2016: Living From Your Center: Sanaya and Duane Message
2016: Living From Your Center: Sanaya and Duane Message
2016: Living From Your Center: Sanaya and Duane Message
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Save 50% off the download price when you convert your tapes to MP3 downloads and
streaming for the same title. Toviewtheproductsyouhaveorderedthatyoucanpurchasefor
You can also purchase PDFs containing transcripts of audio courses you own.
Aligning with Your Divine Self
Awaken to your true identity as a Experience more confidence, clarity,
powerful, wise, and infinite being. You and vision. Let go of anxiety, doubt, Your divine Self is the source of life and
are infinite, eternal awareness, divine or worry. Be the authority of what is light within you. It is your innermost
Love, pure consciousness, and life itself. right for you! Self that is always with you, looking
All 3 courses contain 12 guided meditations by Orin, PDF booklet with transcripts. after you and guiding you through the
still, small voice within you.
Knowing Your True Identity Your divine Self knows exactly what
you need and wants to give you all that
It has including peace, joy, abundance,
With the realization of who you confidence, and love. However, you
are—a vast consciousness, infinite and need to consciously connect with this
eternal—the veils that have hidden your Self to receive all of Its gifts. With contact
inner light fall away, allowing more of you can experience having whatever
the beauty, love, and goodness within you need that is for your higher good,
you to flow out into your life. Your opportunities, solutions, and all that for nothing is ever withheld.
sense of direction and confidence about you need to move forward into your It is easy to make contact with your
your life increases. Knowing the greater highest future. 6 CDs $99 DS201D Divine Self, and you can do so in a
Self that you are can bring you energy, Downloads, Streaming $89 DS201E moment of inner stillness. Close your
eyes for a moment, take a breath in, and
Awakening Your Spiritual Power turn within. Let go of the outside world
and feel yourself growing quieter and
Spiritual power comes from knowing more peaceful.
that there is only one power, that Think of your divine Self. It is a wise,
of the Divine Self, and that nothing powerful, clear, loving Self within you
can have power over you. With this that is you. Ask for and open up to
realization you know that there are no receive from your divine Self exactly
thoughts, beliefs, memories, people, what you need in this moment.
feelings, obstacles, situations, or outside potential of your Divine Self. Note that contact with the Self takes
circumstances that can stop you from 6 CDs $99 DS202D place beyond the mind, so you may
creating a life that reflects the unlimited Downloads, Streaming $89 DS202E not have any awareness of making a
connection. However, contact always
creates a shift in some way, now or later.
Clearing Energy with Your Divine Self After connecting with your divine Self,
listen and pay attention! Is there any
This is one of our most popular courses. message? Do you feel more balanced or
Work with your Divine Self to clear peaceful? Notice if some problem seems
energy that veils your inner light, such less pressing. Are you still able to think
as fears, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and about what was bothering you moments
memories; as well as energy from others earlier, or has some new opportunity
and from mass consciousness. You can opened up to think about?
stay in your center and be unaffected focused, confident, in harmony with You can feel centered and balanced in a
by the energies around you. When you your life and others,, optimistic and clear. quick moment, no matter what energies
are clear you feel good about yourself. 6 CDs $99 DS203D you are around. You can live from the
You are more joyful, insightful, inspired, Downloads, Streaming $89 DS203E center of your being. It is very effective
to have frequent ten or twenty second
Save $30 Special Offer periods during the day when you pause,
get still, contact your divine Self, and
CDs MP3 Downloads, Streaming then open to receive. The 3 courses on this
Buy all 3 at the same time for $267, Buy all 3 at the same time for $237 and page contain transformative meditations to
and save $30. (DS201D–DS203D) save $30. (DS201E–DS203E) assist you in experiencing the consciousness
CDs are $99 per album or $297 if Downloads, Streaming are $89 per of your divine Self and knowing what a
purchased separately. album, or $267 if purchased separately. magnificent being you are. ~ Orin
Orin Newsletter
3 X64 pdf
Opening to Channel
Channeling Is a Skill That Can Be Learned
Opening to Channel:
Connecting with Your Guide
Revised, Contains Additional Meditations by Orin and DaBen and
Instructional Talks by Sanaya and Duane
This updated audio course is This audio course will help you get
a wonderful companion to the into a channeling state and discover
Opening to Channel book. The how to bring through information
guided meditations are based on either by talking aloud or receiving
the processes Orin and DaBen the information directly into your
gave Sanaya and Duane for the mind. You can work with this course
original Opening to Channel to establish a strong,
Opening to Channel course, written about in the clear connection to your
How to Connect With Your Guide Opening to Channel book, guide. You will also learn
that thousands have used how to give readings to
Printed and eBook to successfully connect yourself and others.
with their guide. Course includes 16
Channeling is a skill that can be As you listen, Orin and guided meditations
learned. Sanaya and Duane, with DaBen will join their and 10 instructional
their guides, Orin and DaBen, have energy with yours and programs, including
successfully trained thousands to lead you through each step talks and a few chapters
connect with their guides using of channeling, including preparing read by Sanaya from the Opening to
the safe, simple, and effective through relaxation techniques, Channel book that will assist you in
processes offered in the Opening concentration, sensing life-force connecting with your guide. If you
to Channel printed and eBook, and energy, and learning channeling already own the original version of
in the Opening to Channel (C101) postures. You will be guided to this course (C100), you do not need
audio course. Chapters by Orin and mentally meet your guide and to reorder this revised course, as the
DaBen include how to tell if you to verbally channel your guide. processes to learn to channel are
are ready, what a channeling state Processes include many channeling very similar.
is, how guides transmit messages, state inductions to make a stronger Both CDs and Downloads come
your role as a receiver, how to connection to your guide, tune into with downloadable PDF booklet
attract and recognize a high-level another person, give yourself a with transcripts.
guide, what to expect the first time, reading, and connect with your guide 6 CDs $79.95 C101D
how to give readings, and how to see into the future. Downloads, streaming $69.95 C101E
to look into probable futures for
yourself and others. You can channel Special Offer: Save $20 if purchased together
knowledge, personal and spiritual
guidance, healing techniques, and Buy both C101D and C201D CD albums for $149.90
more. Whether you want to verbally Buy both C101E and C201E download, streaming albums for $129.90
channel, receive directly into your
mind, or refine your channeling
abilities, this book will help. Audio Book
H J Kramer, 256 pages.
Printed Book OTC $12.95 Opening to Channel
Kindle/mobi OTCKE $7.99
ePub format OTCPE $7.99
Read by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
Meeting Your Spirit Guide This abridged audio book contains Sections 1, 3, and 4 of the Opening
This is a single journey to explore to Channel book, read by Sanaya and Duane. It does not contain the
your readiness to channel. processes to learn how to channel, which are taught in the Opening to
Download, Streaming O14E $7 Channel audio course (C101) above. Download, streaming OTCE $19.95
In Part 1 you will learn how to: In Part 2 you will learn how to:
• Better sense and know your guide, believe • Learn to receive guidance that provides you with
that the connection is real. answers and solutions to unfold the divine
• Clear obstacles to having a strong connection. perfection that is possible in your life.
• Remove doubts and concerns about the • Channel inspired, creative guidance.
accuracy or content of your guidance. • View the bigger picture.
• Trust your guidance. • See more of the details.
• Clear emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that • Look into time.
might interfere with your ability to receive • Get into the clearest possible channeling state
clear, accurate, wise and unbiased guidance. to receive uplifting answers and solutions.
• Receive guidance that is not influenced by • Channel breakthrough information, open up stuck
attachments, limited thinking, strong desires, places, and awaken new potential.
judgments, opinions, or past memories. • Get a vision that is clear enough to take action on.
You will connect with your guide to receive inspiring ideas and clear, useful guidance about:
• Abundance and prosperity • Relationships • Health, healing, and well-being
• Projects, activities, and upcoming events • Decisions or choices you need to make
• Everyday situations • Diet, body, and lifestyle questions • And anything else!
The meditations in the album on this page are not the same as those in the C101 album. Both courses were made
to work together. Contains: 12 guided meditations, talk by Orin on how to recognize and receive clear guidance.
Both CDs and Downloads come with PDF booklet with transcripts.
4 CDs $89.95 C201D Download, Streaming $79.95 C201E
Special Offer: Save $20 if purchased together
Buy C101D and C201D CD albums for $149.90 Buy C101E and C201E download, streaming for $129.90
Orin Newsletter
5 X64 pdf
Orin and DaBen: You can learn to create
what you want using energy and
thought, and produce results beyond
anything you can create with physical
effort alone. You will learn powerful
techniques to draw to yourself all that
you desire that is for your higher good.
Learn how to energize your work, draw Unabridged Audio Book
to you objects, money, clients for your Format: Download and streaming only
business, and more. 320 pages Length: Approximately 11 hours
Contains: 23 Chapters, 23 Exercises/
Printed Book CM $13.95 Meditations, Affirmations, and more.
Creating Money: Book Kindle/mobi format CMKE $7.99 Order online. CME $49.95
ePub format CMPE $7.99 Listen to a sample chapter online.
Attracting Abundance
An International Best Seller
Over 500,000 Sold
Orin and DaBen’s book, Creating Money:
Becoming a World Server Orin Audio Course
Attracting Abundance is about more than You have a special purpose, a reason If you are or want to be self-employed,
creating money—it is a step-by-step you are here, something you came to do use these meditations to call to you
guide to the art of manifesting using that is your contribution to humanity. clients and students. These are the
advanced energy techniques and the We will call this your world service. No processes Orin gave me to get our work
spiritual laws of abundance. Orin and matter what you are doing—if you are out to the world. He wanted to share
DaBen teach you how to link with self-employed, in a job, out of work, these processes with you to empower
your soul and higher Will to discover searching for a new career or retired— your work. 8 meditations by Orin. CDs
the essence of what you want and then you can start, deepen, or enhance your and Downloads come with PDF booklet
draw it to you. Discover how to create world service and ability to get your containing transcripts. 3 CDs M200D
things that fulfill you and add light work out to the world. $59.95 Download M200E $49.95
to your life, find work you love, and
come out of survival. This book is
filled with affirmations, inspiration, Becoming a Writer Orin Audio Course
and encouragement to assist you to
release lack and limitation, open to Program 1: I Am a Writer—See yourself Program 4: Connecting with Your
receive prosperity, believe in yourself, as a successful writer and broadcast Audience—Reach through time and
and create the life you want. that image to the world. space to connect with people who
Learn to: Program 2: Manifesting Your will read your writing. Generate
Writing—Using advanced manifesting energy around your work so your
• Follow the spiritual laws of money
techniques, you will work with your books/projects will succeed. You
• Develop unlimited thinking
book or project as energy, birth it into will magnetize and connect with a
• Create miracles
matter in its highest form, and open to publisher/producer for your work.
• Listen to your inner guidance
receive success. CDs and Downloads come with PDF
• Use advanced manifesting
Program 3: Loving to Write—Feel booklet with transcripts.
inspired to write, get started, move 2 CDs SI016D $34.95
• Create your life’s work
through any blocks, and be creative. Download, Streaming SI016E $29.95
• Allow yourself to succeed
• Magnetize what you want
Orin Newsletter
7 X64 pdf
Becoming Your Divine Self Through
Transcending Your Ego
Orin’s Audio Course Series
Available as CD’s, Downloads, Streaming
Your Divine Self is guiding you in with your Divine Self to experience Its
every moment to the best possible life great illuminating light dawning within You can take these courses in any
of abundance, loving relationships, your consciousness. This illumination order; however we do recommend
peace, harmony, and joy. All six courses brings hope and inspiration. It awakens taking them in sequence.
in this series work together to assist you to a freer and more expanded life.
you in experiencing your Divine Self As you open to this light, you can feel or stuck. It releases you from outworn
in deeper and expanded ways. When new life and light emerging within roles, past labels, and your ego-based
taken together, these six courses assist you, assisting you in breaking free of identity. Rather than allowing your ego
you in experiencing the illumination of old constraints. to cause you pain and suffering, your
your Divine Self that allows you to step The illumination of your Divine Self entire personality becomes a vehicle to
outside of your ego, look into it, become makes it possible to transcend your ego express your Divine Self.
aware of it, love it, and transcend it. in transformational, life-changing ways. If you feel ready to open to your Divine
You can experience a profound shift of The sun of the Self radiates Its light into Self and transcend your ego, then you
consciousness to a new level of being. your mind, desires, and emotions, into are already responding to your Divine
In Orin's meditations, you will link anywhere you have been closed, limited, Self that is calling you to Itself.
Illuminating Your Mind Part 4 You can let go of thoughts that separate
Experience the illumination of your
Divine Self that reveals your mind and you from your Divine Self and the
the nature of your thoughts. You can Divine Self of others and experience
experience your mind and respond to more loving relationships. You can
thoughts in new ways, freeing yourself open to greater abundance and release
from thoughts that cause you suffering, negative thoughts about aging, health,
such as painful memories or worries and your body.
about the future. You can have inspiring, In the illumination of the Divine Self,
uplifting thoughts that come from the you will examine and free yourself from
Contains: 12 Guided Meditations limiting beliefs, awaken divine vision,
Divine Self.
CDs, Downloads come with PDF
An illuminated mind has thoughts that strengthen your ability to receive divine
booklet with transcripts
reflect a higher light. These thoughts guidance, and experience all the shifts
6 CDs $99 DS104D
MP3 Downloads: $89 DS104E and ideas are those that guide, show that are possible in your relationships
See special offer on page 10 the way, bring peace and solutions, and as you connect with the Divine Self of
contain insights and understandings others, and of all life. You will be able
that reveal new possibilities. to enjoy new ways of thinking.
Orin Newsletter
9 X64 pdf
Orin's Becoming Your Divine Self Through
suggest starting with this course. As you every level of your being when you call Opening to Divine purpose and perfection.
listen, you will have an opportunity to it to you.
strengthen your soul connection, and Manifest Your Goals You can align with a quality of Divine
receive each of the seven qualities of In this course you will pick an earth Will that attunes you to your higher
Divine Will from the seven plane and a spiritual goal, purpose and the divine plan of your
Great Ones; those high and hold this goal in your life. It is the Divine Will quality that
Beings who are transmitting mind as you connect with releases all that is holding you back
Divine Will to humanity. all seven qualities of Divine from expressing your true, divine Self.
The energies of Divine Will to begin the process of Ongoing contact with this Will helps
Will are some of the manifesting your goals in you realize your potential and unfold
most powerful forces in alignment with your higher the divine plan and purpose of your life.
the Universe. Opening to purpose. This Divine Will quality is called the
them can transform your Start right now to work Will to Initiate. Because all outer changes
life, unfold your highest w i t h D i v i n e Wi l l t o must start first with a change in your
potential, expand your manifest a goal. We have consciousness, this Will initiates and
consciousness, and assist you in online practices you can use. Visit the brings about new consciousness, the
manifesting in alignment with the Divine Will section for links, including consciousness of the divine within you.
divine plan and the higher purpose of those on the Divine Will Study Group. You can live from your center by
your life.
Course contains 12 journeys by Orin contacting the Will to Initiate. You can
Aligning with Divine Will can awaken
Online PDF booklet for CDs and call upon it to guide you to unfold the
your inner vision, deepen your
Downloads comes with transcripts and divine blueprint of your life, align you
intuition, release limitations, liberate
extensive written information about the with your higher purpose, and help you
your spirit from the bonds of matter,
and enable you to create your highest 7 qualities of Divine Will. manifest in harmony with the divine
future. To align with Divine Will you 4 CDs MM050D $99 plan of your life. You can contact Divine
can contact it, call it to you, and draw Download, Streaming MM050E $89 Will to release blockages and illusions
that keep you from expressing your full
Special Offer: Save $28! Buy both albums (MM050 and MM060) potential. You can receive energy from
at the same time. CDs $170 for both Downloads $150 for both. the Will to Initiate any time you want to
know what to do next. It can help you
create the divine, perfect pattern rather
Living a Soul Life with Divine Will than putting energy into something that
does not lift or serve you.
You will call upon the 7 qualities of Your Life Purpose •Increasing To align with the Will to Initiate, take
Divine Will to live a soul life. You will Abundance and Prosperity •Receiving a moment to set your intention to make
link with Divine Will to transform Clear Inner Guidance •Expanding contact. Affirm that you are open to
various areas of your life to Your Creativity •Evolving receive its gifts of new consciousness.
bring about wonderful and Your Body •Creating a Then get quiet, and imagine aligning
beneficial conditions. Supportive Environment with Divine Will. Picture symbolically
In these journeys you will •Blending with Your Soul “standing” in the center of this divine
draw to yourself seven and •Living a Soul Life. Will, completely immersed in it,
qualities of Divine Will, then You do not need to attuned to divine perfection and the
transmit them to various struggle or work at divine plan of your life.
areas of your life, to live a a personality level to As you align with Divine Will, you
soul life so you can bring transform your life. You become a transmitter of it. Imagine
these areas into greater can work at a higher level, that the energy of divine perfection is
alignment with the divine for more rapid, profound flowing out from you into your life,
plan and higher purpose of your life. changes. Contains 12 Orin journeys. relationships, situations, and to other
Meditations include •Awakening Online PDF booklet for CDs and people. As you hold this connection,
Divine Love •Strengthening Self- Downloads comes with transcripts. sense what is next for you, and open
Love •Transforming Your Emotions, 4 CDs MM060D $99 to new ideas and thoughts about your
•Illuminating Your Mind •Knowing Download, Streaming MM060E $89 life and path. ~ Orin
Orin Newsletter
11 X64 pdf
Orin's Divine Will Series
Explore each Divine Will in greater depth
Each of these Divine Will courses was Visit our Website for Extensive Divine Will Information
originally taught as a live seminar,
• Participate in the Divine Will Study Group
focusing on one quality of Divine Will
per seminar. The audio recordings of
• Read about each quality of Divine Will with practices to contact
Orin’s meditations and Sanaya’s talks
and receive energy from each Divine Will consciousness. Links are
have been professionally edited to
on the study group web page listed above.
studio quality. Each course comes with
• Exercise: Manifesting a Goal with the Seven Qualities of Divine Will
a PDF that includes transcripts. Visit our
website for information on each album.
• Exercise: Divine Manifesting with the Seven Divine Wills to Transform
Divine Will 7 is taught in the Divine
Your Life and Consciousness.
Manifesting course, DW917. http://www.orindaben.com/pages/divine_will/divinemanifesting/
Orin Newsletter
13 X64 pdf
What Is Divine
You are always manifesting, in every
moment, with every choice and decision
you make, with every reaction, thought,
and feeling, and with every desire you
set into motion. Your consciousness,
awareness, understanding and inner
light determine what you manifest and Life-Changing Stories from Graduates of Orin's
experience in the outer world.
Divine manifesting starts when you Divine Manifesting Courses
consciously call upon and contact your
Divine Self. With this contact your We have received many wonderful years, and they have been wonderful
consciousness begins to expand in stories of how people’s lives have for me. Today I went through Orin’s
wonderful ways, and what you draw changed since using Orin’s Divine Divine Manifesting with the Sacred
to you changes for the better. Manifesting with the Seven Divine Wills Transmuting Flame meditation from the
To become a master of manifesting, courses and wanted to share a few of Divine Manifesting series. I wanted you
you need to find the inner space from them with you, to assist you in deciding to know how marvelous that journey
which all divine manifesting is done—a if this is your next step. is, and I want to thank you so much for
place of illumination, in contact with Participant: I’ve taken Orin’s Divine all the work you are doing. My life has
your Divine Self. Manifesting course (I’ve completed it been completely changed by your work.
With divine manifesting, you let go 6–7 times I like it so much). The energies Participant: I’ve been studying Divine
of pushing and trying to make things in it have been the highest I’ve ever Manifesting for nearly a year, off & on. I
happen. You trust that whatever you experienced. let my iPod play the meditations while
need will be provided when you need it. Participant: Sanaya, I want to express I’m sleeping. I love using the sacred
Divine manifesting can be done by my profound gratitude for the changes flame. The Divine Manifesting course
working with the seven Divine Wills, that are occurring (and have been is my favorite.
drawing in their many qualities of occurring) in my life since listening Participant: This Divine Manifesting
to your guided course has
m e d i t a t i o n s , Participant: I have been working with totally changed
Divine manifesting is not about in particular to the Divine Manifesting meditations for my life and I
compromising; it is about creating Orin’s Divine two years now, listening to at least one know without
a life you love, with satisfying M a n i f e s t i n g journey a day for the past 8 months. They a doubt put me
course. The
relationships, pleasurable are great. There is such depth to these on track with
activities, and joyful work. It changes in me my Divine Self.
involves creating a life of joy, are very real and meditations. Every time I listen it is truly It’s been a true
love, harmony, peace, inspiration, obvious to my a new experience. blessing. I am
wholeness, and freedom. husband and to increasing my
myself. I have much higher standards consciousness of my Divine Self on a
spiritual consciousness. Every quality now than before, more commitment daily basis. Fears no longer last and I have
of Divine Will opens a door to an aspect to my goals, more desire to work for become aware of fears I didn’t realize I
of divine consciousness that can then the benefit of others, and a whole host had, releasing them in the light of the
be expressed through your actions, of other changes that are wonderful to Divine Self. I am able to release deep
thoughts, and words, and changes the experience. levels that I think have been blocking
reality you experience and create. I feel that I finally have the tools to do me but I wasn’t aware of them before.
When you manifest as your Divine Self, what I have always been told I have the Participant: Following the initial glow
power to do—create my own joyous, and sense of expansion with Orin’s
you live in harmony with the Universe.
abundant reality—consciously. Thank Divine Manifesting course, I’ve been
You make choices that put you on an
you so much for your work. going through a sudden dissolving of
upward spiral, that add to your energy
Participant: I wanted to let you know some deep personality aspects I was not
and sense of aliveness.
one particular meditation that has been even aware of. This was not a surprise
You create an environment that SO very powerful for me, in Divine as I’ve been asking to manifest complete
supports you. You know you are not Manifesting Part 2, the Purification- clearance of my energies.
helpless, nor dependent upon outside Refining Your Aura meditation. Participant: I want to tell you how
conditions. You realize you have all I’ve listened to it while feeling sad/ jubilant I feel today as the consciousness
you need to live an abundant life. With frustrated/down and a complete change changes resulting from just a few
divine manifesting, you create with in my mood and outlook and a feeling sessions of listening to the Divine
precision forms and structures that are of being energized returned afterward. Manifesting talks and meditations are
beautiful, stable, and that serve their I feel like I can once again objectively occurring. I can now clearly see exactly
purpose. There is an effortless flow listen to my intuition instead of being how I can manifest whatever I want, for
of drawing in, creating, bringing to confused and overwhelmed by my the first time. I never felt that manifesting
fruition, and then letting go without emotions. courses worked for me, but you explain
attachment of what you have created, Participant: I have been working exactly how the process works and now
opening to the next new forms. with your audio journeys for a few I understand, and feel liberated.
Special Offer: Save $49.95! Purchase Parts 1 and 2 (MM070 and DW918) at the same time and save!
11 CDs Part 1 and 2 DW917D $300 Download, Streaming Part 1 and 2 DW917E $250
Orin Newsletter
15 X64 pdf
Living with Joy
Orin’s Living With Joy book teaches you how to
love yourself, live a life that fulfills you, and believe
Living With Joy
you deserve to have what you want. Learn how to Unabridged Audio Book
radiate love; be compassionate and forgiving; feel Read by Sanaya Roman
inner peace; open to receive; take a quantum leap; Audio is available in download format, based
and live in higher purpose. You can grow with joy on 25th Anniversary edition. LWJE $29.95
rather than through pain or struggle. Updated 25th Listen to a sample chapter online
Anniversary Edition with much new information.
Printed book 280 pages LWJ $14.95
Orin Affirmations and Meditation
Kindle/mobi format LWJKE $7.99
Living With Joy Audio to accompany book.
ePub format LWJPE $7.99
MP3 download, streaming L100E 13.95
Book 1 Earth Life Series
Living with Joy Audio Course Taking a Quantum Leap Audio Course
Orin’s Audio Course L201 Orin’s Audio Course L202
8 meditations 8 meditations
PDF with transcripts PDF with transcripts
3 CDs L201D $59.95 3 CDs L202D $59.95
Download, streaming L201E $49.95 Download, streaming L202E $49.95
Save $19.95! Buy L201, L202 Save $19.95! Buy L201, L202
at the same time at the same time
Personal Power
Through Awareness
Orin’s Personal Power Through Awareness:
A Guidebook for Sensitive People book is a step-by- Personal Power Through Awareness
step course in sensing energy. You need no longer Unabridged Audio Book
be affected by other people's moods or negativity. Read by Sanaya Roman
You can recognize and release any energies you Audio is available in download format, based
have taken on. Your sensitivity is a gift. Send on revised eBook edition. PPTAE $24.95
and receive telepathic messages, increase your Listen to a sample chapter online.
intuitive abilities, and open to higher guidance.
Printed book 216 pages PPTA $12.95
Orin Affirmations and Meditation
Kindle/mobi format PPTAKE $7.99
Personal Power Audio to accompany book.
ePub format PPTAPE $7.99
Book 2 Earth Life Series
Download, streaming P100E 13.95
Raising Your Vibration Audio Course Being Your Higher Self Audio Course
Orin’s Audio Course SG101 Orin’s Audio Course SG102
8 meditations 8 meditations
PDF with transcripts PDF with transcripts
3 CDs SG101D $59.95 3 CDs SG102D $59.95
Download, streaming SG101 E $49.95 Download, streaming SG102E $49.95
Save $19.95! Buy SG101, SG102 Save $19.95! Buy SG101, SG102
at the same time at the same time
Evolving Your Personality
These meditations are for you who are experiencing Orin’s Audio Course SG200
blockages, obstacles, challenges, and self-defeating patterns 8 meditations
as you grow spiritually. You can work with these meditations PDF with transcripts
to release struggle and limitation. 3 CDs SG200D $59.95
You may be facing a time of accelerated growth, many lessons, Download, streaming SG200E $49.95
old and painful issues coming up, or a time when you are
in-between the old and the new ways. This can be a difficult
time. You may have mood swings, feel overstimulated, or feel
more critical of yourself or others. Obstacles and unexpected messages and guidance from the Masters and your guide.
challenges may arise. You will discover how to hear your soul's voice so you can
To grow in a balanced way, the personality must be brought trust and act upon your higher wisdom, follow the path of
along. When you evolve your personality, you can grow at your heart, and honor your feelings.
twice the speed, your inner voice will support you, and you You will go back in time to talk to yourself as a child,
will feel more motivated, energized, and supported by the changing your past and thus your future. You will expand
Universe. your vision of what you can have and send light out ahead
You will work with your personality in this course to clear of you to attract good things. You will receive transmissions
blockages, lessen the push-pull of resistance; and let go of from the Enlightened Ones to transform your personality, to
doubts, fears, and self-criticism. You will learn how to receive reprogram at a cellular level, and more.
Orin Newsletter
17 X64 pdf
Creating a Soul
Audio Course by Orin
Orin's guided meditations in this
Soul Love Audio course will assist you in creating a soul
relationship with someone important
Soul Love Book Audio Course by Orin in your life, such as a spouse, friend,
parent, child, business partner, brother
The meditations in this course will or sister, co-worker, or any other special
Greetings from Orin! As you read guide you to work with the Solar Light, relationship. You can increase the light
Soul Love, you will be doing more than the light of the soul plane. You will and love between you at the soul level
reading a book; you will be undertaking receive energy from the Beings of Light that will then manifest as powerful and
a journey of transformation. You will and the Being of Love to assist you in wonderful changes in your daily life
journey to the soul plane where you meeting and blending with your soul. together. You will be able to appreciate
will meet and blend with your soul. You Experience your soul directly. Relax and enjoy your relationship in a deeper,
can discover how to tap into your soul’s into the serenity of love, expand into fuller way, dissolve conflict, and grow
love, light, will, power, and presence to the oneness of love, experience your together with joy.
assist you with daily living. soul's will to love, and release thoughts
You will explore how to awaken and feelings that keep you from loving Program 1: Meeting Soul-to-Soul
your three heart centers, also called yourself and others. Program 2: Light Play
chakras. You can experience the Program 3: Love Play
serenity and oneness of soul love. You Program 1: Making Soul Contact Program 4: Discovering the Higher
can transform negative energy, release Program 2: Blending with Your Soul Purpose of a Relationship
power struggles, stay true to yourself, Program 3: Soul Linking Program 5: Creating the Relationship
and radiate magnetic and unconditional Program 4: The Serenity of Love You Want
love, drawing love and all good things Program 5: The Oneness of Love Program 6: Dissolving Obstacle to
to yourself. You can expand your will Program 6: The Will to Love Love
to love, and surrender those thoughts, Program 7: Surrendering to Love Program 7: Discovering New Ways
feelings, and behaviors that stand in the Program 8: Soul Love to Love
way of love. You can learn to express 8 meditations by Orin Program 8: Soul Blending
soul love in all your relationships. PDF booklet with transcripts 8 Orin meditations, PDF with transcripts
As you read you will explore how to 3 CDs SL105D $59.95 3 CDs SL106D $59.95
create soul relationships and explore Download, Streaming SL105E $49.95 Download, Streaming SL106E $49.95
the universal laws of relationships.
You will discover how to attract a soul Special Offer: Save $19.95!
mate and other important people into Buy both CD courses at the same time (SL105D and SL106D) for $99.95
your life. You will link with your soul Buy both Download, Streaming courses at the same time (SL105E and SL106E)
to create relationships that are loving for $79.95
and nurturing, and that fulfill your
higher purpose in being together. With
soul love you can dissolve obstacles to
love and discover new ways to love.
All your relationships can be loving
and supportive.
In the last section of the book you will
join with other lightworkers to call upon
the Great Ones to ask for love to be sent Celebration of Love
to awaken your heart center and the Soul Love Two Guided Meditations
heart centers of humanity, volunteering
if you choose to become a shining Audio Book
Celebration of Love—Call upon the
light for others. You will learn how to
Great Ones, receive their powerful
make wheels of love to transform your
relationships with your friends, family, Unabridged Audio Book transmission of love into your heart
Read by Sanaya Roman center, and radiate love.
co-workers, and others. You can know
Audio is available in download Making Wheels of Love—Make
the power of love, the most powerful
format, based on revised eBook wheels of love with family, friends,
energy in the universe.
Printed Book 258 pages SL $12.95 edition. SLE $24.95 groups you are a part of, and everyone
Kindle/Mobi format SLKE $7.99 Listen to a sample chapter online. around you to experience more love.
ePub format SLPE $7.99 Download, Streaming SL001E $13.95
Orin Newsletter
19 X64 pdf
Connect with Extra-Planetary Energy
in Orin’s Star Journeys Audio Courses
You can greatly expand your your life as new opportunities, great
consciousness and accelerate your expansions of consciousness, and an
spiritual growth by consciously aligning ability to become a radiant source of
with extra-planetary star energies that light and love to everyone around you.
are influencing the earth plane. With contact you are better able to
By attuning to the energies of the Big stay in the light, peaceful and calm,
Living from Your Center Dipper, Sirius, and Pleiades, as well as untouched by lesser energies, current
Aligning with Extra-Planetary the Solar light and Spiritual Sun, you events, or mass consciousness. You are
are aligning with some of the highest better able to ride the waves of energy
Star Energy vibrational energies that are influencing as they come to humanity, be in the
the earth plane. Consciously contacting right place at the right time; and release
As you align with the energy radiating these star energies can manifest in blockages and limitations.
from the Big Dipper, Sirius, and
Pleiades, you are attuning yourself
to some of the highest vibrational
Orin’s Star Journeys Courses
Each course contains 12 meditations by Orin and a
energies that are influencing the earth
plane. Opening to the awakened PDF booklet with transcripts.
consciousness of these special stars can Special Offer: Save $57 Buy all 4 courses (MM010–MM040)
greatly accelerate your spiritual growth at the same time and save! CDs $339 Downloads $299
as it brings you into contact with a vast
Universe of spiritual energies. Increasing Your Inner Light Expanding Your Consciousness
These star energies contain very
potent radiations of light that inspire Draw in energy from Connect with your
humanity to reach new heights and to the Big Dipper for soul, be more aware of
create a higher, better future. Divine Will, Sirius your higher purpose.
You can align with the consciousness for Divine Love, Open to receive light
of these stars and receive their the Pleiades for from extra-planetary
transformative energies. This contact manifesting, and from sources and from the
can inspire your life and creations so the Spiritual Sun to increase your Masters and Beings of light.
that whatever you create will carry the inner light. 4 CDs MM010D $99 4 CDs MM020D $99
energy of what is next for humanity Download, Streaming MM010E $89 Download, Streaming MM020E $89
and will be supported by the Universe.
As these energies impact humanity Accelerating Your Evolution Building a Radiant Aura
they can cause massive changes. Activate a seed of Work with the angel
Consciously aligning with these light within you that who directs the devas
energies can help you stay centered carries your potential (small angelic beings) to
in the face of world events, mass for enlightenment. build a radiant aura that
consciousness fears and thoughts, Receive sacred codes will allow you to express
and the waves of emotional energy and symbols to activate the light, love, harmony,
that world events can trigger. You can the potential within your cellular DNA to energy, and peace of your soul and Spirit.
become a center of peace since you accelerate your evolution. Receive energy The radiance you build in your aura is
are no longer buffeted about by lower, from extra-planetary sources for freedom, the substance that clothes your thoughts
denser energies. Your light and peace is to increase your spiritual vision, have in light and gives them the power to
a gift to others that can help them stay more clarity, and release attachments. manifest and bring you wonderful
centered and balanced as well. Change basic patterns of light within experiences. Your radiance determines
To align with star energy, start by you to a higher frequency for liberation the situations and circumstances of your
thinking of the 7 stars of the Big Dipper and initiation. life, and the type of energy you live
(divine Will), Sirius (divine Love), 4 CDs MM030D $99 in and around. 4 CDs MM040D $99
and the 7 Sisters, called the Pleiades Download, Streaming MM030E $89 Download, Streaming MM040E $89
(divine Creative Intelligence). Imagine
a triangle of light connecting them. Vision: Seeing and Vision: Creating Your
Picture yourself in the middle of this
star energy, basking in and drawing in Sensing Subtle Energies Highest Future
this light and consciousness. You are
joining a much larger, vaster Universe. Draw in energy from Sirius, Pleiades, Create your highest future using extra-
You are a point of light within a greater Great Bear and the Pole Star to increase planetary energy. Recently re-recorded
light. You are in harmony with that your spiritual vision. Recently re- by Orin. Contains 10 guided meditations
greater light, energized by it, and able recorded by Orin. 9 Orin meditations, by Orin, talks by Sanaya, plus PDF of
to radiate the light of transformation talks, PDF. Download, Streaming: written material. Download, streaming:
to all who are receptive OR917E $59.95 Buy both OR917E, OR918E $59.95 Buy both OR917E,
~ Orin OR918E for $95 and save $24.90! OR918E for $95 and save $24.90
(Buy all 8 together at the same time and save! Order M100) Past-Life Regression SI043E
Taking a Quantum Leap L103E
Reprogramming at a Cellular Level SI056E
Getting Your Work Out to the World
The Universe Is Perfect, Stop Efforting SG004E
Discovering Your Life Purpose L104E
For Self-Employed People SI037E
Manifesting Your Destiny SI009E
My Perfect Career SI058E • Public Recognition SI015E Awakening Psychic Abilities
Developing Intuition O10E • Lucid Dreaming SI024E
Meeting Your Spirit Guide O14E
Self Love Opening the Chakras O16E
Opening Up All Your Psychic Abilities O13E
Balance, Stability, and Constancy L105E
Telepathy - Sensing Energy O15E
Becoming a Positive Person SI103E
Trusting Your Inner Guidance SI107E
Becoming Self-Confident RE008E • Being Happy SI100E
Building a New Self-Image SI106E
Creating Your Perfect Day SI101E
Developing Courage and Fearlessness SI109E Weight Loss, Ideal Body, Health & Vitality
Feeling Inner Peace L101E
Getting in Touch With Your Power SI003E Body Beautiful SI050E • Feeling Energetic SI005E
I Am Loved, I Am Lovable SI105E Losing Weight, Looking Younger SI030E
Loving to Exercise SI051E • Loving Your Body SI014E
Learning to Relax SI026E • Magical Child SI100E
Opening to Receive L106E
Self-Acceptance: Releasing Guilt SI028E
Self-Love L102E • Staying in Your Center SG003E
DaBen Light Body Preparatory Singles
The guided meditations below include light body
Create Loving Relationships transmissions by DaBen that you can use to experience light
Achieving Intimacy — Opening Your Heart RE005E body spaces whether or not you have studied the light body.
Attracting Your Soul Mate RE001E Breathing for Higher Consciousness LB002E
Attracting Your Soul-Mate Twin Flame RE002E Traveling Through the Gridwork of Light LB003E
Compassion and Forgiveness SI104E Knowing Yourself as Energy LB004E
Feeling Secure SI042E Creating Flow LB005E
Having What You Want in a Relationship RE003E Becoming Light LB006E
Letting Go of a Relationship RE004E Increasing Your Radiance LB007E
Radiating Unconditional Love P103E
Audio Short Courses $13.95 each 2 tracks
Spiritual Growth, Higher Consciousness Introduction to Clairvoyant Sight: Talk and Guided
Meditation by DaBen
Being Your Higher Self SI040E
Open your clairvoyant sight in DaBen’s guided meditation,
Flowing with the Universe SI025E begin to sense or see auras, and experience the energy states
Learning to Concentrate SI045E necessary to begin seeing clairvoyantly.
Moving into Higher Consciousness SI012E (Two programs; one with talk, one with guided journey.) D001E
Opening Creativity—Attracting Ideas SI046E
Opening Spiritually SG002E • Unlimited Thinking SI108E Attunement With Your Crystal Orin & DaBen
2 programs; one by Orin and one by DaBen OD001E
Orin Newsletter
21 X64 pdf
Thaddeus' music is the background on all Orin's journeys and most of DaBen's journeys.
Visit our website to listen to samples of Thaddeus' Music and to download or stream music.
Listen to 50 minutes of free music samples on our website for your listening enjoyment.
Thaddeus' music uses piano, harp, strings, angelic voices pace. It draws you into the rhythm of your soul.
and other relaxing, harmonious, beautiful sounds. This is very You can play it as background for group gatherings, a quiet
peaceful, soothing music that will take you into expanded dinner, loving times with friends, or use it to concentrate,
states of consciousness as you listen. You can play this music focus, and be in higher states while you work. This is excellent
as background music to help you sustain high, peaceful states, background music for massage, to set a healing space, or for
and to support feelings of joy and well-being. using at the dentist or in a hospital to stay calm, and. You
This music can also assist you in lifting into spiritual spaces, can play it while you teach or meditate, and to set a space
and sustaining a peaceful, meditative state throughout the of peace and flow while you do creative work of any kind.
day. This music can aid you in falling asleep at night, or at Each album has approximately 2 hours of music and is ideal
any time when you want to calm down or go at a slower for meditation, healing, relaxation, and for pure enjoyment.
Thaddeus is an angelic being brought through by Sanaya. Each music track transmits energy through the use of
sound. Titles of the music albums are based on the energy Thaddeus is transmitting. Albums contains 4 half-hour
music pieces. 2 CDs, 4 tracks per album $29.95 4 download, streaming tracks per album $19.95
You can order individual tracks for $6.00 each, or all 52 tracks at the same time for $210 and Save $102! Order KT100
Ascent to
Solar Light Awakening Star MS208
MS205 Your Heart Journeys
Center MS206 MS207 Into the One
Divine Self
Comments and story of Thaddeus' music (Visit online for much more music information)
People have written to us with wonderful stories about to assist class members in reaching high, focused, expanded
Thaddeus' music. Many people leave the music on throughout states of consciousness.
the day, to set a calm, serene space in their home. Some tell Some people let us know that they play Thaddeus' music
us they do their best writing, thinking, art, and creative work for company when they want people to relax and enjoy an
while playing Thaddeus’ music. Students say it helps them evening of connecting and conversation. Some people play
to study and concentrate. Thaddeus' music during a stay in the hospital, with amazing
Many tell us Thaddeus' music helps them reach a high place recoveries, in themselves or in others they played it for.
in their meditation. Some use Thaddeus' music for yoga, People tell us this music works better than anything they
Reiki, deep breathing, and other spiritual practices. Massage have tried to fall asleep, and to wake up feeling refreshed.
therapists say it helps people relax and that their clients love Others say they play this music to help them feel emotionally
the music. Light body and other teachers use it in their classes balanced, happy, peaceful, or to release negative energy.
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