit using a vert ical shaf t impact or in a closed circuit in f ront of
the ball mill, and a Sturtevant ® SD high efficiency separator instead of a static one.
Fineness on the 90µ sieve of 21% The raw material is precrushed and Table 2. Proposed internals of ball mill
residue was also assured. In order to the outlet product transported by Lining:
reach this guarantee, the flow-sheet another belt conveyor to the fresh on 1.50 m (or 20%): Monostep lifting
shown in Figure 1 was chosen. material conveyor. on 6.18 m (or 80%): Classodrift classifying
All components of the precrush-
New equipment ing system are thus linked by belt
Installation of an OPTIMEX outlet diaphragm
Ball charge:
The precrushing system conveyors. This system is more
102 t of ø90-80-70-60-50-40-30-25 mm or 28%
The fresh material is stocked in three extensive in a horizontal area than in volume load
small silos after the stock pile. Three a vertical one because the plant was
Detail of the charge at 80% and before
weigh feeders feed a conveyor belt to unwilling to use a bucket elevator in
optimisation (t):
the vibrating screen. A metal detector this circuit. 80 mm dia 15
is installed on this conveyor, but the Finally, the passing product from 70 mm dia 13
plant has now also installed a metal the vibrating screen feeds the ball 60 mm dia 1
extractor in order to avoid untimely mill. Both circuits are directly on line 50 mm dia 10
stoppages. without an intermediate silo. 40 mm dia 7
The vibrating screen, made by 30 mm dia 23
The ball mill
Haver & Boecker, has a capacity of Total: 79
The mill was equipped with a poor lift-
300 tph, an angle of 15˚, a first deck
ing lining without classification effect.
of 25 mm and last one of 10 mm. The mill gas also passes through the
The new internals proposed are
The material is screened in this separator and the same quantity leaves
described in Table 2.
section in order to get a passage of the circuit after the fan and enters the
0-10 mm. The tails (or material higher The separator circuit kiln’s electroprecipitator (Figure 1).
than 10 mm) fall from a conveyor belt The separator is a Sturtevant® SD120
onto the MAG’impact® precrusher. with air re-circulation. The existing Optimisation and results
The main characteristics of the cyclones and mill fan were used in First step at 80% of the ball
MAG’impact® model 2400 are: the new configuration. charge
The separator has the following
• Table diameter: 960 mm.
The mill was producing an average of
• Impellers number: 5 (with H+ 110-115 tph with an average fineness
inserts). • Cage diameter: 2.94 m. of 18-20% residue on 90µ. In order to
• Installed power: 200 kW (1 motor). • Installed power: 110 kW. add the last 20% of balls, Magotteaux
had to carry out an axial test inside
• Maximum speed of rotation: 1500 • Cage speeds: 90-230 rpm.
the mill (Figure 2).
t/min. • Maximum air quantity: 200 000 m3/h.
These curves clearly show that
• Maximum feed size: 130 mm. • Fines output: maximum 180 tph. there are no uncrushed particles as
• Maximum output: 350 tph. • Feed quantity: 160-500 tph. from sample 3.
Figure 1. Proposed f low sheet f or t he raw mill at Kohat Cement , Pakist an.
Table 3. Final ball charge Table 4. First sample in precrushing system (80% of ball charge)
mm dia t % % of passing 1 mm 2.8 mm 4.75 mm 6.7 mm 9.5 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm 31.5 mm
80 15 14.6 Fresh feed 25 39.4 49.6 57.5 65.9 79.3 84 87.4 91.5
70 14 13.6 Screen feed 25.8 39.3 50.3 59.1 69.1 82.8 87.1 91.7 95.4
60 12 11.6 VSI inlet 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 12.3 56 68.6 78.8 89.6
50 11 10.7 VSI product 20.1 42.1 58.9 72.6 82.9 93.7 95.5 97.1 98.3
40 12 11. Screen passing 34.9 59.6 77.2 90.6 100 100 100 100 100
30 28 27.2
25 11 10.7 Circul. load 1.36 1.52 1.54 1.54 1.54 1.64 1.70 1.64 1.79
Total: 103 Efficiency 19.7% 41.8% 58.7% 72.4% 80.5% 85.7% 85.7% 86.3% 83.7%
The last 23 t Table 5. Second sample in precrushing system (100% of ball charge)
could be a majority % of passing 1 mm 2.8 mm 4.8 mm 6.7 mm 9.5 mm 16 mm 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm
of small balls. The
Fresh feed 25.1 46.6 49.3 57.8 67.8 81.4 85 88.7 91.7
final ball charge is
shown in Table 3. Screen feed 19.8 38.4 49.7 57.9 67.3 80.5 87.5 91.1 94.1
A complete sam- VSI inlet 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.9 11.7 52.6 65 77 87.8
ple was also taken in VSI product 26.6 42.2 57.5 75 83.3 89.7 90.6 95.3 97.5
the circuit of the pre- Screen passing 34.6 62.4 77.9 90.2 99 100 100 100 100
crusher in order to
know the material
Circul. load 1.78 1.64 1.58 1.58 1.57 1.70 1.56 1.63 1.94
flows, the efficiency
of the MAG’impact ® Efficiency 26.0% 41.7% 57.2% 74.5% 81.1% 78.3% 73.1% 79.6% 79.5%
and the granulome-
try of the material
going to the mill (Table 4). • Mill power: 1270 kW. Final step at 100% of the
Prior to the mill crash stop, the ball charge
production data was as follows:
• Mill specific power: 10.95 kW/t.
• MAG’impact® speed of rotation: A second sampling in the precrushing
• Output: 116 tph. 1500 t/min. system was taken at maximum pro-
• Circulating load to the separator: • MAG’impact® power: 104 kW. duction. The results in Table 5 show
± 1.5 (A/F). that the system is stable and reliable.
• MAG’impact® specific The circulating load, efficiency
power: 0.9 kw/t of fin-
and particle size distribution of the
ished product.
material going to the mill are very sim-
• Total specific power: ilar to the results found at 116 tph.
11.85 kw/t. Figure 4 shows the particle size
• MAG’impact® specific distribution of the different samples at
Residue (%)
0.1 99.9
0.1 99.9
1 99 1 99
5 95 95
10 90 10 90
20 80 20 80
30 70 30 70
36.8 63.2 36.8 63.2
50 50 50 50
60 40 60 40
70 30 70 30
80 80
85 20 85 20
15 15
90 90
5 4
96 4 97 3
97 3
98 2
98 2
99 1
99 1
99.5 0.5
99.5 0.5 0.1 1 10 100 100
0.1 1 10 100 1000
dimension mm dimension mm
Figure 3. Part icle size dist ribut ion of samples at 80% of t he Figure 4. Part icle size dist ribut ion of samples at 100 % of t he
charge. charge.
• MAG’impact® power: 136 kW. • Total: 150.6 tph.
• MAG’impact® specific power: 0.9 • Fineness: 20.2% R90µ.
kW/t of finished product. • Moisture fresh feed: 1.9%.
• Mill+ MAGimpact® specific power: • Tails of separator: 137 tph (i.e. a
11.23 kw/t. circulating factor off 1.9).
• MAG’impact specific power of the • Separator speed: 33-34%.
precrushed product: 1.65 kw/t. • Mill completely in manual.
It was not possible to continue the tri-
Final result als because of problems on some old
The commissioning which began on existing auxiliaries.
the 13th March 1997 was achieved
with the following results. During 16 Conclusion
hours from 18.00 on 21/3/97 to 13.00 Improvements arising from the circuit
on 22/3/97, the average production modifications are summarised in
data was: Table 6.
• Mix stockpile: 147.75 tph. In conclusion, the modification of
• Laterite: 2.84 tph. a raw mill circuit by replacing the sta-
The M ag’impact ® in Kohat . tic separator with a high-efficiency
one and adding a precrushing sys-
Table 6. Improvements arising from circuit modifications tem can lead to an important produc-
Before modification After modification Improvement (% )
tion increase and a representative
efficiency improvement.
Output (tph) 95 150 58.5
Millpower (kW) 1400 1560 11.4
Precrusher power (kW) - 136 -
Magotteaux would like to thank the
Mill specific power (kW/t) 14.74 10.36 29.7 management and the personnel of
Precrusher specific power (kW/t) - 0.9 - Kohat Cement for their complete
Total specific power (kW/t) 14.74 11.26 23.6 co-operation in this successful pro-
Fineness ± 10 ject.