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Child Labour

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Child Labour In India

Child labour is a crime against humanity. Children are working when they are supposed to play and read. The sad
thing is that they work under difficult conditions. The struggle for existence begins at a very early age for them.
Everybody is responsible for this crime-society, government, individuals. Socio-economic conditions are directly
responsible for child labour in India. The attitudes in society, the perceptions have still not changed. The rich or the
employer does not stop himself from exploiting these tender age group children.
The condition is so pathetic that it demans urgent action. We often find children working at dhabas, restaurants, and as
servant at home. The situation is alarming when they are employed to work in bidi and carpet industries. They work
under hazardous conditions. Children are also employed in glass, bangles, matches and brassware industries.
Working conditions are very bad in these industries. Children are often infected with various diseases at very young
age and they suffer the whole life. Moreover, they are not paid adequately and work for longer hours. One estimate
says that there are approximately 50 million child labourers. We also come across children labourers in agriculture and
they are paid very less.
The greatest cause for child labour in India is poverty. More, than 40% of our population live below poverty line. They
are deprived of even two meals per day. It is understood then that how can they think for balanced and nutritious food.
Poverty prevents the children from going to schools. Even if some go to school, they drop out later on as there is
constant pressure to earn to support the family. Rising population among poor people accentuates the problem. That is
why the goal mentioned in Article 45 of Constitution for compulsory primary education below the age 14 never became
a reality. It was to be achieved within ten years since enforcement of our Constitution. Primary education to the
children is of fundamental importance to the growth and development of a child. Drop out rates are maximum among
poor children.
The social attitudes have not changed towards the deprived sections. The children are exploited by employers for
being poor. The treatment at homes, dhabas and restaurants is not fair. The practice of child labour is very old. It
became more since the establishment of factories by British rule. But the practice is not in sight to end, instead it is
increasing because child labour is also cheap labour.
The efforts towards making compulsory primary education has not met with a success. It has not become a movement.
The Government alone cannot do it. The individuals, Non-Governmental organisations and various institutions can help
towards making primary education a complete success. Though some of the states initiative towards providing mid-day
meals during school hour can help in increasing the enrolment of poor children, but that is not enough. It has to see to
it that the drop out rate does not increase otherwise the very purpose will be defeated.
Government has taken several measures to combat the menace of child labour. The Government introduced the
Integrated Child Developmental Programme (ICDP) in 1975 and National Policy on Child Labour in 1987. Various
legislative and administrative measures have been taken to improve the working conditions during work. It is not
possible to eradicate child labour in one go because they will lose their earning which might put their existence in
jeopardy. So it should be eradicated in a phased manner. First of all the working conditions under hazardous industries
should be improved and later on the conditions should be made for their proper rehabilitation once they come out of
those jobs.
The most important thing is that proper educational facilities should be provided along with the health care and training
suitable to their temperament. In this way they will not be deprived of basic education. Also they will not fall victims to
diseases like asthma, skin diseases and tuberculosis. In addition to this, they can also escape from juvenile crime,
drugs and country liquor which they easily fall prey to. So their development has to take place in an integrated manner
so that all the components for their development are equally addressed to.
Child labour is basically a violation of human rights. When a child is not able to enjoy his life due to absence of freedom
and multiple deprivations, he is basically denied opportunities which is essential for development of full fledged human
beings. As a result a child develops psychological problems like stress and emotional traumas, a lot fo complexes.
That is why some of the developed countries have imposed restrictions on its imports of products made out of child
labour from developing countries. Complete ban of child labour is not again feasible for developing countries but in the
long run it can be done.
Child labour has to be stopped gradually but sooner it is done better it will be. All favourable conditions should be made
for the overall development of the child. Poverty has to be eradicated from its roots. Side by side educational
arrangement should be given due importance. Rehabilitation programmes and training programmes should follow in
tandem with educational provisions. If not done in time we will be depriving millions of children from their basic rights
and it will not be helping the humanity to prosper and grow to its sublime.

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