Present Perfect - Explanation

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Present Perfect Simple.

Present Perfect Continuous

Present perfect simple refers to:

 Recent events, without a definite time given. The recentness may be indicated by just.
We’ve missed the turning. I’ve just seen a ghost!
 Indefinite events, which happened at an unknown time in the past. No definite time is
Jim has had three car accidents, (up to the present)
 Indefinite events which may have an obvious result in the present.
I’ve twisted my ankle, (that’s why I’m limping)
 With state verbs, a state which lasts up to the present.
I've lived here for the past ten years.

Contrast with past simple

 Past simple is used with time expressions which refer to definite times. The time may be
stated or understood. Compare:
I've bought a new car. (indefinite)
I bought the car after all. (implied definite: the car we talked about)
 Choice between past simple and present perfect for recent events may depend on the
attitude of the speaker. This in turn may depend on whether the speaker feels distant in
time or place from the event.
I've left my wallet in the car. I'm going back to get it.
Here the speaker may be about to return, and feels that the event is
connected with the present.
I left my wallet in the car. I'm going back to get it.
The speaker may feel separated in time from the event, or be further away.

Present Perfect Continuous

Present perfect continuous (progressive) can refer to a range of meanings, depending on the
time expression used and the context.
 A state which lasts up to the present moment
I’ve been waiting for you for three hours!
 An incomplete activity
I've been cleaning the house but I still haven't finished.
 To emphasise duration
I've been writing letters all morning.
 A recently finished activity
I've been running. That's why I look hot.
 A repeated activity
I've been taking French lessons this year.

Contrasts with present perfect simple

 There may be little contrast when some state verbs are used.
How long have you lived here?
How long have you been living here?
 Some verbs (especially sit, lie, wait and stay) prefer the continuous form.
 There may be a contrast between completion and incompletion, especially if
the number of items completed is mentioned.
Completed: emphasis on achievement
I've ironed five shirts this morning.
Incomplete, or recently completed: emphasis on duration
I've been ironing my shirts this morning.

Time expressions with Present Perfect

 Meaning with present perfect verb forms is associated with certain time expressions.
 Contrast with past simple may depend on the choice of time expression.
Past simple: referring to a specific finished time.
yesterday, last week, on Sunday
Present perfect: with 'indefinite' time expressions meaning 'up to now'.
since 1968, already
 Many time expressions are not associated with a specific verb form, since they refer both
to finished time or time up to the present, depending on the speaker's perspective.
I haven't seen Helen recently.
I saw Jim recently.
Others include:
for, never, before, all my life, for a long time, today, all day, every day
These may be used with either past simple or present perfect.

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