Coal Resources of Pakistan: New Coalfields

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Lasbela, U. J.Sci. Techl., vol.V, pp.

7-22, 2016 ISSN 2306-8256

Coal Resources of Pakistan: new coalfields
Muhammad Sadiq Malkani1*, Muhammad Imran Alyani2 and Mureed Hussain Khosa3
Faisal Saeed Buzdar4 and Muhammad Aleem Zahid3
Geological Survey of Pakistan, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
Geological Survey of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan.
Department of Marine Geology, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences,
Uthal, Balochistan, Pakistan.
Department of Coastal and Environmental Science, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water
and Marine Sciences, Uthal, Balochistan, Pakistan.
Abstract:-Pakistan has large reserves of coal but the deposits need to be exploited for provincial
and national development. Share of coal in energy sector of Pakistan has increased from 6.5% (2003-04) to
7.6% (2008-09) and but later fell back to 6.7% (2010-11). Considering growing energy needs, this figure
should have been more than its predecessor. Balochistan province tops coal production with a 58% share.
Pakistan is ranked 7th internationally regarding lignitic coal reserves but, unluckily, Pakistan steel industry
has imported from 2.84mt to 4.27mt coal per year between 2006 and 2011. Furthermore, thermal power
plants should be installed to use indigenous coal reserves to increase electrical power supply, keeping in view
the population increase. Developments for coal resources are necessary due to increasing energy demand in
Pakistan, whereas in Pakistan, many coal fields remain under-developed. To develop these coalfields, it is
necessary to create the technology to use the mixed lignitic, subbituminous and bituminous coal because
majority of the reserves are lignitic in Pakistan. The Thar coal deposit of Sindh is lignitic and available in
grand quantity. Its development should be started on trial basis initially as vertical shaft mining method.
Alternatively, open pit mining could be opted for but ground water may cause trouble in this regard. Coal
resources and their discoveries are necessary in order to meet increasing demands. Here some new coalfields
are added.
Keywords: Coal Resources, Balochistan, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
Large deposits of coal exist in Pakistan but
INTRODUCTION unluckily, Pakistan steel industry has imported
coal 2.84mt to 4.27mt per year between 2006
The energy minerals include coal, to 2011 (Pakistan Energy Year Book 2011,
petroleum (oil and gas), uranium and other published in 2012). This expenditure can be
radioactive minerals. The share of coal 5.4%, saved and spent on research and technology
gas 43.8%, oil 38.3%, LPG 0.4%, developments. Furthermore, thermal power
hydroelectricity 11.3% and nuclear electricity plants should be installed to use indigenous
0.9% in energy supply mix during 2002-03. coal reserves to increase electrical power
Share of coal in energy sector of Pakistan has supply, keeping in view the increase in
increased from 6.5% (2003-04) to 7.6% population. Biomasses like crop residue
(2008-09) and but later fell back to 6.7% (cotton stalk, wheat straw, and rice husk),
(2010-11). But now the share of solar energy natural vegetation, trees, animal dung/manure
or solar electricity is increasing rapidly in and sewage are potential source of energy.
Pakistan. Coal, oil, natural gas, radioactive These can be converted into energy by direct
minerals, geothermal hot springs and geysers, combustion and fermentation methods. The
etc. are exhaustable energy resources whilst waste material is burnt in confined containers
solar, air/wind, terrestrial water, marine and heat is used for running boilers which
water/ocean, tides, waves, current, geothermal produce steam to run a turbine generator.
gradients of sea water, biomass, etc., are Biofuel like E-10 is a replacement of gasoline
inexhaustable energy resources. Pakistan and can be produced by fermentation of
urgently demands the conversion of the non- biomass in digester tank by enzymes and
conventional energy resources into those of decomposition in absence of air. The heat of
conventional energy. Balochistan province has hot springs and geysers produced by radiation,
major share for producing coal in the country. compression and residual heat of earth can be
*Corresponding author: [email protected] used in nearby villages or towns. For example,

Tatta Pani hot spring (Bakht 2000; Kotli along with recent advances in discoveries of
District; Azad Kashmir) can be used by Tatta new coalfields. The methods applied here are
Pani town, especially during severe winter. In purely geological methods.
this way Mahiwal hot spring (Loralai District)
can be used by Mahiwal village, especially RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
during severe winter (Malkani 2012). Ahmed Coal Resources of Pakistan: New Coalfields
et al. (1986), Shah (1990), Ghaznavi (2002) Coal is found and being developed in
and Malkani (2012) reported coal of Pakistan all four provinces likes Sind, Balochistan,
whereas Malkani (2011) reported coal of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with
Balochistan. Before 2012, the total reserves of Azad Kashmir. Due to present field work by
coal from Pakistan were reported 186,016.46 senior author, the revised and updated total
million ton/mt. Malkani (2012) added some coal reserves of Pakistan are increased from
extensions of previous coalfields and also 186,282.41 million tones/mt (Malkani 2012)
many new coalfields with increase of total to 186,288.05mt (Table 1) with break up as
coal reserves 231.72mt. Balochistan have Sind 185457mt, Balochistan 458.72mt, Punjab
increased from 227mt to 458.72mt (Malkani, 235mt, KPK 126.74mt and Azad Kashmir
2011, 2012). In this way Malkani (2012) 10.59 mt. A few coal showings are also
increased the coal reserves from 186016.46mt reported from Jurassic strata of Chapursan
to 186,282.43mt. Malkani (2012) reported valley, Gilgit-Baltistan. Recently the senior
186,282.41mt while their actual calculations author visited the new coalfields of Kali Mati
of presented data are 186,282.43mt. In this (Harnoi-Bagnotar)-Kala Pani (Abbottabad,
way due to work of Malkani (2012) the total Hazara, KPK) and Khila-Seri Dara
reserves of Pakistan 265.97mt with detail as (Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir). Kali Mati
Balochistan incrased 231.72mt and KPK (Harnoi,Bagnotar)-Kala Pani new coalfields of
34.25mt. Due to present field work by senior Abbottabad, Hazara found in Latest
author, the coal reserves of Pakistan are Cretaceous-Early Paleocene Hangu Formation
increased from 186,282.43 to 186,288.05mt. (synonym Patala) include 3.75mt deposits
In this way due to present reconnaissance with break up as 0.25mt measured, 0.5mt
work at Kali Mati-Kala Pani areas of indicated and 3mt inferred. Further from Azad
Abbottabad (Hazara) which added 3.75mt coal Kashmir the Khila-Seri Dara-Maira Tanolian
and Seri Dara-Khila of Muzaffarabad, Azad new coalfields of Muzaffarabad area found in
Kashmir which added 1.87mt of coal in the Latest Cretaceous-Early Paleocene Hangu
total coal reserves of Pakistan. The present Formation include 1.87mt deposits with break
research resulted as grand total reserve of up as 0.12mt measured, 0.25mt indicated and
186,288.05mt coal in Pakistan. Out of these, 1.50mt inferred. Further the new showings of
3479.86mt have been measured, 12023.93mt more than 1 m thick carbonaceous shale with
have been indicated and 56953.96mt inferred some coal has been found in the Precambrian
whereas hypothetical reserves are about Hazara Formation in the Reshian area of
113832.30mt (Tables 1). The main purposes Hattian District, Jhelum Valley, Azad Kashmir
and goals of the present study are to present (Malkani and Mahmood 2016a,b). These coal
handy and brief information based on previous seams seem to be metamorphosed to graphite
and recent wide spread work, recent in the Neelam valley of Azad Kashmir.
discoveries and many field observations about Balochistan Coal: The coal in
new coalfields done by senior author. Balochistan was first discovered in 1877
during railway line construction of Sibi-
MATERIAL AND METHOD Harnai. Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP)
The materials belong to compiled data worked time to time in all coal resources of
from previous work and also new Pakistan due to increasing demands of energy.
reconnaissance field work/data (Fig. 1 and Coal resources are necessary due to increasing
Table 1) collected by author during many field energy demand in Pakistan as a consequence
seasons about the coal resources of Pakistan

Hangu Dara Adamkhel Cherat Kali Mati-Kala Pani (Abbottabad) Muzaffarabad (Khila-Seri Dara )


Shahrig- Makerwal Salt Range Kotli

Sor Range-
Deghari Toi Nala –Ghoze Ghar
Kingri (Latest Cretaceous and Eocene coal)
Mach-Abegum Chamalang-Nosham

Lakhra Region

Thatta Region

Badin Region

Thar Region

Legend Coalfield

Fig. 1. Map of Pakistan showing major coalfields. New coalfields are included.

syncline and Gashtari anticline generally

of increase in population. Many coalfields of trending northwest to southeast. Ahmed et
Pakistan are none developed. al. (1986) estimated 21mt and Shah (1990)
To develop these coalfields it is estimated resources of Mach-Abegum at
necessary to create the technology to use the 22.70mt with the following details: Bor
mixed lignitic, subbituminous and syncline area (2 coal seams with 0.7-0.8m
bituminous coal because majority of the thickness each) at 12.4mt, Gatani area (2
reserves are lignitic in Pakistan. The present coal seam with 1m and 0.75m thickness) at
work has increased the coal reserves of 2.05mt; Gashtari area (1 coal seam with
Balochistan (Table 1). Malkani (2004a) 0.8m thickness) at 0.90mt; Logehr area (2
reported first time coal from Oligocene coal seam with 0..8m and 0.9m thickness) at
Panjgur formation of Ahurag area of Panjgur 2.45mt; National lease area (1 coal seam
district. Malkani (2004b,c, 2010, 2011,2012) with 1m thickness) at 3.40mt and Abe Gum
mentioned also some new findings of coal area (1 coal seam with 0.65m thickness) at
from Sulaiman Foldbelt. 1.50mt.
Mach-Abegum Coalfields is Khost-Shahrig-Harnai Coalfields
located about 90km NW of Sibi and 70km cover 500 km2. It is found in the limbs (low
SE of Quetta in Bolan district on Sibi-Quetta to moderate dips) of Gochina syncline.
highway and railway line. Coal is found in However the Shahrig areas have high dips
Early Eocene Toi Formation of Chamalang (60-800) and are faulted. GSP drilled two
(=Ghazij) Group on the limbs of Mach successful holes which encountered

subsurface coal during 1988-1990. The host 6.48mt, indicated 12.96mt and inferred and
is 120m of Toi Formation (Chamalang hypothetical reserves at 20mt and Sinjidi-
Group). There are several coal seams Deghari reserves are 15.08mt with detail as
varying from few cm to 1.3m in thickness. measured reserves 3.36mt, indicated
However, only 2-3 coal seams are being reserves 6.72mt, inferred and hypothetical
mined due to enough thickness and lateral reserves at 5mt (Table 1).
extension. The top seam is mostly consistent Pir Ismail Ziarat-Margar-Narwar
and shows better coal quality. The average Coalfields are 60km east of Quetta led from
coal seams vary from 0.5-0.9m in thickness a partially metalled and partially unmetalled
but a few mines in Khost area show 3.5m road with development initiated in 1950.
thickness of a coal seam. The roof and floor The host is Toi Formation located on the
rock is claystone but at places is sandstone. eastern limb of Sibi trough. 3-4 coal seams
The overburden is increasing toward axis of are found but only top (0.6-0.7m) and lower
Gochina syncline and Sibi trough. Ahmed et (0.4-0.45m) seams are being mined. The
al. (1986) estimated 47mt with 8mt roof and floor rocks are mostly claystone
measured, 16mt indicated and 23mt inferred. with minor sandstone. Chemical Consultant
Shah (1990) estimated 86mt of coal with Ltd (1985) estimated 15.5mt (strike
16.7mt proven reserves and 69.7mt inferred extension 20km with 0.6m average coal
reserves upto mineable depth of 1200m. thickness and 1km workable depth). Ahmad
Recently Malkani (2012) also estimated et al. (1986) estimated 11mt with detail as
total reserves of 86.4mt with detail as 2mt proved, 4mt probable and 5mt possible
20.9mt of measured reserves (exposure to resources. The recent estimation by Malkani
0.4km depth), 41.8mt of indicated reserves (2012) resulted as 15.8mt with detail as
(0.4-1.2km depth) and 23.7mt of inferred 3.6mt of measured reserves (exposure to
reserves (1.2km to 1800m depth) (Table 1). 0.4km depth), 7.2mt indicated reserves (0.4-
Sor Range-Sinjidi-Deghari 1.2km depth) and 5mt inferred reserves
Coalfields show the deepest coalmines in (1.2km depth to minable 1.8km depth).
Pakistan. It is 28km east of Quetta. The coal Duki-Anambar Coalfields are
is hosted by Early Eocene Ti Formation (30- found in Loralai district of Zhob Division. It
75m) which shows conglomerate bed is also accessible via Loralai toward south
(marker bed) at the top of this formation and 80km. It is located in the Duki and Anambar
also coal seam. It is located in the Sor synclines. On the transitional contact of
Range-Deghari syncline with low to Duki and Anambar plunging synclines,
moderate dips. There are only two workable Takhri anticline is observed. Toi is the host
seams. The roof and floor rock is claystone formation which is about 300m thick in
with occasional sandstone. The coal is Duki and its vicinity areas, with 200m the
lumpy, jet black and blocky and powder is coal bearing strata. 17 coal seams are known
brownish black. Khan (1950) estimated while 15 coal seams (0.15-2.30m) are being
4.77mt and Heron and Crookshank (1954) mined. The sandstone and shale lithology of
estimated 9.3mt workable reserves. Landis coal host show back barrier environments.
et al. (1972) estimated 53mt total resrves. Ahmed et al. (1986) estimated 13mt with
Ahmad et al. (1986) reported 34 mt which 3mt proved but 3mt has already been mined
included 6mt proved, 12 mt probable and in the last 3 years of the end of the 20th
16mt as possible resources. Shah (1990) century (Ghaznavi, 2002). Khan et al.
reported 35.70mt coal resrves of Sor Range (1987) estimated 49mt with 13.7mt
and 14.40mt coal reserves of Deghari measured, 10.8mt indicated and 24.5mt
coalfields. The present investigations by inferred reserves. The present investigations
Malkani (2012) show 54.5mt total reserve of by Malkani (2012) show Duki-Anambar
Sor Range-Sinjidi-Deghari coalfields. coalfields reserves 80.4mt. Out of these,
According to Malkani (2012) the Sor Range Duki coalfield show 74.8mt and Takhri-
reserves are 39.44mt with detail as measured Anambar coalfield show 5.6mt. Duki

coalfields show measured reserves 21.6mt be solved by further drilling and detail
with indicated reserves at 43.2mt and exploration works. Recently GSP has
inferred reserves at 20mt; Takhri-Anambar completed one drill hole (in 2009) upto
coalfield reserves 5.6mt with detail of depth of 775’ 7’’ in the Canteen area and the
measured reserves as 1.2mt, indicated other hole drilled (in 2010) upto 414’ in
reserves at 2.4mt inferred reserves at 2mt. In Surghari area but has been closed due to
this way, total reserve of Duki-Anambar lack of funding and severe flood. The drill
coalfields are 80.4mt (Table 1). hole in the Canteen area verified many coal
Johan area shows southernmost seams (lignitic to bituminous) and proved to
occurrences of Early Eocene Toi coal found be productive whilst the drill hole of
in the northwestern limb of Harboi syncline Surghari area has proved a few coal seams
just west of Johan town on the vicinity of (dominantly lignitic with few subbituminous
Johan-Kalat track. Probably due to thin thin layers) but has not been able to prove
coalseams and security condition, it is not the main productive lower coal (bituminous)
running properly. Malkani (2012) reported seams due to stoppage of drilling and lack of
total reserves of Johan coal are about 0.5mt funds. There are maximum (more than 20)
(considering the thin coalseams) with detail coal seams (lignitic to bituminous) in
as 0.25mt measured and 0.25mt indicated Canteen Yadgar area of Chamalang
reserves (Table 1). Field study and other Coalfield with relevance to coalfield in
data show that the Toi coalseams are Balochistan province while Duki Coalfield
generally thin and lenticular which indicates has about 17 coal seams. There are 11 main
that the major parts of these coals are coal seams with a thickness greater than
deposited in the near shore and marginal 1foot and are found in the Canteen area. The
marine environments of deposition (Malkani lower zones have Do/Char Footi and Chey
2012). Footi seams, the middle zones have
Chamalang Coalfields show the Malkani, Zahid, Dr. Raza, Dr. Imran, Pak
coal which is extended from Mari Bijar to and GSP-Khalid Kashmiri coal seams and
Surghari, Lunda, Bala Dhaka, Nosham, the upper zones have Bakhtawar, Sadiq and
Bahlol and Kali Chapri areas (Malkani, Nau footi coal seams (Malkani, 2010b,
2004b; 2010a,b; 2011,2012a). These 2011). The Angoor Shela, Mari Bijar, Toba
coalfields show Anokai syncline in the Qadri area have only three main coal seams
southwest, then followed in the east by like Do Footi, Chey Footi and upper Nau
faulted (thrusted) Lunda anticline, Bahlol Footi coal seams. Chey Footi and Char Footi
syncline and Nosham faulted anticline. are being mined in Mari Bijar area and its
Remaining areas subsurface in the vicinity whilst Nau Footi, Chey Footi and
Chuchandai syncline, the coal and its host Do Footi are being mined in Akram Board
Toi formation is again exposed in the Kali area. It seams that Char Footi and Do Footi
Chapri anticline. Further southeast, the Toi are the name of same and one coal seam. In
formation was not deposited. At present, the northeastern part like Surgahri area, the
most of the coal is being mined from the number and thickness of coal seams are
northwestern limb of Anokai syncline (Toba being reduced. In the southwestern part like
Qadri-Mari Bijar-Canteen area) with some Angoor Shela, Mari Bijar and Toba Qadri
coal from Surghari and Lunda area. In area, the numbers of seams are lesser than
Bahlol area, mining has now started. Lunda those in the Canteen area. The Lunda area
area is also promising but the expected main has only exposed upper Nau Footi seam and
coal seams are subsurface. The coal remaining are in the subsurface. The
contractors are mining only good quality Nosham area may have moderate and
coal but not lignitic coal. Major problem in mineable thicknesses of coal. The Bahlol
Chamalang coalfields is the deep faultings area shows some thin and moderate
which can reduce the coal production and exposures of coal. Coal mining has now
discourage the contractors. This problem can started in Bahlol area, accessible from

Kingri-Chap area. Ghaznavi (2002) depth. Taking 5km strike, 0.5m total
mentioned 1 million ton proved reserves and thickness, 0.4km depth, specific gravity
5 million inferred reserves of Chamalang (S.G.) generally about 1.2, the measured
coalfields. Malkani (2010,2011,2012) has reserves of Toi Nala coalfield are 1.2mt,
estimated total reserves upto 30mt of one indicated reserves (from 0.4km depth to
foot or more thick coal seams of Chamalang 1.2km depth) are 2.4mt, inferred reserves
coalfield, whilst the total reserves of 6 from 1.2km depth to 4.8km depth are 10.8mt
inches to less than 1 foot seams are 70mt and hypothetical reserves beyond 5km depth
(other resources). The total reserves are may be more than 1mt (Table 1). The total
100mt. Hence the measured reserves (with estimated reserves are about 15.4mt
high degree of assurance) of Toba Qadri, (Malkani 2012).
Mari Bijar, Angoor Shela, Akram board,
Canteen, Surghari (southwestern and Kingri Coalfields show Eocene
central), Nosham and Lunda areas (from coal (coal in Toi Formation) and latest
surface to 0.4 km depth) are 6mt, indicated Cretaceous or K-T coal (coal in Vitakri
reserves (with moderate degree of Formation; Malkani 2015).
assurance) from 0.4km depth to 1.2km depth Kingri Coalfields (K-T boundary
are 12mt, inferred reserves (with low degree coal) have been reported for first time by
of assurance) from 1.2km depth to 4.8km Malkani (2004b) and followed by Malkani
depth are 72mt and hypothetical reserves (2009, 2010, 2011) latest Cretaceous coal of
(undiscovered but possible geological Vitakri formation from Kingri area like Nath
extension) beyond 4.8km depth may be Ghar and Sumat Ghar (39 F/15,11) in the
about 10mt. In this way, total estimated south, Nishpa (39 F/14,15), Tor Sari
reserves of Chamalang Coalfields of 6 (39F/14,15), Aram and Shiren (39 F/14) in
inches or more coal seams (lignitic C to the central part and Manhi area like Surbol
bituminous B; Table 1) are about 100mt and Nath locality and Khagoon areas of Alu
(Malkani 2012) but it needs further drilling Khan Kach (Gharwandi;39 F/14) in the
and exploration for confirmation. north and may be promising in Indur Pur
Toi Nala (Ghoze Ghar-Dewal) and Sarin Lahar areas (Indur Pur anticline;
Coalfield is reported by Malkani (2004a, 39F/15,14). There are two main coal
2010, 2011) from Toi Nala area of Musa horizons (which are time equalent to
Khel District. Coal from Early Eocene Toi dinosaur red mud beds) alternated by
Formation of Drug Tehsil region like Dewal, sandstone horizons of latest Cretaceous or
Ghoze Ghar, Miana, Tabai Khah, Takai and K-T boundary coal of Vitakri formation in
Alambadai (upper strike line) and these areas. Each horizon shows 1-2 feet
Plawan/Betar (lower strike line) of Toi Nala thickness of coal seam with low quality
area (Musa Khel district) are found. There (mostly muddy coal with some metallic fine
are three main coal seams with five minor coal; probably lignite coal to subbituminous
coal seams hosted by shale, caped and coal) with low heating value of around 2000
roofed by sandstone/limestone beds dipping to 10000BTU. At places, the laterite and
(20-350) eastward. The coal and hosted high sulphur is also associated with coal
strata in the Alam Badai section is about seams like Gharwandi (Nath) area and also
30m thick. The lower main coal seam is northeastern Sumat Ghar. Coal demands and
more than 1 foot thick, the middle and upper suitable market can encourage the
main coal seams each about 9 inches or contractors to develop this coal. Taking
slightly less than 1 foot thickness. The coal 10km strike, 0.5m thickness and 0.4km
quality is as good as Chamalang’s coal. depth, the measured reserves of Kingri
Estimation of reserves is purely tentative anticline (Nath and Sumat Ghars) are 2.4mt,
and a roundabout which is based on only indicated reserves (from 0.4km depth to
outcrop because no exploratory holes have 1.2km depth) are 4.8mt, inferred reserves
been drilled to ascertain the ore bodies at from 1.2km depth to 4.8km depth are 21.6mt

and hypothetical reserves beyond 4.8km the vicinity of metal led road from Kingri to
depth may be more than 21.2mt. Total Kot Khan Mohd (Musakhel). It is an
reserves of coal in the Kingri anticline are anticline with Shaheed Ghat formation in the
about 50mt. Taking 5km strike, 0.5m core and Toi, Kingri and Drug formations in
thickness and 0.4km depth, the measured the flanks. This anticline is followed in the
reserves of Aram anticline (Aram, Nishpa, west by Tor Shah syncline and also in the
Tor Sarai and Shiren) areas are 1.2mt, east by Gandhera syncline. There are 5 main
indicated reserves (from 0.4km depth to coal seams with more than 1 foot thick
1.2km depth) are 2.4mt, inferred reserves carbonaceous shale and some associated
from 1.2km depth to 4.8km depth are 10.8mt coal. These coal exposures have started in
and hypothetical reserves beyond 4.8km Shikar area, about 5km NE of Kingri town
depth may be more than 10.6mt. Total are extending toward NE direction in the
reserves of coal in the Aram anticline are Gidar Shikai, Chamoz, Tor Shah, etc. The
about 25mt. Taking 2km strike, 0.3m coal seams strike is NE and dip moderately
thickness and 0.4km depth, the measured toward SE and NW due to anticlinal
reserves of Gharwandi area (Surbol, Nath structure. This area also has one lignitic coal
and Khagoon) are round about 0.3mt, seam in Kingri formation such as in Gidar
indicated reserves (from 0.4km depth to Doc, Shikar and Chamoz area but the Toi
1.2km depth) are 0.6mt, inferred reserves formation coal is significant for further
from 1.2km depth to 4.8km depth are 2.6mt exploration. The coal quality seems to be
and hypothetical reserves beyond 4.8km best like Chamalang coal. The tentative
depth may be more than 2.5mt. Total reserves of these lignitic to bituminous coals
reserves of coal in the Gharwandi thrust are likely 1mt (Table 1) based on only field
(Alu Khan Kach) are about 6mt. In this way, observations (Malkani 2012).
the three Kingri coalfields measure reserves Narwel-Dab Coal area (Lakhi area
at 3.9mt with indicated reserves at 7.8mt, of Loralai district, Sari Dhaka/Dab Thana of
inferred reserves at 35mt and hypothetical Murgha Kibzai area of Zhob district, and
reserves at 34.3mt. The estimated total Dab Lahar area of Musakhel district) is also
reserves of lignitic (and some promising for further exploratory works due
subbituminous) coal from Kingri, Aram and to well developed synclinal structure and
Gharwandi coalfields are about 81mt (Table Toi formation and some good quality coal
5) but it needs drillings and further exposures in its NE vicinity like Dab area
exploration for confirmation. However, the (Musakhel district) and availability of road.
total deposits of lignitic coal may increase Furthermore, some minor and some
by confirmation of extension to Sharin and significant showings of coal of Early Eocene
Indarpur areas, etc. The mineable reserves Toi Formation have been found in the
can be estimated to be 60% of measured Kingri, Chap, Gandhera, Dab, Shiren, Tor
reserves. These deposits are subequal to Shah, Alu Khan Kach (Gharwandi), Kot
Chamalang to Nosham deposits but Khan Mohd, Tang Miri Wah (Baghao),
Chamalang coal is better than Kingri coal Bibar Tak and Kali Chapri, etc (Malkani
(Malkani 2012). 2012). Malkani (2012) reported total
Kingri-Shikar-Tor Shah estimated reserves 1mt.
Coalfields (Early Eocene coal) is reported Sindh Coal: Coal from Lakhra
by Malkani (2010, 2011). This coal is Sindh is found in 1853 by Baloch Nomads.
promising due to extensive and moderately The summary of coal quality and quantity
thick exposures of carbonaceous shale are shown in Table 1.
alongwith some coals and availability of Thar Coalfields hosts 175,506mt
road. These areas are most significant for which puts Pakistan amongst the 7th largest
further exploration, study and development. lignite deposits of world. This coalfield is
This promising coal from Early Eocene Toi spread over 9000 km2 with 140km N-S and
Formation is observed in the Kingri area on 65km E-W extension (40L/1, 2, 5, 6). About

410km metalled road upto Mithi from in shallow depth 50 to 150m. The beds are
Karachi via Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas-Naukot faulted with 1.5-9m dislocation. A large
and also via Thatta-Badin-Naukot to Mithi is number of coal seams are encountered in
available. From Mithi to the coalfield, sandy drill hole but only 3 coal seams namely
track is covered by 4*4 vehicles. The area is Dhanwari, Lalian and Kath are significant.
semi arid with low rainfall. The coalfield The Lailan seam has persistent thickness
rests on Pre-Cambrian shield rocks and is (0.75-2.5m with aver. 1.5m) for mining.
covered by sand dunes. The coal thickness About 369 drill holes have been drilled so
varies from 0.20-22.81m. There are far. This coal has high contents of ash and
maximum 20 coal seams. The most common sulphur. Most of the sulphur is pyritic (70%)
depth is 150-203m. The overburden varies whereas 25% is organic. Rank of coal is
from 114-245m above the top coal seam. lignite B to sub bituminous C. Its heating
The claystone is the roof and floor rock. value varies 5503-9452 (mmmf). The coal is
There are 4 blocks. The reserves of Block-I dull black and contains a lot of resin. The
show 3566mt with detail as 620mt moisture content is 27%. It is often
measured, 1918mt indicated and 1028 susceptible to spontaneous combustion.
inferred. Block-II shows 1584mt with 640mt Ahmed et al. (1986) estimated 300mt.
measured and 944mt indicated whereas Ghaznavi (2002) estimated 1,328mt with
Block-III shows 2006mt with 411mt 244mt measured, 629mt indicated and
measured, 1337mt indicated and 258mt 455mt inferred. Mineable reserves are 60%
inferred reserves. Finally, Block-IV shows of the measured reserves. The coal is being
2559 mt with 637mt measured, 1640mt used for brick kiln, power generation and
indicated and 282mt inferred reserves with cement factories.
rest of Thar coalfield showing 165,791mt Sonda-Thatta Coalfields (Thatta
with a detail of 392mt measured, 3556mt district) are located east and west of Indus
indicated and 49138mt inferred reserves. River. It shows two horizons of coal. The
The grand total of Thar coalfield reserves is lower coal horizon belongs to Bara
175,506mt with 2700mt measured, 9395mt Formation and upper coal horizon belongs to
indicated, 50706 inferred, 112,705mt Sohnari Formation of Laki group. Most of
hypothetical reserves. The coal is formed the coal deposits are of Bara Formation. 10
from herbaceous plants (reed), does not coal zones have been recognised. Each zone
reveal a warm climate in the past and also shows 1-5 coal seams which are 5-10m apart
indicate little fluctuation in water-table. The with 0.5-15m thickness of each zone. The
low ash and low sulphur show raised peat maximum coal thickness is 2.40m and
bogs and acidic environments. The marine minimum coal thickness is 0.07m. Sohnari
fossils interfingerings with terrestrial coal Formation shows a few relatively thin
show transgression and regressions of sea. (09.34m) coal seams. It is deposited in lower
The drainage pattern was smaller and delta delta plain with reed marsh in oxic-anoxic
was reworked by waves to produce barriers conditions. The swamp seams indicate low
for broad peat blankets. The thick coal seam water-table with dry and high degradational
with low ash and sulphur indicate stable environments in the past. These coalfields
upper delta environments (Ghaznavi, 2002). show in place total resources (alongwith
Lakhra Coalfields (Dadu district) Ongar and Indus east) of about 5,789mt with
shows 1.3bt of coal discovered by GSP. The 129mt measured, 758mt indicated and
coal is found in the Paleocene Bara 4902mt inferred reserves. Whilst resources
Formation. The environment is marine, with 0.6m cut off grade is 3766mt with
lacustrine, estuarine, deltaic and lagoonal detail as 85mt measured, 495mt indicated
deposits containing plant fossils and and 3186mt inferred. The Jherruk area show
carbonaceous beds at several horizons thickest coal seams and is the extension of
(Ghaznavi, 2002). The coal is found in the Sonda coalfield. The total resources of
gentle Lakhra anticline. All the coal is found Jherruk block is 1.8mt and over 1.2bt with

0.6m cut off grade. The resources of Jherruk (Central and Eastern Salt Range). Both these
block is 1823mt with 106mt measured, horizons are not developed in one locality
810mt indicated and 907mt inferred whereas but found in different areas i.e. Patala coal is
the reserves are (0.6m cut off grade) 1282mt found in Salt Range (43D/6,10,14 and
with 75mt measured, 572mt indicated and 43H/2) mostly in the east of Chakwal-
635mt inferred. Khushab road and Kotli Kashmir areas
Jherruck Coalfields show reserves whilst Hangu coal is found in Makerwal,
of 1823mt, whilst those at Ongar Coalfields, Surghar, Hangu-Orakzai, Cherat, Kohat and
Indus East Coalfields and Badin Coalfields Dara Adam Khel areas. Thangani et al.
have reserves of 312mt, 1777m and 850mt, (2006) reported coal from Domanda
respectively. formation of Rakhi Munh area and Dera
Meting-Jhimpir Coalfields (Thatta Ghazi Khan District with analysis moisture
district) is 125km east of Karachi on the at 11.19%, Ash 21.83%, volatile matter
vicinity of Meting and Jhimpir railway 34.63%, fixed carbon 32.35%, ADl 7.20%,
stations. Railway line runs on the western total sulphur 6.24% and heating value
limit of the Karachi-Hyderabad highway 8617BTU/lb. Abbas et al. (2008) reported
limit with the eastern boundary of coalfields. Domanda coal from Upper Tuso, Nabi
It is found in the Early Eocene Sohnari Bakhsh Thal Nala and Khan BMP post area
Formation of Laki group. There is 1 coal of Rajan Pur district, Mahoi and Zain BMP
seam (0.3-1m with aver 0.6m) which is thin post area of D.G.Khan district, Eocene
and lenticular. The dips are gentle with 100 Drazinda coal from Haft Gath/Shaheed Ghat
west, the ash and sulphur contents are area (Zinda Pir Ziarat area), Oligocene
relatively low, ranks are lignite A to sub Chitarwata Formation coal in Khandor BMP
bituminous C whilst the composition splits post area of D.G. Khan district. (2006)
into moisture at 26.6-36.6%, volatile matter reported coal from Domanda formation of
at 25.2-34%, fixed carbon between 24.1 and Rakhi Munh area and Dera Ghazi Khan
32.2%, ash at 8.2-16.8, sulphur 2.9-5.1% District with analysis moisture at 11.19%,
and heating value 6725-7660BTU/lb Ash 21.83%, volatile matter 34.63%, fixed
(Ahmed et al. 1986) with total reserves of carbon 32.35%, ADl 7.20%, total sulphur
161mt detailed as 10mt measured, 43mt 6.24% and heating value 8617BTU/lb.
indicated and 108mt inferred reserves. Small Abbas et al. (2008) reported Domanda coal
scale mining is in progress. from Upper Tuso, Nabi Bakhsh Thal Nala
Punjab Coal: Punjab coalfields are and Khan BMP post area of Rajan Pur
shown in Table 5. Permian and Paleocene district, Mahoi and Zain BMP post area of
are two main horizons for coal in Punjab. D.G.Khan district, Eocene Drazinda coal
Permian coal was mined near the Buri Khel from Haft Gath/Shaheed Ghat area (Zinda
in Mianwali district in western Salt Range. Pir Ziarat area), Oligocene Chitarwata
A discontinuous coal seam found between Formation coal in Khandor BMP post area
the conglomerates tillite of Tobra Formation of D.G. Khan district.
and cross bedded sandstone of Warcha Salt Range Coalfields include the
formation. Bhatti (1967), Shah (1990) and leased area in the Chakwal, Khushab,
Warwick and Shakoor (1988) reported the Jhelum and Mianwali districts. The Patala
limited extent and found only limited nalah Formation ranges from 5-90m and
cuttings. A bore hole in the north of Multan comprises of dark grey shale interbedded
shows 3m coal and carbonaceous shale at with quartzose sandstone, siltstone, marl and
depth 2904m. This coal may belong to K-T limestone. Coal and carbonaceous shale
boundary Vitakri formation/Permian coal. deposits are found as single discontinuous
Tertiary coal is being exploited from two bed (<1m) overlie and laterally associated
different horizons like Early Paleocene with sandstone bodies 1-20m thick are
Hangu Formation (in Makerwal and Surghar interpreted as back barrier and near shore
areas) and Late Paleocene Patala Formation environments. The Patala formation grades

laterally towards west into Lockhart in an arcuate belt on western bank of Indus
limestone and Hangu Formation (Warwick River. The main coal exposures are
and Shakoor 1988). The topmost formation Makerwal and Gula Khel areas. This coal is
in the plateau of eastern Salt range is the found in KT boundary Hangu Formation.
Sakesar limestone. The coal bed is The lower contact is marked on the coal
gradational laterally and vertically with the where coal is missing on the lateritic clay
carbonaceous shale. The coal is high in ash because of mixing lithology with Lumshiwal
and sulphur. The ranks are high volatile Formation. It is 2-2.5m thick in Lumshiwal
bituminous B and C. Thin coal and section. This coal is being mined from the
associated carbonaceous shale suggest the western limb (dipping 30-400) of Surghar
interruption of clastic influx. It indicates thrust faulted anticline (Makerwal anticline)
barriers which were microtidal or mesotidal and may exist in the subsurface in the
nature with many inlets and washover fans. eastern plain areas of Surghar range. The
It also shows that peat accumulation could main coal seam varies from 0.5-3.5m,
not keep pace with subsidence and sea averaging about 1m (Ahmed et al., 1986).
encroached upon the swamp. The paralic to Another coal seam which is 20m above the
back barrier environment is based on mainly main coal seam varies from a few
shale, sandstone and siltstone sequence; centimetres to 1.5m, averaging about 0.9m
marine fossils; thin beds of quartzites; with a lateral 300-400m extension. This coal
abundant burrows and framboidal pyrite and seam pinches and swells in short distance
coal associated with elongated bodies of without any noticeable trend. The floor rock
sandstone. Warwick and Shakoor (1988) is carbonaceous claystone (<30cm)
mentioned the northerly trending back underlain by grey sandy lateritic claystone
barrier complex in western part, lagoonal and weathers bright red colour which is 3m
and tidal flat deposits in the central and thick in the southern part of coalfield but
upper shore face and tidal channel deposits pinches in the north. The roof rock is
in the eastern part. Coal was deposited in the carbonaceous claystone (< 30cm) which is
back barrier environments on the overlain by fine to medium grained
northwestern tectonically active leading sandstone which in turn forms the roof
edge margin of the pre-collisional Indo-Pak where claystone is missing. The coal is low
subcontinent and the Tethys Sea. Total in in ash and high in sulphur. According to
place coal reserves are 235mt (whilst Warwick and Shakoor and Husain, the coal
minable reserves will be less) including reserves of Makerwal area have been
50mt measured, 16.5mt indicated, 2.5mt estimated at 21.7mt distributed with
inferred, and 144mt hypothetical reserves. In measured reserves of 5mt include mineable
eastern Salt Range, the Dalwal plateau reserves to a depth of 450m above sea level,
shows 16.2mt, Dandot, Pidh and Manhiala indicated reserves of 7.5mt below mine
16.5mt and Ara Basharat 7.6mt. In Central working to a depth of 300m above sea level
Salt Range, Bhadrar and Munarah show and inferred reserves of 9.2mt from altitude
7.7mt and Pail at 21.3mt. Carbonaceous of 300m to 600m above sea level (Malkani
shale deposits are not included in the above 2012).
mentioned deposits. Choa Saidan Shah in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Coal: The
Eastern Salt Range and Pail in the Central Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) coalfields are
Salt range show the greatest coal resources shown in Table 1. The coalfields of KPK are
of the Salt Range whilst least amount of coal hosted by KT or Early Paleocene Hangu
is found in the extreme east and probably Formation in Karak, Hangu-Orakzai and
extreme west. These coalfields are Cherat (Ahmed et al., 1986, Warwick et al.,
producing coal so far. 1995, Malkani 2012). Karak coalfields are
Makerwal Coalfields were mined the subsurface extension of Makerwal
as early as in 1903. It is found in Surghar (Surghar coal fields). Gula Khel is the one
range which is a part of Trans-Indus Ranges such example. The coal deposits of

Bagnotar-Kala Pani of Abbottabad (Hazara) Coal is associated with calcareous argillites,
area are a new addition. indicating lagoonal environment. Hussain et
Hangu Coalfields are found in the al. (1990) estimated reserves like 6mt of
Kohat and Hangu districts and tribal Orakzai Bakhtai-Shahkot, 0.7mt of Shekhai and
agency. Most of the mines are in tribal 1.04mt of Jabba Khattak with total 7.74mt
agency while some are in other settled areas. of Cherat Range coal field. The mining
Hangu is connected with Peshawar via water and roof collapse due to argillatites
Kohat and Dara Adam Khel. Hangu are the main problems.
Formation consists of predominantly Gula Khel coalfields are hosted by
terrestrial reddish brown, cross-bedded and K-T to Early Paleocene Hangu Formation in
bioturbated sandstone interbedded with Gulakhel area of Karak district which is the
bluish grey shale, coal, carbonaceous clay subsurface extension of Makerwal and
and limestone. The coal seems to be directly Surghar range coal toward west. Further it is
proportional to clay. In Darwazai and Dauli possible this coal may extend in the west
areas, the clay is maximum (8-10m) and (Karak and Bannu regions) and south and
coal is also maximum as more than 1m. In southwest (Laki-Marawat region). The
the southern part the clay and coal are quality of coal, environment and other
relatively less. Further south in Uch Bazar, details are mentioned in Makerwal and
the clays and coal are missing showing that Hangu coalfields. According to present
the southern limit of swamp was Kasha and investigation by Malkani (2012), the total
Shahu areas whilst eastern limit seems to be reserves of Gulakhel coalfields are 30mt
in Kachai area. The southern limit is (Table 3) with detail as 25mt inferred and
obscured by thrust fault and western limit is 5mt hypothetical whilst the measured and
not known. Coal is also reported from indicated reserves are mentioned in
Torawai area. It shows high ash and high Makerwal coalfields of Mianwali district
sulphur representing paralic environments. (Malkani 2012). The main coal seam varies
The coal rank in southern part is low from 0.5-3.5m, averaging about 1m (Ahmed
(subbituminous B) as compared to northern et al., 1986). Another coal seam which is
part (low volatile bituminous). All the 20m above the main coal seam varies from a
sedimentary structure supports a back few centimetres to 1.5m, averaging about
barrier and shore line (paralic) environment 0.9m with pinching and swelling lenticular
(Shah, 2001). The coal seam thickness natur in short distance.
varies from 30cm to 3m but 0.6-1m is Dara Adam Khel coalfield is first
common. The estimated reserves reported time reported by Malkani (2012, 2013) on
are 81mt with 1mt measured, 4mt indicated his reconnaissance visit of this deposit. It is
and 76mt inferred a newly developed coalfield. Dara
Cherat Coalfield was considered in Adamkhel Coalfield is located on the
Patala formation from previous literature but vicinity of Kohat-Peshawar road, close to
now in K-T Hangu Formation. The localities north of Kohat Tunnel, south of Peshawar.
are Shekhai, Jabba Khattak, Bakhtai and The Dara Adamkhel Coalfield is hosted by
Shah Kot areas of Cherat Range, Nowshera K-T boundary and Early Paleocene Hangu
District. Bakhtai area produces lower and Formation. The Hangu Formation generally
upper coal seams whilst Shah Kot Bala and consists of continental reddish brown, cross
Jabba Khattak are producing only lower bedded and bioturbated sandstone
main coal seam. Shekhai area is abandoned interbedded with bluish grey shale, coal,
now. The heating value of Jabba Khattak carbonaceous clay and limestone. The coal
coal is 6400BTU/lb (Hussain et al., 1990; quality is interpolated between the Hangu
Ahmed, 1953). GSP drilled a hole in 1990 in and Cherat coalfields due to its central
Bakhtai area but encountered carbonaceous location. The tentative reserves estimated
shale/lignitic coal. Here, the sulphur is are 3.75mt because no detail work is done so
mostly pyretic with some organic sulphur. far. Malkani (2012) mentioned the break up

of estimated coal reserves show 0.25mt of Shirani coal are about 0.5mt (Table 1)
measured, 0.5mt indicated and 3mt inferred with detail as 0.25mt measured and 0.25mt
(Table 1). indicated reserves. At Khoarakhel, the
Kali Mati-Kala Pani coalfields private company is trying to mine the coal.
(Abbottabad, Hazara) is being reported The southern part of Shirani area like
first time by a reconnaissance visit of Mughalkot, Nispura and Ragha Sar areas
present authors and it needs follow up for show no best exposures of coal except one
further detailed information. It is a newly foot carbonaceous, which is noted in the Toi
developed coalfield. This Hazara Coalfield River close to Mughalkot. Further minor
(Fig. 1) is located on the eastern vicinity of coal showings are also found in the Latest
Abbottabad town. The Hazara Coalfield is Cretaceous Pab and Vitakri formations,
hosted by K-T boundary and Early Early Eocene Baska Formation, Late Eocene
Paleocene Hangu Formation. The Patala Domanda and Drazinda formations and
Formation is being considered here as Oligocene Chitarwata formation in Shirani
synonym of Hangu Formation because both areas. Field study and other data show that
are lateral facies and same basin and also the Toi coalseams are generally thin and
continuous same stratigraphic horizon. The lenticular which indicates that the major
coal quality is interpolated like Cherat parts of these coals are deposited in the near
coalfields due to its nearby location. The shore and marginal marine environments of
tentative reserves estimated are 7.5mt deposition (Malkani and Sajjad 2012,
because no detail work is done so far. The Malkani 2012).
break up of estimated coal reserves show Azad Kashmir Coal: The Azad
0.5mt measured, 1mt indicated and 6mt Kashmir coalfields are found in Latest
inferred (Table 1). One thick horizon of Cretaceous-Paleocene Hangu Formation
carbonaceous shale with some coal/graphite (previously called Patala) of Kotli and
is also found on the Mansehra-Besham road, Muzaffarabad regions. Hangu and Patala
Mansehra district, Hazara. formations both are the lateral extension and
Shirani coal (F.R.D.I. Khan) is having same horizons, lithology and same
described by Malkani (2010; 2011). It is basin justify only one name according to
located in the northeastern extremity of Toi stratigraphic code, so Hangu is being
coal basin. This area shows the M-type preferred (Malkani and Mahmood 2016b).
thrusted Takht Sulaiman anticline (general Further the new coal discovery in Azad
trend NS; the Jurassic Sulaiman group is the Kashmir is found by authors in the Reshian
highest peak forming in the area and limbs area-a more than 1 m thick carbonaceous
formation extends upto subrecent and recent shale with some coal (Fig.5) has been found
strata) which are followed by Shirani in the Precambrian Hazara Formation in the
(Drazinda) syncline and Domanda-Drabin Reshian area of Hattian District, Jhelum
faulted anticline with general trend of NE. Valley. These coal seams seem to be
Here, the Toi coal is found in the transitional metamorphosed to graphite in the Neelam
limb of Takht Sulaiman anticline and valley of Azad Kashmir.
Shirani syncline. The northern part of Kotli Coal is known from 1876 in
Shirani area like the Khoara Khel, Shin Azad Kashmir (Abdullah and Rashid, 1960;
Mandai and its close vicinity areas show the Ashraf et al., 1986). The heating value of
best exposures of 3 carbonaceous shale Sarwar coal is 4545BTU/lb, Dandili coal is
horizons in Toi Formation and the central 6276 BTU/lb, Mohra Sehri coal is
horizon/coalseam may prove a 6 inch to 1 4300BTU/lb, Balmi coal is 10217BTU/lb
foot coal seam at depth. Two or three and Bangang coal is 10824BTU/lb. ECL
shallow drill holes are done by PMDC and (1978) mentioned 4880t of Sarwar coal,
FATA but no encouraging results have been 2905t of Dandili coal, 34160t of Mohra
encountered. Considering the thin Sehri coal, 3325t of Balmi coal and 3659t of
coalseams, the tentative estimated reserves Bangang coal. ECL (1978) mentioned

54988t of coal reserves of Kotli areas (Table is our urgent need to convert the non
1). Contractors are facing problems of conventional energy resources into
finding the market for this coal. conventional energy resources. Our global
Muzaffarabad coal is being mined earth is receiving huge amount of energy
Khila-Seri Dara-Maira Tanolian areas. It is from sun. The coastal areas have high
new coalfield. It is found in the southeastern potential of wind energy. Gravitational force
plunge of Muzaffarabad thrusted anticline. of moon produces tidal energy in sea which
The southwestern limb is overturned and can be converted in energy by the
also thrusted with active thrust evidences. construction of dams which can store water
The coal is hosted by the Latest Cretaceous- at high tides and release water at low tides.
Early Paleocene Hangu Formation include Pakistan has a long sea shore from Nagar
1.87mt deposits of coal with break up as Parker to Jiwani. Energy from sea waves can
0.12mt measured, 0.25mt indicated and also be benefited by stable and non stable
1.50mt inferred. plate’s movements. Pakistan also has a large
Northern Area Coal: The northern waste biomass. Pakistan has some hot water
areas were considered barren for coal but a springs like Mahiwal, Zinda Pir, and Karu
showing of coal has been reported in etc. which can be used during severe winter.
Jurassic limestone of Reshit area. Reshit Pakistan is famous for paleontological
Coal is located 6km south of Reshit village discoveries like dinosaurs, walking whale,
in Chapursun valley about 40km west of baluchitherium, proboscideans, etc which
Sost (150km north of Gilgit) on Karakoram can earn significant foreign exchange during
highway. Small lenses of coal are found in peaceful conditions.
the Jurassic Ashtigar formation which
consists of greenish grey splintery shale, CONCLUSIONS AND
marl with sandstone, dolomite, limestone RECOMMENDATIONS
with radiolarian chert and coal, The present research resulted as
unconformably overlain by Cretaceous grand total reserves of 186.28805 billion
Yashkuk formation which consists of red tonne of coal in Pakistan. Out of these,
sandstone, calcarenite, conglomerate, shale 3479.86mt have been measured, 12023.93mt
and sandstone. A mining feasibility was have been indicated and 56953.96mt
carried out by Agha Khan Rural Support inferred whereas hypothetical reserves are
Program (AKRSP). AKRSP carried adits about 113832.30mt. Pakistan has large
and at depth coal finished (Ghaznavi, 2002, reserves of coal but all these deposits need
Fuel research centre and HDIP). The to be exploited for the development of the
Jurassic and early Cretaceous rocks are areas, provinces and ultimately for the
widely exposed in entire length of country. Share of coal in energy sector of
Chapursun valley and extend in to Wakhan Pakistan has increased from 6.5% (2003-04)
valley of Afghanistan. Coal was being to 7.6% (2008-09) and again little decrease
mined from Wakhan valley Afghanistan and upto 6.7% (2010-11) but in actual it should
also reported by local people. A detailed be increased. Sindh tops after Balochistan
study can prove the existence of economical for coal reserves but production of coal has a
deposits. reversed role. Pakistan ranks 7th
Natural Resources: The minerals, internationally regarding lignitic coal
coal, oil, natural gas, hot springs, geysers, reserves but unluckily, steel industries have
paleovertebrate fossils etc are non- imported 2.84mt to 4.27mt coal per year
renewable resources while the solar, from 2006 to 2011. Furthermore, thermal
air/wind, terrestrial water, marine power plants should be installed to use
water/ocean, tides, waves, current, land, indigenous coal reserves, to increase
forest, biomass, tourism, etc are renewable electrical power supply keeping in view the
(recycled) resources of Pakistan which can population increase. Coal resources
play significant role for its development. It developments are necessary due to

Table 1. Coal Reserves of Pakistan (million tones).Mea-Measured reserves, Ind-Indicated reserves, Inf-Infered
reserves, Hyp-Hypothetical reserves.Vol. Mattaer-Volatile Matter, T Sulphur-Total Sulphur, BTU/lb-Brististh
Thermal Unit/Pound
Coalfield Me In Inf Hyp Tota Moi Vol. Fix Ash T BTU/l Rank
a. d. . . l stur Matte Carb Sulph b
e r on ur
Chamalang 6 12 72 10 100 2.46 12.66- 7.96- 6.25- 3.44- 2193- LigC to
-4.58 41.71 50.05 74.80 6.93 13569 hvBb
Kingri (K-T) 3.9 7.8 35 34.3 81 1.64 18.4 25.1 55.2 5.58 2000- LigC to
10,000 SubC?
Kingri-Shikar 1 - - - 1 Interpreted Same as Chamalang
Narwal-Dab 1 - - - 1 Interpreted Same as Chamalang
Toi Nala- 1.2 2.4 10. 1 15.4 1.8- 42.3- 32.1- 22.8- 5.8- 9,790- SubC
Ghoze Ghar 8 1.9 42.9 32.9 23.1 6.1 13000? to
Khost-Sharig- 20. 41. 23. - 86.4 1.7- 9.3- 25.5- 9.3- 3.5- 9,637- SubC
Harnai 9 8 7 11.2 45.3 43.8 34.0 9.5 15,499 to
SorRange- 9.8 19.6 25 - 54.5 3.9- 20.7- 41.0- 4.9- 0.6- 11,245- SubA
Deghari 4 8 2 18.9 37.5 50.8 17.2 5.5 13,900 to
Duki-Anambar 22. 45. 12 - 80.4 3.5- 32.0- 28.0- 5.0- 4.0- 10,131- SubB
8 6 11.5 50.0 42.0 38.0 6.0 14,164 to
Mach-Abegum 9 13. - - 22.7 7.1- 34.2- 32.4- 9.6- 3.2- 11,110- SubA
7 12.0 43.0 41.5 20.3 7.4 12,937 to
Pir Ismail Ziarat 3.6 7.2 5 - 15.8 6.3- 34.6- 19.3- 10.3- 3.2- 10131- SubB
13.2 41.0 42.5 37.5 7.4 14164 to
Johan 0.2 0.2 - - 0.5 Interpreted Same as Mach
5 5 Coalfield
Subtotal 79. 150. 183. 45.3 458.
49 43 5 72
Makerwal 7 15 - - 22 2.8- 31.5- 34.9- 6.4- 2.8- 10688- SubA
6.0 48.1 44.9 30.8 6.3 14029 to
Salt Range 50 16 2 145 213 3.2- 21.5- 25.7- 12.3- 2.6- 10131- SubC
10.8 38.8 44.8 44.2 10.7 14164 to
Subtotal 57 31 2 145 235
Lakhra 244 629 455 - 13 9.7- 18.3- 9.8- 4.3-49 1.2- 5503- LigB-
28 38.1 38.6 38.2 14.8 9158 SubC
Meting-Jhimpir 10 43 108 - 16 26.6 25.2- 24.1- 8.2- 2.9- 7734- LigA-
1 - 34.0 32.2 16.8 5.1 8612 SubC
Sonda-Thatta 60 511 2197 9 37 22.6 16.1- 8.9- 2.7- 0.2- 8878- SubC-
3 00 - 36.9 36.1 52.0 15.0 13555 hvBb
2 48.0
Jherruck 106 810 907 18 - 9.0- 20.0- 15.0- 5.0- 0.4- 8800- SubC-
23 39.5 44.2 58.8 39.0 7.7 12846 hvCb
Ongar 18 77 217 - 31 9.0- 20.0- 15.0- 5.0- 0.4- 5219- LigB-
2 39.5 44.2 58.8 39.0 7.7 11172 SubA
Indus East 51 170 1556 - 17 9.0- 20.0- 15.0- 5.0- 0.4- 7782- LigA-
77 39.5 44.2 58.8 39.0 7.7 8660 SubC
Badin 150 200 500 - 85 9.0- 20.0- 15.0- 5.0- 0.4- 11415- LigB?-
0 39.5 44.2 58.8 39.9 7.7 11521 SubA
Thar 2700 9395 50706 112 1755 29.6 23.1- 14.2- 2.9- 0.4- 6244- LigB-
705 06 - 36.6 34.0 11.5 2.9 11045 SubA
Subtotal 3339 11835 56646 113637 85457

Hangu/Orakzai 2 4 75 - 81 0.2- 16.2- 21.8- 5.3- 1.5- 10500- SubA-
2.5 33.4 49.8 43.3 9.5 14149 hvAb
Cherat 0.5 1 6.2 - 7.74 0.1- 14.0- 37.0- 6.1- 1.1- 9386- SubC-
4 7.1 31.2 76.9 39.0 3.5 14171 hvAb
Gulakhel - - 25 5 30 2.8- 31.5- 34.9- 6.4- 2.8- 10688- SubA
6.0 48.1 44.9 30.8 6.3 14029 to
Shirani 0.2 0.2 - - 0.5 I n t e r p r e t e d as Toi coalfiel
5 5 same Nala ds
Dara Adamkhel 0.2 0.5 3 - 3.75 Interpreted same as Cherat coalfiel
5 0 ds
Bagnotar-Kala 0.2 0.5 3 - 3.75 Interpreted same Chera Kotli- coalfiel
Pani (Hazara) 5 0 as t and Tatta ds
Subtotal 3.2 6.2 112. 5 126.
5 5 24 74
Kotli-Tatta Pani 1 1 6.7 - 8.72 0.2- 5.1- 26.3- 3.3- 0.3- 7336- LigA-
2 6.0 32.0 69.5 50.0 4.8 12338 hvCb
Muzaffarabad 0.1 0.2 1.5 - 1.87 interpreted same Kotli Tatta coal fields
2 5 0 as Pani
Subtotal 1.1 1.2 8.2 - 10.5
2 5 2 9
Grand Total 3479 1202 5695 11383 186,2
.86 3.93 1.96 2.30 88.05
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