NC State Color
NC State Color
NC State Color
Accent Grays
In a two-color design, accent grays can be used with Wolfpack Red, White
and Black. Here are two-color combinations that work well together.
Expanded Palette
Our expanded palette features six colors that complement each other
and, more importantly, complement Wolfpack Red, Black and White.
Reynolds Red Pyroman Flame Hunt Yellow Genomic Green Innovation Blue Bio-indigo
HEX #990000 HEX #D14905 HEX #FDD726 HEX #7D8C1F HEX #427E93 HEX #4156A1
RGB 153 0 0 RGB 209 73 5 RGB 253 215 38 RGB 125 140 31 RGB 66 126 147 RGB 65 86 161
CMYK 0 100 90 20 CMYK 0 55 75 5 CMYK 0 7 75 0 CMYK 17 0 98 17 CMYK 55 0 5 20 CMYK 85 50 0 5
PMS 7622 C PMS 7576 C PMS 128 C PMS 7744 C PMS 2207 C PMS 660 C