High DP Xyloglucan Oligosaccharide: Preparation
High DP Xyloglucan Oligosaccharide: Preparation
High DP Xyloglucan Oligosaccharide: Preparation
High DP (degree of polymerisation) Xyloglucan oligosaccharides (HDP-XGO) is produced by
exhaustive hydrolysis of tamarind seed xyloglucan with endo-cellulase followed by β-galactosidase. The
reaction mixture is then treated with sodium borohydride to give complete reduction of reducing-
sugars to sugar alcohols.The high DP material is then recovered by precipitation with 66% ethanol.The
approximate MW of this material is 3,000-4,000 daltons.
HDP-XGO is a useful and relatively specific substrate for the enzyme isoprimeverose-producing
xyloglucan hydrolase (IP-P-XGH).
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
1/[HDP-XGO], (mg/ml) -1
Km = 0.80 mg/ml
Reducing Sugars by the Nelson-Somogyi Procedure
NOTE: This method is derived from the published literature. Poisonous chemicals are used. It is the
responsibility of the analyst to ensure that the chemicals are used safely and disposed of
properly. Megazyme takes no responsibility for injuries incurred during the correct or
incorrect use of this method.
A. Dissolve 25 g anhydrous sodium carbonate
25 g sodium potassium tartrate, and
200 g sodium sulphate
in 800 ml of distilled water and diluted to 1 litre. Filter if necessary.
E. Dilute solution C, 5-fold (50 ml to 250 ml) with distilled water before use (stable at 4°C for about
one week).
To 0.5 ml of aqueous sample (containing up to 50 µg of reducing sugar equivalents)
0.5 ml of solution D and mix well on a vortex stirrer.
Heat the tubes in a boiling water bath for 20 min and then cool them to room temperature (5 min). Stir the
tubes for 10 sec (until carbon dioxide is completely released).
Add: 3.0 ml of Solution E to each tube. Stir the tubes well (10 sec on vortex mixer), and allow them to
stand for 10 min and mix again.
A blank is prepared by using water (0.5 ml) in place of the sample (0.5 ml).
A standard curve is prepared using appropriate amounts of reducing sugar (e.g. glucose 0-50 µg/test).