SI and CGS Units: Thomas Heinzel
SI and CGS Units: Thomas Heinzel
SI and CGS Units: Thomas Heinzel
Thomas Heinzel
©2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
SI and CGS Units
Some people use the cgs (Gaussian) unit system, while others prefer the SI
system (also known as the MKSA system). This results in both a constant
source of irritation for students as well as an inconvenience for researchers.
The following remarks should allow the reader to switch between them with
The cgs and SI systems originate in a different choice of units in equations
containing electrodynamic quantities. Table A.1 lists how the prefactors must
be replaced as the unit system is changed.
Quantity cgs SI
speed of light c 1/ 0 µ0
electric field E 4π0 E
dielectric shift
D 4π/0 D
polarization P (1/ 4π0 ) P
magnetic field B 4π/µ0 B
magnetizing field
H 4πµ0 H
M µ0 /4π M
dielectric constant /0
permeability µ µ/µ0
current I (1/ 4π0 ) I
resistance R 4π0 R
inductance L 4π0 L
capacitance C [1/(4π0 )] C
• In cgs units, the generalized momentum is given by
e e
p + A = p − r × H
c 2c
In order to switch to SI units, we make the following replacements:
e −→ e/ 4π0 , −→ 4πµ0 H
H , c −→ 1/ 0 µ0
such that the generalized momentum is
p − r × µ0 H
• In cgs units, the Bohr magneton reads
µB =
This changes to
µB =
on replacing the magnetization, the charge and the speed of light.
Occasionally, quantities have to be transformed as well. Table A.2 lists the
most important transformation factors.
Tab. A.2 Numerical factors in cgs and SI units.
Question A.1: Sodium has an electric polarizability of 0.4 × 10−24 cm3 . Express
this quantity in SI units.