Fuel Pump Installation

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Typical In-Tank Electric Fuel Pump Installation Instructions


1. Lubricate the fuel hose and pump outlet with a small
CAUTION: Gasoline is involved, amount of petroleum jelly. Place coupler and clamp
on fuel pump and place second clamp on fuel hose.
so work in a well ventilated area
2. Place assembly upside-down on bench. Place rubber
away from sparks and open flames. insulator on inlet of pump. Install pump and coupler in
To reduce the risk of fire and same manner as removed, pushing downward on pump
personal injury, relieve the fuel while fitting inlet into mounting bracket. Seat rubber
insulator and pump securely in mounting bracket. Tighten
system pressure before servicing both clamps securely, if applicable. Reposition foam
fuel system components. rubber sleeve against the insulator.
3. Reconnect electrical terminals to the fuel pump,
making certain polarity is observed (negative (-) terminal
to grounded lead wire). If the pump being replaced had
a Metri-Pac® connector, select the appropriate leads to
1. Remove the “fuel pump” fuse from the fuse block. match the pump terminals to those on the hanger
2. Crank engine — engine will start and run until fuel assembly.
pressure in tubes is reduced. Engage starter for another a) If leads on sending unit have ring terminals for screw
3 seconds to assure relief of any remaining pressure. connector, use the enclosed screw, nut, and lock washer
3. With ignition “OFF” replace fuel pump fuse. Unless this to attach ring terminal to the spade terminals of the pump.
procedure is followed, fuel spray could occur when fuel (Torque nuts to 10 in. lbs.)
lines are disconnected. b) If leads on sending unit have female spade terminals,
make certain they are secure (squeeze sides of terminal
B. FUEL PUMP AND SENDER with pliers to provide a tight fit).
c) If the pump being serviced has a welded ground wire
ASSEMBLY REMOVAL and terminal that won’t fit the pump terminals, it must be
1. Remove the negative cable from the battery. adapted using the wire provided. Simply cut the wire (not
Have a Class B fire extinguisher near the work area. too short!). Strip off a section of the insulation and solder
2. Drain fuel tank. the replacement wire in place. Do not use electrical tape,
3. Disconnect electrical connectors and fuel hoses from as gasoline will dissolve it.
sender assembly. 4. Install the new strainer on the pump in the same position
4. Remove fuel level sender retaining cam ring. as original (see step C-1). Push the new strainer straight
5. Remove fuel level sender assembly from tank. on until fully seated by applying pressure to the outer
6. Have the tank professionally cleaned. Dirt, rust and scale, edge of the metal ferrule, being careful not to damage
if not removed, will destroy the pump. the strainer.
5. Inspect the pump to see that it is properly seated on
the insulator and in the mounting bracket.
1. Note position of strainer on pump and mark. Remove E. FUEL PUMP AND SENDER ASSEMBLY
strainer by rotating in one direction while pulling off, INSTALLATION
and discard. 1. Replace and position assembly in tank; use new
2. Disconnect electrical terminals from pump. gasket provided.
3. Remove pump from sender assembly. 2. Install cam locking ring and tighten.
a) If unit has a pulsator, remove pump by placing 3. Reconnect hoses and electrical connectors.
assembly upside down on the bench. Grasp pump and 4. Reconnect battery and refill tank.
push downwards. Pull pump inlet away from bracket
and pull pump and pulsator off fuel tube. Discard pulsator. 5. Start car and inspect hose connections and sender
b) If unit has a rubber hose coupling without pulsator, unit gasket for fuel leaks.
remove clamps, cut coupler and discard, then follow
the procedure as in 3a.

Typical Tank Removal / Installation

After the positive diagnosis of a failed in-tank electric pump has occurred, the proper
service procedure must be followed. Before doing any service work, disconnect the
negative battery cable. This will prevent unnecessary arcing.

Step 1

Remove as much gasoline from the tank as possible.

This should be done using a gas caddy containing
a storage tank. The fuel should be disposed of
properly or filtered for reuse on the vehicle.
Remember, all you are doing at this point is making
the tank lighter. The tank will always contain some
gasoline and explosive vapors.

Step 2

Raise the vehicle on a lift or jack, allowing sufficient

room for a transmission jack to support the tank.
Always block the wheels to prevent the vehicle from
moving. Disconnect the electrical terminals from the
assembly. Also remove the fuel lines, noting which
line went to the fittings on the pump. Loosen the
straps that hold the tank to the body of the vehicle.
Always inspect any components that could be
damaged, and replace if necessary.

Step 3

After the tank removal, plug the filler neck hole and
clean the area of the tank where the pump flange is
located. There is usually dirt and rust in this area.
Mark the orientation of the fuel lines and electrical
connections. The tank lock ring can now be removed
using a nonferrous (brass) punch. The tank can now
be cleaned and the pump replaced.

Reversing these procedures will complete the pump removal and

replacement process. Remember, always wear protective eye treatment
AND proper clothing. work in a well-ventilated area and have a CLASS B/C
fire extinguisher in the work area.

Universal Pump Locations
The universal fuel pump should be mounted below the Always mount a good quality fuel filter on the inlet side
fuel tank, as all pumps do not have equal lift capabilities. of the pump. Failure to do so will void the warranty.
Also, the pump must be mounted below the carburetor Do not mount the pump near exhaust system
to avoid possible vapor lock conditions occurring. components, as heat contributes to vapor lock.
Under no circumstances should the pump be mounted Care should be exercised to protect the pump from
in the trunk, inside the vehicle, or in the engine splash or water immersion.
compartment; personal injury could occur in the
event of a fuel line rupture.

NOTE: Not all universal electric fuel pumps are

capable of a pull-through arrangement with
an existing mechanical fuel pump system. Check
information on all universal electric pumps.

Safety Interlock System

PRESSURE SAFETY SWITCH A-68301 The pressure switch should be installed
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS at a convenient location in the engine oil
pressure system. In some instances, it may
A pressure switch should always be used in conjunction be necessary to install a “T” fitting below
with the Universal In-Line Electric Fuel Pump. ICC Motor the existing oil gauge sender or
Carrier Safely Regulations stipulate that the fuel pump dashlight unit.
must not continue to operate after the engine stops. The
Safety Interlock Circuit stops the electric fuel pump when Wires should be 18-gauge insulated,
the engine stops even though the ignition switch is not or heavier, routed so as to protect
turned “Off.” The pressure switch is a single-pole, double- them from exhaust heat, and
throw, diaphragm-actuated switch. Terminals P (Pump) anchored securely at frequent
and S (Start) are normally closed; terminals P (Pump) and intervals to prevent chafing.
I (Ignition) are normally open. This allows the fuel pump
to operate and fill the carburetor while the engine is
cranking. When oil pressure exists (2 to 4-1/2 psi), the
P and S terminals are opened, and the P and I are
closed. The diaphragm is treated to withstand pressure
up to 150 psi. FUSE P I S

If the oil pressure drops below 2 psi, the connection OPTIONAL

between P and I opens and the fuel pump stops. This WARNING LIGHT
also protects the engine from severe damage if an oil MAY BE STARTER
line is broken or the oil level in the crankcase becomes HERE
extremely low. BATTERY
Full battery voltage must be available to the pump when
the ignition switch is in the start or run position. Do not IGNITION-STARTER
connect to the ignition coil, as a ballast resistor may be SWITCH
Figure 2
built into the wire.

Universal Electric Fuel Pump Installation Instructions

Rotary Vane
• Before replacing any electric fuel pump,
diagnose the cause of failure.
• Dirt is the major cause of pump failure,
so the tank must be cleaned out or dirt may
cause the replacement pump to fail as well.
• Installation of the replacement pump may
require that some of the mounting or electrical
components be reused. Do not discard any parts.
• To prevent fuel pump failure, installation of
a high quality fuel filter on the inlet side of
the pump is required.

Additional Notes:
A. Because of their construction, all electric
pumps emit noise during normal operation.
For passenger car use, where quiet operation
is desired, it is recommended that a Quiet Pack Lock
18-14U be installed with this pump. Nut
B. For racing applications where an
electric pump is being used as a booster
for a mechanical pump, it is recommended
that a high performance mechanical pump,
which incorporates a heavier diaphragm,
be installed. Metal Frame
C. If a high performance mechanical pump is
of Vehicle
not installed, remove the stock pump and
actuating push rod (if used) and seal the
Fig. 1
opening in the engine with a metal cover
plate and gasket.
D. When using two electric pumps, connect the
fuel lines in parallel, not series. This gives
increased volume without excess pressure.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: A pressure regulator,
A 3/8” fuel line should be used throughout 404-500HP or equivalent, is required when
the system to avoid restrictions. installing pump P4601HP.

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 3. Select the best location along the fuel line, away from
2. Disconnect fuel lines from old pump and join them heat and road splash, and as close to the fuel tank as
together by means of a union fitting, or with a short possible. It is recommended that pump be mounted on
length of hose clamped to each line. If pump is a the frame, never more than 24 inches above bottom of
combination vacuum booster type for windshield gas tank. MOUNT PUMP WITH ELECTRIC TERMINAL
wipers it must be left in place. The outlet port of POINTING DOWN AS SHOWN. (See Fig. 1) For safety
the pump should always be plugged whenever it is reasons and improved performance, DO NOT MOUNT
not removed from the engine. If the pump is not a PUMP IN TRUNK. Cut out section of fuel line as desired
combination pump, it can be removed and the to make an easy installation.
opening sealed with an appropriate sheet metal plate 4. Use mounting bracket as a template to drill two
and gasket. For normal operation, the electric pump 1/4” holes in frame. Position pump on bracket as
should never be used as a booster for a mechanical indicated in Fig. 1. The “IN” port of pump must be
pump; it should always be used separately. For special connected to the line running from gas tank. Push
or racing applications where an electric pump is going rubber grommet in appropriate holes. Push pump studs
to be used in conjunction with a mechanical pump, a through rubber grommet, using a flat washer on each
special high performance mechanical pump should side of the rubber grommet, and tighten down evenly with
be installed. (See your supplier for complete list of lock washers and nuts.
Competition Series mechanical pumps.) When not
using a special high performance mechanical fuel
pump, remove or bypass as explained above.

(con’t on next page)

Universal Electric Fuel Pump Installation Instructions

Rotary Vane
(con’t from previous page)
5. Anchor mounting bracket to frame with two self- Hose Clamps
tapping screws. Install the free end of the ground wire
to the correct polarity terminal on pump. Press rubber

boot firmly onto threaded post, making sure rubber
boot seals around plastic washer. PUMP GROUND
from Tank Carburetor
POLARITY. Install the other end of ground lead under
a bracket mounting screw hose before tightening.
Tighten bracket to frame and install lock nuts on
the exposed threads of each screw. (See Fig. 2)
Install hose fittings in pump.
6. Use short section of hose and connect pump to gas
line as indicated in Fig. 2. Use blue colored clamps
to connect hose to inlet and outlet pump fitting.
When connecting hose to 5/16” gas lines, use Fig. 2
smaller clamps. When connecting to 3/8” line, use
larger clamps.
7. Solder a length of #14 or heavier wire to the hot
wire assembly to connect it to the safety switch or
ignition switch. Use non-corrosive soldering flux
(not acid core) and tape the connection securely. FROM TO
The use of plastic insulated wire is suggested, as it FUEL
is less susceptible to damage from salt spray. Press FILTER CLAMP

rubber boot onto threaded post of hot (+) terminal

of pump. Push down firmly, making sure rubber boot

seals around plastic washer. SELF-TAPPING
Route wire so as to protect MOUNTING SCREW
it as much as possible from GROUND (-) WIRE P S
heat and road hazards. I START
Anchor wire securely at SCREW TYPE
frequent intervals to prevent
vibration or chafing.
If the Safety Circuit is not BATTERY INGITION -
used, connect wire to the “ON” -
terminal of ignition switch if
conditions will permit. Connection IGNITION SWITCH
can be made at any point between Fig. 3
ignition switch and resistor or ballast in the primary
circuit (used in most 12-volt systems). Install a If pump does not deliver fuel
10-amp fuse between the oil pressure safety switch recheck polarity of grounded terminal.
and the pump. Care must be exercised as some car
manufacturers incorporate this resistance in a wire NOTE: IF PUMP DOES NOT DELIVER FUEL,
located within the wiring harness. Full battery voltage RECHECK POLARITY OF GROUND TERMINAL.
must be available to the pump when the ignition
switch is in the “ON” position. (See Fig. 3)

CAUTION: Gasoline is involved and vapors will settle in low areas, so work in
a well-ventilated space away from sparks or open flames such as a pilot light. Have
a CLASS “B” fire extinguisher close by. To eliminate the chance of fire or personal
injury, the fuel system pressure must be relieved before servicing any fuel system
component. Refer to the manufacturer’s service manual for specific steps.

WARNING: Limited life expectancy with methanol. Usage of methanol voids warranty.
WARNING: For safety reasons, it is recommended THAT an A-68301 Pressure Safety Switch be installed.
This will prevent engine damage and reduce the chance of fire in the case that the engine stops without the
ignition switch in the “off” position.
Unless otherwise indicated, parts in this catalog are not intended for use in emission controlled vehicles that must comply
with federal, state and/or local emission regulations.
Universal Electric Fuel Pump Installation Instructions

Rotary Vane
(con’t from previous page)

Recreational Vehicle –­ Vapor Lock Installation Instructions

all safety procedures
as outlined in pump
installation instructions.

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 6. Using 3/8” rubber fuel line (not supplied) and the
2. Locate the pump as near to the fuel tank as possible, clamps provided, assemble the tees and check valve
near the existing fuel line, and away from any exhaust to the existing fuel line and then to the fuel pump as
system components. illustrated above. Be sure that the arrow on the check
valve is pointing toward the engine and in the same
3. Using the bracket, mount the fuel pump with the outlet direction as the outlet of the fuel pump.
toward the engine and the terminals facing downward.
7. Make sure all clamps are secure. Start engine and
4. Remove a section of fuel line (making sure to test for leaks. Repair if necessary.
collect and store draining gasoline) that will allow
the mounting of the supplied tees and check valve.
When cutting the line be sure to not allow chips
into the inside of the fuel line. (A tubing cutter is
NOTE: This kit allows pump P4602RV to be
used as a boost pump. Or can be shut off
5. Assemble the supplied 1/4 NPTF to 3/8” hose by driver using AN applicable toggle switch.
connectors into either end of the check valve,
using pipe sealant. (Do not use pipe sealant on
fitting for pump.)

Universal Electric Fuel Pump Installation Instructions

• Before replacing any electric fuel pump, (NOT FURNISHED)

diagnose the cause of failure. NEGATIVE WIRE

• Dirt is the major cause of pump failure, FUEL LINE FROM
so the tank must be cleaned out or dirt may FUEL TANK
cause the replacement pump to fail as well.
• Installation of the replacement pump may
require that some of the mounting or electrical HOSE CLAMPS Figure 1
components be reused. Do not discard any parts.
• To prevent fuel pump failure, installation of
a high quality fuel filter on the inlet side of HOSE CLAMP
the pump is required.


The in-line fuel pump is a pusher type pump, and should MAY BE
be mounted near the fuel tank with the hardware provided. HERE

1. Before installation, disconnect the negative battery
cable to eliminate the possibility of arcing. IGNITION-STARTER
Figure 2
2. When using an in-line pump to replace a mechanical
pump, disconnect lines from the mechanical pump,
and connect them together in a suitable manner, thus 5. Drill a 1/4” hole and loosely mount bracket to
bypassing the pump. Make sure all connections are vehicle, using screw provided. Install the pump on
tight, as they will be under pressure. A leak in this the bracket, making sure the arrow indicating flow
area will result in a dangerous situation. The outlet direction is pointing toward the carburetor. Tighten
port of the mechanical fuel pump should be sealed screw and connect pump and filter to fuel lines,
to eliminate excess pressure on the camshaft. If the using hose and clamps provided.
mechanical fuel pump is removed from the engine, a 6. Install provided spade terminals onto both ground
suitable plate and gasket must be used to block off and positive wires. Wires should be a minimum of
the opening to prevent an oil leak. This unit must not 16 gauge. Connect the ground wire to the negative (-)
be used to force fuel through a defective mechanical terminal on the pump. Connect the other end of the
pump, since fuel leakage and/or crankcase dilution ground wire to the provided ring terminal. Connect
might result. the ring terminal to a suitable ground such as the
3. Select mounting location on the frame or other firm mounting bracket screw. Connect the positive wire to
body member no more than 24” above the bottom the positive (+) terminal on the pump. Positive wire
of the fuel tank, away from all moving parts, exhaust must be long enough to run to the power source or
system, and excessive road splash. Do not mount oil pressure switch (see Figure 2). A 5-amp in-line
the pump in the trunk. It is imperative that a good fuse should be used at the power connection. When
quality in-line filter be used on the inlet side of the routing the positive wire, be sure to anchor it securely
pump (between the fuel tank and the pump). (See at frequent intervals to prevent damage and protect it
Figure 1.) A new filter is supplied with this pump. from sharp edges and moving parts.
Failure to use a filter will void warranty. 7. After installation is complete, check all
4. Remove a section of fuel line using a tubing cutter, connections for fuel leakage and repair as
taking care not to allow chips or foreign matter to necessary. Fuel leaks are both dangerous
contaminate the fuel lines. Cap lines to prevent and can cause poor pump performance.
fuel leakage and possible fire during installation.

CAUTION: Gasoline is involved and vapors will settle in low areas, so work in a well-ventilated
space away from sparks or open flames such as a pilot light. Have a CLASS “B” fire extinguisher close
by. To eliminate the chance of fire or personal injury, the fuel system pressure must be relieved before
servicing any fuel system component. Refer to the manufacturer’s service manual for specific steps.

WARNING: Limited life expectancy with methanol. Usage of methanol voids warranty.
WARNING: For safety reasons, it is recommended THAT an A-68301 Pressure Safety Switch be installed.
This will prevent engine damage and reduce the chance of fire in the case that the engine stops without the
ignition switch in the “off” position.
Unless otherwise indicated, parts in this catalog are not intended for use in emission controlled vehicles that must comply
with federal, state and/or local emission regulations.

Universal Electric Fuel Pump Installation Instructions

Solenoid Fig. A
• Before replacing any electric fuel pump, FUEL
diagnose the cause of failure.
• Dirt is the major cause of pump failure,
so the tank must be cleaned out or dirt may SAFETY SWITCH
cause the replacement pump to fail as well. SELF-TAPPING
• Installation of the replacement pump may FUSES
require THAT some of the mounting or electrical I START
components be reused. Do not discard any parts. SCREW TYPE SOLENOID
• To prevent fuel pump failure, installation of
a high quality fuel filter on the inlet side of
the pump is required. +

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 8. Using #14 or larger (lower gauge #) gauge wire,
2. Mount the fuel pump close to the existing fuel lines and follow the wiring diagram (see Fig. A) and
tank, but away from any exhaust system component. connect the pump to the vehicle’s electrical system.
Place the pump and bracket assembly as near to the If the vehicle has a pre-existing oil pressure safety
bottom of the fuel tank as possible, but never more switch which operates either a warning light or
than 24 inches above the top of the tank. gauge, it is recommended that a T-adapter be
installed into the engine block and both the O.E.
3. Remove a section of fuel line where the pump is to be and the A-68301 Pressure Safety Switch be used.
mounted. (A tube cutter is recommended when cutting A 10-amp fuse should be installed between the
fuel lines. Flush the fuel line to prevent metal chips pressure safety switch and the electric pump.
from entering the fuel system.) (Route wires away from heat and road hazards,
4. If pump has rubber hose fittings, proceed to next and anchor securely to prevent vibration and
step. If using a pump with threaded inlet/outlet fittings, chafing. Full battery voltage must be available to
assemble the (supplied) fuel fittings to the fuel pump the pump when the ignition switch is “on”. Pump
(see Fig. A). (This pump is equipped with dry-seal fuel ground must be the same as the battery ground.)
fittings. Do not use PTFE tape or pipe sealant on pipe 9. If this pump is being used to replace a defective
fittings, or pump breakage will occur.) in-tank pump, and it is not going to be removed,
5. Install mounting bracket onto vehicle’s chassis/frame make sure the defective pump does not restrict
with self-tapping screw(s). the fuel supply.
6. Install the fuel pump on the mounting bracket with the 10.If this pump is being used to replace a defective
outlet towards the engine. Place ground (-) wire from mechanical pump, the fuel lines should bypass
pump under mounting screw or bolt. the mechanical pump. Fuel pushed through a
defective mechanical pump can cause severe
7. Connect the fuel lines to the fuel pump, using supplied engine damage. If the mechanical pump is not
rubber fuel line and clamps provided. (To prevent fuel removed from the engine, the mechanical
pump failure, installation of a high quality fuel filter on pump inlet should be plugged.
the inlet side of the pump is required. See Fig. A.)

CAUTION: Gasoline is involved and vapors will settle in low areas, so work in
a well-ventilated space away from sparks or open flames such as a pilot light. Have
a CLASS “B” fire extinguisher close by. To eliminate the chance of fire or personal
injury, the fuel system pressure must be relieved before servicing any fuel system
component. Refer to the manufacturer’s service manual for specific steps.

WARNING: Limited life expectancy with methanol. Usage of methanol voids warranty.
WARNING: For safety reasons, it is recommended THAT an A-68301 Pressure Safety Switch be installed.
This will prevent engine damage and reduce the chance of fire in the case that the engine stops without the
ignition switch in the “off” position.
Unless otherwise indicated, parts in this catalog are not intended for use in emission controlled vehicles that must comply
with federal, state and/or local emission regulations.

Fuel Pressure Regulator Installation Instructions

Because of high fuel flow (100 gph) and high fuel pressure (15 psi) it is necessary to
install a fuel pressure regulator when installing a P4601HP fuel pump. Failure to do so
could cause carburetor flooding, resulting in possible engine damage or a potential
explosive condition. This regulator may also be used on other fuel pumps
requiring fuel pressure regulation.

1. Mount the regulator on bracket provided in a location
near the carburetor, preferably on the intake manifold.
Do not mount the regulator to a heat source such as
the exhaust manifold. 404-500HP Regulator
2. The regulator has three ports: two outlets on the top
side and one inlet on the bottom. If you only need one
outlet, you can use either one, provided you seal the
remaining outlet with a 3/8” N.P. T. plug.
3. A pressure gauge should be connected to the outlet
line to check the pump pressure. The regulator is set
at 6 psi because of the universal usage of the regulator
on various pressure pumps. A final adjustment may be
necessary for your specific application.
4. To adjust the regulator, loosen the large “jam” nut
counterclockwise and adjust the set screw counter-
clockwise or clockwise as needed. Turning the set
screw clockwise will increase the pressure, while
turning it counterclockwise will decrease the pressure.
When correct pressure is achieved, hold the adjusting
screw and tighten the jam nut.
5. Check all inlet and outlet fittings for possible leakage.
If any are found, immediately shut off engine and
correct leaking condition.

Using the bracket supplied with the regulator, position

the regulator as close to the carburetor as possible, taking
care to minimize the exposure to heat sources. DO NOT
mount the regulator on the exhaust manifold or any
404-501HP Regulator
extremely hot surface. Extreme heat may cause vapor
lock or lead to an explosive condition.
The regulator is provided with two discharge ports (out).
In dual carb installations one port can feed each
carburetor. With single carbs plug one port and feed
carburetor from other. Either may be used; installation
should determine choice.
The regulator is preset to 6 psi. However, for individual
requirements, it may be readjusted. The pressure is
increased by loosening the regulator locknut and
turning the adjustment screw clockwise.
Turning the adjustment screw all the way in will result
in excessive pressure and cause carburetor flooding,
creating a possible fire hazard. Always use a gauge
between regulator and carburetor(s) when resetting
the regulator.

Mechanical Fuel Pumps
Carter® mechanical fuel pumps are available for most domestic and imported passenger
cars, trucks, marine and industrial engines. Many of these pumps were original
equipment, others are built to meet or exceed OE requirements.

Mechanical Fuel Pump Key Features & Benefits:

Stamped Steel Pumping Chamber (crimped to Aluminum Die Cast Body)
• Eliminates diaphragm screws
• Eliminates fuel leakage due to screws losing torque from diaphragm set
• Conforms to shape of diaphragm loop to improve fuel vapor handling
• Allows for better heat dissipation
Stamped Steel Valve Towers (furnace welded to Stamped Steel Chamber)
• Less parts, eliminates the need for pulsator diaphragm and air chamber casting
• Allows for better heat dissipation
• Eliminates machining operations
Stamped Steel Channel Beam Lever
• Improves pump life
• Reduces weight
• Reduces cost
Staked Internal Lever Pivot
• Eliminates drilling, which can be a source of oil leaks
• Improves pump life
Sealed Fuel Chamber (on some models)
• Improves safety by reducing chance of fuel spills during a crash
• Complete unit
• Breakaway crimp band simplifies assembly
Deterioration-Resistant Diaphragm Material
• Improves life of pump by functioning in the presence of alcohol, stale gasoline and ozone
• Special blend of rubber and fiber allows for longer life
• “Rolling Loop” feature eliminates the need for a molded diaphragm and distributes flex fatigue
Improved Valve Seal Elements
• Allows free flow of fuel (only one valve needed to match flow of competitor’s multi-valve pump)
• Improves fuel system safety
Quality Product
• Pumps are built to OE specifications
• Largest OE supplier of mechanical fuel pumps
• All units tested after assembly
Mechanical Pump Installation Instructions

GM Push Rod Design 2. Install push rod, new gasket, mounting plate and
new fuel pump. Make sure the pump lever contacts
A. Before new pump installation
the end of the push rod and remains in that position
1. Note the position of the old pump before removing it; during installation as shown in Figure 2. If the push
determine if it is an up or down pump. rod is positioned incorrectly, tightening the mounting
2. Check fuel lines and hoses for splits or cracks and the bolts could bend the push rod or damage the pump
push rod for wear. If necessary, replace worn parts. lever so the pump will not function.

3. Remove old gasket and clean mounting surface. Also, 3. Install two mounting bolts; tighten them alternately
make sure that the oil recirculation hole is completely and evenly.
open and free of sludge (see Figure 1). If the hole is 4. Connect and tighten outlet and inlet lines to the new
not completely open, excess wear may occur. pump. Install return hose, if so equipped.
5. Start engine and check for oil and/or fuel leaks. If
B. Installation leaks occur, stop engine immediately and repair leaks.

1. To ensure proper installation, the push rod should be

as fully retracted as possible. It may be necessary
NOTE: All street/strip mechanical pumps
to rotate the crankshaft to retract the push rod. Put a
are universal in design. If the inlet/outlet
small amount of heavy grease or petroleum jelly on
the push rod to hold it in the retracted position during ports do not align with the fuel lines,
pump installation. simply loosen screws on body of pump,
rotate TO the proper location and tighten.
Install pump and check for leaks.


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