Unit 1 People & Places: Materia: Ingles Nombre: Index

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Materia: Ingles

Unit 1 People & Places
1.- Indefinite articles
2.- Verb be—singular and plural……………………..3
Unit 2 Think Green
1.- Present Simple…………………………………..
3.- Wh and Yes/No
Unit 3 House & Work
Unit 1 People and Places

1.- There is/There
3.- Adverbs of

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a 2
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 4 Around Town
1.- Present Progressive….
2.- Countable/Uncountable nouns………………….14
Unit 5 Bon Appetit!
2.- Affirmative and
3.- Wh and No/Yes
Unit 6 Past & Future Goals
1.- Past
2.- Affirmative Regular/Irregular verbs..
Unit 1 People and Places

3.- Wh and No/Yes

5.- Going
6.- Time
Unit 7 Review

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a 4
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 1 People and Places

1.- Indefinite articles a/an.
A Comes before consonant sounds.
A Viene antes del sonido de una consonante.

a man
a book
a store

AN Comes before vowel sounds.

AN Viene antes del sonido de una vocal.

an umbrella
an elephant
an apple

We use a/an with singular countable nouns when we are talking about
general things or they are mentioned for the firs time. /Usamos a/an con la
forma del singular de los sustantivos contables cuando estamos hablando
de cosas generales o son mencionadas por primera vez/.

I have a car and a bike.

I read a book when I ate an ice-cream.

2.- Verb be—singular and plural.

IS/AM Is used for singular subjects.
IS/AM Es usado para sujetos singulares.
I, he, she, it.

ARE Is used for plural subjects.

ARE Es usado en sujetos plurales.
They, you, we.
If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a 5
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 1 People and Places

1.- Put a/an.
___Brazilian ___Peruvian ___Japanese ___French
___Chinese ___British ___Spanish ___Mexican
___German ___Colombian ___Australian ___American

2.- Put is/am/are.

1) I ____ a friend.
2) She ____ going to be a teacher.
3) You ____ going to search this.
4) The party ____ going to be great.
5) We ____ do the homework yesterday.
6) They ____ from Germany.
7) They ____ now your partners.
8) You ____ going to do this alone.
9) ____ she your daughter?
10) ____ they brothers?
11) Where ____ you from?

3.- Put the words in the correct order.

1) tomorrow/you/do/going/are/to/What/? ___________________________
2) she/Is/girlfriend/your/?_______________________________________
3) England/you/Are/from/? ______________________________________
4) is/watching/What/she/? ______________________________________
5) pencil case/Is/your/this/? _____________________________________
6) Mario/an/architect/is _________________________________________
7) actress/an/Miriam/is _________________________________________
8) wants/a/be/Samantha/teacher/to _______________________________
9) doctor/be/Ramón/to/doctor/wants ______________________________
10) Laura/Paco/be/wants/actor/be/dentist/and/to/an/to/wants/a _________

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a 6
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 1 People and Places

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a 7
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 2 Think Green

1.-Present Simple.
Affirmative Formula:

+ verb in simple form + C

It is used in:
Es usado en:

Habits and Routines.

I take a shower every day.

She bites her nails.

Things that are always true or for a long time.

I’m from Mexico.
I have two siblings.
She lives in Atizapan.
He works in Coca-Cola.


In third person we add “S” at the end of the verb.

Negative Formula:

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 2 Think Green

+ do not (don’t)/does not (doesn’t) + verb in simple form +

You don’t do this mess.

She doesn’t have pets.

For WH questions the formula is:

Wh + auxiliary + + (verb simple form) + (C)

For Yes/No questions the formula is:

auxiliary + + (verb in simple form) + (C)

Where do you live?

What does she do?
Do you live alone?
Does she have a car?
Are you hungry?
Are you the teacher?

Unit 2 Think Green

In the questions the complement can be optional in some cases, and we

don’t use the verb in some cases.


In third person we use DOES/DOESN’T.

Unit 2 Think Green

1.- Write a routine that you usually do.

2.- Write the questions or answers, following the picture.

1) What is he handing?

2) What does she do?


3) ___________________________
He is walking into the kitchen.

4) __________________________
No, she isn’t. She is mad.

5) Is he happy?
Unit 3 House and Work

1.- There is/There are.
There is/There’s Is for singulars

There is some water.

There is your jacket.
There’s a cup of coffee.
There’s your glass.

There are Is for plurals.

There are my pens

There are our school backs.

There is not/There isn’t Is for singulars.

There is not my sweeter.

There isn’t your glass.

There are not/There aren’t Is for plurals.

There are not there.

There aren’t in my house.

There is and There are are use to say the position of something or

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 3 House and Work

2.- Some/Any.
Some We use some in affirmative sentences with countable and
uncountable nouns.

I have some friends.

They bought some oil.

We use some to make request or an offer.

Request You ask for something or you ask for a service.

Can I have some sugar, please?

Can you fix my car, please?

Offer Is to offer something to someone.

Would you like some sugar in your coffee?

Would you like a cup of coffee?

Any We use any in negative sentences with countable and

uncountable nouns.

There isn’t any salt in the cupboard.

I don’t have any clothes.

We use any for questions. A way to use it is if you want to know if there is
something or not.

Do you have any sisters?

Is there any water?
Are there any chairs in the room?
Unit 3 House and Work

3.- Adverbs of Frequency.

The frequency adverbs are:

Always 100%
Usually 75%
Often 50%
Sometimes 20%
Rarely 10%
Hardly ever 5%
Never 0%

I always arrive late

She is always at home after


The frequency adverbs comes before a verb, but after the verb to be.

4.- Can/Can’t.
Can Is for affirmative sentences

I can do my homework today.

She can buy an ice cream.

Can’t Is for negative sentences.

I can’t go to the party tonight.

He can’t run.
Unit 3 House and Work

1.- See the picture and write the things that appear using there
is and there are.


2.- See the picture and make questions using any, and make
sentences using some.

Unit 3 House and Work

3.- Make ten sentences using adverbs of frequency.


4.- Make five sentences using can and five using can’t.
Unit 4 Around Town

1.- Present Progressive.
Affirmative Formula:

+ verb to be + verb -ing + (C)

It is used:

Things that are taking place at the moment.

Amy is taking a shower.

I’m playing.

Things that happen over a period time.

I’m reading a good book.

Negative Formula:

+ verb to be + not + verb -ing + (C)

She isn’t running.

Wh Formula:

Wh + verb to be + verb -ing + + (C)

If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.
Unit 4 Around Town

What are you doing in the computer?

Where are you playing?
Unit 4 Around Town
Yes/No Formula:

verb to be + + verb -ing + (C)

Are you writing on your notebook?

2.- Countable and Uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns:

For countable nouns we use:


I have many friends.

A few

I have a few towels.

Uncountable nouns:

For uncountable nouns we use:


There is much pollution.

A little

She has a little milk in her glass.

And for both we use a lot of

Unit 4 Around Town
We have a lot of cars.

1.- Write five sentences using present progressive.


2.- Write five questions using present perfect.


3.- Write three sentences with uncountable nouns an two with

countable nouns.

Unit 5 Bon Appetit!


If you don’t know the meaning of a word underline it, and look it in a
dictionary or ask me, and put it in the glossary.

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