7.5 Staff Development and Retention: Laurie Dreyer-Hadley, Kathleen C. Maurel, and Debra Fiori

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The Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) encourages the development of

sound employee benefit programs and public policy through research and education.
To learn about EBRI, go to www.ebri.com.
Benefits Link.com gives compliance advice to people who provide employer-spon-
sored employee benefit plans. Go to www.benefitslink.com.
The Profit Sharing/401(k) Council of America (PSCA) is a national, nonprofit asso-
ciation of 1,200 companies and their 6 million plan participants. PSCA offers assis-
tance with profit sharing and 401(k) plan design, administration, investment,
compliance, and communication. Members range in size from Fortune 100 firms to
small, entrepreneurial businesses. Its Web site is www.psca.org.
The AIA conducts a compensation survey of its members every three years. The
“AIA Compensation Report: A Survey of U.S. Architecture Firms” presents informa-
tion about financial compensation and employee benefits, presented by region and by
firm size. For more information about the current AIA compensation report, visit

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7.5 Staff Development and Retention
Laurie Dreyer-Hadley, Kathleen C. Maurel, and Debra Fiori

Developing a staff of architects requires special attention to, and recognition of,
the creative work of the profession. Training can be formal or informal, but it
must be ongoing.

etaining talented staff should be one of the highest management priorities of any
architecture firm. This is because it is generally understood that employees are
the most important resource in a firm.
Keeping your best people starts with paying close attention to a firm’s human
resources. This includes maintaining a supportive culture, careful supervision, thor-
ough communication, appropriate use of praise and criticism, a system for formal
appraisals, reasonable benefits, and consistent salary administration. Where appropri-
ate, it is also helpful to provide paths to leadership and possibly to ownership in the
firm. The important thing is to find a way to manage the firm and the people within it
with sensitivity to the aspirations of the firm and its projects, on one hand, and those
of its people, on the other.
Managers often assume their job expectations and desires are different from those
of the individuals they supervise. However, managers and their employees usually have
many shared expectations that affect retention. Among them are the desire for
• Recognition of work done
• Open communication about the firm’s goals and values
• Job stability and security
• Competitive wages
Many in management assume that high wages are the key to staff retention, but in
reality, wage discussions are often an opportunity for an employee to bring up other

Debra Fiori is director of human resources for Parsons Company, an international engineer-
ing, architecture, and construction management company based in Charlotte, North Car-
olina. This topic is adapted from “Staff Development” by Kathleen C. Maurel and Laurie
Dreyer-Hadley in the 13th edition of the Handbook.

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factors of concern, including opportunities to grow in the profession. Recent evidence

indicates that access to learning is of prime importance to the younger members of the
workforce, and that continuing education benefit programs are valuable aids to retain-
ing employees only if they are properly communicated to the staff.

The secret of good human resources management is to manage each staff person as an
individual. A great deal of guidance exists on how to do this, but most research on moti-
vating professionals centers on two factors: challenge and recognition. Professionals
seek challenging work and recognition for doing a good job. It is significant that mid-
career professionals who leave their firms after years of service cite such reasons as, “I
wasn’t appreciated,” “I didn’t know where I stood,” and “I couldn’t see where I was
going in the firm.”

Inspiring Staff Members

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Architecture work is inherently challenging. Opening that challenge to every staff

member, though, can be difficult for firm management. As in all professional work,
some tasks in the architect’s office are repetitive and mundane. Nonetheless, managers
can vary assignments and provide opportunities for employees to develop new skills.
Most researchers suggest involving all staff in the “big picture” so they can see where
their efforts, however mundane, are headed.
Managers can also show each employee the tangible steps that he or she can take
to grow in the firm. With clearly defined goals, the employee is more likely to follow
the plan—and less likely to leave.
A career path should be created through a two-way dialogue. It is just as important
for an employee to weigh in on his or her interests or specialty as it is for the manager to
identify strengths and areas needing development. Steps on a career path could include
such behavior-based activities as learning to manage people and projects, improving lis-
tening skills, or dealing with conflict. Other activities could include specific on-the-job
training in technical skills related to architecture, such as beginning to work on different
phases of a project, increasing client contact, or coordinating with contractors.

Providing Frequent Feedback

Feedback should be frequent, specific, immediate, and sincere. Praise tends to have
more desirable results than negative comments. Criticism, when due, is equally impor-
tant, however; even excellent performers need to hear it. As in design itself, feedback
is integral to growth and improvement.
Regular performance appraisals and professional development discussions offer
both the firm and the employee opportunities to take stock, assess the relationship, and
make plans for continued improvement. Properly approached and carried out, per-
formance appraisals also provide opportunities for both challenge and recognition.

 Communicating with Clients Communicating Effectively

(6.2) provides guidance on
Employees who are knowledgeable about firm goals, client objectives, and project prob-
achieving better verbal and lems consistently make better decisions, resulting in improved performance by the firm.
written communication with Employee performance is even better when employees have participated in setting goals
clients. and solving problems in the first place. It follows that communication within an archi-
tecture firm ought to be structured to provide staff members with the information they
need to perform their jobs effectively.
Many people are thrust into ownership or management positions in architecture
firms without training or a clear understanding of the best ways to communicate with
employees. For example, management may not spend much time communicating the
guiding values of the firm because they believe such values are self-evident. Or, man-

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agement may view project budgets as confidential and keep them from the project man-
agers responsible for project performance.
This is not to suggest that every firm should become a democracy, with every staff
member privy to the agonizing decisions of the firm’s leaders. Instead, thoughtful deci-
sions should be made about what types of information will be shared with the staff,
bearing in mind that it is unfair to hold staff members responsible for situations when
they may not have the knowledge to assess them properly.
Most people become anxious in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Thus, management Because so many architecture
decisions that affect an entire firm are best received when they are quickly and clearly firms are small, many architects
communicated to everyone at the same time. learn to supervise in the crucible
Generally, though, communication should be taking place consistently on several of everyday activity.
levels, including these:
• Informal, everyday contact. This involves staying in touch and providing—via a short
note or e-mail message or in person—a point of guidance, a bit of praise, or a word
of criticism or just asking, “How’s it going?”
• More formal, regular forums for communication. Smaller offices might hold biweekly

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officewide meetings; large offices might meet regularly by studio, department, or
project. Project teams, or the whole office or studio, might meet to review projects
in progress.
• Off-site meetings for the owners or the management team. These provide an uninter-
rupted occasion to step back and examine the progress of the firm as a whole. If
held regularly, such sessions can be invaluable planning tools for the future. As well,  Developing Leadership Skills
they can be highly motivating for the people involved. (7.6) covers basic leadership
• Social events. When sponsored by the firm, social events encourage informal com- concepts and describes practical
munication and can help staff members build relationships with one another. tools for leadership training.


Performance appraisal and professional development are two different processes. How-
ever, they are often conducted together, much to the confusion of staff members. It is
important to be clear with staff about which process you are attempting, or if you are
attempting both processes simultaneously.
A performance appraisal or review looks backward at how an employee performed his
or her work over the past year. Usually the process includes measurements against job
descriptions or responsibilities and attempts to show how an employee’s performance
affected the work produced by the firm. Not surprisingly, most employees see it as a
grading system.
Professional development looks forward at an employee’s future goals and opportuni-
ties to grow along a career path. It can be used to correct minor deficiencies, set new
sights, define new learning programs, and show staff where they can hope to advance
within a firm.
Confusion comes into play when employees want to discuss their future careers
and management wants to discuss past performance.
Performance appraisal begins with everyday praise and criticism. It can continue
with formal performance appraisals, but it is important to provide feedback to staff
members, both positive and negative, on a regular basis. Unfortunately, feedback of
any kind is often neglected. It is very difficult to tell an employee that performance on
a given task has been unsatisfactory. Rather than using such situations as a learning
experience, a supervisor will often fret about an employee’s performance until an accu-
mulation of incidents results in dismissal.
W. Edwards Deming, the father of total quality management (TQM), believed that
formal appraisals should be abolished entirely because in an ideal workplace employ-
ees would understand at all times where they stand. He asserted that performance

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appraisals can create unhealthy competition among staff

WHY DO PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS? members and destroy team spirit. Recent studies suggest
that employees do not like them and that they are regarded
Performance appraisals are done for a variety of rea-
as instruments of dismissal. Still, an appraisal process gives
sons, but particularly to employees a chance to communicate their questions and
• Encourage and support communication between man- aspirations in the absence of other means to do so. In a liti-
gious environment, a written appraisal can also help protect
agers and employees.
the firm.
• Communicate firm goals and priorities.
• Clarify an employee’s role, responsibilities, and Purposes of the Appraisal
The primary purpose of a formal appraisal is to improve
• Recognize (praise) accomplishments and discuss
performance by recording the strengths and weaknesses of
improvements required. a member of the firm. This information is then used to
• Share input or feedback from others. establish a plan for improvement. Appraisals are an oppor-
• Enhance employee performance through feedback. tunity for both parties to communicate goals, expectations,
• Set job goals and objectives. opportunities for improvement, and progress. They help
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• Identify training and development needs and develop the firm identify and determine ways to develop manage-
plans to address them. ment potential. They help in firm planning, and they can
become part of the process of determining promotions and,
• Establish short- and long-term professional goals and
when necessary, layoffs.
plans for reaching them.
Many firms are beginning to focus their appraisal
• Determine personnel actions—promotions, termina- process on shared future goals and professional develop-
tions, etc. ment rather than concentrating strictly on past behavior. In
• Serve as a basis for pay decisions. this way, the process becomes a career planning tool for the
• Enable an employee to provide feedback to the manager. employee and part of the firm’s strategic plan. Some firms
also include an opportunity for employees to evaluate their
managers and the firm in general, which can provide
DEFINING THE PERFORMANCE healthy and innovative input for the firm’s management.
The purpose of a performance appraisal is to improve
performance. Performance appraisal can be defined as To be effective, appraisals and professional development
planning should be done at regular intervals. Research
• An ongoing process, not an annual "event" shows most firms conduct reviews once a year, although
• A dialogue between the manager and the employee, some management consultants recommend semiannual or
not just a communication from manager to employee even quarterly reviews. Everyone in the firm may be
• An opportunity to reinforce the firm’s mission, values, reviewed during the same time period, or reviews may be
and culture, not to focus on irrelevant factors
related to the anniversary date of employment.
Some firms have recently shifted toward team reviews
• An opportunity to acknowledge success and discuss
and assessments. These peer reviews can be more effective,
positive outcomes, not solely an enumeration of mis-
since they are seen as more constructive and less judgmen-
takes or deficiencies tal than a traditional discussion with management.
• A process based on job performance and behavior, A firm needs to determine whether formal perform-
objective facts, specific examples, and results, not on ance appraisals will occur at the same time as compensa-
subjective opinions, "hunches," the employee’s "atti- tion evaluations. Some argue that separating the two events
tude," or generalizations allows for more concentrated discussion of performance.
• A process in which the reviewer serves as coach and Others insist that doing both at the same time emphasizes
the directness of the relationship between performance and
counselor, not merely as judge
• An opportunity to summarize and reinforce what has
been discussed in the past, not an opportunity to sur- Evaluation Factors
prise the employee with new information
Each firm should develop its own evaluation factors that
directly express its values, goals, objectives, and priorities.
Factors should always relate to work requirements and not
to an employee’s personality traits.

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The firm should also consider broad-based objectives when evaluating an

employee’s performance. How does the employee’s advancement relate to the stated
values and goals of the firm? Along these lines, additional evaluation factors might
include the following:

• Increase in knowledge
• Organizational ability
• Quantity and quality of work
• Creativity
• Analytical ability
• Communication skills
• Degree of initiative
• Staff relations
• Adaptability to change
• Client relations
• Progress toward goals
• Mentoring of others

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It is common to determine a rating system for such factors, usually a three- to five-
part scale ranging from “unsatisfactory” to “outstanding.” Most approaches encourage
additional comments; many require them for ratings at either end of the scale. In addi-
tion to—or in place of—rating scales, performance appraisals may include essays (open-
ended questions about performance), forced-choice evaluations (the reviewer selects
between pairs of positive and negative performance assessments), discussion of critical
incidents (specific examples of commendable or poor performance), results-oriented
evaluations (comparing results with goals established earlier), and other approaches to
framing the dialogue and doing the evaluation.
The key to a meaningful process is communication.
Whatever system you choose, the essential intent is to have
meaningful communication with staff about performance Following is a rough outline of steps to be executed in
and future goals and learning opportunities. the performance appraisal process:

• At the beginning of the review period, confirm job

The Face-to-Face Review
duties, performance criteria, expectations, and goals
Performance appraisal forms are merely vehicles to aid the and objectives.
actual discussion. The face-to-face session is the most
• Meet with the employee initially and periodically
important part of the process.
throughout the year to discuss both good and poor
Like employment interviews, good performance
reviews are a two-way street. It may be helpful to provide performance issues, coach the employee, and prob-
a format in which each employee can, in advance of the lem-solve together. Be sure to document the discus-
meeting, develop a written synopsis of work and educa- sions you have.
tional experience during the review period, an evaluation of • Hold midyear reviews, either formally or informally.
the position and the firm, and a list of specific topics to dis- • Remember to leave time to solicit input from others for
cuss. This allows the reviewer to prepare ahead of time to the annual review process, if applicable.
deal with difficult issues or unexpected questions. It also
• Prepare for the review discussion by completing the
allows the firm to learn from its employees.
performance review form as a draft.
If performance goals and objectives were mutually
defined at the start of the appraisal period, it may be a good • Schedule the review discussion, and keep the
idea to have both reviewer and employee fill out an appointment.
appraisal form before the interview as well. Comparison of • After the meeting, finalize the review summary and
the two appraisals can help break the ice in a situation that send a copy to the employee for comments.
is sometimes awkward for both parties. The comparison • Review the form when it has been returned, and then
may reveal differing perceptions or even misunderstand- refer to it periodically throughout the year.
ings about the employee’s performance goals; it can also
provide an informed basis for discussion and goal setting
for the next appraisal period.

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Discussions of unsatisfactory performance should be clearly documented in an
employee’s human resources file. A chronological record of unsatisfactory work is a
useful defense against unjustified claims of discrimination or wrongful discharge fol-
lowing an employee’s demotion or termination. Be careful not to use the perform-
ance appraisal only as a documentation opportunity for poor performance. If this
process becomes known as a dismissal tool, an environment of distrust can develop.
Use the review documentation to reflect achievements and successes as well as poor


Except in cases of gross misconduct, terminating an employee should be a last-step
solution. Employees do not develop performance problems overnight, and there are
usually opportunities to take corrective or disciplinary steps before termination
becomes necessary.
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To: Employee

From: Manager

Re: Poor Performance

Over the past [period of time], your performance has been below expectations. [If there have been past discussions
with the employee regarding his or her poor performance, indicate this and the dates of the prior discussions. If the firm
has tried to assist the employee in improving performance, indicate this.]
[Describe specifics of poor performance.]
Based on this information, you are being placed on a [indicate time frame] performance improvement plan. It is imper-
ative that you improve your performance as outlined below. Failure to show immediate improvement may result in further
disciplinary action up to and including termination of your employment.
In order to assist you in improving your performance, we have outlined an improvement plan. [List specific action items
that the employee must accomplish to improve his or her performance.]
[Insert employee name], it is our goal to assist you in improving your performance. We fully expect that you can make
these adjustments.

Company Name

Company Address

Project: Date:

Please sign below indicating you have read and received this memo.

Employee Name Date

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Everyone has a natural tendency to avoid conflict, but it is the responsibility of firm
managers to manage all performance—the good and the bad. Failing to address an
obvious performance problem can send a message that substandard performance is tol-
erated and acceptable. Also, an employee may not even know there is a problem, and
if it is brought to his or her attention, the issue may be easily corrected. In the long run,
this will save the firm the cost of turnover.

Communicating the Problem

Ideally, the process of responding to performance problems should look like this:
The first time a performance issue arises, the manager should have a fact-finding
or coaching discussion with the employee. The manager can explain the issue, get the
employee’s view, and make sure the employment expectations are clear. The manager
should retain some type of documentation of the discussion.
If the problem remains or recurs, another discussion should take place, followed by
a confirming memorandum to the employee (with a copy to his or her human resources
file) reiterating the problem and the expected change. This document should cover all

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of the following:
• What performance standards are not being met
• What has been done to assist the employee to date
• Dates of any previous performance discussions
• What expectations must be met to turn around the employee’s performance
• A reasonable time frame within which change must occur
• The consequences of failure to meet the performance standard
Managers should be reminded to follow any coaching or disciplinary procedures
outlined in the human resources manual. It is best to have the employee sign the writ-
ten document to acknowledge it has been received, rather than to indicate agreement.

Coaching for Performance Improvement

When something goes wrong, the goal is to solve the problem and focus on doing bet-
ter next time. Allocating blame is not a priority. The purpose of coaching is to improve
performance and results, improve working relationships, and support professional
development—not to punish. When coaching an individual to help improve his or her
job performance, these five steps should be followed:
1. Explain the performance issue clearly.
2. Ask for the employee’s view of the situation.
3. Ask the employee for suggestions.
4. Agree on an action plan to resolve the problem.
5. Set up a time to follow up.
Coaching tips. Be courteous and respectful when you assume the coaching role.
Use active listening techniques, communicate effectively, and attend to the nonverbal
cues being used—both the employee’s and your own. Avoid jumping to conclusions, and
instead focus on helping the employee solve the problem rather than solving it for him
or her. Be open to new information, but negotiate when possible and be firm when
necessary. It is always desirable to reach a consensus, although you may have to agree
to disagree. Follow up on your commitments, set up a review for later time, and make
sure it gets done. Document the exchange in notes or a memo to the employee. Finally,
it is up to you to acknowledge success or decisively address a continuing problem.


Lifelong learning is a critically important part in the development of an architecture
career. This is reflected in the AIA’s historic 1992 decision to make continuing education

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Typically, design professionals a required condition for membership. In addition, more and more states are mandating
advance in their careers by tak- continuing education for maintaining an architecture license.
ing on a new job role or assign- Most firms recognize that providing training and development opportunities is an
ment. Whether that new advantage in recruiting and retaining staff. Ensuring that staff members have current
assignment will be with the same skills and expertise also enables them to react to the fast-changing architecture envi-
firm or require a move to another ronment, enhancing the firm’s competitiveness in the marketplace.
organization often depends on Firms can support continuing professional development in a variety of ways. Firms
how much attention the firm gives can offer in-house programs, provide paid time off for employees to attend external
to its employees and their individ- programs, pay for conference fees, offer tuition reimbursement programs, support time
ual professional goals. that employees devote to professional association activities, or subsidize dues.

Types of Training
Many firms have formal, organized learning events, but there is no evidence that for-
mal education (classroom-type lectures) is any more effective than informal education
(integration into a project team where one overhears a great deal and thereby learns).
A recent study of architects’ learning styles found that 85 percent of the time architects
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ask the people around them when they have a question rather than going to the library
or picking up reference materials.
Some people learn best by doing a job and experimenting with solutions. Others
learn by reading and reflecting before applying what they have learned to a practical sit-
uation. Fully integrated learning incorporates all aspects of a learning cycle. A best
practices approach may appeal to the broadest spectrum of learners.

Training Oppor tunities

Different topics may lend themselves to different learning activities. For example,
the resources and approaches used for technical, skill-building training programs
may differ from those used for “soft skills” training programs on topics such as
communication, supervision, or presentation skills. Among the many ways to sup-
port professional development and encourage retention of valued employees are
• Mentoring. Employees can gain job knowledge, management skills, career develop-
ment guidance, and general firm knowledge, or simply establish a trusting rela-
 Mentoring (3.2) describes men- tionship with another employee, through a mentoring relationship. Mentoring can
toring principles and how to provide a forum in which to pass along the accumulated management wisdom of
establish and conduct a mentor- years of practice, and recognition of the special potential of the mentee may encour-
ing program. age an employee to stay with the firm.
• In-house programs. Firms may offer programs on an as-needed basis or establish a
regular schedule of continuing education courses.
• Outside seminars. If a firm wishes to encourage attendance at outside seminars but
maintain control of costs, it may allot a certain number of hours or dollars per staff
member per year. Those attending can report back to the entire firm through an
informal brown-bag seminar or a written synopsis.
• Tuition reimbursement. A tuition reimbursement plan is an excellent way to encour-
age continuing education. The firm should set guidelines for the kinds of courses
and the percentage of the cost or annual dollar limit that will be covered. This kind
of benefit can commence at the end of the initial (probationary) period or upon
attaining a certain level within the firm.
• Intern development program. A firm’s commitment to an intern development program
(IDP) can be a prime motivator for interns to stay with the firm. The IDP provides
an opportunity for graduates to gain a range of experience, as it formalizes a men-
tor-like relationship with a more senior architect that is reminiscent of the early
days of the profession. The corollary of this relationship also is important: Estab-
lished professionals can learn from interns.

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• Licensing support. Many firms pay for some or all portions of mock exams and other
preparations for taking the Architect Registration Examination. Some pay for the exam,
some pay for exam time, and some pay for both fees and time. Firms providing these
benefits must consider the following issues: whether to offer a pay increase after an
employee takes the exam, whether to establish a minimum time at the firm before eli-
gibility for this benefit, and any payback clauses requiring the employee to pay back the
firm part or all of the benefit received if he or she leaves the firm within a certain period.
• Professional association dues and activities. Many firms choose to pay part or all of the
dues for employees to belong to professional organizations such as the AIA or the
Construction Specifications Institute. Some firms may also provide paid time for
employees to participate in selected professional organization activities.
• AIA and civic participation. Firms may encourage staff members to participate in pro-
grams sponsored by local and state AIA components. In addition to their educa-
tional benefits, AIA meetings and related programs provide a forum for informal
exchange of ideas with other professionals. Partial or complete reimbursement of
dues and meeting expenses is a strong motivator, particularly for young people.

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• Participation in pro bono professional activities. Efforts on behalf of local nonprofit
groups or community planning and design boards and advocacy on behalf of the
profession offer real educational benefits to firm members, as well as heightened
visibility for them and the firm.
A firm invests in its staff members by promoting their continued professional devel-
opment. On-the-job training remains a primary means of professional development,
but many additional possibilities exist. Professional development should become a rou-
tine and natural aspect of a firm’s management philosophy. Providing opportunities to
gain new skills and increase knowledge is a very effective staff retention technique,
second only to staff recognition.

7.6 Developing Leadership Skills

William C. Ronco, Ph.D., and Mark Jussaume, PE

Leadership is an essential component of successful architecture practice. Through

professional development efforts, firms can help staff members attain the skills
they need to become effective leaders.

any architects are deeply interested in leadership and committed to becoming
better leaders. Because there are different and conflicting views about the nature
of effective leadership, numerous methods are available to architects who want
to improve their leadership skills and performance. This article clarifies the different views
on leadership and offers guidelines to help architects hone their leadership effectiveness.


The profession places architects in a wide range of leadership positions. Beyond
managing projects, architects also lead firms, studios, and committees within firms;

William C. Ronco is president of Gathering Pace Consulting in Bedford, Massachusetts. He con-

sults on strategic planning and leadership training and is a coauthor of The Partnering Solution.
Mark Jussaume is vice president of operations for the Ritchie Organization in Newton,
Massachusetts. The original version of this topic appeared in Handbook Update 2005.

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