HTTrack was used to mirror the website, beginning on December 4, 2017 at 19:54:41. It included images, CSS and JavaScript files but excluded files from The mirroring was aborted due to a user request at 19:57:31. Warning and error messages were reported regarding forbidden links due to robots.txt rules and a 404 error on an admin JavaScript file. The summary advised deleting the new cache files to restore the previous more complete cache.
HTTrack was used to mirror the website, beginning on December 4, 2017 at 19:54:41. It included images, CSS and JavaScript files but excluded files from The mirroring was aborted due to a user request at 19:57:31. Warning and error messages were reported regarding forbidden links due to robots.txt rules and a 404 error on an admin JavaScript file. The summary advised deleting the new cache files to restore the previous more complete cache.
HTTrack was used to mirror the website, beginning on December 4, 2017 at 19:54:41. It included images, CSS and JavaScript files but excluded files from The mirroring was aborted due to a user request at 19:57:31. Warning and error messages were reported regarding forbidden links due to robots.txt rules and a 404 error on an admin JavaScript file. The summary advised deleting the new cache files to restore the previous more complete cache.
HTTrack was used to mirror the website, beginning on December 4, 2017 at 19:54:41. It included images, CSS and JavaScript files but excluded files from The mirroring was aborted due to a user request at 19:57:31. Warning and error messages were reported regarding forbidden links due to robots.txt rules and a 404 error on an admin JavaScript file. The summary advised deleting the new cache files to restore the previous more complete cache.
Information, Warnings and Errors reported for this mirror:
note: the hts-log.txt file, and hts-cache folder, may contain sensitive information, such as username/password authentication for websites mirrored in this project do not share these files/folders if you want these information to remain private
19:54:42 Warning: Note: due to remote robots.txt rules,
links beginning with these path will be forbidden: /includes/, /misc/, /modules/, /profiles/, /scripts/, /themes/, /CHANGELOG.txt, /cron.php, /INSTALL.mysql.txt, /INSTALL.pgsql.txt, /INSTALL.sqlite.txt, /install.php, /INSTALL.txt, /LICENSE.txt, /MAINTAINERS.txt, /update.php, /UPGRADE.txt, /xmlrpc.php, /admin/, /comment/reply/, /filter/tips/, /node/add/, /search/, /user/register/, /user/password/, /user/login/, /user/logout/, /?q=admin/, /? q=comment/reply/, /?q=filter/tips/, /?q=node/add/, /?q=search/, /?q=user/password/, /?q=user/register/, /?q=user/login/, /?q=user/logout/ (see in the options to disable this) 19:55:30 Error: "Not Found" (404) at link les_display/js/admin.js?ospkzu (from 19:57:31 Error: Exit requested by shell or user 19:57:31 Error: Exit requested by shell or user * * MIRROR ABORTED! * * The current temporary cache is required for any update operation and only contains data downloaded during the present aborted session. The former cache might contain more complete information; if you do not want to lose that information, you have to restore it and delete the current cache. This can easily be done here by erasing the hts-cache/new.* files]