Aaam Oct 09

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AAAA Report..............................4 HR Matters ..............................64

Calendar & New Members ...........5 PRTC ......................................92
News.........................................6 4WD .......................................93
Products..................................22 Retail ......................................94

Nolathane… ....................................................................................40
Providing suspension servicing solutions to the trade for over 20 years

Moving with the times ......................................................................42
Auto One continues to grow
Offering great service .......................................................................66
Keeping your customers’ cars on the road

Fuel Economy..................................................................................90
Squeezing every last drop from your tank

Win! Win! Win! ................................................................................45
Your chance to secure some goodies


Nolathane’s latest Edition 10 catalogue boasts
new features to benefit wholesale, reseller and
trade levels, with a bonus section for use at the
retail counter.
All material appearing in Australian Automotive Aftermarket magazine is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without prior written consent.
Contribution: Freelance contribution and submissions are welcomed by this magazine. No responsibility is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and
transparencies. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the AAAA. All statements made, although based on information believed to be reliable
and accurate, cannot be guaranteed and no fault or liability can be accepted for error or omission. The publisher reserves the right to omit or alter any advertisement
and the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher for all damages or liabilities arising from the published material.

Another successful year for AAAA

The 2008/09-year was the most financially member discount on advertising and the appointment of
successful in the Association’s 29-year history and has Ray Brown as technical writer.
provided us with the opportunity to make a significant In the area of export support we led a successful
investment in the expansion of our activities and services delegation of 13 companies to exhibit on the AAAA
to enable the AAAA to take the next step in our managed 144sqm Australian National Stand at
evolution. Automechanika Middle East in June and 12 companies
OCTOBER 2009 The result for the financial year 2008/09 was a profit on a 130sqm stand at Automechanika Frankfurt in
before tax of $915,000. This compared favourably to September 2008. We also secured funding from Austrade
the budgeted profit of $659,000. The 2008/09-year was for three years to support the formation of a cluster of 15
a trade show year and therefore it is important that the companies targeting the US high performance and
operating results for one year are not looked at in motorsport component sector. Upcoming trade missions
isolation. The revenue generated from trade shows is will include SEMA in November 2009, PRI in December
critical to the provision of on-going services to members, 2009 and Automechanika Middle East in June 2010 and
and it has been our practice, therefore, to also consider we have secured significant State and Federal
income and expenditure over two-year periods. On this Government support for these activities.
basis the overall profit before tax from all activities for This year saw the addition of Paul Raike to the AAAA
2007/08 and 2008/09 was $471,000, which compares National Office team as Membership Development
favourably with the results for the two years 2006/07 Manager – Southern Region. Paul has undertaken an
and 2007/08 which had a combined profit of active member visitation program since commencing in
$401,000. The after-tax result for the year was a profit March 2009. We also ran 21 networking events in all
of $851,000 – compared to an after tax loss of mainland States over the course of the year.
$241,000 in the previous year. 2008/09 also saw a significant increase in our market
Membership at the end of June 2008 totaled 1,286 research activity with the release of the aftermarket 2015
(an increase of 43 from the same time last year), and study as well as car parc data by postcode. In June the
membership income for the year was $449,000 – an AAAA National Council endorsed the permanent
increase of $22,000 over the previous year. appointment of Kathryn Abbott as Marketing Coordinator
This strong growth in membership provides us with and she will assist us in delivering regular, targeted and
significant leverage in our efforts to represent your accurate information on industry and product trends to
Peter Hein interests with Government and regulators. Our aim is to assist AAAA members with business planning. By the end
President actively engage State and Federal Ministers, their of the 2009/10 financial year AAAA will have spent over
advisors and public servants in an effort to push for $200,000 in two years on government relations and
sensible, harmonised regulation and legislation covering market research activities to support member companies.
the automotive aftermarket as well as appropriate Much of the growth and success of the Association
Government acknowledgement and support for AAAA over recent years can be attributed to the strong
member activities. leadership and direction provided by the AAAA National
The AAAA magazine continues to be the market- Council and to the talent and hard work of the team in the
leading publication in the Australian automotive parts AAAA National Office.
and accessories sector. Through our alliance with In closing we would like to thank each and every
Capricorn Society the publication has a CAB audited member of the Association for your strong support of the
circulation of 13,000 trade buyers and is the magazine AAAA and our activities. I can assure you that the board
of choice for the Australian automotive aftermarket and staff do not take this support for granted and we are
Stuart Charity because of its wide reach, depth of content and relevant working hard to develop and implement activities and
features. This year saw the continuation of AAAA services that are valued by you and help make your
Executive Director member features, the introduction of a 10 percent businesses more profitable.

Mr Peter Hein (VIC) – NGK Spark Plug (Australia) Pty Ltd

1*0& &/-0/&& 1++5 .#% Ph: 03 9730 4900 Fax: 03 9730 4990 Mr Peter Armstrong (NSW) – IBS Auto Solutions Pty Ltd
1+(/#2& *$ Mr David Fraser (WA) – Capricorn Society Ph: 02 9892 4004 Fax: 02 9892 2897
) #4 Ph: 08 6250 9500 Fax: 08 6250 9576 Mr David Duncan (VIC) – Dayco Australia Pty Ltd
&,#*+ *-'. #### $., #1
" Mr Greg Barker (VIC) – RSP Australia Pty Ltd Ph: 03 9796 4044 Fax: 03 9796 4731
333 #### $., #1
! ''*$& Ph: 03 9305 4000 Fax: 03 9305 3520 Mr Roger Lassen (SA) – Tenneco
.4 &-/*0) Ph: 08 8374 5212 Fax: 08 8276 1653
Mr Peter Martin (VIC) – Hella Australia Pty Ltd
&-/*0) ! Mr Mark Pedder (VIC) – Pedders Suspension
Ph: 03 9581 9333 Fax: 03 9584 1741
) #4 Ph: 03 9706 3500 Fax: 03 9706 3355
,#*+ (/#)#,& #### $., #1
Mr Geoff Rosenbaum (NSW) – Motospecs – Drivetech
Mr Andrew Schram (VIC) – Burson Automotive P/L
01#/0 )#/*05 Ph: 02 9847 5724 Fax: 02 9847 5757
Ph: 03 9914 5555 Fax: 03 9914 5544
4&$10*2& */&$0./ Mr Bob Pattison (VIC) – GUD Automotive Pty Ltd Mr Graham Scudamore-Smith (QLD) – Fulcrum Suspensions
&4&$%*/ #### $., #1 Ph: 03 9243 3333 Fax: 03 9243 3366 Ph: 07 3892 9000 Fax: 07 3892 1526

4 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u



Advanced Automotive Australia Pty Ltd Global EFI Ross Tuffbond
PO Box 7049 4/7 Bailey Cres 5/16 Forge Street 2009
Ph: 02 6040 2500 Fax: 02 6025 3098 Ph: 07 5531 0055 Fax: 07 5531 0277 Ph: 02 9676 1466 Fax: 02 9672 8939 SEMA Show
Las Vegas Convention Center
Apex Autoglass Company Limited Gold Coast 4x4 Accessories Rotomotion Engineers Nevada, USA
Workshop 13, 3/F., Yale Industrial Ctr, Unit 12, 110 Kortum Drive 517b Bickley Road 3-6 November, 2009
FOTAN, NEW TERRITORIES, Hong Kong Ph: 07 5535 9223 Fax: 07 5535 9270 Ph: 08 9452 1500 Fax: 08 9452 1644
Apps Automotive Griffith Hack Patent & Trade Mark Steinbauer Tuning Technologies Australia Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo
4/5-7 Ethell Road Attorneys 9 Loundoun Road Sands Expo Center
KIRRAWEE NSW 2232 Level 10, 167 Eagle Street DALBY QLD 4405 Las Vegas, Nevada
Ph: 02 9521 1655 Fax: 02 9545 4018 BRISBANE QLD 4000 Ph: 07 4669 0693 Fax: 07 4669 0699 3-5 November, 2009
Ph: 07 3221 7200 Fax: 07 3221 1245
Autobarn Warners Bay TaipanXP
Warners Bay Homemaker Centre, Kwinana Performance & Mechanical 1/15 Hutchinson Street
240-260 Hillborough Road 10 Arkwright Road BURLEIGH HEADS QLD 4220
WARNERS BAY NSW 2282 ROCKINGHAM WA 6168 Ph: 07 5593 5225 Fax: 07 5593 5215
Riviera Hotel and Casino,
Ph: 02 4953 7461 Fax: 02 4953 7068 Ph: 08 9529 3636 Fax: 08 9529 3630 Las Vegas, Nevada
TEMA Pty Ltd October 31 – November 2, 2009
Autopro Malaga Macs Engineering Group 10-12 Yatala Road
Unit 2, 1915 Beach Road 1C Victoria St MT KURING-GAI NSW 2080
MALAGA WA 6090 MACKAY QLD 4740 Ph: 02 9457 0060 Automechanika Shanghai
Ph: 08 9249 4288 Fax: 08 9249 7511 Ph: 07 4951 6555 Fax: 07 4951 6546 Shanghai New International Expo Center,
The 4WD Shop Pudong, Shanghai, China
BPT Motorsport Mainline Dynolog Dynamometers 18 Latham Street 9-11 December 2009
Unit 13/9 Inspiration Drive Unit 3/35 Violet Street MORNINGTON VIC 3931
WANGARA WA 6065 REVESBY NSW 2212 Ph: 03 5975 5533 Fax: 03 5975 7744
Ph: 08 9302 3415 Fax: 08 9303 4261 Ph: 02 9773 8222 Fax: 02 9773 8122 Performance Racing
The Ultimate Suspension Industry Trade Show
Carbonart MCE Motorsports Group Unit 1, No 2 Noonan Road Orange County Convention Center
PO Box 1203 63 Innovation Circuit INGLEBURN NSW 2565
Orlando, Florida, USA
GWELUP WA 6018 WANGARA WA 6065 Ph: 02 9603 7677 Fax: 02 9603 7249
Ph: 0438 382 797 Ph: 08 9303 4990 Fax: 08 9303 4995 10-12 December 2009
T & R Green Automotive
C-Red Tuning Molnar Engineering Pty Ltd 393 Sevenoaks Street
8 Tilli Place 16-20 Coglin Street BECKENHAM WA 6107
WELSHPOOL WA 6106 BROMPTON SA 5007 Ph: 08 9451 6193 Fax: 08 9451 6193
Ph: 08 9356 3000 Ph: 08 8346 6893 Fax: 08 8346 0097 Taipei AMPA
WA Performance & Service Centre Taiwan
CSC Performance Pedders Suspension Port Adelaide 10 Blamey Place 12-15 April 2010
Unit 2/40 Prindiville Drive Cnr Coburg & Grand Junction Road O’CONNOR WA 6163
WANGARA WA 6065 ALBERTON SA 5015 Ph: 08 9331 2122 Fax: 08 9331 4855
Ph: 08 9409 2308 Fax: 08 9409 4308 Ph: 08 8447 6344 Fax: 08 8447 6323
Automechanika Frankfurt 2010
Frankfurt, Germany
The Australian Automotive Aftermarket magazine is the official publication of the
14-19 September 2010
Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA).
Published by
The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association
ABN 23 002 271 454 2011
Suite 5 622 Ferntree Gully Road Mulgrave Vic 3170 Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo
Australian Automotive Ph: 03 9561 7044 Fax 03 9561 7066 email: [email protected] Melbourne Exhibition Centre
Aftermarket Magazine NSW Office Melbourne, Australia
is a member of the Box 693 Penrith BC Penrith NSW 2751 9 - 11 May 2011
Circulations Audit Board. Ph: 0407 866 671 Fax: 02 4731 5671 Email: [email protected]

Stuart Charity, Allan Edwards, Janene Champion, Brigid Fraser, Melbourne Exhibition Centre
Executive Director Pole Position Productions Champion Ads Possprint Melbourne, Australia
Australian Automotive Tel 61 3 9331 2608 Tel 61 3 5862 3090 Tel 61 3 9505 0121 9 - 11 May 2011
Aftermarket Association




Australia’s leading air filter range is now benefiting from a sales promotion informing how regular air filter changes can
result in up to 10 percent gains in fuel economy.
The top-selling filter range is being supported by Ryco shelf wobblers,
posters and counter mats as point-of-sale promoters for resellers to lift
sales by pushing the fuel saving message.
The claim of an up to 10 percent gain in fuel economy is based on
research carried out by Ryco working in conjunction with Herrod Motor
The respected independent engineering company based in Melbourne
used air filters that looked relatively clean, tested fuel consumption over
a normal driving cycle, fitted a new Ryco filter and repeated the test with
the same degree of accurate fuel measurement.
“One of the most import aspects of what this research revealed is
how misleading a so-called clean looking air filter can be,” says Ryco’s
Marketing Manager, Ross Lamb.
“For both trade fitters and DIY enthusiasts, the slight discolourisation
of the air filter can be very misleading as to the total performance of the
“The reality is the cost of the filter can easily be offset by the future “The major positive out of all this testing is that we have confirmed
gain in fuel savings.” by replacing a used air filter with a high quality Ryco air filter, consumers
Mr Lamb said Ryco had proven what many people have long thought. can save some major cash by improving fuel economy.”
“Ryco has the largest range of air filters and, being the market leader,
it is our responsibility to take the lead and give the trade a sound basis For more information visit or freecall Ryco on
of technology which they can quote for cost-effective car care,” he said. 1800 804 541.


Command Auto Group is continuing the ongoing expansion of its Australia-wide on time distribution by opening
a new warehouse in Brisbane, Queensland.
“This new convenient location in Group’s warehouse opening in Melbourne last service and support to customers Australia wide.
Springwood gives us significantly increased year. Command Auto Group’s Queensland
ability to store stock and supply to local and Command Auto Group now has a stocked warehouse is located at 3/3401 Pacific
country customers in a timely and cost effective warehouse in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Highway, Springwood, Queensland, 4127.
way for our growing customer base,” State Perth and Adelaide.
Manager for Queensland, Gary Waterson, said. This new location makes Command Auto For more information call 07 3290 5921 or
It comes off the back of Command Auto Group a true national supplier offering full email [email protected]


Department of Transport General Manager of Licensing, Alastair Bryant, has announced a moratorium for up to six months
on IM240 vehicle emissions testing in Western Australia.
Mr Bryant said the Department had come increasingly apparent the testing regime, in its be undertaken to inform them of the changes,
to the view that the testing regime’s initial current form, is not well enough understood or and to improve accessibility.”
rollout in April this year was not in the state’s sufficiently accessible to merit its compulsory The Minister for Transport fully endorses
immediate best interest. mandating,” he said. the formation of a broad industry- based
He said that in April the Department of “Currently there is only one testing facility committee made up of key industry people,
Transport introduced procedures requiring accredited to carrying out the specific IM240 departmental officials, the RAC and other
vehicles which had undergone aftermarket test in WA. experts to examine and resolve this matter.
engine and exhaust modifications to be “This lack of testing facilities coupled with “It is important to ensure that any future
subjected to IM240 emissions testing to the long lead-time required to bring more changes to the emissions testing regime are
ensure compliance with regulations that have facilities online has driven the decision to done so in a fully considered and diligent
been in force since 2002. introduce a moratorium for up to six-months manner in order to limit any negative impacts
“Since this time, it has become so that greater engagement with industry can that those changes may have,” Mr Bryant said.

6 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u



The Whiteline team will once again be making its presence known at this year’s major USA auto aftermarket shows.
The first is SEMA in November at Las industry leaders from over 100 countries for tools and components.
Vegas, with PRI to follow during December in unlimited profit opportunities in the In addition, the SEMA Show provides
Florida. automotive, truck and SUV, and RV markets. attendees with educational seminars, product
SEMA is the premier automotive specialty SEMA Show 2008 drew more than 50,000 demonstrations, special events, networking
products trade event in the world. domestic and international buyers through two opportunities and more.
It draws the industry’s brightest minds and million square feet of exhibits. This will be the seventh year that Whiteline
hottest products to one place, the Las Vegas The displays are segmented into 12 has displayed at the show and every year proves
Convention Center. sections, and a New Products Showcase bigger and better for the Aussie suspension
The show attracts more than 100,000 featured nearly 2000 newly introduced parts, specialists.
In 2008, Whiteline won two Global Product
Media awards and launched many bang for
your buck handling products for the latest
model WRX, STi, EVO, 350Z, VW Golf, Pontiac
G8 and Mustang.
This year will see the release of products for
the R35 GTR Skyline, 370Z, Mitsubishi
Ralliart, Camaro plus more.
Whiteline Marketing Manager, Andy Nolan,
admits the exposure at the show is great and
after many years as an exhibitor, the Whiteline
brand has gained considerable recognition and
creditability which eventuates into sales.
“Each year we attend we understand and
appreciate the North American market more,
and simply the results get better and better,”he

For more information on the SEMA and

PRI shows visit the official websites at


Injectronics has been presented with a government grant to help with the development of export opportunities
into new markets and regions.
Victoria’s Small Business Minister, Joe becoming increasingly difficult requiring new manufactured and supplied at the highest
Helper, recently visited the Injectronics plant and innovative ways to overcome them and quality.
in Hallam, Victoria, to experience firsthand ensure the continual supply of products. This new equipment will open up many new
the state-of-the-art re-manufacturing facilities Injectronics has recently undertaken a markets and products for Injectronics, and is
and acknowledge the outstanding major investment in state-of-the-art the greatest evolution in automotive electronics
commitment to re-manufacturing equipment that will revolutionise the for many years.
transportation electronics. remanufacturing industry and take electronics Injectronics continues to explore local and
Injectronics is recognised as Australia’s remanufacturing to a new level. export markets in an attempt to take advantage
largest remanufacturer of automotive The acquisition of an Ultrasonic Fine Wire of the huge demand for electronics
electronics, along with being a world leader in bonder and pull/sheer tester will enable the remanufacturing around the world.
this category, and continually expands its precise bonding of ceramic hybrids, a The company continues to supply the
range of products and services to keep abreast technology that is being used in many current highest quality remanufactured components to
of the rapidly changing automotive electronics model vehicles, which are fitted with hybrid the local domestic and international markets.
market. electronic control modules.
Vehicle manufacturers are continually This process is an improvement on the For more information on any of Injectronics
adopting new technologies in vehicle original process used in the OEM products or services contact the sales office
electronics, and the challenges to manufacturing of the modules. on 03 8792 6999 or visit
repair/rework/remanufacture this technology is It also ensures products can be re-




Finding a vehicle servicing centre close to home or work that can look after all your mechanical needs and provide an
accurate quotation on the work involved beforehand is often an uphill battle for consumers.
But consumers now have an online avenue Kloss, said the company wanted to create a “It really is giving consumers somewhere to
that makes the whole car servicing job, website that streamlined the whole car service go to understand more about servicing and to
whether it’s general servicing or repairs, easier and maintenance process for consumers. research the level and quality of service they
than ever. “So they can look up service and pricing can expect,” Mr Kloss said.
The website information, and quickly find service centres “Our company slogan is servicing you and
enables users to search for their nearest that fit their criteria within a specific your car, because is all
service centre based on the make and model of geographic area,” he said. about providing consumers with the
their car, get a quick summary on what will be "Using data sourced from manufacturers’ information they need to make an informed
done at their next service, including a cost handbooks, consumers can go on the website, decision when they need to service their
estimate, and then book the vehicle in online. search their car make and model, select the vehicle.”
With more than 800 active vehicle service service required, and receive an online Mr Kloss said the site is also beneficial for
outlets on the site around Australia, the site summary. car service outlets because it provides them
allows users to contact a service centre directly “This includes the estimated work time and with qualified leads that are targeted,
to make a booking. cost, a description of what will be done to the traceable and measurable.
vehicle during the service, the parts and “We have the number one ranking in
lubricants required, and other possible costs.” Google for keyword searches on phrases such
A new interactive booking Consumers clicking on a service centre link as car service, car servicing, Ford car service,
can also find out the size of the service and many more,” he stated.
system has recently been added operation, the facilities and services available, “This means that service centres don’t
that allows consumers to see such as whether there is a waiting room or need to gain skills in complicated online ad
courtesy bus. campaigns or pay expensive search engine
what days are available, and And site users can rate individual service management fees.
book their vehicle in online. centres and provide general comments based “The site has created a level playing field
on the service level received, which are then for all automotive service and repair service
visible to other site users. centres to advertise, no matter the size of their
It also has an online forum where Consumers can call service centres via a business.”
consumers can ask an expert for specific toll free 1800 number or via Skype, or they is wholly owned and
advice on their vehicle. can call 1800 631 990 and a operated by Pentana Solutions, which employs
This includes queries on workshop and operator will transfer them more than 370 staff across the Asia Pacific.
maintenance issues, mechanical, auto to an appropriate service centre. Pentana Solutions is a leading
electrical, wheels and tyres, suspension and A new interactive booking system has communications and information technology
brakes, with designated experts on hand to recently been added that allows consumers to company that specialises in the development
respond. see what days are available, and book their of software services and solutions for the


Company Chief Executive Officer, Steve vehicle in online. automotive and associated industries.

Stuckey Tyre Service, reputedly Australia’s foremost supplier of competition and classic road tyres, has recently taken
delivery of some very unique tyre sizes.
Sales manager Jeff Hastie (pictured) displays some recent arrivals
including the 125R12 Cincurato for Fiat, 125R15 Michelin X for
Citroen Deux Chevau (illustrated), 205/70R14 Michelin XWX for Ferrari
Dino, 220/55R390 Michelin TRX for BMW and 315/35R17 Sumitomo
for Chev Corvette and other American cars.
Stuckey Tyre Service is also the Australian distributor for Vintage
Tyres UK, having immediate access to the entire range of classic and
vintage tyres.
This includes Avon tyres (both bias and radial) for Rolls Royce and
Aston Martin, as well as Dunlop tyres for Jaguar.
In addition the entire range of Michelin X, XAS, XWX and TRX tyres
are held in stock for immediate delivery.

For more information visit or call 03 9386 5331.

8 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u



Albins Off Road Gear has committed to active involvement with the AAAA USA Export Cluster Group and is “gearing up”
for its first visit to the PRI show in Orlando, USA in December.
Albins will be attending PRI to display its
capabilities to produce individual gears, axles,
drive flanges and ring and pinions right through
to complete unit, sequential shift transmissions.
Albins Off Road Gear is an Australian
Proprietary Limited company that specialises in
the design and manufacture of drivetrain
components. Albins has been manufacturing
high performance gears for more than 25 years
and has been an AAAA and PRTC member for
three years.
Utilising ISO 9001 2000 certified
manufacturing techniques, the Albins team of
over 40 employees implements up-to-the- of the art CNC mills, lathes and Gear Cutting closer to perfection and one, which gives it a
minute design trends to create product that is Equipment. As part of Albins’ ISO 9001 2000 significant point of difference against
currently in use in such places as Dakar Rally, quality program, Albins has incorporated competitors in the global marketplace.
Baja 1000, Australian V8 Supercars as well as computer operated gear profile checking Albins currently exports more than 90
various European and Australasian Rally machines and a five-axis CNC Co-ordinate percent of its product and is looking forward to
Championships. Measuring Machine which can check the AAAA trade mission to PRI as a way of
The Albins product starts life long before the dimensions of components and reverse engineer exploring new markets and diversifying from
design process. All material is hand picked and them into the digital domain where they can be their existing foothold in the USA market
stored in Albins’ own steel warehouse on-site checked against original CAD models. however Albins still has a healthy domestic
after independent metallurgical tests carried out Through the use of these processes, Albins market that includes component manufacture
on each bar of stock. can observe natural changes in physical for various V8 Supercar teams.
Albins’ design wing houses six full-time characteristics after heat treatment and make
design engineers including an electronics changes to the original design to compensate For more information contact Albins via


engineer. Manufacturing is carried out on state for such changes. The end result is a product or phone 03 5335 8022

Disc Brakes Australia (DBA) is awaiting your call after launching a new national 1800 phone number to
answer braking queries.
The company is reputedly the country’s likely use DBA Direct as a point of first features a matrix of different uses (passenger,
largest producer of standard and enhanced contact. performance, motorsports, 4WD/SUV and
performance rotors and DBA’s National Sales Most callers will deal first with DBA’s Commercial) and lines them up with suitable
and Marketing Director, Martin Peart, said the customer service team. If the inquiry requires rotors from the extensive DBA series.
DBA Direct number was a great way to talk to more than basic product information, they will With facilities across four states and soon
customers and potential customers about what quickly be put through to fully qualified to be five, DBA is dedicated to the highest
it knows best: brakes. technical support. levels of service, and to constant improvement
“There’s no charge for the service, and “And it will all happen immediately!” Mr in the design, development and quality of
people don’t have to be in the process of Peart stressed. automotive rotors.
fitting a set of our rotors when they call,” he “If there is any doubt at all, don’t hesitate This commitment has been recognised with
said. to call. After more than 30 years, we’re still a string of plaudits, most recently with the
“We want to talk to people across the trade, here and keen to help.” 2009 gold ‘Excellence in Manufacturing’
to help them through technical problems and The new phone line – 1800 73 00 39 – award from the Australian Automotive
product queries, to give them suggestions – will operate from 8am to 5pm (EST) nationally. Aftermarket Association.
and to listen to their suggestions.” To back up the DBA Direct initiative, the Mr Peart said DBA Direct provides yet
Mr Peart said staying in touch with company is stepping up its regular visits to the another way of communicating with the trade
everyday needs at every level of the trade has trade and will be distributing a full range of and expanding knowledge about DBA’s broad
always been a DBA strongpoint. trade oriented point of sale material, including range of standard and premium rotors.
He believes the main users of the new catalogues, brochures and posters. “The message is clear: for all your
service will include the company’s national A self standing ‘tent card’ for desks and disc brake inquiries, ring DBADirect on
distributors, plus resellers, major chains, and counter tops highlights the new number and 1800 73 00 39,” he said.
fitters right down to those working at the includes a 2009 and 2010 calendar.
smallest of workshops. On the reverse side of the tent card is a More information can be found at Disc Brakes
People who want to become resellers will handy ‘Disc Rotor Suitability Chart’. This Australia’s website




Neil Johnston is celebrating 20 years of selling Gabriel shock absorbers from his Autopro store in Hastings, Victoria.
This multi-award winning retailer has been “An example is the front struts for Holden
selling Gabriel to trade and consumers with Commodores - part number G55674.
what he describes as “a great track record at “Like so many of their struts, Gabriel
winning and keeping customers”. designed these for this vehicle to be the same
Autopro has been a leading seller of Gabriel left and right by smart arrangement of the
shock absorbers for many years. brackets and fittings.
The group’s members have benefited from “When the variations of the one vehicle are
the range, quality and performance of the USA- taken into account - sedan, wagon, country
made products. pack - some other makers have to offer multiple
Brandlines’ Maurice Luksich said along variations to cover that vehicle, the Gabriel
with the excellent abilities of the Gabriel system of ensuring just one strut fits all means
shocker absorbers, price advantage and lower a massive inventory reduction for resellers.
stock levels were other advantages of the brand. “This aspect of our smart design has proven
“These give our shock absorbers every to be a massive advantage for Gabriel resellers
reason to succeed,” he said. who like the huge reduction in inventory levels.”
“Stockists really benefit from Gabriel’s smart
strut design to reduce reseller stock levels which For more information contact Brandlines on Neil Johnston – plenty of reasons to look


has proven a big winner. 02 9457 9488. pleased.

The new distribution centre for Austral, located at Slacks Creek in Brisbane, officially opened on October 1
to service the Queensland and Northern Territory regions.
Managing Director Warwick Lee said and WASP suspension parts has also recently Victoria, supplying the engine reconditioner
strong demand from new and existing been boosted by the addition of Gabriel shock and spare parts reseller network.
customers in Queensland was the key factor absorbers and Strongarm gas struts to the line
in the decision to expand the company’s up,” he said. Austral’s Queensland premises are located at
distribution capabilities. In 2004, Austral commenced operations Unit 15, Platinum Business Park, 6 Maunder


“Our existing range of engine components from its Campbellfield distribution centre in Street, Slacks Creek QLD 4127.

Managers of government transport assets should lead by example and significantly reduce their operating and investment
costs, according to a lubrication and oil filtration systems supplier.
Laurie Hyland of Engine Care Systems should investigate the installation of proven because of the reduced friction in the centrifuge
Australasia said Federal, state and local cost-saving devices such as oil centrifuges and conditioned oil.”
governments’ fleet of trucks, buses, earth quality long-life oils,” he said. My Hyland said the supplier regularly
moving equipment and other vehicles are “These have been shown by private receives reports that regular oil sampling on
needlessly consuming excessive oil and filters. transport enterprises across Australia to save engines fitted with a centrifuge can achieve
“Government administrators at all levels thousands of dollars per year per vehicle. double or treble standard oil change intervals.
“Savings are made through “This means that distances of over 1.6
longer oil change intervals, lower million kilometres are now common on large
maintenance time and a reduction diesel engines before an engine overhaul is
in the amount of waste oil and needed,” he said.
contaminated filters that need to “Because of the additional engine
be disposed of properly. protection, more than 60 engine manufacturers
“For a modest investment, fit Spinner centrifuges as standard equipment
centrifuges are able to remove or endorse their use.”
most of the smaller abrasive sub- Engine Care Systems said it has developed
micron soot particles from an its knowledge of centrifugal oil and fuel
engine's oil, providing a filtration over 40 years.
significantly higher level of Its products are used primarily for
protection against engine wear. maintaining, optimising and extending the life
“The result is an improved of engines, oils, filter media, diesel fuel,
return on investment through machine components, crusher drives, gearboxes
extending whole of engine life and anywhere oil is used.

10 A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


New research shows automotive customers search online and don't mind taking
advice from the car salesman.
Google Australia has released its Google Global Family and friends were cited as a key
Automotive Study Australia 2009, which examines influencer with 36 percent of people looking for
the way Australian consumers research their new cars and 51percent of people looking for used
automotive purchases. cars. This trend is slowly declining.
Netpop Research conducted the survey for The car salesman is still important with 42
Google Australia, surveying 501 adult new car percent of people saying they were influential in
buyers (55 percent male, 45 percent female) and getting them to change their choice of dealer, for
510 used car buyers (51 percent male, 49 percent better or for worse.
female) across the nation. Most people still go to the car dealership to
The study shows that consumers obtain arrange a test drive (car purchasers go on 2.9 test
information from a suite of sources when making drives on average), providing the opportunity for a
the decision to buy a car. car salesman to influence a purchaser’s decision.
When making a large purchase, such as a car, Research showed about two thirds of people
51 percent of all new and used car buyers start their looking for new or old cars had not decided which
research online with 88 percent using the internet model to buy when they set out looking for a car.
at some stage, and 48 percent of new car buyers Auto Industry Marketing Manager, Colin
said the internet was influential in discovering new Barnard, said the influence of a salesman
vehicle brands. definitely helped a customer decide which car
Other sources where people obtain information they buy.
include video from online video hosting sites like “Car manufacturers need to consider how they
YouTube and on car manufacturers’ websites. can reach their customers online before they step
A third of new car buyers who researched online into the dealership to make their final decision,”
rely on user-generated content with consumer he said.
ratings and reviews the most popular, while the Mr Barnard noted the emerging trend in using
study found just over a quarter start their research video content for research.
at car dealerships. “There is a huge opportunity for car
When searching online, a staggering 79 percent manufacturers to utilise their existing TVCs
of people surveyed said they entered specific brand (commercials) online where people are
keywords, such as Toyota or Mazda. researching,” he said.
This reinforces that brand awareness builds “The automotive area is saturated as far as
offline as part of wider media campaigns. offline advertising goes, which has resulted in
The people surveyed considered an average of strong brand awareness.
3.4 brands, with Toyota the brand most considered. “It’s important to continue that momentum
When it comes to other sources that influence online, which is evidently where customers are
consumers’ decisions, the findings show that taking their next step in the purchasing cycle.”

people power is key.

An avalanche of credential requests are pouring in from the recent special

VIP mailing for the 22nd annual Performance Racing Industry Trade Show in
Orlando, Florida, USA.
The PRI Trade Show takes place from Trade Show registration blitz is in gear, and at
December 10 to 12, 2009, in the North/South full throttle,” Ms Harless said.
Building of the Orange County Convention And now the mailing of the jam-packed 20-
Center in Orlando, Florida, USA. page, full-color pre-registration brochure to
Trade show co-ordinator, Nicole Harless, is 50,000 racing retailers, race engine builders,
working diligently to keep up with the volume professional race teams, motorsports
of completed registration forms from the engineers, warehouse distributors, race car
mailing to companies that attended last year’s builders and other racing businesses is now in
PRI Trade Show. progress - another major avalanche is heading
For added convenience, these forms were to Nicole’s office!
already pre-populated with the information To avoid the long lines at the show,
from last year, and just needed to be adjusted attendees should preregister now.
for new attendees, signed and returned via
postage-paid mail or by fax. Visit
“When I can't see my desk, I know the PRI to download a registration form.

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 11


Vehicles and machinery can be equipped with gearboxes of various types and design.
Their primary function is to match the speed
of the engine to the drive axle or to match the
speed of the axles to the wheels or to change
the direction of the drive train. The demands
made on the lubricants used in gearboxes and
the components in them are as diverse as the
gearbox designs and applications.
These demands are weighted and
formulated differently from one manufacturer
to another.
This explains the large number of different
specifications and oil grades on the market.
However, lubrication technology today is in
the position to allow universally applicable
rationalisation products to be used in the vast
majority of gearboxes.
Rationalisation of products can help to avoid
the danger of incorrect oils being used, which
may result in gearbox damage, and also simplify
planning and stock keeping. require comprehensive seal-compatibility tests Manual Transmission Fluids (MTF)
Gearboxes today make great demands on the to be performed. Apart from classic wear reduction, the oils in
performance of a lubricant and only the correct Some guidelines still require ‘non- today’s manual gearboxes perform a number of
amount of the high quality oil should be used. resinating’ or ‘acid-free’ gear oils to be used but functions, one of which determines driving
Too little oil (below the minimum mark) can all gear oils today naturally satisfy such comfort by influencing shifting quality.
lead to dangerously high oil temperatures requirements. In general, manual gearboxes are fitted with
because of inadequate lubrication. The specification and classification of gear dry clutches and the frictional characteristics of
The result is accelerated wear, particle oils is still performed by manufacturers and the lubricant is exactly matched to the
deposits and leaks due to damaged seals. umbrella organisations. synchromesh (if fitted) requirements. Manual gear
The overfilling of gearboxes should also be oils are therefore not suitable for wet clutches.
avoided. Overfilling results in overheating, oil Engine oils As manual gearboxes use a whole host of
foaming and excess housing pressures, which HD engine oils are used relatively often in synchromeshing materials such as sintered non-
can lead to leakages past oil seals and through gearboxes and gearbox-hydraulic systems in ferrous metals, aluminium and carbon the
gearbox venting systems. non-automotive machinery. universal synchromesh component compatibility
There are also some (older) passenger cars of the corresponding oils is a key factor.
Lubricant Types and motorcycles on the roads in which engine The necessary wear protection is dictated by
Gearboxes are lubricated with a variety of oil is also used for gearbox lubrication. the location of the gearbox and the tooth form
different oils, which satisfy the demands of the In motorcycles with such combined engine- used.
different gearbox types. gearbox applications, the lubricants are Classic transverse front wheel drive units
These days, vehicle gear oils almost all primarily multigrade engine oils, which satisfy seldom have hypoid gears and thus make lower
contain a large proportion of additives. the demands of the engine as well as the EP demands than in-line set-ups with hypoid
In the past, a distinction was sometimes gearbox. axles which require the maximum wear
made between low-additive, high-additive and If the motorcycle clutch also runs in oil, protection. However, the rule stating the higher
extremely high-additive gear oils. then special lubricants are necessary which can the wear protection, the lower the ageing stability
These distinctions are no longer necessary cope with the high shearing forces and the applies. The spread of typical manual gearbox oil
these days because each classification and special frictional demands of clutches. viscosities is large.
specification issued by manufacturers and The use of a pure car engine oil in such
motorcycles can cause severe damage to the Axle oils
organisations is exactly defined.
Twenty or more years ago, gear oils could engine and transmission. As axles are generally fixed ratio gearboxes
sometimes cause sealing materials to become Otherwise, pure engine oils are often used without frictional elements, special frictional
brittle or soften and may have caused in the gearboxes and gearbox-hydraulic systems characteristics as in gear oils are not required.
nonferrous corrosion (normally yellow metals). of commercial vehicles, construction and On the other hand, the hypoid gears in axles
Back then, the description ‘low-additive’ stationary machinery whose design does not (low-speed wear, sliding and thus very high
was an indication of good sealing material require a high-additive gear oil. surface pressures) require outstanding Anti-Wear
compatibility. In such cases, monograde oils are the most (AW) and Extreme Pressure (EP) properties.
In spite of much greater additive levels, common choice. And even hydraulic This can only be achieved with high
lubricants today are mostly compatible with transmission brakes such as Intarders or concentrations of sulphur compounds, which in
sealing materials and manufacturer’s approvals Retarders can be operated with engine oils. turn makes them unsuitable for wet clutches or

12 A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u

synchromesh gearboxes. have to display particularly good foam Multifunctional oils

In spite of their good wear protection, axle oils suppression and excellent air release to avoid Particularly in the case of agricultural
must also display good ageing stability made cavitation in the hydraulic pump. machinery with their large number of oil-
necessary by longer oil change intervals or even At present, so-called Toroidal gearboxes lubricated systems and gearboxes, there is a
filled-for-life applications. (CVT-T) are being tested in which torque is strong rationalisation case to be made for using
As emission thresholds for vehicles are continuously transferred via rollers and a toroidal special lubricants called multifunctional oils
tightened, efficiency optimisation is also gearbox disc. for a number of circuits.
beginning to focus on ancillaries such as gear oils. Multifunctional oils are lubricants, which
Today’s gear oils are optimised with synthetic combine the characteristics and application.
base oils and contain selected friction modifiers
to keep frictional losses to a minimum.
As emission thresholds for These multifunctional oils represent a
compromise between type of oil and
Axles with limited slip differentials usually vehicles are tightened, efficiency application area and should be selected
require oils with Limited Slip (LS) additives to optimisation is also beginning to focus according to their respective merits for a
reduce wear and noise in the differential unit. particular application.
With the introduction of dynamically- on ancillaries such as gear oils.
Fuchs Application Engineers will be glad to
controlled drive trains, more and more electronic assist you in selecting the optimum lubricant
or self-adjusting differential brakes are being for your application.
fitted to differentials. As opposed to belt CVTs where a mechanical
Some designs use a separate oil for the transfer of power takes place, here the oil To place an order or for more information,
differential brakes while others use the same axle transfers power between the toroidal disc and please contact Fuchs Customer Service on
oil for the brakes and the gears. the rollers. These gearboxes cannot use normal 1800 1800 13 for your nearest distributor.
This, in turn, makes new demands on the AFT or CVTF but have to run on a special
friction characteristics of the oil which are exactly traction fluid.

Automatic Transmission Fluids (ATF)

ATFs are special functional fluids for
automatic gearboxes. As multi-speed automatic
boxes use ‘mild’ planetary gears (more tooth
contact per gear ratio spreads load better), the
very high wear protection offered by manual
transmission oils is not required.
The EP/AW characteristics of ATFs are
generally below those of manual transmission oils.
On the other hand, ATFs are specially
formulated to satisfy the demands of wet clutches
and brakes as well as torque converters.
In some special cases, ATF is used for certain
manual synchromesh gearboxes or gearbox-
hydraulic systems if they are designed for
products offering low AW protection.
The co-efficient of friction in the oil-lubricated
clutches and brake bands is a vital factor for the
satisfactory operation of automatic gearboxes.
The shifting behaviour of the box is
determined by the clutch and brake band
materials used as well as the ATF type.
No generally accepted classification of ATFs
exists because automatic gearbox manufacturers
determine individual co-efficient of friction
requirements and issue manufacturer

Continuously Variable Transmission Fluids

CVTFs are similar to ATFs but in addition to
their ATF properties, they are specially
formulated to provide the necessary friction
parameters in the variator pulley belt metal-to-
metal contact zones.
As CVTs normally use powerful hydraulic
pumps (to set and lock the pulley ratios), CVTFs

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 13

Thirteen Australian exhibitors were part of The Australian Automotive Aftermarket The mission was also designed to appoint
a 144-square metre Australian Pavilion at the Association (AAAA) occupied a stand in the regional distributors for Australian
Automechanika Middle East Exhibition, held Australian Pavilion to encourage show visitors manufactured automotive aftermarket
in Dubai from May 31 to June 2, 2009. to interact with Australian exhibitors and products, provide economic efficiencies in
The pavilion was identified with Australian promote Australian automotive aftermarket respect to promotional activities, freight of
Trade Commission (Austrade) approved manufacturers. display materials and display space at the
graphics depicting a distinctively Australian The AAAA Exporters Directory, with exhibition, to assist with market awareness,
theme. capability statements from more than 100 and to facilitate networking activity with fellow
Twenty two staff manned the Australian leading Australian aftermarket manufacturers industry participants during and beyond the
Pavilion, including three local representatives. and wholesalers, was freely distributed exhibition.
The number of Australian exhibitors was less together with a specific Exhibitor Directory. Automechanika Middle East 2009 was
than in 2008, but the pavilion was the same The main objectives of the Exhibitor inaugurated by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed
size. Mission were to further understand the bin Saeed Al Maktoum.
Some of the companies which were part of automotive aftermarket in the Middle East and The Automechanika Middle East Exhibition
the mission include Automotive Parks, AZNEW North Africa, to be properly prepared for export first exhibited in Dubai in 2003 with 119
Fuel Injector Services, Dyno Dynamics, opportunities in the region and to source leads exhibitors from 16 countries attracting 5176
Injectronics, Kaymar 4WD Accessories and for potential business relationships in the visitors.
Premier Auto Trade. region. Within six years it has grown to attract more
than 15,000 visitors and defies the global
financial crisis because it is one of the fastest
growing world stage automotive aftermarket
Following the successful participation of
Australian companies on the national stand at
this year’s show, the AAAA will once again take
a group of exhibitors to Dubai in 2010.
If the Middle East and its surrounding
regions is your target market, then
Automechanika Middle East is the only show,
which will provide you with necessary platform
to gain market access.

Please send an email to [email protected]

to secure your space on the pavilion or to
express your interest.


Melbourne-based Martini Racing has engaged Singapore distributor Cosmic Racing for the Asian market to better access
the company’s product range.
Martini Racing Chief Executive Officer, Singaporean motorsport market but were hard Powertec has signed on for another year as the
Tony Cuschieri, said the company’s range of to get hold of. official distributor of Martini Racing products
competition fluids were popular with the “We have supplied many people over there in Dubai.
but due to the high shipping charges, it’s not “Reselling Oil and Race Fuel back to the
cost effective to cater for quantities less than Oil Fields,” Mr Cuschieri noted.
a pallet,” Mr Cuschieri said. Martini Racing, which supplies more than
“Our products have been welcomed with 400 independent workshops in Melbourne
those looking for the edge. Now with a alone, is also in discussions with distributors
stocking agent, the locals can easily get the in the UK and the US.
product instead of ringing us and having it The company prides itself on being 100
air freighted over. percent Australia owned and operated, with its
“Henry Lim from Cosmic Racing is now products developed and tested in Australia.
our sole distributor throughout Singapore, Martini Racing is seeking stockists and
meaning he’s got the authority to promote the interstate distributors.
entire product range.”
And after a successful inaugural year, For more information phone 03 9763 0977.

14 A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u

Celebrating its fifth edition, Automechanika Shanghai will take place Many renowned companies have already signed up for the leading
from December 9 to 11 2009 at Shanghai New International Expo Centre, international trade fair, which takes place from September 14 to 19,
China. 2010.
To date, the show has already attracted more than 1800 exhibitors from Registrations have been received for significantly more exhibition space
countries and regions including Brazil, China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, - altogether more than 100,000 square metres - than at the comparable
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, time before the least event.
Taiwan, Turkey, UK and USA. Automechanika Frankfurt Director, Thomas Aukamm, said the number
The exhibition area will be almost 100,000 square metres to of registrations already received was a clear vote of confidence in the fair.
accommodate the expected record number of 2000 plus exhibitors. “Taking part in leading international trade fairs seems to be essential
Automechanika Shanghai, Asia’s number one trade show for automotive even in times of budget cuts and consolidation,” he said.
parts, equipment and service suppliers, continues to receive strong support “Despite the difficult economic situation, most companies are looking
from international trade associations as well as local and overseas to the future and say that they want to be there when the international
companies. automotive sector meets in Frankfurt next year.”
Many leading maintenance equipment manufacturers are exhibiting Up to June 15, exhibitors of the last Automechanika could register at
including Corghi, Dali Equipment, Ever-Eternal, JinHua Industrial Group, the same price per square metre as in 2008 if they booked a stand of the
Launch Tech, MAXIMA and Snap-on. same size or bigger.
Analysts of JP Morgan believe China is at the start of another auto sales Many national and international companies from the automobile sector
boom that is being stimulated by rising incomes in third-tier cities such as have taken advantage of the Loyalty Price offered by Messe Frankfurt and
Xian and Chengdu. booked their exhibition space for 2010.
The repair and maintenance market is also being propelled by an upsurge
of car purchase. Exhibitors can still register for the fair by post or online at
According to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM),
the auto output and sales in China set a half-year record high in the first six
months of this year.
From January to June, China’s auto sales reached more than six million
units, up by more than 17 percent year on year, while nearly six million vehicles
were produced in the period, up by more than 15 percent year on year.
The increases are attributed to a series of government stimulus measures
to boost domestic consumption.
CAAM predicts that China auto sales in the second half of 2009 may reach
more than 11 million vehicles, higher than its April forecast of 10 million units.
Sales in the first half of this year have already made China the world’s
largest automobile market and CAAM believes that this could be a lasting
Automechanika Shanghai is one of 13 global Automechanika fairs held in
Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Africa.

For further information, visit or email

[email protected]

Automechanika Moscow and MIMS, the international trade fair for
automobiles, automobile parts and accessories, will unite in 2010 in
response to the industry's demand to combine the strengths of the two
events into a single trade fair.
Both events reflect the dynamic automobile market and aftermarket in
Russia and encompasses all sectors of the automobile industry ranging
from the latest models produced by international vehicle manufacturers to
spare parts, accessories and workshop equipment.
The Russian automobile market is widely recognised as one of the most
attractive in the world in terms of future potential.
Its growth is driven by a mixture of domestic and international brands.
This provides a huge number of suppliers and spare-parts manufacturers
with opportunities for expansion.
MIMS' expertise and focus on the Russian automobile industry,
combined with Automechanika's global recognition and worldwide reach
will benefit exhibitors and visitors from 2010.

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 15


If you are a parts business, tyre and underbody specialist or a spring and suspension shop, this could be a lucrative
opportunity for you.
If you’re looking to grow your business
with products that are a necessity to a
vehicle’s suspension maintenance, you could
be a distribution centre for very successful
Australian made products.
Not as well known in the southern states
of Australia, Dobinsons Spring and
Suspension is a family owned and operated
coil and leaf spring manufacturing business
based in Queensland.
Dobinsons Spring and Suspension,
established in 1953, is well placed to take
the spring manufacturing business on for
another 56 years. 40 countries worldwide. leaf spring, 4x4 shock absorber and steering
With Dobinson’s having a strong clientele Dobinsons have more than 4600 coil dampers, 4x4 shackles, U-bolts, bush kits
base in Queensland, they have recently springs in their range and also boast one of and torsion bars and heavy truck springs and
opened a warehouse in Sydney to have the world’s largest range of 4x4 spring and suspension components.
readily available stock for the southern states. suspension componentry including
Its quality springs and suspension performance coil spring (lowered, standard To register your interest call Dobinsons Spring
products are currently exported to more than and raised for passenger vehicles, 4x4 coil and Suspension on 07 4927 7444.


The highly anticipated and long overdue revamp of the Whiteline website is now online and proving a winner amongst the
Whiteline community.
The website takes magazine articles and customer testimonials. Whiteline Performance Centres and
on the latest look of the brand and includes all There is also a vehicle search, where the dealers are listed on the site, a Whiteline video
the latest vehicles and products with many relevant products are displayed and channel showcases key products and vehicles
new features to make the online Whiteline downloadable install guides plus estimated and there is a tech section with technical
experience an awesome one. install times. papers and suspension information.
Key features include a keyword search, Users can research and log items on their
allowing customers to search by part number, own ‘Wishlist’, which they can then email to a Whiteline’s revamped website can be found at
vehicle and terminology and detailed product friend, themselves or their nearest Whiteline
information with application notes, related dealer for a quote.

Couplertec directors Garry Bell and Michael Cleary have announced that the
company will be moving to larger premises on Queensland’s Gold Coast.
The company announced the sale of its in the Gold Coast Business Awards.
500,000th electronic rust protection system “Couplertec is always looking for strategic
in 2009 and with new distributors in North retail alliances and retail relationships to
America and the Middle East, the Couplertec enable consumers throughout Australia, and
success story continues. throughout the world to buy its products,” Mr
With a new General Manager, Grant Taylor, Taylor said.
providing a fresh new impetus for the “Consumers can buy direct online at
company’s continued growth and expansion, or we also have many
an additional Business Development retail channels which is always growing with
Manager, Andrew Slaski, has also been retailers and installers.
appointed to assist in developing and growing “Anyone who wants to become Couplertec is a proud Australian company
new markets. an authorised Couplertec seller and employing Australians and with international
The growth has also been recognised with installer is welcome to email us at patents pending the future is bright for
an Australian manufacturer’s exporter award [email protected].” Couplertec.

16 A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


What have tyres got to do with suspension systems?
The job of a suspension system (any
suspension system) is to maximise the grip
from the tyres while maintaining acceptable
ride comfort for the passengers.
All the good work we do revolves around
making the best of what the tyre has available,
regardless of the individual tyre brand, quality
or size.
Therefore the aim of the suspension is to
keep as much of the tyre in contact with the
road as possible when turning, braking and
even driving in a straight line.
It is both the beginning and end of all that
happens in suspension and chassis design.

Tyre width, wider is better right?

Not always. It is quite easy to ‘over tyre’ a
car. A tyres’ width is designed by the
manufacturer to work in with the suspension
geometry and vehicle’s weight. This is particularly relevant to small (read This is one of the least understood but
Increasing the width of the tyre may light) four-cylinder performance cars where most common problems encountered when
increase the contact patch but because the wider rubber of a similar compound to the upgrading wheels and tyres with the most
weight of the car is the same, the force applied original tyre will often handle worse than the common symptom being the new tyres rubbing
per square millimetre of tyre area contact original. on the guards.
patch is actually reduced. A useful remedy here is to fit a larger Wheel offset is the real issue here but the
The shape of the contact patch will also Whiteline Swaybar to transfer more weight or wrong offset coupled with excessive width in
change under these circumstances, load to the drive wheels under cornering roll. the wrong direction becomes a nightmare on
sometimes to the detriment of lateral Tyre width can also be a problem when the all fronts.


(cornering) grip. extra width grows out from the wheel hub face.

Denso Corporation claims it has developed the world’s first passenger vehicle
air conditioning system that uses ejector technology.
The ejector, which is a small refrigerant pressure of the refrigerant before passing it
injector, contributes to an overall reduction in through the evaporator to cool the air,” he
power consumption. The system will be said.
installed on the new Toyota Prius. “Denso’s new system uses an ejector
Akio Shikamura, who is the managing instead of an expansion valve.
officer responsible for Denso’s Thermal “The ejector recovers expansion energy,
Systems Business Group, said the company which was previously lost in the expansion
has accelerated its efforts to develop more valve, and converts it into pressure energy.
efficient air conditioning systems with the “This reduces the compressor’s workload
increasing demand for technologies to reduce and helps reduce the air conditioner’s overall
carbon dioxide emissions and environment power consumption.”
preservation. Denso has applied ejector technology to withstand external pressure and also
“The new air conditioning system reduces truck refrigeration units and household CO2 eliminates pipe connection parts needed to
the compressor’s power consumption by up heat-pump water heaters. connect the ejector with the evaporator, which
to about 25 percent, compared to Previously, the conventional ejector was helps reduce the size of the ejector.
conventional car air conditioning systems, not small enough to be installed in vehicle air The ejector cycle system evaporator (ECS
and thus contributes to fuel savings,” he said. conditioning systems. evaporator), which is equivalent to the size of
Mr Shikamura said much of the energy The company overcame this challenge a conventional evaporator, can also be applied
consumed by a vehicle’s air conditioning with its new air conditioning system by to conventional air conditioning systems.
system is used by the compressor to integrating the ejector into the evaporator The ECS evaporator was displayed at
compress the refrigerant. tank, where refrigerant flows. Denso's booth at the Automotive Technology
“In conventional air conditioning systems, This new design eliminates the need for Exposition in Pacifico Yokohama, Japan in
an expansion valve is used to reduce the the ejector to have a thicker structure to May.

18 A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


What does your business have in common with Rolls Royce, Alfa Romeo, BMW or IBM?
Answer: As with all of these successful Business name registrations won’t protect you or applied for in relation to the same or similar
companies, your business is probably also using One of the most common misconceptions goods or services.
a trademark that helps you to stand out from that a business can make if it is using a name A trademarks attorney or qualified solicitor
the pack and be recognised and remembered other than its own personal or company name is can conduct an appropriate trademark search for
by your customers. to register that name as a business name in the you and will consider all of the different
In many cases, a trademark can be the most belief that it provides some kind of protection. variations of your proposed trademark, to assess
important asset of a business. This can cause two problems: and advise as to whether or not your trademark
However, some businesses in the • No protection – a business name registration is free to use and register in Australia.
automotive industry may not have thought does not of itself give you any enforceable In practice, it is much better to make sure
about protecting their trademarks and may not rights against a third party, as it is simply a that there are no problems with your use of a
even appreciate that they are actually using a state-based legal requirement if you are trademark before you start using it. There is
trademark. trading in a name other than your own legal nothing worse than spending a large amount on
This article will help identify some of the name (however, your use of the business packaging, promotional material and
common mistakes that Australian businesses name may create enforceable ‘common law’ advertisements only to find yourself in court a
can make in respect of their trademarks, and rights, depending upon the extent to which week after you have launched the product
how to ensure that you use and protect your you have created an awareness or reputation because you have inadvertently infringed a third
trademark correctly in the marketplace. in the marketplace, in respect of that name). party’s trademark registration.
• You could infringe a trademark – When you
What is a trademark? apply to register a business name, the state Register your trademark
A trademark is a sign used to distinguish or territory government department will not Once you have created and searched your
someone’s goods or services from those of their check to see if anyone has already registered trademark, you should consider registering the
competitors in the marketplace. the same or similar name as a trademark. So, trademark. A trademark registration has a
The most obvious type of trademark is a it is important that you conduct additional number of benefits, including:
mark consisting of a word, combination of research when you register your business • Enforcement – a trademark registration
words or a series of letters. name. Otherwise, you could be infringing provides you with right to exclusive use of
In the automotive industry, some obvious someone else's trademark registration that trademark throughout Australia in
examples are Rolls Royce, Alfa Romeo, BMW through use of your business name. respect of the goods or services that you have
and Repco. covered by its registration. It provides the
Trademark creation – think distinctive strongest legal basis to take action against
However, trademarks also include logos,
shapes and colours. Indeed, each of the If you are creating a new trademark, note that someone using the same or similar mark. As
trademarks mentioned are represented in the trademark must be remembered by your such, many cases of trademark infringement
distinctive styles and have specific colours customers in the marketplace if it is to function will be resolved without having to go to court,
associated with them. effectively as a trademark. It helps if the as the infringing party will often want to settle
Trademarks can also include shapes, trademark does not directly describe the goods or out of court rather than incur all of the costs
signatures, numerals, even scents and sounds services to which the mark is applied, as a involved in litigation;
– anything, which identifies your business or ‘descriptive’ trademark is very difficult to register • Deterrent - as all trademark applications and
products and distinguishes you from your as a trademark. Some of the best and most registrations are available for searching on
competitors. memorable trademarks in the automotive the Trademarks Register, it can deter third
Even if you are using your own name you industry are ones that are either invented or parties from adopting the same or similar
may still be using it as a trademark – i.e. as a otherwise do not describe the relevant mark;
sign to distinguish your business from your goods/services directly such as Recaro seats, • Statutory protection - the use of a registered
competitors in the marketplace. Champion spark plugs and Bridgestone tyres. trademark in respect of the goods or services
If you make and sell automotive parts, then that it covers cannot infringe any other
you may be using a number of trademarks – Search first, adopt a trademark later trademark registration.
including your main trademark (or ‘house’ mark Before a business commits to using a • Business asset - a trademark registration is a
– think Ford, Holden) and additional trademarks trademark, it should always check to ensure that recognised business asset that can be
for the specific products that you sell (think its use of the mark will not infringe any earlier included within your company’s identifiable
Falcon, Commodore, Mondeo, Barina). trademark registrations. This can be done by assets for valuation purposes, or sold to
If the product that you make is a distinctive conducting a search of the trademarks register to another party.
shape or colour that is recognised in the determine whether anyone has registered the
industry by reference to that shape or colour, same or similar trademark in relation to the Look after your trademark.
then you may also be using that shape or colour goods or services that the business intends to What do kerosene, trampoline and zipper all
as a trademark. provide, or any similar goods or services. have in common? Answer: They were once all
Once a business realises that it is using a The Australian trademarks register is trademarks!
trademark in the marketplace or if a new available online ( and If you create a new trademark for a product
trademark is being contemplated, there are a lists all Australian trademark registrations and or service, it is important to ensure that you
number of simple but important steps that it pending applications. always use the trademark as a trademark and not
can take to properly protect the mark and avoid Searching is however quite complex and care simply as the descriptive name of the product.
infringing anyone else’s trademark rights in the should be taken to identify all similar marks, The mark should always be identified as an
marketplace: including phonetically similar marks registered adjective such as Hoover vacuum cleaners or

20 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Xerox photocopiers, together with the symbol ® or ™, to register it as a trademark as soon as it is created,
which identify registered or unregistered trademarks. rather than waiting until the mark has been used for
There is however no standard or prescription when some time.
it comes to identifying the status of your trademark In many cases, a business will use a trademark for
and you may prefer to use an appropriate notation on a number of years and only think to register it once In the September edition, the
your packaging to achieve this, for example “XYZ123 they discover someone infringing their trademark article titled ‘Autolite back in
is a trademark of ……. Pty Ltd”. rights. business’ had an incorrect phone
The important thing to remember is not to Whilst common law or reputation-based rights can number listed. This was because
misrepresent the status of your trademark. be relied upon in such a case, these rights are the incorrect phone number was
It is an offence under the Trademarks Act to generally harder to enforce and provide less of a supplied.
indicate that a mark is registered when in fact it is not. deterrent than a trademark registration. The phone number should have
As you can see, most of the important details As a trademark is the one thing that distinguishes read 02 9457 0060. The Australian
regarding a trademark occur before you even start your products or services most from your competitors, Automotive Aftermarket magazine
using the trademark. it is worthwhile taking a moment to ensure that your apologises for any inconvenience
Practically speaking, it is preferable to ensure that trademark is indeed roadworthy before you let it loose caused.


a trademark is safe to use and that you have applied on the highway.

VACC, the peak automotive industry body in Victoria, says the Careers Expo was a positive experience.
VACC is reputedly the largest employer of automotive apprentices Auto Apprentice Team Leader, Rob Walker, said.
in Victoria and this year, the VACC manned its biggest ever stand at the “Maybe the effects of the global financial slowdown have made
three day event at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre. pupils focus on the importance of finding a decent job.
Hundreds of school leavers took the opportunity to visit the display, “But for whatever reason, this year it was evident that school leavers
which included a V8 Supercar and a modified Celica street car, are taking their careers as seriously as we are.”
compliments of Autosalon magazine. Mr Walker said it was interesting to hear that the automotive
While the vehicles helped draw a crowd, it was the prospect of industry is considered to be dynamic and exciting.
future employment in the Australian automotive industry that proved “According to the feedback we received, the automotive industry is
to be the hot topic. recognised as hi-tech and that it provides employment opportunities for
“The automotive industry is a fantastic career opportunity and we the computer savvy,” he said.
were pleasantly surprised by the number of genuine enquiries,” VACC “This could also explain why there was a noticeable increase in the
number of females who came forward to ask about a career in the auto
VACC General Manager, IR, OHS and Training, Leyla Yilmaz, said
the organisation recognises the importance of investing in future skills
development and remains committed to training and apprentices.
“VACC is well placed to help apprentices find a career in the
automotive industry.
“We have nearly 500 current Apprentices with host employers.
“If you are considering a career as an auto-apprentice, why not
contact us to find out more about it,” Ms Yilmaz said.
For more information about a VACC Auto Apprenticeship, visit the


Proex Automotive has been servicing the automotive industry for well over 30 years.
Proex is Australia’s leading exhaust range and value along with staff who also
wholesaler distributing its Redback brand of offer vast experience and expertise in
products along with various other products. providing unsurpassed customer service.
As of August 3, Proex (Vic) has acquired Proex will continue to offer the most
the business of Meltow Industries and will comprehensive range of automotive
proudly distribute the Meltow range of product products that include – exhaust, brakes,
including the well known Trailboss brand of suspension, performance, towbars,
Towbars, all under the Proex Automotive Remus Performance exhaust systems,
banner. catalytic converters, Universal mufflers,
The new warehouse is located at 99-111 headers, truck and heavy duty, and a The Proex Automotive Parts Hotline is
Monash Drive, Dandenong South. complete range of accessories to suit all 1300 669 122 and the website is
Proex continues to offer service, quality, ranges.

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 21

New DIY packs

Pacer Auto Products has serviced the motor
vehicle, marine and aviation industries in
Australia since 1996.
With a strong relationship forged with the
Malco Presta Corporation in the USA the
company has kept abreast of technology
changes, enabling it to introduce innovative
products and techniques to make businesses
more efficient.
Malco Presta products have been used by
automotive detailing and refinishing
professionals throughout the world, for more
than 50 years, according to Pacer Auto
Products. use on all types of wheels. Brake dust, grease, vertical application. Its rich foam formula dries
One size does not fit all because oil and dirt are quickly dissolved, leaving quickly. This makes cleaning of carpeting and
equipment, users and their needs are not all wheels bright and shiny. seat bottoms fast and easy.
the same. Presta Tar and Bug Remover makes The range of Malco Air Fresheners contains
So the company has introduced a retail removing debris from windshields, hoods, Ordenone, a deodorising ingredient that is an
range of the same trade quality washes, waxes, bumpers and grills fast and easy. effective odour eliminator.
and polishes, dressings and cleaners to suit the Presta Ultra Wash and Wax foams like a Malco Wipe On Gel Tyre Dressing is a
DIY automotive enthusiast. liquid car wash, makes water sheet and roll off premium, water-based dressing. This easy to
The launch of these new packs in Australia the finish and leaves a ‘just-waxed’ look that use, wipe-on quick drying formula keeps the
via Pacer Auto Products offers retailers a real lasts through several car washings. It also has a dressing on the tyre and minimises the potential
‘professional’s choice’ for their customers. wild berry scent. Dilute 1:128. Available in for messy sling.
Pacer Auto Products uses the motto 946ml bottles. Malco Nano Care Cleaner Wax is a fast and
‘quality has no finish line’ and the product Malco Clean and Shine powers away grease, easy way to restore great gloss and protection
range is listed below: grime and dirt from leather, vinyl and plastic to aged and oxidised automotive panels. It
Presta Best Wax is a premium wax. It is while restoring a rich, satiny gloss to the provides long-lasting protection against acid
designed to enhance and create dazzling gloss surface. In just one step. rain, detergent washings, industrial fallout and
and colour depth on automotive finishes. This Malco Instant Out Spot and Stain Remover the harsh environment.
Carnauba wax-based silicone formula seals and is highly effective on both oil and water-based Malco Nano Care Polishing Crème is a one-
protects cured paint against environmental stains. step polish, specially formulated for dark
damage. Malco Imperial Paste Wax provides long- coloured vehicles, creates deep gloss and a
Presta Nano Glass Cleaner is a ready-to-use lasting protection with a durable shine. glass-like finish. Nano Care Polishing Crème
formula using advanced nano polymers to Malco Nano Care Aqua Wax is ready-to-use features easy-on/easy-off.
penetrate pores and power away dirt and grime and works great on wet or dry surfaces Malco Nano Care Banana Crème Wax is a
for a deep down clean. Great on glass, mirrors, producing fantastic gloss quickly. fast and easy way to provide long-lasting
stainless steel and chrome for a sparkling, Malco Nano Care Spray Wax uses advanced environmental and UV protection to automotive
streak-free finish. nano-technology to provide both waxing and finishes in just one step. This unique product
Presta Ammonia Free Aerosol Glass Cleaner dressing of surfaces in just-one-step. uses the most technologically advanced
cuts through dirt and film to leave glass, Malco Aero Thunder powers through heavy materials available, combining nano-sized
chrome and most other hard surfaces clean and grease and grime. This strong all-purpose polishing agents and waxes, amino-functional
streak-free. cleaner is designed to remove a wide variety of silicones, dual functional UV absorbers, silicone
Presta Leather and Vinyl Cleaner removes soils from both hard and soft surfaces. resin and polymers.
grease, grime and soils from leather, plastic Malco Blue Blazes All Purpose Dressing Presta Spray ‘N Shine is a premium vehicle
and vinyl. The powerful penetrating formula produces a high-gloss shine on all tyres, plastic, appearance enhancer. This easy-to-use product
cleans down to the pores, restoring a ‘like-new’ rubber and vinyl. Blue Blazes dries quickly to a will quickly remove fingerprints and dirt and
appearance and leaving the surfaces clean, non-sticky gloss and helps prevent fading, leave an attractive shine on any non-porous
film-free and shiny. shrinking and cracking. painted surface.
Presta Leather Conditioner cleans and Malco PB-2 Multi-Purpose Emulsion Malco Showroom Shine quickly removes
conditions fine leather. This premium formula Dressing is a premium performance dressing dust, smudges and fingerprints from auto
revives and softens aged or soiled leather that protects and beautifies vinyl, rubber, finishes and leaves a bright, glossy, protective
without leaving it greasy or slick. leather and plastic surfaces. shine. Showroom Shine can be used to clean
Presta Metal Polish advanced metal Malco Perfect 10 conditions and protects and shine all glass, metal and exterior painted
restoration polish is designed to remove surface vinyl, plastic, leather, rubber, metal and wood surfaces and is specially designed for the ‘spot
oxidation, brake dust and oily soils from all surfaces. A special blend of silicones and fast- delivery’ needs of car dealerships.
vehicular metalwork. drying solvents make treatment of surfaces fast
Presta Non-Acid Wheel and Tyre Cleaner: and easy. For more information visit the Pacer Auto website
The powerful, non-hydrofluoric cleaners in Tyre Malco Foaming Upholstery and Carpet (, email [email protected]
and Wheel Cleaner make this product safe for Cleaner Aerosol features a special nozzle for or phone customer service on 02 9647 2056.

22 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Bilstein Gas B4
The genuine article beats any copy. As the
inventor of the first mono-tube gas pressure
shock absorber for series production based on
the ‘de carbon principle’, Bilstein has been
making the genuine articles since 1954.
The expertise and innovative performance
that the company has continuously displayed
since then gives the black springs from Bilstein
their big quality bonus.
And this bonus is reflected in greater safety
for braking maneuvers, load changes and
difficult road conditions.
The B4 gas offers an OEM-quality spare part
for almost every vehicle.
Product advantages at a glance include the
100 percent Bilstein gas pressure technology,
constant damping force, high performance
reserves and OEM quality.
Whether in the fields of motor sports, OE performance suspension systems on the years, and is proud to distribute the Bilstein
equipment or tuning, the name of Bilstein is domestic and international scene. range of shock absorbers.
synonymous with top quality maximum This is verified in no uncertain manner by the Bilstein also complements Imparts already
results of surveys conducted by Motorpresse extensive range of quality OEM parts for
Stuttgart, the leading international publishers in European vehicles, which includes other world
the automotive field-including the journals Auto leaders such as Bosch, Textar Friction, LuK
Motor Und Sport, Motorsport Aktuell and Sport Clutch and Hengst filtration to name a few.
Auto which serve to underline the fact that Imparts group General Manager, Ed Long,
Bilstein is the leading brand with the best said that since being offered the Bilstein range
quality in the sphere of sports suspension of shocker absorbers six years ago, it has been a
systems. “partnership of success”.
Bilstein heads the field in all respects, be it He commented that the product sells itself,
in terms of manufacturing quality, reliability, and added that the B4 direct replacement range
technological advancement or success in motor gave the price conscious customer a shock
sports, the Bilstein brand delivers what it absorber at a fair and realistic price without
promises. compromising quality and performance.
There is one thing you can rely on: Bilstein
will go on building the world’s best sport Imparts European stores are located in all
suspension systems and sport shock absorbers capital cities throughout Australia at nine
in the future as well. convenient locations, and can be found by
Imparts European has been importing calling 1300 IMPARTS or visiting the web site
European parts into Australia for more than 30



Enjoy the journey

If peace and quiet is high on the priority list then
you’ll adore the Futuris in-car entertainment
system which can be seamlessly installed into
Ford and Holden Australian made vehicle’s head
You’ll love the versatility of the unit
which plays DVD, CD, MP3, VCD and
external drive video games, and its tri-audio
technology allows the entire vehicle to have
their own entertainment zone as well as
offering playback through the cars audio
They are available from all Ford and
Holden dealerships and retail from $1850. Transmitters are fitted inside the tyre Meanwhile, the Futuris Battery Isolator
Futuris is also keeping tyre pressures valve that sense the pressure inside the tyre. is now available to keep car batteries
safe and fuel costs down with its Tyre This then transmits the pressure charged up and stress levels down.
Pressure Monitor (TPMS). information data to the LCD monitor by RF The Futuris Battery Isolator protects
Under-inflated tyres use extra fuel and technology. the cars starting battery from fully
create excessive heat build-up that can The system monitors each tyre discharging, ensuring you can always start
damage tyres leading to tyre failure and individually and has a fifth sensor option for the engine.
possible blowout. Tyres with low air the spare wheel. Providing piece of mind for your family,
pressures also skid more easily. It informs the driver of the exact this product is an absolute must for
Correct tyre pressure will ensure temperature and pressure of each tyre. anyone wanting to get away camping.
optimum fuel efficiency, lessening your The LCD monitor is installed directly into You’ll be able to take all the little
carbon footprint and ensuring safe driving the car meaning no more getting out of the powered luxuries along without draining
in all weather conditions. car at petrol stations or dirtying hands to the starting battery.
Keeping tyres at the correct pressure check the pressure. The company guarantees engine starts
increases tyre tread life too. The monitoring display automatically first time, every time.
Futuris teamed up with global leading checks each tyre for proper inflation and The Futuris Battery Isolator retails from
Schrader International to design a system, will alert if low or excessive pressure is $225 and is available at Ford and Holden
which is easy to install and use. detected. dealerships.
TPMS is designed to monitor the air The Futuris TPMS retails from $375, Finally, never be left out in the dark
pressure inside your car tyres, reporting ‘real can be professionally installed in around an again with the Futuris Auto Lights system.
time’ pressure information directly to the hour and is available from all Ford No more forgetting to put on the
driver via a clear, clean LCD display. dealerships. headlights when driving into a tunnel, the
garage or carpark, because the Futuris
Auto lights system adjusts to every
weather condition, including day to night
and even remembers to turn off the lights
after your safely indoors.
As well as turning your lights on, the
system also detects moisture in the
atmosphere, which then controls the
intermittent wiper setting keeping your
vision clear.
How does it work? The auto lights
system uses photocell to measure ambient
light conditions and automatically
controls the vehicles lighting.
Easy to install into your car, this kit will
keep you safe from morning till night,
come rain or shine.
As environmental light conditions
change so do the lights, which retail from

For more information on any of these

products, visit or
call 1800 035 694.

24 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


iPhone Car Kit

With the iPhone hotter than ever, car enthusiastists around the world are talking about the
Parrott MKi 9200, the ultimate car kit accessory.
This state of the art product features a 2.4” and a wireless remote control, you’ll be
screen size, supported memory media and impressed by the car kit’s attention to
wireless technology. detail.
If you own an iPhone, then this exceptional When it comes to playing music,
car kit is a must. the MKi9200 built-in digital amplifier
Boasting superior audio quality, voice transforms your vehicle into a concert
recognition and the ability to connect to a wide arena, allowing you to experience your
range of music sources, this product is an all favourite tracks at your convenience.
round winner. One of the highlights of the product would simply need to attach your Bluetooth phone to
Not only does it provide hands-free calling have to be the voice recognition process, which the unit and it will automatically connect as soon
via your car’s speakers, but it also connects to a recognises the name you are saying without any as you've hit the power button.
range of music devices, including iPods, prior teaching process. Complete with wide Once connected, the LCD screen will display
iPhones, USB keys, MP3 players, A2DP compatibility and perfect integration, as soon as your phone's network and a reception bar
Bluetooth devices and anything featuring a you try this product, you’ll never look back. indicator.
standard line-in jack. The MKi9200 needs to be installed by a Allowing you the flexibility to make personal
Although it might seem quite high tech, the professional, which takes around an hour-and-a- and business calls, listen to music and watch
MKi9200 is a simple device. half, but it will be money well spent. video clips, you'll be in your element.
Consisting of five main components, The installation is screw and hole free, which
including an amplifier that is installed inside gives you the flexibility to remove it at your For more information on the Parrott MKi 9200,
your dashboard, an external duel microphone, a leisure. which retails for $479, visit
colour display, and an iPod USB/line-in cable To bring the MKi9200 up to speed, you or phone 1300 792 044.

Nulon leads the industry

Following on from the hugely successful launch of its award-winning Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid, Nulon has now
released a new technology in power steering fluid.
Covering a multitude of specifications, Nulon’s 100 The product’s labels make it an easy choice for all, with
percent Synthetic Multi Vehicle Power Steering Fluid heralds the requirements clearly marked on the bottle like below.
a new generation of advanced technology to the Australian Nulon’s Multi Vehicle Power Steering Fluid completes a
market. comprehensive line up with the traditional Power Steering
The 100 percent synthetic formulation not only provides Fluid and Power Steering Fluid with Stop Leak Formula,
suitability for most power steering systems, but provides designed to meet all budget, mechanical and high
extreme performance and protection benefits for motorsport performance needs.
and performance driving.
The new synthetic blend offers the ultimate in anti wear For more information on Australia’s fastest growing lubricants
protection often needed in the hot Australian climate; this company give Nulon a call on 1800 679 922 or visit
also benefits driver performance with reduced steering
vibration and shudder and provides a quieter feedback.



Pedders suspension parts

Pedders has added new part numbers to its Sports Ryder eXtreme Coil Over Kits for a number of vehicles.
Part number 160040 is for the BMW E90 rear shock mount to suit the Ford
2005-on sedan/coupe and part number 160086 Falcon/Fairland models from 2002-2008.
is for the Chevrolet Camaro (2009-on). Featuring a voided rubber bush metallastic
Part number 160045 is for the Nissan Pulsar design, the 5894 rear shock mounts are great
N15 1995-2000 sedan/hatch part number for reduced NVH.
160048 for the Nissan Skyline R33/34 94-03 The 5894 suits the Pedders Suspension
GTR AWD and part number 160050 suits the replacement shocks for this vehicle.
Subaru Liberty BL sedan and BP wagon from Also recently released are the 580047 and
2003 onwards. 580048 strut mounts to suit the Holden Astra,
These Pedders shocks have alloy steel Barina, Vectra and Zafira models.
motorsport coil springs, high grade aluminium Featuring an OE style heavy-duty bonded
spring seats, integrated dust boot to minimise rubber design, there strut mounts come
contamination and protect the shaft and seal, complete with a replacement thrust bearing.
30 position adjustable bump and rebound These are an ideal replacement for the
damping and a fully threaded monotube body. original unit that can be prone to failure while
And Pedders now has Sports Ryder Lowered providing good noise suppression and returns the
Springs in stock for Honda Accord 2008- ride height from sagged original mounts.
ownwards CU/CP Euro and Vti four-cylinder cars. And last but not least, Pedders has officially caravan, boat, car, motorbike or trailer.
Part number 220030 is for the front and part released the EP1110 Urethane Wheel Chock. They also make for a handy addition to any
number 220031 is for the rear. Pedders As the name suggests, it is made from automotive workshop due to their oil and grease
produces its coil springs to the highest possible urethane and features a honeycomb design, resistance.
standards following QS9001 requirements. making it easier to pick up and to move it for the
Meanwhile, Pedders has recently expanded perfect wheel chocking position. For more information on any of these products
its range of rubber shock mounts. These wheel chocks are ideal for the home contact your local Pedders Suspension specialist
Of special interest comes the Pedders 5894 handyman and are great for chocking the or visit

Stylish fluorescent lamps

Round, oval, square, oblong or slim line, the selection is yours within
the new and exciting range of fluorescent lamps released by Narva.
Modern stylish
designs have been
created to meet a wide
variety of applications
within the caravan and
motor home market plus
commercial vehicle
applications as both 12
and 24-volt lamps are
The lamps feature
different wattage
fluorescent tubes from
single nine watt to 22
watt with some twin
tube lamps also
Depending on the
lamp selected, switching can be simply on/off or on/off/door switching
to allow the lamp to be wired to illuminate once a door is opened.
Aesthetically pleasing opal lenses are also fitted to the three,
slimline, low-profile lamps, which range in length from 410mm to
The new Narva fluorescent lamps are available from leading
automotive and transport outlets throughout Australia with
recommended retail prices starting from $40.

For more information visit

30 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Fanning winds of change

One of the most important items of an air
conditioning system is the electric fan.
There are a variety of electric fans on the
market all declaring to achieve various standards
of performance.
In some cases, an electric fan’s
‘performance’ specifications fall well short of the
product’s ‘actual’ performance and in some
instances with catastrophic results, according to
company Davies, Craig.
The old adage, ‘you only get what you pay for’
is never more prevalent when it comes to
purchasing an electric fan.
An electric fan’s performance specifications
are pivotal to the acceptable operation and life
of an engine and the satisfactory performance of
an air conditioning system.
It’s important to buy electric fans from
reputable suppliers with a long and proven track
record in the industry who support their product
lines with excellent after-sales service, written,
unconditional warranty and technical support.
In 1971, belt-driven fans were the only market need and its ongoing investment in Thermatic Fan so they literally set the standards
option for automotive cooling. Searching for a research and development ensures it continues in quality and performance.
more efficient method, Australian engineers to provide better and more efficient products. In 1994 Davies, Craig became a Quality
Daryl Davies and Bill Craig created the The company’s facilities include a fully Endorsed Company, reaching Australian
Thermatic Fan. computerised wind tunnel and balancing Standards' ISO 9002:1994 in production,
Davies, Craig was formed to manufacture the machine, which provides a fan performance installation and servicing. This qualification was
new electric fans, and has since developed a measurement service to the industry. upgraded to ISO 9001:2000.
comprehensive range that now cover most An electronically controlled cooling system, Service and support is Davies, Craig’s
automotive and air conditioning applications. complete with radiator, fan, Electric Water Pump commitment to the industry.
Technology creating solutions has been a and programmed heat source, simulates the You'll find customer service is the first
trademark of Davies, Craig over the past forty daily conditions experienced by any car on the priority at Davies, Craig, with the entire Davies,
years and the ability to quickly adapt to the road. Craig team working together to satisfy your
specific engine cooling requirements of both Whatever your automotive cooling needs, automotive cooling needs.
new and existing customers has been a major Davies, Craig has an electric fan, viscous clutch When you approach Davies Craig, the
factor in this Australian company’s success. fan, transmission oil cooler, electric water pumps company pledges that your inquiries will be
Today Davies, Craig tailor-made cooling and a comprehensive range of cooling promptly answered, and you'll have a cooling
systems are supplied to automotive technology products to manage most engine solution in your hands as soon as possible.
manufacturers and the aftermarket throughout cooling requirements.
the world. Quality and setting the standards is a high For more information contact Davies, Craig on
Davies, Craig was established to satisfy a priority at Davies, Craig, who created the 03 9369 1234

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 31

Valuable lighting guide

The ultimate test to check out the claims made by automotive lighting companies on the performance of their product is to mount the lights on a vehicle and
take a long night drive on demanding roads covering a range of different conditions.
For the average consumer endeavouring to this exercise were a Toyota Prado
make the right choice of lamp for their vehicle and Toyota Land Cruiser. A
and style of driving, this suggestion is not selection from the range of Narva
altogether practical. Not too many retailers we auxiliary lamps was chosen to
know would be keen to let you take a range of represent Australia’s top selling
expensive lamps from their store on the basis halogen lamps through to the latest
that after an exhaustive trial you might buy a set. High Intensity Discharge (HID)
With the range of lamps available and the models just released. Comparisons
variety of options in size, shape, beam patterns, were made between standard
light output and colour, tests such as this are headlamp lighting as we know it
none the less important to ensure that you select along with Narva Models 175, 225,
the ultimate lamp for your purpose. With this in and Extreme driving lamps with the
mind Australia’s leading automotive lighting options of standard halogen,
company Narva has done the testing for you in halogen blue plus the ultimate HID.
front of a band of leading motoring journalists For the testing and demonstration,
and here are the results. care was taken to select a road that
The testing was conducted in Lancefield, had a long straight, (in this case 1.3 kilometres vehicle and style of night driving. As an example,
northern Victoria in an area that offered ideal in length) with typical bush lining each side. the supporting photographs illustrate the
made and unmade roads, winding passages and Practical field tests such as these provide a vehicle's standard headlamps; the new Ultima
long straight runs with tree lined sections and a valuable reference guide for motorists as each 225 Halogen (225 mm round lamp) which is
high overhanging canopy. It was a region that beam pattern is carefully checked in the lighting taking the world by storm, plus the ultimate in
provided the perfect conditions replicating those laboratory and illustrated on the respective Narva lighting, the Ultima 225 H.I.D version.
we all face in highway and country night driving. light packaging. They are invaluable in assisting
For ease of mounting the vehicles used in motorists to simply select the best light for their For more information visit

32 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Old school oil

Boutique oil and lubrications company, Martini Racing, has just launched a range of hot rod oils for
older engines.
Marketed under the name Redneck, the oils prolongs engine life and increases engine
are zinc enriched specifically for ‘old school’ efficiency.
engines. Mr Cuschieri said Martini Racing makes
“All of the late model cars have the zinc specialised products for the performance and
removed because they don’t need it but the older motorsport markets and offers the right advice.
ones still do,” Martini Racing Chief Executive “The people behind the counter at generic
Officer, Tony Cuschieri, explained. automotive retail shops don’t know what you
“There are millions of older cars out there, should run because they are not trained the
but the owners have to buy additives to keep types of oil required for these sorts of cars,” he Redneck is suitable for cars made up until
their cars running, which is ridiculous, because said. the mid-1990s and comes in R40, R50 and
other oils don’t cater for older engines. “We are a special lubrication company and R60 in five litre containers.
“But once motorists use Redneck, they just we give customers the right advice.
love the stuff.” “Even if they don’t end up buying product For more information on Redneck or Martini
Redneck is also enhanced with SuperLube from us, if they listen to us their cars will run Racing visit or call
Technology, which helps reduce engine wear, better.” 03 9763 0977.

Alloy performance head

Yella Terra has announced the limited release of the new Dash 2 alloy performance head to suit early carby style Holden engines.
Developed through Manufactured from • Average of .250” port wall thickness for
years of intense lightweight alloy the heads custom porting
competition in the are fitted with high-grade • Over 50 percent lighter than factor iron
Commodore Cup race valve seat inserts making heads
series, the new Dash-2 them perfect for LPG and • Flow over 30 percent better than the
Yella Terra alloy head suits ULP applications. standard heads
high performance Holden Assemblies are fitted • No block relief required for larger valves
253 and high torque 308 with new contemporary • Direct Bolt on- Larger port configuration
street applications. conical oval wire valve maintains the original position therefore no
Designed as a direct springs and Chromoly inlet manifold valley spacers are required (as
bolt on to early carby style retainers ideally suited to seen in Dash 3 heads)
Holden V8s, the Dash-2 hydraulic flat tappet and • Holden exterior design with totally revised
features re-designed ports roller cams. ports and water jackets for improved
and moderate valve sizes This well-known cooling, reliability and performance.
for maximum gas velocity performance product will If your aim is to build a 253 street screamer
to deliver excellent throttle transform your vehicle with or a stump pulling 308 based torque monster
response and torque in more free revving power, then the Dash-2 head is for you.
small cubic inch V8s. improved performance and
Inlet and exhaust port locations are standard reliability with the following features: For technical specifications or more information
to suit any factory or aftermarket carby style • Excellent flow figures of over 380HP as visit
intake and exhaust manifolds. cast, will over 400+ with porting



GS Boxer Tyre Changer

After making an impressively popular debut on the Repco stand at the 2009 Australian Automotive
Aftermarket Expo, the new generation in tyre changers has now entered the Australian market, the GS
Boxer Tyre Changer.

Manufactured with outstanding quality centre-type turntable enables the technician to

standards by Snap-On Equipment (Boxer), this handle different tyres conveniently, even when
new lever-less tyre changer ensures that dealing with wheels that require reverse
expensive wheel rims are not in any way mounting.
contacted during tyre and wheel changes. This Each GS Boxer tyre changer arrives with an
is achieved using a state of the art laser-guided integrated wheel lift to further facilitate easy
demount tool. operation. Additional labour saving features
The GS Boxer tyre changer range is include “Zip Lock” centre clamping of the
exclusive to Repco Equipment and offers tyre wheel, a dual position bead breaker, pneumatic
specialists, general automotive repairers and bead assist and top side bead inflation.
racing operations the ability to replace tyres The introduction of the GS Boxer lever-less
quickly, efficiently and safely. This is tyre changer further enhances Repco’s
imperative when wheel sets on some prestige commitment to supplying the automotive
and high performance vehicles represent a workshops of Australia with world leading
significant investment in the overall cost and equipment. Combined with the Federal
driving performance of the car. Government’s 50 percent capital investment
The GS Boxer lever-less tyre changer tax break, there has never been a better time to
features varying turntable speeds, depending invest in your business.
on critical phases such as tyre bead breaking
or when pulling the tyre bead over the flange of To find out more, contact your local Repco store
a wheel rim. Vertical adjustments on the on 133 227.

34 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


New Mothers PowerCone

Crow Cams products
The new PowerCone compliments the existing range of Mothers power products.
Hydraulic roller cam
Used with a cordless drill, the The company has also released a new conversions on flat tappet
PowerCone easily reaches in to those pack for its Clay Bar, consisting of two V8 engines are rapidly
hard to get spots when polishing metals clay bars, a microfibre towel and increasing in popularity due
such as aluminium, brass and copper. Showtime for great value. to their combination of
It is able to get in to wheel stud holes Created to remove the particulate excellent power and torque
and also large flat areas. When used with debris and contaminants that washing
and quite no maintenance
the Mothers Power Metal polish, metal and polishing can’t, Mothers says the
lustre is quickly restored. exclusive Clay Bar system will remove
The Mothers Power Metal Polish embedded grains of metal, tree sap, Crow Cams have always had
draws upon the company’s legendary airborne environmental deposits and an excellent range of hydraulic
metal polish formulas. paint overspray. roller cam profiles for Ford
This liquid metal polish can be used Better yet, the clay bar isn’t Cleveland and Windsor V8s.
either by hand or with the revolutionary hazardous to paint and is just firm Until now matching hydraulic
Mothers PowerBall and PowerCone enough to pick up the bad stuff, without roller lifters to suit these conversions have not been
polishing tools. being too aggressive. available from Crow.
Mothers PowerMetal polish is great The Mothers Clay Bar can be used to Crow has now announced the release of new hydraulic
for all polishable metals, including get rid of paint fouling grime and pave roller lifters (pictured) to suit Ford V8 roller cam
aluminium, brass, stainless steel, gold, the way for complete waxing. conversions.
silver and more. The MLH Range saw two new These lifters (part number 5351H) are a heavy-duty tie
additions, large microfibre towels in a bar design built to last in the USA and feature CNC
pack of 10 and twin pack foam machined billet bodies, hard wearing 9310 rollers and
applicators late last year, which durable, accurate ball, seat and spring oil metering.
complement the Mothers product range.
And fine tuning LS1 cam timing has just got a whole lot
The foam pad applicators are great for
easier with the release of a single row billet Vernier timing
applying a number of Mothers products
gear from the company.
including Tire Shine, Wax and Interior
The Vernier gear (pictured) allows up to five degrees of
advance or retard quickly and easily making it an excellent
This product featured on the
successful television series Chrome on development tool for new cam and tuning combinations and
Channel 7 and the company has received also an easy cam adjustment tool when the complete gear
many requests on these products since. set is not being replaced.
The MLH large microfibre towels have Adjustment is achieved using caps screws over specially
been well received by detailers, smash designed washers to prevent tension loss.
repairers and hobbyists because of their The cam gear is a three-bolt design suitable for all LS1
large 800x400 size. and LS6 engines.
From removing light dust to final The LS1 Vernier gear is available now under part number
clean up after waxing, they have proved CS8LS1-SRV from Crow Cams stockists throughout
exceptional value to users. Australia and New Zealand.
For more information on these products contact Crow Cams at
For more information contact Mothers on email [email protected] or phone 03 9357 0469.
02 9714 0900



Link Automotive
World first Bosch
Link Automotive stocks a range of brands, including Nismo.
The material used to create Nismo Suspension
ABS catalogue
Links is the same that is employed in genuine Nissan The 2009/2010 Bosch ABS
suspensions, ensuring factory-like fitment. catalogue is now available.
The angular cross section of genuine Nissan
suspension links, despite a thin wall thickness, This catalogue is a world first
provides excellent stretch, twist and fatigue for the aftermarket, containing
resistance. listings for hydraulic units,
The high rigidity allows Nismo suspension links to electronic control units and
have a long life span and, when used for normal wheel-speed sensors.
driving conditions, rarely require replacement. Practical application and
Nismo suspension links are fitted with braking performance for both street and product technical information is
Nismo reinforced rubber bushes (where race driven vehicles. a key feature of the new Bosch
applicable). Give your car the competitive ABS catalogue.
These bushes are also available edge with Motul RBF 660.
individually. The Nismo reinforced Last but not least, the BMC air-
rubber bush provides the filter range in available.
optimum level of deflection The Carbon Dynamic Air box
without restricting suspension (CDA) is a revolutionary air filter
motion, resulting in linear that is ideal for high performance
driving performance. and racing applications (track and
Also available is the Motul street).
brand. Made from genuine carbon fibre,
Motul RBF 660 is a 100 the CDA is a strong, yet ultra
percent synthetic racing brake lightweight, air filter system which can
fluid - DOT 4. increase both your engine power and fuel
It can be used for all types of brake economy.
and clutch actuators requiring non-silicone Thanks to the dynamic air intake, you get a real
synthetic fluid and can also be used with conventional supercharging system that conveys fresh air to the air
steel rotors and clutch systems. box at a speed greater than a traditional system.
RBF660 has the highest dry boiling point of any These are available from your local Autobarn or
DOT 4 rated brake fluid and has been specially performance workshop.
designed to perform under the extreme temperatures
generated by racing carbon and ceramic braking For more information or to find your nearest retailer Product technical information,
systems. visit or call Link International on such as design types and
The specifications of RBF 660 result in excellent 07 3382 5000. functions, and fault diagnosis and
repair, including step-by-step
ECU and wheel-speed sensor
replacement guide, are all
Projecta Battery Cable merchandisers included to provide additional
valuable information.
Three new battery cable merchandisers are now available from Projecta to Bosch ABS components are
assist retailers and the trade to better display and store this popular range. now available through
Each merchandiser carries a stock of 20 of the most popular cables aftermarket distributors. So, with
with one combining battery starter and switch starter leads and the other the right diagnostic tools, ABS
two dedicated to either battery starter leads or switch starter leads. repairs can now be part of any
The attractive powder coated steel frame and header come at no cost independent workshop’s service
with the basic stock of leads and re-ordering assisted with the printed offering.
headers showing replacement part numbers and descriptions. The Bosch ABS program
Each merchandiser is designed to complement the other so they can offers a comprehensive range and
be positioned side by side to make an attractive practical display. all components are manufactured
Easily fitted to a showroom gondola or peg board fitting or attached according to original equipment
to the wall within a workshop environment, they take minimal space to specifications, ensuring quality
maximise sales. and reliability.

For a copy of the new catalogue

The new Projecta Battery Cable merchandisers are available from Projecta
contact your local Bosch
distributors throughout Australia, by visiting or by
distributor or call the Bosch
contacting your Projecta State Office.
Customer Service Centre on
1300 30 70 40.



New Kincrome ratchet New generation brake controller

Pro Quip has released the all-new generation Agility
A versatile telescopic ratchet has been released
brake controller from specialist USA maker,
by professional quality tool supplier Kincrome.
Designed to suit many situations the
This is the first solid-state brake
Kincrome ½” Drive Telescopic Ratchet is
controller which introduces a whole range
the ideal companion for getting in and
of performance to the market. It
around engine bays, under vehicles or incorporates advanced inertia accelerometer
accessing those hard to reach areas. technology.
The Agility boasts many advanced features
which mean it requires neither levelling nor adjusting
for safe and smooth stops. It is suitable for two, four and
six wheels systems and all the hardware is included.
The digital settings for power level (gain) and sensitivity
(response) are easy to use and the on-the-fly sensitivity
adjustment of five preset options (full or empty loads or changeable weather).
Also included are digital readouts of five to 99 percent, flexible mounting options,
easy plug-in quick disconnect, and short-proof protected with error code indicating
a short.
Pro Quip’s Martin Haines said the new easy to use brake controller is smart enough
to work in all conditions meaning drivers can now tow with complete confidence.
The telescopic ratchet is easy to use “The complexity of other set-ups is now well gone and this solid-state Agility can
and includes a range of handy features. be relied on to work properly,” he said.
The first is the telescopic shaft, which “The lack of moving parts and built-in sophistication means this is a real next
extends from 290mm to 460mm with six generation component.
optional length settings enabling greater “And the bottom line includes its lifetime warranty; definitely a must-have for
reach and leverage and includes a quick towing.”
release coupler to lock or release the shaft
into place. For more information contact Pro Quip on 03 9761 1110 or visit
The next feature of this ratchet is the
unique flexible head which can be rotated
to any angle within a 180 degree radius,
allowing the drive to pivot back and forth
Delta LED
allowing the user to work at angles in tight
and confined spaces.
work lamps
The ratchet head includes a fine tooth New levels of performance and ultra reliability
ratcheting mechanism with a quick release in rugged LED work lamps have been set with
button to secure and remove sockets the release of the new Narva Delta work lamps.
instantly. Designed for the most demanding
The handle is manufactured from a conditions, the new Delta lamps offer
durable rubberised two-tone grip for user everything that is required to withstand
comfort and maximum torque leverage. the harshest environment.
The Kincrome telescopic ratchet is also This includes a fully sealed die-cast aluminium housing, polycarbonate lens, hard
available in 3/8” and 3/4” drive, with the wired and sealed cable entry plus a 4mm steel heavy duty mounting bracket that
1/2” drive added to compliment the allows the lamp to be tilted 30 degrees up or down from the vertical position.
existing range. Producing 2000 lumens of whiter light in a powerful and focussed beam ideal for
Manufactured from high quality chrome forward illumination, the performance of the lamp is outstanding and offers increased
vanadium steel the telescopic ratchet range safety with less eye strain over longer periods of use.
is the ultimate socket accessory for the The lamps are multi-voltage 9 - 36Volt and have a low current draw of just 1.75A
workshop. at 12Volt and 0.85A at 24 Volt making them suitable for a wide range of applications
The Kincrome Telescopic Ratchet is
requiring performance and durability.
now available from leading automotive,
With long life of 50,000 plus hours, impact and vibration resistant rugged
hardware and industrial stores across
construction, the new series of IP65 rated work lamps are also covered by Narva’s five-
year LED warranty.
Narva Delta LED work lamps with a long range spread beam (Part No. 72467) or
For more information and details of your
nearest stockist visit the Kincrome website flood beam (Part No. 72466) are now available from leading automotive and transport outlets throughout Australia.

For more information visit




Nolathane your hatchback If when driving your vehicle you notice This can be easily rectified with the
a change in its handling behaviour, ride Nolathane IRS kit that can be fitted in two
If your car gets you from A to B, worn quality or even braking abilities, the stages, and adjusts rear wheel camber and
suspension components could not only majority of motorists automatically toe to improve tyre life dramatically.
end up costing you but also create assume it is worn brakes, tyres or shock Fitting Nolathane camber and caster
instability whilst cornering. absorbers. adjusting kits to the front of your Falcon
Many small front wheel drive It is highly likely your vehicle is can improve tyre life significantly.
hatchback vehicles tend to ‘pull’ to the suffering from worn suspension and These kits replace the original mounts
left while driving in a straight line, which steering components. and bushes on the front upper control
actually causes uneven tyre wear and in Suspension bushes are the link arms. Adjustment is via shims that permit
no time you need to replace your tyres between your vehicle and its springs, alignment correction.
which can hit your hip pocket hard. struts and shock absorbers.
Fitting Nolathane’s affordable offset or Suspension bushes provide the
adjustable caster bushes to the lower movement and/or mounting points in
front control arms corrects this problem. your vehicle’s suspension system.
Also your vehicle’s body roll while Hence these suspension components
cornering is managed by a sway/stabiliser can influence both the ride quality,
bar that’s connected by two mounting Fitting Nolathane camber and
steering feel, as well as the grip of the
points and end links to your car’s chassis. tyres, performance of the brakes, and caster adjusting kits to the
It’s quite common for the mounts and stability of the shock absorbers. front of your Falcon can
links to wear or even break which can Should these suspension components
create excess body roll and a more improve tyre life
be worn, an unpredictable and more to
unstable vehicle while cornering. the point unsafe motor vehicle can be the significantly.
In order to keep your car cheap to run, result.
reliable and safe, they key suspension
areas that you should have checked and Save money
maintained regularly are front control
arms, front sway bar mounts, front sway Commodores with Independent Rear
bar links and rear control arms. Suspension that have been lowered or
carry a load suffer from poor wheel Safety
Nolathane your family sedan alignment and resulting uneven rear tyre If your VT-VY Commodore squirms
wear. under braking or pulsates the brake
Whether it’s taking the kids to school, If unaddressed, this results in a ¼ of pedal, then Nolathane has the answer.
holiday highway driving or towing the the tyre’s life being achieved (that’s The original strut rod to chassis bush
boat, worn suspension components can 10,000kms instead of 40,000kms) not to (mounted just below the bottom radiator
not only ruin your trip but put you and mention the cost of frequently replacing support) is a relatively soft hydraulic or
your family’s safety at risk. them. fluid filled bush.

40 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Nolathane your commercial vehicle

If you run a business and rely on your
vehicle to get the job done, neglecting
your vehicles suspension could cost you.
Most likely your vehicle is doing high
mileage and load carrying which are both
primary offenders for wearing suspension
Nolathane suspension bushings are
made tough and offer outstanding
abrasion resistance, high load bearing
capability (4WD’s, utes and towing),
flexibility, increased tensile strength and
chemical resistance to oil, grease, ozone
and weathering.
If you want to keep your company
vehicle and business on the right track, the
key suspension areas that you should have
checked and maintained regularly are the
front control arms, rear trailing arms, rear
spring eye and shackle bushings and front
and rear shock absorber bushings.
This soft bush takes most of the chassis bushes provide improved brake
braking load as the vehicle wants to pedal feel without harshness and
keep moving and the wheel tries to stop. removes the squirming or wandering Nolathane your 4WD
The result is very little feedback under braking. While modern 4WDs have improved,
through the brake pedal and in some You can actually feel the difference! they remain a compromise between ride,
vehicles, even if the front disc rotors are In order to keep you car cheap to run, handling and traction in both on and
in good condition, a pulse can still be reliable and safe, the key suspension offroad situations.
felt through the pedal. areas that you should have checked and Tyre wear on larger 4WDs can be an
While there is camber adjustment on maintained regularly are the front issue, and raising these vehicles can make
these models via a camber pin at the control arms, front strut/radius rod, front the situation worse.
base of the strut leg, there is no caster and rear sway bar mounts, front and Accordingly, many large raised 4WDs
adjustment available. rear sway bar links and rear control suffer from nervous steering and vibration
Nolathane’s replacement strut rod to arms. at highway speeds.
Nolathane suspension bushes
synchronise your 4WD suspension system
for optimal safety, handling and
They are the most positive link
between your vehicle and its springs,
shocks and other suspension components.
Unlike soft rubber bushes, which distort
under braking, cornering or towing loads,
Nolathane bushes maintain alignment
settings and offer complete reliability.
Nolathane is for those who don’t want
to compromise safety and require the best
in suspension performance.
When towing the need for controlled
suspension is even greater. Nolathane
offers greater alignment capabilities
resulting in optimum suspension settings
for improved tyre wear.
Nolathane offset bushes are essential
on raised vehicles to restore caster and
reduce nervous steering at highway

For more information visit

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 41


Auto parts retailer Auto One is riding on the crest of a wave and enjoying one of the most
buoyant periods of its 20-year existence in the Australian automotive aftermarket industry.
In particular, the last 12 months have message and positioning and national
proven to be a boon for the national sponsorship proved to be major winner.
operator, with the success coming from “Auto One was re-engineering our
the implementation of a number of image and we needed to get the message
evolutionary new initiatives. across to our target markets quickly,
Being steered by General Manager, effectively and with a big bang,” he said.
Peter Henry, the new direction started “Our decision to move into ANDRA Pro
back in 2008 with the group re- Series drag racing with a major
positioning themselves in the sponsorship proved to be perfect.
marketplace. “Most of our competitors fight for the
“After years of using a tag line of same space in V8 Supercars but our move
‘getting you into the right gear’, we to drag racing has seen us get excellent
strategically repositioned ourselves into ‘cut-through’ and with drag racing
the market as the auto parts store to go continuing to go ahead in leaps and
to if you needed help and advice,” Mr bounds, the timing was spot on.
Henry explained. “ANDRA Pro Series’ partnership with
“The adoption of our ‘Right Gear – Australia’s new 24 hour sports channel
Right Advice’ positioning was the catalyst ONE HD is catapaulting drag racing’s
for the growth we have achieved over the popularity and exposure to more people
past 12 months. and Auto One’s repositioning messages
“Our research had clearly shown that are enjoying the ride.”
the auto parts consumer was not receiving And it doesn’t stop there, with Mr General Manager, Peter Henry
the level of in-store advice they wanted, Henry explaining that Auto One’s
so along with our 73 store owners, we arrangement with ONE HD extends much with the ANDRA Pro Series, we developed
have gone out to own that space.” further than ANDRA Pro Series a strong relationship with Network Ten
Mr Henry also added that Auto One sponsorship. and ONE HD,” he said.
needed a vehicle to carry the new “By becoming a major stakeholder “This coincided with Auto One
becoming a telecast partner of Ten and
ONE HD’s Formula One telecasts as well as,
for the first time in the group’s history, TV
advertising in all metropolitan cities.

The adoption of our

‘Right Gear – Right Advice’
positioning was the catalyst
for the growth we have achieved
over the past 12 months.

“The results from our media campaign

have so far been astronomical; both for
existing store members and for gaining
new members to Auto One.”
Further initiatives include a significant
investment into a new corporate website
which was due to come online before this
article went to print.

42 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


reside along with an ever-growing

number of east coast distribution people.
“Our Sydney based distribution centre
delivers a seamless supply to all East Coast
Auto One members, with the major
benefit of subsidised freight
arrangements and our ability to reduce
the burden on stores of having to take
large packs from suppliers to achieve
freight economies,” Mr Henry said.
“Also as the DC operates on far lower
margins than traditional wholesale DC’s,
our member buy prices are far lower than
other supply chains.”
Auto One also operates a substantial,
member-owned distribution centre in
Western Australia ensuring the distance
that sometimes effects west coast
businesses is negated.
To ensure that the growth being
achieved by Auto One and its members is
not too overwhelming, the company has
Auto One Orange also implemented a performance
program, conveniently named
The market-leading website provides believe to be the best looking auto parts Performance Improvement Track (PIT).
both Auto One consumers as well as store catalogues around and under a new The program has been compiled in
members with the very latest in distribution plan all of our stores now get partnership with the specialist accounting
technology and a plethora of benefits. their catalogue allocations delivered firm Lawler Partners.
A key focus will be the provision of directly to their consumer’s letterboxes The PIT program delivers
handy tips and advice and an exclusive from one central point.” benchmarking along with a face to face
Auto One Awesome Moment weekly clip It’s no wonder that Auto One’s training, all designed to assist members in
from the ANDRA Pro Series. catalogue sales figures have achieved identifying business potential within their
Auto One’s core marketing tool - its double digit growth so far in 2009. own business.
retail sales catalogues - have also been During Mr Henry’s tenure, Auto One Also included into the program is a full
transformed according to Mr Henry. has also completed a task that has long tool kit of best practice, budgeting
“Retail catalogues like our Father’s Day been one of the group’s visions; examples and templates which all aimed
Sale catalogue are a cornerstone to our combining the National Head Office with to simplify Auto One members’ role as
business so it was important that we also the East Coast Distribution Centre. business owners.
took the time to reinvigorate them,” he Earlier in 2009, Auto One moved from “Auto One has never been stronger,
said. their headquarters in Sydney’s Baulkham we have maintained our mandate and
“We have undertaken a major design Hills to a large, state-of-the-art facility in remain ‘owned by our members for our
change which has created what we Castle Hill, where all National Office staff members’,” Mr Henry said.
“With no corporate entity to feed, all
profits are returned to members through
the best buy prices program and increased
marketing budgets.
“All of this has been achieved without
lifting membership fees, which means the
Auto One model now represents
outstanding returns for members and
places us in a unique position in the
automotive sector.”
When you add up all of these new
initiatives, along with the recently
announced appointment of Wayne
Abbott as National Franchise Manager,
now is the time for any budding person or
existing business to join Australia’s most
evolutionary auto parts chain.

Auto One Warwick For more information visit



an exciting range of
products from these

leading aftermarket
Pages 46 to 63 give details of products and the

fantastic companies behind this Xmas Bonanza.

Email contact details including your name,
business name, phone number together
Make your with the make, model and year of
the car the prizes are to suit.
car a
Superstar email: [email protected]
and state in no more than 25 words why
with these you read Automotive Aftermarket Magazine.

great gifts


1. Competition is open to entries from 16 October 2009 to 8. Judging will be on 9th November 2009 and the winner will be
6th November 2009. announced in the December issue of Aftermarket Magazine.
2. Entry is free and will consist of a name and address of the 9. This offer is not valid in States where it could contravene State
entrant and their nominated 25 words. laws.
4. Entries can only be made through this email facility. 10. The name of the winner will be retained by Automotive
5. One entry per subscription. Aftermarket magazine.
6. Entries are open to all residents of Australia. 11. Automotive Aftermarket magazine is published by
7. All entries received will be judged on merit by Automotive Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association,
Aftermarket magazine to find a winner who will subsequently be Suite 5, 622 Ferntree Gully Road,
sent gifts from the Xmas Bonanza advertisers. Mulgrave, Victoria 3170.



AAAA Industrial, Relations Manager

THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Phone 1300 735 306 Fax 02 9993 9709
Email [email protected]

The HR Advisory Service has received many inquiries from members in regards to
the correct payment scale for trainees within the company. Q: Can we make attendance at these
meetings compulsory if they are outside
Trainees are employees who, as part of Please see below diagram for more the employee’s ordinary hours?
their employment, are completing a information. A: Generally speaking as long as the request
registered traineeship. The below is not unreasonable, an employer can
information is intended to provide Out of Hours Training and Meetings require the employees’ attendance.
guidance to all members to ensure that However each employee has individual
Q: We occasionally have our staff come in circumstances which need to be
trainees are paid the correct rate.
after hours or on their days off to attend considered. For example if an employee
staff training sessions and staff cannot attend the meeting for reasons
What wage level?
meetings. Do we have to pay our such as child caring responsibilities or
Automotive Traineeships are covered by employees for this work? other family commitments then the
Skill Level B of the National Training Wage. A: If the meetings are compulsory then employee should not be disciplined for
Clerical Trainees are covered by skill employees need to be paid for their being unable to attend as this can be
level A. hours in attendance. Employers should seen as discrimination.
Those employees who are completing a be aware that overtime payments or
Certificate II in retail are classified as level weekend penalties may be appropriate Q: We require our staff to undertake a
B, those complying level III are level A. depending on the time of the course which we intend to pay for. As
meetings/training sessions. Minimum we are paying for the course do we still
What is the correct wage? engagements may also be applicable need to pay them for their hours in
under the employee’s relevant award. attendance?
The payment of trainees is worked out
Arrangements such as time off in lieu A: The employee would be entitled to
on a sliding scale based upon the highest
may be permitted if contained in a payment for their hours worked. Given
level of schooling and the number of years
contract or award. that the course is at the direction of the
a trainee has been out of school. Please
see the below case study. employer, the obligation to pay the
If the training or meeting is completely employee still exists. It is possible in
voluntary then the employees would not be some cases to pay for the training but
Case study one entitled to payment for this time as they not for hours worked only if the course
James finished year 10 in 2006. He have not been directed to attend and they or training is undertaken at the
has recently commenced a certificate are there by their own volition. employees’ discretion.
Automotive Tyre Fitting at Rubber Mart
The correct level to pay James is ‘year
10 column and the plus two years out of
school row. Please note that a trainee is a
school leaver in the year they finish school
(late 2006) and also the first year out

Case study two

Bronwyn is completing a traineeship in
business administration at Sean’s Parts.
She completed year 12 in 2008. The
correct level to pay Bronwyn would be as a
‘school level’ that has completed year 12.

DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION YOU REALLY WANT TO ASK? Before acting on any of the information in the above article,
For more information and assistance phone: AAAA HR Hotline on 1300 735 306 or email [email protected] please contact David or any of the friendly team at the AAAA
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64 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


The quiet revolution in Australian braking

Just quietly, a revolution in braking is underway in Australia.
Federal-Mogul’s introduction of its ThermoQuiets have been progressively
Ferodo ThermoQuiet brake pad range to the rolled out globally outside the USA under
Australian aftermarket heralds the arrival in the Ferodo ThermoQuiet brand.
this country of the world’s most IMI is advanced brake shim technology,
technologically advanced brake pad. which eliminates the need for a
No wonder then, that the ThermoQuiet conventional shim.
range has been instantly and The IMI, or ‘one-piece-brake-pad’, is
enthusiastically embraced by the local produced during the manufacturing process
market. and incorporates a thermal under-layer
The Ferodo ThermoQuiet brake pad between the friction material and backing
range represents years of research into plate that is extruded through the backing
quiet, high performance braking, and they plate to form a noise insulator on the back
are the most technologically advanced of the pad, thus the one-piece-brake-pad.
brake pads available in
Integrally Moulded ThermoQuiets have
Insulators (IMI) and been incredibly
Laser-Shaped Friction are popular in the USA
the two key technologies under the Wagner Laser-Shaped Friction technology is used to
behind the ThermoQuiet brand – now available assess the force applied by the calliper during
range, and both these in Australia under the braking.
innovations were created Ferodo ThermoQuiet
in 2001 and 2007 brand.
respectively by Federal- computer model re-designs the face of the
Mogul in the USA. brake pad to the optimal shape to eliminate
However, it is the very noise and vibration at the source.
new combination and The unique shaping better focuses the
unique application of force created by the calliper making the
these technologies that brake pad and system more efficient.
Federal-Mogul claims Federal-Mogul, the makers of Ferodo
makes the ThermoQuiet products, has significant expertise in this
range stand head and area of braking technology, and is regarded
shoulders above competitor pads in terms Instead of having a separate shim or as one of the international masters of
of innovation, performance, reliability and noise insulator, the insulator is built into brake-shaping.
durability. the pad as a one-piece design. In the ThermoQuiet range to suit the
Although their arrival in Australia is This design more efficiently absorbs and Australian market, Ferodo released the IMI
recent, ThermoQuiets have been incredibly dissipates the heat and vibration inherent technology in all parts combined with
popular in the USA since their introduction in the braking system. Laser-Shaped Friction technology in
there under the Wagner brand – the USA’s This reduces heat transfer from the selected fast moving applications.
brake pad market leader. brake pad into the brake components, Each reference in the new range has
extending the life of these been assessed and shaped for optimum
components, and acts as a performance.
noise insulator. The adoption of these two proven
Meanwhile, Laser-Shaped technologies, along with the use of the next
Friction technology is a generation in ceramic friction technology in
process of assessing the force the majority of references, has produced a
applied by the calliper during brake pad that is not only quiet, but
braking and its impact on the extremely clean.
mating surface of the brake The combined technologies in the
pad and disc. Ferodo ThermoQuiet brake pad range
The tool used is called a provide the fitter with the confidence of a
Laser Vibrometer and is globally accepted and proven product along
Ferodo ThermoQuiet basically an analysis of the with the following features guaranteed to
pads and packaging. whole braking system of a improve customer satisfaction.
vehicle to identify where the
propensity for noise can For more information visit
originate. or call 1300
Once analysed, a complex FERODO (1300 337636).

66 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Century Batteries –
Your first choice for stored energy solutions!
Century batteries is reputedly Australia’s oldest and most recognised battery manufacturer with a proud
history of designing, manufacturing and supplying batteries in Australia since 1928.
In this time the company has developed
the engineering expertise and state-of-the-
art manufacturing processes to produce a
range of superior quality batteries better
suited to Australia’s hotter climate and
harsh working conditions.
Australia’s climate and extreme working
conditions create havoc for batteries,
attacking critical internal components,
which can lead to early battery failure. improvements and specialist hardwearing Century’s state-of-the-art manufacturing
Unfortunately, some imported batteries, components to deliver what motorists really facility located in Queensland produces
made for softer climates, focus on higher want – longer life and ultra reliability. and supplies batteries suitable for use in
starting power at the expense of more The Century portfolio includes one of an extensive range of passenger vehicle
critical design features. the widest selections of low maintenance and commercial applications including
Century batteries are designed and built and maintenance-free batteries available automotive, 4WD, deep cycle, light
here in Australia to suit our climate and and features some of the most technically commercial, heavy equipment, motorcycle,
harsh working conditions. advanced products available in the battery marine, powersports and five-year VRLA.
They feature many substantial design industry. Wherever you are located in Australia,
Century has the distribution coverage and
capability to promptly service your battery
Its network of regional agents and
distribution centres ensure you have access
to locally held products, services and
battery specialists on hand to service your
complete battery requirements.

To find out more about Century’s range of

products and services contact your Century
Batteries representative on 1300 362 287
or visit

Filter catalogue available

The 2009/2010 Bosch Filter Catalogue is now available featuring a wide
range of Bosch original equipment quality oil, fuel, diesel, air and cabin
filters for the Australian market, covering Australian, Asian and
European applications.
As a systems expert in both diesel and Bosch backs the quality and performance
gasoline engine components and modern of its filter range with a 12 month warranty.
injection systems, Bosch understands the For a copy of the new catalogue please
importance of high quality filtration. contact your local Bosch representative or
All Bosch filters are made to Original call the Bosch Customer Service Centre on
Equipment specifications, using premium 1300 307 040.
quality materials to ensure the highest
quality filtration and a longer service life. For further details on Bosch filters or any
With state-of-the-art production and other replacement parts visit
testing facilities, when you buy Bosch you
are guaranteed quality.



He who brakes wins

TRW has more than 100 years experience in the supply of both original equipment and aftermarket parts.
One of TRW’s most successful products in recent years is its
extensive range of brake pads which currently has more than 1100
references in the range, covering all of the popular Australian
models as well as full European, Japanese and Asian ranges.
As one of the safety critical components on a vehicle, it is vital
that brake pads are manufactured to the highest standards.
The graph shows that TRW brake pads demonstrate the
following characteristics including consistency.
TRW brake pads maintain their performance over a wide range
of temperatures.
This performance is indicated by the co-efficient of friction,
which measures the amount of grip a pad places on the brake disc.
The graph shows that TRW brake pads show a very consistent
co-efficient of friction, with little braking power lost. traffic and heavy braking, and can lead to long pedal travel and loss
TRW parts are manufactured to meet or exceed OE of performance.
specifications. Most competitors can only claim fadeless performance to 300
This is especially important because systems such as ABS, degrees.
traction control and electronic brake control are calibrated to the As the graph shows, unlike some competitors, TRW brake pads
performance of the OE part. only start to show significant fade at over 550 degrees.
If a sub-standard aftermarket replacement part is used in one To be sure you are fitting the best performing brake pads fit
of these systems, it can mean trouble. TRW.
And TRW brake pads provide fadeless performance at high
temperatures. For more information on TRW brake pads, contact ATAP on
Brake fade can occur when the brakes get very hot during heavy 03 8369 1300.

68 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Lightweight tool kit

A new and extremely versatile utility tool kit has been
released by leading tool supplier Kincrome.
Ideal for a variety of uses, this tool kit has been designed
specifically for the back of vehicles such as utes, trailers, trucks or
Designed for the tradie on the go, this 101-piece tool kit includes
a handy range of tools for general-purpose work.
The kit has been well thought out with a practical range of 1/2”
drive sockets and accessories with both imperial and metric sizes to
suit many applications.

The kit includes everything you would want in a tool kit such as
sockets, spanners, screwdrivers and pliers yet it also comes with some
handy extras such as a hacksaw and tape measure while leaving loads
of room to house more tools.
The tools are high in quality, manufactured from chrome vanadium
steel and include many features.
One of the main features of this kit is its weight.
The outside of the tool box is constructed from chequer plate
aluminium which is light in weight, while the shelving inside of the box
is constructed from heavy duty steel for extra rigidity and strength
when hanging tools.
It features a chequer plate charcoal hammertone finish to prevent
scratching and is powder coated to protect against the weather.
The utility tool kit is easy to handle and does not weigh down the
back of the vehicle.
It features a weather resistant rubber seal on the inside of the lid
to prevent water from entering the kit and four rubber feet to keep the
kit raised from the base of the tray.
The kit includes loads of storage room and features internal
shelving with socket pegs, spanner hooks, screwdriver holders, three
shelves as well as a hidden storage compartment. For extra security the
chest features a central key locking system.
As a standard feature on all Kincrome tool kits, the kit includes
the security of the Kincrome 12-month insurance policy and the tools
are protected by the exclusive Kincrome lifetime guarantee.
The Kincrome Utility Tool Kit is now available from leading
automotive and industrial stores across Australia with a recommended
retail price of approximately $999.

For more information and details of your nearest stockist visit the
Kincrome website



INA overrunning alternator pulley

The cyclic irregularities of the crankshaft which are inherent in the design principle of internal combustion
engines detrimentally affect belts driving front end accessories: high noise emissions, belt slap, excessive
wear and vehicle vibration occur as a result.
A remedy to this problem is the overrunning alternator e.g. while reducing engine speeds, the overrunning alternator pulley
pulley (OAP) as introduced to the market by INA in decouples the drive of the alternator, thus making it crank.
1995. This reliably prevents belt drive slip and, in turn,
Modern diesel but also fuel engines are affected by belt slap, belt squeal and premature wear of the belt
cyclic irregularities, which lead to undesired vibration of drive system.
the crankshaft. The continuous switching from coupling
The load applied to belt drive systems increases with to decoupling is performed within milliseconds, as
the mass of the front-end accessory to be driven. speeds can reach up to 20,000 revs/min thereby
Alternators, in particular, become more and more exceeding the engine speeds by two to 2.5 times, and
powerful as the number of current consumers increases. this in an environment where ambient temperatures
raise up to 130 degrees Celsius.
Principle of a bicycle hub It is evident that the overrunning alternator pulley is
In order to prevent premature failure of belt a high-performance component requiring highest
drive systems, INA in 1995 debuted the manufacturing precision.
patented overrunning alternator pulley. The overrunning alternator pulley should always be
Its functioning principle is similar to that of a replaced with the belt drive components.
bicycle hub, thus allowing the torque to act in one
direction only. The worldwide number one
The alternator is temporarily decoupled from the drive in order to The Schaeffler brand INA manufactures more than 12 million
compensate for the delay of the crankshaft typically occurring in overrunning alternator pulleys per year.
internal combustion engines. This ensures perfectly smooth running. All major manufacturers of alternators in Europe, Asia and
If the rotation speed of the alternator exceeds the speed of the belt, America use the INA product, which can be found on nearly 130
different applications.
With a market share of 85 percent, the brand INA is the
uncontested leading manufacturer of overrunning alternator pulleys
in the world.
The benefits of overrunning alternator pulleys include increased
service life of the belt and belt drive components by up to two times,
increased durability of the belt tensioner, improved running
characteristics and noise behaviour in the accessory drive and
reduced vibration in the cabin.
There are also additional business opportunities for workshops
and retailers by servicing and replacing the complete belt drive
system including overrunning alternator pulley.
The first stand-alone INA overrunning alternator pulleys
catalogue for the automotive aftermarket business encompasses a
total of 110 different types for passenger cars, commercial vehicles
and tractors and is available as print document and PDF file.
The range of overrunning alternator pulleys allocates to more
than 1250 vehicle applications and covers makes and models from
more than 30 vehicle manufacturers.
There are three options of retrieving the required INA order
number: via the INA F-number stamped on the overrunning
alternator pulley, via the alternator manufacturer’s overrunning
alternator pulley number or via the OEM’s alternator number.
The catalogue lists makes and models manufactured from the
end of 1995 onwards.
In addition, the catalogue illustrates the function and design
types of overrunning alternator pulleys.
To round this out, the new catalogue illustrates typical OAP
damage symptoms and how to perform a functional test.
It includes the description of the six different specials tools
required for professional mounting and dismounting of the relevant

For more information or to order your copy of the INA OAP catalogue
email [email protected] or call 02 8977 1038.

70 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Are you prepared for new belt drive technology?

Is your workshop prepared for a new and advanced technology that is now entering the
Australia and New Zealand markets?
Gates has taken our superior OE-technology to develop an This Twistlock technology ensures the Gates Stretch Fit belt
aftermarket solution for selected vehicle makes and model, which never loses tension and performs exactly
are equipped with stretch fit technology, including the popular like the OE equivalent.
Ford Fiesta and Ford Focus. And Gates professional Stretch Fit
More and more car manufacturers are now releasing vehicles installation tools are application specific.
into the market that are not equipped with an accessory drive Some of the Gates tools are
belt tensioning device. universal with the tools covering more than
Instead, these vehicles use specially engineered 80 percent of the current Stretch Fit
self-tensioning drive belts. applications.
These belts are unique and require Gates professional tools are robust and designed to
special tools for installation. make the installation quick and easy for the fitter.
Gates has worked closely with car Gates professional tools are superior in design and are
manufacturers globally to develop application specific, preventing the risk of damaging the belt on
and release the very first self- installation.
tensioning belt designed They are easy to use – Gates can provide step-by-step
exclusively for stretch fit installation instructions to ensure the fitter has the
applications. correct information to install the belt accurately the
Gates Stretch Fit belts are first time – and is an investment considering they
engineered to fit and perform are suitable to use over and over again.
perfectly on these unique drive Gates provides comprehensive support as you begin to
systems and are the ideal solution for the Australia and New adopt this technology.
Zealand aftermarkets. Detailed, easy-to-follow installation instructions are printed
Prior to installation, Stretch Fit belts are shorter than the actual on the inside of each belt sleeve and will be available on the Gates
working length, but once they have been properly installed (using website (, along with installation tips.
the professional tools) they automatically tension to ensure For a quick overview, an Installation Training Video is available
optimum load-carrying capacity and proper tension over the life of online at - just click on the link to the
the belt. video and if you require any more information or assistance, you
Standard Micro V belts should never be used on these accessory can simply contact the Gates Customer Service Team on
drive systems as they will not perform and will fail prematurely. 03 9797 9688.
Gates Stretch Fit Revolutionary Twistlock Technology feature
patented EPDM construction, an exclusive adhesive formula, Visit the Gates Australia website, to
patented aramid-reinforced undercord and super-strong and view a complete application listing of the Stretch Fit Micro V Belts,
incredibly flexible polyamide tensile cord. and more detailed information.

Bosch Oxygen Sensor Catalogue

The 2009 Bosch Oxygen Sensor Catalogue is now available. The
new, easy to read format has been designed for simple reference.
The catalogue contains control, offers comprehensive range coverage for
diagnosis and universal sensor listings most makes and models and the new
with accompanying product images. catalogue features an expanded range for
Practical application and product diesel passenger vehicles.
technical information is a key feature of All Bosch oxygen sensors are
the 2009 Bosch Oxygen Sensor manufactured according to Original
Catalogue. Equipment specifications, ensuring
Recommended test and replacement quality and reliability.
intervals, product details including sensor
length and number of wires, sensor For a copy of the new catalogue contact
testing procedures and product technical your local Bosch representative or call the
information including design types and Bosch Customer Service Centre on
function, are all included to provide 1300 30 70 40.
additional valuable information. A copy is also available from the Bosch
The Bosch oxygen sensor program website at

72 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Bosch joins Premier Auto Trade

Premier Auto Trade has announced the addition of Bosch products to its aftermarket portfolio.
Premier Auto Trade has recently started an association with
Robert Bosch (Australia) where it will distribute Bosch automotive
service and consumable products to the Australian aftermarket.
Premier Auto Trade will initially supply Bosch ignition products
including coils, leads and modules along with filtration, spark plugs
and wiper blades.
Other products will be added to the range into 2010 including
automotive belts and brake pads.
Premier Auto Trade Managing Director, Jim Cotsopoulos, said the
company was excited to offer customers high quality automotive
and consumer products from Bosch.
“We believe the Bosch range will complement our already
extensive range of EFI and engine management components from
the world’s leading suppliers,” he said. “Bosch is committed to providing quality automotive products
“We believe we will be able to offer a package unmatched in the in support of today’s vehicle servicing needs,” he said.
Australian market.” “We look forward to working with Premier Auto Trade to distribute
The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and our products throughout their national network of resellers and
services. retailers.”
For more than 75 years vehicle manufacturers around the world Premier Auto Trade is a leading importer and wholesaler of quality
have put their trust in Bosch filters with more than 300 different EFI and engine management components and is a major supplier to
filter types available including oil, air, fuel and cabin filters for the Australian automotive aftermarket.
Australian, Asian and European vehicles. Established in 1982, Premier Auto Trade is now a national
Bosch has also been a leader in spark plug technology for more supplier specialising in genuine and Original Equipment products
than 100 years, producing more than one million spark plugs a day, from the world’s leading manufacturers. Premier Auto Trade
and is the world’s largest wiper blade manufacturer, since inventing distributes throughout Australia via a network of specialised resellers
the electrical wiper blade more than 80 years ago. and leading automotive retail groups.
Bosch State Sales Manager for Victoria and Tasmania, Charles
Sibberas, said the company was delighted to be associated with For more information visit Premier Auto Trade at
Premier Auto Trade to promote its range of products.

Access all areas

While adjustable wrenches are a handy all-rounder to have in the
workshop or home garage, it’s a well-known fact that the non-adjustable
variety does the job with marginally more efficiency and precision.
Bahco, known all around the world for wide jaws, which open to 38 mm, with a
its obsession for advancing tool technology convenient short handle.
even when a tool had seemingly nowhere But its thin jaws combine improved
else to advance, has turned its attention to access in confined spaces with strength for
maximising the performance of the performance to eliminate many of the
adjustable wrench. perceived shortcomings of the traditional
At 8.5 inches, the Bahco 9031 adjustable wrench.
adjustable wrench is phosphate with a wide Bahco is the thinking man’s tool
jaw opening of 38mm. manufacturer, which is precisely why it is
While an adjustable wrench is a godsend innovating tool design before most
when you aren’t the natural home companies think there is a design flaw that
handyman with an arsenal of tools at your needs improving.
disposable, or even the professional when The Bahco 9031 Adjustable Wrench
that perfect wrench size has eluded your retails for $55.
toolkit; they are also a cumbersome tool.
Bahco combines the convenience of the Bahco products are available at Home
adjustable model with the space conscious Hardware, Mitre 10, Bunnings, Total Tools
and sleeker properties of its one-fit and other leading retail outlets.
contemporaries. Call 1300 728 177 for local stockists.
The Bahco adjustable wrench has extra

74 A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u

AFI trade training

Australian Fuel Injection (AFI) says its main advantage over its competitors is the company’s ability to
structure and stage training of this quality.
AFI is currently running a four part
program that presents common problems in
the air, fuel, electrical and ignition systems,
as well as presenting special information
nights for various automotive groups such
as Undercar International Conferences and
Bosch Approved Repairer Conferences.
In 2008 more a thousand repairers
attended the AFI training nights and AFI
has also released 210 Tech Tips in booklet
All of these programs are designed to
assist the survival of the general repairer - AFI firmly believes that the aftermarket Engine Management and all senior
the customer – because modern vehicles repairer is going to become more management and most phone sales staff
are becoming more difficult for the repairer dependent on suppliers to diagnose and has an automotive trade background,
to diagnose. supply a solution to vehicle faults that giving the company an unrivalled
Most don’t have the tools and at times, come into their workshops. understanding of its customers’ business
the training to correctly diagnose the The company is currently working on needs.
problem. AFI is seeing more and more numerous options for the aftermarket
repairers referring their customer to the repairer to survive. Tech tips are updated constantly at
dealer. AFI is a specialist supplier of EFI –



UV Leak detection
Inspection lamps that produce UV, violet and/or blue light are used for leak detection because
of their ability to cause fluorescence of fluorescent dyes.
They are an extremely helpful tool in detecting LEDs are cool to the touch.
intermittent leakage, which can easily elude the Dyes used for leak detection are generally of two chemical types:
technician’s inspection when using a bubble test or Perylene or Naphthalimide.
electronic detection. These two fluorescent dye types have been used because of their
Small leakage, which occurs over large time spans, ability to visibly fluoresce even in small traces and when highly
can also be detected because of the dye’s ability to be diluted with other fluids.
carried with the oil and stain the area of low seepage. The Cliplight Vector 7 and Vector 4 UV lights are violet/near-UV
This provides a secondary confirmation to the lamps which have a peak wavelength of 405 nm which is classified
technician when using electronic detection and to as visible violet.
the customer that the leak is truly present. They are intended to cause fluorescence of naphthalimide dyes
Inspection lamps that utilise LEDs (light emitting that are added to the lubricant that is used along with the refrigerant
diodes) are very efficient in comparison to halogen, in many automotive air conditioning systems and stationary
fluorescent type black light and xenon HID (metal refrigeration systems.
halide) bulbs, since LEDs usually specialise in Cliplight’s patent pending focal lenses on the Vector 7 and 4
producing one or another specific narrow range of provide a slightly visible defined illumination pattern of the exciting
wavelengths. radiation which draws attention towards the area being irradiated,
Less power is required to produce a specific narrow range of and that assists the technician to find leaks faster.
wavelengths with LEDs than with incandescent or halogen lamps. The Cliplight 450 is a higher power visible blue Universal Blue
Usually LEDs used in inspection lamps produce a range of inspection lamp which operates at peak wavelengths of 450 nm.
wavelengths sufficiently narrow where no filter is needed in the lamp It is intended to cause fluorescence of naphthalimide dyes and
to block wavelengths outside the desired range. perylene as well as other various dyes, such as Cliplight’s engine and
Unlike the halogen lights, which generate high amounts of heat, gearbox oil and radiator fluid dyes.
This makes the 450 a solid candidate for universal detection of
most dyes used in the field today.
The Vector 7 has seven LEDs and associated lens elements, along
with a rechargeable NiMH battery pack and a smart charging
It is also supplied with both mains voltage and automotive
charging adapters.
The Vector 7 has been independently verified to have a battery
runtime of six hours and has been designed with an indicator lamp
that gives an early warning of the battery's life cycle.
The Vector 4 is a lower cost alternative to the Vector 7. It is a
lower cost 405 nm inspection lamp with four LEDs and four lenses
and was designed to use the widely available disposable, non-
rechargeable nine volt alkaline battery.
Vector 4 has been independently verified to have four hours of
steady, regulated output in intermittent use from a name brand
alkaline nine volt battery.
The Cliplight Vector 7 and Vector 4 both incorporate Cliplight’s
proprietary patent-pending Vector Focal Technology. This involves a
lens element forward of each LED that forms a beam from each LED
in a way that the beams merge together into a single shaft of light
at the usual working distances forward of the inspection lamp.
Although the beam of the Cliplight 450 is less refined than that
of the Vector 7 and Vector 4, excellent performance is achieved with
available high power blue LED, by using an optical scheme designed
to maximise the output and intensity while housed in a body similar
to the size of the Vector 7.
The use of the yellow goggles are not as closely required with the
Vector 7 and 4 for contrast purposes, however it is strongly suggested
for the Cliplight 450 for the optimisation of contrast between
fluorescence of leaks and the light produced from the 450.

For more information on the Cliplight products,

contact GO Distribution on 02 6026 4886.

78 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Protex blue pads expand to meet demand

The range of Protex Blue disc pads has become increasingly popular and to meet demand, the range
has again been expanded. With 40 new part numbers added, the range now covers most of the
vehicles found on Australian roads.
The competitively priced pads complement the way Australian
Truck & Auto Parts (ATAP) is ranging its products to offer resellers
a genuine market advantage.
The additional applications will cover more late model vehicles
where there is an increased demand for this value for money
“What we’re aiming for here is to ensure we have a dependable
Protex pad to cover all market needs, and each of the pad groups
sell well in their market sectors. Achieving this guarantees
advantageous results for our customers,” ATAP’s Anthony Goerke
“Protex Blue pads have proven to be a winner in the market.
They are an excellent pad for general use and deliver smooth and
reliable braking performance.”
Protex Blue pads are shimmed, offer low dust braking and
good stopping power – all at a competitive price. All of these
things have contributed to the success and popularity of these
pads. For more information contact ATAP on 03 8369 1348.



What to look for under the car? Suspension diagnostics

If your customers notice a change in their vehicles’ handling behaviour, ride quality or even braking
abilities, the majority of motorists automatically assume it is worn brakes, tyres or shock absorbers.
But it is highly likely the vehicle is moisture – and the car suffers poor wheel products in the catalogue, make sure to
suffering from worn suspension and alignment. look for products marked with the ‘spanner’
steering components, according to Key areas to inspect are the front symbol for key service items.
Nolathane. control arms, strut rods and rear Today Nolathane is manufactured in
Suspension bushes are the link between crossmember. various durometers (grades of
the vehicle and its springs, struts and Worn sway bar/stabiliser link with softness/hardness), with the correct
shock absorbers. bushings are degraded, over compressed, durometer selected for each application.
Suspension bushes provide the split or even missing and may present a Today’s Nolathane formulations have
movement and/or mounting points in a bent or snapped link rod. higher resistance to tear, abrasion and
vehicle’s suspension system. Key areas to inspect are the front and compression whilst being softer than the
Hence these suspension components rear sway bar/ stabiliser link. original formulations.
can influence the ride quality, steering feel, Worn sway bar/stabiliser link with ball Technical developments in suspension
the grip of the tyres, performance of the link joints present a split ball link boot, a design have provided many of today’s
brakes, and stability of the shock bent or snapped link rod and excess vehicles much improved on-road handling.
absorbers. compliance in the joint - simply grab the Using Nolathane suspension bushes
Should these suspension components sway bar, pull up and down and listen for ensures there is no weakness in the
be worn, an unpredictable and, more to the knocking suspension and therefore maintains
point, unsafe motor vehicle can be the Key areas to inspect are the front and steering control.
result. rear sway bar/stabiliser link. Nolathane bushes bring improvements
It’s important to note that in identifying Worn spherical bushings exhibit excess to suspension including outstanding
a worn suspension component, all compliance in the joint, split spherical abrasion resistance, high load bearing
surrounding or relative suspension joint boot and poor wheel alignment, and capability (4WDs, utes and towing),
components should be reviewed for the control arms, strut and panhard rods flexibility, increased tensile strength,
contributing or affected signs of wear. should be inspected for this. chemical resistance to oil, grease, ozone
Worn rubber bushings appear degraded, Worn ball joints present spilt ball joint and weathering and alignment correction
distorted, elongated, compressed or torn, boot and knocking and the control arms via adjustable bushes.
have free play of centre sleeve in the should be inspected for this. The result is enhanced road holding,
bushing, delamination of rubber from outer In the Edition 10 Nolathane catalogue, steering and performance, less change in
steel casing or inner steel sleeve and poor you will find a new feature purely focused suspension geometry under load, braking
wheel alignment. on key service items that any workshop and through corners, longer suspension life
The key areas to inspect are the control should be inspecting when it comes to and less repair time and longer tyre life.
arms, leaf springs, sway bar mounts, bushing and suspension components.
steering idler, steering rack mount, strut These are items that if worn or even For more information visit the website
and panhard rods. failed can have a significant effect on the or to request an
Worn hydraulic bushings have leaking handling, ride quality and safety of your Edition 10 catalogue contact the company
fluids from the core of the bush – simply customer’s vehicle. toll free on 1300 882 355 or email
run a finger over the bush to collect any So when you are reviewing Nolathane [email protected]

More amps for Bosch alternators

Bosch continues to stay ahead of the competition in terms of quality and
performance with an upgrade to its popular BXH1236A alternator.
The new Bosch BXH1238A is a 70 amp including stationary engines and agricultural
alternator that can be used in place of the machinery.
older 55 amp model, in vehicles that It is also ideal for Commodore and Calais
require a higher current output. VB to VK six-cylinder and V8 models, as well
The new BXH1238A 70 amp as all Kingswood and Torana six-cylinder and
alternator allows drivers to increase the V8 models.
electrical load in their vehicle, enabling
them to fit aftermarket electrical For more information on the new Bosch
accessories, such as GPS, amplifiers and BXH1238A alternator, or any other Bosch
fog lamps. starters and alternators, contact your local
The BXH1238A alternator can now be used Bosch distributor or call the Bosch Customer
in a greater number of universal applications, Service Centre on 1300 30 70 40.

80 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


New Gates parts

Gates has released another 25 new radiator hose part numbers for five popular applications, highlighting
the company’s commitment to continuously providing customers with a comprehensive range of hose.
Gates radiator hose is factory moulded patented ECR prolonged engine life, reduced oil
to fit specific applications, similar to OEM technology consumption, improved fuel economy and
specifications. that’s proven improved emissions.
The new part numbers are suitable for to fight the As Gates continues to increase the
the Holden Astra, Holden Barina, Holden primary cause of number of popular vehicle applications
Vectra, Nissan X Trail and Toyota hose failure, you will available in its range, you will have
Landcruiser Prado. prevent the risk of greater opportunities to elevate your
As Gates continues to increase the your customers being thermostat and gasket sales.
number of popular vehicle applications stranded on the side of the road. By installing Stant products, you
available in its range, you will have greater Gates has also added eight new provide your customers with security that
opportunities to elevate your hose sales. Stant thermostat and gasket part numbers you are choosing the right part for the job.
By installing a Gates radiator hose with to its range covering more than 170 various The Gates Australia website at
applications including the popular Holden features the
Commodore, Honda Civic, Toyota Camry, Gates Online Catalogue, listing the most
Toyota Hilux and Hyundai Excel. up-to-date application and part number
In addition to the new parts released, information available for all Gates product
Gates has also identified more than 60 ranges.
applications that existing Stant part
numbers are suitable for. For more information about Stant Products
There are numerous benefits associated visit the Gates website contact your nearest
with choosing a reputable brand like Stant stockist, visit
thermostats for your customer’s vehicles, or contact Gates Customer Service on
including efficient engine operation, 03 9797 9688.

82 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u


Check tyre pressure anywhere

Ever wanted to know your tyre pressure before you head down the road
on that all-important holiday? Well now you can without leaving home.
Kincrome has The gauge is small in size ideal for the
released a nifty pocket or glove box and includes a
digital tyre hanging hole to easily hang in the
pressure gauge garage.
handy for the The digital tyre gauge is
home or garage. ideal for accurately
Able to measuring the tyre
accurately measure pressure of vehicles increments, ideal for lower pressure tyres
the pressure of most including sedans, such as motorbikes.
vehicle tyre valves, the utes, vans, The Kincrome Digital Tyre Gauge is
digital tyre pressure gauge reads 4WDs, caravans, now available from leading automotive and
PSI, Kpa and BAR scales. motorbikes, industrial stores across Australia with a
The digital tyre gauge is easy to use trailers, bicycles recommended retail price of $19.95.
with its one button operation. It includes and many other
an auto shut-off while the bright back-lit vehicles. For more information and details of your
screen displays a clear digital reading for One great feature of the gauge is it also nearest stockist visit the Kincrome website
easy viewing. gives measurements in half pound



AeroTwin Wiper Blades

Market trends are changing towards blade replacement over refills, but did you also know that blade
technology is changing?
Basic wiper blade design has remained
virtually unchanged for more than 80
The familiar steel or plastic bracket with
multiple joints and pressure points has
been the automotive industry standard. But
that’s all beginning to change.
OE wiper blade technology is taking a
new bracket-less shape, with more and
more vehicle manufacturers specifying
bracket-less blades.
This new technology conforms more These springs are enclosed under an concern. And considering about 90 percent
precisely to the curvature of today’s vehicle aerodynamic integrated wind spoiler, of driving decisions depend on good vision,
windscreens, for better wiping quality than protecting them from corrosion and ultra- the performance of wiper blades is
conventional blades. violet rays. essential to ensure a clean windscreen and
But you don’t have to buy a new car to The spoiler creates down-force, unimpeded vision.
get this latest technology. preventing blade lift-off at highway speeds This is why all Bosch wiper blades are
Bosch has accelerated access by or in severe winds. tested to the limits of weather conditions
providing this next generation wiper blade This innovative design distributes more and speeds to guarantee ultimate safety,
technology to your aftermarket customers, uniform pressure along the entire length of the best possible performance and
with Bosch AeroTwin blades. the blade for the perfect wipe. durability.
AeroTwin bracket-less wiper blades are The Bosch AeroTwin features innovative But the real opportunity lies with
designed without metal or plastic brackets, FX dual rubber technology. A soft, flexible workshops. Most drivers trust their local
joints or hinges, offering design and rubber element reduces chatter and mechanic, so take the time to invest in
performance improvements over squeak, whilst the precision-cut wiping their safety and make sure you’re offering
conventional wiper blades. edge, specially coated with Quiet-Glide them the latest in wiper blade technology,
The brackets and joints of conventional micro-finish for smooth and quiet with Bosch AeroTwin wiper blades.
wiper blades are replaced by dual operation, resists wear and removes even
precision-tensioned the smallest droplets of moisture for the For more information on Bosch AeroTwin
Evodium steel springs are curved at a cleanest wipe over a longer performance wiper blades, or any other product in the
precise radius along each millimetre of life. Bosch wiper blade range, contact your local
length, creating infinite pressure points for Installation is quick and easy, with the Bosch distributor, the Bosch Customer
a perfect fit to the curvature of the patented Quick-Clip connector system. Service Centre on 1300 307 040 or visit
windscreen. At Bosch, safety is the company’s main the website at

Sizecatcher measure
Ever wanted to know the size of a fastener before you go back and forth to the toolbox?
Kincrome has the answer.
The Sizecatcher is just the thing for various jobs when finding the correct tool 25mm on one side, or 5/16” to 1” on the
measuring the sizes of nuts, bolts and size is an issue. other.
various other fasteners. Use the Sizecatcher to measure the The Sizecatcher is an ideal companion
The Sizecatcher is designed for use on size of a nut, bolt head or other fastener for any tool kit or is just as handy to attach
then be confident when selecting the right to a set of keys with the carabiner style key
size spanner or socket from your tool kit. ring.
This saves time on multiple trips to the The Kincrome Sizecatcher is now
tool kit, keeps the work area tidy by only available from leading automotive,
selecting the tool that you need and hardware and industrial stores across
assists in the prevention of leaving Australia with a recommended retail price
incorrectly selected tools under the bonnet of $9.95.
or in the work area leading to possible loss
of expensive tools. For more information and details of your
This handy little tool measures both nearest stockist visit the Kincrome website
imperial and metric sizes from eight to



When simple repairs can go wrong

Stripping a thread can be one of the most frustrating experiences when servicing a vehicle.
But it can be a daily issue, especially So, what’s wrong with repairing a thread
when working with soft metals such as on a caliper hose port? Everything.
aluminium, according to PBR. The key thing to remember here is that
In some instances you can get around it brake parts are safety-critical items.
by conducting some ‘repair’ work. Every time you perform work on
Fitting a Heli-Coil, for example, is a someone’s brakes their life is in your
perfectly legitimate method of addressing hands.
and in fact improving these issues in Brake calipers are designed to perform
components such as aluminium engine under extremely high pressure so if there is
blocks where bolts are constantly removed even the slightest opportunity for brake
or under stress. fluid to escape the system it will.
But it’s not the same when it comes to For example, if a Heli-Coil or other
brake caliper repairs. device is not installed perfectly square to
In a rush situation when a job is running the hole spot face then the copper gasket
late, or when you have a lesser experienced which is designed to create a seal between The safe and professional alternative is
person lending a hand, there may be a the caliper body and the hose end may not to take extra care when doing brake
temptation to use a rattle-gun to remove do its job. servicing and if by chance you do strip a
the banjo bolts which secure the brake There is simply no way of guaranteeing thread, replace the caliper with a new one
hose in place, particularly when they have that the port is properly sealed under that and enjoy the peace of mind that comes
taken hold in a caliper. kind of pressure unless it is with the with a factory manufactured product and
But if you get the direction wrong the original thread. a warranty.
thread will be stripped in seconds and the The other major issue here is This article was supplied by PBR and
caliper will need to be discarded. contamination. If even the smallest piece originally featured in the winter edition of
PBR has seen examples, as shown in of swarf generated from the repair work PBR’s Brake Talk publication.
the images, where an adaptor has been finds its way into the system it has the If you would like to receive a copy of the
fitted to recreate a thread. ability to create a leak, which may not quarterly Brake Talk publication email your
In some instances people have also show up until well after your customer has request to [email protected]
installed Heli-Coils, which might look ok, left your premises.
but both forms of repair are fraught with So ask yourself one simple question. Is For information on PBR products call PBR
danger. it worth risking a life for? Customer Service on 1300 369 727.

ATAP maximise brand deliveries

Australia’s largest aftermarket wholesaler, Australian Truck and Auto Parts’ (ATAP) continuing expansion
into leading brands is resulting in its warehouses putting in more stock and a heavier load for their drivers.
“Our move of backing our own Protex myriad of other products we now stock,”
range along with other leading brands is he said.
proving a fantastic success,” ATAP’s “Development over the past three
Anthony Goerke said. years has seen a flow-on effect
“The line-up boasts major brands in throughout the entire organisation across
the automotive aftermarket; Protex, every one of our warehouses.
TRW, Brembo, Bendix, Gabriel, Bosch, “A considerable increase to our stock
Monroe, Ryco, NGK, Nolathane, Mackay, levels has demanded extra shelving,
Tridon, and the list goes on. additional product development and
“This change has benefited our sales staff, not to mention the heavier
customer base who can place the one load for our delivery drivers.
call, for the one delivery that covers just “Our investment over this period has
about all of their needs.” been a push for growth and a direct
Mr Goerke said ATAP’s immense result of our continued endeavour to
range of products and brands represent offer market satisfaction.
by far the best coverage for customers. “It all adds up to a great service
“We take pride in ensuring we have where ATAP provides excellent product
Jeremy Grassie, from the team of ATAP Victoria the most extensive range available of knowledge, comprehensive cataloguing
drivers, loading up for another delivery with an brake, clutch, driveline, ignition, and choice - all delivered on time!” Mr
array of ATAP’s brands. suspension, cooling, commercial and the Goerke said.



Fuel economy with Ray Brown

Apart from the normal competitive pressures in the marketplace, fuel
economy has become a major focus of the global automotive industry.
While oil prices have moved back to more In urban driving, significant energy of around
sustainable levels, this is unlikely to continue 15 percent is lost as a result of idling and
particularly when the ‘green shoots’ of global crawling in traffic.
economic growth ‘blossom’ in the next few years. So after accounting for all these
Added to that is the political pressure of inefficiencies, the overall thermal efficiency of
governments around the world to reduce their converting the available energy provided by petrol • Integrated Starter/Generator: These systems
dependence on importing oil, the impact of to vehicle power that needs to be braked on the automatically turn the engine off when the
greenhouse emission policies in reducing carbon road is in the region of five to eight percent. vehicle comes to a stop and restarts
dioxide and increasing energy sustainability as instantaneously when the accelerator is
oil is a non- renewable resource. Recent fuel consumption technologies depressed. This prevents fuel wastage during
This article examines the many factors Many of the ‘recent’ technologies to improve idling. Some manufacturers also use
influencing fuel consumption for internal fuel consumption are really nothing new in that regenerative braking to convert mechanical
combustion engines, introduce some new and they were developed during the first oil crisis in energy lost in braking into electricity, which is
emergent technologies and provide some tips for the 1970s but were technically refined and re- stored in a battery and used to power the
improving the fuel economy of your vehicle. introduced recently in response to high oil prices. automatic starter. Potential efficiency
• Variable Valve Timing: Optimum valve timing improvement: eight percent
Background and lift are different for high and low engine • Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT):
It is well known fact that a piston engine is speeds. Traditional designs use fixed timing Rather than using gears, the CVT utilise a pair
rather inefficient in converting fuel energy into and lift settings, which are a compromise of variable diameter pulleys connected by a
power. between high and low engine speeds. belt or chain that can produce an infinite
As a rule of thumb, nearly a third of fuel Variable Valve Timing automatically alters number of ratios. This system has several
energy goes out the exhaust pipe as lost heat, timing and lift to optimum settings for the benefits over a conventional transmission in
around a third of fuel energy is lost to the cooling engine speed. Potential efficiency that they provide seamless acceleration and
system, leaving about one as power. improvement: five percent better fuel efficiency. Potential efficiency
Of the power generated within the engine, • Direct Fuel Injection: In conventional multi- improvement: six percent
losses occur due to ‘pumping’ losses such port fuel injection systems, fuel is injected in • Automated Manual Transmission (AMT): AMT
pumping air through the engine, making the the port or rail and mixed with air prior to operates similarly to a manual transmission
pistons go up and down, driving accessories such injection into the cylinder. In direct injection except that it does not require clutch
as oil pump, water pump etc, thrashing oil in the systems the fuel is injected directly into the actuation or shifting by the driver. Automatic
crankcase and of course friction. cylinder so that the timing and shape of fuel shifting is controlled electronically and
As a result, the amount of power generated mist can be precisely controlled. This allows performed hydraulically or electrically.
from available fuel energy for a petrol engine is higher compression ratios and more efficient Potential eficiency improvement: seven
around 25 to 28 percent. fuel intake, which delivers higher percent
For a diesel engine this thermal efficiency performance and lower fuel consumption. • Low Rolling Resistance Tyres: Tyre rubber
increases to around 35 to 38 percent due to the Potential efficiency improvement: five compounds dissipate energy in the form of
higher energy content of the fuel (around 11 percent heat whenever they are being deformed and
percent) and the higher compression ratios • Turbo/Supercharging: Turbo/superchargers this energy dissipation is the source of rolling
available. force compressed air into the engines resistance. With specific rubber formulations
Consequently the fuel consumption of a cylinders. Both technologies allow more and tread patterns rolling resistance can be
diesel engine is more than 20 percent lower than compressed air and fuel to be injected into reduced thus improving fuel economy.
an equivalent petrol engine. the cylinders, generating extra power from Potential eficiency improvement: four percent
As far as exhaust emissions are concerned, each explosion. The use of
diesel engines emit lower levels of carbon dioxide turbo/supercharging allows manufacturers to
as they are thermally more efficient than petrol use smaller engines without sacrificing
engines, whereas petrol engines emit lower levels performance but improve fuel consumption.
of nitrous oxides and particulate matter. Potential efficiency improvement: 7.5
But the inefficiencies don’t stop there. When percent
the engine is installed into a vehicle, accessories • Cylinder Deactivation: This technology simply
such as power steering pumps, alternators and de-activates some of the engine cylinders
wipers absorb another two-plus percent of engine when they are not needed in low power
power. output situations. This technology temporarily
On the road, driveline (ie transmission, axle) turns an eight or six cylinder engine into a
inefficiencies lose another five to six percent, four or three cylinder engine. It is not used
aerodynamic losses amount to two to three on four cylinder engines as the engine
percent and rolling resistance loses another four becomes imbalanced. Potential efficiency Figure 1: Bridgestone Ecopia –
percent or so. improvement: 7.5 percent low rolling resistance tyre
90 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u

Emergent fuel consumption technologies The piston compresses the mixture until compression ratio by changing combustion
Fuel blending spontaneous combustion occurs as in a diesel chamber shape, the MCE-5 achieves VCR by
Based on tests at the University of engine. changing the piston stroke.
Wisconsin-Madison engine research group The result is the HCCI’s distinctive feature: This is achieved by using a complex gear
headed by Rolf Reitz, a diesel engine using a combustion occurs simultaneously at many arrangement in conjunction with a roller guided
fuel mix of diesel and petrol produces locations throughout the combustion chamber. piston.
significantly lower pollutant emissions than In general terms, the heat and pressure The benefits of a VCR engine are that a high
conventional engines, with an average of 20 within an HCCI engine’s cylinders are used to compression ratio is used in city driving to
percent greater fuel efficiency. ignite the air/fuel mixture without the need for increase thermal efficiency, and hence fuel
Under heavy-load operating conditions for a spark ignition. economy, and high boost superchargers can be
diesel truck, the fuel mix might be as high as Heat is a necessary enabler for the HCCI used at low compression ratios without engine
85 percent petrol to 15 percent diesel. process, so traditional spark ignition is used knock.
Under lighter loads the percentage mix when the engine is cold to generate heat within The company has delivered prototype
would increase to 50-50. the cylinders and instigate ‘auto ignition’ of the vehicles and engines to carmakers for testing
Normally this type of blend would not ignite mixture. and evaluation.
in a diesel engine because petrol is less reactive HCCI’s efficiency comes from reduced The prototype is a 1.5 litre supercharged
than diesel and burns less easily. pumping losses, burning fuel faster at lower engine with compression ratio variation between
But in Reitz’s strategy, just the right amount temperatures and reducing the heat energy lost 6.7 and 18:1 producing 160 KW of power and
of diesel fuel injected provides the kick-start for during the combustion process. 300Nm of torque.
ignition. Consequently, less carbon dioxide is released
The claimed benefits of fuel blending are because the HCCI mode is more efficient and
firstly that the engine operates at much lower less nitrous oxides because combustion
combustion temperatures because of improved temperatures are reduced.
control – as much as 40 percent lower than An HCCI engine, when combined with other
conventional engines – which leads to far less advanced technologies, provides up to 15
energy loss from the engine through heat percent greater fuel economy than a
transfer. comparable, non HCCI engine.
Second, the customised fuel preparation More than a laboratory experiment, General
controls the chemistry for optimal combustion. Motors took the technology on the road last year
That translates into less unburned fuel to demonstrate the benefits of this technology.
energy lost in the exhaust, and fewer pollutant The success of HCCI development, to date,
emissions being produced by the combustion is tempered by the challenges that must be
process. overcome before it hits volume production.
Development of the blending strategy was Control of the combustion process over the
guided by advanced computer simulation wide range of operating conditions experienced
models. in everyday driving is the greatest challenge,
These computer predictions were then put to because unlike a conventional spark ignition Figure 2: MCE-5 Engine (photo supplied by MCE-5
the test using a heavy-duty diesel engine at the engine, the HCCI’s combustion is not controlled Development Co.)
UE-Madison Engine Research Centre. by precisely timed spark events.
The best results achieved a 53 percent Ensuring auto ignition at extreme
thermal efficiency in the test engine, which is temperatures and in thinner air of high altitudes Fuel economy tips
significantly better than a conventional diesel are the tallest hurdles yet to be overcome. By following some simple tips you can
engine of around 38 percent. improve the fuel consumption of your vehicle:
Reitz believes that this fuel blending strategy Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine • Keep tyres inflated in accordance with
could be applied to automotive petrol engines, In March 2000, Saab unveiled its variable manufacturer’s specification;
which usually have much lower thermal compression ratio prototype vehicle powered by • Follow recommended maintenance and
efficiencies of 25 percent. a 1.6 litre supercharged VCR engine at the service intervals;
He says there is ample reason to believe the Geneva Motor Show. • Remove unwanted luggage/weight from
fuel-blending technology would work just as well The VCR engine delivers 168 KW of power vehicle;
in cars because the dual-fuel combustion works and 305 Nm of torque and more than 30 • Remove exterior accessories that increase
with lower pressure and less expensive fuel percent better fuel consumption when compared aerodynamic drag;
injectors than those used in diesel trucks to a conventional naturally aspirated engine of • Do not drive aggressively;
Applying this technology to vehicles would equivalent power. • Avoid excessive idling;
require separate tanks for both diesel and petrol. The prototype engine never reached volume • Use highest gear possible;
production due to the complexity of manufacture • Use cruise control wherever possible.
HCCI engine but nevertheless demonstrated the benefits of
Many researchers are studying a new way of VCR engines to fuel economy. AAAA would like to acknowledge the assistance
operating an internal combustion engine known In France, a company known as MCE-5 of the USA EPA and Dept of Energy in preparation
as homogeneous charge ignition (HCCI). Development Co. is also developing a VCR of this article.
In an HCCI engine, fuel and air are mixed engine. Readers are invited to send technical enquiries of
together and injected into the cylinder. Unlike the Saab engine, which varied a general nature to [email protected]

A U T O M O T I V E A F T E R M A R K E T M A G A Z I N E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 9 91


The strengths of the NSW automotive aftermarket sector will be promoted at the Performance Racing Industry Trade Show in Florida,
USA in December, with a group of NSW companies ready to pitch their products and services to the world.
The NSW Department of Industry and Industry and Investment NSW has a state- The Department also assists businesses
Investment is working with the Australian wide network of export advisers who are that may prefer to travel on their own to target
Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) available to give practical advice and new markets.
to help 11 NSW companies to participate in assistance to companies to take full This option is particularly good for
this major trade show. advantage of international market businesses in niche markets where a few key
Industry and Investment NSW provides a opportunities. buyers can be identified and approached.
range of services to companies across the Its Trade Promotion program comprises To participate in the Department’s trade
state wanting to get into exporting or build trade missions, international exhibitions and promotion program, a company must operate
their export activities. individual market visits. Participation in the principally in NSW, produce internationally
Working with industry associations such program is a good way to investigate the tradeable goods and services and be export
as the AAAA is one way Industry and dynamics of a target market. ready.
Investment NSW helps companies with their Trade missions are a very effective way for The companies must have sufficient
international business activities. companies to visit international markets and financial resources to mount an export
Exporting is one of the most effective meet with targeted companies on a one-to- campaign, have at least two years trading
long-term growth strategies that a company one basis. A trade mission is a good option history and have positive growth in their
can choose, especially in Australia with its for an initial visit to a potential market. domestic business.
relatively small domestic market of 21 As a member of an official government Industry and Investment NSW also offers
million people. trade mission, participants gain credibility seminars and workshops across the state on
Breaking into new markets overseas and often have access to important decision export-related topics.
depends on having access to practical, makers who would be difficult, if not
reliable and up-to-date information, with impossible, to access if going alone. For more information on exporting and the
advice on markets, customer preferences, International exhibitions are suited to high NSW Trade Promotion program, go to
distribution and marketing practices, political volume markets such as consumer goods, or telephone
issues, cultural requirements, legal problems food and beverages, and trade sectors such 02 8843 1115.
and government assistance programs. as construction, mining and agribusiness.


Mick Patton, the winner of Repco’s Bloody Big Rally Promotion, achieved an extraordinary result in Round 10 of the Repco Rally Australia.
A part of the World Rally Championship (WRC), the event was held on
the Northern NSW Rivers Region from September 3 to 6.
The mild mannered automotive mechanic and auto electrician, who
owns his own ACT based repair workshop called Southern Automotive
Services, was expected to have done well if he could complete the
gruelling 35 stage, 345 kilometre (gravel stage) rally driving the Repco
Subaru WRX Turbo.
In what can only be described as an extraordinary effort for a novice
driver Mr Patton, 35, finished second in the Repco Rally Australia
National entry class and 28th overall from 45 finishers from a total of 82
entrants who started the event.
Patton drove competently throughout Repco Rally Australia, listening
carefully to the instructions of his Repco team navigator and chief trainer,
the highly experienced Mark Haybittle of Extreme Driving.
The gravel stages varied greatly in Repco Rally Australia, from narrow
and twisty routes to quick, wide and smooth roads.
Each stage threw different set-up challenges to the teams and drivers,
making Mr Patton’s effort even more commendable and he returned the
Mick Patton closest to camera, with Mark Haybittle at the
Repco Subaru WRX to Extreme Driving without so much as a scratch after
Kingcliff Service Park during Repco Rally Australia.
the demanding three day event.
Repco Trade Marketing Manager, Grant Bidois, said the company was throughout the total Repco Rally Australia route distance of 1680
delighted to have presented Mr Patton with the major prize and offer nine kilometres – the total of the gravel stages plus transport distances to and
other lucky Repco customers the opportunity to test their driving skills from service points of the rally.
during the driver selection process. Mr Patton’s own automotive repair and maintenance business,
The Repco Subaru WRX Turbo was built from the ground up to Southern Automotive Services, was also instrumental in ensuring that the
exacting rally specifications by Extreme Driving and did not miss a beat Repco car was completed in time and in perfect condition for this event.

92 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u



With more than 200,000 units in use throughout the world, ARB Air Lockers are the choice replacement differential for 4WDers, off road
competitors and commercial users requiring ultra tough and dependable traction on demand.
And ARB is pleased to announce that the award winning range
continues to expand with the introduction of a number of new models for
selected vehicles.
Engineered and built in Australia, rear Air Lockers are now available
for Hyundai Terracan, Mitsubishi Triton and Pajero models (including live
axle and independent rear suspension variants), while front Air Lockers
have also been introduced for the Hummer H3.
These new additions give owners of most model variants the benefit of
selecting both front and rear Air Lockers.
The attraction of an ARB Air Locker lies in the fact that it is a
replacement differential that gives the best of both worlds – a normal open
differential for on road use, and a positively locked differential for
challenging off road situations.
ARB Air Lockers utilise a 12-volt compressor that delivers high-
pressure air to the differential centre, thereby engaging the locking
FROM SURF TO TURF mechanism and preventing the wheels from turning independently.
With ARB offering free air compressors and other incentives when you
Put your 4WD to the test while giving yourself a well-earned rest! purchase ARB Air Lockers before November 31, 2009, there’s never been
a better time to equip your vehicle with the ultimate in traction on
For the many 4WD enthusiasts who have never put their vehicle to
the test or realised its full potential, the Surf to Turf Variety 4WD
Experience is beckoning. For more details on the Air Locker range available for your vehicle, contact
This unique holiday provides the opportunity to find out what your your nearest ARB store or stockist.
4WD was designed to do, while turning your off-road fantasies into
The Surf to Turf is the brainchild of Variety The Children’s Charity,
to create a real adventure for likeminded 4WD owners with the feel
good benefit of raising much needed funds for kids in need.
Now in its fourth year, the Variety 4WD Experience is the ultimate
4WD holiday promising a rough country adventure from the comfort of
your car complete with trails and creek crossings, fabulous scenery,
exceptional food and wine, resort style accommodation and a unique
opportunity to form new found friendships.
Variety’s Motoring Events Manager, Stuart Telfer said the Variety
4WD Experience is a perfect holiday for couples.
The six day, 1253-kilometre adventure provides 4WD drivers a
chance to get off the bitumen and on to bush tracks, sand dunes, fire
trails and country dirt roads while enjoying the contrast that this
stunning country provides from craggy mountain tracks to majestic
ocean views, with overnight stays in Narooma, Thredbo, Omeo, Mount
Beauty, Cooma and Canberra.
Highlights include real life Man from Snowy River country and
Horseman’s Heritage experiences.
The all-inclusive cost of $6300 for two includes a $3000 fully tax
deductible donation to Variety, to purchase urgently needed equipment
for Australia’s special needs children.
Participants are encouraged to fund raise the full amount in
advance of the experience and offer a host of suggestions for easy fund
raising activities.
Accommodation, official meals, entertainment, merchandise,
‘happy hour’ gatherings and assistance from Variety’s skilled team of
event officials including 4WD experts and mechanical support
personnel are all included in the price.
Variety’s 2009 Surf to Turf 4WD Experience takes place from
November 9 to 14.

For more information visit




The 400 strong list of attendees at the Autopro National Members Conference held recently in Auckland, New Zealand have all announced the event as the
largest and most successful in the 27 year history of the brand with awards also handed out to members and suppliers at themed gala events.
A record 80 suppliers joined with the team at their children to mix with others in the Kids Club, 2008/2009 Store of the Year (Overall Winner)
Automotive Brands to ship items to Auckland for an experience all kids agreed was the ‘best time’ Autopro Northam (WA)
the major event held in the first week of August they had with theme nights, mini Olympics and
at the Sky City Grand Hotel and Convention many other activities. 2008/2009 Store of the Year (Finalist)
Autopro Young (NSW)
Centre where the sales expo achieved An outstanding business and social event, the
outstanding results for both members and themed Rock N Roll gala awards dinner, allowed 2008/2009 Store of the Year (Finalist)
suppliers. everyone to wind down following the Autopro Port Augusta (SA)
General Manager of Operations for announcement of Autopro Northam’s Bevan and 2008/2009 Store of the Year (Finalist)
Automotive Brands, Grant Jarrett, wanted this Tina Penny taking home the top honour of Autopro Ararat (VIC)
conference to be the biggest and best as the first Autopro Store of the Year. 2008/2009 Store of the Year (Finalist)
under the ownership of Automotive Brands. He The following is a list of Award Winners from Autopro Ballarat (VIC)
and his team succeeded. the 2008/2009 Autopro Conference and Gala
2008/2009 Store of the Year (Finalist)
“We wanted to ensure both the members and Awards.
Autopro Clovercrest (SA)
attending suppliers not only found the event
informative and a tool for business growth but 2008/2009 Store of the Year (Finalist)
also a chance to mingle with their peers and Autopro Port Pirie (SA)
enjoy the sights and sounds of Auckland, many 2008/2009 Autopro Special Achievement Award
with their kids too,” he said. Autopro Gawler (SA) Mr Gordon Hill
“A number of business workshops were held 2008/2009 Autopro Special Achievement Award
over the duration of the five day event in the Autopro Canberra (ACT) Mr Doug Brown
harbour city with guest speakers including the 2008/2009 Gold Autopro Members Choice Supplier of
highly inspirational John Anderson, founder of the Year - Brown & Watson (Narva & Projecta Range)
Contiki, on the trials and tribulations and
ultimate success then sale of his now worldwide 2008/2009 Silver Autopro Members Choice
operation.” Supplier of the Year - Wesfil
While undertaking workshops or attending the 2008/2009 Bronze Autopro Members Choice
Autopro Northam L-R Bevan Penny, Automotive Brands
trade expo, members had the opportunity for Supplier of the Year - Kincrome
Managing Director Garry Dumbrell, Tina Penny.


More than 300 staff, franchisees and suppliers gathered at the Sky City Grand Hotel in Auckland, New Zealand for the
annual Autobarn awards black tie event.
With a rock ‘n’ roll theme for the night, the group personally like to thank them, our loyal suppliers, 2008/2009 Autobarn award winners are
was entertained before the major awards and the growing success of the Autobarn system. as follows:
commenced. “I would also like to recognise the guidance of
“Our annual awards event is an important night Automotive Brands Managing Director Garry
National Franchisee of the Year-
for us because it brings together suppliers, Dumbrell and the whole team at Automotive Brands
Maitland NSW
franchisees and staff to celebrate our successes over who continue to provide support to all franchisees.
the past year,” said David Barnden, General Manager “To be a part of the Autobarn organisation and to State Franchisees of the Year
for Operations. be awarded for all our hard work is fantastic,” he VIC/TAS/SA/NT: Gilles Plains, SA
“It’s also important because on the night we added. NSW/ACT: Maitland, NSW
reward outstanding achievements by individuals and QLD: Gympie
companies involved in our business.”
Autobarn Maitland took out the 2008/2009 Autobarn Rookie of the Year -
National Franchisee Award and also the State Taree NSW
Franchisee Award for NSW/ACT. Other State Award
National Supplier of the Year
Winners were Autobarn Gympie in QLD and Autobarn
Gilles Plains in SA. Gold: Kenwood
Lance Rebbeck from Autobarn Taree took out the Silver: Seat Cover World
Rookie of the Year Award. Mr Rebbeck bought the Bronze: Rhino Rack
existing store in March 2008. Sales Representative of the Year
Barry Hill from the Autobarn Maitland said it was QLD: Dori Overton, Penrite
extremely humbling to win the award. NSW/ACT: Adrian Brangwin, Nulon
“This award recognises the hard work of the
VIC/TAS/SA/NT: Ben Bickerstaff, Clarion
entire Autobarn Maitland team, including my wife
Gayle and son Jason,” he said. Autobarn Maitland L-R Barry Hill, Automotive Brands New Product Innovation Award
“Autobarn Maitland has an amazing team and I’d Managing Director Garry Dumbrell, Gayle Hill. KT Cables, LED Curly Cord Trailer Adapter.

94 AUTOMO TIVE AFTERMARKET MAGAZINE O CTOBER 2009 w w w. a a a a . c o m . a u

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