(E-Persediaan Mengajar) : Pengurusan Dan Pentadbiran PSS (PPPSS)

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(e-Persediaan Mengajar)


WEEK : 1 DAY : TUESDAY Tarikh : 2.1.2018

Tajuk : Merancang dan melaksana susun atur PSS,

Membuat tunjuk arah dan panduan penggunaan bahan

Objektif: 1. Memberi maklumat dan arahan kepada pengguna.

2. Menambahkan keceriaan di PSS
Pengurusan dan
Pentadbiran PSS ( Aktiviti :
PPPSS) 1. Membuat draf arahan dan panduan
2. Semak draf dan mulakan kerja menaip
3. Laminating .
4. Letak atau tampal pada bahagian berkaitan.
11.10 - 12.10
Refleksi : ____________________________________________________

Tajuk : Merancang Pemerolehan Bahan Dan Pembangunan Koleksi.

Objektif: 1. Memastikan koleksi bahan buku fiksyen dan bukan fiksyen

mencapai nisbah 1:15 (SK) / 1:20 (SM)

Organisasi Bahan Aktiviti:

1. Semak stok buku perolehan.
2. Menyediakan senarai tambahan buku fiksyen dan bukan fiksyen
12.10-1.10 yang diperlukan.
3. Mengisi nota minta

Reflection : ___________________________________________________

(e-Persediaan Mengajar)
WEEK : 1 DAY : TUESDAY Tarikh : 3.1.2018

Theme : World of Self

Topic : My Loved Ones
Focus : Listening and Speaking
C.Standard : 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm
and intonation.
L.Standard : 1.1.3, 1.1.4
Activities :
3 1. Pupils will be shown a manila card with a song.
2. Pupils will sing the song with teacher's guidance.
9.45 - 10.15 3. Teacher will show some pictures to the pupils and talk about it.
4. Teacher will talk about compassion, kindness and respect among
family members.
5. Pupils will be doing the activities from the activity book.

EMK : Information Communication Technology

T.Aids : Manila card, Picture card and Laptop
Reflection : ____________________________________________________

Topic : Identifying the alphabeths

Focus : Listening and Speaking
C.Standard : 1.1 By the end of the primary schooling, pupils will be able to
form arrange the letters according to the orders.
L.Standard : 1.1.1

English Activities :
1.Pupils will be divided into the groups.
1 2.Teacher will put all the alphabeths in the basket.
3.Pupils will take and arrange the alphabeths according to the order.
10.40 - 11.40 4.Then, pupils will sing a rhyme together with the teacher.
5.Pupils will be given a worksheet and asked them to complete in the

EMK : Contextual learning

T.Aids : Word card
Reflection : ____________________________________________________

(e-Persediaan Mengajar)
WEEK : 1 DAY : THURSDAY Tarikh : 4.1.2018

Topic : Identifying the alphabeths
Focus : Listening and Speaking
C.Standard : 1.1 By the end of the primary schooling, pupils will be able to
form arrange the letters according to the orders.
L.Standard : 1.1.1

English Activities :
1. Pupils will be divided into groups.
1 2. Teacher will show some picture and pupils need to identify the first letter of
the word.
7.45 - 8.45 3. Then, teacher will give four letter to each group and put some picture card
on a basket.
4. Pupils will get the correct picture from the basket and arrange according the
the given letters.
5. Pupils will read the word together with the teacher.

EMK : Contextual learning

T.Aids : Picture card
Reflection : ____________________________________________________
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¸.¾Ãõ : 1.1 §º÷ò¾ø ÁüÚõ ¸Æ¢ò¾ø
¯.¾Ãõ : 1.1.2, 1.1.3

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6 ¦ºöÔõ ӨȨÂì ¸üÀ¢ò¾ø.
3. Á¡½Å÷¸ÙìÌ º¢Ä À¢üº¢¸¨Çì ¦¸¡Îò¾ø ¦ºöÅ¢ò¾ø.
9.15 - 10.15 4. Á¡½Å÷¸Ç¢ý ¦ºöӨȨ ¬º¢Ã¢Â÷ ¸ñ¸¡É¢ò¾ø.
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Theme : World of Self
Topic : My Loved Ones
Focus : Reading
C.Standard : 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non linear
texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to
construct meaning.
L.Standard : 2.2.2

English Activities :
1. Pupils will be shown some picture card by the teacher.
3 2. Pupils will read the words with teacher's guidance.
3. Teacher will explain the meaning of the words to the pupils.
10.40 - 11.40 4. Then, some pupils will be called to read the text in the textbook.
5. Pupils will find a suitable title for the story.
6. Teacher will ask some statements reagarding the story to the pupils
and let them to tell either it's true or false.
7. Pupils will be doing the activities from the activity book referring to
the textbook.

EMK : Information Communication Technology

T.Aids : Word cards and Picture cards
Reflection : ____________________________________________________

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¯.¾Ãõ : 1.1.1

¿¼ÅÊ쨸 :
1. Á¡½Å÷¸ÙìÌ þǨÁ ÀÕÅò¾¢ø ஏüÀÎõ Á¡üÈங்¸¨Çப் ÀüÈ¢
¿Äì¸øÅ¢ ÜÚ¾ø.
2. ¬ñ ÁüÚõ ¦ÀñÏìÌ இǨÁப்ÀÕÅò¾¢ø ஏüÀÎõ உ¼Ä¢Âø
6 Á¡üÈங்¸¨Ç ÜÚÅ÷.
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12.10 - 12.40 ¸üÀ¢ò¾ø.
4. ¬º¢Ã¢Â÷ ¦¸¡ÎìÌõ À¢üº¢¨Â Òò¾¸ò¾¢ø ¦ºö¾ø.

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(e-Persediaan Mengajar)

WEEK : 1 DAY : TFRIDAY Tarikh : 5.1.2018

Theme : Whole Number

Topic : Numbers up to 100 000
L.Objective : 1.1 Develop number sense involving numbers of up to 100 000
L.Standard: 1.1.1 Name and write numbers up to 100 000

Mathematics Activities :
1. Pupils will be shown a word card by the teacher.
4 2. Pupils will read the number correctly.
3. Teacher will give some number to the pupils to write in word.
10.40 - 11.40 4. Then, teacher will check their work in the classroom.

EMK : Contextual Learning

T.Aids : Word card and manila card

Reflection : ___________________________________________________

Topic : Colour the shapes
Focus : Language Art
C.Standard : 1.1 By the end of the primary schooling, pupils will be able to
form arrange the letters according to the orders.
L.Standard : 1.1.1

English Activities :
1. Pupils will be introduced the colours by the teacher.
1 2. Then, pupils will be given a worksheet to colour.
3. Pupils will colour according to the numbers.
11.40 - 12.10 4. Teacher will give rewards to the pupil who coloured correctly for the first.

EMK : Contextual learning

T.Aids : Picture card
Reflection : ____________________________________________________

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