The Quis Requirement Specification of A Next Generation E-Learning System
The Quis Requirement Specification of A Next Generation E-Learning System
The Quis Requirement Specification of A Next Generation E-Learning System
The QUIS requirement specification of a next generation e-learning system was one of the main outcomes of the
European project QUIS (2005-06). The article summarizes the requirement specification and provides examples of
functional requirements and use cases. The article also describes the experiences and the conclusions from the work of
the requirement specification, with the aim of providing advice to system developers, content providers and researchers
within the field of e-learning.
Educational software, LMS, personal learning environment (PLE), next generation e-learning, requirement specification.
The main goals of work package 6 of the QUIS project [1] were to develop a requirement specification for a
next generation e-learning system and to provide experience and advice to system developers, content
providers and researchers in order to enhance quality within e-learning. The requirement specification
attempts to clarify and concretize the term “next generation e-learning system”, which lacks a common
understanding: The UNFOLD project claims that activity-based e-learning is the next generation e-learning
[2], while others argue that mobile learning is [3, 4]; the PLE project suggests that Personal Learning
Environments will be the future [5]. The main focus of the QUIS requirement specification report is the
pedagogical and technological parts of a next generation e-learning system, not the administrative part.
IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007
Moreover, we have experimented with topic map prototypes and learning object metadata standards, and we
have run pilot projects with online tutoring and online interactive learning arenas.
ISBN: 978-972-8924-42-3 © 2007 IADIS
- Teaching: The teaching requirements describe how it is possible and necessary to vary teaching methods
and media types to meet the demands of a heterogeneous student group.
- Student / Learning environment: Personalization of learning environment to the individual student.
- Quality assurance at the course level: QAS are implemented in every aspect of the academic institutions
activities, from promotion of courses and enrollment of students till graduating students leave. We focus on
quality assurance at a course level, on both the student and the teacher perspective. E-learning systems allow
monitoring of quality and rapid adjustment of activities. The QAS should improve the course, leaving the
students and teachers in control.
IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007
The categories of pedagogical methods mentioned above are: Drill, Presentation, Tutorial, Gaming,
Demonstration, Discovery, Simulation (see Fig. 3), Discussion, Cooperative learning and Problem solving.
Additional use cases are covering “collaborative annotation of tags”, “assessment” and “meta-learning”.
In the last years, Higher Education Institutions have increasingly been using Learning Management Systems
(LMS), and our analysis of commercial and experimental e-learning systems concludes that LMSs “allow for
the hand-crafted construction of courses that follow different pedagogical styles and that there are no specific
automated tools available to help the teacher implementing more complex pedagogical settings” [13].
While the UNFOLD project focuses on activity-based learning [3], the learning design model [14] places
the learning activity in the center. In our holistic pedagogical approach, a learning activity is just one of
ISBN: 978-972-8924-42-3 © 2007 IADIS
several factors important within e-learning. Other factors that are equally important are learning objects,
assessment activities etc. The NKI-project suggests that mobile learning is the future [3], an argument with
which we could agree if the technological solution was the main transition factor from one VLE generation to
another. Focusing on pedagogy in addition to technology, mobile learning is one of several technological
solutions that will find its place within the requirements of the QUIS specification. The QUIS requirement
specification agrees that personalization is an important factor in the transition to a new generation e-
learning, based on different needs of the heterogeneous student group. We have, however, experienced that a
pedagogical-based PLE requires new approaches to standardization of learning objects’ metadata. The
pedagogical elements of the existing metadata standards are not extensively used [15]. In our experiment we
use design patterns as a new metadata approach for learning objects [1], and this is interesting because it
focuses on pedagogical elements, uses free-text and introduces the idea of creating the metadata in several
steps. The pedagogical elements of our alternative metadata approach are:
- Name: a name of the pattern which covers the content (problem and solution), meaningful and easy to
remember, that should gives rise to association that are related to the described problem and solution.
- Learning object type, chosen among: knowledge object, tool object, monitor object, test object and
resource organizing object [16].
- Context: The environment within the learning and use of this learning object is intended to take place.
- Problem: A description and background of the problem that the learning object is going to solve. The
problem is written in free-text, and should contain information about the context (additional information),
the learner, the principal user(s) for which this learning object was designed, the typical age or level of the
intended user, the learner’s starting knowledge and the target knowledge.
- Solution: A description of the learning object - the solution to the problem. Solution is written in free-text,
and specifies the learning object type, describes the required knowledge and learning object in detail.
A next generation e-learning system will be an open system, where both students and teachers produce
learning objects, learning activities and assessment activities that may be shared between institutions across
nations. Marketing of learning objects could be done via PSI (Published Subject Indicators), available in the
topic maps architecture. A PSI is necessary to ensure that the same topics are assigned the same topic names
and should in the future be standardized by the educational field like it is currently happening in other fields.
There is a need for an “open source” collaborative development of learning activities, learning objects
and assessment activities within e-learning. The “open source” mentality should be built into the e-learning
systems to allow sharing among online teachers and online students.
A next generation quality assurance system (QAS) must also cover the course level, not only the
administrative level of education. A course QAS must have both a student and a teacher perspective, and
should be built into all parts of the e-learning system. A course QAS should be implemented for learning
improvements, not for control of students and teachers. The QUIS requirement specification suggests a
course QAS based on four main phases: the planning, running, assessment (fig. 1) and evaluation phases.
The QUIS requirement specification provides a concretization of the vague concept of a “next generation e-
learning system”. The project has used the Bologna process of the European Union as a basis for the work
and the QUIS requirement specification contributes with added value, by proposing new insights and input
concerning the pedagogical quality within e-learning to the ongoing Bologna process and the e-learning field.
The QUIS requirement specification report indicates that a next generation e-learning system must be
based on an eclectic learning view to ensure variation and differentiation, which are important pedagogical
principles within e-learning. A holistic approach to e-learning and an eclectic learning view require a
Personal Learning Environment where the online student customizes his / her learning environment based on
pedagogical and personal choices. A next generation e-learning system, like the Web 2.0 [17], will be a
number of software services presented with personalized views. The QUIS requirement specification
describes what services are needed in a teaching and learning environment, by describing 70 functional
requirements and 30 use cases. Another experience from the developing process of the requirement
specification is that a future e-learning system must focus on meta-learning (“the state of being aware of and
IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2007
taking control of one’s own learning” [18]). There is also a need for an “open source mentality” with
collaborative development of learning activities, learning objects and assessment activities within e-learning.
The PLE architecture will handle extensive information structures. We suggest that a semantic technology
like topic maps could achieve a personalized user interface, and we present PLExus - a prototype of a
pedagogical-based PLE. We have also experienced that the existing metadata standards for learning objects
are not ideal in a pedagogical-based PLE. To ensure the use of the pedagogical elements we propose a new
metadata approach for learning objects based on design patterns in the QUIS requirement specification. One
of the future challenges within the development and use of topic maps within e-learning is to standardize a
PSI (Published Subject Identifier) within educational technology to ensure that the same topics are assigned
the same topic names.
We thank all partners of the EU-project QUIS (2005-06) in the eLEARNING programme, DG EAC/26/04.
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