Baldwin Bicycle Company
Baldwin Bicycle Company
Baldwin Bicycle Company
Sales revenues , .
Cost of sales i8;045
Cross margin
Other expenses 2;354
lncome before taxes 473
lncome tax expense 218
Net income $ 2ss
860 Part2 ManagententAccounting
3' unit price ond onnuatv elrrtitii*;lti@res ilwirl,nieJ)i,ooo.q1y
1' r:
"'I {bas d n the assurneo.mxor*J'l#inir*13q* * g.szzs.pii6ke ayear,and p:oposes ro pay us
a{li'inflation esEalarion clause for rhe {irst y*a" bonrr.t
such lriiiiri.. ro conra&r
:..,:r eestlrshowrr initem yrr i"1,1gi!"1"-;fi#;", ,o inflatio;caused
1, abovel thq!, t" isz?s,.unA Sa:.go i,niiJ. rr*, ,,
effect, 1so35tant_dolla/,
increases in
. ,
:. .. .:. ::: :.: Recordkeeping,iosts (foJ r:eqvablesr.il_"*;,_, I1.5
,. ',,,i Statepidperty *,;nren!o1y1,
#il?yffit'l?":?":::i::uipment 2'2"'6
'"r',-Materialsi'twaimon-rhsr:iupl ,'.-'l:-::,,ir,'';;::_: year):
:.,:il"'11.r"url, ,
.,,,.,. ,,:,,,,:
;r1r1-t'q{ii6'nrocess:rt,00Q b!(s,'t ar,.omplqtqd'qbgt al:rnareriars'{orthenr
r,,,-Fitirhed'goodr: 50o ukel {,gwaiiing-f"Ir-rlr,qndrrurrrn,p*"t,i;.i ixued}.:: ,
*r, house). :r ,
at a hiqhet'ptice.;n?,nooifiain
""campetitrlq) L,y or t,.i.r* ri"i*r'i*r,ras. *u
,,, that our:sates
gver: the,next tfrqeelrealyifl,,b_.;b;i;do,OoO
rtrf,,is-iii,nii*. My be*
U,tu, ayear if wq forso the Hi-vdu
distribution is quite stronsin Hi_varr*iir#.;#ti:,".,:ffil:ilTi.'":?'ffii;#i:;ffiilffi"
vo,ume a ye,,, srnc" our rerd
few of our current dearers might
drop oui iin"'ii *,"y rino ort
we,rJ ,ri,rg bikes for Hi_Vairr.
trat different, and the tires would have to have the Sulanne L€istet,,iealized,'.s5"',na"OdU 1o da, sorne
"Chal I enget'' molded, into, their sidewalls. Also. prelirniaaryr: finaqcial, aaat sis. of ihis'lpioposal ,6e;
bicycles would have 1o be packed inlboxe$ printed fore, having anY'fljrlherrdiscussions #jh: Karl Xnoti:
the Hi-l/alu and Challenger names'; Ms. Leister She:had.wiittoh {in:'apad the infoimtiim,ihe ntd gath,
that possibly these requirements would'in. ered to,:,use in her iaftial'analysis; *iis,:ih6or*ation: iS
Baldwin's purchasing, iwentorying; and pro- sumnai:izedinExhibii2,'' ,r,
:': '::: : :" .irj'j'i I