Twin Cities Media Alliance Annual OnlinePDF 2009
Twin Cities Media Alliance Annual OnlinePDF 2009
Twin Cities Media Alliance Annual OnlinePDF 2009
Media Alliance
A NNU A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 9
‘‘ ’
Taking it to court in Minneapolis: Fight against foreclosure and eviction.
’ ’
Somali hip-hop: It’s a culture. It’s a people’s life.
At a Minnesota market, tales of a hidden Ethiopian war.
C itizens in a democracy need more profiles help Daily Planet users learn
than just information. They need more about each other. If your favorite
tools that enable them to act on that attraction or business is missing from
information. Our goal for 2010 is the our listings, it’s easy to add it.
transformation of the Daily Planet from
The Twitter feeds that now accompany
a local news website to a community
many stories give Daily Planet users a
resource that helps Twin Citizens share
new way to connect with one another
information, make choices, organize and
and keeps our stories current with
connect to their communities. We even
up-to-the-moment discussion
have an interactive Daily Planet iPhone app.
about a topic.
We have added individual pages for all You can expect many more changes
81 Minneapolis neighborhoods and all 17 in the year to come.Your support an
St. Paul neighborhoods. Visit any of those participation can make it all possible.
pages, and you will see a description of the
Executive Director: Jeremy Iggers
neighborhood, a map of local businesses
Numbers and milestones
2008 2009*
Program service $167,450 $152,929
Management and $27,888 $36,185
general operations
Fundraising $11,822 $11,649
Financial statements are
Total expenses $207,160 $200,763
available for review in
the Twin Cities Media
Revenue Alliance office, containing
2008 2009* all required disclosures
C $222,860 $172,123 and financial statements.
and grants
Program service $414,591 $1,975
Investment income $837 $279
Other revenue $0 $7,722
Total revenue $238,288 $182,099
*Estimated. Final 2009 summary 990 statements will be available on the TCMA website at
In May, the Minnesota Society of Professional Journalists named the Daily Planet
“Best Independent News website” for the second year in a row. Here’s
what the SPJ judges said:
The breadth and depth of this site is terrific. It connects on
multiple fronts: reader engagement, neighborhood coverage,
local opinions, 24/7 updates and a strong commitment to a
diversity of voices. really taps the power of
the medium to make the community part of the conversation...
Thanks to...
F.R. Bigelow Foundation •The Minneapolis Foundation • The Otto Bremer Foundation •The Saint Paul Foundation •
The McCormick Foundation • The McKnight Foundation • The Still Ain’t Satisfied Foundation
In-kind contributions
Advantage Labs • Triangle Park Creative • Hennepin County Public Library • The Databank
Individual donors
Kathleen C Anderson Paula L Fleming Emily P Lala Paul J Schadewald
Anne Aronson Kathee Foran Amy Lange Dennis Schapiro
Tracy and Luke Babler Daniel E Freese Kristal Leebrick Neala J Schleuning
Mary Kay Bailey Lara Friedman-Shedlov Annie Levenson-Falk Andrea R Seebach
Leann Lisana and James Fuller Pat Lindquist David Weissbrodt and
Joe Bartsh James and Jean Gabler Lu J Lippold Pat Schaffer
Kristin Henning and Dyane Y Garvey Catherine Lundoff Lara and Dan
Tom Bartel Wendy J Gaskill Barry R Madore Friedman-Shedlov
Pearl L Bergad Beth Gauper Sheldon and Alan P Shilepsky
Kathrine A Blauvelt Paul A Gilje Beverly Mains David H Skarjune
Peg Bouska Carl H Griffin Polly Mann Niki T Stavrou
Carol J Bouska Steven J Gulitti John and Connie Marty Mark S Sulander
John and Marie Braun Kit Naylor and Susan Maryn McKenna Karen (Kaia) O Svien
Rich J Broderick Thurston Hamersk Maggie and Dennis Amanda L Tempel
Mary McFarland and Stephanie Hankerson Montgomery Pat Thompson
James Brooks Dianne C Heins Jill A Nicholson Elizabeth j Tisel
Alan & Jill Carlson Susan L Herridge Kelly M O’Brien Ann T Treacy
Melisande Charles Curt Hillstrom Joanna O’Connell Elaine Treacy
Steve D Clemens Janet M Hively Nancy B Olsen Mary Turck
Joel Clemmer Jill Meyer and Randy R Peabody Kate Hoff and
Tyler M Cohen Louise Hotka Lisa M Peterson Bob Weidman
Pam R Colby Kate Hoff Troy D Pieper Luke Weisberg
Bruce Corrie Georg and Wilma Iggers Deb Pleasants Barbra Wiener
Leslie Davis Elaine Wynne and Lisa Pogoff Shayna Berkowitz and
Richard L Dechert Larry Johnson Dominic J Postiglione Phyllis Wiener
Martha Delaney Nancy R Johnson William Price Linda J Winsor
Brian DeVore Howard L Kling Barbara E Raye Adam Zielie
Beverly J Ferguson Nancy A Klock Joann G Rice
Henry Fischer Barb Kucera Scott Russell
Debra Fisher Goldstein Gabriele Kushi Laurie Savran