Mil STD 12D

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29 May 1981
15 June 1968


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29 May 1981
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Washington, D. C. 20301

Abbreviations for use on Drawings, and in Specifications, Standards and Tech-

nical Documents.


1. This Military Standard is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies
of the Department of Defense.

2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent

data which may be of use in Inproving this document should be addressed to:
Commander, US Amy Armament Research and Development Coumand, ATTN: DRDAR-TST-S,
Dover, New Jersey 07801, by using the self-addressed Standardization Ikcument
Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426),appearlng at the end of this document or by

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Paragraph Page

1 SCOPE ------------------------ ----- 1

1.1 Scope ----------------.---.0-.--- 1
1.2 Appl 1catlon ------------------0-- 1
. 1.2.1 Short words -000----------------- 1
1.2.2 Field of use 0---.0-.0----------- 1
1.2.3 Combining form -.0-.0-0---------- 1
2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS -------------- 1 ●

2.1 General 9------------------------ 1

2.2 Standards -----0-0--------------- 1
2.3 Other publications -------------- 2
3 DEFINITIONS ---------------- ------- 2
3.1 Abbreviations ------------------- 2
4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS -------------- 2
4.1 Clarity ------------------------- 2
4.2 Word combinations -------------- - 2
4.3 Syntax --.-.0----0------------- -- 2
4.4 Capitalization ---0------------ .- 2
4.5 Punctuation --------.00---------- 2
4.6 Revised abbreviations ----------- 2
4.7 symbols ---------------- -------- - 3
4.8 Abbreviations used in existing
technical documents ----------- 3
5 DETAIL REQUIREMENTS --------------- 3
5.1 List of terns and their
abbreviations .00------------- - 5
5.2 Cross reference list of
abbreviations 81

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1.1 Scope. The terms and abbreviations in this standard are limited
to those commonly used on drawings~ and in specifications standards?
and technical documents.

1.2 Application. This standard provides a list of abbreviations

authorized for use on drawings, and in specifications, standards, and
other technical documents.

1.2.1 Short words. Abbreviations of words having five or fewer letters

are not included except those established by longstanding practice.

1.2.2 Field of use. Where an abbreviation is intended primarily for a

particular field of application, that field is indicated In parentheses
following the term, eg, fast operate (relay).

1.2.3 Combininq form. Where No abbreviations are listed for the same
word, the first applies to the word used alone, while the one designated
(comb form) is to be used only in combination with abbreviations of other
words to form an abbreviation for a word combination.


2.1 General. The issue of the following documents in effect on the date
of invitation for bids form a part of this standard to the extent
specified herein. ”

2.2 Standards

ANSI Y1O.3-1968 Quantities Used in Mechanics of Solids,

Letter Symbols for
~YIO.5-1968 Quantltles Used in Electrical Science and
Electrical Engineering, Letter Symbols for
ANSI Y1O.2O-L975 Mathematical Signs and Symbols for use in
includlng Phys2cal Sciences and Technology
ANSI YIO.20a 197S
ANSI/IEEE STD 260-1978 Letter Symbols for S1 Units, and Certain
Other Units of Measurem-t
ASTM E380-1979 Standard for Metric Practice


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2.3 Other publications.

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged.

Copies of listed Industry Association Standards are available to

Military activities through the DOD Single Stock Point, US Naval Supply
Depot (NSD 103), 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Nonmilitary
activities may obtain copies from:

(ANSI) American National Standards Institute

1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018

(ASTM) American Society for Testing and Materials

1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103

(IEEE) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

345 E. 47th Street, New York, NY 10017


3.1 Abbreviations. An abbreviation is a shortened form or abridgment

of a word, expression or phase used to conserve space and time.


4.1 Clarity. Abbreviations shall be used only when their meanings are
unquestionably clear to the intended reader. WHEN IN DOUBT, SPELL IT OUT.
Abbreviations that are not in comnon use and are to be used frequently
in a document or where thewis doubt that the reader will understand their
meanings, should be clarified when first used: by spelling out the word
or complete phrase, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.

4.2 Word combinations. Portions of an abbreviation for a word combination

shall not be separated for use singly. Single abbreviations may be
combined when necessary if there is no abbreviation listed for the combination.

4.3 Syntax. Unless othewise indicated herein, the same abbreviation

shall be used for all tenses, the possessive case, participle endings,
the singular or plural, and the noun and modifying forms of a term.

4.4 Capitalization. Abbreviations included in the left-hand column

provide the form for use on drawings and documents produced in upper-
case characters. The abbreviations in the right-hand column provide the
form required for documents produced in lower-case characters; however,
these abbreviations may be capitalized when required for emphasis.
Abbreviations that are capitalized in the right-hand column are a contin-
uation of prior usage and in general are abbreviations for major systems
or are recognized as having significant application when used in text.
Abbreviations are not listed in the right-hand column for many short words.
If space limitations make it necessary to abbreviate such terms, the abbre-
viation which appears In the left-hand column shall be used except for the
sllbstitutionof lower-case letters.


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4.5 Punctuation.

4.5.1 Punctuation marks which do not appear in this standard shall not
be used with the abbreviation of a techn~cal term; however, an abbrevia-
tion spelling a whole word should include a period if the abbreviation
is not obvious to its intended reader. An exception is made for abbrevia-
tions used in computer applications wherein a hyphen (-) may be sub-
stituted for a blank space which appears in an abbreviation, eg. ‘seq-
chk’ in lieu of ‘seq chk’.

4.5.2 Hyphens should be used with adjectival forms of abbreviations and

symbols, eg, a 35-nunfilm.

4.6 Revised abbreviations. Abbreviations in this standard reflect

recent changes in the state-of-the-art.

4.7 Symbols. The distinction between abbreviations and symbols is

tricky, because it depends upon context, rather than form. For example,
“the current is 5 amps” and “the pressure is 3 psi” are allowable uses of
abbreviations, whereas writing “I = 5 amp” and “P = 3 psi” are incorrect.
Whenever a mathematical operation or sign is involved, such as the
equality sign (=) or the division sign (/)~ abbreviations cannot be used=
Mathematical operations re performed only upon symbols; for example,
I =5Aandp=31bf/in. !l Symbols that appear in the following docu-
ments are preferred (for example, “the current is 5 A“) in lieu of abbrevi-
ations that appear in this standard and shall be used in lieu of abbrev-
iations for terms that do not appear herein:

Chemical Symbols: Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary (International

Tabl~& of Chemical Elements)

b. Mathematical Symbols: ANSI Y1O.2O and YIO.20a

c. Quantity Symbols: ANSI YIO.3 and ANSI Y1O.5

d. Unit Symbols: ANSI/IEEE STD 260

e. Metric Practices: ASTM E380

4.8 Abbreviati~ns used in existinq technical documents: Unless,o~he~ise

specified, any changes or revis~ons to an existing drawing, speclflcatlon,
standard, or technical document prepared under a previous edition of this
standard, may use the latest abbreviations, although the superseded
abbreviations may appear elsewhere in the documnt.


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5.1 List of terms and their abbrevtitions.

● programfw Iamam APL APL action ticm
wandon ship A80NSW abm@W ●ct lvato
abaxt81 AEXL ●bx 1 ●cttvattofl analysis
abbrev t ●te ABOR ●bbe ●ctivator AcTvm ~r
abnorma t A8NL ●bn 1 ●ctlv8 counterwmsurfks
abw t A8T ●b t ●ctlvo 81ement group MC 8*
●bevc A8V abv actfvo Integral defense AID a td
●bove basellm? AOL ●b 1 ●ctfv- repaatersatell~te ARS
8bove ground level AGL ●g1 ●ctfvtty AC?
●bove -an sea ~-f.t AMSL alas 1 ●ctual AffL ~tt
abovo sea level ASL ●s 1 ●ctual ground zero AGZ
abov9 water Au SW ●ctual time over target ATOT ● tmt
●tmastve AORSV abrsv actuate ACtE U*
abrasiv~ resistant AORSV RES ●brsv res actuating ACT G ●=W
●bsolut8 Am ●ctuator &CT R 8CW
●b?olute ce~ltng ASS CLG ●bs Clg ●daptation ADAPT ●dafa t
absolutely ●ssential AEE ME Sdaptmr AOPTR adptr
mtpaent ●lapt*r booster a% S&
●bsorption AesoRa absorb Adaptiv@ flight Control AFCS APa
●bstract ASSTR abs tr system
acadea i c ACAO ●cati •~ ADD
accelerate ACCEL ●cce 1 adder ADDu
●ccelemtur ACLtR ●cl tr ●mltien
accelerometer ACCLRM ●cc 1m ●tiittonal AOOL
●ccep t A-T acp t ●-i tfv. ADOT
●cceptotsle qaaltty level AQL address 4DRS
●cceptable cwaltty test AQT Am ●-r. Am
●cceptable re!tabfl~ty I@vel ML ARL a49tes i v. ADH
•rx~tmc* Cttactcout Aa ACE ●djacent “ AOd
~fpmmt adjscent channel ●ttmwatfm ACA
●cceptor ACPTR ecptr adjust nod
●ccess 4CS 8CS ●djustable speed AOd W
●ccess opentng Ao ●o ●-ttttng ADMG
●ccess panel BP m ausorbant ADSORB
●ccess ttm ABT 8CS t ●* anw AOV
●ccessory ACCESS ●cc-ss” advam engineering change ACCP
acctdent ACDT ●cdt propesa I
●ccomoda te ACCOM advanm enginwring ordar AEO ●eo
•~amy advance alt8ratton notice AAN ●an
xcql tsh ACCOMP accouv ●dvanco change notice ACN ●cn
accordance with A/V ●lu “ ●dvance materfal request ANR
●ccount ●cct ●dvanced ●~f-lal ffre AAFSS ;:ss
●ccruer accr ~rt system
●ccumulate ACCUN 8c- ●dvanwd bslltstic reentry AERES A8RES
●ccurm18tion distribution mu Sys tam
unit advanced battery A8AR abar
ac~lator Acc acc ●cqtsition radar
ac~)ator switch Acs acs ●dvanced capabillttes radar ACR
●ccur8te ACWR ●ccur advati *fens@ ADCS
●cetate ACTT actt c~fcations satellite
acetate I tnsul ) [see ---- ---- ●dvanced -sign ●rray radar AOAR adar
cellulose ●cetate) advanced firtng systems AFS RFS
&ety)ena “ ACE? ●ce t ●dvanoed Ranned interceptor AMI S@
acid reststtng AR ●r ●dvamed manned penetrator
●cid waste AW au ●dvanced manned stratagtc AMA ●msa
●ctc@rwf AP ●p ● t reraf t
sci*roof fioor APF ●pf ●dvanced orbtttng solar AOSO ●oso
●cftnow 1edge ACU ●ck obsewatory
~ screw thread &cm ACNE ●dvanced tacticaI ball fsttc ATEM
acobm t lC ACS? ●cs t mtssl Ie
acoustic mfne sweepfng Amsw amnsup ●-mtage ADVG aeg
●cousttc tfl- celltng 47C ●tc ●dvertisement m ●d
acoustical plaster tailing APC ●pc ●dv i se AOVS ●dvs
●c~ i re ACQ ●cq ●dv 1wry AOVSY amlsy
acQJts$tfom ACQ ●cq aerial deltvmy system
. AOS Aos
●cgtsft$on advice code AAC AAC ●erodynamic AEROOYN amrmdyn
ac~lsltlon raciar AR w ●erodyrtamtc center AC SC
across ACR ●cr serodynamtc heattng A6ROHEAT ●oroowa t
●cross +lats ACRFLT acrf1t ●erologlcal AEROL ●erd
-- ●crylic ACRYL Scry? 8WWnmJtfc AERO ●ero
action ACTN act?l ●crofmutlcal mater~a Am
actton Cutwt ●ce Specification

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aeronautical national taper ANPT ANPT ●tr to ground mfsslle AGM ●gm
ptpe threads ● fr to ground to afr AGA aga
aerenauttcal rec~nded 4RP arp ●ir to surface missile ASM a sm
practices ● lr to underwater mtsstle AUM aum
amonautlcal standards group ASG ASG ● ir trafffc control ATC ATC
●erospace AERUSP aerosp ● fr transport radto ATR atr
aerospace ground equloment AGE AGE ● tr transportable sonar ATS ●ts
aerospace veh~cle equipment AVE avE ● lr turbine drive ATD atd
●f ter AFT ●ft ● tr turbtne motor ATM ●tm
●fter cooler AFTCLR ●ftclr ● tr turbine starter ATS ●ts
●ft-r engfne room AER ●er ● t rborne ABN abn
after p*aic AP ●p ● trbome eerly uarnlng AEU AEU
●fter perpendicular AP ●p airborne early uarnlng AEUA ●ewa
after torpedo room AtRM ●trm ● trcraft
afterburner All ●b ● trborne ●arly uarntng ana AEW6C AEWC
●fternoon Ipost mridieml PM Pm control
●gen t AGT ●g t ●irborne fixed ●rray radar AFAR ●f ●r
●ggrega te AGGR ●ggr ●irborne gunlaytng AGL agl
●gitstc &G ag alrbome interceptor Al a{
● t1eron AIL ● ~l ● trborne long range radar ALRI ●lrf
●tmtng point AP ●p tnput
● lr base A8 AB ● trborne radar ●nd dopp~er ARAO ●rad
● ir blast As ●b ● trborne ris@ar approach ARA ●ra
● tr blast ctrcuft breaker ABCB ●bcb ● irborne surveillance radar ASR ●sr
● ~r biast transformer AOT ●b t ● trbome very low frequency AVLF ●vlf
a{r break switch A@ SW ●b sw ● trboene vtbration monitor AVM ●vm
air Clrcuft breaker ACE ●cb ●trcooled ACLO ●ctd
air circulating ACI RC ●c t rc ●ircraft ACF? ●cFt
● ir c188ner AIRCLNR ●irclnr ● trcraft approach I*ght AAL ●a J
● lr condftton AIR COND ●ir Cond ● trcrart control and ACS ●cs
● ~r data co~ting AOC ●dc survei 1 lance
● tr decoy missile AOM ●dm aircraft control ●nd warn!ng ACV ●cu
● ir defense ●rtillery AOA AOA atrcraft mtss~le project AMP ●fw
● ir *t AO ●d ● lrcrs?t nuclear power 8-
● tr ●scape AC (propulsion)
Alr Fore@ Navy AN : ● irfr~ AFR afr
Atr force Navy AeronautlcaI ANA ANA ●trfrasm-mounted ●ccessory ANAO ●mad
Air force Navy OeSign ANO dr 1ve
Air force! Navy Cfvfl ANC ●trllft 4LFT ●?ft
Air Force techntcal order AFTO AFTO airplane APL ap 1
air headee AHOR ahdr ●irport APRT apr t
● tr hetght survetllanee AHSR ahsr atrport surface detectton ASDR asdr
radar radar
● fr homepover AHP ●hp afrport survef IIance radar APSR apsr
● tr inductfon AINOTN aindtn a f rscoop AS ●s
atr installations AI ●i ●1rspeed AS ●s
● ir intercept AI 8( ●trspeed indicator AI ●l
● ir Intercept missile AIM atm ●trtlght AT ●t
● ir launc~d ballistic ALBM ● lbm ●larm ALU ●im
misstle alarm Ch8ck valve ACV ●cv
● ir launched boost intercept A18 I albi ●larm panel monitor APM apm
air launched vehtcle ALV ●lv ●lcohol ALC ● le
● ir lock AL 81 ●lgebra ALG ●lg
● lr movement data AMU ●md algebralc co~iler ●nd ACT ●c t
● ir mn~tions AMUN amm translator
● ir over AO ●o ●lgori thm ALGO ●lgo
● tr over hydraulic A/ki ●/h ●lgortthmfc-ortented ALGOL ALGOL
● tr passage AP ap I ●nguage
● ~r poslt~on indicator API ●p i al Idade ALOD ● ldd
● ir refueling AR ●r ●l tgnment ALIGN ●ltgn
air route trafffc control ARTCC ●rtcc alkaline ALK ●lk
cm ter ●lkal!ntty ALKY alky
● ir sea rescue ASR asr all sluminum co~ctor AAC aac
a~r search raaar Asl? asr al 1 weather AU ●u
● ir shutoff ASNOF ●shof ●ll-nunt3er call~ng ANC anc
● lr shut tev AIRSHTR ●irshtr allocate ALLC)C allot
● {r Specfficatton AS as ●llocated configuration AC [ AC X
● ir starttng ASTRG ●strg fdant!ficatlon
● tr to ● tr A-A ●] Iousnce ALLOW ● now
● tr to ●lr tdentiffcat{on AAI :A: ●llwancm equtpage lfst AEL ae 1
● tr to ● ir missile AAM ●am allouanc. parts Ifst hP L ●p 1
● lr to ground A-G ●-9 ●l lay At. Y aly
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●lloy steel ALY StL ●ly stl ●~re-hour AMP HR ●sp m
●lloy steel protective ASPP ●spp ●fqmr=-hour amtwr ●im
platlng •~hfbtous AMPM ●-h
alphabetical ALPHA ●1pha ●amhlbious truck AMPki TRK ●~h trk
●lphwumerlc m 883 ●I+wyna ANPLDN Smidn
●lphanumeric output ●no ●qtltdyne germrator AMPLC3 Smlg
● lt~rat ion ALTRN ●l trn ●m 1 t dyna motor generator AMPLM3 awlmg
● I tared ALTRD ● i trd ●~l{ffed ●utomatic level AALC ●alc
● l ternate ALTN ● ltn control
●lternating current AC ●c ●mqttfter AMPL ●m 1
alternating current ACCW 8CCW ●fqlffter tqwt AI ●t
eonttnuous wave ●~lttude ANPTO ●wvtd
alternating current Acs ●cs ●apl~tude modulation AM ●m
synchronous ●-l ttude S?ttft keytng ASK ask
●lt8rnattng cuwent t8st VAC7 vact ●a 109 ANt.G ●nlg
volts ●nS109 data recorder AURT ●drt
●lternating current volts VAC V8C transcriber
●lternating current working VACW v ●cu ●nalog Ifne driver ALD ●ld
Vol ts ●nalog to digital A/Cl ●la
●lternation AL7 ● lt ●nalog to dtgltal converter AOC ●dc
● l tornat~ve ALTNV ●l tnv ●nalogous – A?UGS ●nl gs
● lternator ALTNtU ● l tntr ●nalysts ANAL 8na )
● ltimeter ALTM ● ltm ●nalytical rework program ARP ●rp
● ltitude ALT ● lt ●n8 1yze ANALY ana 1y
● ltitude direction tndicator AOI ●d ~ ●nctver AHR ●hr
● ltttude reservation ALTRV ●ltrv ●nchor bolt A8 ●b
●ltttude transmitting ALTE ●lte ●nchor Itght AN LT an It
●-t preen t ●nchor ordw AOR ●or
● ltttude vertical veloctty AVVI ●vv 1 ●nchor wtndlass AUNOLS awnd 1s
indicator ●nchored filament ANCF I L ancf i 1
● luminum AL ●l ●nd nipples NPSH npsh
•lum$~ conductor stae? AC$R ●csr and so furth (see ●t cetera .-. ---
reinforced ●nechotc ANCH ●nch
● lumtnum-clad ALCO ●lcd ●neroid ANER ●ner
●ma 1gam ANLG ●mlg ●ngiocard{ogram ACG acg
●mattir televtsfon. A?V ATV wtgtocardtograph ACG acg
●matol AN Rm ●ngle ANG ●ngle
●mer ANO amb ●ngle measurfng ecpipment AME Am
●mer Ilght Atg ●l ●ngle of ●pprosch indicator AA I ●a t
●~tent AMEJ ●* ●ngle order ANLOR anlor
ad3u 1●nte AN8 ●m ●nglw stop valve Asv ●sv
●mendment AMENO ●mend ●ngle tr8ck en target ATOT ●tot
Amer t can AMER Amer ●ngu 1ar A?4LR ●nlr
American Gage Oesign AOOS AGDS anhydr i de AWiYo ●nhyd
Standard ●nhydrous A?a-4Yo ●nhyd
Ame~tcan Natton+l Standard ASCII ASCII annea 1 AML ●n 1
Code for Information ●nnounc f ng ANCG ancg
Interchange ●nnular ANLR ●nlr
Amertcan Standard AMER S70 Amer Std anmmctator ann
American Steel Wire Gage ASWG ASUG ●node Al) ●d
American War Standard AWS AW$ ●ode (electron device) A A
JWmrtcan Wtre Gage AVG AUG ●od f ze ANOZ ●ndz
Amartcan, ttrittsh, Canadtan ABC A8C ●nodfze iattn ●bbr) ANW ----
Amerfcan. Oritish, AOCA A8CA Smwr AMS ●ns
Canadtan, Australian ●nt- marldtem (before noon) AN ●m
●-t er 8- sntenna ANT ●nt
●rewater suftch As ●s antenna scan SCAN scan
●men i a -A ●rena ●ntenna tunfng unit ATU ●tu
●mumium nitrate AN NXT ●m nit antt (~ ?orm) A a
●munition 8- ●ttatr output AAO ●ao
●nmunttion hoist ANDHST ●mohs t ●nttafr warfare AAW AAw
●-nition hotst arfve AN(2HSTDR ●mohs tdr ●ntiaircraft AA aa
●wmunttien fdent~fication AIC ●ic ●nttatrcraft ●rt{llery AAA aaa
Cocto ●ntiaircraft comnon AAC aac
●amunltlon rack ANNORK aemork ●ntlatrcraft fire control AAFC aafc
●moun t ANT ●mt ●ntiaircraft self destroying AASD ●asd
~erage ANP ●ntlballisttc mtsslle ABM abm
8Vre ●up ●ntiball istic missile early A8MEWS ABMWS
mm (c- form) A a warntng system
-v-a @effmd neter AO ●u ●ntiball istic fntssile A8NN ●btlwl
aaw9re turn AT ●t misstle
●ttfrtction bearing AF a ●fb

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Sntl?rtctton -t81 AfM ●fm ●rtt-ttc Untt ARI TMJ ●rt t~
ant tgas Ma w •~t ARMT ●rm
●nt lhunt AN ●h ●rmament ●nd ● lectronics A&t ●8.
●ntftetng Al 81 ●—mamnt matortal change
●nti ja-lng Ad ●j ●mature -t
8ntfjamfngi8mtf- Ad/Al ●j/al ●mature {altn ●bbrl ARM ●rm
: flterf 8~ture accelerator AA ●a
antilogarithm ANTILOG ●nttlog ●mture shunt ARMSt4T ●-ht
●ntfatssilw surface to ●ir AMSAN 8mam smtng
mtsstlo Amalng ●nd Fus1ng System AFS :;
●ttmtsstl~ mfsstlo smtng wtre AU ●u
●ntimtor torpedo boat ANT8 ●mtb •rmo~ grattng AG ●g
●ntlmotorboat ●m ●rmor plwclng AP ●p
●nttparsonne 1 APERS ●pers ●rmor pterctng capped APC ape
●ntiradiat$on mtssfle ‘ARM ●rm armnr piercing capped APC8C ●pcbc
●ntfrepeat relay ARR ●rr ball tsttc capped
●ntlsepttc ANTSPT sntspt ●rmor piercfng capped APCI ●pc i
●ntfsuomartne 4s 8s tncendlary
antisubmarine rock-t ASROC ●sroc armor pferclng capped APC17 ●pc t t
●ntfsubmartne torpedo AsTO@ ●ster tncandtary with tr8eer
●nttsubmarlno v8rfar8 Asw Asu ●rsur ptercfng capped vlth APCT 8PC t
●pt i tank AT ●t tracer
●ntttantc ● trcraft rocket ATAR star ●rmor pf8rctng tncendtary AP 1 ●p t
●ntltam missile ATM 8 tm smr pterctng Incendiary APIT spit
●ntitank nonmetallic ATM ●tnm with trac*r
●ntftorpedo &70RP 8 t orp ●rmor plerctng with tracer APT ●p t
●ntftoxtn ANTox ●ntox ●rmor plate ARM PL ●rm pl
sntltraciclng control ATRC ●trc ●rmored ARNO am
●nt~transm{t r~coive ATR atr ●mnored cable ARM CA ●rm ca
sntftransmit receive tube AT RT ●trt ●rmored Infantry venlc)e AIV a$v
●ntfundarwater warfare Auw AUW 8mored personnel carrier APC ●pc
apartment APT ●p t ●rmored utillty vehtcle ●uv
aperture APCRT ●per t Army-Navy AN AN
●~rture card APTC ap te Army-Navy @rittsh AM
●pothecary APOttt Spoth Amy-Navy Ctvtl
●pparatus APPAR appar “Army-Navy Cmsnercial ANC
●pparen t APRNT aprnt Arwy-Nwy mSt~ AND
●ppearance APP ●pp A?Wy-Navy-Alr Force ANAF ANAF
~fx APPX ●ppx ●romattc AROM ●mm
applfcatton AWL ●p9 1 ●rrange ARR ●rr
application block AS ●b ●~angement ARR ●rr
●ppl ted APLO afsld ●rray processing APIS apls
●ppl t~e APLQ aptq tnstructton set
appo4ntmant APPT ●pp t ●rr*s tar ARSR ●rsr
apprent t ce &PR ●pr ●rrest!ng (gear or hook) ARG ●rg
●pproach APRCH ●prch ●rri va 1 ARR ●rr
●ppruach control APPCON ●ppcon ●rs!ne ARS ●rs
●pproach control radar ACR acr ●rticl* ART ●rt
●ppropriate Ion APPN ●ppn ●ettculated ARTCLD srtcld
approva 1 APPVL ●ppv 1 ●rttftclal ARTF ●rtf
●pprove APPV ●ppv 8rtlf$cfal ●arth s8tel?lte AES ses
●pprwved APVO ●pvd ●rtlftclal neutron ART RON art ron
●pproved faltn abbr) APPO ---- ●rttftc!al transmiss ●tl
●pprox~mate APPROX ●pprex ●rttllery ARTY Srty
Aprl 1 Am ●s drawn AO ●d
●~s AQ ●q ●s ~t- AR ●r
●rbitrary Am ●rb ●s soon 8s possible ASAP asap
●rc Wld ARCW arcu ●sbestos AS8 ●sb
●rchitectural prejected APW ●pu ●sbestos (insul} A ●
Ulndow ●sbestus cement AC ●c
●rc~ttecture ARCH arch ●sbestos cement boar~ AC8 ●cts
●rch i ve ARCH arch ●saestos cuvered metal ACM am
●rcing ARNC ●rng ●sbestes mf 11 board me ●m
●rma Oraln AQ •~ 8sbestos roo+ shingles ARS ●rs
●raa movtng target fndicator AMTI ●mt f ●s~ha Jt ASPH ‘ ●sph
●r~a uelght average AWAR ●wa r ●sphalt plank floor ASWPF ●sphpf
resolution ●sphalt roof shtngles ASPHRS asphrs
●r8a welght8d ●versge MAT ●wa t ●sphalt tfle base AT B a tb
T-~r ●sphalt ttla ?loor ATF ●tf
8r~t progransntng ●p ●sptrator ASPRTR ●sprtr
●rttmtlc :;1tH ●ri th ●ssault Iandtng zone ALZ 812
●rtt~tic ●nd logic untt ALU ● lu ●ss-la ASSEM assm

Downloaded from

SsBrnlo (auto Asn ●sm aut-tfc brightness control AUC
manufacturing) automatic carri8r landing Ams Zs
8mssstlly ASSV ●ssy system
●ss-ly ●d repair Aim ●d r autrntle Celestlal ●cn
Sss-ly jfg Ad ●j Mvtgatton
●ssign ASCW ●sgn automatic check Valva AuTo Cv ●uto cv
●ssignment AS@4T ●s~t 8utrntic Oheckout mfpment ACE Acz
●sst Stal=e ASSTN asstn ●ut-tic clrcuft ●nalyzer ACA ●ca
●ssistant Asst ●sst automatic Ctrcuit ●xchange ACK7X ●cktx
Ass~sted Takeoff System a70s ATOS automatic Cluttw ● laminator ACL.E ●cle
8ssoci8t8 &ssoc ●ssoc ●utomatic cluttw mapping ACM ●cm
association ASSN assn ●utomatic data ●ccumulator ADAT ●cta t
●ssort ASRT ●srt ●nd transfer
●stablo ASTII ●stb automatic data ●ccp~sition ADA ●ds
●stable Blockfng oscillator A80 ●bo automatic data ●xchange ADX ●dx
●stern ASTN ●s tn ●utomatic data link AOL adl
●~tlgmatism ASTIG ●stig automattc data processing ADP AOP
●stragal A ● automatfc data translator AOT ●dt
●stronautical ASNAU? ●snaut ●utomatic d(gltal data AOi)AR ●ddar
●stronom~c ASTRO ●stro ●cqisttlon ●nd recording
●stronom~cal time switch A7$ ●ts automatic dtgital network AUTOO IN AUTOOI N
●stronomical unit Au ●u ●utomatic d$gital r-cordfng AORAC ●drac
●strophysi cs ASTROPHYS ●strophys ●nd control
●sy-tr~c ASYkt ●sym ●utomatic dfgftal wat-r AOUS ●dus
●sywptote ASYMP ●syap Sui tctl
●synchronous ASVN asyn ●utomatte direction finder ADF ●df
●synchronous data ADNS ●dms ●utosutlc door seal ADS ●ds
wlttplexer synchronizer autatic electronic AESC ●esc
●t ● later date ALD ● )d swltctttng center
athusrtship ATH ●th ●utomatic ftne tuning AFT ●ft
●tmosphere ATM ● tm automatic flight control AfCt!? AFCE
●tmosp~rtc sound focusfng ASFG ●sfg ccptpment
gain Automatic Flight Control AFCS AFCS
●tomic (cc* form) AT ●t syst-
●tomic demolition mnitfon ADN ●dm ●utrntic f~ncy control AFC ●fc
●tomfc e=plosion AT XPL ●t xpl automettc oatn control AGC ●gc
●tomfc hydrogen weld AT/V atlw autmtfc gatn stabllizat!on AGs ●gs
●tomtc striko recording ASTREC ASTREC” automatic gimbaled antenna AGAVE ●gav*
system vectortng ~lpmrnt
atomic weight Ar UT ●t Ut automatfc ground controlled AGCA AGCA
●tomizing ATNG atmg ●pwactl
● ttach ATCH atch ●utomatic ground controlled AGCL AGCL
●ttachsutnt ATCH ●tch landtng
attack ATCK ● tck automatic ground to ● ir AGACS AGACS
attendant ATT ●tt c~ications system
att8nt*on ATTN ● ttn Automattc Instrument AILAS AILAS
●ttenuate ATTEN ● tten Landing Approach System
●ttenuated total reflectance ATR ●tr Automatic Instrument AILS AILS
●ttitude AT7D ● ttd Landing System
●ttorney ATTY ●tty automattc lean AUTO LEAN auto lean
●udible ●ud ●utomatic lev81 control ALC *1C
●ud i o AUO ●ud ●utomatic Iocon ALO ●lo
●udio @ecade oscillator ADO ●do automatfc tow data rate ALDR I aldri
sudto Frequency AF 8+ Irq?ut
●udto playback unit APU ●pu ●utomatic message 8CCOUnting AMA ANA
●udio visua- av ●v automatic meteorological Amos AMOS
audl tor AUOTR ●udtr observing station
●lqrlent AGNT ●gmt autatic mixture contrul
August AUG Aug aut-tic mwlng target AMT I
authority to proceed ATP ● tp indicator
authorize AUTH ●uth autoaatic noise limiter AUL ●nl
authorized data list AOL ad 1 autattc numor AN1 ani
autodyne detecttmn ●nd AUOAR ●udar identification
ranging automatic outwt control AOC ●oc
●utomatic AIJTO auto ●utomatic overload AUTO OVLD ●uto Ovid
●utomatic antijam circuit AAdAC ●ajac automat~c overload circuit AOVC ●ovc
●utofnatic attack warning AAUS AAws autrntlc phaso control APC 8pc
Sys tam AUtOmStfC phaSe IOCR APL ●p 1
automatic back bias A8B ●bb ●utomatic picture APT ●pt
●utomattc bandwidth control AWC ●but transmissim
automtfc bass comensatfon ABSC abse ●utomstlc pflot PILOT
●utomatic btas ccmpensatten ABC? ●bcp

Downloaded from

49 day 1981
autntfc pistol AUTOP ●utop ●vlatlon ● iectron Cs AV1ONICS ●vionfcs
Wtomat t c programing ●nd APM spar ●viatfon fuel AV?UEL ●vfuel
record f ng ●viation gas turb ne AGT ●gt
automattc radar clt stance ARONE ●rdme ●vfation gasoline AVGAS ●vgas
measuring euufpment ●viation oil AV02L ●vof 1
●utomatic reclosing AUTO WECL ●uto reel avoirdupois AVDP ●vdp
●utomattc rich AUTO RICH auto rtch ●waiting overhaul AOH aoh
automatic send receive Asn ●sr ●vntng AWN ●wn
automatic sensitivity ASC asc ●xial flow AK FL ax fl
con t 1-01 ●xial pitch AXP a xp
sutomatlc sprtnkler AS ●s ●xial pressure ●ngle APA ●pa
●utomatic sprinkler riser MU ●st- ●zinuth AZ az
●utomettc stabiltzatfon ASE . ME ●ziwth ●nd elevation AZEL ●zel
●~ipment ●zirmth ●nd range AZRNG ●zrng
automatic starter AUTOS?RT sutostrt ●zimth change pulse ACP aep
●utomatic start~ng AUTOSTRTG sutostrtg aziwuth elevation AZEL ●ze 1
●utomatic stiffening AUTOSTIF sutostif ●ziwth only AZON ●zon
●utomatic stop ●nd check AUTO S&CV ●uto sbcv ●ztnuth ~antized gated AQGV aqgv “
valv~ video
●utomatic terrain ●voidance ATA sta babbitt BAB bab
●utomattc terratn folloutng ATF ●tf back connected SC bc
automatic terrain fol!wtng AtFR atfr “ back end BE be
radar back feee 6F bf
●utomatic terrain AtRAN ATRAN back focal distance UFO bfd
reeognttion and navigation back focal length BFL bf 1
●utomatic test ancl checkout ATCE ATU back gear 6G bg
equipment back of board eofs bofb
●utomatic test equipment AtE ATE back pressure BP bp
●utomat$c threshold AtV ●tv back pressure control SPC bpc
var~ation back to back 6T08 bteb
●utomatic track whi Ie scan A7WS atws -ck transient diode logfc BTDL BTDL
automatic tracking control A7C atc back view Bv bv
●UtOm8tfC tracking untt ATU a tu back water valve Bwv buv
●utomatic transformer AXFMd axfmr backface %F bf
automatic video no~se AVNL ●vn I background BKGO bk ~
lcvellng back 1●sh BL bl
autoaratfc,votce network AUTOVON AUTOVON backlash ●llouance 6A ba
wtomatfc volume control AVC ●vc “ backshel f BKSLF bkslf
●utomatic volume expanslun AVE ●ve backup interceptor control BUIC buic
●utomatfc zero set Azs ●zs backward uave magnetron BUM
●utomatfcaf Iy programed APT Sp t backward wave osc~llator Eiwo
too 1 backward wave power tiWPA %3
automation AUTOMN automn b*ltfier
●utomobile AUTO ●uto bactertologlcal 8ACT bac t
autonmtlve AUTOM autom baffle BAF baf
●utotransformer AUTO XFNR ●uto xfmr baggage SAG bag
auxl liary aux bail out 00 bo
●uxltiary detonating fuze AW ●df bakery OAK bak
●uxiltary drum AXO axd ba 1 ●nte ML ba ?
●uxtllary nxmory AM am balance to unbalance network BALUN ba ?un
●uxtltary power supply APS ●ps balanced line driver BLU bld
●uxil~ary power unit APU ●pu balanced voltage BAL V ttal v
●uxiltary register AUXR ●uxr balancing coil BAL CL bal c1
auxtltary switch ASU ●sw balancing rheostat 6ALRHE0 ba 1rheo
sux~liary switch (breaker] Asc ●sc balanclng set 8ALS bals
normally ciosed bail bearing 88RG bbrg
auxiliary switch (breakerl ASO aso ballast BLST blst
normaily open ballistic 8AL ba 1
●vailability AVLBL ●vlbi ball istfc missile EM bm
●vailable AVA1 L ● va I 1 ball~sttc missile boost BANE I bamb t
avemue AWE ●ve intercept
average AVG avg i!lallistic Missile Early EiMEifS BMEWS
●verage da$ly traff{c AOT edt Uarnfng System
●verage dlamter AVG OIA ●vg d{a ba 11 oon e b
●verage ●fficiency fndex AEI ●e f bal Istop 8SP bsp
●verage outgoing quality AOQ AOQ band UNO bnd
average outgoing ~ality AWL AOQL band display BNO 01s bnd dtS
Iimtt band elimination BO ELIM bd elim
average ptcture level AWL avpl band f{lter cutoff BFCO bfco
●vwrage sa~le nutier ASN ASN bandolier BDLR bdlr
●verage total ~nspection ATI AT1 ba~ass aP m
●viatton AVN ● vn BmdstOP filter BSFL bsf 1

Downloaded from

29 May 1991


ba-tdth w w be8con BCN
banduldth ratio OUR bur beacon ●ntenna cqulpment 8AE ba8
barbette OARS bsrb beacon ranging pulse BRP brp
barge. caqo UC Bc beam BM bm
barge , knockdown 9K bk beam formtng electrode OfE bf ●
barge . tratnfng UT bt beam of light transistor BOLT bolt
bortum croun Sc DC be- ●nd stringers 66s DAs
barometer SARO baro bawnsteering 6MSTRG bms t rg
bsrracks SKS bks bemwldth mm
barrage jmwners 04 bj besrfng em brg
Darred ERRD brrd bearing deviation indicator 001 bd {
barrel 9eL bb I bearing distance heading eot+r bdh f
bar~el rol !er i311L ROLL bbl roll indicator
barrel ttle roof BTR btr bearfng procurement 8PS bps
barrels per day BPO bpd specification
barrels per hour BPH bph bearing range indicator 8RI br i
barrier BARR Barr best fr~ency 8F bf
barrier coat Ec DC beat fr~ency oscillator BFO bfo
barrier grease proof 8GP bgp beat uscil?atur BO bo
barrier moisture vapor proof 8MVP bmvp Decicet ECKT bck t
Barrier Ready Liqht’ SYs-fem BRLS- SRLS bedd f ng 8 DNG bdng
Barrier Up Inciic~tor S“ystem WIS BUIS Van Bom’i bdpn
barrier waterproof BWP lx+ bedroom eR br
barrtng BRRG brrg before BFR bf r
Daryta Itght fling SLF blf beginner’s ●n-purpose BASIC 8ASIC
base 8 b sy-olic instruction code
base [electron device) 8 a (eowputers}
base and increment 88: b& i beige BG tlg
base band ee bb bell alarm switch 8A W ba sw
base detonating Bo bd bell and bell 88B 88 b
base detonating fuze BOF bdf bell and flangt B~ f Daf
base detonating self 80s0 bdsd bell ●nd spigot ahs bas
destroying bell cord ec DC
base dfameter BOIA bdia bell crank SEL CRK Del crk
base ●ject~on Be De bsll end @E be
base $uze Bf bf belltng @LNG blng
base hei{x ●ngle 9HA bha bel Imth 8LMTM blmth
base ignttion S1 bi bel 10US BLWS blwS
base line BL bl belou 8LW blu
bmse percussion 6P w below water BW bw
base pitch 8P belt work line BWL bw I
base plate BP ~ bench ONCH bnch
basmnt OsNT bsmt “ bench maintenance equipment BME
basic USC hsc bench mark 8M bm
basic air speed 8AS oas benchboard aNcHBo bnchbd
basic contour line BCL bc 1 bend down BON bdn
basic i~ulse insulation BIL bil bend lfne BL bl
1 ●ve I bend radius 8R br
basfc network 8AS NET bas net bendup SUP Dup
basic oxygen furnace BOF bo f bend i ng 8NG bng
basic processing unit BPu bpu bonding moment M m
basket 8SKT bsk t bent BT bt
batch mfxcr 8MXR Dmxr berth BTH bth
bathythermograph 61 bt berthing BERTH berth
battalion W bn Bessemer BESS Eless
batten OATT batt between 8ETW betw
batter BAT bat Detwen centers EC 8C
bat tery BTRY btry between perpendiculars 8P bp
battery [electrical) 6AT bat bev91 8EV bev
battery charger BAT CHG bat chg beveled wood siding 8WS *S
battery echelon operating aEoc beoc b@v8eag8 BvGE bvge
control biconditional 6 I CONO b t CO*
battle BAT bat biconvex Bcvx bcv x
battle dress~ng 80 Dd biCyCle OCL bc 1
08- BE Be bill of exchange B/E b/e
bayonet BAY bay bfll of lading 8/L bl 1
bayonet candelabra BAYC bavc bfl? of material 8/M b/m
bayonet candelabra double SEE BELOW SEE 8ELOW bill of sale 8/s b/s
contact billet OL bl
bayonet candelabra stngle SEE OELOW SEE BELOW billet steel 8L STL bl stl
contact bimetallic E$MTLC bmt ~C
bayonet skirted 8AYSK baysk bfnary 81N bln

bayonet candelabra single contact B/lYCAIIDSC bay canalsc

Downloaded from

29 May 1981


8tnery Codo fr~ y Shtft 8crsK bcfsk blip fraam ratio 8fR bf r
keytng bltp scan ratio Osn bsr
btnery COd@ddecimal BCD bed block BLtC blk
btnery coded \nformatton DC! eel blocktng SLKC blkg
btnary Cm OCtal X0 bco blocking oscillator 80 be
tstrury coded range ttme OCR? bcrt b~ou torch 0LW7 bkwt
Btnsry counter BC be bloudoun SLMDN bltin
bfnary decimal counter BDC bdc blower 8L0 blo
btnary decoder 80 w blowoff w bo
btnary dlgtt Blt blt BiOMout BLWT blvt
btnary cttvide Bov blowout coil aoc
btnary ●lectroma~ttc t)ESS bess blue ecu blu
stgnal stgnature blue (altn sbbr) 8L ----
btnary Mer BN en blue tndicati~ llght tlIL bt 1
binary subtract as bs blue stern Ilght 8S1 LT bst It
btnary to decimal 8/D b/d blue tool steel 07s bts
btmr Bon Blueprtnt 8P m
etndtng em board m M
bindtng head em ~ board foot fw=asu=) FOM f-
btnnacle 8NCL boatswain BOSN bosn
btnocular SNCLR bnctr bobbtn SOB
Elnomfnal cwpms$on SINOMEXP blnoww@ body bared bolts me
btoastronautic orbiting eoss 00ss body centered cubic Bcc bcc
“ Spaes statton body centered tetragonal K-r bet
btochemica) oxygen demand 800 80C
blologfca) BIOL blol ~e:n c~ass$s BLR blr
biological defense Blootf efoQef botlwr feed m bf
biological e)ectronlcs BIONICS biontcs botler f- cowpound tank 8F~ bfet
btolog~cal warfare au w boiler feed pww BFP bfp
t)tology OIOL b{ot botler feed-water BFU bfw
biology 4c- form) 010 bto botler horsepowr BNP
biparttng doors SIPO btpd botler house WI bh
b{~st SPT bpt botler pressuro BOPRESS bopress
Qtrmtngham Wire Gage BWG BWG bot?er water EWR bowr
btstable 8s78 bs tb bot Iermaker 6*R b@cr
btt e b botlw@lats BP m
btt ● rror rate BCR b8r botltng 800 ~
bits per tnch 8P I bpf botltng potnt 8P
efts per second 8PS bps boldface (type) BF bf
et tumtnous DITUN bttum bolster BOLS bets
black BLK blk bolt 8LT Dlt
black (altn ●bbr) OK ---- bolt ctrcle Bc bo
black ●nd white mu MM bolted bonnet fiLT 67 Dlt bt
black ●nd white prints n-u b-w bolted on base ao/Bs ~~~s
e18ck ●namel slate DES 08s bolted p!ate 8P *
black t Pon 81 BI 06 be
black ott finish slate SOFS bofs -- Untt 60U b-
bleck g~r W *
m Itne aL bl
black as bs bow@ ltve unit BLU blu
btack varntsh ca~rlc Wc bvc ~ nose fuze SNF bnf
f fneu? ) boae sewtce Bs bs
h t ackboard EKD bkd ~ ta{l fuse BTF btf
slacken OLKN blkn m testing device BTD btd
blackening BLKNG blkng m8ti i *r BM80R -r
blackwt Bo bo’ -e~t (projectile) ltOMO
blackout door am ~ (atrcraft) s b
O?xkout Wtndou Bow =tng navigation system 6?6 8?4S
blacksmith BSNITN bsmi th -trig through overcast BTO bto
blaa BL ~tght 00MST bores t
blank SLK Blk bonchd SND
blmket BLKT b!kt ~ (tnsul) a b
blanking BLKG bikg bonded double cotton ~{nsull BOC bdc
blmklng dte OLKGO blkgd b~ double silk f~nsul) 80s bds
blasttng powder SLSTG PWO blstg pVd bonded stng}e cotton (insul) (tC bc
bleed BL bl bonded single s!lk finsul~ SS bs
bleeder OLDR bldr bonderfze awz Mdz
bl~ bonding 9NOG hdg
bllnd ●pproach beacon system 8AOS BAES boneless BNLS bnls
bli~ load ●nd plug 8UP bla~ bonrut 8NT bnt
bltti load ●nd tracer 8LbT b!bt book rack eR Dr
bltnder et-o b)d bookca8e Sc be
bookfom drawtng BFO bf d

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


bedclot BKLT bklt breech ~nlsm BN b
boost roctmt SST m bst rkt brick mRK
boostw Bstn bstr bridge BRDG brctg
booster engina cutoff BECO beco brfdge ~toff Bctl bco
bootstrap STS7 btst br \ dgehead 8mFQ brghd
bor8scope 8s bs bright BRT brt
borestght BRSIT brs i t bri~tness SET . brt
boroca- resistor BCR bcl- brllliam llRIL brt 1
borosfltcato crown Itsc bsc Brlnell hardness OH Oh
borr~ light 8LT blt Brimll tlsrd’WSS m4uber 8* ahn
both faces or bf Brtttsh Stawdard 8R S70 Br Std
both sides 8s bs erittsh Standard Wtre Gawt SWG SW
both ways mu bu Brttfsh theraal unit - BTU 6 tu
bottle BTL bt 1 Woach 8RCH brch
bottm BOT bot broadcast Sc k
bottoa chord BC bo broadcast tmterference ecx bci
bottom dead center BDC tronz* BRZ brz
bottom face DF bf breoa closet act bc)
bottom layer 9L bI brown t4RN brn
bottom lead laft 8711 btll brwn (altn abbr) OR ----
bottom lead right BTLR btlr Broun ●nd Sharp Ufre Gage 86 s 86s
bottom plane UP m browtf~ ● t=mft -Cht- OAHG besq
bottomt rig SOT* botmg (gun )
boulevard ULVD blvd bretming ●utrntlc rffle 8AR bar
boundary BOY bdy ~$ng machtna gun 8NG ~
boundary layer contro) SLC blc brush BR
bow buoymcy BBYCY bbycy brush holder Om+ brh
bow ~signat ion ltght 80 LT bd It ~le memory t3U8MEM
bow dtvtng BDVG bdvg bucket OKT bkt
bow door 800 buckram 8UCK
- ltght SW LT w It buffer eFR bfr
bow p}sne OPLA bpla bu~fm a4pltfter BA ba
bowstrtng BWSTRN wstm Wffw -ttlplexer B/m b/m
box fin 8XF b%f buffer regtstee 8R br
boxcar detector DXDT bndt ! buffered emttter follower BEF “ bef
- brace BRC brace bu$flng BFG bfg
bracket BRKt brk t build~q BLDG bldg
bra i e URO brd butlatng ltns BL bl
braid (insul ) B b butlt-ffl BL7ZN blttn
bra i dad ERO butlt-fn test equtpment BITE bite
OraJded wire ●rmor BW bu bulk [substrate) (electron au BU
brake SK - -$C8J
brake horsep~r bulkhead OHO bM
brake man ● ffective BMt!P bull nose ON bn
pressure bu 1 I*zer BOZR bdzr
brakeband 8RKaD brkM bul I@ttn 8ULL bull
brmm BR br bulletln board BB bb
brsss BRS “ W% builotproof BPRF bprf
Brass dlvlder strtp 00s bunching acnG bc~
braze BRZ brz bunchi~ block 8B m
braz i ●r BRAZ braz bundle BOL Ml
brazing SRZG brzg buoy -Ssenger BUSS bmss
breach f ng BRHG brhg W40y Underuat- sound signal UJss buss
bread wrapping ●nd S-all r9 SW 6 SM bwasa buoyancy b
mechfne buoyant :YNT bynt
breadth Or bemn Of ship s b -au au bu
Weak 8RK brk burlap SRLP brlp
break before make BBM bufmr 8NR bnr
break jaw Bd ej burnfng 8RNG
breakdown BKDN bkm burntstl itmt’t bnsh
break~ dtode 9KDN010 bkdndto bumtsher 8RNSHR brnshr
breakdown voltage ev bv burs ter @RsTR brstr
breaker 8RKR brk r burstfng strength BRST STR brst str
breaker end BE be bus sc18ctor BSLR bslr
break 1ng BRKG brkg bus tte BT bt
breakoff ●ltltude %OA boB bus transfer @TR btr
Oroakoff he{ght BON bush transfer BTR btr
breakpu!so generator BPQ mg bus- I 6U bu
breathe SRTH brth bu9h tng esHG bshg
w98ther SRTMR brthr bushing (altn ●bbr) BUSH ----
breathing apparatus BA ba bushtng current transfo-r 9CT bet
br-h loadtng BL bl bu8Rtw POtentta) dovtcm BPD

Downloaded from

29 ?liiy1’981


bustness Bus bus capacitor d{ode gate CDG Cdg
busfness tnuut output rerun O!(IR Btor capacitor start CAPST caps t
but-live 8L b! Capacitor start ●nd run CAPST5R capst8r
butane 8U7N butn capacttor-d{ode logfc CDL CDL
butcher BTCR btcr capacity CAP cap
butt ltne OL b? caplllary CPLRY Cplry
butterfly 9TFL btfl Captllary tube ●nd bulb CPLRY T8B cplry t6b
buttock line BL el capttal CAP cap
but tan OTN btn capped CPPD cppd
button h~ad Bmwo btnhd capstan CPsN cpsn
buttweld 8WLD btwld capsu I ● CPSL Cps I
buzzer Buz buz Carbtde C80 Cbd
by (betveen dtmenstons) x carbine CBN cbn
bypass OYP :yp carbon ftlm resistor CFR cf r
cab OVQF ●ngin COE coo carbon molybdenum steel CMOS e-s
Czbln CAB cab carbon steel Cs Cs
cabinet CAB cab carbon tetrachloride CBN TET cbn tet
cabl* CA ca carbonate CRBNT crbnt
cabl* duct CD cd carburetor CARB carb
cab18 fuzlng !flrtngl CF Cf carburetor air t8f?@@ratur0 CAT cat
cable reed C8LR0 Cb \rd carburize CARB carb
cable television CATV eatv card CD cd
cable termination equ~pment CT E c te card per minute CPM cpm
cabIing diagram CAD cad card random ●ccess memory CRAM cram
cadmium plate CD PL cd p) card reader CD ROR cd rdr
cage CG Cg card-to-tape tape CTT Ctt
calculate CALC talc cargo CAR car
calculated ●trspeed CAS Cas cargo center of gravity CCG Ccg
cal fber CAL ca 1 carload CL c1
cal {brate CAL ca 1 carpenter CPNTR cpn t r
calibrated air speed CAS cas carpet CARP carp
Calibrated focal length CF L Cf 1 carr t ●ge CRG crg
calibrated magn{ftcation CM cm carrl ● r CARR carr
calibration CAL ca 1 carrier current CARR CUR carr cur
cal tper CLP@ clpr c8rrfer eltmfnatlon filter CEF ce f
call box station Ce s Cbs carrier frequency CF Cf
calorie CAL ca ? carrier frequency Shift CFS Cfs
cam box Cs x Cbx carrter \nput CIN cin
cam casa CMCS c-s csrrier operated dev~ce CODAN COOAN
cam chair cc cc ●ntinoise
cam follower CNFLR cmf 1r carrier operated r@Iay COR Cor
cam roller CMRLR cmrlr carrter supply Cs Cs
cam timing contact CTc Ctc carrl~r to notse c/N c/n
ca~r cm cam carrter wave c/w c/w
ca~ra CAMR camr carrying CRYG cryg
camera control un~t Ccu Ccu cartographer CRTOG crtog
camouflage CAMOF camof carton CTN ctn
cam CP Cp cartrtdge CRTG crtg
cam Cha!r cc cc cartr~dge ●ctivated devtce CAO cad
ca~ctce t CMPKT Cn@k t cartrtdge stora~e case Csc Csc
camshaf t CNSHFT cmshf t cascade CAS cas
can CM cn case Cs Cs
cance 1 CANC cane case harden c?+ C?l
cancelled Pransmlssion CANTRAN cantran casmnt projected transom CPT Cp t
candelabra CANO cam casing CSG CS9
candelabra prefoeused cPREF cpref cassette CASS cass
candelabra screv CAND SCR canal scr cassette-operated system Cos eos
candle co cd cast (c- +o~) c c
candlepower CP w cast Iron c1 Ct
cantster CST R cstr CaSt lrOn conduft box C2CND BOX CiCnd box
canop ~ CAN can cast iron pipe clP Ctp
cantf lever CANTIL cantl I cast steel Cs Cs
canvas CAUV canv cast stone Cs Cs
canvas coverefl vlre rope CCURH ccurh castellate CSTL Cstl
hendrall casting CsTG Cstg
cap Serw CAP SCR cap scr castto CAS cas
capab 1w CPUL Cpb 1 castle nuf CAS W~ cas nut
capacitance CAP cap catalog CAT cat
capacitance (co* form) c c catalyst CTLST Ctlst
capacitor CAP cap catapult CAT cat
capacitordtode CD cd catch B*S n C8 Cb
category CAT c= t

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


cathode CATH cath C8remtc glazed structural CGSFU Cgs f u
C8t- (a form) c c facf~ unfts
cathode folectron devfcw) K K cuamlc glazed structural CGSU6 cgsuB
cathode follwwr CE Cf unit base
c8th0d. follou8r mtxar CFM Cfln Ceramic glazed units CQJ Cgu
cathode ray CR er ceramic metal ● lement CERMH c8-t
cathode ray dtrectlon finder CRDF Crdf ceramic tfl* CT Ct
catm ray osctllogra~ Cfto cro ceramic til~ base Cm ctb
cathode ray tube CRT cr t coraa{c tfle floor CTF Ctf
Cattlo htde CAlufo catlhd ceramic to amtal (seal) CERPWT Ce- t
C8 two 1h CTWALK Ctwalk certify CERT Cert
ceulked Joint CLKU clkj cesspool w
caulk+- CLKG clkg chafn E Ch
Caut 1on cAfJt Caut Chain grat8 CG Cg
Cav i ty CAV C*V cha 11 ●nge C?+AL Cha 1
Cefltng CLG Clg Ctla-r CHM8R Cmr
CAVU cavu ch~r (altn ●bbr) CHAM8 ----
ceflt~ wtd vfslblltty
unIimlted chamfer CHAM Chain
c818sttal CEL change Chng
cellophane (tnsul) K Chafyw (aItn ●bbr) -.--
collulos8 ●cotato (Insul) change notic8 CN en
~t :EM change order co eo
cement ●sbestos (see *--- chsnge ovar CHGov Chgov
● sbestos cement) change point CP w
c~t ●sbestos board (see ---- ---- change ~st CR er
●shes tos cement board} changeable type plate Sty”le CT-PS Ct-ps
c~ t base CB Cb ctmnne 1 CHAN ehan
c~nt flow CF Cf channel entry CHAN ENT than ent
cement mortar CEM NORT cm mor‘t channel shifter SEE BELOW SEE BELOW
cenRn t pl ●ster CPL Cpl chapter cnAP chap
c~ t plaster celling CPC Cpc chsracter CHAR char
centwr CTR ctr character register CHR chr
cent ●r distance co cd characterist tc CHRST Chrs t
centar frequency CTRF ctrf charge Chg
cent-r frequency modulation CrM Cfln charge coupled device CCD ccd
center frequency Cfs Cfs charger CHGR chgr
st8biltzation- Cnass 1s CHAS Chas
center line CL c1 check cm
centw line ●verage CLA Cla C- bft mfKB chkb
center line bend CLB clb check coil Ctlc
Center ltne vertical keel CVK Cvk check te~late CKT ck t
center matched CM cm checX valve Cv Cv
center of buoyancy Cn cb c~er CM(R chk r
center of flotation CF Cf checkout co co
center of gravity CG Cg checkout ●nd automatic CAM cam
center of pillar CPi.R cplr nmnitorlng
center ef pressure CP w chemicai CHEM them
center punch CP Cp chemical biological CEM Cbm
centar sectfon Cs Cs uunltions
center tap CT et chemtcal biological C8R C8R
center to center CTOC Ctoc radiological (warfare)
centerboard CNTBRO cntbrd chem{cal defense CMLDEF cmldef
centering CTRG ctrg chemical Inlllfng CN cm
centimeter gram second CGS Cgs chemtcal warfare Cw Cw
centimeter per second CMPS Cws chemically pure CP w
centipoise CP m chest of drawers cow cdur
centra I C7L Ct I Ctl #W CH Ctl
central comnmd decoder CCD Ccd cntffoniur c?+ Cll
central fire control CFC Cfc chiffonier locker CH LKR Ctl Ikr
central logic unft CLU C)u chiffonier mirror CH MIR ch mir
central office co eo chi 1 led CHLD chid
centrat processing element CPE cpe ch~lled drinking water COW call
cnntral peocesstng unit CPU Cpu chilled drinking water CDWR cdur
ccmtral ttfntng ●quipment CTE cte r. turn
central tlm~ng unit cw Ctu chflled water CHU Chu
C~trisllZed automatic CAMA CAMA chloracetophenone Ct’i cn
message accounting chloracetophenone Solutlon CNS Cns
Centralized Trafftc Control CTC CTC chloroptcrin ps
contrlfuga I WFGL cntfg~ chloropicrin stannic 12 nc
centrifugal force Cf Cf chloride
ceram t c CER cer choke Ch
I Chokm Coil % Chc

“ckak~hkt;” “ “ ● “ “ ● “ “ “ “ “
Downloaded from

29 WY 1981

I .. ——— —— Cl
9mr8r=- eta
●8rmce ●rray
●sri rig
cLnfJ Clrg
-t CLT Clt
cm Iwat
Cr moty Igvfs
1t~tor Cltp
CR VAN cf= van c1I tp Clk
cl I
a4Rm CP w
c11Ock puls=
cRPL Crp ~ c’ Iock pulsSd control Cw
CR-R crruntr c Iockw I so c!
CRNNTC ernmtc c 10s0 cc
CINE Clne c 1Ose Coupld
CP w
0s c 10~0 pack-
ctr c 1~s support Cts
CCT Ott c 10s. to shoulder c tccc
Ckt c 1IOS- type control c~r~it
Ctrcutt Cb contact Cts
b~9S~k*~ C9 CIS
Ctmult CKT 8KR ckt -r c1 Iose-tn support Cctv
~raaker (altn XTV
circuit CG8 c 1Iosed cfrcult televtsfon cl-
card ●ss-lY CCA CLE
Ctf-attt Ckt cl c ‘1Iosed end cl
clostng cut CL CL
Cimutt cd ;1Iosed I-P C18C
mscripttom CD b’Iosed CLAC
QCTF Cktf loop ●pproach contro’ Clo
Clrcult finder , Ioset CLO
CI cl CL c1
Circuit Intorruptcr : Iostng
CN cm cc cc
circuit master : Iostng coil
Cm OP Ckt OP CLOS Clus
Ciuuit win9 : 1osum Clthg
pack ●ge CP w .. lothi~ CLTffi
Ctl=cult Cps Cldy
package $c~atie CPs .. 1Oudy CLOY
etrcul t crt Clstbb
CRT .. luster cLST8B
ctrcult requtr$m$nt table csmt bob
ctrcult suitch~ng ma~tic
: luster bom”unft
tapm Csu : Iuteh
ctrcuit svitchtng untt
Csu .. lutter CLTR cltr
efrcular CEA cea t Iutter gate
CL~I Clamtt
circular ●rror ●verage eep Eilutter lock- ai*-
circular error probability cmi 1 ~tng targat tndicator Cltrm
ci~18r Wtl c:Iutt-r -P Clsc
cifCU18r pitch w cma 1●sce CCIAN eoam
etrcular polarization cmad ng CRS crs
Ctrcular probable er~r CRCLT Crclt c~ame Cllw c6h
ctmulate cmat ●nd hat hooks ch
CUP (24
ut~iati~ watw Pum CRCNF crcmf cmat hook C70 ctd
ci ~ =r=nce co {:Oated Cm T clmt
Ctttzens’ -- Cv 1 f%ated metal
cm etg
Ctvtl Clp Coatlq COAX coax
Clm Coaxlat Cobcrm
Claap tnsulatim CIp scr cobmlt Chr- COBS Cobb
clq scrw CLPR clpr cobblw Casw Cbshp
cl-r ciar cobbler s- CKPT Ckpt
clartftcatiom c1 Coctcpt t cin
CL cIf4
c1 ●ss class cods tdentificatfon nun@er Cage
cJasslficati- Cls ~ ●utomattc gain centrol CAGC
COBI coo t
CLS C- btphase
classlfy Cp CP Acs CPACS
C18W pla- =P cod.d pulse ●ntlclutter
CP System
clay ptpe CLN cln Come c-
c i ●m Cf t ~ decoder Csp
clom fu-1 otl ta* CG LKR cg Ikr coder s~ential pulse
coo cod
cleant~ gear locker co Codtng COEF co-f
co Cwffictent
Cl@-t FCQ fco CP -
Clea=t flush Wfth coefficient of perfomme CORCN Co-
f~n~shed floor clr c~rc t on cofml
c 1●ar Cat COf?ee m{ll COFF Cor f
cltor •~r turtmlonce Ca COff erdam @ae Ceg
CA bu u
clear ●perture cGSF(J Cgsrd c~tzant ~AR coar
clear giaz~ structural cohWmt array radar COL1OAR CO1 tdar
factng un{ts Cgsub coher$nt light detect!on

I ●nd rafwtq
master oscillator
amwusry filter
clear wtr~ glass coher$nt oscillator cpsk
clear write condition c cohe~ent phase shift ~eYiW ~SK ef
c 8
clear; reset CO1l f$ntsh ● .*”**
● ***”* W*-** ● “
. ..** “o” ● * ●

..**Q ● *” ~r tan lthr

ihiorne t--d leather
Downloaded from

29 May 1981


Cofl sketch Cs es common-contr~l swttchtng CCSA Cesa
Cotn d{~le co cd ●rrangement
cold brino W* C8PMP Cbpllp conmuntcatlon cow Cofms
cold drawn CD cd comuntcatton IIne COLT colt
cold drawn copper CDC cdc terminator
cold drawn steel Cos Cds c~ntcatton navlgat~on CNI CNx
cold ffnished Cr Cf ~dentlflcatton
cold finished steel CFS Cfs Conms.wilcatlons ●ccess device CAD cad
cola I ●g COLG Coig cowmunicatfons and data C&o ebd
cold punched CP w cowswnlcattons ●nd CAN can
cold polled CR cr navtgatfon
cold rolled st*el CRS crs COHWNniCat\OnS ●nd tele!mtry CAT c&t
cold side CSD csd c~nicattons ●utomat!c CAPE cape
cold water .CM Cw processing equipment
COI Iaboration CULLAS collab conwamtcatiws COMCM Comcln
co) )apse COLPS co Ips countermeasures ●nd
col Iar CLR Clr dec8ptton
COI Iectlng CLTG Cltg comamlcations electronics CE CE
CO1 lectfve CLTV Cltv coasfunications ● lectronics CEM CEM
Col lector COLL Col 1 Sleteorologicat
collector (electron device c c c~nicatfons Intelligence COMINT” comlnt
collector rtng CLRG clrg comunfcations jamlng COWAN Comj ●m
collimator COLIM Col im camunlcat~ons moon =Iay CMR
coIlofe COLL colt cowswntcstlons need CONWED co-*ed
cologartthm COLOG Cotog c~lcations network COW4ET comne t
co 1or CLR clr comuntcattons satell?te COMSAT COMSAT
cwlor code cc cc c~fcat{qns satelltte CSR Csf
column CDL co! relay
c-a t CBT Cbt Coasmmtcations support Cs E cse
c-at Information center CIC Clc clement
c-at ready CR cr conwunicattons tag Pool COMPOOL Cowpoe 1
c~at vchlclc Cv Cv communications zone CUZI Coz t
c~lnatiom COU8 Cowm indicator
Coablne CM80 -d c~ity ●ntenna televtsfon CATV ca tv
Celned CM8D cOamUnity ●utomatic exchange CAX C8X
-ined dlstrlbut{on frame COF cdf cowwunity dial o$ffce Cuo Cdo
conblning CoMa e- c~ntty educational radio CERFS CERFS
C-St~b!e COM8L Com ? fixed service
co-stton COMB COR$3 comutator Cr)wm cm
c-stor ctUtSTR ~str cofmsJtator end CE ce
Colmand eoap8n 1on COMP C-
eomtand and service module Csn Csm cmpany co
Comwwnd control number CCN cm comparator ::MPTR coq3tr
Comwand data ●cqJtsltion CDA Cda c~arator buffer C8 Cb
Cormnand destruct receiver CDR cdr conysare CMPR cqr
e-and destruct transmitter COT cd t c-are (for referenci~) c? Cf
command mowle CM cm coqsrtment COMPT cow t
Cwwlmnd pulse CP w c~artment ●nd ●ccess CSA csa
Cof!slland pulse output CPO Cpo Comsss .—— CMPs CUQS
conmand radio ?Ink CORAL Cora 1 coapass co~nsattng CPS CMPSG Cp% -Sg
eomaand weapon carrier COMO WC cold WC conqatible current-stnk~ng CCSL CCSL
co-n t UNT cm t logic
conmercta I CCML Cm 1 conpattble Ssngle Stdeband Cssa cssb
co~rctal projected ufndow CPW eonpensate COMPEN comen
cemrclal quaiity CO cqnsatad ●valanche diode CAO cad
Conwn?rctal Standard Cs :: compensating COMPSG Colrpsg
coawnercial translator coMTmN comtran c~sa tor COMP . Cofp
consntss~on COMSN comsn c-i Icr” COMP COHQ
Co!mtt am Cmt c~tl-r ass~ler COMPASS conQ8ss
cmmedl ty CMOTY Cmdty complement CMPLM Cmlln
coaanon COM C- c~lementary metal-ox(do C$Kls CMOS
cmmnen ldiagraml c c semiconductor
cowsnon base Ca Cb c~lementary semiconductor CSCR CSCR
common battery co controlled mrcttf~er
common bus!ness-oriented COO(JL %80L cowmtemmtary transistor CT L CTL
1 ●nguage logic
Collwlofi col lector cc cc Cwl-ntary unijunct{on cum CUJT
consnon control untt Ccu transistor
dtgltizer co cd conp18t8 COMPL Cowp 1
●nt tter CE co c~lcte round CR er
mode reject ton c~loto round chart CRC Crc
steel lprojectlle) Cs Cs c~l-te w{th c/w c/w

Downloaded from

29 My 1981


mictcly knocked down CXD ck d condensate CNos Cnds
~-t -t condensation trail CONTRAIL contra f 1
component board Cs Cb condensw CONO Cond
co~orwnt board assemly CBA c~a condition COf4UTN cond tn
component change control ccc ccc Ccmdftlon (altn ●bbr) COND ----
c~onent identification CID Ciu conditioned reflex Imachtne COW L EX conf 1●x
component Identification. CID m etd no conditioned r~sponse ●nalog coRA Cora
cqnent metal parts CNP con’@et C?JOCT cndc t
Comnent repatr CR cr conducted emiss~on CE ce
eonpos t te CMPST -St conducted susceptfbfiity Cs Cs
qosition CMPSN ~sn Commctivity CNOCT Cndc t
conpositton floor COMPF Cqf conductor CNDCT Cndc t
=ofW30Sitton roof COMPR cowqw co-tor (altn ●bbr) CONO ----
~~ cqad co=tor (CO- form) c c
c~ound pr-ssure %%s Cpross co~tor head 04 Ctl
c~ress CPRS cprs con@Jl t Cnd
coqYressed Str CONPA co@pa cone point CP Cp
~ressed ● ir circu$t CACB cacb ccnfor (compare) (for CF Cf
breaker refermctng)
c~ression CPRSN cprsn conference CONF conf
qrossor CPRSR cprsr conf~denttal CmF conf
c~ressor (a#tn ●bbr) ~NPR ---- confi~rst ton CoNfIG Corlfi g
~ressor discharge C* conft~ration ttem CI c1
pFessur- confine cow eon f
comrsssor ●xpander CIMPAPQER c~ander Cotlfltct CF L Cf 1
c~ressor +nlet pressure C:P ctp- conformance CONF conf
c~ressor iniet temperature CZT Ctt contuse CFS Cfs
cos@ometer COMPTR comptr confusion CFSN cfsn
~te CMPT cayit Congruent CONGR congr
coqmted ● ir release potnt CARP carp con I ca 1 CONL con I
~ter CNPTR ~tr conical fin COF Cof
~t- ●ccess dwfce CAD cad contcal scan CONSCAN conscan
~ter ●ccess device tnput CAOI cad f conical scan on receive only CSORO Csoro
cater access devtce CAOO Cado conjunction CONd conj
output connectfnq rod coWfRoo Connrod
c~ter atded design CAD CAD connect ton Cow Corm
c~ter a~ded test CATE cats cwtnectton dtagram CONN DXAG ~OW! d$sg
WIpment co~tor CONN cenn
~ter ●utomated support CASE caso conning tower CONTWR contwr
~tpmmnt consecutive CONSEC consec
c~ter data word cow Cdu consist of Clo c/o
Comuter dtrect to telegraph COOIT cod i t conso 1e CSL es 1
~ter indicator Cx Ci console sfmlator CONSIM cons i m
~t~r ope~at~ COED c-” consol Idate CNSLD cns 1d
electronic display consolidated cryptologtc CCP Ccp
Ce~ter process control CPC Opc prugram
~t~r security CMPSCTY CnQscty Consptcuws ly CNSP crisp
Conq3utee-aided Instruct Ion CA1 CA t constant CONST cons t
c~ter-aided manufacture CAM CAN constant control o~l CCOP ecop
~ter-automated CAMAC CMAC pressure
measurement ●nd control constant current generator CCG Ccg
CORCXJt@r12Sd ●xtal CAT CAT constant current adulation CCM cm
t~raphy constant current transformer ccl Cct
conputer~zed tomography cl n constant del ivery CDEL cue 1
==lWtfv CMPTG C1’lq)tg constant false ●larm rate cF AR Cr AR
cmsv@ CNcv Cncv constant level speech CLS Cls
concea Ied CWL Cnc 1 constant output •~ltfier Co& coa
concentrate CONC Cone censtant pressure CP w
concentric CNCTRC cm trc Constant speed drive CSD csd
concentric Ia)tn ●bbr) CONC ---- constraint CO?iSTR constr
concept forwlatlon Cr Cf construction CONSTR cmstr
concession con construction design crtterla Coc Cdc
conclusion %=1 Cone 1 construction joint CJ Cj
concrete CONC Cone construction specification CON SPEC con spec
concrete block Cca Ccb consultant CONSULT censu I t
ooncrete cetltng ccc ccc contact CONT cent
concrete floor CCF cc f contact lost CL c1
concrete pterc~ng CP w contact making (or cm cma
Concr-te splash block CS8 csb breaktng) ●inter
Concurrent CNCR cncr contact making clock CMC
CON Cdm contact matclng voltmeter CNVM Cmvm

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


contact potontfal dlffwWco (%VI cpd control shift registgr CSR csr
Cent ●ct or CNTOR cntor control stlctc ste=rtng Css Css
contact or, rurm { ng COR eor contro 1 $Wf ten Cs Cs
contact or. starttng Cos Cos con tro 1 trmsmitter Cx Cx
conta~ned CNTO cntd control whewl steertng Cws Cus
containw CNTNR cn t nr con t ro I word CONT MO cent ud
contaminated CONTAM contain controllable pttch propeller CPCH PROP cpch oroD
contaminated 0~~ sett~in9 COST Cost controllable radar tzrget CRTS crts ‘
taw slaulator
contmts CONT cent controlled bllp scan C8S cm
Continental horsepower CQNT NP cent hp control~ed carrier CCM ccm
continental polar ●lr mass cPAM cpam modulation
continental trepical ● tr CTW ctam controlled current f=edback CCFT Ccf t
ln*s s transformer
contfnous duty CDTY Cdty controlled rectlfler CR Cr
cent tnue CONT cent controller CONT con t
con t I nued CDNTD contd controls S- displays C$o c6d
cont~nuad ~altn ●bbr) cow cent convection WNVN convn
cont~nuity check cm cc?ik convector CONVR convr
continuous cow eont convenl*nce CNvc cnvc
continuous bl~ C8 CD convention cow conv
continuous cu-rcial Ccs Ccs conventtona ? CVNTL cvnt 1
Sorv 1C* convergence CONVG convg
continuous current CCNO c- conversion CVRSN cvrsn
monitoring d~v!ce conv=rt CONV conv
Continuous OrbitaI Guidance COGS COGS converter cow Conv
system convertible CONV conv
continuous rod CR cr Convwx Cvx Cvx
Contimous wave Cw Cu conwyor CNVR cnvr
conti*OUs wave ac~tsitlon CWAR cuar cool room CLRM Clrm
raaar coolant COOL coo 1
continuous wave frequewy CWFM cwfm cooled CLO cld
modulated cooler CLR clr
cantlnuous wave illuminator CwI owl Cooltng CLG Clg
continuous wave CUIF Cv+(f cooltng fan Cf Cf
# intermediate frequency coordinate COORD coorct
u CONW con tw coordinated shtpboard msAL cosa I
contt-ous w~ndow
conttnuousiy vartable Cv Cv ●llowance ltst
contour CtR etr Coordfnsted untversal time UTC UTC
Cent rac t CONTR con t r =PP=r COP cop
contract change notice CCN ccn copper nickel ●lloy cm cna
contract data requira-ts CORL Cdr 1 copp=r oxide Cutl Cuo
lfst copper plate COP PL cop pl
contract ●nd ftem CE I ce i c~rwd COPO cof)d
contract furnis-d ● trcraft cFnE CFAC aoppersmlth csMrm4 csmf th
equ f preen t cord CD cd
contract~ng officer CONTRO con t ro Cordue I t COW Cdut
contractor COfUTR eentr cot-o CUrrent dr~ver Cco ccd
contractor furnish and CFbI cfbt core memory CM cm
tnstal I cors memory driver CNo
cont~actor fl~rnts~~ CFAE CF AE core stl{ft Cs Cs
● frcraft equlpnwmt core Shift drfver CSD CS8
contractor furn~shed cfE CFE corm storage *lement CSE ese
equipment core transistor logic CT L CT L
contractor furmfs- CFP CFP cork CK Ck
proper ty cork base CKB ek b
contrast CTRS Ctrs cork board CKBO ckbd
contribution Ct)NTR I B contr~b cork ?1OOP CKF Ck f
control ~N7 cent corner COR c~r
control (ccmqutersl CTRL ctrl corner bead cgR %0 cor bd
control ●ssemly CO?JTk eonta coronary-care untt Ccu Ccu
control cl~cuit CONT CKT COnt Ckt carporatton CQRP eorp
cuntrol contactor CCR ccr Correct CORR corr
control difformtial Cox cdx corrected CRCTD crctd .
trmsfnfttar cowecttvt matntanatie CM cm
contro I jo{nt CLd Clj correlate CORRE corre
cent ro 1 pefnt CP Cp corrulat- orientation COTAR cotar
control power switch Csw Csw tracking and ranging
control power transformer cPT Cpt correlattun disp~ay COOAR cedar
con t ro 1 reaa-on!y memory CROM CROM •n81yZi~ ●nd recording
cent ro 1 rel ay CR Cr correlation radar cQRAO corad
control room CR cr correlation radfo link CORAL eors I

Downloaded from

29 hy 1981


Correspond CURRES corres crw (ss spacm ) CR er
Corros 1on CRSN crsn c+{- CRP Crp
corrosion resistant CRE ere crftlcal CRIT Crlt
corrosfon resistant steel Cms cros crltfcal Uestgn review cm edr
Corrostvo CRsv crsv crftfcal flicker freq4ency CF: Cf f
Corruga t ● CORR Corr crlt!cal f r8qency CRITF Crltf
Corrugated fiberboard CORR FBO aorr fbd critfcal path awthod CPM
corrugated metal PIPO critical path technique cPt Cpt
corrugated Wlra glass :rG Cwg cross ●rm XARM xarm
cosecant Csc Csc cross brsctng XBRA xbra
cosine. Cos Cos cross connection XCO* Xconn
cost plus fixed fee cPfF Cpf t cross country XCY Xcy
cost plus Incenttve CPl Cpt cross cwuple cc cc
cost . tnsuranco ●nd fretgtlt cIf Ctf cress re+erence XREF xref
cotangent COT cot cross sect ton XSECT Xsect
cottsr COT cot crossbar XDAR xbar
cotter pln COT cot crossbar tandem XBT xb t
cotton COT cot Crossf f re CFR cfr
cotton !tnsul) c c crossha~r Xt4AIR Xha I r
COttOn Webbing COT WCS cot web crosshead CXSHO crshd
cwn t CT et cross t ng XING Xfng
count per m+nute cT’/M et/m crossover CRSVR crsvr
count per second cT/s et/s crosspoint XP7 Xp t
counter CMTR cntr crosstalk XTALK xtalk
counter cwntermeasuees Ccm CCN crow+ 00 t CRFT crf t
cwntw ● lectromotive cell CENC c- crown CRN crown
count-r ● !ectromot~ve force CEMF Cemf Cruising CRUIS Cruts
count-r tntelligence c1 Ct crushed stone CRSHO STN crsM stn
counter rcdar measures CRM cm cryogen 1c CRYOG cryog
countor voltage Cv w“ cryoto anc~llary untt CAU cau
cwntcrbalancc COAL Cba I cryptoanalys ts CRYPTA crypts
~terbore C90RE chore cryptography CTGH Ctgh
counta=bore other side CUOREO cboreu cryptography CRYPTO crypto
CWnt.rClOCkWf se Ccu Ccu crystal X7AL xtal
countereril 1 Ct)hILL cdrfll crystal controlled Cco Cco
counterdrfll other stale CDRI LLO cdrlllo oscillator
counterflre CF Cf crystal driver CD cd
Countmrf!ashing CFLG Cflg crystal oscillator XTLO Xtlo
counterinsurgency COIN coin crystal mcttfler CR Cr
cwntemea sures CM m crystsl unlto pfezoelectrlc w Cu
countermeasures ●nd Cnao Cwo crystal ?Ine CRYST crys t
qtlon -lC Cu Cu
eountermeasur=s. horni ng Cw cubic centlmoter cc cc
cwnterpot se CPSE Cpsa Cubic foot (feet) CU FT Cu ft
counterpunch CPUNCH Cpunch CUbtC foot (feet) per nt~te CFM cfm
countcrsha ft CTSMFT ctshf t cubic foot (f-t) — oer second CFS Cfs
countw’si nk CSK csk CUbtC Inch - r CU IN cu fn
countorsim other st- CSKO csko cimfc met8r CUM cum
countersunk CTSK ctsk cubic m~lllmeter cum
Countersunk hesd CSKH eskh cubfc yard g: cu Yd
count~tght CTWT Ctwt Cubicls am cub
count y CTY Cty culvert CULV Cu]v
-1- WL Cpl ~lative cum
coupled CPLD -Id CuIulat{ve ●lapsed ttme CE7 C8 t
-~- CPLR eplr cupboard CUP
-Ifng CPLG Cplg curbs t de CR8S0 crbsd
coursa deviation ~ndfeator COI cd f current CUR cur
cars-s c c CUr~t b$t monitor Unft C8MU
Cevw Cov Cov current d8t8 btt COB Cdb
coversed sine COVERS covers =P-t denstty co cd
Cwllng ~WL cow 1 current dtrectionsl relay CDR cdr
cradle CROL Crdl current l~mitlng resistor CLR Clr
crano crn current -de dtgltal to CNOAC cmdac
crane load r CI ●nalog conve~ter
crank CRK crank current nsxte Iog)c CML cm
Cf-*nkcas@ CRKC erkc current mode %ultchtng CM Cms
Crmkpifl CPItU cp$n current relay CR cr
cramshaft CSHAFT Cshaf t current sertes Cs Cs
Cramsheave CRKSHV Crk Shv current source IGEN t gen
crash positton tndicator CPI Cpt current transfwmer CT Ct
crating CTG Ctg Curtatn CURT cur t
c-t t CR Cr Cumm CRV crv
Downloaded from


cuwo drawing CRV WG Crv dug data tw-mlnal WIpment Ott dt8
Cush Ing Csffi Cshg data transm~tt~ng ●quipment OXE axe
Custlton cu~H tush dstc Of btrth 00s aoo
custody CUST Cust date of request OC)R dor
customer CUST Cust da ted OTCI dtd
customer signature raqufred CSR Csr ciatum OAT da t
cut length CLTH clth daughterboard 0TR8U dtrbd
cut stone CUTS Cu ts day DY @y
cut 1●ry CTLRY ctlry day letter DL dl .
cutoff co co daylight OL dl
cutoff Valve Cov Cov daylight opening DLO a~o
cutout co co daylfght view plan positton 9VPP I Uvpp i
cutout valve Cov Cov indicator
cutter C7R Ctr dead light DL el
cutting CTG Ctg dead load OL dl
cyanide CYN cyn dead reckon{ng OR dr
cycle CY Cy dead reckoning ●nalyzer ORA ara
cycle (CO* form) c c dead reckoning cqutpment DRE dro
cycle per second (see para ---- ---- dead reckoning indtcator OR1 dr i
4.7 - Hertz) dead reckon~ng tracer DRT dr t
cycle shift Cs Cs dead reckontng tra~ner ORTR ertr
cyclonite RDX rdx deadweight OUT tit
cyclotron CYCLO eye ! o deaeratlng UEARTG deartg
cylinder CYL Cy I tleaerattng feed tank OFT aft
cyllnder lock CYLL Cyll dea 1●r DLR dlr
cylindrical CYL Cy I decade counting unft Dcu dcu
cylindrical cartrtdge CYL CART cyl cart ctecaoe scaler 0s as
cylindrical surface CYLS Cyls Ueca?eoman ia DECAL decal
aamage @m ~ Oecsnntng scuttle 0s es
damag8 control Dc decarburtzatlon oEcnRe decarb
danper DmPu -r decay ttm OT dt
dmrq i ng OPG %9 decelerate OCLR dClr
dawpproof~ng 9P Oecenber OEC Oec
dark DK Ok decibel 0s db
dash pot Irelay) DP * “decimal OEC aec
d:ta ●nalysis recording tape DART dart decimal count~ng un{t Ku
data ●utomation propr’11 OAP dap declnal to analog OA da
data Base update ttme D8UT abut decision OECN decn
data co$$wmnicat{ons OATACOM da t c=● c ‘ek OK dk
data conwunicat~ons tnput DCZB ectb deck drain valve DOV ddv
buffer deck edge DKE me
data control untt d :U deck edge ltght OE LT de tt
data control ler OACON dacon deck house OK HSE Ok hse
data conversion receiver DCR dcr deck pterclng OP *
data ttem aescrfptfon 010 010 deck surface light OS LT ds It
data ltne translator OLT dl t declutch DCLU dclu
data ltnk (IL dl decode Ocf) dcd
data Itnk address OLA dla decoder DCOR ctcdr
data link set DL S 0]s decompression OECOMPN decowg?n
data I\nk stmlator OLS dls decontamination OECONTN decontn
data link test message OLTM dl Us decrease DECR ctecr
data list dl decrement OECRT decrt
data management &GT dmgt dedefwkm DED detl
data tluJltIplex OMX deep o d
data output channel doe deep dram Do dd
data processing OP a deep scattering layer DSL ds 1
data processing machine OPM OPM deep space instrwmentatton OSIF OSIF
~ata processing unit OPU dpu facllfty
data qual~ty monitor DQM deep tank OT dt
data readout QUO dro deep underwater measurtng DUNC aunt
data reckenfng tracer DRT drt aev f ce
data record i ng ORCOG drcdg defective OEF def
data reduction ORDCN drdcn defense DIEF def
data reduction ●nd analysfs 0R6A dr$a defense acqulsltfon radar OAR dar
data scanning ●nd routfng OSR dsr deferred dellvery 9FQEL dfdel
data stor8ge ●nd retrfeval OS&R dsbr deficiency in ●llowance OIA d{a
data storage ●quipment OSE dse deffnlte tfme DEFT d8f t
data switching ●nd aata OSblM ds&dh deflnlte ttme relay OTR dtr
handl f ng deftnftion IIEF def
data synchronizer channel Osc dsc deflating OFL df f
data Synchronizer unit Osu dsu oaf Iect OEFL *# 1
data takeoff 010 dto defletlon plate OF @

Downloaded from

29 My 1981


-f Iector DfTR df tr design marg~n ●valuation OME
defogging OF df design speclftcat{on OSPEC d%~ec
de$ ros t DFR df f designated ground zero OGZ dgz
defrost ing WR dfr designation DES des
degas tfiar DG$FR dgs fr dt?stgnator DES des
degsuss \ ng DEGUSG degusg designed water line OWL dul
degsusslng comass DCMPS dcmqM desk , eonbinatton flat-top FT&TW fthtw
degausslng comuter OCMPTR dcnq tr ●nd typewriter
degaussing system OGS dgs desk . double pedestal DPFT dpf t
degreaso IIGR dgr flat-top
~ree 9EG deg desk , double pedestal OPTW dptw
dehumld~fy DHMY dhmy typwrtter
dehydrator OYHR dyhr desk, single pedestal SPFT Spf t
detcing 01 at flat-top
delay my 8)Y desk . single pedestal SPTW Sptw
delsy drtver m dd typewriter
delay Itne OL dl destlnmtion OE$TN des tn
delayed ●utomat!c ga{n OAGC dagc destroyer antisubmarine OASTARD oas7ARo
cent ro I transportable ●rray
d81ayed ●utomatic volume OAVC davc detectfon
control destruction OEST des t
delayed range on target DRO1 drot destructive firing OESTR FIR destr fir
*lete OELE dele destructive readout DRO dro
delineation DEL de) destructor DESTR des tr
de 11 very OLVV dlvy desuperheat er OSUPHTR dSUphtr
delta awlltude ON dn de t●ched OTCH dtch
deluxe DLX dlx detal 1 DET de t
demagnetize D?4GZ dnqz detected pulse
interference OP I epi
demagnetizer DUTZR dmtzr detectfen radar data OROP drdp
demand Indicator DI ei processing
demand meter DM dm detection radar data takeoff OROTO drdto
demand meter, printtng DP * det8ctlon raclar electronic DREC Urec
demand cotaltztng relay OTR etr coq20mrlt
demtneral ~zer DMNRLZR dmnrlzr detector DET det
demobilize OENDB demob detectw back bias DBB -b
demodulator OENOO detector baianced bias OBB
demodulator band f}lter 00 F -f detwnt OTT att
-I fttorl OML *I detention DETN detn
demonstration ONSTN dmstn det*rmfnant OET det
dens tured ONTRO dnt rd determlnatton OETN detn
denote DEN den determination ●nd ffndings on F dA f
dense flint df detonator OET de t
dens+ ty ;;NS dens develop OVL dv 1
dental ONTL cintl dev~lop faltn abbr) OEV ----
dental amalgamator OAMLG darnlg d.vel~d height OEV HGT -V hgt
dental suct?on aPparatus OSCAPRS dscaprs developed horsepower OHP
department OEPT dep t deveIoped length OEV LG dev Ig
departure OEP developed width DEV WD Oev ud
depostt OEP dep development OEV dev
depot installed OEP INST dep tnst deviate OEV dev
depression OEPR dept deviation OEVN devn
depttl OP * devtatlon equal lzer DEV EOL ctev ●ql
depth charge DC dc devlatton indicator 01 d~
depth dev~ation Indfcator DOI dd 1 dev t Ce Ovc eve
depth keep!ng DKPG dkpg device uneer test DUT dut
~th of shtp o d dew point OP @
derivative OERIV der fv deuatertng OEWTRG deutrg
-ived delts modulation 00M diagnostic DIGN align
dermatine DER der d f ●gona 1 OIAG diag
derr i Ck ORK drtc d { agram OIAG diag
desal t-r OSLTR dsl tr disgramanat ic OI AGR d i agr
descr t be OESCR descr dfal tlluminatton oLILw4 dlllmn
description OESCP des cp dfal indicating OLINOG dlindg
descriptive pattern DP * dial lock OLOCK d Iock
descriptor attribute matrix 6AM dam dtal pulsing DP *
desensitize OSNTZ dsntz dtallyl pmthalate OIAL PHTH Qiai Phtn
desensitlz]ng DSNTZ dsntz diameter OIA dta
destccant Oscc dscc dtameter bolt circle oEic *C
design OSGN dsgn dlametral p~tch OP *
deY\gn bandwidth OBW d!ammd OMO
aest~ change nottce 004 den diamond pyramtd hardness DPH @h
~+gn Ilmit load DLL dl 1 dfspnra~ DIAPH d i ●ph
Downloaded from

29 hy 1981


diaphragm gland Oao dglci Oigtttzmr DGTZR dgtzr
dt azoprf nt OPR dpr dihydr.te OIHY dfhy
Dick. ffX m of df lute DIL df)
dfo lock mx dlx dtluttorl OIL dfl
CJ1O temlate m dt dimension OIM dim
dielectric OIEL dtel dtmer OMR -r
dlmsel OSL ds I d~ntng ONG Ctng
dl-s~l belt drive 0s0 dtoda 010 dlo
d~esml direct 00 dd dtode eap8cftor gate DCG dcg
dt.s-l ● Iectrtc OE de diode mfcrouave oscillator
dtmsel engine deng diode resistor transistor ORTL ORTL
dl@S8] engine direct drfve DED ded Iogtc
dlosol engine reekJction OER der diode suttch 0s ds
dr i v- dtode transistor Iog\c DTL OTL
d~esei mechanical m M dtoptmr O1OPT dtopt
d18Sel oil 00 do dlplox OIPX dtpx
dtesel v-belt drive Ovao dvbd dlplexer DIPLXR dfplxr
diothmolamiw OEA dea dfpStletc OPST)( dpstk
diftw-nce oIFf dlft dtrect DIR dir
dlf?*rmCa channel DCW$N dchan dfrect ●cting DACT dact
difference in depth of 00?4 direct acting steam DAS das
modulation d!rect connect DIR CONN d~r corm
dtfterential OIfF dlff direct coupled transistor DCTL OCTL
differential amplif~er DIFA d!fa fogtc
diffarenttal bearing 08 I -i dir~t current DC dc
indicatur d~rect current restorer OCR dcr
dlff-reritial generator OG dg direct current test vults vDCT vdc t
differential phase shift OPSK dpsk Voc Vdc
direct ~rrent voltS
keying current working volts VOCU Vacu
differential pressure OP * dtrect distance dialing 000 000
differential thermal t2TA eta drive 00R ddr
●nalysis direct inward Utallng OID 010
differential thermocouple OTVM etvm OLC dle
direct ltft control
vel tmeter memory ●ccess OMA
differential time relay DIFF TR dtff tr OINA dins
di~t noise a~llffcation
diffraction OIFFR dtffr 000 000
dtrect outward dialing
diffusi~ OIFFUS dtffus DROS dros
dtrect readout satelllte
digit DGT dg t reentry te~==trY ORET dret
digitat OGTL dgtl view storage tube 0VS7 dvst
d~gital biock ANO-OR gate OBAO dbao voice l~ne OVL dvl
digital cons?unications OIGICDN d~glcom DIR dir
. digital conversion receiver OCR dcr OF df
direction finder
dtgltal counting unit Ocu dcu di~tfOnal DIR dtr
digital data 00 dd DIR COUP dfr COUp
directional coupler
dig~tal data converter Ooc ddc directional ft~ter DIR FLT dir flt
dfg{tal data ltnk 00L dd 1 DG dg
dt~8Ct!Onal gyro
dtgital data proc=ss~n9 00PE ddpe ORCTY drcty
equ t men t d!rector OIR dir
dfgltai data receiver DOR der QRCTY drcty
dig~tai data termtnal 00TE ddttt iJS8L dsB i
~ipment OISASSM d!SaSSm
dtgftal O?fferenttal 00A dda OISASSY di sassy
●nalyzer dfscard message OM -
digital distributing unit ODU us ds
dfscard{ng sabot
d~gital encoder de OISCN d i SCh
digits? microcircuit 1% osPOi dsp 1n
digttal mltibeam st8erf~ OIWS dtms OISC disc
digital phase dfffereme nPD 0S ds
disconnect sv{tch
digttal radar relay ORR drr 00 dd
dtsconnectlng dev~ce
dtgital radar relay link ORRL drr 1 t)SCUNT dsCOnt
digttal telemetry unit OTU dtu OFT DFT
dtscrete four{er transform
digital television OTV dtv OR dr
dfscr~mlnatton radar
digital television 017s di ts discriminator DSCRM dscrm
spectronxrter dismngaglng OSENGA dsenga
dtg~tal to analog OIA ala OSHR dshr
di81’t rlnslng
dtg~tal to analog converter OAC dac DW du
digital to btnary converter Oac dbc DG dg
disk wf-
digital transm~sston and OTVC dtvc , Osu Osu
dfsk storage unit
Wcrtflcation converter 00s dos
disk-oP8rat- system
digttal volt~ter OVN dvm
dtgttally directed ●nalog 012A dda
digitally d!rected control Ooc


Downloaded from

29 !’kly


dtsmntle DISM dfsm double ●node zene? diode DAZO dazd
dispatcher DISP disp double based sol~d 08SP dbsp
dispensary 015P disp propellant
df spenser OZSP dis~ double biased (relay) DB m
W -sing OSPNSG dsfmsg double bottom Dlt -
dt spl ●cement DISPL displ double bratd (tr?sul) DB m
el spt .Y DSPL dsp I double break 00 -
display ●nd control DhC dAc doublo channel *lex DCD ~d
Utsplay ●d control untt D(kat e8cu double contact DC de
Utspl*y ●nd storage DAS as double cotton [insul) Dc de
~fsplay storage tube 0s7 dst double cotton doubl~ s{lk DCDS dcds
atSpass I DsPt dsp 1 ( fnsul )
dfsposftlon OISPN d i Spn dWb]W COttOO Sf~le Silk Dcs es
@s*tpatlon factor of df [tnsul)
* Sso 1Ved DISLVO dtslvd XIe cotton varntsh DCV dcv
~lssolved oxygen 00 do (tnsul)
~1 stance DIST dlst double diamond 00 dd
distance measurlna -.. eaulmment ONE O*C double ena~l (tnsul) DE de
81 stant VIST dist double end DE de
Utstant early warning DCU Dcw double extra strong XX STR xx str
dfstfll OSTL dstl doubls face OBLF *?f
dtsttl)ate OSTLT dstlt doubt. feeder OF df
C!!stilled water Dw m doubIe fre~ency Shtft OF SK df Sk
dtsttngulstl DISTING distfng keying
distortion 01 STN dlstn double glass (fnsu]) 00 dg
Ulstortton eliminating OEVR devr double groove [Insul) OG dg
voltage regulator dwble groove double ‘ OGOP d-
dt stress DTRS dtrs p*tticoat finsull
distribute DISTR dlstr double heat stnk diode OHo Uhd
Ckt=tr!bUted emission DEMA dema double hung wtnctevs ONW dhw
~tron a~!t~ier double local .OSCl!latOr OLD 810
cttstrlbution OISTR dtstr double paper ( tnSUl } DP *
Utstrtbutfon ●~ltfier DAMP daqa douele paper bonded Iinsul ) SOP bdp
d~strtbution box 08 db dWb)e paper double cotton OPOC -c
distribution panel OPNL dprlI ( tnsul )
distributor OISTR d~str double p8per single cotton OPC
dtstrtct 01S7 dtst (lnsul)
dt ther OTER alter double pole w *
dl tte 00 do double pole back connected twec dpbc
diVer OVR dv r double pole double throw DPf)T dpdt
dfv~ter OIV div dOUble pote doubl@ throw OPOT Sw dpdt SW
Utvtde OIV div swt tch
ct~uided ttme pulse OTPB d tpb double pole front connected OPFC dpfc
distributor douale pole stng!e throw DPST dpst
dtvtsion Dzv div double pole single throw OPST Sw dpst Sw
do not use dnu Sui tch
dockfng OCKG dck g double pole switch OP Sw * Sw
do~n t DOC doe double propellant Ioadtng OPL dpl
document availability code OAC dac double pulse operatfun OPO dpo
does not ●pply ONA dna double pulse ranging OPR dpr
dogged 0(3 dg double secondary current OSCT esc t
ally OLY Ctty transformer
donmstic dofn double sideband DSE dsb
domestic service 0s ds double silk [lnsul) 0s ds
domfnent wavelength DWL dul double silk varnfsh l!nsul) DSV dsv
door OR dr double stngle sideband 0ss8 es Sb
*or closer OCL eel double strokes per mtnutc OSPM dspm
door stop DST es t dwDle throw or dt
door suttch Osw dsw double uall OULW *1W
~ler DPLR *lr dwble wall fiberboard 0WLF60 dulfbd
doppl-r data translator 007 ddt double wetght Ow *
~ler phase lock mpLoc dop 1oc doub I ●r D8LR dblr
+ler rmge snd navigation 00RAN *ran dwglas ffr or df
doppler velocity and DDVAP dovap dovetail OVTL dvt 1
posftion dowel owl, *I
~le 08L -1 UN dn
double (con@ form) o d down draft DNDFT dndf t
double ffnsul) o d dovtnspou t 0s ds
-b)e ●cetate (insul) OL dl dozen O(3Z doz
-le ●cting 08L AO dbl act draft OFT df t
ale ●cting door OAO dad draft stop 0s es
~le ●cttng steam OASTM dastm draft~ng O?TG df tg

Downloaded from

29 h’@y1981


dmftlng machine Omxl’t dfmaeh *1 Icate OUP
drattlng request OR dr dist and mlsture UJMR
Uruftlng mom mmual DUM drm -St ttgflt DT dt
draf tsman DFTSMN df tSmfl ~tch door 00 Ud
dra f n OR dr duty OY duty
dra~n (electron device] o o duty cycle DTY CY. dty Cy
dra{n tfle DT dt dwelllng UWEL dwe 1
@ram OR dr dynamic DYN dyn
draw out 00 do dynamtc brak{ng OYB dyb
drawbar horsepower DBI+P dbhp dynamic crossed field DCFEM dc f●m
dra-ar pull OBP ● lectron multtpllcat~on
drawer DWR dwr dynamic octal lead Dol. do 1
draw t ng OWG dwg dynaml te OYNMT dynmt
drawing change notice OCN dcn dynamo OYN dyn
drawing change request OCR dcr dynmmmeter OYNMT dynmt
drawtng list DL dl dynamotor OYNN dynm
erawing practice ORPR , drpr each EA ea
drawn OWN each face EF ef
drwtger DRGR drgr ●ach layer EL el
dressed f Iutier) ORS drs each way Ew ●w
dP.SSed ●nd matched DbM dbm ●arly warning radar EWR ewr
dresser ORSR drsr earth IandJfy system ELS ELS
dr8ssing DRSG drsg ●arth Satellttm vehicle Esv esv
drift OFT df t east E c
drt~t angle DA da q ●sbestos ED AS8 eb ●sb
drtll DR dr eccentric EC:
drill jig Obl dj eccentric orbit geophysical EGO EGO
artll plate DP a observatory
drill rod OR dr echelon ECH ecfl
drinkfng fountain OF df echo rang~ng ER er
dr i pproof OP * echo soundtng- Es es
drtpproet and rat proof OPRP *V economt ze ECON econ
dripproof open OPO econom t zer ECON econ
drlpproof protected OPP *P eddy current loss ECL ec 1
dr~~raof semt-enclosed OPS dps edge connector EC U
drippreof totally ●nclosed OPT -t edge distance EO ●el
drfptank ORTA drta ●dge of cutter EOC WC
drive OR dr edge thickness ET et
ertve end OE de EDGW
Urtve fit OF df x% EO ed
drtve unit I ORU dru ~ca t i on EDUC educ
drfver ORVR drvr educational television ETV etv
drone fatrcraft) Q Q educator EOUC educ
drop forge OF dt *C tor Ewc educ
drsp hamr die dhd ●ffect EFT ef t
drop manhole dmh ●ffective EFF ●f f
drOp wtre DW dw ●ffective diameter of Eoo edo
drop wood sid{ng Ows dws objecttvo
drum read driver DRO drd ●ffective focal length EFL ef 1
drum storage unit Osu dsu ●ffective horsepower EHP ehp
drum ttmtng pulse (ITP dtp ●ffoctlve radiated power ERP erp
drum write driver Quo dwd eff=tfve t~e airspeed ETAS etas
dry battery OP * efficiency EFF ●f f
dry bulb D8 db effluent EFL ef 1
dry chemical OCMEM dchem ejactlon EdN ●jn
dry pipe valve OPV av ●jectton seat” EdN ST ejn st
drydock 00 dd ●jector EdCTR ●jctr
dry fng DYG dyg ●lapsed tlnm ET et
dua I diversity comparator Dc?c tide elapsed time code generator ETCG ETCG
dua 1 inline package DIP OIP elapsed tifm indicator ET I eti
du81 purpose OP * elasttc ELAS ●las
dLfa 1 speed dr{ve 0s0 dsd ●lastic limit EL el
dua 1 ttres DT et elasticity ELAS elas
*al tone mlttfrequency DTMF dtmf elbow ELB elb
Wet type OCTP dctp electrlc ELEC elec
dull blac& f{nish slate D8FS -f s ● lectric dyna~ter EDYNMT edynm t
** uaf ter DW * ● lectric horsepower EHP ●hp
waf ter door Owo dwd ● lectrlc motor driven EMO
Ow ● lectrfc panel EP w
*-1 ng OMPG dmg ● lectric power ●nd EP&D W6d
MJp1●x ox dx distrfbutten
dup I exer OPLXR dplxr I ● leCtF~C power distribution EPD -d
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29 Kay 1981


● 30ctrlc power supply EPS eps ● lectronic control ELECTC @l@ctc
● lectrlc powr unit EPU ● Iectrontc counter ECCN ECU
● lectrlc water cooler EWC ewc counterfmasures
.Iectrtcal ELEC elec electronic countermeasures ECM ECU
● lectrlcal c9ntact ELCTC elctc ● lectronic cwntemeasures ECW ECME
●lectrical cuntact brush ELCTC8R ● lctcbr env f reman t
● lectrlca? contact ring ELCTRG elctrg ●lectrenlc countermeasures ECMP ECMP
● lectrical dfmhsrge EDM program
mechfnfng ●lectronic data gathering EDGE
●lectrical discharge tube EDT ●dt w i pment
●lectrical mstalllc tubing EMT emt ● lectrentc Uata processing EDP EOP
ciectrtcal resistance ER er ● lectronic data processing EDPE
● lectrical resistance TEMP telW3 ~lpnumt
tmerature electronic differential EOFA edfa
el=trtcal specification ESPEC ●spec analyzer
electrical time ET et electronic dtgttal analyzer EOA ●da
●lectrical time superquick ETSQ etsq ●lectronic dtgltal tracking EDITAR ●dl tar
electrically operated valve ELV elv ●nd ranging
electrically polarized EP ep electron~c funds transfer EFT EFT
(relay) “ ●lectronic glide S10f3e EGS egs
●lectrical ly suspended gyro esg electronic intelligence ELINT elfnt
●l~tro-optical I\ght eolm electronic interface El ●t
modulator ●lectronic ja-lng Ed ej
●lectrocardiogram ●cg .Iectronic mtssile EMA ems
cl-trocard iograph ecg ●c~ls!tton
●lectrochem!ca! diffused ecdc ● loctrontc order of battle Eo%
cml Iector electronic pos!tion EP1 apt
electrochem~ stry SEE 9ELOW SEE BELOW Indfcator
●~ectrode ELC7D elctd electronic private branch EP8X EPBX
wlectroencepha Iogram EEQ eeg ●xchange
●lectromncepha Iograph EEG ●eg electronic reconnaissance ER er
● lectroexploslve deVICe EED eect electronic securfty ELSEC es) ec
electrogasdynamf cs EGD qd ●lectronic salective ESSU es su
electrohydraul Ic ELHYO ● ) hyd switching unit
● lectroluminescent EL ●l electronic sky screen ELSSE elsse
electroluminescent ELFC elfc ~tpment
ferroelectric cell electronic standard EslD estd
●lectroluminescent ELPC ●lPC electnmic switching Es es
photoconduet tve electronic Swftching system ESS ess
el~trolyte ELCTLT e}ctlt. electronic voltmeter EVM evm
●lectrolytic ELCTLT ● lctlt ● lectronic voltohfmnwter EVOM evom
●)=tromagnet ~c EM em electronic warfare EW Eld
electromagnetic EMC emc electronically alterable EAROM EAR(3M
~attt3i1tty read-only nmmory
e?-romagnetle fntelltgence EMINT emtnt @$ectron!cally steerable ESAR esar
electromagnetic Interference EMI emi ●rray radar
electroma~et Ic pu I se EMP e]ectrentcally steerable ESPAR esp8r
electromagnet~c quiet E14Q phased ●rray radar
electromagnet \c radiatton EMR emf- electron~cs ELEX elex
s!ectromagnetic surveillance EMS ems electroplate EPL epl
●lectromagnetic uni ts EFW electropneumatlc ELPNEU e 1pneu
e?ectromagnetlc wave awl EWASER waser electrostatic ES ●S
by Stimulated emlssfon of clectrostattc focustng ESF esf
-dtatfon ● Iectrostattc storage tube EST ●st
● lectromechanl cal ELMCH ● l=h electrostatic ETVM ●tvm
*lectromotiv@ force EMF emf transistorized voltmeter
● lectron ELCTRN elctrn electrostat~c units ESu esu
● lectron (n)-type N n el~t ELEM ●lem
s-iconductor materfal elementary ELEM ● !em
● lectron beam paramtrtc E8PA ebpa elafmnts of Oata EOD ●od
8npllfler slevate ELEV el*v
●lectron bombardment EBIC ebtc elevatlon EL el
Induced conduct~vfty elevator ELEV ●lev
electron Coupled oscillator Eco eco alfg{ble ELIG elfg
● lectmm paramagnsttc EPR epr ● l fmtnate ELIM ● l~m
resonance ●lltptlcal ELP ●lp
● lectron sptn resonance ESR esr ●lliptical head ELPH elph
● lectron stream potenttal ESP esp ●longate ELNG ●lng
electronic ELEK elek ●longation ELONG e 1ong
●lectmntc ●utomatfc EN( eax embedded wfrlng board cue
●xchange e-ss EMB
&/-t~niC CheCkOUt ECO eco efwrgency EMER emer
. . ● ☛☛☛☛☛ ● ☛☛☛✍☛ ● “**== ● o**** ● ***** ““” ..** ● .*
clccc:ochemiscry ELECTROCHEM electrochem
Downloaded from



C-rgency Coolant System Ecs Ecs and of tape pulse EOT PULSE ●ot pulse
-rgency coordinator Ec ec ●nd of transmtsston EOT eot ‘
mrgency decelerating EQE (coqnaters)
(ralay) ●d to end ETOE ● too
mrgency identification CIO CT ● td It endless tangent screw ETS ●ts
ltght ●nde tone ESTN ●stn
emergency power EPWR epvr energ 1ze ENRGZ enrgz
●mrgency power package EPP -P ●nergy ENGY engy
mrgency power supply EMPS enps ●nergy vartant sementia EVSO ●vSd
emergency power wft EPU epu detect ton
emergency room CR engags ENGA ●nga
ewnwgency snip service & ESS engagfng ENGA enga
emergency unsatisfactory EUR eur engine ENG eng
report engine drtve ED ed
emtssion EMSN ● msn engine negative torque ENTC en tc
emlttcr EMTR emtr cent ro 1
emttter ielectron device} E E engtno 011 EO 80
●mitter coupled Iogtc CCL ECL engine order EOR
emitter follower ~F ●f engine peopeI1er order EPO z
emttter-coupleci ECCSL ECCSL engine room ENG RM eng m
currant-steered logtc mgtne v-belt Et4GV engv
enpennage 6MP eng 1neer ENGR engr
eq3 I ●cenwmt installation E16T efat e~ineer furnish ●nd {nstall EF&I efbf
●nd test engineering ENGRG engrg
enp 1oyee EMPL •~ 1 ●ngtneerlng change notice ECN een
ewulator EMU ●nu ●mgtneerfng change order ECt? eco
emlsion EMUL ewu 1 engineering change proposal ECP ecp
enable ENt3L enb I engineering change request ECR ecr
● ns- 1 CNAM enam ●ngtneerlng change request/ ECRA ecra
ens-l I \nsul I E e ●uthortzatlon
enamel bended double cotton EBDC ●bdc ●ngtneer~ng data depository EOD add
(insull enginewing department ED SK ad Sk
enamel bonded double sflk EBOS ebds sketch
finsul) ●nginwring ffeld change EFC efc ..
ens-l bonded single cotton EBC ebc ●ngineering Installation El et
(insull engfneertng memof=anam EM em
enamel bonded stng)e silk EBS ebs engineering notice EN en
(Insult ●ngineering order EO eo
enamel dwble cotton ( insul ) EDC edc engtneerlng practice EP *
●namel double cotton EDCV edcv qtneering release notice ERN ern
varnish I insul ) engtneertng release record ERR ● rr
enamel double paper bonded EBDP engineering sketch ESK 8Sk
(tnsull ●nglneertng support aetlvlty ESA ESA
enamel double silk finsul) EDS eas eng!neer+ng work. order EWO ewo
ena~l double silk varnish EDSV edsv Engl Ish ENG Eng
( tnsul ) ●ngrave ENGRV ●ngrv
=namel slnale cotton ~ Insul ) Ec ec en I ●rge ENi.G enlg
●naml sin~le cotton ECV ecv en I ●rged ENLGO enlgd
varnism { insul I enltsted men EM ●m
enamel single paper bunded EOP enter ENTR ●ntr
(tns”ul) entrance ENTR entr
enamel single silk flnsul) Es ●s ewmeratlon ENUM ●num
enamel Single silk varnish Esv ● sv env~ I ope ENV env
( insul ) envalope drawing ED ed
encapsulate ENCAP encap environment ENVIR ●nv { r
encased ENCSD encsd ●nvtronmntal ENVIR env 1r
enciphered facsimtle CIFAX c~fax epltaxlal mesa EM em
conswnlcat tons epttaxlal planar EP w
enclose ENCL ●nc I e-a \ EQ1. eql
enclosure E=!. ●nc 1 eqUa! {altn ●bbr) EO --Q-
encode ENCO ence ecual sectfon Es ●s
encodar ENCOR encdr aqua ! t zer EQL eq I
●nd cell switch Ec Sw ●c sw equally EQL eq I
●nd half EHF ehf ecpally spaced EOL SP eql sp
end ttem EI ei equally spaced [altn abbrl EQ SP ----
end of address EoA Wa SquatIon EO 8q
end of line block EDL8 ●olb ●~llfbrfum EQUIL equtl
end of message EOM eom ●qufp ●nd {nstall E&I e$ i
●d of message sequence EDMS eoms ●cpfpage category numer ECN ecn
●nd of part EOP ●op ●~tpment EoPT ●-t
●nd of tape EOT 80 t ~l~nt and spare parts E6SP 86 sp
qfpment condttlon analysfs ECA eca
Downloaded from

2914ay 1981


~ipamt Csntreller Ec ●e expanded direct distance Ewo moo
~tpamnt Idcntlf!catfon EIC ● lc alalfng
code expanded mtal CM em
equlvalont I@U!v ●qutv ●xpanded posttlon tndleator EPI apt
~fvalent air speed EAS ●as ●xpamled radar service ERS ● rs
~tvalent direct radtatfon EDR ●dr ●xpsndad swaep generator ESG ●*g
~tvalent focal length EFL ●f 1 ●xpanslon EXP ●xp
equtvslent full charge EFC ● fc expansion joint EXP JT exp jt
m*~w*Ierlt nofse Stdeband ENSI ens I ●xPected ●pproach clearance EAC ●ac
+“nptst ●xpedl te EXPEO exped
wiwal-t no~se tu~erature ENT ●n t expendabi 1 fty. ERRC ● rre
mowtvslmt series resistance ESR
—-.— ● sr recoverabt I \ ty,
equivalent shaft horsepower ESHP eshp reparabil ity cost
era9bTe progransnable EPROM eprtxn expendable EXPEN expen
read-only memory ●xpendt ture EXPND ●xpnd
● ras- eas ● rs ●xpense ExP ewp
encttng ERCG ●rcg ●xper I men t txP exp
erect ton ERECT ● rect ●xperimental EXP ● xp
eeector ERCR ● rer expe~lmental order EXPO ●xpo
● reur ERR err experimental testing x x
errur correction ERRC errc (atrcraft)
error correction code Ecc Ecc explanation EXPL exp I
● rrar detecttng ED ad exp I ode EXPLD ● xp I d
-Or detection and EDAC edac ●xplosion EXPLM ● xp I n
currectlon exploston proof EP w
● rror detectfon and EOOF eddt ●xplosive XPL Xp 1
dectston feedDack 8%p10Slve actuated lfght ELF elf
esc81at8r ESCL esc 1 filter
escape ESC esc explosfve d XPLD xpld
escutcheon Esc 8SC explosive ordnance disposal EOO ●od
especially ESP ●sp exponent EXPNT ●xpnt
essential C$?4TL esnt 1 exponentla 1 EXPNT ●xpnt
●stabItsh ESTB estb ●xposed EXP ● xp
esttmate tsT ● st exposure EXPSR expsr
estimated coql~tion datm ECO ●cd ●xpress EXP ewp
estimated ttm of ●rrtval ETA eta expulston ExP exp
●stimated time of departure ETD ● td ●xtended range ball tstic ERBM ● rbm
@sttmated time of return E7R ● tr misstle
● t c@tera ETC etc ●xtended range doppler EXTRADOP extradop
●tchlq ETCH etch extmder EXTND ● xtnd
=thylene oxide Eo eo extension EXT ●x t
evaCUate EVAC ●vac ●xtertor 6X7 ● xt
evacuator EVAC evac ●xterna 1 EXT ex t
●valuate EVAL ●val external pipe thread EPT ept
evaluation EVLTN ●v I tn @xtingUtsh EXT ●x t
evaporate EVAP ev ●p extfn~fsher EXT ●x t
evaporator EVAP evap extra EX ●x
ave?rIock EVRLK svrlk extra control wire EC WIRE ●c wire
●xamination EXAM ● xam ●xtra f~ne (threads) EF ef
exa~le EX ex extra heavy XHVY Xhvy
excavate Exc exe extra htgh voltage EHV ●hv
exc~lle.nt EXC ● xc extra long wheel base XLW8 Xlwa
mcept EXC care ● xtra strong XSTR Xstr
excessive EXCSV excsv extra veh~cle ●ctfvtty EVA ●v a
exctla~ Excn exch extracting EXTG ●xtg
● xei tat ion EXC exc extractor EXTR ●xtr
exci ter EXCTR exctr ●xtraordinary wave XWAVE xuave
exclude EXCL 8XC I ● xtreme EXT14 ● xtm
exclustv8 EXCL exc 1 extreme high water EHW ehw
execute EXEC exec extreme low water ELW ● lw
executive EXEC exec extreme pressure EP ●p
exercfse EXER exer extreme u!travtolet EUV euv
● xhaus t EXl+ ● Xh ●xtrmmely htgh frequency EHF ehf
● xhaust gas te~erature EGT egt ●xtremely low frequency ELF elf
exhaust pressure ratio EPR epr ● xtrude EX70 extol
mhaust vent EXHV ● xhv extrude (altn ●bbr) EXTR ----
@xhtb(t EXt4 exh extruston EXTRN ● xtrn
extsttng EXST exst extmston trim ●nd drtl! ETDT etdt
exft guide vane CGV egv tewplate
expanded bfnary-coded EBCDIC EBcnIc ●xtruslon trtm template ETT ett
etmal ~nterchange code ●y8 ward EGRO egrd
●yo lens EL ●l

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29 -y 1981


9yooot EYLT eylt fermle contact ?ER CON fer cun
eyep48ce EYPC eypc fiber F8R fbr
fatmtcate f aa f ab f f berboard FBaBo fbrbd
fnc8 centered cubfc Fcc fcc fiberboard corrugated FBDC f bdc
tacc or field of drawtng f/D f/e fiberboard doubie wal’ FDWL fdwt
face to face FTOf ftof flb8rboard sollct F%DS fbds
face width fw fw f terous FBRS fbrs
faceplate FP fp ffeld FLD fld
faclltty FACIL facfl ftcld ●ccelerator FAC f ●c
factng FCG f Cg field ●rtfllery
facslmtle FAX fax fteld decelerator % ::
factor F AC f ac field discharge FOI fdl
factory FCTY fcty field dynamtc brak!nu FOE fd
factual co~iler F ACT fact field effect transls;or FET FET
fad-d prier to intercept FPI fpi field ●nhanced secondary FESE f ● se
failure fLR flr emtssion
faflure factor FF ff ffe~d fatlure FFL ffl
fa~luret rate FR fr f~eld forcing (decreasing) fFO ffd
fafrfng FAIR fatr ffeld forctng (Increasing) FFI ffl
fafrlead FLD fld field free emtss~on current FFEC ffec
fairwater planes FWPt.N fwpln field Intensity FI fi
false alarm rate FAR f ●r field manual FM fm
familiar F AH f am field pratectlve FP fp
fan In FNI fni field reverstng FR fr
fan marker FM ffu fiald Servtce FS fs
fan out FNO f no field servlcw modiflcatton FSMUO f Snwo
far sise FS fs work order
fast ●utomatic ga~n control F AGC f ●gc ffeld strength meter FSM f Stn
fast ●utomattc snuttle FAST fast fto)d strength radio FSR f sr
transfer fteld support ewtrxwnt FSE fse
fast Fourier transform FFT FFT field switch ‘ ‘ FSbI fSw
fast operate {relay) ro fo field weakening FWK fw
fast release (relay) FR fr fight*r (a{rCraft) F f
fast ttme constant FTC f tc figure FIG ftg
fastener FSTNR fstnr f f la-nt F!L ffl
fathom FM fm fila~nt center tap FCT fct
~ faul t fLT flt filament ground FG fg
favorable FAV f ●v fllo cabfnot FC fc
fealor FELR felr ffle finish FF ff
feasible FS8L fsbt filler FLR flr
feather FTR f tr ffllct FIL fll
February FEB fee filltng FILL fill
Federa I FED fed fflllster FIL ffl
Federal Item ldentfffcat~on FIX fII fflllster head FILH fi!h
Federal Item !dentlf~cation FIIG FIIG film processing FLMPRS f 1nqws
Gutde film sound F LMSD f lmsd
F@deral Item Identlffcation FIIN FIIN filter FLTR fltr
Nu*er filter (co- form) FL f!
Federal Speclfleation FS FS ffn stabilized FS fs
Federal stock Nu*er FSN F S?4 final ●ssenbly FA fa
Federal supply Catalog FSCIL FSCIL f{nai ltmit down FLOG fldo
Identtflcation List final lim{t forward FLF flf
Fed.raI Supply Class FSC FSC f{nal llmit hoist F LH flh
Federal supply Code for FSCM FSCM ffnal l~tnit lower FLL fll
Manufacturers fln81 llmlt reverse FLR f)r
feed Fo fd final ltmit up FLU flu
feed water FDU fdw ffnancfal FIN fln
feed water Purim FWP fwp find ~er FN fn
f~ack FDBK fak f tnder FOR f dr
Peemack wltiple loop FML fml fine grain data FGD fgd
feedback post ttve FP fp f fnger FGR f gP
f wack potentiometer FPOT fpot finish FNSH f nSh
f eedbacic resistance FBR f br finish (altn ●bbr) FIN ----
f ~aek stabilized Fs fs ftnlsn al! over fAO f ●o
feeder FOR f dr flnlsh one stale Ffs fls
feeler FELR felr finish specification no FNSH SPEC fnsh spec
female F EM fem nusber )
female flared FFL ffl f~n{sh sp~cfficatlon FS fs
femala pip8 thread FPT fpt (mwber)
f~le soldered FS fs finish two Sfdes F2S f2s
female thread FTHRO f thrd ftrw F f
ferrtto corm FC fc ffre ● larm bell FAOL fa81

Downloaded from

29 *Y 1981


firs ● larm box FAUX f 8DX flat head (altn abbr) FH ----
ftro ●nd bil~ F&% fab flat nose (projectile) FN fn
fir. ●nd flushlng f&F f~f flat OVDI FO fo
fire clay FC fc flat pattern F/P f /#a
flro control FC fc flat point FP fp
fire centro? radar FCR f cr flat tllm roof FTR ftr
Fire Control System FCS FCS flat trlfn tewplate FTT ftt
ftre department connection FOC f 8C flat washer F LW flu
fire direct!on center f t)c f de flat work f LWK fluk
ffre door FDR f dr flat-b;nd metallic armor F f
fire ●xtinguisher FEXT fext (insul)
fire fight!ng FF ff flatten F LN fln
fire hose fH fh fleet b811fsttc missile F BM f bm
f~re hose cabinet FHC fhc . flexlble fLEX flex
fire hose rack FHR fW flexiblm theatre misslIe FTM f tm
ftra hydrant FHY f hy f 1 ●xure FLEX flex
ftre Iocatlon raear FLORA t lora fllght FLT flt
fire main FM fm Flight Contro? Ready Light FCRLS FCRLS
f!re plug FPL fpl system
fire res~stant FRES f res flfght data ●ntry FLIOEN fliden
fire room F RM t rm fllgnt Oata recorder FDR f dr
fire station FS fs fltght deck F LDK fldc
ftre wall Fw fw fllgnt clirector ●nd FOAL fuat
f trebrlck FSCK f eck ● ltftude Ind$cator
f i red FIR f!r flight plan FLT PLN flt p)n
fireplace fP fp flight space FLSP flsp
fireproof fPRF fprf fllghtline FLTL fltl
ftrtng error Incttcator FEI fei fljnt F f
firing set FS fs flip fIoP FF ff
firm f$xed price FFP ffp fltp flop covlementary fFC ffc
first ● {d box F A8 f ab flip flop latah FFL ffl
first alarm register FAR far float FLT flt
first ● rt)cle configuration FACI FACI flaat!ng fLTG fltg
impection flomttng cowwu4ator FLOCOM f 1Ocom
ftrst reduction IRED 1red floatlq machine shoP FMS f nls
first stage fSTG lstg flaatlng-pofnt Instruction FIS fts
f{rst-~n-f~rst-out FIFO flFO set
fiscal year t FY fy flood (vent) FL fl
f Ishpaker FPPR fppr ftaodtng F LONG f 1dng
f~ssion FSSN fssn flaadltght FLDT fldt
ftttcd FTO f td floor FL fl
fitting FTG f tg floor drain FD fe
fixed FXO f xd floor line FL fl
fixed auto transformer FA7R fatr floartng FLG flg
fixed point FXP f Xp flotation FLOT flot
ftxed transom FTR ftr flaw FL fl
f t xture FXTR fxtr flw line FLL fll
flagstaff FLGSTF flgstf flaw rate FLRT flrt
flagstone FLGSTN flgstn flaw Swltcn FLSW flsw
flame FLM flm flu{d FL fl
flare resistant FLM RES flm res fluld flow FDfL fdfl
flame retardant FIM S10 flm rtd flutd pressure line FCPL fdpl
flameproof FLMPRF f l~rf f Iuked FLKO flkd
flamet{ght FLMTT fimtt fluorescent F LUOR f Iuor
flamab]e FLM8 flm fluorescent penetrant FPI fpl
f 1●nge FLG flg Inspection
flange focal distance FD fd f lurry FLR? f)ry
f 1 ●pper FLPR flpr f lush fL fl
f Iared FLRO f?rd flush ●rmor balance FA8UN f ●m
flared tube f~tt!ng FTF ftf watertight hatch
flared tube fitting gasket FTFGS ftfgs flush nwstal threshold FMT fmt
seal flush aflttgnt venttlatton F(JVM fovh
flaring FLRG flrg hole
flash welding fL/W fllw flush threshold FT ft
f lashing FL fl flush type FLTP fltp
flashless FLHLS flhls flush valve Fv fv
flashless nonhygrescopic FNN f nh flushmount f LMT f Ilnt
flashllgt?t FLT flt flute lead FL fl
flat FL fl fluted fLTD fltd
flat bar FB fb fluted socket f LIJSOC f I Usoc
fiat ffllister head FFILH ff{lh fluted socket head FLUSOCH f lusoch
flat head fU+ flh f Iutter F LUT flut

Downloaded from

29 ?lay1981


flux )ogtc element array FLEA flea forward propagation FPT$ fpts
flwx valve Fv fv tropospheric scatter
flYtng spot dtgitizer F so f sd forward propogatlon FP[S fpis
?Iywo!ght FLYWT flyvt ionospheric scatter
flywheel fLYUHL flywhl found FO fd
fO~ liqu~d FOLQ folq foundation F ON f dn
focal Foc f Oc foundry FORY f dry
focal length FL fl four conductor 4/c 4/c
f Ocus FOC f Oc four dimensional 40 4d
focus projection and FPS f ps four pole 4P 4p
scanning four pole douole throw 4PDT SW 4pdt SW
focusing FCSG fcsg Swt tctl
fog foam FOFM fofm four pole single throw 4PST SW 4pst Sw
fog ot 1 smoke generator FOSGEN f osgen Swt ten
f Oggy FGY f gy four pole switch 4P SU 4p SW
foldfng FLOG flag four way 4uay 4way
foldlno fin aircraft rocket FFAR ffar tour wtre 4W 4W
foldou~ FO fo four-stage 4STG 4stg
fol low FOL fol fourth stage 4STG 4stg
follow up FLUP f I+@ foyer TOY f Oy
fo?lowtns FF ff fract~onal FRAC frac
food serv!ce FDSVC fdsvc fractional dopPler gate FDG f dg
foot (feet) FT +t fractional horsepower FHP f hP
foot (feet) per mtnute FPM fpm fragmentation FRAG f rag
foot (feet) per second FPS f ps f ranm FR fr
foot board measure FSU fbm frafm synchronization word FSW f Sw
foot pound force FT LB ft lb framwork FRUU frwk
foot pound second (system] FPS FPS fraudulent FRAUO fraud
footcandle (see para 4.7 ---- ---- free alr tewerature FAT fat
cande 1a ) free aperture FA fa
foottng FTG f tg free cutting Brass FCB fcb
footla-ert FL fl free height F RHGT frhgt
for example EG eg free machining steel FMS fms
for official use only FOUO f Ouo free on, board Foe fob
for your information and FYIG fyig freeboard FREEED f reebd
~ i dance f rmeze FRZ f rz
force F f freezer FRZR f rzr
force feed FF ff freezing potnt fP fp
forced ● ir FA fa fretght FRT frt
forcad draft FD fd frefght supply Ivesse)) FS fs
forced draft blower fD8 fdb frenctt fry FR FY r? fy
forced oil and air FOA foa f recpmncy FREQ f req
fore and aft FSA fba f~enoy Ica form) F f
fore peak FP fp freWefICy ●nd ttme d~vislon FATOL fatdl
forecast FCST fcst Itnk
forecast support date Fso fsd frequency ●ngle scanning, FAS7AR fastar
forecastle FCSLE fcsle tracking ●nd ranging
foreign FGN f gn frequency azfwth Intensity FAI fat
fore~gn serv~ce FS fs frequency band of emission FBOE f boe
foreman FMAN frnan frequency changer FREQ CHG freq ci-ig
foresight FS fs frquency converter FREQ CONV freq c Onv
f Orged FGD f gd frequency dfversity Fo fd
forged ste=l FST fst frequency dtversity radar FOR f dr
forgtng FORG f org freqmncy dtvfsion FD fa
fOrk FK fk frequency dfvlsiom clata llnk FOOL fddl
forked FKU fkd frequency dtvision wlttplex FOM fdm
form block tewlate FB7 fbt frequency doubler F08LR fdblr
formal ●ngineering chanoe FECP f ecp frequency tndicator FREQ INO f req nd
propos a f frequency interference FIC fic
formatlotl FORM f Orm cent ro 1
Formel l!nsul) FML fin? frequency meter FREQM frcqm
former FRMR frmr frequency modulated FMCti fmu
formla FORM f Orm continuous wave
fo~la translation FORTRAN FORTRAN frSauWIcY modulated radar F?4R ffnr
forttficatien FTN f tn fre6uenci modulated receiver FMR f mr
forward fwo f wd fre+ency modulated FW fmt
fo~ard acquis!t{on radar FAR far transmitter
forward ● tr controller F AC f ac fr8cpency mdulatlon FM fm
forward ballast tank FET fbt fre+ency modulation FMFB fmfb
forward engine room FER f er feedback
forward Iooktng infrared FLIR fl!r fr8qency modulation FMFM fm*m
foruard perpendicular FP fp frequency modulation

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29 my 1981


fr~ncy modu!atton on the FM(W fmop full Sfzw FS ?s
pulso full voltage fv fv
f~O~y mo*iatf On phase F*M fapm full WOV8 fw fw
-Iatlon full wave rectlffer FUR f w’
freqwncy ~ltlplex FM flm full-load ●wcres FM fla
#req*ncy Gf opttlmJwl ?07 fot fully ●utoaattc c-fler FACT FACT
operation transistor
feqcncy phase lock FPt, tpl fully heat treated FHT fht
fr~y scan radar FSR f sr fume tight FT ft
fr-~mcv shift fs fs function fCTN fctn
frw~mcy shift kwying f SK f Sk functional confl~ration FCA f ea
frwquency shift transm~ssion FST fst audi t
freqwncy slmc8 rscx fscl functional conf~~ration FC1 FCI
Characteristic t~mce Identtficatton
f~ncy standard primary FSP f ps functional ● lectronic block FE8 feb
frwency t)me ?ndtcator FTI ftl functional schematic FS fs
frsqency tracker FT ft functional test FT ft
fre~ency translation FTD f td functional test requirement FTR ftr
dlstortien fundamental FUND fund
frwsh ● tr \nlet FAX fat fungus preof FP fp
fresh water Fw fw funnel FUNL funl
fresh water drain FWOCT fwdct furlong FUR f Ur
collecting tank f umace FUR fur
fresh water pIJwq3 rwP fup f urn ~sh FLJRN f urn
frfctton FRICT frtct furniture FURN furn
fFtCttOn horsepower FHP fhp fuse FU fu
frtnge FRffi f rng fUSO block Fa fb
frog FG fg fuse box FU8X f Uex
f rem FR fr fuse current rating FCR f cr
from below fR EEL fr bel fuse holaer FUWR fuhlr
f rent FR fr fuse voltage rating FVR f vr
front connected fc fc fuselage FUSLG fuslg
front ●nd fRTN frtn fuselage (altn abbrl FUS ----
front focal length FFL ffl fuselage statfon FS fs
front of board FOB fob fusfble FSBL fsbl
front o? dash FD fd fusible cutout FSBL CUT fsbl cut
front upset jaw FUU fuj fus$on po~nt FNPT tnpt
front vertex back focal FVO f vd future Ful fut
distance f uze FZ fz
front view rv fv gage GA ga
frozen s?orage FZSTO fzsto gage cOd@ nu-er GCN gcn
fuel ● tr rat~o F/A P“TIO f/a ratio gain control drfver GCD gcd
fuel ●nd defuellng F60F fsdf gain t{me control G7C gte
fuel contents gauge FCG f Cg ga 1 Iery GALL gall
fuel fndicator reading FIR fir gal?oy GALY galy
fuel tnjection Itne FIL fil ga 11 ons GAL ga 1
fuel injection puq FIP fip gallons per hour GPH gph
fuel line FLN fln gallons per mtnute GPM gpm
fuel Otl Fo fo gallons per second GPS gps
fwl oil punq FOP fop galvanic GALV galv
fuel 0$) tank foT fot galvanize GALV galv
fuel oil transfer FOT fot galvanized tron GALVI galvi
fuel service nozzle F SN f sn galvan~zed steel GALVS galvs
fuel tank FTK f tk galvar?lzcd steel wire rope GSUR gswr
fuel transfer puwp f 1P f tp galvsnnealed GALVNO ga 1vnd
fuel tng ftffi flng gslvsnometer GALVNM galvw
fueling at sea F AS fas Ga- Sc!ntlilatton System GSS GSS
fulcrum FUL ful gang punch w
full dog point FOP fdp gap filler data ::0 gfd
full duplex FOX f dx gap filler {nput GF X gf t
full duplex teletype FDTT fdtt gap f{llar outPut GFO gfo
fUll field FF ff gap filler radar GfR gfr
full Frewency range FFRR ffrr g8rage CAR gar
rocordlng gaebage G8G *9
full hard Ftl fh garbage tn. garbage out GIGO gigo
full Indicator movement (as FIM f lm garboard GARBO garbcl
used in ANSI Y14.5) garntsh moldlng GMLOG gm!dg
fulf tndicator readtng FIR ftr garter GTR gtr
full load FLLD flld gas ●~llf~catlon GA
full load fra~ tfme FLFT flft gas ●jection GE ;:
full operational capability ?Oc fOc gas +\lled GF gf
full scale Fsc fSc gas nonoe~sistent gnp

Downloaded from

29 &y 1981


gm Opwated GOPR gopr glide slope as gls
gss perststwnt GP w gllde slope recetver GSR gsr
gas turbine G7R8 gtrb gl ld8r 3L Z glt
gas turb~ne compressor GTC gtc globe stop valve Gsv gsv
gas -Id GASIU gmwy globe Valvm GLV g)v
gasews mtxture GM 9 glossary GLOSS gtoss
gaseous oxygen Gox gloup?ug GLPG gtpg
gasket GSK7 S:t g?ycertne GLVCN g 1yen
gaso) i ne GAS gas glyptal cloth (tnsul G
gasoltne ●ngfne GENG 9-Y -Id GLD :ld
gasoltne engine driven Gco governing GOVG govg
gasoline engine, close GECC gecc government GOVT 90V t
coup I ad goverfwsent furnished GFAE GFAE
gasproof GPF gp$ ●ircraft ewt~nt
gastight GT gt gwernment furnished GFE GF E
gate (electron devfcel G G ● ~i~nt
gate alarm fndlcztor GAI ga f gover~t fumtshed GFEL GFEL
gate turnoff GTO gto qipment list
gate valve GTV gt”~ gove rfwent furnished GFM GFM
gated off controlled GOCR gocr material
rectlf ier governmnt furnished parts G?P GFP
gauge board GABO gabd govmr~nt furnlstwd GFP GFP
geaf- GR gr property
gear rack GRK gri( government furnished GFPAS GFPas
gearbox GRsx grbx property ●nd servtces
gem-casm GRc grc government loaned equipment CL E GLE
gear t ng GRG grg govermnent owned ●quipment GOE WE
gearshaft GRSHFT grshf t government test laboratory GTL gt 1
genera 1 GENL gen 1 Government-Industry Data GIDEP GIDEP
general ● vtat$on transponder GAT ga t Exchange Progr8m
ganeral contractor GEN CONT gen cent govarnor Gov gov
general note GN grzb rod GR gr
generat operational GOR ~r grade GR gr
requirement ~r8de abf?tty GR AU gr ab
general plant equipment GPER WER grade Itne GL gl
r~frements gmdlent GRAO grad
general purpose GP 9P gra-atton GROTN grdtn
general purpose ●m?lf{er GPA gpa grafn GR gr
general purpose ●utomatic GPATE gpa te gram G 9
test equipment grmn f te GRAN gran
Generalized Information GIRLS GIRLS grmodtze GRAN gran
Retrteval ●nd Ltsttng granolfthlc base Gf?e grb
System grw’!ottthic finish floor GF f gf f
genera t ion GEt4 gen granulated GNLTD gnl td
~nerator GEN graph isomorphism tester GIT gtt
generator field GFLD g+ld graph 1c GRPH gr$h
geotogtcal GEOL geol gr8phtc ●fnweter GA
geomagnettsm GEOMAG geemag graphtc demand metwr GO z
geometric dilution of GOOF *QP graphic kilovolt a~eraf GVA gv a
prectston meter
g--trtc ~*~ GM graphtc var-ter GRVA grva
gecwnetry GUTRY ~t ry graphite GPH -h
German silver GSIL Gsfl grater GRTR grtr
germanium rectifisr GR gr grst i ng GRTG grtg
gt~a? GM8L gmbl grave 1 GVL gv 1
girder G gf-mfel-surface build-up roof GSBR gsbr
glass GL :1 grav t ty G
glass (insult G 9 gray GRA $=*
glass block GLB glb gray (altn abiw) GY ----
glass reinforced plasttc GRP grp gray tron GI gi
91 ●ze GLZ gtz greas~ GRS grs
glazed facing un{t GFU gfu grease nozzle mz gnoz
g?azed structural facing GSFU gsfu grease trap GT gt
unl ts groatmst csnsmn dlvfsor GCO gcd
glazsd structural untt base GSU8 gsub green GRN grn
glazsd structural units GSU 9SU green (altn abbr} G ----
glazed wall tile GUT gut grwn indicating law GIL gil
glazed uall tile base GUT8 gutb green Itght GL g!
glazed wallboard GLUE glm GFWnvich ●pparent tlms GA1’ GAT
gl!de ●ngle GA Greenufch clvtl ttme GCT GCT
gllcfe patn G? Greenu{ch hour angle GHA WA
Downloaded from

20 )“ky 19U1
Greenwich mean ● stronomtca GNAT GNAT *tded ● ircraft mtsslle GAM gam
*4= ~lded ● ircraft rocket GAR gar
~lch man ttme GNT GMT ~tded mlsslle GM
Greewu{ch sieemal ttme GST GST ~fded mtssile L
Greenwich zcne tt - GZT GZT countermeasures
grtd G grfd gu~ded mtsslle launcher GML gull
grid Isak GOLK gdlk gutded space vehicle GSV gsv
grid ~latton GM 9 *fllottne GLTN gltn
grid resistor GR gr gun earrlage GCRG s-
grtd return GRTN grtn ~n Iaylng cl. gl
grfdd18 GROL grd 1 gun -ta! GMET gust
grfllo GRL gr 1 ~n ~tor carriage
grind GRB grd gun stght ●tming pofnt GSAP gsap
gromet GROM gmm --
groove GRV gusset Gus gu:
grooved GRVO :% gutter UJT
grower GRVR gwr gyamas t um GYM
greov t ng GRVG grvg gypsum GYP
vehicle weight
gypsum plaster
gypsum sheathing
gross weight GRUT grwt 9YPS- UallbOard Gun
ground gnd gyrocompass GCMPS Wws
ground control center Gcc GCC gyroscope GYRO gyro
ground control landing GCL gc I ha 1herd HLBRO hlt)rd
ground controlled approach GCA GCA half adder HA ha
ground controlled GCI GCI half breadth HB hb
interception half dog point l/2oP l/2dp
ground controlled radar GCR gcr half dupiex Hox hdx
ground data equipment GOE half hard l/2H l/2h
ground detector GD w half round l/2Ro l/2rd
ground effect take off and GETOL getol half track NT RK htrk
landing half wavm Mu flu
ground ecwlpment fai!uro GE F gef half uord NW hw
ground glass GGL ggl ha 1f man HLFM hIfm
ground law GR t.P gr lp ha 1f tone NT ht
ground mapping radar GMR 9& Halpern ●nt{-rsdar point HARP Harp
ground operation equ{pment WE hawsaer HMR hmr
ground operational support Goss ass hand (con@ form) Ho hd
system hand control HNtl CONT hnd cent
“ground pos!tlon tnd$cator GP I gpt hand form block HF 8 hfb
ground protective (relay) GP 9P hand generator HNo GEN hnd gen
ground speed GS gs hand lantern HL hl
ground speed drift ●ngle GSDA gsda hand ra{l W4DRL lmdr ]
ground support equtpment GSE GSE hand reset NW US7 hnd rst
ground to air G-A g-a hand uhe-1 FWWWL hndul
ground to air data itnk GAOL g=dl ha~ook HD8K
ground to ● ir to grwnd GAG gag handcrank NC hc
ground to alr transmitter GAT ga t tt8fWho Id NH hh
gruund to a?r transmitter GATR gatr handho 1e M hh
recefve~ handicap HOCP hdcp
ground to ground G-G $3;9 handle HOL hd I
ground transmit GT hand 1 t ng FKILG hdlg
ground zero GZ gz handllng room HR hr
9round-fauIt Interrupter GF I CJfi handover transfer and HATRAC hatrac
grounded (Outletl G rmcetver accept change
group GP L handset Fu$osr trees t
grwp ●ssembly parts list GAPL ga? 1 handsRake ~co??puters) HOSHK hdshk
group reeetltion frequency GRF grf hanger HGR flgr
grovn diffused GO w hang t ng hng
grown junction Gd 9J harbor defense Ho hd
guarantee WAR guar hard no hd
guaranteed mlniwm value GMV hard chromium !+0 CR hci cr
guard GD hard drawn Ho U~N ha drn
guard rail GOR ~r hard potnt defense HPC) hpd
gu i dance GONC gdnc hard point denmnstrat?on HAPOAR hapdar
gu{dance ●nd control G4 C 96C ●rray r-alar
guidance and navigation GAN gun hard tube fmdulator HTM h tm
~idance control GC gc harden RUN hdn
guftte GOE harden ●nd grind t’thG hbg
~~de light GLT glt hardened ●nd dispersed HAO hild
*tded GOE hardened voice channel Hvu”f hvch

Downloaded from

29 &y 1981


ha~ Vofca Circutt Wc hve heavy •na~l slngls HEX
Iterwless hdns Cellophane (fn%Ul)
harcness ●ssurance HA ha *avy enamel singlm cotton t4EC
hardness maintenance M tns {tnsul)
hardness surveillance W3 hs heavy ●name! singla cotton HECV hecv
hardness-critical {tern HCI Ilc f varntsh ( lnsul )
hardness-crfttca! prucess HCP hcp heavy enaml single glass HEG hag
hardover Hoov MOV ( Insul )
hardware heovy ena~l sing). papar HEOP hebp
)mr=duare cloth HDWC hdwc bonded (tnsull
hardwood How hdud heavy ●namel single silk HE S has
harmonfc hmnc f insul )
harmonic dtstort!on Ho hd heavy enamel stngle silk HESV hesv
harness FiARN barn varnfsh ( Insul )
harness leather HARN l.THR barn lthr heavy end ●vlatton fuel HEAF hea f
hat Crl H h heavy mach~ne gun HMG hmg
hau I m ml heavy thermoplastic I insul) HT ht
haversine HAV ha v heel breaster HLBR hlbr
hazard beacon H9CN hbcn heel line ML hl
hazardous HAZ tlaz heel sanding MLSO hlsd
head HO hd heel to heel H70H htoh
head fcom form) H h height HGT ~:x ,
head ●e cover H&C h6c hetght by w~dth by length Hxwxt.
head diameter HO hd height ffnder radar HFR hfr
head ulnd w W height ffnding ?+TF htf
headed i4D hd height of burst Hoe hob
header HOR hdr height overlap coverage Hoc hoc
head i ng HOG hdg hetght range HR hr
headless HOLS halls hetght range finder HRF hr f
headl }ntng HLNG hlng height range indicator HR I hr t
headquarters HO hq height telllng surveillance HTS ht%
h*9*>e t HOST hds t helical HLCL hlcl
#tEAF ●wergency service tanks HEST best hel~cal co~ression HLCPs hlcps
heat HT ht helfcal ● xtensfon HLEXT hlext
heat ●ctuated clevfce HAD had helicopter HLCPTR hlcptr
heat exchange HE he heltpotentlometer HPOT *O t
heat resisting NT RES ht res heltx ●ng)e HLXA hlxa
heat shield HTSHLD htshld helper HLP hlp
heat sink HTSK htsk hermetically sealed HSC hsc
heat treat H? tR ht tr container
heated HTO htd hsrmetlcally sealed Zener HSZD hszd
heater HTR htr dtode
heattng HTG htg herringbone I+GEN hgbn
heattng caBinet HC hc he t-rodyne HE T het
heavfer than afr- HTA hta hexachlorethane HC hc
heavy WY hvy hexagon HEX hex
heavy f tnsul ) H h huxagonal close packed HCP hcp
heavy atrcraft fuel IIAF ha f hexagonal head HEX i+D hex hd
heavy barrel (rifle ) I’m hb hexagonal socket HEX StJC hex see
heavy duty Ho hd hexagonal socket head HEX SOC14 hex soch
heavy enamel ( tnsul } w he high- H h
heavy ●namel bonded doub 1e HEBDC he13@c htgh ●ccuracy HIAC hiac
cotton f insul } high ● ltltude HA ha
heavy enamel bond-d double HESOS hebds h{gh ● ltitude low opening HALO halo
Sflk f fnsul ) htgh ● ltttude platform HAP HAP
heavy enamel bonded single HE8C hebc high ● ltftude relay potnt HARP harp
cotton (insul} high ● ?tltude sound i ng HASP hasp
heavy enamel bonded single HEBS hebs projectile
sflk Iinsul) htgh ●d very htgh HVOF hvcff
heavy ●nanwl double cotton HEDC hedc frequency dlrtit~m
f~nsu)l ftndtng
heavy ●namel double cotton HEDCV hedcv high capacity (projectile) HC hc
varntsh ( insul t htgh carbon Hc he
heavy enamel dOUble paper HE90P hebdp high carbon steel HCS hc s
bunded I Insul! h~gh carbon steel heat HCSHT hcsht
heavy enamel double Sllic HEDS beds treated
( ~nsul ) htgh density ● lectronic HOEP hdep
heavy ●namel double s{lk HEDSV hedsv packag t ng
varnish I lnsul ) hfgh energy fuel HE F he f
htgh ●xplestve HE he
high ●xp)osive antta~rera?t HEAA heaa
high ●xploS\v@ antftank HEAT heat

Downloaded from

29 YAY 1981


htgh ●%pl OSi V* armor HEAP heap highltne tfL h]
ptorctng ht~ass filter HPFL rpf 1
ttfgtt ●(plostva discwdf~ UEDS highway WY
Sabot hl~
hfgh ●xplos{v8 ~nc=ndiary HE I het hinge j~W w hj
htgh ●xplos)ve Incmdiary ktEIT hett hinge ltne J+L hl
WI th tracer hinge pfllar HPLR hplr
high ●xplos~ve plastic HEP hfnged plotting board HPB
htgh exp)ostve ramjet HERd her j hinged seat Hs tls
h+gh ●xp\OSlvO rOCkOt HERA hers hogshead *O
assisted hoist HST hs t
h!gh ●xplosive spott$ng MES hes hold off generator HOGEN hogen
high cxplostve ulth tracer HET het hot aaown HLON hlCln
h~gh fidelity HI FI hi fl holder HLDR hldr
hign frequency kiF hf holding FILDG hldg
high frequency current UFCUR hf our holding cetl Hc ho
high fre~ency direction HFDF hf df holding ftxture t4F hf
f I rider hole (p)type semiconductor P P
htgh frequency osclllator UFO hfo material
htgf’! frequency transceiver HF X hfx hol low Hot. hol
hfgh grade plow steel HOPS he#~ hollow metal * hm
h{gh humidity HI WM hollow metal door and frame HNOF hmaf
high t-act tfIMP hl~ hollow tile HT ht
high intensity HINT hint home on jarmning Hod hoj
high level transistor logic HI.TL hltl homing HOM
high level transistor 14LT7L hlttl homfng beacon HO hb
transistor log~c homtng c~arator unit HCU hcu
high pass HP homfng on oftset beacon HOE hob
high point HPT zt hone-ffn~sh mono-i ttn~c IIFMF hfmf
high potential HIPOT hlpet floor
h~gh potent~al test t41PUTT hipott honeycont3 HNYCN8 hnycnb
high power aequlsitlon radar HIPAR h i par honorary HON hon
high power ●wllf{er WA hpa hook rail HR hr
high pressure HP w hookup IUCP hkp
htgh pressure steam km hps -r HPR hpr
high pressure test HPT hpt horizan HRZN hrzn
high priority HIPRI h~prt horizon (altn abbr) HORIZ ----
high random access NIRAC hi rac horfzon scanner HSC hsc
high resolution infrared HRIR hrtr horizon sensor Hs hs
high resolution tracker HR7 hr t horizontal HOR!Z hor i z
h$gh speed HS hs horizontal (c- form) H h
high speed bombtng radar HS13R hsbr horizontal center lfne HCL
high speed data Hso hsd horizontal data Drecessina HOP z
h{gh speed memory HSM hsm horizontal dfsplky tndica~or HOI hdi
high speed paper tape reader HSPTR hsptr horlztmtal fqiJlsi9 HZMP hz~
high speed printer HSP hsp horizontal i~ulse reisct{on HIR htr
high speed reader HSR hsr horizontal location of HCG. hcg
high speed ste81 tlss hss center of gravity
h)gh temperature mu htm horizontal polarization HP +
high tensile HTNSL htns 1 horizontal reactfon HZRN hzrn
high tensile cast iron HTC I htci horizontal refcrernce line HRL hr 1
high tensile steel HTs hts hor120ntal shear Hs hs
high tensile strength HTs hts horizontal situation HS I hs i
high tension Mr ht indicator
high velocity NV w horizontal tabulation NT ht
high v-locity ● ircraft WAR hvar horizontal volute spring HVSS hvss
rocket suspens~on
high velocity armor piercing HVAP hv ●p horn fiber HNFER hnfbr
htgn veloclty target HVTP hv tp horn gap switch HGSW hgsw
practice horsepower HP m
hfgh voltage HV hw horsepower hOur HP HR hp hr
hfgh voltage direct current HVDC hvdc hose blb H6 hb
high voltage power supply HVPS hvps hoso clam NC he
htgh vultage regulator HVR hv r hose connector NC(JNN hconn
htgh water line HUL hwl hose jacket (insul I W hj
htgh-a)tltude terrafn F4ATCDS ha teds hose rack HR hr
contwr data sensor hose thread HSTH hsth
high-level language HLL HLL hospt tal HOSP hosp
(co~uters I hot brtne PUW HBPMP
?vfgh-nofs e-ifmmmity logic I+dIL HNIL hot galvartlze H GALV h galv
high-threshold Ioglc HTL llTL hot leg HLG hlg
highest poss!ble frequency HPF hp f hot press HP hp

Downloaded from

29 &y 1981


hot fwl led HR he Ident’ffcatton frtend or IFFS lffs
Iu!Bt rolled ptckled ●m Otl m.Po tlrpo fO* swftchf~ circuit
I’Wt rolled ste91 HRs hrs f dent fication light ID l.T td lt
hot tlrl NT ht ldent flcation nu-r ID No td no
hot water w hw tdentiflcatlon of posltlen 1P tp
hot water circulat~ng HWC huc identtflcation Unft Iu tu
hot water heater hwh identified foe IDFO tdfo
hotside HSD hsd identified frfend)y IOFR tdfr
hotwol 1 NW hwl tdentff{ed prior to IPI ipf
hour +fR ?’W intercept
house HSE hse Identify !OENT f dent
househo 1d HSHLD hshld Idler IOL tdl
hous 1ng HSG hsg ignftton IGN i gn
hovert ng HVRNG hvrng ignttor IGNTR t gntr
howt tzwr mu how tgnitor [electron device) 16 IG
nowltzer motor carriage hu Ignt tron IGN tgn
howler NW hw illuminate ILLUM illum
humid MO h- illustrate ILLUS \?lus
humidity illustrated parts breakdown IPe lPS
hundred call seconds Ccs Ccs image storage translation ISTAR tstar
hundredweight at Cwt ●nd reproduction
hunt {ng NNTG nntg Image to frame ratio I/F i/f
hybrtd riYa hyb Image velocity detector I VO i vd
hybrid comuwter llnk HYCOL hyco I imaginary IMAG f mag
hybrid digital ●nalog ●nd HYOAPT hyaapt imftation IMIT tmt t
pulsm tlm !~dlate IMMCO t-
nybrtct electromagnetic wave HEMW tmnedfate ●ccess storage I AS t ●s
hybr~d microelectronic HY9MED hybmed imsnerslon IMRS t mrs
dev 1ce I ~act 1MP t-
hydrant t’fYo hyd inpact ●valanche transtt !MPATT t~att
hydrated HYOTO byd td ttme
hydraulic FfvoR hydr i-act potnt 1P lp
hydraulic (ALTN A8BR) HYD .-*. 1~ance 1MPD isQd
hydr*ullc clean NC hc t -or lMPR i-r
hydraulic cycling unit l~oI Ier IMPLR ilIq31r
hydre form d~e HFD hfd t~r+ect IMPF tSqSf
hydrocyantc acid tspertal IMPRL taprl
hydroelectric ttYoREtc hydre 1c l~tnge=nt I GMT f gmt
hydrogen-ion concentration w pH tmplement IMPL taQl
hydrometer HYDM hycml f ~ose IMPS 4WQS
ttydrophune HYPH hyph t ~Fegna t e IMPRG lffqwg
hydrostat~c HYORST hydrs t i~resston IMPRSN i ~rsn
hyperbola HYPERB hypera i~roved high speed b-ing lFISBR i hsbr
hyperbolic constant CSCH Cscb radar
hyperbolic cusecant CSCH Cscn tnproved manned interceptor IM1 fmi
hyperbolic C=%ifIe Cosn cosh t~roved pIow steel IMP PS Illp ps
hyperboItc COta~gent COTM coth tnprovement IMPROV I nprev
hyperbolic secant SECH sech i~ulse IMPLS tqls
hyperbolic sine SIWI sinh impulse conductor IC tc
hyperbolic tangent TANH t anh tnpulse modulation IM tm
hyperf ino structure HFS hfs in accordance wtth IAW t ●u
hyperbolic clean Hoc in ground ● ffect IGE I ge
~. I LO flo
hypersonic research vUhiCl@ HRV ~n lieu of
hyporsontc test vehiCle H TV htv tn the place c{ted (for LOC CIT Ioc Cit
hypervelocity ●rmor pfcrcing HVAP hv ap referencing )
hypervelocity armor HVAPOS hv spas tn the same place {for 1810 \bid
piercing discarding sabot re+erenc!ng )
hypervolocity target HVtP hvtp tnactivxte INACTV inactv
pract i c8 tna~ate INAO i nad
hypervelocity target HVTP43S hvtpds t nboard IN80 Inbd
practtce discarding sabot incandescent I NCANO i ncand
hypotenuse HYP hyp incendiary I Km 1ncnd
hypothetical tlYPOTH hypoth tncendtavy bo- 10 fb
ice cream 1CRM i crm inch IN tn
Ice cuber IC8R f car tnch per second I Ps tp%
tdeal Ioupass filter ILPFL Ilp(l Inch-pound IN L9 in lb
tdentical I DENT ident fnctdent INCOT tncdt
tdenttftcatton I DH’4T ident ~nc{nerator !NCIN inctn
fdentlf?cat on and :&T {&t tmllnea INCLN ~ncln
traceabt 1 ty Inclined ladder il
Ident!ftcat on beacon XBCN fbcn Inclosure ;iCLS incls
identtfteat on friend or foe IFF IFF
Downloaded from

29 }ky 1981


include INCL fncI tnfltght Inseetton IFI tft
tnctustve INCL tncl tnformatton INFO tnfo
1ncoherent INCOH i ncoh tnformatlon retrieval IR Ir
incomtng I?KM tncm tnformat~on retrteval center IRC t rc
t~lete INCDWP t ncowp {nformatlon sort ●nd predict ISAP f sap
tnc~letu sequence ( relav } IS ts tnformatlonal ●cqu~sttlon [AI fat
Ineo+orated INC tnc ●nd !nterpretatton
1ncorrec t I NCOR 1ncor tnfrared IR Ir
i nc~ase I NCR t ncr tnfrared acquisition radar IRACOR I racqr
increase reliabfltty of rRos XROS tn+rared ● lternate head lRAH t rah
operational system Infrared counter I RCCM IRCCM
increased co-at ICE t ce countermeasures
● ffect tveness tnfrared cwntermeasures I RCM IRCM
tncrement !NCR I ncr infrared information and lRIA trfa
i ~~a tor INCBR i ncbr ●nalysts
fndeftnttc INDEF tndef infrared maser IRASER traser
t nden t INOT t ndt infrared measurement I RM i rm
indentured parts ltst IPL tpl tnfrared mtss distance 1RMA Irma
independent If’fOEP i ndep ●pproximator
independent sideband I se { sb Infrared monochromatic IRMRA trmra
fndetermtnate INOE7 tndet radiatton
index IDX {dx tnfrared phys~cal IRPM t rpm
tndex ltst 11 umasurewxmt
tndlcate : ko lnd tnfrared rance and detect~on IRRAO I rrad
tndtcated ● ir speed I As t ●s tnfrared tar~etseeker IRTS t rts
indtcated ● ir t~ef-aturef I AT iat tnfraped tracker lRt lrt
tndtcated horsepower I HP I* ingot 1Gt Igt
indtcated horsepower hour I HPH t hptl tnhibtt 1NW t nhb
tncticated math nufmxpr INN Imn t~tbtt halt fltp-flop IHFF thff
tndtcated mean effect~ve IMEP tmep tntttal INIT In{t
pressure tnlttal ●pp~arance IA la
tndtcated true ● lr speed 1TAS 1tas fnltia) spproach fix IAF Iaf
indicating I NO 1nd’ bofling potnt IBP tbp
tndteatlng lam INO LP tnd lp fn{ttal bowtJ release ttne 2BRL lbrl
fndtcator 2ND tnd tmttlal condlttons xc fc
fndfcator drtver 10 fd Intttal Opef-attng IOc t Oc
fndfcator transmitter I NOTR ~ndtr (operattonat) Capsbillty
indirect waste Iw iw lnltfal potnt 1P tp
tndtrectly IORTY ~drty fnttfal spares support Ilst ISSL 1ss1
Indfvtduslly INov f ndv lnttlal velocity Iv tv
Indoctrinate INDOC i ndoc initiation INIT tnit
t~ draft 10 td tnftiatlon area IAD t ●d
in~ctance 1?40 Ind dlscrtminator
inductance fcm form) L L inject INd ~nj
t~ctance capacitance LC LC tnjectlon 2Nd t n]
imctance capacitance LCR LCR tnlet INL inl
reststanee Inlet ●nd outlet 160 i&o
fmctance regulator IND REG Ind reg tnlet and outlet head 180H Ibeh
tmctance self I NO tnd tnlot gu{de vane IGV I gv
t~tfon Irfo t nd Inlet manhole INN lm
l-ctlon conuass ICNPs 1-s f nner INR t nr
taetor 1DCTR Idctr lnnw bzck end Iet t be
inductosyn ISYN ! Syrl l-r bottom 18 ~b
industrial INDL fnd? tnner front end IFE tfe
l~strtal swvice IS ts Inner keel IK \k
tmstry IND Ind inner mark*f= In ~m
tnert INRT fnrt inopwatlve INOP tnop
Inert ftller INRTFLR tnrtflr fnorganfc INORG Inorg
fnert gas INRTG inrtg tnput INP tnp
tnert Operational mtssfle 20M tom \nput data ● ss-l-r IOA ida
tn8rtlal INRTL Inrtl t~ut output 1/0 !/0
tnartfal demand servomotor I DSM 1dsm tnput translator lMXLTR Inxltr
t~tfal guidance IG lg tfpt-output buffer I/OB t/00
tnerttal gutdance system IGS t gs {nput-output ● lement I/OE [/08
Inerttal measurement unit INU Iau tnput-output register x/oR !/or
ln@rt?aless seannfng, ~NS7AR fnstar fn~try Irw Inq
traektng. ●nd ranging inscription INSC ~nsc
In#erence 1NFRN t nf rn trisect scre8n Is fs
tnf~nlto I NF i nt tnsectfcide ICTCD Ictcd
tnflotable lFL Ifl tnseparabie INSEP t nsep
tn*t8ting-def lattng IfL-Oft lft-dfl tnsert :NSR I nsr
Downloaded from

29 -y 1981


fnsert ehsractor 1?4S CHAR Ins char integrated cfrcutt IC IC
fns-rt scrw tttread INST !nst integrated data processing I DP IDP
tnsert~on phase delay IPO t pd tntegratti #njectlon logic IIL IIL
tnsla INS t ns integrated fnstrumen tation IIR ~lr
fnslde diamtar 10 id radar
tnstde frosted IF If ~ntegrated logfsttc support ILS XLS
inst~ layer IL fl lntegr8ted passfvo-action IPADAt 1padae
insi~ mold Ifne I ML tm? *tectton ●nd acquisition
tnsfde of fwtal I/U i/m ~ipment
tnside radius IR tr integrated tfme ●nd 17AE t ta*
fnside trim template ITT ftt ●bsolute error
Insignia ZSGN i Sgn fntelltgence INTEL intel
tnsoluble INSOL t nso 1 tntell$gence radar reporting IRR t rr
~nspect INSP { nsp tntensity INTEN i ntmn
inspection INSP t nsp Intenstve-care untt ICU Icu
tnspectton and repair 8s IRAN $ran fntercept INTCP i ntcp
necessary tntercept potnt 1P tp
inspection check ftxture ICF tcf interceptor lafrcraft) F f
tnspectton check t-late I c1 ict interceptor missile IM im
tnstal 1 XNStL tnst) interceptor m$ssile IMIE ~mtr
installation :NSTL tnstl tnterrogatton radar
tnstallat{on ●nd checkout 1Sc i 6C interceptor tacttcal missile ITM i tm
tnstal!atlon ●nd maintenance 18M i Urn interchangeability and 16s tbs
Instal ler lNSTLR Instlr substitution
instantaneous INSt inst interchangeable INTCHG tntchg
instantaneous ●utomat~c I AGC i ●gc lnte~hangesble soltd and 1P Ip
gatn control screen panels
instantaneous ●utomatic I AVC i ●vc interchanger INTCHGR Intchgr
volume control Interchamel master pulse ICMP t-
instantaneous frequency IFC ifc fnterchmnel ttme ITOE 1 tda
correlation dtsplae-nt error
instantaneous overload 101 fol intercowmunf cattng INTERCOM tntercom.
instantaneous relay INST RLY lnst rly intercomuni cation INTERCOM tntereom
fnst!tute INST Inst 1ntsrcoamu ntcation (short I CM tcm
tnstmct INStR Instr form)
fnstructton INSTR fnstr tntercwmunlcatlon drum IC DRUM ic drum
instruction book 1S ib lnterc~nlcation System 1Cs I Cs
instruction card IC tc tnterconnecttng dtgital I DAC f dac
instruction folder IF if ●na)og convertor
Instruction leaflet IL tl interconnect fon I NTCON i ntcon
instruction plate 1P fp ~nteroonttnental bail istic I CI!iM Icbm
fnstfwction pulse 1P if) missf Ie
instruction tag rl it InterCooler INCLR lnclr
Instrument INSTR instr tnte~yltnder INTCYL intcyl
instrument faltn abbr) INSY ---- tnterface INTFC tntfc
instrwnt flight rules IFR IFR Interface control draw!ng I CD t cd
instrument landing ●pproacfi ILA I?a Interference INTRF intrf
Instrument Landing Approach ILAS 1LAS lnteeference rejection unit lFRU tfru
system tntergovernmenta 1 INTERGOVT tntergovt
Instrument Landing System I LS ILS ~nterlm ! NT tnt
Instrument mteorologicat I MC 9* Intertm change xc tc
Condttton tntertm remote ●rea IRATE IRATE
tnstnment panel INSTPN fnstpn termfnal WIpment
Instrumentation INSTM Instm tntertor INTR tntr
instrumentation pover supply IPS t ps tnterior cowawnfcation Ic ic
instrumentation telev!s~on I NW t ntv interior cowmwnication ●nd XC & FCO iC 6 fed
~nsufficient I NSUF t nsuf ftre control distribution
fnsulat8 I NSUL f nsu I tnterlock INTLK intlk
fnsulated gate fteld effect [GFET lGFET interlocked metallic ●rmor 1 i
transistor (lnsul)
Insulating core trimsfor-r I Ct ict intermediate I NTMD tntmd
insu!attng transformer IT it tntermecftate dtstrtbut~ng t Df tdf
tnsutation INSUL fnsul f rams
\nsulat\on resistance IR ir Intermadlate drum storage 10s 1ds
Insulation specff {cation XSPEC i spec intermediate frequency IF tf
insulation test fls i ts Gntemdiate frequency IFA \fa
specification ●mlifier
~nsulstor INSUL t nsu 1 tntenmdiate freque~y StrfP IFS ffs
i nsuro INS t ns fnterwmdtat- frequency IFT tft
{ntake INTK intk transformer
fntogral I NT i nt intermediate medtum range IRMR8M I rmrbm
fntegrate INTEG I nteg ballistic misstle
Downloaded from

29 -y 1981


fntwmediatu mts*fl* In tm t nverse INVS i nvs
lntermedlat8 ~dulattm IH fln inverse cosecant ARCCSC Srccsc
lntwmedlate POUW •wl~ffur xPA t pa inverse cosine ARCCOS ●rccos
int~latc pressuro 1P Ip tnverse cotangent ARCCOT ● rccot
lnterwedtate range I RBN frbm inverse secant ARCSEC arcsec
b811istic mlsslle tnverse sine ARCS2N ●rcs f n
tnt8nuedfat8 tape stor* ITS t ts fnvcrsc tangent ARCTAN ●rctan
intermediate voltage xv Iv inv-rse ttma limit lTL ftl
intormltt8nt INTMT tntmt tnv8rse ttme relay ITR I tr
fntomlttent c~rc’tal ●nd ICAS tcss i nvort INVT i nvt
bnsteur se-tco i mm-ter INV 1nv
twtwmtttent *ty IDTY tdty tnvestfgation IN’WS t nv8s
tntermodulatim IM im invitation for bid IFO ifb
lntermodulat!on d~stsrtton INO t- tnvolute IWLT tnvlt
4nterrm 1 ZNTL fntl i ruard I Nuo tnud
Iflt@rnal Castton Ic tc ton ctta-r xc ic
tnternal c~stton ●ngtne ICE ice f Onosphere 10NO i Ono
intomal eonnectton INT CON tnt con tron (c- form) I 1
lntemal correction voltage 1Cv i Cv iPOn body bronze mounted 18BM ibbm
tnternal diameter 10 #d iron core reactor I CR i cr
Intamal pipe thread IP7 tpt iron pfpe 2P ip
$nterna) translator 17 it iron ptpe size IPS t ps
tnternattona 1 INTL intl iron pipe thread IPT ipt
International Annealed I AC!i z Acs ironing board IB tb
Copper StandarU irregular IRREG irreg
Intemat~onal Critical ICT I CT island 1s is
Tables isolate ISOL isol
tmternational direct 1000 I 000 isolsted gate field effect IGFET IGFET
distance dtaltng transistor
International Pipe Standard IPS IPS isolatlon ISLN isln
Interf-tional Standard I ST I sl fsolation ward ISLN MO Isln wd
Thread Imetric) tsolatur ISLR islr
International System of SI $x tsometr~c I SO f so
Unf ts isoscoles 1S0S i Sos
interoffice memoraa Ion iom i Ssue 1ss tss
interphase transformer INTPWTR t ntphtr issue prtorfty designator I PO \ pd
fnterphone INTPH i ntph item identlftcation 11 t!
tnt-rphone control station I Cs I Cs item recAJct\on studies IRS i rs
lmtwplanetary ballisttc IPBM i pbm ttlnerary ITIN itln
missile j ●ck dK jk
int~rpolatlon INTRPL intrpl Jack screv dKSCR jkscr
interpole INTPO intpo jacket dKT jkt
lnterpost 1P tp Jacket water W jw
Interpret INTPR $ntpr jaming dAMG j amg
fnterpupillary IN’TRPLRY intrplry jansntng radar coverage JRC I jrei
Interrelated \ogtc I LAS ilas tndicator
accusulattng scanner Ja-tng to slgna! Js
interrogate INTRG intrg ]anftor’s closet dc E
interrogator responder IR t? OJanwry dAN Jan
interrogator responder IRT irt j ●pwmed dAP j ●p
transduee~ jet ●ssisted takeoff dATO JATO
interrogator transponder IT it Jet propelled dP JP
tnterrupt lNTRPT intrpt Jettison dTSN jtsn
interrupt control regfster lNC’R i ncr jig t~lata dT jt
interrupted continuous usve ICU tcu job order do jo
tnt8rrupter [relay] IW’ int joggle UOG jog
. Interruptions per minute “ IPM tpm jotn UN jn
interruptions per second IPS i ps joiner d
tntersect 2NTSCT intsct joiner p! laster fume ttght JPFT jpft
intershtp lNTSHP tntshp jotner ptlaster nontight dPt4T J pnt
trite-stage INTSTG intstg joint JT jt
interval INTVL Intvl doint Amry-Navy dAN UAN
Intervalometer INTVLM tntvim ~utnt Army-Navy-Air Force UANAF dANAF
tntervals of pulsations of 1PUP Ipdp Jotnt bar JTB j tta
dtmlntsn~ng purled jotnt comound $JC jc
fntrtcate INTRC intrc joint operating procedures dQP JOP
Intrinsic [1) type I t joint support ds js
semiconductor matertal joints NPSM npsm
fntroductton INTRO intro Joist d J
tnvarlant INVAR i nvar joists ●nd planks U&? j;:
Inventory lNVN 1ftvn journal dNL
lnw8ntory schedule Is is duly Jut W 1

Downloaded from

29 thy 1981


~-1=~ dMPR jfv- Imgwge data processing LOP ldp
jlmet ton UCT jct la-age trmslatlon LT lt
junction box Us jb 1●ntmn LTRN ltm
junct$on ffeld ● ffect UFET’ w ET 1any8rd LNYD 1nyd
tram Jstor lapptng LPG lpg
dUN an 1●rge LGE lge
Juntor dR lsrge ●rtificial neuron UUWET 1wvnet
just not noticeable j :nd netvort(
dfffwmc. large ●nd LE le
just notleeabla dtffemmce Jnd large scale hybrid LSM1 LSH1
justification JUST ;Ust ~ntegr8t\on
jute ●sphalted, fwnmetal~~c UJ large scale integration LSI u:
●rmor (Insull large tug LT lt
kalamein KAL kal laser detection and ranging LAOAR 1●dar
kalamein door KALD kald lash~ng LSNG 1Shg
kalamein door ●nd frame KOF kdf Iast-tn-first-out L!FO LIFO
koene’”s cmment plaster KCP k Cp latch L- 1ch
keeno’s cement plaster KCPC kcpc latch checktng swttch LCSW I Csu
cotling lat.ral LATL latl
keeping KPG tcpg latltud8 LA7 lat
kerosene KRSN k PSn lattice LTC It
key ~ntelligenee posftlon KIP ktp 1●unch LANH 1anh
key locker KL kl I ●unch ●nd iwact L61 181
key pulsing KPLS k~ls 1aunch complex LC lC
keyboard KYBO k ybd 1●unch -lex ●qUtpm@ftt LCE 1ce
keyboard send ●nd r@Cefv_ KSR ksr 1●unch control center Lcc LCC
keypuncn KP kp 1●unctl ●nable Ioglc unit LELU ?elu
keysea t KSt kst 1●unch enabllng unit LEU Ieu
koyway KW kuy 1●unch wscape system LES 18s
kick plate KPL kp I 1aunch ●scape tower LET let
k{ck plate ●nd drip KP60 kp6d 1 ●unch facil~ty simulator LFS 1+s
ktckoff (relay) KO ko I ●unch mount LM )Sl
kfckpipe KP kp 1aunch operations center LOC 1Oc
kiln dried KD kd 1 ●unch status wmarizef= LSS 1Ss
kilowolta$?pere hour KVAH kvah 1 ●unch umbtlfcal tower “ LIJT lut
k~lovoltaqJere hOUr meter KVAMN kvahm 1 ●unch vehicie LV Iv
ktlovolta~ere meter KVAM kvam 1 ●uncher LCHR 1chr
k~louatt hour meter KUHN kwhm launcher site LS 1s
kinescope KI?fE ktne launcher status wltiplexer L SM ) sm
kinettc energy KE Me launching e+tpment LE le
klystron awlifler KLA kla 1sundry L AU 1au
klyst~On oscillator KLO klo laundry chute LC Ic
klystron power suPPIY KPSM kpsfn laundry tray L7 It
wmdulato~ lavatory L AV 1●v
kne8 brace KO kb lawn faucet twF If
knife b!ade KNBL knbl 1 ●yer LYR 1yr
knife edge KNE D kned 1 ●yout LYT lyt
knife Sultch KN SW kn sw load ●ngle LA la
knock devn KO kd lead coatad metal LCM 1cm
knockout KO ko lead cover=d LC lC
knot UN kn lead sheath (tnsul) L
hnur 1 KNRL knrl lead time LT ;t
Korosesl KRAL kral ?aader LOR 1dr
I ●&e i LSL Ibl leadership LORSP 1drsp
laboratory LAB 1●b 18ad{ng LO ld
labyrinth LBYR lbyr Ieadtng edge LE le
labyrinth pack L8YRPK lby~k 18adlng ●dge radtus LER 1●r
1●c~r LAQ 1●q ;eadless tnvcrted device LIO lid
1●alder LAO 1●d 1●ak ●ge LKG lkg
ladder rung t.R Ir Iaakof f LOFF IOff
I ●ggs ng LAG 1ag lewnlng curve LC lC
Iamvnmte LAM 1●m IQast comon wwlttple L CM Icm
~ qb ] aCk LMPBLK l~blk l@aSt material condition LMC lm
18qYho I der LPHLDR lphldr least significant bit L S8 1Sb
Imdfng LOG I dg 19ast voltage coincidence LVCD 1vcd
Imdtng gear LOG (3R Idg ge detector
Lmdtng Observer Signal LOSS LOSS laather LTMR 1thr
System 1●we Lv Iv
Iandtng Stgnal wand light LSW LT lSW It 1●aves LVS 1Vs
Iandline teletype LLTT lltt left L 1
1●ndnark LD W Id ti loft arfthmet{c element LAE 188
I wtguage LANG 1●ng left bank L BK lbk

Downloaded from

29 ?’kY1981


loft cfrcular polarization LCP )Cp l~ghtproof louver LPL lpl
loft hDnd Ltf Ih Itghtproof shade LPS 1ps
loft hand drtve Ltl OR lh dr Ifghtproof vent LPV 1pv
left hmd side LtfS lhs lfghtwight concrete LWC luc
Iaft mla Ln lm ltghtwfght tnsu18tlng LWIC Iufc
left rtght Indtcator LR1 Irl concrete
Iwt side LS IS Itgfum vttaa LGWVTE Ignmvt@
length LG Ig 1 fmr LIM lfm
length between LDP lbp 1 InStone LS 1s
~~-t-lsrs Itaft LIM Ilm
length Of ChO~ Lc lC Itmtt suitch LIM SW limsu
length of curve LCRV ?Crv Itmftti LTD 1td
18ngth of ,lead (actual) LOL 10T )imfted eoordlnat~on LC lC
I@ngth overall LOA 1oa ltmfted distr!butlon LINOIS Ittits
length- to-dtameter ratto LG/D Igld Itmfted Operatfng base LOB 1ob
Iengthentng LNG )’ng ltmit@d-sp8ce-ch8rge LSA LSA
lmns boarcl LN80 1- 8ccuw18tton (mtcravave
lens nmdulated oset?lator LNO lmo d~odes )
lens speed LNSP 1nsp 1 tmf ter LMTR lmtr
letter LTR ltr Ifmftfng LMTG )mtg
!ett@r box LS lb ltne (c- form) L 1
letter of \ntent LI li ?Ine ●splifler and super LASSM 1assm
letter press LTRPRS 1trprs sync mtxer
}ettmring LTR Itr Itne automatfc reperforator LARP 1 ●rp
18vall LVL lvI ltne buffer LB lb
lovo? detector LDET Idet ltne Carrytng LC lC
level discriminator LDISCR Idiscr llne Orawfng LO Id
levelometer LEVMETR Ievmetr Itne drlv~ng ●~lif{er LDA 1da
1●ver LVR 1vr Ifne drop ccwq3ensator LDC 1dc
Ieutsite L 1 line ●dualizing amllfter LE13 1ea
Ilalson [aircraft) L 1 Ilne feed Lf ?f
1 tberty LBRT lbrt Ifne ~t.~rtng unit LMU )IIU
I t brary LERY lbry l~ne of balance LOB 1ob
library issue document LID lid fne of postttorl LOP lop
1 t tense LIC lIC tns of sight LOS 10s
llfo float LF If tne per minute LPM lom
llf~ jacket !-d Ij Ine prtnter LPTR lptr
l{f8 preseever LPRSV@ Iprsvr ine recetvtng a~llfier LRA 1ra
Iffo-cycle Survivability LCS 1Cs tne termtnattng untt LTU 1tu
Itfeboat LB lb ins type modulation LTM 1tm
lifesaving LSVG 1Svg ineal LIN Ttn
l~ft-up door LUO 1Ud t near LIN Iln
Iiftfng LFT lft tnear detonating cord LOc Idc
Itfttng eye LE Ie tnear differential LOT Idt
1 tght LT lt transfommar
ltgnt activated Swttch LAS 1as inear ●nergy transfer LET let
l(ght **rera#t b~nary LAO I L labtl inear integrated Circuit LIC LIC
\nformatton Ilnk tnear prwgrwming LP lp
Ilght awq21if~catlon by LASER 1aser tnear ttme base esctllator LTeo 1tbo
sttaulated emtsston of lnear var~able LVOT lvdt
radiation dtfferentfal transformer
Ilght case LC Ic fnearIy frequency LIFMOP l(fmop
ltght detection and rzmgfng L I DAR 1 t dar modulated pulse
l~~t distrfbutton box LD8 ldb Intng LNG I ng
light emfttlng diode LED LZD t* LK Ik
l(ght gun LG lg 1Inkage LKGE lk~
Tight gun a~lffter LGA I ga 1 inoleum LINOL linol
?fght gun pulse generator LGG lgg linoleum base LB lb
light lock LL 11 Itnoleum floor LF lf
lt@t switch LTSW 1 tsu Ifntel LNTL lntl
Itght tank LT TK It ttt If+{d LIQ ltq
Ifgnt trap LT It llquld fuel LIQ FL !Iq fl
Ilght-activated LASCR 1 ascr Ifwtd In glass LQGLS Iqgls
Semiconductor controlled ll~lct nttrogen LZN Iln
rectffier }t+td oxygen LOX 1ox
Ifght-intens!ty detectar LTID ltid ll~fd petroleum gas LPG I pg
IIght-optic microscope LOM 1Om ;tqu{d rocket LR Ir
lightening LTG 1 tg lt~fd rocket engine LRE 1I-e
l~ghten!ng hole LTGH ?tgh lfquid-crystal dtsplay LCD Lco
llghter than afr LTA lta I\qutdometer LO?4ETR Iqmetr
lfghtlng L7G Itg 1 ~quor LOR Iqr
lfghtn$ng ●rrester LA la I{st L Itst

Downloaded from

29 &y 1981


list of drawings Lo Id locknut pipe thread NPSL NPSL
llst of ●ffectiv8 pages LOEP 1oep Iockscrew LKSCR lkscr
list of material LM In locksmith LSMITH lsmith
llst of speclficattons Ls Is lockwire LKWR 1kwr
Ifst of specifications and LSST Isst locomotive LOCO 1Oco
standards locus of radius L/R I/r
Iisttng time limit LTL ltl locust LCT let
lithograph LITHO 11 tho loft line Lt. 11
Ilthographtc LITNG litho lofted Iine LL 11
Iftter LIT lft logartthm LOG 1Og
Ittter hook w lh . logarft~ (natural) LN In
Itve load LL 11 log8rlthmic impllfier LOAMP loanQ
1 Izard LIZ Iiz logarithmic fast time LOGFTC Iogftc
1oad LO Id constant
load adjuster LA la logle LGC 1gc
load buffer memory L8* lbm logic drtver LD Id
load carrter LC lC logtc theory LT It
toad center LC lC logic unit LU Iu
load circuft efficiency LCE ?ce logically passive self-dual LPSD Ipsd
load classlftcation nu-er LCN 1cn logtsttc LOG 1Og
load c~cnsated dlde LCDTL LCUTL Ioglsttc Cmwun icatlon LOGCOM 1ogcom
transistor logtc logttudinal posit~on of LCF Icf
load compensating [relay) LC lC cmter of flotatlon
load factor (tabular) LF If 1ong L 1
LIRLY lfrly long (altn ●btm) LG . ..-
load tndlcat~ng relay
load ltmittng reststor LLRES 11 T-es long baseline radar LOBAR 1obar
load Itst LL 11 Jong endurance patrolling LEPT Iept
load ratio LR lr t Orpedo
load ratio control LRC If-c long lead time LLT Ilt
load res~stor (relay) LR lr long leaf yellow pine LLYP Ilyp

load shlftlng reststor LSR 1sr long part nunber LPN 1pn
load tap changing LTC 1tc long path tnfrared LOPAIR lopair
load update subset LUS 1us long persistence 1P lp
load uater ltne LWL lU1 long playing LP lp
I oader LOR 1dr long pulse continual wave LPCW I pew
Ioadfng LUG 1dg long range LR lr
lobe on recetve only LORO Ioro long range ●ctive detection LORAO 1orad
local LCL ICI long range data LRO 1rd
local ●cquisftton radar LAR I ●r long range earth current LOREC lorec
local ●pparent time LAPT Iapt conmuntcat ions
1~1 automatic message LAMA LAHA tong range ~nterceptor LRI lri
accounting long range navigation LORAN I oran
local battery LB lb long range radar LRR 1rr
local C!vtl tim LCT LCT long range radar input LR : lri
100al hour ●ngle LHA 1ha long side LSD 1Sd
local mean time LMT LMT low taper LTPR 1 tpr
local operating procedure LOP 1Op long wheelbase LWE 1*
10C81 oscillator LO 10 t ongeron LONGN 1Ongn
local osci I?ator frequency LOF Iof longitude LONG 1Ong
Iocal stdereal time LSOT lsdt longitudinal LONG 1ong
?ocal standard tinm? LST 1st Ionaltudinal ●xpansion joint LEd lej
local zone time LZT LZT Iofiitudinal position o~ LC8 I Cb
localfzer Loc 1Oc center of buoyancy
locate LCt let longitudinal position of LCG 1 C9
locate (altn ●tmr) LOC .-.. center of gravity
locate drum address LDA t da Iengttudinal tirm constant LTC 1tc
Iocatlon LCTN lctn looking LKG lkg
lock on LO 10 lookout LKT lkt
lock pillar LPLR “ lplr loop controi (relay) LPC 1pc
lock up LKUP Ikup loop error signal LES I ●s
lock washer LK WASH lk wash loop feedback s~gnal LFS Ifs
locked LKD lkd loop gain LG Ig
Iocked Clased LXo c !kd C loop input svgnal Lls Iis
locked tn device LID !id 1ooper LPR I pr
locked open LKO O lkd O loss of signal LOS 10s
locked oscillator LOQG 1Oqg lot fraction reltab{llty LFRO LFRO
quadrature grid definition
looked rotor LKROT Ikrot lot tolerance percent LTPO LTPO
)OCked-rOtOr ●~eres LRA 1ra eefecttve
1ooker LKR Ikr loudness level LL 11
locking LKG lkg Ioudspeakor 1s
?Ocknut LKNT lknt 1ouver :~R I Vr

Downloaded from

29 ?’h)f


IOwOW opening LVO 1Vo lumn per watt L Pw I pw
louuwed door LVO 1vd Iufsfrlous LUM lum
~. 1 lunar ●nd interplanetary LIV ltv
accuracy LOAC 1oac vehlcla
●lloy steel LAS 1●s lunar 8xcursion frmdule L EM LEM
●ltitude bo~ing LAB LAB lunar orbit rendezvous LOU 1or
altitude tmmblng system LA6S LABS lunette L(JN 1un
slt!tude drogue delfvery LAOO 1●ed Mach wer Wacn Mach
●ltltude rad~r fuztng LARF 1●rf msc!l i m MACH math
● ltitude searcn option LASO 18s0 machine gun MG w
carbon LC Ic machine operation m
Coo?ar?t LCOLNT lcolnt machine rifle MR mr
data rate LDR 1or macntne scmu MSCR mscr
data rate tnput LDR I ldri machine steel MST mst
drag - LD8 Idb macnlned surface” MASU masu
energy tOn datcctor LEID l-id machi nary MCHRY mchry
●xplosive LE Ie mochinfst MCHST -hs t
f raquency LP lf IasgBz 1ne MAG mag
frequency ●cquisition LO:AR lofar magazine floodtng ●nd MF&S mfhs
and rangfng sprfnkl~ng
)W frequency correction LFC tfe magnaflux M m
lW frequency oscl 1 Iator LFO Ifo magnestum- thorium MAG- THOR mag- thor
low fntensity LI If magna t MAG mag
10U 1●V* ) LL 11 magne* i c MAG mag
Iou I-cl logic LLL LLL magnet+c ● irborne detection MAO MAO
low Itght level television LLLTV llltv m8gnetfc amlifier MAGAMP magafm
IOU order memory LOM. 1Onl msgnettc armature MG @W
80U ~ss LP lp magnetic cor8 MC
I- paint LP \p magnstlc core memory MCM mcm
TOW ~ ●c~isitton vac$ar LOPAR 1Opar magnetic dtrectiton MO I Rdi
toM pwler output LPO lpo indtcator
Iou pressurw LP )p magnetic drum dfgltal MADOIOA maddlda
Iou ~sura oxygen LPOX 1pox dff?erenttal analyzer
10U speed LSP 1Sp magnetic drum receiving MAORE mad~e
10U speed buffer Lsa ?sb ~i~nt
10U speed data LSD ISd magnetic frequency detector MFO mf d
Tou steam LSTM Istln magnetfc head w mtl
rou tq*ratur* LTEMP 1 t8!lq3 magnetic Ink character MICR mler
low tenston LT lt recoqn{tion
lw torque LTQ 1 tq magnet ic mfne sweeping MMS ms
low velocfty scanning LVS lVS magnet 1c modulator MAGNOD ma-d
10U vhf transmitter LVTR lvtr magnetic ootic converter Moc moc
recetver magnet tc particle inspection MP1 ~i
low voltage LV IV magnet i c storage MS ms
low voltage drop LVO 1vd magnetie tape MT mt
Iou voltage protection LVP I Vp magnet I c tape handler MIH mth
?OU voltage release LVRLSE lvrlse magnet i c tape recorder MTR mtr
lw voltage release effect LVRE Ivre magnettc tape terminal MTTE mtte
?OU ~ter ltne LWL lWI SqJipment
Tou-?Wency outer marker LFOM lfom magnetic tape transmissions MTMS Istms
Iw-pouer vor LPVOR 1pvor magnettc tape unit MTU mtu
Tw-pouered fan maricer LPFM Ipfm magnsttc vector potential MVP Wp
re-res=lut~on Infrared LRIRR lrirr Magnetfc voltage stabilizer MVS
m+ oamter magneto s
1-r LWR ) wr magnetohydrodynam ic Wo mhd
lower -se LC Ic magnotomet er MGTMTR mgtmtr
lowr cwntrol l~mlt LCL LCL magnetwtive force MMf nswf
louer deck LOU Idk msgnetostrict ion M/S m/s
touu sideband LSB I 86 magnet ron MAGN magn
I Owest LUST lust m~tron beam switching Ma S Wbs
lowest effective power LEP 1ep magnffy MGF mgf
Twest maxtmum range LMR 1mr magn 1 tude MAGTD magtd
lwost Usabl- FrecnJencY LUF Iuf mahogany MAH man
tw8st usable htgfi fre&ency LUHF luhf mail box MB m
lwpass filte~ LPFL Ipfl mall Chuta Mcki -h
lox cl=sn LC lC mall tray MT mt
Iubrlcant LU8T ) Ubt main w m
lubFtcat* LU8 lub matn “bang” suppressor MOS -S
Iubrtcattng oil LUBQ Iubo main ballast tam M8T tit
Iubrlcattng oil pu~ LOP 1Op matn battery (guns) Me m
rmrlcatton order LO LO main b8ttt8 tam MB1’ *t
rwr LBR 1br matn control tank MCT Ut

Downloaded from

29 My 1981


ma{n coo 1ant MC mc manual tnput Ml mi
m8fn distrfbuttng framb MOF mdf manual input processing MIP mfp
main drum MD - manual of operations MANOP manop
ma~n ●nginw cutoff MECO mace manual output ?40 mo
main feed MF mf manual over!oad MAN OVLD man ovld
ma~n landing gear MLG mlg manual volume control WC mvc
mainframe - - MUFRM mmfm manually operated MNL OPR ml Opr
malntentincw MAI NT ms~nt manufacture MFR mf r
maintenance ●nd repair MbR mar manufactured UFO mf d
maintenance and supply MES m4s Iaaqwfacturing WG mf 9
maintenance engineering MEAR mar mawfacturing information MFG INFO mfg info
analysis record manufacturing instruction MI mi
meintenanco ground +tpment MGE MGE manufacturing specification MFG SPEC mfg spec
maintenance of close contact MCC mcc manuscript Ms m
maintenance of true bearing B4TB mtb mapper sveep generator MSG msg
maintenance parts ktt MPK ~k mapping MAP map
maintenance parts list MPL ml mapping ahartlng ●nd McaG mchg
maintenance reqired not MRND mrnd geodetic
deve 1oped marble MR mr
matntenanee requirement MS mr’s marble base MR8 mrb
substantiated marble ftoor MRF mrf
maintenance support MSE MSE marble threshold MRT mr t
equipment Msreh MAR Mar
major MAU ma j margin MARG marg
major comonent MC m marginal [relay) MGL mgl
major lobe ML ml marine MAR mar
maks before break NOB @b marine finish slate MFS mfs
make break MB * maritime potar ● ir mass MPAu ~am
make from M/F m/f marftim tropical alr mass MTAM mtam
makeup MKUP *up mark MK w
makeup feed MJFD -f d mark sensing MS MS
male ●nd female MaF maf marked MUD -d
male flared MFLRU mf 1r-d marker MKR *r
stale pipe thread MPT Wvt merk=r beacon receiver M8R *r
male threaded MT*O mt hrd mS*Or radio beacon MKR ukr
malfunction MALF malf mark i ngs MKGS II&gs
malfunction analysfs MAOAR madar mask i ~ MASK mask
det~tion and record}ng mssonitm hydropress dle MHPO
malfunction Insertion unit MIU mtu masonry MSfURY msnry
maIle8ble MAL ma 1 masonry of3entng Mo m
mall~able !ron MI mi mass M m
men overboard and breakdown MOB L7 mob lt mest hull loop MHL mhl
1 i ght master MA ma
management MGT mgt master change record MCR mcr
mansger MGR mgr master cross-refere=e list MCRL ~r 1
managing mng master data record NOR mdr
mandatory MANO mand master dirmnsfon Mos mds
mandre ? MORL mdr 1 specification
maneuver? ng MANUV manuv master fnstmction tape MIT mit
manho 1e MI+ W master instrumentation MITE ml te
mmhole cover MC mc timtng e~ipment
manifold MANF m8nf master !tem Ml m~
manifold absolute pressure MAP map master layout duplicate MLO mld
manila (rope} M m master layout original MLO mle
manned lunar landing progr?? MLLP m)lp master lfnes layout MLL m?1
manned reconnaissance MRS mrs master makeup ●nd dispiay MMo
satellite master operational MORT -rt
merpower mPWR mnpwr recording tape
m8nua I mL Uwll master oscillator MO mo
manual Ialtn ●bbr) MAN ---- master oscillator power MOPA -pa
manual a~nts MANAM manam afplifier
manual angle tracking MANTUAC mantrac master oscillator power MOPAR mopar
capabi 1 ity aaq31ifisr radar
manual change order Mco -O master sensitized moter!al MSMP msq
manual change request MCR mcr prfnt
manual data Mo md master switch Msu msw
manua? data input MOI mdi master synchronizer MSYNC msync
manual data input functfon MDIF -if mastar tape control MTC mtc
manual data input untt MOIU lutiu master tape loading MTL mtl
manual direction finder MOF mdf master tape validation MTVAL mtval
manual frequency control MFC mf c masthead MHo tid
manual gain control MGC mesthead Ilght MHO LT mhd It

Downloaded from

29 Ma”]1981


mastic Ustc mstc smch8nlc81 bulfar register M8R -r
msstlc flour MF W mechanical recordfng head MRH mrh
mesttc joint Md mj mechanical tlmm fuza M7F m f
mmtcm UTCHO mtehd mechanical t~me superqufck MTSQ ntsq
-tert@l MATL matl -chanical transport MT mt
materi81 ltst ML ml -ttantcally cooled KXL -hc 1
material management code MMC mhantcaIly refrigerated McnRf mchrf
material re+est MR mr mhan f S* MECM -h
matmrial test speclficatton MTS mts mechan f ze MECZ
matertals hmdli~ ~f~t WE WE machan{zed flame thrower MrT mf t
mthmmaticsl MATH ma ttl -tan
math,mattcs MATH math -!C8? MEO
Ratrix MAT mat btctne cabtnet e. E
matrfx output ●~llfler MOA ma -1-
matt f}ntsh structural MFSPW mfsfu smdium (altm ●bbr) MED ----
factng units mtum ●ltitude WACS macs
mattress MTRS mtrs cowmuntcatlons satelltte
Isaxtsum MAX max amdtum ●tomic demolition MADM m8@ll
maxlnum authorized ●ltttude MAA ma aamttion
maxtsum ●vailable power gain MAPG mapg medium frequency MF mf
maxlwam capactty MAX CAP max cap medfum hard drawn
maxfnam design meter MOM medium h(gh frequency M+F mhf
maxtmm flat envelope delay MFEO mf ●ct medium htgh pressure MHP mhp
St8XtIlUm flight MAX FLT max flt medtum ~ntenstty MI mt
maxinum material conditton WC m med{um pressure MP w
maxl~ operating time MOT mot medium range MR mr
maxtm perm~ssible ●xposure MPE npe medtum range ball istfc MRBM mrbm
maxiwum power output MP9 RQo missl )e
maxlnum torque MT mt mec!tum range radar MRR mrr
maxlImJm tracking error MTE mte -dium scale tnt8gration MSI Ms I
max~num usable frequency MUF - MJf *turn wave MU Iru
maxiwm working pressure MWP meeting WC mtg

maxinum uorktng voltage WV m -lamine MEL -1
Hay HAY May melting point UP v
man ●wedynamfc chord MAC mac mwber M9R *r
mean deviation MO M ~rane MEME
mean down time MOT MOT ~rane w8terprooflng MwP
mean effective pr=ssure MEP mmorandum MEMO
-an fl Ight hours between MFH8F Mf i4EiF memory MEM mem
fatlure memory address MA ma
mean high tide Iwlt memory address cwnter SEE 8ELOW SEE BELOW
mean h!gh water MHbi Inrw ~ry address rcglster SEE BELOW SEE BELOW
mean htgher high water mhbv mfnory allocation ●nd MAPU MAPU
mean low tide MLT mlt protection unit
mean low water MLW mlw memory buffer MB m
mean lower law water MLLW mllw memory gate generator MGG 59
mean point of Imact w! Ilq2t memo~ i-t rogfster MIR m!r
mean sea level MSL ms 1 sWJxWy output register MOR mor
mean solar day Mso Mso memory po~nt MEMPT mew t
mean solar time MST Ms T memory test corqwter MTC mtc
mean spherfca? candlepower MSCP fnsCp memory unit Mu m
mean te~erature difference MTD mtd merchandise MOSE mdse
-an tide MT mt merchantab la MERCH merch
mean time MT MT mercurtal MRCL mrc 1
mean t~me between fatlures MTBF MTBF mercury arc MA ma
mean time between MTBM MTBM mertdian MER mar
maintenance tmeshl~ MS* mshg
mean ttme between MTBMA MT8MA message MSG msg
maintenance act tons imssage ●cceptance pulse MAP map
mean time between removal MTSR MT9R nwssage ●ss~ler MA ma
nx3an time to catastrophic MtcF MTCF message construction unit Mcu mcu
failure message decoder unit MOU
mean time to fal}ure MTTF MTT F wssage generator MSGG msgg
mean ttme to first failure MTTFF MTTFF message }nJectlon untt MIU miu
mean time to malntaln MTTM MTTM message per day M/D m/d
mean ttme to repa{r MTTR MTTR message processl~ MPXC llplc
mean time to restore MTR MTR intermpt count
mean up ttme MUT #WT message repeat MR mr
mean var~atlon W mv msssage r,transfnisslon unit MRU fnru
-an width ratfo MUR mwr message swftching unit Msu msu
measure MEAS mess message waiting indicator WI Wui
I?Wchantca 1 MEw -h messenger MESS -S s
.00. .s.. .9=0 ● =** ● *** ● ● ● *se** ● D**”” ● “”” . . ● *
memory address counter MEM ADRS CNTR mem adrs cntr
memory address register MEM ADRS RGTR mem adrs rgtr

Downloaded from

29 May 1981


mtacenter M m mlcromodule MO
nwtacentric hetght GM F microphone Mlc mtc
metal MET met mtcrophene ● lement MICELEM m!celem
nmtal ●nchor MA me microprocessor MIPRCS mtprcs
metal anchor slots UA$ mas microscope MICR mier
metat ●wning type wtndou MATH ma tw mtcrouave aerospace MATCON matcon
meta I Base WCTB awtb terminal control
~tal cas~nt window MCW m m~crouave ●nplificatton by MASER maser
*tal cast~ng pattern MCP sttnu!ated emiss~on of ‘
metal corner bead MCEl mob radiation
metal covered door MCD mcd mtcrowave carrier supply Mcs =s
amtal curb METC mete m{erowave detectfon ●nd MIDAR mtdar
metal dtelectr~c metal MDM rang I ng
(filter) mtcrowave early warntng mu MEW
metal door “ METO metal mlcrwave pulse generator MPG fmg
metal f!asrling METF Inetf mfcrouave relay unit MRU , m-u
metal gravel stop MGS mgs mtddle MOL ml
mtal grtl) METG metg middle (altn ●bbr) MID ----
metal ~nsulated MIS mis middle landtng MLD mid
semiconductor mlddie marker MM Raw
metal interface ampltfter MIA mta midget MOGT mdgt
metal jalousie METd metj mlerange (nKEdtum range) MRBM
-tal lath ●nd plaster MLP mlp ballist~c missile
-tal mold METM metm midrange objectfve MRO mro
meta! numnt MMT rmnt mfldew resistant thread MRT mrt
metal oxide semiconductor Mos Mos mile Ml ml
metal Oxide Semiconductor MOSFET MosreT mfles per gallon MPG WW
fteld-effect transistor miles per hour MPH nq)h
mtal oxfde semiconductor W)ST MOST mll ttary MIL mi 1
trans~stor Mil~tary Affiliated Ractfo MARS MARS
aultal partttien MET? metp system
metal portion METP metp mfl{tary characteristics MC m
~tal rolling door MUD mrd mflltary characteristics MCE me
nmtal roof METR metr . equipment
metal slttting Ml-$ rnls mflftary characteristics KM
mtal splash pan MSP msp “ mmtor vehfcles
-tat Strtp METS mats mil~tary ●lectronic light MELVA melva
mtal threshold MT mt valve
-tal thru wall flashing MTUF mtwf Mflttary Sp=ciflcation MILSPEC MILSPEC
-tal -aluminum-oxide Sliicon MAOS hums Mflltary Standard (book) MXL-STD MIL-STD
austal-nitride-oxide sil{con MNos MNos Mil!tary Standard {sheet) MS MS
wtal-thick-oxide silicon MTOS MTOS Mll\tary Supply Standard ?4ss Mss
metal -thick-oxide-nl trtde MTONS MTONS milltanmmter MAM mom
Sllicofl milliwatt logic MkiL Rul
metalclsd swltchgear MC SWGR mc swgr mtne countermeasures MCM mcln
Metalllc MTLC mtlc m{ne haul{ng bogte MHB mhb
metal lize MTLz mtlz mlnera) ML mnr 1
metallurg~cal MCT met mineral surface roof MSR msr
meteorology cat METRL metrl mtnesweeptng l~ght MS LT ll?s It
meteoro!og$ca} calibration METCAL metcal mtntature MINTR mtntr
meter I Instrl MTR mtr mlnlature accessory power MXNIAPS mtnlaps
meter I instr. cob form) M m Supp I y
wter-ki logram-seconct Mtcs MKs mintcooputer MNCMPTR ~tr
mQterlng MTR mtr mtntrmmo MIN ml n
metering faltn abbrl MTRG ---- mfntnum ●cquistt~on flux MAFD mafd
meterfng head CYtfferentla? MNo Uens 1 ty
method MTHD mthd mtniwm cow-unicattons MINICOM mlnlcom
methyl-violet paper MVP mvp mtnfnum crosstng MCA mca
Rtzzan i ne MEZZ mezz m{niwum discernible signal Mm -s
microalloy dtffused MAOT madt mfnlwm enroute ● ltftude MEA -a
transistor mtnlmum tfqu?se pulse MIP mlp
m$croalloy transistor MAT mat m{ntHum interval takeoff MITO mito
microamme ter MI CAM mi cam mtntwm ltne of detectfon MLD mld
mlcroco~utcr MI CMP7R mfcnptr minfnum lIM of fnterC@ptiOm MLI mli
mtcroelectrontc devlcc MED NED mini-m obstmct~on WCA moca
microelectronics MELEC melee clearance ●l-tttude
mlcroelement MELEM meIem mlnlwrn receptlun ● ltitude MRA mra
microfilm MF W mtnfnum visual signal MVS Wws
microfunctional cfrcuit Mfc mfc mtnor MIN mtn
micrometer MIC mtc ntfute MIN min
mtcremin{ature MICROMIM microm$n mt Pror MIR m{r
microminiature relay MR mr miscmllmeous UISC mist

Downloaded from

29 i’hy1981


miscellaneous Itve Untt Ml-u mlu molecular electronics MOLELEX rmlelex
mlscel Ianeous radar Input MUI mr + molecular weight MO1. UT ml Ut
misc~llaneous stnul at ton MSG msg molecule MOL ml
genera t ion momntary MOM . mm
mtss dfstance fndlcator MDI mdl momentary contact NC m
mlssl18 MSL ms 1 moni tor MON mon
missils borne guidancs M8GE MSGE monitoring identification MIC mic
●quipment ●nd correlation
mlssfle doppler M! DOP mt dop nwwco~e MolWc fmnoc
misslls ●arly warning system MEWS MEWS monodetafl drawing MOOR modr
mfssila f{re control system MFCS MFCS monograph MONOG monog
missile flfght cautfon Mfcc nlfCc -nolfthic ML In)
corridor monoltthlc ~ntegrated MIC MIC
mtsslle fl tght hazard MFHC mf bc Cil-tuft
corridor monophonic Mom mono
mfsslle guidance ●nd control w“ monopulse radar MPR qw
mtsslle hazard report WR rnhr mnostable MNSTB mns tb
mtsstle lnqmct predtctor MIP mip monostable nultlvfbrator MNSTBMV lnfM tbmv
missile integration MITE mite month Mo w
terminal ●quipment monumn t Motu mm
mfsslle precfston MPIR lq3tr moon stgnal rejectfon MSRE MSRE
inst~ntatton radar ~tpment
mlsslle tracking radar MTR mtr moor t ng MRG mrg
tiisston MSN msn mop rack WPR -r
mission accomplished MA ma morso taper MtJRT mor t
m~ssion and traffic control MTC WC mortar motor carrter m
mtssion data re~cttun MDR mdr -saic M(3S Ifus
mi te~ MIT mi t most probable number MPN wpn
mfter end ME m most probable post tion MPP
mixed flow MXFL mxf 1 most significant bit MS8 msb
ml xer MXR mxr mostly MSLY U?Sly
mixtng MXG mxg motherboard MTH8D Inthbd
fat x ture MXT mx t motton MTN Intn
mobile MSL ml motion picture control panel WC Ilq3c
mobfle depot maintenance motion plctur~ phonographic MPPH flupt’1
msbile ●mgfne test stand METS mts Untt
sub{le positton trackfng MPTR aptr mttm p~ctur~ projector MPP
radar rotor MOT Imt
mobile radar approach MRAP~N mrapcon motor belt drtve Mso mbd
contro I motor can MoclaN mocan
m0bl18 radto unit MRU Urru motor Chatn MC mc
mobtle unit Mu m motor clrcult su{tch MCsw mcsw
mobile un!t support base MUSE IIUsb motor dfr=ct Mo W
mobll{ty equtpment ME ME motor dfrect connected MOC mdc
mockup te~late WT ImJt motor driven MTRON mt rctn
Wde M m fwtor fteld MF Inf
mode chango MC m motor generator MG w
mode transducer MXOCR mxdcr motor operated Mo
mode 1 Moo wx3tor operated tr3nsfer MTS mts
model Imilttary M m SUi tch
nomenclature ) motor transport MT mt
-del block M8 mb motor v-belt MV6 mvb
moderate MoT tit motor whale boat MWO
modfficatten MOO mod motorboat MS m
modtf~catfon work order Mwo Uuo motorcycle MTRCL mtrcl
-tF\ed ctosm control MCC -c motorfzed MTZ altz
modify Moo wd wnd M m
~lar information MIPE mlpe mount MT mt
processing Wipm9nt mounted MT O mtd
-Iated continuous wave MCW mount~ng MTG mtg
~lattng •mplif{e~ us~w HAVAR mavar mounting center MTGC mtgc
vat-fable reactance movable MVEL ~b i
modulation on th~ pulse MOP mop movement MVT Wlvt
moa4iator Moo wmd movements and ldentlftcat~on Ma I *I
moc&lator demodulator MOOEM modem moving MVG mvg
-IQ MOL mdl moving coil MC mc
-Ius Moo mod moving target Indtcator MT I mt i
mow 1 MGI. mgl nuffler MUF mf
mo ts ture MSTRE ms tre MJ1 Ier MULR wlr
-ld Itne Ml. ml wlttape~ture logic! element MALE male
molded MLO mld mltfaperture reluctance MARS mars
motdtrq MLOG mldg SWf tch

Downloaded from

29 by 1981


WItfarray gamm irrad~ator MAGI magf National taper pipe (thread’ NPT NPT
ImJItichannel data recorder MOR mdr National Wire Gage NWG wtG
Wltlchip MC mc natural NAT na t
nultfdetsfl drawfng WOR muctr natural black slate NBS *S
wltlemltter transistor MET met natural logarithm LN in
mltffrequency pu)slng MFP Wifp nautical NAUT naut
!m,lItigage MG m9 nautfcal miles NMI Mli
WmfIttlatm NUT nut naval NAV nav
multilateral force MLF ml f ~val bronzo f4Av ORz nav brz
nultilayer circuit board MLCB mlcb naval electronic warfare NEWS news
Wltflith WLTH with sinulator
mltlmeter t4JLTR aultr naval oceanographic NOMAO nomad
fmllttplane MLTPL slltpI -teorological ●utomatic
nultiple MULT mlt *Vi cl?
multiple beam klystron MBK navtgate NAY nav
mltiple bo~ rack MBR *r nsvig8tion NAV nav
wltiple contact MC mc” navigation and radio homing NAVARHO navarho
fmJlttple f=~ency shift MFSK mf sk navigation countermeasures NAVCM navcm
koy f ng ●nd deception
nulttple gun motor carriage NGMC navigation satelltte NAVSAT navsat
mtt{p?e input temntnal MITE mi te navigational ●id NAVAID navaid
~tpment navigation? ●id NAIOP naiop
-ltip)e object phas= MOPTAR mnp t ●’r inoperative for parts
tracking ●nd ranging navigational radar NAVAR navar
wlttple purposa MPC me Navy Primary Standards NPS NPS
conmunicat tons Navy Secondary Stam@ards MSS NS S
*lttple sectfon MS ms navy standard flange NFL nf 1
-lttple tape recorder end MTRE mtre n8vy type NT nt
nultlDle tape recorder start MTRS mtrs near face NF nf
Wulttple target deception MTD mtd near side NS ns
sulttple transfer MT mt necessary NE C nec
aulttple trigger generator MTG Rltg NK *
aulttple unft w m needle NOL ndl
WItfplex MJx WnJx mga t i V. ●
NEG neg
WItfpllcatton WLT Suit negative f~ance converter NIC nic
aulttpl ler WLTR Sultr negattv9 positive negative NPN npn
Sultlplfcr phototube MP m (tmnsistor)
sulttpole MP w negattve posttive zero NPO npo
nulttspeed MLT SP mlt Sp hegative prtnt NEGPR negpr
wltisystem test equtpment MTE mte negative resistance NR nr
WUltivtbrator NV mv negat!ve resistance diode NRD nrd
mnitions MtN mum negative teumerature NTC ntc
susic wire coe$ficfent
~sic Wire Gage MWG MUG negative toreue stgna! NT S nts
mustard gas H h negative-posf ttve-intrinsic- NPIN np~n
wtual inductance MI mi negative (electron device)
nuzz 1e MZL mzl negative-pos itive-negat ive- NPNP Wnp
nuzzle ve?ocity w mv positive (electron device}
naceI ?e NAC nyc neon indtcatlng light NEIL neil
name 1y VIZ viz neoprene NP RN nprn
nameplate NP L npl net explosive weight NET net
narrow NAR nar net laying Ilght NL Lt nl It
narrow band NS nb net Wight NTUT ntwt
narrow band Oicke-fix ?480FX nbdf x network NTUK ntuk
narrow gage NG f9 netwrk controller NC nc
matfonal NATL natl network data reduction NOR ndr
National Aerospace Standards NAS NAS neutral NEUT neu t
National Aircraft StanctarcYs NM NAS neutralizing NEUT neu t
National coarse (thread) NC Nc neutron NTN ntn
National Electrical Cede NEC NEC New British Standard N8 S N8S
National Electrical Code NECS NECS (i~erial wire gage)
Standards next ●sswly NA na
National Electrical Safety NESC NCSC next higher ●ssetily WA nha
Code nickel NKL nk 1
National ●xtra fine (thread) NEF NEF nickel copper NICOP n ~cop
National ffne (thread) ffF NF nlctcet copper alloy NCA nca
National form [thread) N N niekcl plated NP w
Nattonal formulary NF NF nickel silver NI SIL ni sil
National gas outlet (threadl NGO NW nickel stsel NS ns
Nat\onal pipe Ithread) NP UP night letter NL nl
Nattonal special (thread} NS NS nfght message NT M ntm
nfght ration locker NRL nr 1


Downloaded from

29 hy 1981


nfpplc NIP nip nonsynchronous NONSYN nons yn
nltrfde steel NITS7L nitstl ~ntight NT nt
nl trostarch NITROS nl tros nonuatertight NW nvt
no bfss frelay) NO * norms 1 MRM norm
no change MC NC normal charge NL CHG n] Chg
m Cof ) MC nc normal circular pitch NCP
no connection nc normal dlametral pitch NDP ndp
no control circutt contacts %CCC noccc normal fuel oi) tank NF T nf t
no drabftng No nd normal lube Otl tank NLT nlt
m good m ng normal overload NOL no I
no tndtviduat requirement NIR nlr normal pressure ●ngle NP A npa
no later than NLT nlt normal t~rature and NTP ntp
no Iosd NLO nld pressure
m load frame tim ?fLFT nlft normal~ze NORM norm
no smintenance required mR nmr normally closed MC nc
no message w m normally open No no
no voltage release NVR ,I{r north N N
nolso correlation NC nc nose fuse NF nf
notse ●qulvalent flux NCFD nef d nose landing gear NLG nlg
densi ty not sppltcable NA na
noise e+qufvaient power NEP nep not available NA na
no~se equivalent power NEf$O rwpd not earlier than NET net
denstty not tn contract N!C nic
notse ●quivalent t~erature NET net not {n stock MIS nis
nots8 factor [figur8} Nf nf not otheruise identified NOI noi
notsc figure Nf nf not othe-ise specified Nos ms
nots~ fr-quoncy Mf nf not to Scalm NTs nts
notse generator NGEN ngen notched NCH nch
nois8 indmx NI nl notice of r-vision NOR nor
noiso load rat10 NLR nlr nottfy N7FY ntfy
notse meter w m novelty [insull N n
nols8 power ratio UP R npr Novenlaer Nov Nov
nolso rztio M nr nozz 1e Noz noz
no 1ead NL nl nozzle control un{t NCU m
namnclature fI#MEN nomen nuclear Wc nuc
nomtnal nom nuclear detection t@lOET nude t
non track bmtle scan NTws n tus ruclsar detection satellite NOS nds
nonc~stible NCONBL ncowb 1 melsar megnatfc resonance ?4MR nmr
noncorrosive metal fwclear magnetren w m
noncoup?ed NCPLO ncpld nuclear reactor NR nr
nondestructive evaluation ?UIE MOE nuclear weapon NW flu
nondestructive Inspect Ion No! No! nucIe8r. b$ologlca! chemica’ N8C N6C
nondestructive read-out NORO ndro nwber No no
nondestructive testing NOT NOT -er of bits (N) (n)
nondtrectionai beacon Moe -er of passes NaP nop
nonelectric fWLEC ne!ec nund3er of rejected initial NRIP nrip
nonenclosure NENCL nenc 1 pickups
nonflansnab Ie NONF LW nonf 1- wer of transfer units WU ntu
nonf used NFSO nf sd ~r of words NW
n0nhygroscof3 ic w nh tier of words per entry NWOEN nwde~
nontnteeference basis NIB n~b ~eing NOG nog
non] tnear NLNR nlnr ramera 1 NW num
nolmlfagnet ic WAG nmag numerical WM rum
nomtalltc w nm ?n!mleT=lcal control % MC
nonosclllatlng *SC nose nut plate NTPL ntpl
nonpetroieum NPET npet nylon NVL ny 1
qrocurabl e NP m nylon (tnsul) N n
nonprope!led NP m object OW obj
nonr=actlve (relay) NR nr object glass OG 09
nonreinforced concrete ptpe NRCP nrcp objective OBdV objv
nonreplenishable demand NRO rrd obligation OBLN obln
nonrwturn NRETN nretn obl Ique OBL Ob 1
nonr=turn- to-zero NRZ nrz obscure 08 ob
nonreturn- to-zero-change NRZC nrzc obscure glass OGL Og 1
nonreturn- to-zero- level NRZL nrz 1 obscure wire glass OWGL Oug 1
nonreturn- to-z~ro-mark NnzM nrzfn observation 08SV obsv
nonrwversi ble NRVSSL nrvsol observation post OP -
nonsatell~te identification NS I ns i observation window OEM Obu
ftons81 f NSLF nslf observe 08s Obs
nonswviceab le NS ns obsolete OBS obs
nonslip tread MST ns t obstacle 08S1 obs t
nonstandard NONSTO nonstd obstruction OBSTN ob~tn

Downloaded from

29 thy 1981


*vors@ 08V obv open end OE Oe
occuw t 1on Occ Occ open hearth cm oh
Occupy Occ Occ op~n ]otsted Qd 8J
octagon OCT Ott open loop OL 01
octahedra I 0CTAt4DR octahcr open type control circuit Otccc 0 t ccc
octal OCT Oc t contacts
octal print punch OPP open ventilated Ov Ov
Ott ●ne OCT Ott open window unit Ow Ow
Ott ober OCT Oc f opener OPR opr
octuple OCT Ott open 1ng oPNG opng
odometer ODOM odom opens 1de OPSO opsd
of true position 07$ Otp overate OPR opr
offensive (amnunit ton) oFFm of fen operattng (operational ) OCP Ocp
Of ftc= OFCE ofce contro) prf3ca@ure
of flctal OFCL Ofcl operating characteristics Oc Oc
offset OFs of s operattng grwnd equipment OGE OGE
offset aiming point OAP Oap operattng steam pressure OSP Osp
offset aoppler ODOP Odop operatfng system 0s
offset printi~ P~-s$ oPPR Oppr operation ::N opn
ohm ccnttmeter O* Cn ohm cm operstion and checkout O&c obc
ohmmete~ ohm operatton ●nd maintenance Olm obm
of 1 burner 00RNR obrnr operatfon per minute OPM opm
011 catcher OCHR ochr operational OPNL opn 1
01 1 C$rcuft breake~ Oca Ocb operational assistance and OAIDE oatde
011 circutt recloser OCR Ocr tnstructfve data equfpment
Otl cleaner OCLNR oc 1nr operational scanning OSR osr
of? control 0CON7 ocont recogntt~on
Ofl coo led OCLD Ocld operational support OSE OSE
oil coo 1er OCLR octr equtpmmt
Ofl differential 00IFF Odiff operational” test ●nd OTbE ot8e
oil dipstick ODPSK oxsk evaluation
011 filter OFLTR ofltr operational weather support OWS ows
oil ismersed 01 Ot operations consfamications OPCOM Opcom
of 1 isunersed water cooled OIWC Otuc operator OPR opr
of 1 insulated 01 01 operator table OPRT oprt
0(1 insu)ated fan cooled OIFC Oifc opportunity OPPtJR oppor
oil insulated self caoled OISC Otsc oppos8 OPP -P
Otl level QLVL Olvl Oppos I t= OPP Opp
Oi 1 nozz I e ON(IZ onoz opposite cofmrutator end OPP CE opp ce
oil pan OPN opn opposfte hand oPP FIND Opp hnd
011 plug OPLG Oplg opposite pulley end OPP PE opp pe
Oi 1 pressure OPRS oprs opttcal OPT opt
011 Wm OP Op optical automatfc ranging OPTAR optar
Oi? ring OR or opttcal ●xis OPT AX opt ●x
oil screen OSCRN oscrn optical character OCR ocr
oil Sea ! OSL 0s 1 recognition
oil suction PLJW OSP Osp opttcal detection ●nd OPDAR opdar
oil Swl tch 0s 0s ranging
011 tank OTK otk “optical frequency generator OFG Ofg
Otl teuverature gauge
— — OTG Otg opt~cal rotary dispersion ORD ord
oi lproof OP w optimum UPT Opt
oiltight 01 Ot optlmun bforkfng frequency oWF Owf
ollve drab 00 Od opt tonal OPTL Optl
omnibeari~ d~stance Oao Optfonal {altn abDrl OPT ----
ofnnlaeartng itiicator 0s f Oel optoelectronic pulse OPA Opa
omibearing selector 06s Obs ●~)ifier
omntairect$on 0W41 Omnl orange URN orn
omnidirectional radio range OMNIRANGE cwmirange orange (attn ●bbrl o ----
Omnfrange d!gftal radar ORDIR ord i F orange indlcat~ng light OIL Ofl
on center Oc Oc orbit determination and 00VAR odvar
on vehicle equipment OVE ove vehicle attitude reference
one pole SP SP orbital Zttltude ●nd OAME oame
one shot us 0s maneuvering electronics
one shot Wltlvlbrator OSMV Osmv Orbftal determfnatton module 00M odm
one stage 1STG Istg ortstttng ●stronom~cal OAO OAO
one way l/w 1/u observatwy
one-wf re Iw lW orbiting geophysical OGO OGO
opalescent tndlcattng ltght OPXL Opil observatory
op8Que OPA Opa orbtting vehicle Ov Ov
open close open Oco Oco order ORD ord
open dripproof 00P Octp o’rdtnary ORO Ord
open drfpproof protected 00PP Odpp ordtnary wave QwAVE owave
Downloaded from

29 May 1981


ordtnato o o overf 1ou OWL Ovfl
Ordnanco ORO ord overfrequency of of
ortlnanm data 00 od ov8rfrequency relay OFR ofr
ordnanco requirements OR or ovwhanglng OVNG ovhg
organtc ORG org overheu 1 OVML ovh I
or$anizatton ORG org overhaul and repair 06R 06 r
orientation ORIENT orient overhead OVHO Ovhd
orifice ORF or f over I ●p 01. 01
erigtn ORIG Orfg overload OVLD ovld
orlgtnal ORIG orig overload gross weight OGW Ogu
origfnal ●~fpment OEM Oem overload relay ORLY orly
manufacturer overpower OVPWR ovpur
originator 0R16 orig Overpressur tzed OVPRESS ovpress
ornament ORN orn override OVRO ov rd
oscfllste Osc Osc override control bits Oca ocb
oscillating OSCG Oscg overrun OVRN ovrn
oscillator Osc Osc oversize Ovs Ovs
oscl 1 Iogram OSCGRM Oscgrm overspeed OVSP Ov Sp
OSCI Ilograph CRO cro overtone 01 Ot
osclllograph, string OSCG Oscg overtravel OVTR ovtr
~scilloscope SCOPE scope overvoltage Ovv Ovv
oscl?loscepe face plane OFP Ofp owl doppler null {fier ODN Odn
other destgn ●ct~vity 00A oda oxide Oxo Oxd
Ot*-tSe spectfied 0s 0s Oxtdlzed Oxo oxd
ounce Oz Oz oxygen OXY Oxy
ounce- f nch OZ IN 02 fn oxygen breathing apparatus OBA oba
out to out OTOO Otoo ozalld print o/P o/p
out-of-prtnt OF w pack PK
outboard OUTBD Ou tbd p8ck ●ge PKG %9
outer OTR outer pack t ng PKG pk g
outer marker OM m paCkt~ Crating and handl~ng PCAH pcb h
outer wing w pad ●nd boom (refuel fngl Pie p/B
Outerback ●nd %E Obe padder (capacitor) PAO pad
Outttt OFT of t pad tock PL pl
outgoing out page P P
outgoing repeater OGR ogr page printer PPTR pptr
outgoing truw OGT Og t pafnt PNT pr’1t
out let OUT Out painted PTO ptd
out!et gas t~erature OGT Og t patnted base PB pb
output OUT out pafnted ~tal PMET pme t
output ●xis OA oa patntlng stringer PNT STGR pnt stgr
output buffer 08 ob paints ●nd otls P%o p130
output display unit ODU patr PR
output wltfplex OMS Oms pallet PL1. ;71
synchronizer pa-h I et PMFLT pmf 1 t
output regtstur OR or pan head PNH pnh
output shift reg~ster OSR osr pane I PNL pn 1
output translator OUTXLTR outxl tr panel point PP PP
outside OUT out panic bolt PANO panb
outside circumference Oc panoramfc PAN pan
outside diameter of) z panoramtc radar PANAR panar
outside diameter tube 00T Odt pantograph PANT pan t
outside face of pantry PAN pan
outside helix ●ngle % oha paper PPR ppr
outsfde mold line OML Oml papw (coti form) P P
outside of metal O/M o/m paper (fnsul) P P
outside radius OR or paper base Pa pb
outside screw ●nd yoke OS8Y Oslly papm- tape PT pt
outsfde trim tmlate OTT Ott paper tape reader PTQ ptr
outstanding leg OSL 0s I paperboard PBO pbd
oval head Ow ovh parabola PRB prb
oval po~nt OVP Ovp parabollc PROLC prb I c
over Ov Ov paraboloid PRBO prbd
over short ●nd damage Osao osbd parachute PRCNT preht
over the horizon OTH oth parachute low ●ltttude PLAOS p I ads
overa 11 OA oa dellvery system
overal 1 test OAT oat parograph PARA para
overarm OVRM ov rm parallax PRLX prix
overboard OVBD Ovbd paratlel IJRL pr 1
overcast OVCST Ovcst parallel (altn ●bbrl PAR ----
overcurrent Oc Oc paral181-to-ser\al P-s p-s
Overcurremt relay OCR ocr parsmeter PRMTR prmtr

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


parametric ●rrpltffer PARAMP parawq3 peak to valley P-v p-v
Oarametr$c ●rtlf~ctal talker PAT pat pedesta I PE9 pad
parametric synthesis PARSYN parsyn pee 1er PELR pelr
paravane PARV paw pe 1orus PLRS plrs
paravane and stores crane SEE BELOW SEE BELOW pelorus stand PLRSTN plrstn
parcels PLS pls pent i 1 Pcl. pc 1
perchmant PCHT pcht pending PENO penal
parenthesis PAREN paren pending availability PA pa
parity bit PUIT pbi t ~lar PNOLR pndlr
parkerized P ARK park penetrate PEN pen
parking PRKG prkg pmetration radar PENRAD penrad
parkfng orbit Po pennant PNNT print
parkway PKWY guy pennyueight OUT Wt
part PT pt pehtaerythryte tetranitrate PETN petri
part failure rate PFR pt r pmtagon PNTGN pntgn
part nwmer PN m pentod8 PENT pent
part of P/o pio pentratlon PEN pen
partial PART part per (between words) / /
parting line [castfngsl PL pl percent PCT pc t
partftion PTN ptn percent i~edance % IMPO % i-d
partly PTLY pt!y percussion PERC pert
parts catalog Pc w perfect PERF perf
parts deletion list PDL pdl perforate PERF perf
parts kit PRTKT prtkt’ performance PRFM prfm
parts ltst PL pi performance ●nd cost PACE pace
parts per Ofllfon PPcl ppb evaluation
parts per mil]lon PPM Pm performance ●valuation and PERT PERT
party PTY pty review technique
mssage PASS pass PerfO171aftC@ Opnl and Maint POMSEE PoMSEE
passenger PASS pass :~rds for Electronic
passing scuttle Ps ps
passing Windw Pw P performed PERF perf
pessfvate Psw psvt perf~ter PERI per }
~ssive PSIV psfv peri-ter ●cquisition radar PACR pacr
passive active data PAOS pads period P P
stnulation periodic PERO pa-d
~SSive atrborne detection PAADAR paadar periodtc permanent magnet PPM
●nd ranging peripheral PRPt+L ;ntl ?
passive angle track PAT pat peripheral Comand indicator Pc I pc i
p8ssive correlation ●nd PACOR pacer peripheral input tape PIT plt
rmglng peripheral unit (cowuuters) Pu w
passive countermeasures PACM PACN per~scope - PERIS per is
passive detection Po pci permanent PERM perm
passive deteetlon and PAOt.OC PAOLOC permanent echo PE pe
location of ~~~nt magnet (speaker) PM pm
countermeasures pe~nent magnet movable PMMC pm
passive cletectlon and PAOAR padar cot?
rang Jng permanent manufacturing PHI pm i
passiva ranging doppler PAROOP pardop information
paste PST ps t permeabfltty PERM8 per-
pas tey PST ps t permeability invariable PERMINVAR permtnvar
pa tchboard PCHBO pchbd permission PERU perfn
p8tent PAT p* t p@_lSsiv@ action link PAL pa 1
patent pending PATPEND patpend perpendicular PERP perp
pathological PATHOL pathol person PER per
pstrol PTL ptl personnel PERS pers
~ttern PATT patt personnel carrter Pc pc
pattern recognition PATRIC patric perspective PERSP persp
interpretation ane petroleum PETRO petro
correlat~on petroleum. oils and POL po 1
p=y load PLO P?d lubricants
payment PUT pm pedter PwTR putr
peaceat locker PLKR p?kr phantom Pm phm
peak PK pk phartnactiogfca 1 PHARMACOL pharmacol
peak ●nvelop. power PEP Pep pharmacy PFiAR phar
peak tnverse (reverse) PRV prv phase PH ph
vol tage phase ●ngle voltmeter PAV pav
peak operating voltage Pov pov phase coherent Pc pc
peak pulse power PPP PPP phase conveesfon and WCv-so phcv - sd
-k reverse voltage PRV prv step/down
~=k tO peak P-P P-P phase line PL pl
I phase locked 100P
. ..* ● **O ● a** ● ☛✎☛☛☛ ✎✎☛

paravane and stores crane PARV STR CRA panrscr cra


Downloaded from

29 my 1981


@as@ locked oscillator PLO plo ptpet PPE ppa
phas8 -ter PHM phm pipette PPE ppe
Phssc modulation PM pm piping PP PP
Dhss8 sensitive demodulator PSI psd ptstol PSTL pstl
*SIS8 Srltft PSH psh piston PSTN pstn
phs=~ st$tft kaylng PSK psk p t tch P P
ph8s8 splltter PHSP phsp pftch circle Pc F
ptlasm-shtft drlvcr PSHO pshd pitch dtameter Po pd
phenul ic PtlEN phen pttcn Ifne PL pl
phllltps head P+#-l phh pitch mark Pw pm
phonograph PHONO pnono pttonmter log PTMTLG ptmtlg
phosgene CG pfvot PvT pv t
phosphate PHOS ;:0s p{voted door PC) pd
phosphor brunze PH BRZ ph brz ptvoted utndow Pw pw
phosphorescent PHOS phos p 1ace PL p]
photo butt line P6L pbl plafn PL pl
photo wlttpl~er tube PMT pmt plain washer Pw w
photo optical recorder PORT port plan pos~tion indicator PPI pp{
tracker plan view Pv pv
photo type traveling wave PTWT ptwt planar PLNR plnr
tube planar ●pitaxtal Basslvated PEP pep
photoconducter . Pc pc (transistor) ‘
photocupy PHOC phoc p ~●ne PLN pln
photodiode POIO polio planet PLNT pint
photoelectric PELEC pelec planetary PLNTY plnty
photoelectric cell PEC pec planetary orbit Po po
photoelectric scanner PCS pes plank PLK plk
@wztoflash PHOFL phof 1 plann~ng PLNG ping
pfw?ugraph PHOTO photo plant In place PIP pfp
photolithograph ic PH070LITH Dhetoltth p I ●que PLO plq
pho~omagnetoelectrlc PME pme plastmr PLAS plas
Photostat STAT stat plaster master PM Pm
phototransistor PXSTR pxstr plaster mockup PMU
phrase PHR phr plastlc PLSTC plstc
phystcal PFfYs phys plate PL p!
physical configurate on ●udit PCA pca plate (electron device] P P
physical configurate on PCI pc f plate (tube] P P
ldentif~cat$m plate glass PLGL plgl
phys 1Cs P+fYs pflys platea PLO pld
physiological PHYSIOL phys { 01 platform PLATF platf
pic$tled ●nd oiled P80 pho platlng PLTG pltg
pickup Pu pu platinum PLA7 plat
plcXorlal posttlon ndicator PP! pp t pliers PLR plr
picture PIX ptx plotter PLTR p!tr
p f ec* Pc pc piottfng PLoT plot
pfece mark PC MM pc * plow steel rope PSR psr
p t wee PRC prc plug PL pl
pierce blank and form die PEJFO ptafd plug Cuck Pc pc
pierced aluminum p!ati PAP pap plug-~n unit PIU pfu
pterced steel plank PSP psp plugboard PLBO pibd
ptezoelectric crystal unit Cu Cu pluggable untt PL U pl u
ptfpment PGMT pgmt plusE41ng PL.M(! plm
pfgtaf I PGT pgt pl~fng and deck drain P5ao pb dd
pilaster P P plunger PLGR plgr
piling PLG plg plus or mfnus PORN porm
pillar PLR plr p] yuood PLYUD p 1ywd
pfllou block PLBLK plBik pneumattc PNELJ pneu
pilot PLT plt pneumattc test set PTS pts
ptlot house PLTHS pl ths pneumatic tube PT pt
pilot Ilght PLT I.T plt It pnpn transistor magnettc PTML PTML
pilot motor PM pm logic
pilot wire Pw pw pocket PKT pk t
pinion PIN pfn PO f nt PT pt
pinion end PE pe potnt detonating Po pd
pint PT pt po~nt detonat~ng fuze POF pd f
ptntle PTL ptl po{nt detonating self PDSO pdsd
p i oneer PION pton destroying
pfpe plug PPG PP9 point \nftiattng Pa p{
pipe rail PR po~nt lnltlatlng base P2B0 plbd
pipe sleeve PSL ;: I detonating
ptpe tap PT pt pofnt fnsu)atlng PI p!
pipeline PPLN ppln p~lnt of coImound curve Pcc pcc

Downloaded from

29 !daY 1981


potnt of curve PC pc post forming P fRM p frm
point of frog Pf pf post indicator valve PIV pfv
point of i-act PI pi post -ridiera [after-on) PM F
point of intersection P! p{ post offfce Po po
po~nt of reverse curve PRc prc postal PSTL pstl
potnt of spiral tangent PST ps t posts ●nd tf-ers P6T pat
po~nt of switch Ps ps potabie water PoTW petw
point of tangency PT pt potent~ai POT pot
point-to-point PTOP ptop potential dwfce Po Pd
po I ●r POL po I potential difference Po pd
polar ionosphere beacon Pxe ptb potential energy PE pe
polar orbittng geophysical POGO PQGO potential switch Psw psu
observatory potential transformer PT pt
polar to analog P/A p/a Potentiometer POT PO t
polartty PLRT plrt potentiometer synchro Ps ps
polartzatton PLZN plzn pound LB lb
polarlze PLZ plz pound per capita per day Pco pcd
polarfzcd PLZO plzd pound per cubic foot PcF pc f
pole P P pound-force foot LO FT lb ft
poIlcy PLCY plcy pound-forc8 inch L8 IN lb in
poltsh POL po I pound-force per brake PBHP w-
polyephase PLYPH p ~yph ho~sepower
polyest8r Pol.YEsT po 1yes t pound-force per horsepower PHP Pm
polyethylene (insul) POL.TWl polthn pound-force per hour Pi-m phr
polyethylene Insulated PIC ptc pound-force per minute PM pm
conductor pound-force per square foot PsF ps f
polystyrene Ps ps pound-force per square fnch PSI psi
polytetraf luoroethylene PTFE ptfe pound-force per square inch PSIA psia
polyurethane Pm peu ●bsoiute
polyvfnyl ChlOr{de Pvc pvc pound-force per square inch PsIG pslg
pan toon Pof’i pon gage
poppet PPT ppt F=-- Pwo pwd
POPP ~n9 POP pap ~r passing PWOP pwdp
porcelain PORC pore -r PWR pwr
porro POR por -r (c- form) P P
port P port POWer ●nplffter PA pa
port and starboard P8S p6s power ●~ltfier driver PAD Pad
port )ight PLT plt power ●nd Itghting P%L p&1
port side light PS LT ps tt power ●nd lfgnting PBL DISTR pal dtst
portable PORT port Uistr$butjon
portable automatic data PAORE padre power cathode follower PCF pcf
recordtng ●qufpment pwer C~rCUit breaker PCS pcta
portable flame thrower PFT pf t power control and Pco Pcd
portable memory unft Pw pm distribution
posftien POSN posn power control unit Pcu pcu
position (altn ●bbr) Pos ---- power conversion Pc pc
position ●nd veiocfty P AV pav powr dlrect!onal relay POR pdr
positfon ●nd velectty PAVE pave power distribution Po pd
extraction powr driven PDVN pdvn
posttion ●nd vofoctty PAVT pavt power factor PF pf
tracktng power factor meter PFM pfm
position control nutier PCN pcn power line carrier PLC p!c
position homtng Ind!cator PM! prl t power operated POPO popd
pOSlt~On indicator PIN ptn power oscillator Po po
posttfon switch POSN SW posn sw powr package PPKG ppk g
posftion track radar PTR ptr powr plant PP PP
positioner PSNR psnr power spectral density Pso Psd
posltlve Pos pos power supply PWR SPLY pwr sply
posttive displacmnt PDISPL pdispl power supply [cowb form) Ps ps
posit~ve *ntrlns$c negative PIN ptn power supply control unit Pscu pscu
I tranststorl power supply untt PsiJ psu
post tive negattve PN pn power switchboard Pswetl pswbd
f transistor) powr takeoff PTO pto
positive negatfve positfve Pt4P pnp power Untt Pu pu
( transistor) powrhouse Pwf?H pwrh
posftivo te~erature PTC ptc practica PRAC prac
csefflclent praanpltfter PREAMP pruanp
Posfttve-negattve- tntrtnstc- PNIP pntp prearm PA pa
posltfve Ielectron devtce) preben t PRBNT prbnt
pos~tfvc-negat tve-posl tlve- PNPN pnpn precast PRCST prcs t
negattve telectron device) precedence PREC Qrec
possession Po$s poss

. 55
Downloaded from

29 .%y 1981


prectmrge PRU+ prch prev ! -s PREV prov
prectpi tat, PPT pp t prfce ●nd ●vallabtlfty PbA plha
precfpftatlon PRCPTN prcptn primary PR 1 pr 1
precise ttme ●nd tinm PTTI pttl prtmary ●ddress code PAC :::
Interval Prfmary Coolant System Pcs
prectslon PRCN prcn Prl~ PRM pm
precision ●nalog co~uttng PACE pace prf- drfver PD Pd
equ$pmqnt prima mover PMVR pmv r
preciston ●pproach radar PAR par pr tmr PRMR prmr
prectsion bonetng range P6R pbr priming PRM prm
precfslon infrared tracktng PIRT plrt princ~pal PRIN prfn
pr~clston long-r8nge PRELORTR prelortr print PT pt
tracking ra8ar pr~nted PTD ptd
preclslon measuring PME prtnted Cfrcuit Pc
~ipment printed Circuit board PCS z
~ecls{on vhf omnirange PVOR pvor printed wfring Pw v
precision voltage reference PVR pv r p?lnted w~rfng board PUB
predlctton PRED prwd printed-wlrtng ●s5ent21y Pw& pwa
preulction marker generator PMG Pw printer PTR ptr
pretobrlcated PRcrA8 prefab prlnttng PRNTG prm tg
preference PREF prqf prtntout PTOUT ptout
preferred PFD pfct prlortty PR I pr f
pref t x PREF pref prlortty data reductton POR pdr
prwfocus PRFCS prfcs prt SWI PSM psm
pr*focused PREF pref prtvate PVT pv t
pref Ormed PREFMD pref * prtvate automatic branch PA8X pabx
preformed beam PFB pfb ●xchange
preheat P!’ft pht private ●utomatic ●xchange PAX pax
preheater PHR phr private branch exchange PBX pbx
protnserted PINSTD pinstd private I\ne PL pl
pr81aunch ●utomatic PACE pace proaable PROB prob
Checkout ●qulpn!lmt probable error PE pe
prelaunch status sifmlator PLSS piss probe P P
pr*lfmfnary PRELIM prelim prob 1em PROB prob
prem i urn PREM prem procedure PRCIC proc
prwnodulation processing PPE ppe proceare s~gn PROSIGN pros f gn
*tpment proc-re word PROWORO proword
premo 1dad PRMLD prm 1d proceed 1ngs Pnoc proc
premolded ●wpansfon jotnt PEd pe j process PRCS ores
preparation PREP prep process Specfflcatton (no PRCS SPEC prcs spee
prepare PREP prep nuber )
prescribed actton Itnk PAL pal process specification (w/ Ps Ps
prescrfpt~on PRESCR prescr -er )
present PRES pres process water cooler Pwc pvc
presentation equtpment for PRESSAR pressar processing PRCSG prcsg
slow scan radar processing un$t PROCU procu
preservation PSVTN psvtn processor tape read PTR ptr
preservation method PVMTD pvmtd procurement PRCMT prcmt
preservative PSVTV psv tv procurement (altn ●bbr) PROC ----
preserve Psv psv procuresx?nt 18ad time PLT plt
prwshavlng PRE-S pre-s product PROD Drool
press PRS prs pro*ct configuration Pc I Pc I
press ftt PRFT prft Identification
pressboard P8D pbd pro*ct posttlon~ng tfme PPT pp t
pressed PRSD prsd production PROD prod
pressed metal PRSO MET prse met pr~ction coqresslon Pcc pce
presser PRSR prsr capab~l Ity
presserfoot PRFT prft promct{on estimate card PE CARO pe card
pressure PRESS press pr*ction illustration P/1 p/1
pressure angle PA pa production order Po po
pressure gage PG P9 professional PRof prof
pressure rat~o PR pr profl18 PF pf
pressure reauctng valve PRV pn profile angla pa
pressure seal PSL ps 1 program ::(5M prgm
pressure vessel Pv pv program change dec{s{on PCD ped
pressuro volume t~erature PvT pv t program change proposal PCP P=P
pressureproof PP PP program counter Pc pc
pressurize PRSRZ prsrz program drum recording POR pdr
p-en t PVNT pvnt program ● lement PE pe
p-entlve maintenance PM pm program interrupter PI pt
prevtw Puvw prvw program master tape PUT pmt
Downloaded from

29 My 1981


Pqr~~ -n~torfw ●nd Pm pull box PB v

diagncsfs pull button PLB plb
p~ogram of tnstruction Pox pot pull button suttch Pa Sw * Sw
program register PRGM RGTR prgm rgtr pull rod P1.RO plrd
prografmnable integrated PICE pice pull switch Ps ps
control equtpment puller PLR plr
programmable logic ●rray P(.A pla pul Iey PUL pul
pregram9nable logic P LC plc pulley end PE v
controller pulsatfng current Pc F
prograwsmble read-on!y PROM prom Pulsatton PLSN plsn
me$lmry pulsator PLSR plsr
programmable unijunction PWT PWT pulse PLS pls
transistor pulse ●catsition radar PUAR puar
programed instruction PI PI pulse amplif~er PA pa
progranwner PRGMR prgmr puls~ ●nqlttude Cade PACN pacm
progra~tng PRGMG prgmg modulation
prograrmning language 1 PL/ 1 PL/1 pulse anplitucie wmdulation PAM parn
progress PROG prog pulse aql~tude nmdulation PAMFM pamfm
progression PROG prog frequency modulation
project PROd proj pulso code modulation PCM pcm
projected wtndow Pw w pulsa code modulat~on PCMO pcmd
projectile PJCTL pjctl digttal
projection PtJTN . pj tn pulse code modulation PCMFM pcmf m
projector PJ7R pj tr frequency modulation
promote PROM prom pulse comparator PCP pep
proof PRF prf pulse cmqw=ession Pc pc
proof shot (projecti ?e) Ps ps pulse cwnt mo~latton PC7M pctm
proofread PRFRO prf rd pulse doppler PO pd
propane PRPNE prpne pulse duration Po pd
propellant PRPLT prplt pulse duration modulation POM pdm
propelled PROP prop pulse duration modulation POMFM pdmfln
propellant actuated device PAO pad frequency modulation
propellant monitor and PMC pm pulsa frequency PF pf
cent ro I puls8 frequency-modulation PFM pfm
propellant transfer system PTS P7S pulse generator PG P9
Droool ler PROP prop pulse group repetition PGRF pgrf
propoller horsepower PHP Pw fre~y
propeller order PRO pro pulse lnterfQ~fVCe blanker PIB pfb
propel lef= revolution PRV prv pulse interference PIE pie
Propeller Revolution PRIS PRIS ●lamination
Xnd*cator System pulse Interference PISAB ptsab
propelling PROP prop separation and bfantcina
property PROP P- pulse interval &u~atfo= PIN pful
property line PL pl pulse mode mlt{plex PMM pm
proportion PROPN propn pulse modulation PM pm
proportional l{mit PL pl pulso per hour PPH P@h
proposal PRPSL prps 1 pulse per mtnute PPMIN ppm t n
proposed PRPSO prpsd pulse posttton modulation PPM ppm
proposed change Pc pc pulse ranging navigation PRN prn
proprietor PROP prop pulse rate Pf? pr
propulsion PRPLN prpln pulse rate indicator PRI pri
prosthetic PRSTC p~stc pulse rate mxxiulat~on PRM prm
protect PROT pro t pulse repetition frequency PRF prf
protect PTCT ptct pu I S@ repetition pertod PRP prp
protective PROT prot pulse repetition rate PRR p~r
prOt~tiVe device PROT OEV prot dev pulse repetition ttme PRT prt
protosynthex index $s2 ps t pulse sense Ps ps
prototype PROTO proto pulse shape discriminator PSD psd
protractor PROTR protr pulse stretcher Ps ps
prov i dm PROV prov pulse time PT pt
prwfng grouna PG P9 pulse time modulation PTM ptm
proviston PROV prov pulse to cycle fract}on PCF pc f
provisioning parts breakdovn PPB PPB pulse width Pw
provisioning performance PPS pp s pulse width coded Pwc :C
schedu 1e PU1 se width O!scrim\nator PM) pwd
prox!mity Ifuze) VT Vt pulse wtdth encoder PWE pwe
proxtmity uaening Indicator PWI pw i pulse width mdulation PWM pvln
pseudo-random no~se PRN prn pulse-time m)tiplex PTMUX ptnux
public address PA pa pulses per second PPS pps
puoltcatton PUeN Pubn pulverized Pf.VRZD p I vrZd
publication (altn abbrl PU8 -..-- pulverizer PULV pulv
pull ●nd push plate P6PP papp pumice PNC

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29 My 1981


PMP ~atmrnary QUAT
w dlsctwrge PDISU4 Pdisch quenched
H h@-u)tC ram hand PHRHO phrhd quest Ion QUEST
dr t vm questfon ●nd answer ObA
pump suct$on PMPSCT pl?psct quick OIK
punch PQt pch qutck ●cttng QA
*rich dte P-o p-d qutck break 08
punched pap-r tape PPT ppt ~ick cleanlng Oc
punched tape PT pt quick disconnect Qoxsc
-~~fw PCHG pchg qJfck engine change OEc
purcnase PURCH purch qutctc flrtng or qf
purchase order Po Po qick ftx tnterf~~nce OFIRC qfirc
purchase request PR pr reduction capabtllty
purchastmg department Pos pds c&lick look QL ql
SPectficatlon quick look intermediate tape QLIT qlft
puro w8ter PWTR pb+tr @Jick make, qutck break QMQS ~
purge PRG prg ~tck opening device 000
purg f ng PM prng qufck reaction ● lert QRA qr a
purtftcatton PRFCN prfcn qufck react~on capabtllty ORC qrc
purl f{er PUR pur qufoscent QUIES quies
purple PRP qutet ●utomat{c volume QAVC qavc
wmle Indieattng ltght PIL ;7? control
~rpose PRP Pf-P ~fntuple WIN quin
push buttorl P9 ~lre OR qr
push button station PB STA $ sta ~otatton OUOT quot
push pull PP w Wotient WOT quot
push rod PRO prd rabbet RAB rab
push to talk PTT ptt rack RK rack
pyram 1d PYR pyr radar RDR rdr
pyrqen untt PYGN PYW radar (c- form) R r
pyrmw ter PY ROM py rem radar ●bsorbing material RAM ram
pyrotechnic PYRO pyro radar ●cquisition visual RAVE rsve
~rang te wad trackfng extpment
~adran t 00W4T qdrnt radar ● lttmeter RA ra
quadrant {altn ●bbr) W4D ..*- radar ●lttmeter and doppler RADVS radvs
~adrature QORTR qdrtr vclocfty sensor
~sdrsture modulation ON w radar ●nd tol-viston ●td to RATAN rstan
~adrup Ie OUAOR quaur navlgatton
~adruple thermoplastic 07 qt radar ●pproach control RAPCON rapcon
( Insul ) radar beacon RACON raeon
~allftcatlm WAL. :; 1 radar bowbtng score R8S rbs
quallffed products list QPL radar bright display R8DE rbde
~slltattve OUAL qua 1 ~tpment
qaltty OUAL qa 1 radar count-measures RCM RCM
qalfty ●ssurance 9A 9A radar countermeasures ●nd RAOC8f R&DCM
~ality characteristics list QCL qol deception
qalfty conformance Ocz qci radar coverage Indtcator RC I rc t
inspection radar data RO rd
cpal~ty control ac Qc radar data converter RAOCON radcon
~altty control reliability OCR Ocn radar data transm{sston RAOAT rada t
~allty deftcieney report QDR qdr radar d~~ection finding ROF rdf
~allty evaluation QE w radar d~stance tndtcator RAOIST radist
~al!ty verlffcatfon tcsttng QVT qv t radar echo ●ugmentation REAO rwad
qantttat~ve QIJANT quant device
qant 1 ty OTY qty radar facstm$le transmission RAFAX rafax
~nttzed gate vlueo OGv qgv radar hetgnt tndtcator RflI rh t
qmnttzed pulse posltton QPP radar ldenttf~cation point RIP rtp
~antum ●~lfffcat!on by OUASER quaser radar fnput RI rt
sttwulated ●m?sston of radar Input control RIC r{c
-adiatton radar input drum RID rtd
quarry QRY qry radar tnput mapper RIM rtm
qwrry tile base 070 qtb radar Intel 1 ~gence RAOINT radint
quarry tile floor QTF qtf radar Intermittent RINT r!nt
Warry tile roof QTR qtr radar laydoun del Ivery RLD rld
wart OT qt radar ltne of sight RLS r}s
quarter QTR qtr radar low angle drogue RLAOO r Iada
~arter hard f/4H l/4h delivery
quarter phase 1/4PH 1/ 4ph radar map matchtng Rf4M rnws
~arter round l/4Ro l/4rd radar mapper, gap filler RMGF rwgf
quarters QTRS qtrs radar mapper, long range RMLR rmlr
quartz OTZ qtz radar off target ROFT raf t
Wast-random cede generator ORCG qrcg radar on target ROT rot

Downloaded from

29 ?’hy1981


radar operator RO ro radioactive li~id uaste RALW ralw
radar out Of battle R09 rob radtograpitfc inspection RAD INSP rad lf’Wp
radar performmce ●nalyzer RPA rpa radiological RAOL radl
radar planning device RPO rad{ologtcal defense RAOOEr raddef
radar prccipi tat~on RP I rpi radtologfcal monttor}ng RAOMON r admon
integrator radiological warfare RAOWAR RAOVAR
radar qual~ty control ROC rqc radiometer performance RPF rpf
radar sfmulator RSIM rsim factur
ra~ar start RST rs t radius RAD rad
radar target tdenttftcatton RTIP rtip radius (altn abbr) R ----
potnt rail R r
radar target material RTM r tm rail (altn abbr) RL ----
radar threshold limtt RTL rt I rsi lcar RLCR rlcr
radar tracking errer RTEM r tem ra 41 head RHO rhd
-asureman t Fatling RLG rlg
radar transmitter ROR XMTR rdr xmtr rat 1road RR rr
radar trfgger UT rt r-a t 1way RY ry
radar wind R6WIN rsul n raintight RT rt
radar wind sounding RAWINOS rawi nds rainwater conductor RWC rwc
radaroptica 1 RAOOP radop ra I sed RSII rsd
radi ●c ROC rdc rais=d face RF rf
rsdlal ROL rd I raised fats. diameter RFD rfd
radfant intens~ty RIM rim ratsed face hetght RFH rfh
-asurenwnt rafnj9t RMd rmj
radt ●te RAO rad random RNOM rndm
radiated emtsslon RE re random ●cceas and inquiry RAI ra i
radiated Susceptiblllty RS rs random ●ccess delta RAOEM r adem
radiation RAON radn modulation
radiation attenuation RAM ram random ●ccess discrete RADAS radas
measurement address system
radiation detection RO rd random ●ccess programming RAPCOE rapcoe
radiation detection RAOIAC fad i ac ●nd checkout equipment
Indicating ●nd computation random access-storage and RASTAC ras tac
rsdtation hazard . RAO !4AZ rad haz cent ro 1
rsdiation intelligence RINT rint random consmnications RANCOM rancom
radlat{en track{ng RT1 rtt satallite
transducer random drift no f-d
rad$ator ROTR rdtr random-access indestruct~ve RAIAM ra I ●m
radio RAO rad ●dvanced mamory
radio ●coustic ranging “ RAR rar random-access mmory RPM ram
radio ●utomatic facsimile RAFAR rafar range RNG rng
●nd reproduction range ●nd ●zimuth only RAZON razen
radio beaten RBN rbn range and ●valuation REGAL rega 1
radio chemistry RAOCHM radchm ~idance for approach and
radio day RADAV raday landing
radio detmctlon and Iocation RAC?AL rada 1 range ●ziWUth and elevation RAZEL eaze 1
radio detection and ranging RADAR radar range corrOct”ion RC rc
radio dir-tiOn findfv ROF rdf range drift measurtng unit RDNU rdnu
radio dopplcr inerttal ROI rdi range error probability REP rep
radio freq s~lificatiem by RASER rasar range $inder RF rf
stimulated emission of range height indicator RHI rh i
radiation range ~nst rumentation RI rt
radiO frequency RF rf range light RA LT ra It
radio frequency anpiifter RFA rf a range marks RM rm
radio fr~quency choke RFC rfc range maxtwum RMAX rmax
radio frequency interference RFI rf i range on jaming Rod roj
radio inertial R!N rin range on target signal ROTS rots
radfo influence Volta- RIV riv range rate indicator RRI rr i
radio interference field RIFI rifi range selector RS rs
intensity range surveilla=e RS rs
rad~o interference level RIL ri 1 r8nge t~me decoder RTD rtd
radio msgnetic tndlcator RMI rm i range track on target RTOT rtot
radto navigation RN rn range tracking RT rt
radio noise factor (figure) RNF rnf range user RU ru
radio noise voltage RNV rnv ranging ●nd velucfty RAVEN raven
radio operator RAD OPR rad opr navigation
radfo telegraph RTLG rtlg rapid action change RAC rac
radio telephone RT rt rapid ●rea maintenance RAM ram
radio telephony RTEL rte! rapid fire RF r+
radio teletype R77 rtt rapid rectilinear RR rr
radio teletypewriter RTTY rtty rapid tuning magnetron R7M r tm
rsdlosctive RMC7 raact

Downloaded from

29 Slay 1961


retchot RCHT rch t recetve only tape perforator ROTR rotr
rate RT rt recm t ved RCVO rcvd
rate of change RC rc rece~ved (altn ●bbr) RECD ----
rat. of rise of recovery RRRV rrrv receiver RCVR rcvr
Vol tage receiver operating ROC roc
r-a t cau RAT rat character! sties
rated voltage RV rv recetver transmitter UT rt
rattng RIG rtg recetver transmitter RTM rtm
ratio R r ~lator
1 RTTL rttl recelvtng RCVG rcvg
mu meterl aI RM rm receptacle RCPT rep t
mu tape write submoa}e Rlws rtws receptacle (altn ●bbr) RECP ----
raw water au ru recept 1on RCPTN rcptn
reuh t de RUHO reception good RG rg
ray path distance RAYOIS7 raydtst recess REC rec
m yon RYN ryn recessed REC rec
rayon ( insul j RA ra recharger “ RECHRG rechrg
reactance REAC reac reciproeattng RECIP reclp
-act ion RCTN rctn mctmulate RECIRC rec 1rc
reaction control system RCS RCS rac)afmfng RCLMG rclmg
reactivate REACTVT remctv t recltned RCLD rcld
m8ct i ve REAC reac rectosfng RtCL reel o
reactfve factor mater RFM rfm recognltton RECOG recog
reacttve volta~ere nwter RVA rva reco i 1 RCL rc 1
rnmctfve voltmeter RVM rvm recotl fnecnanism REC MECH rec mecn
reactor REAC reac racoflless RCLS rcls
re8ctor ca~artment RC rc recowwnd RECM recm
-actor core RCO rco recompress ion RcMPRS rcnvrs
read RD rd recondense RECONO recond
mad ●mlffier RA - ra recondition RCNOT rend t
~ only memory ROM rom reconnafss ●nte RECON recon
md prfnter RPR rpr recmnatssance (atrcraft) R r
read wrtte (head) R-W r-w reconnaissance and security RSL rs 1
read write ctmqute RWC line
reader RDR rdr record RCD rcd
twader comon contact - RCC rcc record ●nd report RAR rar
reader tape contact RTC rtc Mcorder RCDR rcdr
read t ness ROMS rens record t ng RCOG redg
mad i ng RONG rdng recordtng ansneter RANN ram
-* t ROOUT rdou t recordfng demand meter ROM rdm
-adout ●nd relay R/R rlr r~ordlng kilovolt-a~ere RKVAM rkvam
ready ROY rdy inter
ready for tssue RFI rf { recording opt$cal tracktng ROT1 roti
ready service RS rs Instrunwmt
-8) ●nd not cerrected RANCIO rancid recordfng tachometer RTM rtm
tnput data recording varnw!ter RVARM rvarm
mal time RT rt recoverabtl ity RECY r8cy
-al time ●utomatic digital RAOOT radot recovery RCVY rcvy
opt(cal tracker recovery beacon evaluation REBE rebe
real ttms control untt RTCU rtcu recreation RCN rcn
real time data distribution RTOO rtdd rectangle RECT rec t
rw~l ttme d~g~tal eata RTODC r t ddc rectangular RECT rec t
correction rectifier RECT rec t
rea[ tlm Input output RIOT riot recurrence rate RR rr
transducer racurren t RCUR rcur
reel time television RTTV rttv red RED red
l—~ RMR rmr red (altn abtm) R ----
rear connection RC rc red fuming nitric actd RFNA rf na
rear view RV rv red ~ndlcatlng lam RIL r{ 1
reason RSN rsn redesignate REOSG redsg
reassemle REASSU4 reassem redrabfn REDWN redun
reassew@le Ialtn abbrl REASM ---- r~ce ROC rac
rttassetM31y REASSV reassy r~ced charge RCHG r chg
rebabb { t Re8T reb t rwced hard pressure RHP rhp
recalculated RECALC recalc reducer ROCR rdcr
reca I 1 RCL rc I remt Ion RDCN rdcn
recefpt RCP1 rcp t r~ctton gearbox RG rg
recetpt stou8ge ●nd Issue RSbI rsa I retwctton of ●rea RA ra
~tve Rcv rcv reefing hook RHK rhk
r~tve format generator RFG r~g me 1 RE re
receiwc only RO ro reentrant data Processing RED&P redap
reentry REV rey —

Downloaded from

29 Hay 1981


reentry control system RCS RCS r*l ~ef RLF rlf
reentry test vehicle RTV rtv relief radf{ RR rr
re-ntry vehicle Rv rv relief valve RV rv
ref ●cer RFCR rfcr rel teve RLV rlv
refer REF ref relocated RELOC re 1oc
reference REF re f rematnder REM rem
reference designation REF 06S ref des remedial maintenance RM rm
reference I \ne REFL ref 1 remote i?MT milt
reference noise RN rn remote ●utomatic telemetry RATE rate
reference pulse RP rp ~lpment
ref t ned RFND rfnd remote control RC rc
ref t nery REF ref renute controi oscillator RCO rco
reflectance REFL ref 1 Refmte Control System RCS RCS
reflected REFLD ref Id remote job ●ntry RJE rje
reflected signal indtcator RS I rs i remte magnetic ●nomaly REHAO reread
reflective insulat~om RI ri detect ion
reflector REFL refl remote performance RPM
reflector orbits! equipment ROE roe monitoring
r~f 1ox RFLX rflx remote performance RPMC
refractory RFRC rf rc monitoring and control
refrigerant EFGT rfgt remote-plan position RPP: rppi
refrigerate REFR refr indicator
refrlgerateci REFRO re f rd remoto position control RPC rpc
refrigerator REFR ref r remote power control RPC rpc
refrigerator mechanical RW rmh remoto timing ●nd data RTDD rtdd
household Uistrtbution
refu81 RFL rf 1 remote volume control REVOCON revocon
regardless of feature size RFS rfs removab 1e REM rem
regenerate REGLti regen removable cover REM COV rem cov
regenerated electrical REO reo remove RMV rmv
output ~ve ●nd replace R&R rhr
regenerat lve REGEN regen render safe procedure RSP rsp
reg 1on RGN rgn mneuab 1e RNW8L rwb 1
regi ster RGTR rgtr reneua I RNL rn 1
register (altn abbr) REG ---- renewal parts data RPO rpd
regfster fn) stages RG(N) rgf n] renewal parts }eaflet RPL rpl
register drive RO rd reorganize REORG reorg
r~lar RGLR rglr reps f r RPR rpr
regular /altn ●bbr) REG ---- repeat RPT rpt
re~tar overhaul ROH rob repeater RPTR rptr
regulate RGL rg \ repeating coil RPTC rptc
regulate faltn abbrl REG ---- repel lent RPLT rplt
re~lated RGLTO rgl td repel ler RPLR rplr
regulator RGLTR rgltr repet~tfon RPTN rptn
regulator laltn abb~) REG -..* repetitively pulsed plasma REPPAC reppac
reheater RHR rhr accelerator
retd vapor pressure RVP rvp rep 1●ce RCPt, rep 1
rei~urse RE1f48 reiwb replenishing RPLNG rplng
rein$orce RE INf re f nf replentstwnent RPNSM rpnsm
reinforced concrete RC rc replenishment at sea RAS ras
reiftfurced concrete culvert RCCP rccp report RPRT rpr t
pipe report program generator RPG RPG
reinforced concret- pipe RCP rep represen I REP rep
reinforced tfle Ilnte? RTL rtl reproduce REPRO repro
reinforcing stee) RST rst reproducer RPOR rpdr
reject REU re j reproductb Ie REPRO repro
relate RLT r!t reproducing unit RU ru
relation RLTN r)tn reproduction REPRO repro
reiative REL re 1 republ ic REPS repb
relatlve biological R9E rbe repulsion RPLSN rplsn
●ffectiveness request REO req
relative humidity RH rh r8qu*st for ●nglneeeing REC ree
relat~ve tonospher~c RIOMETER riometer change
opacity meter request for ●ngtnoering RE1 re {
relaxation RLXN rlxn informst~on
relaxation oscillator ROOT root r~e~t for price quotation RPQ rpq
optically tuned request for proposal RFP rfp
relay Ri.Y rly re~est for waiver RFW rfw
relay B1OCM RB rb require REQ req
release RLSE rise require identification RI rl
release (altn abbrl REL ---- re~ i red REQO reqd
reliability RELBL relbl
Downloaded from

29 ?’hy1981


rc~lred for operational ROC roc retrace RETR retr
capability retract RETR retr
req I refnent R~QT reqt retractable RETR retr
requistt+on REON reqn ratrteve RTRV rtrv
rest tnd RESC rest retroactive RETRO ret ro
rescus RSQ rsq r~trograde RETRO retro
rcscuo boat RSQBT rse t retrogress \ve RETROG retrog
rescue ●qutpfmnt loctcwr REL re 1 return RTN rtn
research RES res return head RHO rhd
resoarcn and development RbO R&O return to b{as Re rb
research ●nd tect’wwlogy Ra T RAT return to zero RZ rz
research Oevelupment test RDT8E rQt6e return to zero level RZL rz 1
●nd ●valuation return to zero mark RZM rzm
res~attng RESEAT reseat reverberation contrul of RCG rcg
reserve Rsv rsv gain
reserve feed water RfW rfw rwerberatlon ● lamination REVEL reve 1
reserve o~l tank ROT rot reverberation strength RS rs
reseevoir RSVR rsvr reverse RVS rvs
rsset gate RG rg r8verse ●cting RACT ract
reset inhibtt drum RIO r+d reverse current REV CUR rev cur
reset-set trigger RST rst reverse current devtce RCO rcd
res i *a 1 RESIO res 1d reverse gate RG rg
restxal ●quivalent return RERL rer 1 reversible RVSBL rvsbl
10ss r*v t W REV rev
resl-al ?ield RES FLD res fld rev 1se REV rmv
restl lent RE$IL rest 1 revlsfon REV rev
resin ●ncapsulated mfca REMC remc rev~sfon block RB rb
capacitor r~vlslon proposal RP rp
resistance RES ros revision record RR rr
resistance lcost3 form) R R revolution REV rev
reslstanc* capacitance RC RC Revolution In’d{eating system RIS RIS
resistance capacitance RC CPLO RC c~)d revolutions per minute RPM rpm
coup 1●d rgvolutlons per second RPS rps
resistance inductance RL RL revo 1ve RVLV rvlv
resistance inductance RLC RLC revolving RVLG rvlg
capacitance reutnd RuNCt rwnd
resistance te~erature RTO rtd rework REWK reuk
detector rheostat RHEO rheo
reststor RES res rhodium RHOD rhod
resistor capacitor RCTL RCTL rhod~um plate RH PL rh p]
transistor logic rmtc RNO?4S rhoti
resistor t~anststor logic RTL RTL rhomtwtd RHOMB Pm
reso?ut!un RE SULN reso 1n ribbed R18 r!b
Pesolver RSLVR rs 1vr rtbbon RBN rbn
resolver cuntrol RC rc r’i dge RUG rdg
resolver control transformer RCT ret rlggtng RGNG rgng
resolver differential ROG rag rtght R r
generator r{ght ●ngle RT ANG rtang
resolver transmitter RX rx r{ght bank R8K rbk
resonant RESN resn Ftght circular polarization RCP rcp
resonant gate transistor RGT rg t rfght hand RM rh
resonate RES?b resn r{gttthand drive RH OR rh dr
respective RSPV rspv right hand stale Rt+S rhs
respectively RESP resp rtght of way R/W r/w
respirator RSPTR rsptr ffght side RS
respond RSPO rspd righting am Gz ;:
re~pomder beacon RSP rsp rlgld RGO rgd
response RSPS rsps rtng n r
responsib Ie RESP resp rtng counter RCNTR rcn t r
res tore RST rs t r t nger RING ring
restorer RESTR restr rlnglng RNGG rngg
restrict RSTR rstr riser R r
rqsupply RESUP resup river RIV rlv
reta{n RET ret rtvet RVT rvt
retainer RTNR rtnr riveted RVTD rvtd
retaining RT?4G rtng road RO rd
ret ●pe RETP retp roast{ng RSTG rstg
retard RTD rtd rocker RKR rk r
retardation eoi 1 RTC)C rtdc rocker ●rm RKRA rkra
retens 1on RETW retnn ruck e t RKT rtc t
Petlclc RTCL rtcl rock-t launcher RL rl
rettculatetY grattng RG rg rockot target RT rt

Downloaded from

29 May 19al


rocket-assisted takeoff RATO RATO safe locker SL S1
nocit-11 hardness RN Rh safe operating area SOAR soar
rod control RCONT rcont safe practice data sheet SPOS spds
rod drive RDOR rddr safe uoricing load sbiL SW 1
Ro@bling Wire Gage RUG RWG safe working pressure SNP SWp
roentgen equivalent marmnal REM rem safeguard SFGD sfgd
roentqen equivalent physical REP rep safety SAF saf
roll Foefing RR rr safety destructor so sd
rolled RL.D r?d safety valve Sv Sv
rol l~r RLR rlr sail srea SA sa .
rofler bearing RLR 6RG rlr beg sallntty SAL Sa I
rolling steel door RSO rsd Sallnlty indicator S1 St
rollon/rolloff RO/RO rotro saltnometer SAL sal
roof erain RO rd salt glazed structural SGSFU sgsfu
roof leader RL rl facing units
roof ing RFG rfg salt glazed structural unit SGSU8 sgsub
room RM rm base
root dfameter RO rd salt water Sw “ Sw
root mean square RM$ rms salt water circulating purp SWCP Swcp
root sum s~are RSS rss salt water pu~ SWP Swp
rotary RTRY rtry saluttng SAL Sa 1
rotary switch RTRSW rtrsw salvage SALV salv
rotary vsr~able RVOT rvdt saom size Ss Ss
differential transformer sanqale data so sd
rotate ROT rot sanple part SP Sp
rotattng passing scuttle RPS rps sanple per second SPS Sps
rotator ROTR rotr saqal ing SMPLG s~lg
rotodoma RO rd sand blast SO EL sd bl
rot~ter ROTOMT rotomt sand loaded SL SI
rot or RTR rtr Sa_ ~ch SAN san
rough RGH rgh sanitary SAN San
rough opening Ito ro Sapontfy SAPON sapon
roughness he~ght rattng RHR rhr satellite SATL satl
round RNO rnd Satellfte ●ctfve nullifier . SATAN satan
round (altn abbr) RD ---- satellite CWfpUter operated SCORE scor~
~ round trtps per hour RTPH rtph readiness equipment
roundhe a d RON rdh satellfte control facility SCF Sef
roundtng ROG rdg satelllte ~nformation S I POP s i pop
rounds per mfnute ROs/M rdslm procedure operational
route RTE rte program
routtne ROUT rcw t satellite interceptor system “S1S S1S
routtng indicator WI ri satelllte launching vehicle SLV Slv
rubber RSR rbr satellite orbital track and SORT: sort i
rut3imr laltn abbr} RU8 ---- intercept
rubber ( insul ) R r satellite paper tape SATPATT satpat t
rubber base R8 rb transfers
rubber covered cable RCC rce satisfactory SA’TFY satfy
nfbber hose Jacket RHd rhJ saturable core Sc
rubber insulation RINSUL rfnsul saturable reactor ;: sr
robber sheath R r saturate SAT sat
robber tile floor RTF rtf sautooth ST St
rubble stone RS r’s sautooth generator SG Sg
rudder RUD rud saybolt seconds furol SSF Ssf
mdoer angle order RAO rao sayeolt seconds universal s Su Ssu
rules ●nd proce-res R&P r6p sca 1c Sc Sc
runner RNR rnr scale model SCNOO scmod
running light RNLT rnlt scan coherent doppler SCooa scoda
runntng signal ●nd ●ncho?- RSALT rsalt ●ttachment
1 Ights scanner SCNR scnr
~~tng t.lltale lfght RTTL rttl scanner control unit Scu Scu
runout RO ro Scannfng s CNG scng
runway RWY rwy SCatWting analog to digital SAOIE Sadie
runway visual range RVR rv r fftput equipment
russ8t RUSS russ scanning electron microscope SEM SEM
rust preventive RPVNTV rpvntv scanning local oscf?lator SCALO sea 10
rwstproof RSTPF rstpf scatter detection and SCAOAR scadar
S band high ●ccuracy SHIQAN shi ran rang i ng
ranging and navigation scattered SCTO sctd
S band power ●nplifier SPA spa scavenge SCAV scav
S barn transponder S8X sbx scavenging 011 Pum SOP sop
-la SOL sd 1 Schedu 1● SCHED sehed
schematic SC?+EM Schen

Downloaded from

29 thy 1981


scfwttt trigger ST St selective callfng S~LCAL selcal
Schuler tuning St St s81ectfve identification SIF sff
sc t ence SCI Sc f f ●a ture
scientific ●nd technical STINFO stinfo selective optical lock-on SOLO solo
information selectlve rlngtng SR sr
sc~ntillator SC!UT sclnt selecttve tape print STP Stp
sc 1●roscope SCLER sc )er select$v{ty SEL sel
sc!eroscope hardness SH sh selector SEL sel
scooter SCTR sctr selenium recttfter SR
scraper SRPR Srpr S-If calibrating SELF CAL ;~lf cal
scrap t ng SRPG s rpg self cleanlng SLfCLN slfc!n
screen SCRN scrn sell Clos{ng SELF CL seif cI
screen door SCD scd self contatned SCNTN scntn
screen gate sat G7 scr gt self contatned underwater SCUBA SCUBA
screentng smoke (m~xturc) NC hc breathfng apparatus
screw SCR scr self destroying SD sd
screw down Scmff Scrdn self generating SLFGEN slfgen
screw termina) SCRTERN scrterm self tndicatlng SLFIND slfind
screw thread SCRWO Sertm s=lf loadtng tape SLT Slt
screudrtver SCQR scdr Self locking SLFLKG Slflkg
scrcued bonnet SCROti sc- self propelled SELF PROP Self Droo
scu 11et-y scl.Y Scly self sealing SLFSE slfse
scupper SCUP Scup so?f synchronous SELSYN sefsyn
SCuttl- s s self tapptng SLFTPG Slftpg
SC8 flwd SF Sf self trapptng ST St
s8a launched balltsttc SL8M Slbm self ventilated Sv Sv
miss$le self verification Sv Sv
8=8 level SL S1 se 1syn SELS se]s
sea level static SLS S?s semaphore SMPHR sn@w-
sea lozdtng pipeline sl.PL Slpl semtarmor piercing SAP Sap
seal in device SID Std semtautomattc checkout SACC SACE
sea 1ed SLD sld ~ipment
s@81tng SEG seg Semiautomatic ground SAGE SAGE
Seamless SMLS Slsls ●nv i rormwnt
seamless steel tubfng SSTU Sstu Semfautomatfc hefght ftnder SAHF sahf
search SRCN s rch semtcomctor SEMICONO semicond
qe=reh \nformatlm tape SITE sfte sanlc~ctor bilateral S8S S8S
equfpfnent Sul ten
Se==m radar terrain SRTC srtc semicomWctor controlled S CR SCR
clesrance recttfier
search sfgnal generator SSo Ssg semiconductor controlled Scs Scs
search/tracic S/T s/t SWitch
searchlight SC3+LT schl t semiconductor unilateral Sus Sus
seatar StER ster auf tch
secant SEC see semtenclosed S EN sen
second SEC Sec semif{nlshed SF Sf
second (cm$3 form} s semffireproof SFPRF sfprf
second reduction 2RED ~red Semt f txed SFXO Sfxd
sectmd stage 2STG 2stg semlflush SFLS Sfls
second time ●round ecim STAE stao semfsteel Ss Ss
secondary SEC sec sem{traller STLR stir
s@cundarY battery se Sb semfvttal SVTL Svtl
secondary surveillance radar SSR Ssr send ●nd recelvs SIR Slr
secret SEC sac sender SDR sdr
Sectton SECT sac t sending SNDG Sndg
sector SCTR Sctr senior SR sr
sector scan tnd~cator SS1 Sst sense SEN sen
secure ● irDorne -$ng SABRE sabre sense a~lifter SA Sa
rsdar equiptmnt sense •~llf+er bl~k~ng SABO s ●bo
s-rfng SECRG secrg oscillator
s-cur t t y SCTY Scty sense prtnter SPR spr
s-rtty guard w~ndow SGW Sgw sensftfve SENS sens
8WUFfty utndow screefi and SMSG Swsg sensltlvlty SENS sens
guard senstt{vlty tt- control STC Stc
sodsn SEO sed sensitl?ed SNTZD sntzd
s-t SEG seg sensitized material print SMP Sllp
-elect SEL so 1 sensitizing SNTZG sntzg
Saloct operate sense SEOPSN seopsn sensor SNSR snsr
select register SEL RQTR sel rgtr separate SEP Sep
solecttvc automattc SAn Sam separate parts Ilst SPL Sp 1
-ltortng separator SEP sap
septewt3e’r SEP sap

Downloaded from

29 t“hy1981


septupl@ SPT Sp t ship class SMPCL Shpc 1
sequence SEQ Seq Sh!p Cmtrol SCONT scent
seaueme cneck SEQ CHK Scq Chk shtp course Scou SCou
sequence nu~er tndfcator SNI sn I ship dtstance S01S sdfs
sequential cod!ng SECD seca S?ttp Oraft Indlcatt~ System S01S SS1S
sequential collation of SECDR secor shtp draft Indtcator SDIT sdtt
range transmitter
sementlal conponent SCAT SCAT Shtp Inerttal Navigational SINS SINS
●utomattc testing system
s~ent$al phase Sp ship parts control center SPCC Spec
serial ::R ser ship servfce Ss 88
serial btnary SE sb shfp service turbo oenerator SSTG Sstg
serial block se sb ship speed SSP Ssp
sarial numr SERNO serno shfp status SHSTS shsts
sertes SER ser ship to surface vessel Ssv Ssv
saries relay SRLY srly shfpboard sHPSO shpbd
serrate SERR serr shipboard allowance list SAL Sa 1
serrat~d SERR serr shtp5uilaer SHBLOR shb 1dr
serv ice SVCE svce shipfltter SFTR Sftr
service faltn ●bbr)) SERV ---- shipment SHPT Shpt
service and overhaul change Soc Soc shipptng SHPt4G shpng
smrvice bulletin 58 Sb shlpp~ng container SHCR shcr
service ceiltng SRVCLG srvclg shock SW shock
service factor SF Sf shock ●bsorber SH A8S Sh ●bs
servtce fuel oil SFO Sfo shoemaker SH~R S* r
servtce module SM Sm shop miss{l~ ●ss-ly ●nd SMSA smsa
service note SN sn maintenance
servtce propulsion system SPS Sps shop order so so
servfee stnk Ss Ss “ shore connection SH COW sh corm
servtce, sort and nwrge SESAME sesame shore terminal box s7a stb
service-factor a~eres SFA sfa shore) fne SHLN snln
Serv t ng SERG serg short SHT short
servo Svo *VO short circuit SHORT short
smwomecnan tsm SERVO servo short ctrcult ratio SCR scr
servomotor SVMtR svmtF short leaf y~llou pine SLYP slyp
setscrew SSCR sscr short persistence SP Sp
setter SETR setr short range SR sr
setting SET set short range ●ttack mfsstle SRAM sram
settltng SETLG setlg short range bs)llstfc SR6M srbm
seven conductor 7/c 7/c mtsslle
sewage SEW sew short range dopp!er swoop shodop
swer SEW sew short range navigation SHQRAN shoran
sexless {connector) SXL Sxl shoPt side !WT SO shtsd
sextant SXTN sxtn short takeoff ●nd land~ng STOL STOL
sextuple SXT SXt short taper STPR s tpr
shack I ● SH sh shoFt ttme constant SHTC stltc
Stlaf t SFT sft short wave Sw Sw
shaft ● hey SA Sa short wave fadeout SWF Swf
shaft center Sc se short wheel base stiEl sub
shaft ●xtens{on SFT EXT sft ext shortage SHTG Stltg
shaft gear SHfTGR shf tgr shot blast SH BL sh b]
shaft horsepower SHP Shp shots per minute SPM Spfn
Shakeproof SHPRF s~rf shCU 1der SHL9R shier
shank Sw Shk shower SH Srl
shape SW Shp shower and toil~t sHhT sh&t
shaped chmrge Sc Sc showr drafn so sd
share sh shown Sw shn
sharpener T*P shrp shra$me 1 SHRAP shrap
shear plate SP Sp shredder SHRDR shrctr
shesrtng SHRNG shrng shrtnk mockup tqlate SMUT smut
sheathi ng SNTHG sht~ shrwd SHRO shrd
sheave SW Shv shroud fin SHRDF snrdf
Sheet SH S?l shunt St+ sh
sheeting Stl sh shunt trtp SH TR sh tr
shell SHL sh 1 shut down SHT ON sht an
shell destroying sd shutoff valve Sov Sov
shellac %L sh 1 shutter SHTR shtr
Shfiald SHLD shld stuttle SHTL sht 1
Shield (electron devtce sH st* s side
shfs?dtng ~LD shld sfd9 Ilgnt S1 LT %1 It
shi~t sHf shf side low blanking SLB slb
shift regtster SR Sr side Iobe cancellation SLC SIG

Downloaded from

29 -y 1981


sf- lobe suppresstem SLS Sls $~wltaneous tape read ●nd STRAW straw
SfdW 100king 81rbOrn0 radar SLAR slar wr I to
St- looking coherent ●ll SCARF scarf Stne SIN stn
range focused s~ne of the amplitude SN sn
sfde Iooking radar SLR Slr stngie SGL Sg 1
St- upset jaw Suu Su.j single ●cetate (Insul) L I
Sia Vtev Sv Sv sfngle acetate single LC lC
stale water depth SW) Swd cotton ( tnsul )
S$-nd se sb Sfnglo base solid propellant SESP sbsp
s f deut rider SIWOR s i wdr sl~le beam klystron SBK sbk
s$ut~ SDG Sdg sfngle cellophane (insul) K k
si~al SIG Stg stngle channel st~lex Scs Scs
stgMl ●nd homfng light s8t4 LT Sah lt single conditioning unit Scu Scu
stgnal conditioner Sc Sc single conductor 1/c l/c
$lgnal conditioning SCE see Stngle Comctor cable Scc Scc
●~ipment stngle contact Sc Sc
signal data convertw SDC Sdc sfngle cotton ( insul ) c c
signal information ●nd SIAN siam s~ngle cotton covered Scc Scc
mnitorlng (fnsul )
stgnal intelligence SIGINT sigint Sfngle cotton double stlk co’s cds
slgnal ltght bsre SLB slb (tnsul]
stgnal plus noise and SINAD s f nad sfngle cotton stngle stik Cs Cs
distortion (insul)
signal processing in SPEED speed Si~le cotton varnish Cv Cv
evaluated electronic (fnsul)
dev 1ces single cylfnder SCYL Scy 1
stgnal strength Ss 9s stngle ●namel single EL el
sigwal strength center SSCF Sscf acetate (tnsul)
f ~ency single enamel s~ngle EK ek
sf~al to interference ratio SIR str Cellophme (~nsui)
signal to nofse w sn single ●namel single glass EG eg
sfgnsl to nofse ratio SNR snr [insul)
Sfgnal underwater sound Sus Sus sfngle ●nd SE se
Slgm)fng SNLG snlg single face SIF Sif
signed SGO Sgd sfngle feeder sFDR sfdr -—
stl~ SIL Sll sfngle glass f tnsul) G 9
silencing SILG Sflg sfngle groove (Insul) SG Sg
sflent cowpact ●uxil$ary SCAP scap single groove single SGSP Sgsp
puuer pett~coat {~nsul)
sfltco-manganese steel SMS Sms singIe paper (insul) P P
sil~eon controlled ---- ---- single pap~r bonded (insul ) 8P w
rectifier (see single paper double cotton Poc Pdc
semiconductor controlled (tnsul)
rect ) single paper stngle cotton Pc pc
silicon power rect{ffer SPR spr (Insul )
stllcon prectsfon ●lloy SPAT spa t Stngle phase 1PH tph
transistor s~ngle po)e SP Sp
slltcon stud mounted cffoee SSMO Ssmd single pole double throw SPOT spdt
silicon sywunetrfcal su{tch Sss Sss single po)e double throw SPOT SW spdt SW
stltWn unilateral dfffused SUOT Sudt Swf tch
transistor sfngle pole sfngle throw SPST Sps t
sf!k (fnsul ) s s Sfngle polo single throw SPST SW Spst Sw
S1 lkscreen SSCRP4 sscrn Swt tcfl
Stlver S1l. Stl single pole switch SP Sw Sp SW
stlv- braze S8 sb sfngle pole tripie throw sPTT Sptt
Stlv- brazing S8 sb single propellant Ioadtng SPL Sp 1
s1lv= brazfng union S8U Sbu sfngle rotating knife SRKN srkn
silver plate SIL PL Sil pl sfngle shot Ss Ss
st?ver solder SILS Sils single sideband SSB ssb
stmflar SIM sim sfngle stdeband fre~ency SSFM ssfm
Slllq>lex SPLX Splx mdulatlon
S1WC31CX data distribution Soou Sadu s~ngle Stdeband modulation SSM ssm
Uni t single sideboard SSBO Ssbd
slnulated ●frcraft radar SARO sard s~ngle stgnal SSIG Ssig
data s!ngle sflk (insul) s s
s(wlat@d data generator SDG Sdg singlo Sflk varnish (tnsul) Sv Sv
stwulated data tape SOT sdt Sing18 StrOkeS per minute SSPM sspm
sfmalator SIN Sim sfngle swing blocking SS80 Ssba
sl-later conq3iler S INCOM Stmom oscillator
si-ltaneous mltiple fmage SIMICOR simicor sinqle target track sTT Stt
correlation stn~le the~mplastic (insul) T t
single tirm ST St —-

Downloaded from

2$) M)7 1981


St sock-t head SCH Sch
stnglo turn ST
Sw secket veldtng SULDG Swldg
Ytngle W=tght Sw
St soda founta$n SDFTN sdf tn
s~ngle-throw ST
sk Sof t s s
Sink SK
sntr soft drawn SD sd
sfnter SNTR
SNTR sntr soil ptpe SP Sp
s f ntmred S SK Ssk
s f phon SP+W sphn soil stack
solar co]) Sc se
s i ren SN sn
SE? set
Sltuat ton SIT Slt solar energy thermion~c
solar htgtt ●nergy parttcles SMEP snap
sltuatton display converter SDC Sdo
SMF smf
Sltuatton display gene~ator SDG Sdg solar magnetic f~eld
solder SLDR
sketch sK Sk
SOL sol
skd solenoid
Stctl led SKO SOLV Solv
solenoid valve
skinned SK sk sol
solfd SOL
sk 1nner SK sk sb
S01 ld body so
Stt trt SKT sk t SFB sfb
sk d s01 Id fiberboard
skirted SKD SOL HOT S01 hgt
sLt Slt sol ta height
skyltgnt s01 Id neutral SN sn
stcyuave synchronized long SS LORAN ss loran
solid rocket SR sr
range navtgatton s01 id state Ss Ss
---- s01 id state circuit Ssc Ssc
slat. (altn ●bbr) s
SSR Ssr S01Id state det=tor SSD ssd
slate shingle roof solid state ● lectonic logtc SOSTEL SOSTEL
s 1eeve SLV Slv sse
sol td state electronics SSE
sleeve bearing SE sb ssm
solfd state materials SSM
sleevtng SLVG Slvg Sss
soltd state Suitchtw — Sss
sllce SLC Slc slbl
sotuble SL8L
slice SL SI seln
solutlon SOLN
Slfdtng SL S1 SLVT Slvt
sld solvent
sliding door SLD SNR snr
seJ sons r
slfding expansion Jo+nt SEIJ SONCR soncr
SLGR slgr sonar control room
sltnger sonar countermeasures and . SONCMbD sONCHbD
Sltp fit Sf
S?IP jotnt :: Sj SONAC sonac
Sr sonar nacelle (sonacelle)
sltp r~ng SR SONS s-
Slt Sonobuoy
Silt SLT sonobuoy referenced postt~on SRP Srp
stop sink Ss Ss SONOSU Sonosw
slope SLP Slp soot blower S8 sb
SLTO sltd SURGE surge
SF Sf SOrting *datfm report
slow fire generating etc
slow operate (relay) so so SNO Snd
slow release ~r~laY) SR sr
sound and surve{llame Sosus Sosus
slow speed SLSP Slsp
s 1owdown SI.D Sld SOOAR soda r
Sdv sound detection and ranging
slowed down v~dea Sov SOFAR sofar
sound fixing ●nd ranging
sludge SLG Slg Slf
Slg sound lntermfdiate frequency SIF
slug SLG SMP stlQ
sm sound mot~on ptcture
small SM sonar
S8 sound navigation and rang!- SONAR
smal 1 ●rms SA sound ranging SR sr
small arms a~nft~on SAA sas sRR s rr
sound reeoruer reproducer
small cal~ber ●mmn~tlon SCA sca SOR Sdr
slate sounder
small lightweight altttude SLATE SNDG Sndg
sound f ng
transmission ●quipmSnt SOUtii~ machine SMACH smach
s-e. SMK S* ST St
Snk gen soundtng tube
xke generator SMK GEN SNDPRF sndprf
smobIm stand Ss Ss SCE sce
S*IS source
Smoksless SNKLS
sourco (electron device) s s
smokelass P-der SP Sp SOCD socd
sm source control drawtng
S-O th “SH SOCN seen
source control number
smOoth bWe SE sb SOA sda
source data ●utomation
smooth cuntour Sc Sc s s
Sfsct south .-
smooth face structural clay SFSCT 5P Sp
tfle spsce co-nfcatlons SPACECOM spacecom
smooth neck SMNK Smnk SCAT scat
spaca commmicat~ons and
smooth sur$ace builtup roof Sslm ss8r
track 1ng
smoothtng SM Sm SPH sph
spaco heater
snatch Swt SOI sot
Snk 1 space object identif~cation
snorkel SWL
spacecraft Sc se
SWR snbr S!*
WC Soc spacecraft lam ●dapter SLA
Socioty spscer SPCR Spcr
Sucket SKT Sk t SP?4R spnr

Downloaded from


spare SP Sp Spoo I t ng $PG Spg
sparo part SF Sp spot fac8 SF sf
spa-k SPK spot face other side SFo sfo
spark gap modulation SON Sgn spot weld W Su
spark plug SPPL Spp1 s~tl{ght $LT Stt
Spaakar SPKR Sptcr sprayad ●coustical cell ing SAC s ●c
special SPCL Spc 1 spray-r sPYR spyr
special faltn ●bbr) SPL ---- Sprayt{ght SPT Sp t
-{al ~com form) 5P Sp spreader SPROR sprdr
Speetal (prejectfle) SP Sp Sprfng SPR spr
~ial atomcc demoltt ton sADM sa- sprl~ier SPR spr
wni tion sprinkling SPRG Sprg
~ial category SPCAT spcat Sprock ●t SPRKT Sprk t
spectaf cleaning sPCLN spe 1n s+adron SON Sqn
spectal crouton (pro]ecttle) SPC Spc s+ar’s so Sq
special ●quipment SE S8 s~are centimeter so CM Sq cm
special launch trajectory SLT Slt s~arw foot sQ FT Sq ft
special purpose SP sp s~ara head sol+ Sqb
special regulations SR sr s-are tnch S0 IN sq in
special screu SPSCR spscr square kilometer sQ KM sq km
spectal services SPS Sps s-are wsh tracktng sMT smt
Spatial shaped SPSW Spshp sware root sQRT sqrt
special stgnal ccmdftionfng Sscu s Scu square root of mean square RMS rms
Untt squarewave sow Sqw
special test system STS STS s+emzt grip SOZGR Sqzgr
spectsl test unit STU Stu squtrrel cage SOCG Sqcg
~tal treat-nt steel STS Sts stabtllty sTABY s t ●by
special weapons SPL WPN Spl WPfl Stabtlizatton STBLN stbln
~fai uea~ons overllght SWOG Swog stablllzatlon and control Scs Scs
*tale systems
specialized repair activity SRA Sra StabtliZCd local oscillator sTALO stale
Spectf+c SP Sp Stabilized master oscillator sTANO stamo
specific fuel consu~tlon SFC Sfc Stabflfzed shunt STSH stsh
specit~c gravfty SP GR SP gr stabilizer sTA8 stab
spectfic heat SP HT Sp ht stabl- S10 s tta
PffiC l~lse SIMP SIUQ stack STK s tk
SOR Sor s tags STG Stg
=~~~~atfOnal stainless STNLS stnls
Spectflc Volum SP VOL Sp Vol stainless steel SST Sst
Spe’ctftcattorl SPEC Spec statruay STWY s twy
Specification change not~ce SCN scn stake ●nd platform SbP sup
specification cuntro) Sco Sect stasQ STP s tp
draw i ng stanchfon STAN stan
spec t men SPCC spec standard STD std
spectral distrfbuttun SD se standard beam ●pproach SBA sba
spectrum analyzer SA S* standard ctevtation SD sd
speech interfereme level SIL $11 standard instruction set SIS Sts
SP Sp standard instmf=nt ●mr-ch SIA sia
5P* convertor sPCDfW Speonv standard tnst~nt SID sid
speed I!gflt SP LT Sp lt departure
speed recorder SR Sr standard tron Bar SIB slb
speed regulator SPREG spreg standard nomenclature Itst SNL snl
~ter SPDOM Spdom stmdardizat{on STOZN stdzn
spherical SPHER spher standby Slav stby
~rtcal candlepower SCP Scp stand!- instruction SI 81
sp~~cal cartrfdge SPCTG Spc t g Standtng wave ratio SWR Wr
spidu SPOR Spdr (voltage)
spike SPK spk standoff STDF s tdf
Spll? bIock Su SD staxtpe SP Sp
spin stsetl~zed (rockets) Ss Ss. star epitaxial planar SEP sep
*itilm SPOL Spd 1 star shell (Illuminating Ss Ss
spiral sP1. 8P? projectile)
splash block se se stsrboa~ sTBO Stbd
Splashproof $P w starboard side light SS LT Ss It
splice SPLC Splc start and stop ST b SP St b Sp
Spl Ine SPtN sptn start of line block SOLE solb
Splft SPT Splft start of message SOM Som
Spltt phase $P PM S~ ph stsrt of -sSage prlorfty SOMP somQ
spilt ring s? stsrt of RwSsage-high soM-t’4 sore-h
Splltter %TR Spl tr precedence
~llttfng 3P Sp start of message-low SOM-L Sm” 1
Spoo 1 SP Sp precedenc*

Downloaded from

29 My 1981


start of word sow Sw strafgttt thread (pipe NPsc NPSC
Stsrter START sta~t Coupltngs)
starttng STG Stg stratght-ltm frewency SLF Slf
statement STMT stint strainer STR str
stateroom SR Sr stratce STK stk
stattc pressure ST PR St pe stranded STRD stru
statfc self verfflcatton Ssv Ssv strapped sTRP strp
stat ton ST A sta strategtc STRAT strat
stat!on keeping ll~hts SK LT Sk It strateg{c mfsstle SM sm
stationary STA sta stratosphere STRATO strato
stator STTR sttr stream STR str
statuary bronze St BRZ st brz Strsaml ine STRLN strln
status STAT stat street ST St
steady STDY s tcty strength STR str
steady state ferret level SSFL Ssrl stress anneal SA Sa
stmaey state oscillation Ssa SS9 Stringer STGR stgr
steam ST St Strtp STP s tp
steam engine direct SEDC Sedc strtp ttn S-T s-t
connected strf~d STPD S tpd
steam generator STGEN stgen strtpper STPR Stpr
staam working pressure STWP Stup Strfppbng STR str
steaming STMG Sting stroboscope STBSCP S tbscp
steel STL Stl stroboscope c STROBE s trobe
stscl bas~nt wtndow SEW s- stroke STRK strk
steel cadmtunt plated SCOP Scalp strokes per minute SPM spm
steel wire rope SUR SUP strong STRG strg
steering STRG strg strongback STREtK s t rbk
steertng gear dual emergency SGOE Sgde structural STRL strl
. hard SCSH
steer~ng l~ght STG LT Stg ft structural carbon steel scsh
stelllte STLT Stlt structural carbon steel SCSM scsm
stenci 1 STEN sten medium
step by step Sxs Sxs structural carbon steel soft Scss Scss
step down sTPm Stpdn structural clay tile SCT Sc t
step down ●nd step up SON 6 Su Sdn 8 Su Stmtural glass SG Sg
step up STU Stu structure STRUCT Struct
step-recovery diode SRD Srd Stubs Wire Gage sMG SWG
stepper STPR stpr studio transmitter link STL Stl
Stepptmg STPG Stpg stuff ing STFG Stfg
stereophont c STEREO stereo Stuffing box se sb
sterilizer STER stmr subasseut31y SUBASSY subassy
stern diving STDVG S tdvg subca I 1ber SUBCAL subca 1
stern Itgmt ST LT St It subcarrle~ authorization SCh SCA
st=rn plane STPL Stpl subcarrler osc~~?ator Sco Sco
stfffener STIF Sttf subject SUBJ Subj
still picture projector SPP Spp subntartne sue sub
stt-late STML Stun suemarlne mtne depot SMD s-
stirrup STIR stir submerged Slmffi subnq
Stlteh STCH stch submergewe SUBMG Suexrlg
stock STK S tk submerstb! e SBM sbm
stock nu-er SNO Sno subminiature SUBMIN submtn
stock number sequence SNSL snsl subsequent sum subq
llsting subsofl drafn SS0 ssd
stock order so so substation SUflSTA Substa
stone STN stn substitute Suest subs t
stop order so so substrate S8STR st3str
stopping STPNG s t png substructure SU8STR substr
Storable tueular extendible STEM stem subsysttm Ss Ss
-er subtraction SUBTR subtr
storage STOR stor succeeding Suc Suc
storage address regtster SAR sat- suet ion SUCT Suct
store S7 St sudden cosmic no~se SCNA scna
stor@ logical word SLW Slw absorption
stored program element SP E spe sudden tonespheric SID sid
storeroom !j7RM Strm disturbance
storm water SW Stw sudden phase ●nomaly SPA spa
stove Oolt SD sb sufftc{ent SUF Suf
stove rod SROO srod Sufffx suF F Suff
stowage STWG Stwg sulfur trfox!de Fs fs
Strafght STR str chlersulfontc ●cid
straight lfne wavelength SLWL SIwl sunsnary SUY Smy
-+- stratght shank Ss Ss suntsry wmssage enable SMEK S-

Downloaded from

29 .%y 1981


~ary of radlatlon SORTE sorte SWtng SWG Swg
tolorant .Iectronics swtngtng braekat SWG BKT swg bkt
sumsing SUM sum Swlnglng door SWGD Swgd
suming selector Ss Ss SUi tch Sw SW
S- tank SUTK Smtk Swttch Palls sWR sbfr
sunny SNY sny Switch stand Sws Sws
SUP,F high fr~~y SHF shf Swftch ttes swl Swt
super precision ●pproach SPAR spar swltchband wound (relay) w Sw
r8u*r swtt~ard SWD Subd
supercharge SPCNG spehg swttchgear SWGR swgr
superheater SUPNYR suphtr swttchgear block SGE! Sgb
superheteradyne SUPERHET superhet swttchover Swov Svov
superf~sed current SUPCUR Supcur sutvel WM. Sw 1
superintendent SUPT SUpt Sylmzo1 SYM sym
superqJ t Ck SQ Sq sy-trlcal Svw Synsn
supersede SUPSD sup%d Syssaetr.lcal [altn ●btr) SYM ----
supersensft tve Swsws supsens synQos+um $YNP Sylqa
supersonic transport SST SST Synchro Swftctl Ssw s Sw
Superstructure SUPERSTR supers tr synchro tie sYNTI synt f
suparvise SUPV Supv synchronization bit Sft sb
super~iston SPVN spvn synchronization Indicator SYN IND syn ind
supplement SUPPL Supp 1 synchronization separator SS60 sshd
Supp 1y sPLY Sply and dtgitlzer
supply Untt Su Su synch-tze SYNC sync
support sPRT sprt syncbroniztng law SYN LP syn 1P
support ●quipment SE SE synchrontzfng receptacle SYN RECP syn recp
Swres s SUPPR suppr synchronlz$ng sw}tch Ssw Ssw
surf ●ce SURF surf synchronous SYN syn
surface barrier transistor SBT sb t synchronous ●~l Itude SAM sam
surface cmtrol led SCAT scat modulation
8v81anche transistor synchronous converter SYNC COt4V sync conv
surface controlled oxide SCOUT SCOUT synchronous orbtting sYt4coM syncom
untpolar transistor eoasfuntcations satellite
surface to ● tr mtss~le SAN sam synchronous posttton SPAR spar
surf8ce to surface miss{le Ssn s Sls ●ttltUd@ recorder
surface to underwater SUM sum Synohroscope SYNSCP synsct3
missf Ie synopsis SYNS syns
surface wave transmission sWTL Swt 1 synthetic SYNTH synth
ltne synthetic thermo-plastic T t
surfaced or dressed four S4S S4S ( fnsul )
sides syPlnge SRNG s rng
surfaced or dressed one side Sls Sls system SYS Sys
surfaced or U-seal one SISIE slsle system check ●nd utiilty SUM sum
side and one edge master
surfaced or dressed two S2S S2S system engineering SE se
Stales system noise factor [figure) $NF snf
surge SRG srg system safety ●ng~neering SSE SSE
surgical SURG surg system ttme code word STCW s tcw
surveillance radar SR sr system ttmtng untt STU Stu
survmtl lance radar ● lement SRE sre SystemS International Sr S1
survey SURV Surv d’Unites
survival SRVL srvl t-bar (structural shape) T t
suspend SUSP Susp tab18 TEL tab I e
suspended acoust~cal SAPC s ●pc table lookup TLu tlu
plaster cetltng table of allowances TA ta
suspended acoustical tfle SA7C sate table of dlstrtbutlon TCY td
cetling tab?e solutton TAESOL taosol
suspended plaster cetling SPC Spc tables of equtpment T/E TIE
suspemded sprayed SSAC Ssac tables of organization T/o t/e
●coustical ceiling tables of organization ●nd T/O&E t/05e
suspension SPNSN spnsn ●~fpmant
susta~nlng STNG Stng tabular TAB t ●b
swage SWG Sug tabulate TAO tab
swa~ glfder SG Sg tabulated c!rawlng TAOR t adr
swa sh Sw Sw tawlatton block TO tb
swash bulkhead Swsm Swbhd tabulator slImJlator TA8SIM tabs Im
sweat SUT $Wt tachometer TACH tach
Sueep SWP sup tachomter voitmter TVM t vm
sweep drtver so sd tackle TK L tk 1
sweep ●xpand SUP ExP S* ●xp tacttcal 7AC t ●c
sweep Integrator $WP INTEQ s+ tnteg tactfcal ●ir navtgatfon TACAN TACAN
Suemt dou@ sow sd~ tactical ● tr support ● lement TfiSE taso

Downloaded from

29 May 1981

target Identiflcatfon TX tt
T AOM t adn TIR ttr
tactical atomic demolition target (lluminatiq radar
nunltlon ~ntensifier TGI tgi
7ARAN taran target
tactical atta- radar ●nd TP I tp t
target posftion ltiicator
nav$gatlon tar-t practice TP tp
TACOEN tacden tp t
tacttcal Oata entry target pract~ce With tracer TPT
TIPI ttpt TRR trr
tact{cal information target ranging radar
processing ●nd system data update TSOU t Sdu
interpretation track!nq radar TTR ttr
TM tal target
iacttcal mtsstle TARP tarp
TMO tmd tarpaul ~n
tacttcal mtsslon data TPS tps
TRR trr task para-ter synthesizer
tactical range recor-r TRSR trsr
TR1 trl taxi ●ti ~~ay
tactfcal reconna~ssa~e
surveillance radar
Intel 1 igence
tse TWY twy
TSE taxtway
tactteal support element
teamork TW tw
TFZ tfz
tail fuZe TECH tech
tGT tgt techn{cal
tall gate ●~ntt{on TAM tam
TG tg technical
tail gezr bullettn TB TB
TLC tlg techntcal
tafl landing gear tw technical circular TC TC
ta{l wind TU tc
TAL tal teChniCal control
tailor %PL tdpl
TLPC tlpc techntcal data package Itst
tailptece TO TO
TLSFT tlsft technl ca 1 d+rect~ve
ta!ls?laft manua 1 TM TM
To to techntcal
takeoff note TN TN
TL tl technfcal
talk liSten order TO To
TLY tly techn{cal
tal ly order CO-1 iance TOC t Oc
TDM tdm technical
tandem TR TR
TAN t ●n technical report
tangent te technician TECH tech
tangent ● levation tee
TK tlt
tank td teeth
tank destroyer +P I tpt
TKR tkr teeth per inch
tanker TFL tfl
K k teflon (insul)
tanker (aircraft) TELECOM te I ecom
TAN tan telecoWMUnicatfons telesat
TWL tcul telec~nications satelltte TELESAT
tap changing under load TLG tlg
TAPAC tapac telegraph
tape automatic positionf~ Ts TS
●nd control Telegraph SYst~
TWX tux
TAPE tape telegraphic message
tape ●utomattc preparation
telemeter TLM tlm
em i mnent TMX tmx
TCU tcu telenarter transmitter
tape c’ontrol unft
tc tel~tric data converter
TELEOAC te 1edac
core TC tlmy
tape TLMY
TDS tds telemetry
tape data selector
tdistr Tcu tern
ToISTR telemetry code modulation
tape dlstrlbuter tp @- TMCOMP tmw
1P OR tmlemetry co~utat{on tdd
tape dr~ve tiu TDD
TIU telemetry data digittzer
tape identification un{t TLS tls
Inverter T: tl telmtry listlng submodule t~roc
tape t apak TMPROC
~APAK telemetry processing t pm
t ●pe pack tel~try processor module 1PM
TPI tp I
tap- phase {nverter TSIMS tsims
TPA tpa tel-try Sfmlatlon
tape pulse a~lffier
TR tr SUbwmu
te ~scorn
tape recorder TELSCOM
Tsc t Sc telemetry surveillance
t ●pe station conversion
ttc comunicat ions
to card TTC telmtr
to nrtnt TTP t tp t~lemotor
tape TEL tel
10s tos telephom
tape-o~rat- system TELB telb
TPR tpr telephone booth
taper TIF tif
NPT NPT telephOne interference
taper pipe thread NPTR f ●ctof
taper pipe thread (rafltng NPTR t dec
fixtures) telamfwne ltne dtgital
TS ts er’mr checkfmg
taper snank TEL tel
TPO t pd telepwne station
t appeal TTE tte
TPT tpt telep-- terminal equipment
tappet TPHO tprlo
TPG tpg telephotograph
tapping telepr~nter TPR tpr
TGT tgt
target TLSCP t I Scp
TAO t Dd telescope
target •cw~sltlon data TPR tpr
TAT tat telesc~~c photograph~c
target ●trcraft transmitter
ta recorder
target 7A
area TT tt
TAAR tsar teletype
target area analysts radar TTB t tb
181 tb$ teletype buffer
target bearing Indfcstor TTR ttr
TDT tdt teletype translator
target designation TTY tty
t~ansmitter teletyp~rtter tvn
target deteett~ devfce TOD tdd teletypewriter exchange
tdu television TV
target detection untt TOU
TDN t dn
target doppler nulliffer

Downloaded from

29 tiy 1981


twlevlslon and radar TELERAN teleran test speclflcat~on ~-er) TS ?s
navigation test switch TSW t Sw
televtston ●utomatic TASCON tascon test target ●rray TtA tta
seque-e control tester tSTR tstr
televts{on interference TV! tv t testing TS7G tstg
tsmqmr TEM t em testing and poppfng TS8POP tsapop
t~rature TEMP tw testtng devtce 10 td
temperature coefftctent TC tc tetrachlorf de TE7 tet
t~orature coefficient of Tcav tcbv tetrafluoroethy Iene TETFLEYP’= t=tfleVne
breakdown volts= tetrode TET tet “
t~ature coefficient of Tcn tcr textile TXTL txtl
reststmce that ts IE te
t~arature co~nsated Tczo tczd the sa- ID id
Z8ft8r dtoOe theatrm THTR thtr
t~~rature conpensatlng TC tc theoretical 7HEOR theor
teqmraturo differential to ta theoretical maxi-m density TMO tlld
tenperatur~ tndtcating TIC ttc theoretical point of fog TPF tof
control Ier therm THn tlwn
temperature Iimited emission TLE tle therms 1 7hlRM t?wm
t~rature meter TM tm thermal converter THC the
t~erature switch Tsw t Sw the-al demand transmitter TDX t du
t~erature welt W tu thermal element TE te
t-red TMPD t+ thermistor THWS thins
t-red water TM tw therfmcoup 1e Tc tc
t-ring 7MPRG t~rg thermoe]ectrtc TE te
t-late 7EMPL tw I thermo(d TH th
t~rary TEMP tw thefaometer THERM therm
t~urary construction hole TCH toh thermor’w clear TN tn
t-ndertze~ TNOZR tndzr thermoplastic f nsul ) T t
tensf 18 TNSL tns I thermosetti ng TMOS t-s “
tmnst?e strength TS ts thermostat THERNO thermo
tenston TNSN tnsn themwstattc THRMSTC thrmstc
tentattve TNTv tntv thtck THK thk
termtnal TERM term t?llck film THKF thkf
termtnal area sequencing 7ASC tasc thtckw~ 7HKNR thknr
●nd control thfcker TMR thkr
ta-mtnal ● rea survelllanco TASR tasr th$ckness TWNS thkns
radar thiale TUB t-
tWfWlnal bOa~Ct TB tb thin film TF tf
twminal board ●ssewb!y TBA tba thin film transistor TFT TFT
terminal control ● rea Tch tea thtnner TNR tnr
termtnal equtpment 7E te third stage 3STG 3stg
terminal gutd$nce TG tg thousand circular fwtls MCM
termtnal protect~ve device T Po tpd thread THO thd
terminal vector display un t TVOP tvdp thread both ends TBE t be
terminal VHF omnirange TVOR tvor thread cutting TC tc
tarminatlon T~Rtw4 ternm thr-ad for press tight NPSF NPSF
terneplate TRPL trpl jo~nts
teroWmeter TOt’#4 tehm thread forming TF tf
terra cotta Tc tc thread one end TOE toe
terratn ●nalog radar TARS tars threaded neck THOFU thdnk
s+aulator threamiecc THOPC t hdpc
terra{n and obstacle tova threads per ~nch 7P I tp i
warning ●nd ●votdance tnree conductor 31C 3/c
terratn avo!dance radar TAR t- di?mnsional ?D 3d
terratn clearance tndtcator TCI tcl three phaso 3PH s~h
terrain contour mapping TERCOM tercom three pole 3P 3P
terratn follow!ng radar tFR tfr thr~ pole double throw 3POT 3~dt
terrazzo 7ER t●r three pole single tnrw 3PST 3ps t
terrzzzu base TCRS terb thre9 Wmy 3WAY away
t=rrttory 7gaR terr three wire 3W 3W
tert 1●ry TER te~ three-stage 3STG 3stg
test ?s7 tst threshold THR thr
test (altn ●bbf-) T test threshold control un(t TCU t Cu
test and evaluate T8E tae threshold ltmlt values TLV tlv
test ●nd handltng T6M tbh throat THRT thrt
test umfpment TSTEQ tsteq throttle THROT throt
test ltnk tLK t~k throttle reset TRST trst
t8st pofnt 1P tp through THRU thru
t8st speciflcat~on (no TSPEC t Spec tfwowr THUR th!m
~~ thpuout THWT thwt
thrust THR t hr
Downloaded from

29 ky 1981


thrust hOFSe~OUCr THP thp timing point TP tp
thrust ltne TL tl timing pulse generator TPG tpg
thrust shell THRSHL thrshl t { nned TND tnd
thrust termtnat ton unit TTU ttu titanium chlortde TM tnl
thwst vector control Tvc t Vc titanium tetrachlorid~ FM fm
thyratron core dr!ver Tccl tCd title block 7/8 T/8
thyratron motor control THYMOTROL thymotrol to be determined 7S0 tbd
thyrlstor TWR thyr tobfn bronze TOEi BRZ tob brz
ticket TKT tkt . toboggan T08 t ob
tfe ltne TL tl toggle TGL tgl
tle plate TP tp tot let T t
ttght joints NPTF npt~ toilet case TC tc
tight wrapped TV W tOfl@t paper holder Tti th
tfghtefling TTNG ttng tolerance TOL to 1
tilo base 16 tb tone TN tn
tll@ drain To td tone ●nd alarm TN&ALM tnAa m
tile floor tF tf tone encoded burst TEB t eb
tile shtngle roof TSR tsr tone modulation TM tm
tile threshold 17 tt tone operatsd net loss 7 DMLAR ton) r
tile wainscot TW tu adjuster
tiller TLR tlr tongue TNG t ng
tflttng TLG tlg tongue and groove T&G tbg
tinber TMUR t@ar tongueless TGLS tgls
tim 7 t tool steel 7s ts
time ●nd motion stufsy TMS tms tooth T tooth
time ●nd percussion TAP tap toothed r$ng TR tr
time ●nd supercfutck TSQ tsq top and bottom The thb
time ●ssignment speech th!!il tas i tap and bottom bolt Th13B thbb
interpolation top chord TC tc
time average clutter TACCAR taccar top dead center TDC tac
coherent airborne radar top of frame T/FR t/fr
time between overhaul Teo tbo tap secret TOPSEC topsec
time co~l(ance technical TCTO 7CT0 topography TOW) t Opo
. order topping TOPG topg
t~- eo~ress!on tactical TICTAC t Ictac torpedo TURP t orp
c~nlcat ions torpedo battery T8ATT tba t t
time constant TC tc torpedo group TG tg
ti- delay TD td torpedo part of beam 1P tp
time delay closing TDC tdc toraue TRO t rq
ti- delay Opentng TOO tdo tOr@e differential recefver TDR tW
time difference tD td torquemeter 70RM term
tfm divlslon data link TDDL tddl torsiograph TORSIO torslo
t~me division multiplex TDM tam torsion TRSN trsn
time index t: ti torsional TORNL tom 1
tim length TL tl toss bo- c~ter TBC tbc
time metee TIM tim total TOT tot
tfnm of fall T/F t/f total dynamic head TDH t dtl
time of flight TMFL tlnf 1 total harmontc distortion THD thd
time of rise T/R t/r total tndicator reading TIR tir
time over target ToT tot total load TLLD tlld
ttnu? pulse tP total time TT tt
ttme pulse distributor TPO :; total trim T t
ttme r~fnalning until TRUT trut totaltze TOTLZ totlz
trans~tion total izing relay Tl)R tor
t!me signal generator 7SG tsg totally enclosed TE te
tl- since new TSN tsn totally enclosed fan coo)ed TEFC tefc
time since overhaul 7s0 tso touchtone wltifrequency TTMF ttmf
ttlm Suftctl Ts ts towel rack TR tr
t~w tefWYePatUre recorde- TTR ttr tower TMR tvr
time to intercept TT 1 tti towing light TO LT to It
time variation of gain TVG tvg trace TR tr
time varlea gain TVG tvg tracer TRCR trcr
time wore TM tw tracer w-r TN tn
timed TMO tma track TRK t rk
timed closing Tc tc track data stfmJlator 10S t ds
ti~ opening 70 to track data storage TOST tdst
ttmer TMR tmr track Identity TRID trld
tt(uing TMG tmg track imitation TIM tim
tfmlng ●nd telemetry TT tt track tntt!ate TI t!
timfng data fnput output 7010 tdio track initiation and TIP tip
timtng devices TN(W tmgd prediction
track nu~er TN tn

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


tractc on jamfng Tod toj transmission ●nd TbD tbd
track Velocl ty TVGL tvel dlstrtbutton
track uhfle scan TWS tus trsnsmfssfon cuntrol unit TCU tcu
track while scan on receive TMSRO twsro transmission tdentlficat+on 71 tt
only transmit XNT xmt
track~ng TRKG trkg transmit format generator TFG tfg
tracking ● Itttude TALT ta!t transmit gain control TGC tgc
tracktng and automatic TRAM tram transmit receive TR tr
monitoring transmft receive 6 guard T/R&G t/rbg
tncktng and data TilDA tbda transmittal XMTL xmtl
ac~ts+t ton transmittance TRAN$ trans
tracking ●nd guidance TbG tmg transwtftted xMTD xmtd
tra*~ng c~arison TRACOMP tracoup transmitter XMTR xmtr
tracking errors ●nd TEASE tease transmitter dfstrtbutor TO td
sfmlation evaluation transmitter receiver TR tr
tracktng radar TR tr transmitter turnoff TTO tto
tracking radar automatic TRAM tram transmtttlng XMTG xmtg
monltortng transom TR tr
Crackfng radar data takeoff TROTO trdto transparent TRANS trans
track~ng radar electronic TREC t Pee transponder XPNOR xpndr
~-t transponder on off TROO t roo
tracking radar fnput and TRIC trfc transport movement control TMC tmc
correlation transport vehicle TV tv
trackway TRWA trwa trmsportab]e radio unit TRU tru
trade name TRN trn transportable sat@llite TSCLT tscl t
trade pattern TRP t rp cowwunications link
traf?fc TRFC trfc terminal
traffte control post TCP tcp transportation TRANSP transp
trafler TRLR trlr transpose TRNPS trnps
tr8tIer munted TLRMTD t I rmtd transposition TPSN tpsn
tmfltng TRG trg transverse TRANSV transv
trafltng ●dge 7E te transverse ● lectrlc TE te
tralltng edge radtus TE/R te/r transverse electromagnetic TEM tam
trafn TN tn transverse ● lectrostatic TE te
tra f ner 7RNR trnr transverse ●xpansion joint TCJ tej
trafning TNG tng transverse magnetic TM tm
tm~ning manual TM tm trapezo~d TRAP trap
trajectory TRAd traj trapped-plasma TRAPATT TRAPATT
trajectory chart T Jc tje ●valanche-trtg!?ered
transaction TRANSA transa trans tt
transceiver XCVR xcv r travel correction calculator TCC t cc
transcribe TRSC8 trscb travel ltrnit TRVLMT trvlmt
transcriber TRSSR trsbr traveler TRVLR twlr
transcrtbfng TRS8G trsbg traveling TRVLG trvlg
transducer XOCR xdcr traveling wave TM tw
trans?er XFR xfr traveltng wave ●fmltfier TWA twa
transfer (31tn abbr) TRANS ---- trave?lng wave maser TUM tum
transfer control reglst*r TCR tcr travelfng wave mlt!ple TWMEK t-k
transter fn channel TCH tch beam klystron
transferred-el~tron-dev ice TEDL TEDL travel fng wave tube TUT twt
Iogtc traversing TRAV trav
transfom=r XFMR xfmr tread TRO trd
transfcwmer rectifier TR tr treated TRTD trtd
transistor XSTR xstr treated hard pressed TMPrfl thp+b
transistor cwPled leg~c TCL TCL fiberboard
transistor driver core TDCM tdcm treatment TRTMT trtmt
melm~ treble TR9 t rb
transistor transistor logic TTL TT1. triangle TRNGL t rng 1
tranafstor under test TUT tut tributary TRI~ trtb
transistor volt~ter TVM tvnl trfckwheel TRKWHL trkuhl
transistorized TSTRZ tstrz trtgger TRIG trtg
tramsfstortzed automatic TAC t ac triggering TRIG trfg
Corttro 1 trigonometry TRIG trtg
translstortzed high speed TmR thor trim ●fter form~ng YAF taf
operations recorder trifwner TRMQ t rmr
transition TRNSN trmsm trlnitrotoluew TNT tnt
transitional testing Y Y trfode TRI trf
(aircraft) tr{p coil TC tc
trmwlator XtTR xltr triple TPL tp I
trmslator asse*ler TAC tac trfp18 pole 3P 3p
~iler triple pole double thrOU 3POT 3c)dt
trsnsmtssion XMSN xmsn
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29 :foy i301


trtple pole double throw 3POT Sw 3pdt SW turnout TO to
Sut tch turntable TRNTBL trntbl
?rlplo pole single throw 3PST 3pst turvet TUR tur
trfple pole single throw 3PST SW 3pst Sw TV fnfrarect observation TIROS t t ros
SW f tch satellite
trtple pole switch 3P Sw 3p Sw twin sideband TWSB twse
trtpla thermop)asttc (insul) TT tt tulst drfll gage TOG tag
trtple throw 3T 3t twf●ted w tw
triple wall TPLW tplw two cenductor 2/c 2/c
triplex TRX trx two digtt 2D1G 2dtg
trtpped TRP t rp two atmenstonal 2D 2U
trtpptng TRP trp two phase 2PH 2ph
trol ley TRI.Y trly two pole DP *
troptcalized TPL tpl two pole double throw OPOT dpdt
troposphere TROPO t rope two pole single throw OPST dpst
truck TRK t rk two stage 25TG 2stg
true air tenveraturt TAT tat two tone modulation T7M ttln
true ●irspeed Tbas tas two uay 2WAY 2way
true north TN TN two-wtre 2W 2W
true position 1P TP type Uestgnators TYUE tyde
true posltton tolerance TPTOL tptol type model series TMS tms
true profi?e TP tp type plate TYPL typl
true watt TW type specfftcation 7s ts
truncated whftworth coarse WC :C typesetting TYPSTG typstg
thread typesett~ng lead TSL tsl
tmmcated whitworth ftne TWF TWF typewriter Tw tw
thread typical TYP typ
twmated uhitworth special Tws Tws ultimate LJLT Ult
thread ulttmate ope.rational Uoc Uoc

trunk TRK t rk capae{llty
t runn t on TRUN t run ultlmate tenstle strength IJTS Uts
truss TR truss ultra high frequency UHF uhf
truss head TRH t rh ultra high frequency/htgh UHF /HF uhf /hf
tube axial TBAX tbax f r~ency
tube sheet TS ts ultra htgh resistance UHR uhr
tube sheet .inlet ●nd outlet TSI-Ott tsl -oh ultra low freque=y ULF Ulf
head ultra-high fr~ency UHFDF uhfdf
tube under test TUT tut dtrect$on Findtng
tub t ng T8G tbg ultrasonic frequency UF Uf
tum 1e TMO tti Ultrasonic ltght mdulator ULM ulm
tutiler T8LR tblr ultrasonic wave Ltw w
tune controlled gain TCG tcg ultraviolet Uv Uv
tuned plate tuned grid TPTG tptg ultraviolet ●~lif ication UVASER uvaser
tuned radio frequency TRF trf by st~-lated emtssion of
tungsten TUNG t ung radtatton
tuning tUN tun ultraviolet f100C1light UVFLT Uvf I t
tunne 1 TNL tnl -Ilfcal UM8 u-
tunnel diode TNLDIO tn)dio unt2tltcal cord UMOC Ullmc
tunnel diode a~lifier TDA tda unauthorized UNAUTHD unauthd
tunnel diode charge TDCTL TDCTU unblanktng UN8LK unOfk
transformer Ioglc unbleached UBL ub 1
tunnel diode log~c TDL TDL unbleached musl {n Uws Ws
tunnel diode transistor TOTL TDTL unc 1 ●np UNCLP Unclp
logic imc)asstffed UNCLAS unclas
turbt ne TURS turb uncoated UNCTO Unctd
turbtne close coupled tcc tcc unconditlona 11-Y UNCUNO uncond
tur5ine d~rect To td unconventional warfare Uw Uw
turbtne driven TO td UndUf 4 ned UNOEF undef
turbtne generator (drtverl TURBO GEN tureo gen under UND und
turbine inlet pressure TIP tip undercurrent UNOC undc
turb~ne Inlet temperature TIT tit underfrequency UNDF undf
turbine out\et tenverature TOT tot under-frequency relay UFR Jf r
turbtne reduction arlve TRO t rd underground UGNO ugnd
turbo ● lternator TUR80 ALT turbo a!t UndWgrOUW dtstributlon Uo ud
turbo Jet propulsion TUP tJp underhatch UH uh
turn ●nd bank indtcator TU81 t8bl underhea t UHT uh t
turn coordination TRN CRO trn crd under 1oad UNDLD undid
turnbuckle TRNOKL trnbk 1 undersea warfare Usw Usu
turned TRND t rnd unders I ze us us
tumtng TURN turn underspend us us
turning gear TRNGR trngr undwvoltage tJNOV Undv
turnfng light TRN LT trn It

Downloaded from

29 -Y 1.981


UmCferveltage devtce Uvo Uvd Umnown Unk
underwat@F UUTR Uwtr unless otherwiss specifted UUs Uos
underwater b8ttery UB Ub unlfmtted UNLIN unlfm
underwater demolition team UDT Ud t unloading UNL un 1
underwater object locator UOL Uo 1 unlocking U?4.KG unlkg
undema t er team UWTM UwWI um.rked u-o -d
undewa t ●r to ● tr mtssilc UAM uam unmmmted UNNlo unmtd
underw ter to surface USM usm unregulated UNRGLTO unrg I td
mtssi 1- unsatisfactory material Umn
~ater to underwater WM nottce
mtsstla unsatisfactory report UR UR
undemay replenishment U?4REP unrep unsenslttzed USTZD ustzd
undetermined UNDETM uncle tm unscrvicab Ie us us
.u*lating beam interaction U@17RON U5 t t ron unsuppressed UNSUPPR unsuppr
● t-tron tube , until further notice UFN uf n
unftntshed tJNf I N unf i n untreated UTRTO utrtd
Unf Uzed UNF un t untreated hardpressed UHPf8 ~fb
u~lazed ecramic mosaic til. LJCMT ucm t fiberboard
u*lazed structural facing USFU Usfu untwist UNTU untw
un~ts up data ?fnk UOL ud 1
unglazed structural unit USU8 usub updated UOT O udtd
base updraft UPOFT updf t
unidentified flying object UFO Ufo Wwr UPR upr
unffted UN upper ●nd )ower U&L U& 1
unt+led coarse thresd & upper control limit UCL UCL
umifted extra fine thread WE F LINE F upper max~wm range UMR
unffted ?Ine thread u?4F WF uppar sideband USE Usb
Untfted S-bsnd USB Usb upright URT urt
unified spectal thread UNs UNs upward UPWO upwd
Untform UNIF unlf urgent URG urg
~m~fam data link UOL Ud 1 urinml ur
LJnt?orm System (lens us us urtnal water closet ::WC IJrwc
Merkingi USA Standard USAS USAS
Untformtty Coe?tic+ent UNIF COEF un~f cod USa@ block Ue Ub
untjunctton transistor udT UUT usage Itst UL UI
uninterrupted power Wpply UPS ups use ●s re~ired UAR uar
uninterruotibla Dower SUPPIY UPS up~ used on u/cl u/o
union UN un US8d wfth u/w u/v
unfon bonnet t.mtl W* utensi 1 UTN utn
untun joint W Uj utility UTIL Utll
unipolar field ● ffect UNIFET un$fet utfllty binary dww Ueo ubd
transistor utilfty card Input UCI Uci
unl t UN unit utilfty cowqsller Uco Uco
wilt check UK uk ut~lity control UCt)N ucon
untt cooler Uc Uc Ut{lfty f-o- UR Ur
untt forecast authorization UFAEO uf ae8 util~zation UTIL Uttl
squipmmt data ut{lfzation of ●nemy UTEELRAD uteelrad
unit heater Ui+ Uh ●?ectromagnetic radiation
unit identification code UIC Uic vacant VAC vac
unit monthly equipment UME UME vacuum VAC vac
unit of equipment UE ue vacuum induction VIM-VAR vim-var
unit of f~re UF Uf melt-vacuum ●rc remelt
unit tlm coding UTC Utc vacuum tUbe VT Vt
unit under test UUT Wt VeaJUM tube relay driver VRO Vrd
unit wfgnt WT Wt vacuum tube voltmeter VTVM vtvm
Unfted States us us valley VAL Val
United States Gage US(2 USG value VAL va 1
Untted Stat8s Standard Uss Uss value engineered indicator VEI vei
unfvwsal UNIV unfv value ●ng~neerfng VE ve
unfversal ●synctwonous UART uart valua tn performance VIP Vtp
rec8$vor-tr9nsmi tter valve v v
unfvorsal comamicatlons UCSD ucsd valve box Va Vb
switchf~ d@ViC@ valve seat vST Vst
L#niveFYal data transcriber UDt Udt valve stem VSTM vstm
untversal digitat UOTI Udt i vandyke Vo vd
transducer indicator Vmesxtal VNXL vnx I
untversal horizontal UHT uh t vapor pressure VP Vp
untv~rsal navfgatton beacon UN% Unb vapor seal Vs us
Untvorsal power supply UNPS Unps vaporize VPR vpr
untvwsal product code UPC UPC vaporproo f VAP PRF vap prf
untvorsal time UT Ut vaportight VT Vt
unlv-rsat time standards UTS LiTs varsctor VRC7R Vrctr

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29 hy 1981


varhour meter VAfh4N varhm vernter tracktng by VERNX7RAC vernttrse
variable VAR var ●utomstfc correlation
varfable cllode functton VOFG vdf g versatt Ie VERST vers t
generator versatfle ●utomatic test VA7E VAT’E
variable control ofl VCOP Vcop equtpment
pressure versat~le differential VERDAN verdan
Varfable crystal oscillator Vxo v Xo ●na 1 yzer
variable de\iv@ry VOEL vde I versed stne vERS vers
variabla depth sonar Vos Vds v*rsus Vs Vs
variable elevatfon beam VEB v eb vertex VTX Vtx
vartab!e floating pOfnt VFL PT Vfl pt vertical VERT ver t
variable frtKJU@nCY Vf Vf verttcal fc~ form) v v
variable freouencv clock VFREO CLK vfreq elk verttcal and short takeoff VSTOL VSTOL
●nd Iand\ng
oscl I later vertical ●ss~ly building VAB vab
variable gain a~ltfler VFA vfa vertfcal center line VCL Vc 1
variable information VIP VIP verttcal centrifugal VCE vce
processing Verttcal dtsplay tnd{cator VO I vd t
variable length CaVit)f VLCR vlcr vert~cal tffqwtse VIMP vt~
resonance vertfcal ladder VL V1
variable low frWQUefIcy VLFS Vlfs vertical landing potnt VLP Vlp
standard ve~tical )ocatlon of the VCB V cb
vsr{able reSIStOr VARISTOR varlstor center of buoyancy
variable speed c0n5tant VSCF Vscf vertical locat{on of the VCG Vcg
frequency center of gravity
vartable speed drive Vso V sd vertfcal plann{ng VP Vp
variable speed gear v SG Vsg verttcal polarization VP Vp
variab)e voltage rcctifler VVR vvr vertical raetal VTR vtr
variable voltaqe transformer vARITRAN vari tran vertical reference 1 fne VRL vr 1
vartable width-pulse VWP Vup vsrtlcal takeoff and landing VTOL VTOL
variab\e word length VWL vu 1 verttcal volute spring Vvss Vvss
variable-threshold logic VTL VTL suspension
vari ●nte VAR var v8ry high fr~ency VHF vhf
vartation VAR var very htgh frequency vOR VOR
var~ety vRTY vrty omn+dlrectiona? ●nd radio
various v AR var range
varlstor VRIS vr{s very large-scale integration VLSI VLSI
va~ter VARM varm very long range VLR vlr
varni sh V&RN varn very long range tracking VERLORT verlort
varnish ( insul ) v v very low ●ltftude VLA vla
varntsh cambric ( insul ) Vc Vc very low frequency VLF Vlf
varntsh treated ( \nsul ) --- --- very low range VLR vlr
(see varn~sh ( insul )) vQry short rancte vSR vsr
varying VRYG vryg very stable oscillator VSQ Vso
vault door Vo vd very-high frequency VHFDF vhfdf
vector field VF Vf dtrectlon finding
vector l~edanc= 10CUS VILP Vtlp very-high frequency VORLOC vor 1oc
plotter omnfrange Iocalfzer
vegetable VEG veg vesttbule VEST vest
vehfcle VEH veh vestfgtal sfdeband VSB v sb
vellum VEL ve 1 vestigtal sideband VSM vsm
velocity VEL ve 1 modulation
veloclty tndtcating VICI Vtci VHF omntrange dfstance VOROME Vorm
coherent integrator measuring equtp-nt
veloclty integration VI DAR vtdar VHF recovery beacon VRB v rb
detection ●nd ranging v fbrate vIO Vtb
velocity modulation VM Vfn vtbratlng cofl magnetometer VCM vem
veloctty response shape VRS vrs vlbratfon VIB vlb
vent hole VH vh vibration per minute VPM Vpm
vent ptpe VP Vp vtbrator power unit VPU
vent stack Vs Vs Vlckers hardness vt4 %“
ventilate VENT vent v I 680 VID vfd
ventilating deadlight VOL vd 1 vtdeo ●~ilfter VIOAMP v f dau@
vent~latfng equipment VE Ve video display terminal VOT vdt
ventl later VENT vent vfdeo distribution arrplifier VOA vda
verbatim VER8 verb video frequency V1OF vfdf
verification VERIF ver t f vtdeo integration VINT V2NT
verification unit test set VUTS Vuts vfdeo Integrator VI Vt
verify vRfY vrfy vtdeo prelauncm c~nd VPCA v~a
vorn t ●r VERN vern ●~liffer
vernier engine cutoff VECO Veto
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29 by 1981


vtdeo sweep Integrator Vs x Vst voltage controlled crystal Vcxo Vcxo
vl@eo-tmpe recorder VTR vtr oscillator
village VIL Vtl voltage cor?troi)ed Vco Vco
violet VIO Vto oscillator
vtolet (altn ●bbrl v ---- voltage controi led shift VCSR vcsr
v t sc-ter VI SMR v i smr regfster
v I Scos { ty V2SC Vise voltage detector VDET vdat
Vlscoslty index VI VI volta~ drop VD vd
vtstble VSBL vsb 1 voltage readout unit VRU Vru
vlslble energy CSetectton VEDAR vedar volta~ re~lated power VRPS Vrps
●nd ranging Supp t y
visual VIS Vis voltage regulator VR vr
visual approach slope VASI vasi voltage relay VRLY vrly
lndtcator voltage saturated capacitor Vsc Vsc
ViSUaI ●ural radio range VARR varr voltage standing wave Vsw Vsw
visual flight rules VFR VFR voltage standtng wave ratio VSWR vswr
visual gltde path tndicator VGP 1 Vgpi voltage tunable-magnetron VTM Vtm
visual glfde slope VGS Vgs voltage tunab)e oscillator VTO Vto
vfsual glide slope Indicator VGSI Vgs i voltage-vartable capacttor Vvc Vvc
vtsual tdentiftcation VISIO visid voltawaneter VAN v am
vtsual tdenttf~cation point VIP Vip voltmeter W Vm
visual Iayctown d~l~ver~ VLD vld voltmeter suitch Vs Vs
v{sua! low ●ngle dr~e VLADO v I ●dd volume VOL Vo 1
del tvery volume indicator VI Vt
visual meteor?egical VMC v- volume of c~artment Vc Vc
conditions volume untt vu vu
visual meteorogical VMC Vfu volumetric VLMTRC vlmtrc
visual target vTIP Vtip volute VLT Vlt
identification potnt vulcanize VULC vul~
vttal load center VLC Vlc water WFR Wf r
vftraous VIT Vit wagon WAG wag
vttrff ied clay Vc Vc wagon box WB Wb
vftrlfied clay tile VCT Vet wainscot WA wa
voice Vo Vo waiting WTG Wtg
vO\CO actuated transmitter bN7 I VOX ANTIVOX wake light UK LT * It
k~yer inhibi toe wall board ULB Wlb
votco band cowression VOBANC vobanc wall hydrant UH wh
Voice C911 Vc Vc watt receptacle WR vr
voice conammicattons VOCOM Vocom wall vent Wv w
vofcc ●xcited vucocter VEV Vev wa)scal WLSL Wls)
voice frequency VF Vf wan t gan WAN wan
voice frequency carrier VFC Vfc wardrobe MRB wrb
voice frequency carrier VFCTT V?ctt uarcaroom WR wr
&et*type warehouse WHSE whse
vutce frequency telegraph VFTLG Vftlg warhead WARHO warhd
voice operated dev!ce VOflAS vodas warmtng WM Wm
●nti-stng warnt ng URN urn
votce operated devtce for VODAT voda t warping URPG wrpg
automattc transmission warranty UARR warr
vo~ce operated gain vOGAO v Ogad wash bucket we Wb
●djusting dev~ce wash fountain UF Uf
vofce operated loss contro VOLCAS Volcas Washburn ●nd Moen Gage W8P4 GA U6M GA
and suppressor washer WSHR ushr
voice op-rated transmitter Vox V(IX washf ng btStlG Ushg
keyer washroom UR wr
voice order circui t Voc V* waste w w
voice reporttng fault VRFI vrf t waste pfpe WP w
indtcator wast9 stack Ws us
votce reporttng signal Vi?s)?i vrsa water WTR wtr
asse*ly wster chtller wCHR wchr
vo~ce tube VT Vt uate- closet UC Wc
void Vo vd water cooled WCLD ucld
volt v v water heater W+i Uh
volt ●lternattmg current VAC vac water jacket wbJ Wj
volt dtrect current Voc v de water Ifn@ WL WI
volt per meter V/u v/m watef meter WM Wm
volt per mfl V/MIL v/mf 1 wat8r plane W w
volt-ohm mill tansneter VOM Vom Uator Pun@ UP ‘+
VOI tage v v watmr round torpedo uRT b4rt
voitage ●djusttng rheostat V AOd R v adj r water surfac9 us us
voltage control transf*r !/CT vet’ water turbine MTURB Wturb
I water turbine closed coupled WCC Utcc

Downloaded from

29 t’by1981


water turbine dfrect WTD wtd whole depth m Wd
watarcoolor WCR Wcr Wfde u w
w8toFfog WFG Wfg wide band m Wb
Waterproof WTRPRF Utrprf utda band Dlcke ffx W8DFX vbdfx
waterproof fan cooled WPFC Vpfc ulde-area data service WADS WADS
Waterproof shroud UPS Ups wide-area WATS WATS
waterproof Ing MPG -9 telecawnmicatfons service
uat8rtlght W7RTT wtrtt wfdeband wrrent transformer W6CT Vbc t
wat8rval I Ww w wtdeband data W60
waterwheel WWHL Vwfll wideband data ltnk W8DL Wt%tl
watt w w widoband notse limit~ng WBNL *n 1
watt demand meter MD wd width WD Vd
watt per candle UPC Wpc width (altn ●bbr) w ----
watthour WH wh Wfdth ●cross flats UAF wa f
watthour demand meter WHOM wilds Wt}dcat WLC Wlc
watthour Uemand ~ter WHr Wht wfnch UN wn
thermal type Wtnd MO wd
watthour meter WHM Wlus wtnd dlrectten WDIR wdtr
watthour meter with contact WC Vhc wind load WL W1
dev 1ce wtnder WNOR Wndr
watthour rreter with loss WHL wh 1 wtndtng WOG wdg
compensator wfnding to winding w/w w/w
wattmeter WM m vindlass WNOLS wnd 1s
wave modulated oscflloscop~ WAMUSCOPE wamoscope w f ndow woo wdo
uaveferm analyzer VA ua Wtndow dtmension MD wd
waveguide w Wg vlndow guard WG Wg
wavelength WL WI wtndow unit Mu w
weakened plane joint WPJ WJ windshield WSHLD wshld
weapon UPN wpn Ving WG Wg
wespon carrier UC UC vtng Cnord plane WCP Wcp
Weapon System Ws us wing reference line WRL wr 1
weapons effectiveness WET w.e t utnterize WTRZ wtrz
testing wipe out Uo Wo
weapons spec,if \catlons us us Wiptng WPG -g
wearfng WRG Urg bftre (conb form) w w
wather WEA wa wire armor round ( insul ~ w w
weather resfstant WR Ur vlr~ ●ssetily WA ua
weather seal WSL us 1 wI- bound woo Wbd
weather stripping us Ws wfre gage we Ug
weather support farce WSF us f wtre glass WGL Wg I
wsather team WETM wetfn wire I$st ML u}
weather tight WEAT wea t wiru mesh WM Wm
weatherproof WTHPRF wthprf wtre rope WR Wr
weatherproof ( insul ) UP wire way Ww w
webb t ng W8G Zg wfre wound Ww w
wedge WG Wg wfre wrap Ww w
week Wu Wk wfred core matrix WCM ucm
weight UT Wt wireless set us Ws
weighting WTG Utg wtrfng WRG wrg
we 1ded WLD wld wiring around frame WAF Ua f
we I der WLOR Wldr with (comb form) w/ v/
ue)dless WLDS Mlds ufth blowout W/so w/ho
we)dment WLDMT Wldmt with equipment and spare W/EASP u{ ehsp
west w w parts
wet bulb WB * withdrawn w/o w/d
wet process UP w wfthout u/o u~o
wetted surface us us without blowout w/080 w/obo
whale boat WE Vb without equipment and spare W/o ESSP WIO essp
whee 1 WtlL Vtl I parts
whesl bass we Wb wood WI) Wd
wheel center Uc we wood awning type window WATW watw
wheel house w)+ Wh wood base WB Vb
wheelbarrow WE Wb wood block floor wBF Wbf
whtstle USTL Wstl wood blockt~ W8L ml
whi te WHT vh t wood borfng WOBOR wdbor
white laltn abbr) w ..-. wood casement window Wcu Wcw
white cathode follower btCF we f wood door Wo wd
wnlte lnufcattng lam MIL wfI wood door and frame WOF Wdf
white Ifght WL W1 wood furr!ng strips HF s Wf s
whfte phosphorus UP w wood jalousfe Wd Wj
vhlte room WR wr wood panel MOP U*
white scale WHs whs
Downloaded from

29 my 1981

w wre i ng WRK urk
us r wrench WR Wr
Wt Wr t nger URGR urgr
Wodc Wetg wrist pln WSTPN Wstprl
wooden box-( 811VW) W8x Ubx wrftable centrol store Ucs WCS
woodruff UOF wdf urfte printer binary UFO *
word m Ud write printer decimal WPO -d
word buffer register W6R vrtte punch MPU Wpu
word co-fner ●nd Wtn Wcm wrf ter WR wr
mtttplexer wrong direction WRDIR wrd i r
vord per mtnute WPM wrought URT wrt
word per second UPS Wps wrought brass W8RS ubrs
uOFd processing UP w wrought Iron WI Wt
work w * wrought steel us us
work bench W8 we yard Yo yd
wrk breakdoQn structure was has year YR yr
wrtc day Uo Ud yellow YEL ye 1
uor!c line Ml. WI yellew (altn ●bbr) Y ----
uork unit w w ye!lou Indicating la- YIL yll
Uorklng UKG Ultg yellow light YLT ylt
Wrklng circ)e UC Wc yellow varnish cambric Y Vc yvc
worktng point UP w ( Insul 1
wrktng pressure WPR upr yle!d point (psi) YP YP
working steam pressure ifsP y~eld strength (psi) Ys ys
wricfng voltage WV w zero ●djuster 2A za
Uork shop UKs bitts zero crossing constant ZXCFAR zxcfar
Wt-tcshop ●ssetily (torpedo) VA Ua false ● larm rate
uorkshop untt ltorpedoj Wu w zero set ●nplifier ZSA Zsa
worm gear wffiR Umgr zero t~erature coefficient ZTC Ztc
wwnshaf t wMSFT Wmsft X19289 rivettng ZZR Zzr
Wrwwhee I wMniiL Ilam#hl 2one z z
MUD zone tfme ZT Zt
wrecker WI(R Ukr

Downloaded from

29 May 1981

5.2 Cross reference list of abbreviations.


% IWO % i+ p~rcent {~ancw 4WAV 4w*y four way

(NI (n} nutier of b$ts 7/c 7/c seven conductor
-.. --- ●nd so forth (see et c8tera) A amer8 (cm form)
--- --- varntsh treated ( tnsul ) A : ●ode (electron devtce)
(see varnish [Insul)} A ● ●ntf (con@ form)
---- ●c*tato { \nsul ) (s*. A ● ●sbestos t insul 1
cellulose acetate) A ● ●stragal
---- cement ●sbestos (see AhE ●6e ●rmament ●nd electronics
●sbestos cement) n&R ●h r ●sse-ly ●nd repair
---- ---- cement ●sbestos board (s80 A-A ●-a ● ir to alr
●sbestos cent board) A-G ●-9 ● fr to ground
---- ---- cyc}t per second (see para A/D ●/d ●nalog to digital
4,7 - Hertz) A/H ●lh ● ir over hydraul \c
---- ---- foctcandle (see para 4.7 AIT 8/ t ●ctton time
cande 1a ) A/U 8/w ●ccordance with
---- ---- Stlfcon controlled AA aa ●ntiaircraft
recttflm- (see Ml 88 ●rmature ●ccelerator
semiconductor Comtrollad AAA ●aa ●ntialrcratt artillery
r8c t ) AAc AAC ●cqu{sltion ●dvice code
/ 1 per [between words) AAC 88C ● ll ● lumfnum conductor
l/2DP’ l/2dp half dog point AAC ●ac anttatrcraft cowuwon
l/2H l/2h half hard MFC ●atc ●ntiaircraft ftre control
l/2RD f/2rd half round AAFSS AAFSS advanced ●erfal fire
l/4H t/4h quarter hard support system
l/4PH l/4pti quarter phaS8 AAX AAl ● [r to ● fr tdentlflcatfon
l/4uo l/4rd qsrter round AAI 88 f ●ngle of ●pproach Indicator
l/c t/c single eommctor AAIJAC 831*C ●utomatfc ●ntiJam ctrcult
I/w Ilw one way AAL ●a 1 ● ircraft ●pproach l19ht
lPW 1ph Stngle phaSe AALC ●alq •~llffed ●utomatfc level
tRCO 1red f{rst reduction control
1S7G lstg ftrst stage aam ● ir to ●fr mlsstle
fSTG lstg one stage ●an ●dvmce ● iteration notice
lW lW one-vfr~ ●ao ●ntia(r output
Z/c 2/c two conductor AASO ●asd ant{atrcraft Self deStrOy~~
20 2d two dinwwional AM AAU ●ntfair warfare
201G 2dig two digit AAws AAws automatfc ● ttack warning
2Ptt 2ph two phase system
2RE0 2 red second Feductton As ●b ●dapter booster
2STG 2stg second stage m ●b ●fterburner
2STG 2stg two stage A8 Al! ● ir base
2W 2W two-wl re A8 ●b ● ir blast
2WAI’ 2wa y two way A9 ●b ●nchor bolt
3/c 3/c three conductor M ab applfcatton block
30 3d three dimensional M SW ●b sw ● tr break SWftCh
3P 3p three POIQ AeAR ●bar ●dvanced battery
3P 3p triple pola ●cqisftlon raaar
3P w 3p w trtple pole switch A88 sbb ●utomatic back bias
3P9T 3pdt threa poie aoublo throw A81JR ●bbr ●bbreviate
3POT 3pct t triple pole double throw ABC A8C ~rtcan, Srlttsh, Canadtan
3POT SW 3pdt sw triple pole double throw ABC Sbc ●utomatic brlghtnass control
Swl tefl A8CA A9CA American, Orittsh,
3PM 3ptl three phase Can.dlan. Australian
3PST 3pst three pole sfngle thrw ABCS ●bcb ● ir blast ctrcutt br88ker
3Pst 3ps t trtple pole slngla throw ABCP ●bcp ●utosmtfc bias compensation
3%7 Sw 3pst Sw triple polo sing18 throw AODf4SHP ●benshp ●banocn shtp
swt tch ABL ab 1 ●bove baseline
3STG 3stg trltrd stage A8M ●bm ●nt!ball!stic m~ssfle
3STG 3stg three-stage ABMEWS AOMEMS ●ntiball istic missfle ●arly
3T 3t trtpIo throw wsrning system
3W 3W three wire AWN ●m ●nt~balllstic missile
3UAY 3uay three way mfssf I*
4/c 41C fwr conductor ASN ●bn a tt-borne
4D 4d four dlmansional ABNL ●bn I ●bnormal
4P 4p four pole MO aoo ●stable bloctc~ng oscillator
4P Sw 4p Sw four pole switch A8RCS A8RES ●dvanced ball tst{c reentry
4POT Sw 4pctt SW four pole double throw Sys tam
SW f tcrl A8RSV ●brsv ●brastve
4PS7 Sw 4p9t *W four polesingle th~ow AOSSV RES ab~sv r.% abraslva reststant
swttch A8S ●bs ●bsolute
4STG 4stg twr-stage ADS CLG ●bs clg ●bsolute cetling
4STG 4stg fuurth stage AnSC ●bsc ●utomatic bass convwnsation
. 4W 4W four wtr8

Downloaded from

29 May 1981

MSORO ●bsorb ●bsorption ACSt ●cs t ●cc8ss time
ABSTR sbstr ●bstract ACST ●cst ●coust t c
A87 ●h t ●bout ACT ●ct ●ctivity
ABT ●bt ● fr blast transformer ACT ●c t ●lgebraic c~iler and
AOV ●bv ●bovo translator
A9WC ●but ●utometlc bandu~dth control ACTE ●cte ●ctuate
ASXL ●bx ! ●bax i ● I ACTG ●ctg ●ctuating
AC ●c ●crodynam~c center ACTL ●ct] ●ctua 1
AC 8C alternating currwit ACTN ●etn ●ction
Ac se ●sbestos cement ACTR ●ctr ●ctuator
ACA 8C8 ●djacent channel ● ttenuation ACTT ●ctt ●cmtate
ACA aca ●utomatic cfrcuit ●nslyzer ACTVIUNAL ●ctvnanal ●ctivation ●nalysts
ACAQ ●cad ●caaemic ACTW ●etv t activate
AC9 ●cb ● fr CIF%Utt breaker ACWTR ●ctvtr ●ctivator
ACB ●cb ●sbestos cement board ACV ●cv ● larm check valve
ACC ace accuwlator ●m ● {rcraft centro? and warning
ACCEL ●cce 1 ●ccelerate AO ●d ●dvertisement
ACCESS ●ccess ●ccessory &lo ●d ● ir duct
ACCLRM ●ce 1rm ●cco18rometer Ao ●d ●~ere demand meter
ACCOM ●ccom ●ccomwoda te AD ●d ●node
ACCOM ●ccom ●ccompany AD ●d area drafn
ACCOMP ●ces •CC~l ish AD ●d ●s ~rawn
ACCR ●ccr ●ccwer ADA AOA air defense arttllery
ACCT ●cct ●ccount AOA ●da ●utomattc data ●cqutslt~on
ACCUM ●ccum ●ccum I ate ADAPT ●dap t ●daptation
ACCUR Sccur ●ccurate AOAR ●dar advanced design ●rray radar
Accu ●ccu ●ltarnattng current AOA7 ada t ●utomatic data ●ccumulator
continuous wave and transfer
ACDT ●cdt ●ce t dent ●dc ● ir data c+ting
ACE ACE ●cceptance checkout MC ●dc ●nalog to dfgital converter
~tpment ADcs ADCS Sdvmced eefemse
ACE ACE ●utomatfc checkout ●+ipment Communlcattons satelltte
ACET ●cet ●cetylene AOD ●dd ●ddendum
AC?T ●cf t ● trcraft ADo ●dd ●ddttion
ACG ●cg ●ng~ocardfogram AODAR ●ddar ●utomatic digital data
ACG ●cg sngtocardiograph acquisition and recording
ACI ACI ● llocated configuration AOOL ●dd I adcl{tional
identlflcatfen A9DR addr ●alder
ACIRC ●ct rc atr circulating AOOt ●ddt ●dditive
ACK ●ck ack now I eege AOF adf automattc Uirection ftnder
ACKTX ●cii tx ●utomatfc ct~cutt exCha~ AOF adf ●uxiliary detonating fuze
ACLD ●cid ● $reoo}ed adh ●dhere
ACLE ●cle ●utomatic clutter ● llmtnztor Am ●dh ●dhes 1ve
ACLS ACL S ●utomatic carrfer ]andtng AD I adt ● ltitude direction indfCatOF
system AOU ●dj ●djacent
ACLTR ●C? tr ●cc-le~ator AOU ad j ●djust
ACM ACM ●ctive countermeasures AOU SP ●dj SP ●djustable speed
ACM ●m ●sbestos covered metal AOL ●d 1 ●uthorized data ltst
am acm ●utomatic clutter mapping ADL ad 1 automatic data link
aCME ACME ●cme screw thread ADM ●dm ● ir decoy misstle
ACN ●cn ●dvance change notice AOM ●dm ●tomic demoltt~on nun$tton
ACN acn ●utomatic celestlal AONG ●dmg admfttlng
navtgatlon AOMS ●dms ●synchronous data
ACO ace ●ction cutout nu!tiplexer synchronizer
ACP ●cp ●zimth change pulse Am ●do ●udio decads oscillator
ACPT acp t ●ccep t AOP AOP automatic data Processim
ACPTR ●cptr ●cceptor AOPTR ●dptr ●dapter
ACO acq ●c~i re AORAC ●drac ●utomatic d!gltal recordfng
ACO ●cq ●cqlsftion ●nd control
ACR acr ●cross ADRS ●drs address
ACR acr ●dvanced Capabtl Itles radar AORT adrt ●nalog data recorder
ACR acr ●pproach control radar transcriber
ACRFLY acrflt acrwss flats ADS AOS aerial delivery system
ACRYL acry 1 acry) tc AOS ads ●utomat$c door seal
ACS ●cs ●ccess AQSOR8 ●casorb ●esoroent
4CS ●es ●ccumulator switch AOT ●dt ●utomatic data translator
ACS acs ● ircraft control ●nd A07 ●dt ●verage da~)y traffic
surveillance AOU adu ●ccumulation distrtbutlon
ACS ●cs ●lternating current un~t
synchronous AOV ●ev ●dvmce
ACSR ●csr ● luminum conductor steel AOVG ●dvg advantage
reinforced AOVS ●dv$ ●dv i se

Downloaded from

?9 Hay 1981


AQVSV ●dvsy ●dv f sory AHN ahm arpere-hour meter

Aovs adus automatdc dig$tal weather NW ahp ● lr horsepower
SW~ tch AHR ●hr ●nchor
AOX adx ●utomatic data ●xchange AHSR ●imr ●ir height surveillance
AE ae afr escape radar
&bEcP aecp ●dvancs ●ngtneerfng ctwnge Al ●i air installations
proposal Al ai air intercept
AE E AEE ●bsolutely ●ssent~al AI ●i ● irborne Interceptor
equipment AI ai atrspced Indicator
ACG aeg active element group Al ●i ●v!ifier input
AC 1 ae 1 ●verage efficiency ~ndex AI ●i anti icing
AEL ae 1 ● llowance equipage list AIC aie ●nwnunit!on identification
ACO a eo ●dvance engineering order COde
AER aer after eng?ne room A1O aid ●ctive integral defense
AERO ●8ro aeronautic AIL ●il ai leron
AERCJDYN ●erodyn aerodynamt c AILAS AILAS Automatic Instrument
AEROHEAT aerohea t aerodynamic heating Landing Approach System
AEROL aerol aerologlcal AILS AILS Automatic Instrumnt
AEROSP aerosp aerospace Landing System
AES aes ●rtlflctal earth satelllte AIM ●tm ● ir Intercept missile
AESC automatic ● lectronic AINOTN aindtn air induction
switching center AIR COND alr cond air conc!ttion
AEW AEW airborne ●ar-iv warning AI RCLNR airclnr ● tr cleaner
AEW&C AEWAC ●irborne ●arly warntng ●nd AIRSHTR ●irshtr air shutter
centrol AIV ●iv armored infantry vehicle
AEWA aewa ●irborne ●arly warning Ad ●j ●ntijanantng
aircraft Ad aj assetily jlg
AF af ●udto frequency AJ/AI aj/ai ●ntiJamn)ng/anti-
afar ●frborne fixed array raaar interference
AFB afb antlfriction bearing AL al air lock
AFC afc automatic frequency control Al. al alumlnum
AFCE AFCE automatic flight control AL al a~er \ Ight
equ t pmn t ALE I albi air launcned eoost interCW$t
AFCS &bFCS Adaptive Fl{ght Control ALBM ●lbm air launched ballistic
System missile
WCS AFCS Automatic Flight Control ALC ●lc a I coho I
system ALC ●lc automatic leveI control
AFM afm ●ntifrlctton metal ALCD ●lcd ● lurn~num-clad
AFR afr ●irframe ALD ●ld ●nalog line driver
AF S AFS advanced firing systems ALO ●ld at a later date
ATS AFS Arm!ng ●nd Fusing System ALDO ●ldd ● l iUade
AFT ●ft ●f ter ALDR I aldrl ●u’tomattc low data rate
AFT af t ●utomatic fine tuning input
AFTCLR aftclr ●fter cooler ALFT alft “ a~rlift
AFTO AFTO Air Force technical order ALG alg ●lgebra
AG ●g ●gitate ALGO algo ●lgori thm
AG ag ●ntigas ALGOL ALGOL algorithmic-or~ented
AG ag ●rmor grattng 1anguage
AGA aga ●ir to ground to a!r ALIGN align alignment
AGACS AGACS automatic ground to air ALK alk alkaline
conmuntcations system Ai.KY a)ky alkalinity
AGAVE agave automatic gimbaled antenna ALLOC ●not allocate
vectoring equtpment ALLOW allow al Iowance
AGC agc ●utomattc gatn control ALM ●lm alarm
AGCA AKA automatic ground controlled ALO alo automatic Iocon
approach ALPHA alpha alphabetical
AGCL AGCL ●utomatic ground controlled ALRI alri ● irborne long range radar
landing input
AGOS AGDS Amerfcan Gage Oesign ALT alt al ternatiom
Standard ALT ●lt altitude
AGE AGE ●erospace ground equipment ALTE alte altltude transmitting
AGGR aggr ●ggregate equ t pment
AGL ag I ●bove ground level ALTM altm alt!metef=
AGL agl ●trborne gunlaying ALTt4 altn alternate
AGM agm atr to ground missil* ALTNTR ●l tntr ● l ternator
AGMT agmt ●ugmen t ALTNV ● I tnv alternative
AGS ags automatic gain stabilization ALTRO al trd al tered
AGT ●gt agent ALTRN ●l trn ● iteration
ACT ●g t ●viation gas turbine ALTRV ●l trv altitude reservation
AGZ agz actual ground zero ALU ●lu ●rithmetic ●nd logic Unit
Al+ ●h ●ntihunt ALV alv air launched vehicle
AHOR ahdr ● !r header

Downloaded from

29 iby 1981


KY ●ly ●lloy ●nc ● ll-nu~er calling

ALY STL ●ly stl ●lloy steel Army-Navy Civtl
ALZ 81Z ●ssault Iandtng zon8 Army-Navy Cormnerc\al
AM’ ●m ●matol ANCFIL ●ncf i 1 ●nchored fflament
w ●m ●~lltude modulation ANCG ●ncg ●nnouncing
AN” ●la ●nt. meridiem (before noon) ANcn ●nch ●necho t c
AM ●m ●uxiltary memory ANO Air Force Navy tkst~
AM NXt ●m nit 8aanonium nltrat= ANo Army-Navy Oeslgn
AMA ma ●utomatic message ●ccounting Wz ●ndz ●nodi ze
mu ●med ● irframe-mounted ●ccessory ANER ●ner ●nerotd
dr t Ve ●ngla angle
●ab ●weer AWYD ●nhyd ●nnyorloe
8* -tent AMiYD ●nhyd ●nhydrous
Aua 8* ●neu I ●ce MI ●n t ●utomatic m~er
Mu ●* ●nttmotorboat Identification
8* ●sbestos mill board ANL ●n 1 ●nea 1
●mc ●rmament matorlal change ANL ●n 1 ●utomatic notse limfter
●x automattc mfxture control ANLU ●nlg ●nalog
MO 8* ● tr movement data ANms ●n 1gs ●nalogous
ANE ME sngla measuring equipment ANLOR ●n 1 or ●ngle order
MEND ●mend ●mendmen t ANLR ●nl~ ●gu I ●r
AMER Amer Amer t can AN1.R ●nlr ●nnular
AMCR S70 Amr Std American Standard ●nn ●nunclator
ANI ●m t ●dvanced manned interceptor 8- ●]phanumer!c output
ANLG amlg ●m 1gam ANDu ---- anodize (altn abbr)
am 8Mter ANP anp ● ircraft nuclear power
●wn ●nttmissfle mtssfle (propulsion)
awwu ●wmunftton ANPT ANPT aeronautical nat tonal taper
~RK ausnork ●asmtnftion rack pipe threads
arena ●-n i a ANs ●ns ●nswer
a ●tmsup ●coustic Infne Swepfng AM snt ●ntenna
MOWT ●mohs t ●wnunttion hofst ANTILOG ●nti log ●ntilogarttim
AMOHSTDR ●mohstdr ●smunitton hoist drfve ANTIvOX APJTIVOX voice ●ctuated transmitter
Ams ANOS automatic n9teoro)ogtcal keyer inhibitor
observing statfon ANrox ●ntox ●nti toxin
ANTSPT ●ntspt ●ntiS8pt~C —
AMP ●m ●dvanced manned penetrate
8W ● frcraft missile preject 8Q ●ccess open?ng
AMP ●ny) ●perage E 80 ● ir over
allp ●pwe Aoc ●oc ●utomatic output control
AMP HR ●- hr ●mpere-hour ●oh swatting overhaul
a~h ●~hlbious Am AOQ ●verage outgoing qualfty
AmPFt TRX ●mh trk ●mhtbious truck AOQL AOQL ●verage outgoing ~altty
AMPL ●m 1 ●npllfier limtt
AMPLDN ●npldn ●m I i dyne Am ●or ●nchor order
AMPLG ●mlg ●npl idyno generator AOSO aoso ●dvanced orbiting solar
anwwm ●lrqslmg ●wplfdyne motor generator observatory
AafPTD amptd ●wl ftucie AOVC ●ovc ●utomatic overload circuft
amr ●dvance material request AP ●p access panel
AK ams ●eronautical matertal AP ●p ●cidproof
specification AP ●p ●fter peak
AMA ●msa ●dvanced manned strategic AP ●p ●fter perpendtcuiar
● trcraft AP ●p ●tming point
AMSAM ●msam ●ntimissile surface to ● lr AP ●p ● ir passage
missile AP ●p ●r~nt progranwning
AMSL ●m% 1 ●bove mean sea level AP ●P ●rmor piercing
●m t ●mount APA ●pm ●xfal pressure ●ngla
●fat ●rm ture APAR spar ●utomatic progrsfmwtng ●nd
ma ●mtb ●ntfmotor torpedo b08t recording
AMTI ●mt 1 ●rea moving target ~ndicator APC ●pc ●coustical plaster cefltng
ANTI ●mt i ●utomatic mov~ng target APC 8pc ●rmor plerclng capped
tndtcator APC ●pc ●rmored personne! carrier
AWN ●rmm slr wnlt tons APC ●pc automatic phase control
AN AN Afr Force Navy APcac apcbc armor ptercing capped
AN alphanumeric ballistic capped
AN :: Army-Navy APCX ●pc i ●rmor piercing capped
AN LT ●n It ●nchor I!gftt incendiary
ANA ANA Air Force Navy Aeronautical APC I T apcit ●rmor plerclng capped
ANA? 4NAF Army-Navy-Afr Force tncend[ary With tracer
AMAL ●na 1 ●nalysis APCT ●fac t ●rmor piercing capped with
~ALV ●nal y ●a I yze tracer
AN8 Army-?+vvy Br\tish APERS ●pers ●nt~personne 1
ANC Air Force Navy Civil APERT ●per t ●perture

Downloaded from


APF ●❐❆ ●cl*roof floor ARM ●rm ●ntiradiation missile

API ●p 1 ● ir posit ton fndicator ARM ●rm armature (altn abbr)
API ●p I armor pfercing Incendiary Am ●rm arming
APIS apls array processing ARM CA arm ca armored cable
instruction s*t ARM PL ●rm pl ●rmor plate
APIT ●pft ●rfmor pfercing incendiary ARMD armd ●rmored
with tracer ARMSHT armsht ●rmature shunt
APL APL a Programing language ARUT armt armament
APL ap 1 ●irplane ARNG arng arcing
APL apt ● llowance parts llst AROM arom ●romatic
APL ●p 1 ●utomatic phase lock ARP arp ●erortaut~cal reco-nded
APLD apld appl ted practices
APLO aplq ●ppltque ARP ●rp ●nalytical rework program
APM ●pm ● larm panel monitor ARR ●rr ●ntirepeat relay
APOTH apotll ●pothecary ARR arr ●rrange
APP app ●ppearance ARR arr ●rrangement
APPAR appar apparatus ARR ●rr ●rrival
APPCQN alppcon ●pproach centrol ARS ars ●ctive repeater sateilfte
APPO ---- approved (altn abbrl ARS ars ●rs ine
APPL app 1 ●ppl icatton 4RS ●rs ●sbestos roof shingles
APPN appn approprtat Ion ARSR ●rsr arrester
APPROX approx approximate ART ●rt article
APPT app t ●ppointment ART RON ●rt ron ●rtificial neutron
APPV appv ●pprove ARTCC artcc ● ir route trafftc control
APPVL appv 1 approva I center
APPX appx append t x ARTCLD ●rtcld articulated
APR ●pr ●pprentice AR7F ●rtf ●rtificial
APR Apr Apr4 1 ARTY ●rty arti llery
APRCH aprch approach AS ●s ● ir specification
APRNT aprnt apparent AS as ●trscoop
APRT aprt a i rport AS ●s airspeed
APS aps ●uxiliary power Supply AS ●s ●fmweter switch
AP$R apsr ●irport surveillance radar AS as antisubmarine
APT apt apartment AS ●s ●utomatic sprfnkler
APT apt ●rmor pierctng wtth tracer ASAP ●sap as soon as possible
&PT ●p t ●utomatic picture AS8 ●sb asbestos
transmission ASC ●sc automatic sensitlvtty
APT apt automatically programed control
tool ASC ●sc ●uxiliary sultch (breaker)
APTC aptc aperture card normally closed
APu Spu audio playback unit ASCII ASCI ! American National Standard
APU ?pu auxiltary power unit Code for Information
APVD apvd approved Znterchangc
APU apu ●rchitectural projected ASOR asdr airport surface detection
Wtndow radar
AQ ●q aqu*ous ASE As E ●utomatic stab{ l{zatfon
AOGV ●qgv azinutn quant!zed gated ●qu ! pment
Vtdeo ASFG ●sfg ●tmospheric sound focusing
AQL 4QL ●cceptable Wa!tty lavel gain
AOT AQT ●cceptable qualtty test ASG ASG aeronautical standards greup
AR ar aeld resisting ASGMT ●sgmt assignmmt
AR ●r •C~iSiti~ radar ASON asgn ●ssign
AR ar ● ir refuellng ASHOF ●she+ air shutoff
AR ●r ●s required ASK ask a-litude shfft keying
AR& ●ra ● irborno rsdar approach ASL ●s ! above s-a level
ARAO arad ● irborne radar ●nd doppler ASM ●sm ● ir to surface mlsslle
ARo a rb arbitrary ASM asm assemt31e (auto
ARC~S arccos ~nverse cosine manufacture ng)
ARCCOT ●rcco t inverse cotangent ASN ASN average sa~le number
ARccsc 8.-CCSC inverse cosecant ASNAUT asnaut astronautical
ARCH arch ●rchitecture ASO ●so auxiliary switch (breaker)
aRcH a- ●rch$ve normal ly open
ARCSCC arcs,c tnverse secant ASPH ●sph ●spha 1 t
ARC$IN arcsin inverse sine ASPHPF ●sphpf asphalt plank floor
ARCT AN arctan fnverse tangent ASPHRS asphrs asphalt rOOf ShlngleS
ARcu ●r- src weld ASP? ●spp alloy steel protective
AROME ar- ●utomatic radar distance plating
measuring equipmxmt ASPRTR ●sprtr ●spirator
ARG 8 rg arresting (gear or hook) ASR ●sr ● ir sea rescue
ARITH ●rfth arithmetic ASR ●sr ● lr search radar
ARITW ●ri thu arithmetic unit ASR ●sr ● irborne survei llance radar
ARL AR L acceptable reliability Iavel hsR ●sr ●utomat~c send receive

Downloaded from

29 )hy 1981


ASR asr automatic spri-ler rtser ATS ● ts ● lr transportable sonar

ASROC ●sroc ●nt isubmarine rocket ATS ats air turbine starter
hsuT asrt ●ssort ATS *ts ●stronomical ttme swftch
ASSEM ●ss- *SS*1O ATT ● tt attendant
ASSN ●ssn Ossociatfon ATTO ●ttd ● ttttude
ASSOC 8SSOC Sssoct ● tc ATTEN ●tten attenuate
ASST asst ●sststmt ATTN ●ttn ● ttentfon
ASSTN asstn 8ssistanc8 ATTY ●tty a tt orney
ASSY ●ssy ●ss-ly ATU ●tu antenna tun{ng untt
ASTB astb sstable ATU a tu automatic trackfng unft
AST 1 G ●sttg ●stigmatism ATV ATV amat=r television
ASTN ●stn astern A7V ● tv automattc thresnoid
ASTOR aster ●ntisubmarine torpedo v*riatlon
ASTREC ASTREC ● tomic strtke recording ATWS ●tws automattc track while scan
Sys tam AU ●u astronomical unit
AS7RG astrg ● tr starting AUD aud ●udible
AS7R0 astro ●stronomic Auu ●ud sud \ O
ASTROPWYS ●strophys ●strophysics AUOAR ●udar autodyne detectfon ●nd
ksv 8SV ●ng)e stop valve ranging
ASU ASW ●ntlsubmar{ne warfare AtJOTR ●udtr audi tor
ASU ●sbl 8uxf Itary Suftctl AUG Aug August
ASV4G ASWG Amerfcan Stsel Wire Gage AUN ●um ● ir to undemater misstle
ASYM ●sym ●syRuRtrtc AUTH ●ut~ authortze
ASYMP ●symQ ●syaptote AUTO auto ●utomatic
ASYN ●syn ●synchronous AUTO ●uto ●utomobt Ie
AT ●t Slrttght AUTO CV ●uto cv Ut-WtlC check ValVe
Al’ ●t ●mere turn AUTO LEAN ●uto lean ●utomattc lean
aT ●t ●ntfta~ AUTO OVLO auto ovld ●utomatic overload
At ●t ●tomtc (c* form) AUTO RECL ●uto reel ●utomattc rocloslng
AT UT ● t wt ● tomfc weight AUTO RICH .auto rich ●utomattc rtch
AT XPL ●t Xpl ●tomic exploston AUTO S6CV ●uto S6CV automatic stop ●nd check
AT/w ● tlw ● tomic hydrogen weld valve
AtA ata ●utomatic terrafn ●vo~dance AUTO XWR ●uto xfmr autotransformer
ATAR star ●ntitank ● ircr8ft rocket AUTODIN AUTODIN ●Ut0m8t~C digftal network
A7B ● tb ●sphalt tfle base AUTOM autom automotive
ATEM ● tbm ●dvanced tactical ball fstic AUTOhUU ●utm ●utomation
mtss~ie AUTOP ●utop automatic ptstol
ATC ● tc ●coustic tfle cefltng AUTOSTIF ●utostff ●utomatic st!ffen{ng
ATC ATC atr trafffc contro! AUTOSTRT ●utostrt ●utomatte st=rter
ATC ●tc ●utomattc tracking control AUTOSTR7G ●utostrtg automatic starttng
ATCE ATCQ 8utomattc test ●nd c-out AUTOVON AUTOVON automattc votce network
equipment Auv ●uv ●rmored utfltty vehlCle
ATCN ● teh ●ttach Auw AUW ●ntfunderwater warfare
A7CN ●tch Sttacmt Aux ●ux ●uxl Ifary
ATCK a tck ● ttack AUXR ●uxr ●uxtliary register
ATO ●td ● lr turbine dr Ve AV ●v aud~o visual
ATE ATE ●utomatic test equipment AVAIL avat 1 available
ATF atf ●sphalt ttle # oor AVC ●vc ●utomatic volume control
ATF ● tf ●utomatic terr in followlng AVOP avdp avo\r*pots
ATFR ● tfr ●utomatic twratn foilout~ AVE AVE ●erospace vehtcle equipment
radar AVC ~vg ●utomatic voiume expansion
A7H ● th ●thuartshfp AVC ●ve ●ventJe
AT I AT I ●verage total Inspsctfon AVFUEL SVfuel avtatton fuel
ATL ● tl s~ti?icfal transmission lfne AVG ●V9 average
ATN ● tm air turbtne motor AVG OIA ●vg dta ●verage dla~ter
ATM ● tm ●ntitank mfsslle AWAS ●vgas avtatton gasoltne
“ATM ●tm ●tmosphere AVIONICS ●vlontcs ●vtztfon ● lectron~cs
ATNG ●tmg ●tomtztng AVLBL ●vlbl avatlabtltty
ATM atnm ●ntitank nonmetallic AVLF ●vlf ● irborne very low frequency
ATORP atorp anti torpedo AVM ●vm afrborne vlbratton fWMIttOr
ATOS ATOS Assisted Takeoff System AVN ●vn avlatton
ATOT ● tot ●ctual tt- over target AVNL ●vn 1 automatic video notse
ATOT ●tot ●ngle track on target leveling
ATP ●tp authortty to proceed AVOIL ●vot 1 ●viation otl
A7R ●tr •~r transport radfo AVPL ●vpl ●verage picture level
ATR ● tr ●ntitransmtt recefvc AVV I avv i ● !t~tude vertical velocity
ATR ● tr ●ttenuated total r-flectanc= Indtcator
ATRAN ATRAN ●utomatic terrain AU ●w ●bove water
recognit~on ●nd navfgatton AU ●u ●cid waste
ATRC ● trc ●ntitrack~ng control AU ●u ● ll weather
ATUN atrm ●fter torp~do room AU ●u armtng utre
ATRT atrt antttransmlt receive tube

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29 hy 1981


AUAR ●uar area weight ●verage BASIC BASIC beginner’s ●n-purpose

resolut ~on syblic Instruct Ion coda
AUAT awa t ●rea we fghted ●verage (co~uters)
T -ntir BAT bat batter
AWG AW(3 Anxwican Wire Oage BAT bat battery (electrical)
AWN ●wn ●wning “ BAT bat battle
AWNOLS awnd Is anchor wfndlass BAT CHG bat Chg battery charger
AUS AUS American War Standard BATT batt batten
AX FL ax fl ●x~al flow BAY bay bayonet
AXD ●xd ●uxt Ilary drum SEE BELOU SEE 8ELOW bayonet candelabra double
AXFMR axfmr automatic transformer contact
AXP ●xp ●xial pitch WE 8ELOW SEE BELOW bayonet candelabra si~le
AZ az azlwth contact
AZEL ●ze I ●zlwuth ●nd elevation BAYC bayc bayonet candelabra
AZEL ●zel ●zinuth elevation BAYSK baysk bayonet skirted
AZON ●zun ●zirfuth only 98 bb base band
AZRNG ●zrng ●ziwth ●nd range %8 bb b-
AZ S 8ZS automattc zero set 06 bb bulletin board
o b ba 11 oon 88 bb bunching block
8 b Base 090 bbb body bound bolts
n 0 base (electron devfce) %6L bb! barrel
B b blt BBL ROLL bbl rOt~ barrel roller .
B b b-er (aircraft) BBM break before make
B b bonded (insul ) BORG bbrg ball bearing
B b braid (insul) SUYCY bbycy bow buoyancy
n b breadth or beam of shtp Bc bc back connected
B b buoyancy Sc bc barge, cargo
BOFB bofb back of board SC bc barium crown
BT08 btob back to back EC bc barrier coat
08a b8b bell ●nd bell SC bc bell cord
08 F b8 f bell ●nd flange SC bc between centers
B6 I bh i base and tncrement 6C bc binary counter
86 s bb s beams ●nd stringers Ec bc bolt CirC)8
88 s b6 s bell ●nd spigot BC bc bonded single cotton (inWJl)
B8 s B&s Brown ●nd Sharp Wire Gage DC bc bookcase
maw bh W black ●nd white UC bc bottom chord
B-w b-w black and white prints BC bc broadcast
s/o b/d btnsry to decfmal acc bcc body centered cubic
B/E b/e btll of exchange Bco Ecd binary coded decimal
8/L bi ? bill of lading BCFSK bcf sk binary code frequency shift
B/n b/m Bill of material keying
B/M b/m buffer multiplexer ECHO bchg bunch i ng
0/S b/s btll of sale BCI bc i b~nary coded information
Sa ba backlash ● llowance BCI bc i broadcast interference
8A ba breathing apparatus BCKT bck t becket
SA ba buffer ●nplifler 6CL bc 1 basic contour line
BA SW ba sw bell ● )arrn switch 9CL bc 1 bicycle
BAO bab bam f tt BCL Bc 1 breom closet
8A8S BABS blind ●pproach beacon system BCN bcn beacon
8ACT Dact bacteriological BCO bco binary coded octal
@AE bae beacon antenna equipment BCO bco bridge cutoff
BAF baf baffle SCR bcr borocarbon resistor
BAG bag baggage 8CRT bcrt btnary coded range ttme
aAK bak bsk =Fy 8CT et body cmntered tetragonal
BAL ba 1 balance 8CT bc t bushing current transformer
BAL ba 1 ballfstfc Bcvx bcvx biconvex
OAL CL bai cl balanctng CO1l BD W base detonat~ng
OAL V bal V balanced voltage 80 bd battle clresstng
SALRHEO ba 1rheo balancfng rheostat 00 W binary decoder
8ALS bals balancfng set 00 bd board
SALUN balun balance to unbalance network BO ELIM bd 81im band Qlimtnatton
BAM81 ba- i ba}listlc missile boost 00 LT bd It bow designation light
intercept Boc bde bfnary decimal counter
BANG bamg browning 81rCraft mJJCHlfW3 BQC me bCtftd8ddouble cotton IInsull
[gun ) BDC bdc bottom dead center
BAR Dar bPOUning automatic rifle 80F bdf base detonat~ng fuze
BAR8 barb barbette BOG bcig binding
BAR(I bare barometer am bdgh b!ndtng head
BARR barr barrier 8_mI ,.bdh I bearing d!stance heading
8AS bas basic afr speed Indicator
BAS NET bas net basic network 001 W! bearing deviation fndicator
. ..* 4-09, 00IA bdia base d{af?wter
● **9.m ..*.*. . .*.. ● **** ● .*.*. . . . . . .
BAY CAN) DC bay canaldc bayonet candelabra double contact
BAY CAND SC bay canalsc bayonet candelabra single contact

Downloaded from

29 :Y=y1981


00L bd 1 bund18 BIN btn binary
BOLR Mlr bando I 4er OINOMEXP b t nomew blnorwtnal ●xpansion
BON bdrl bend sown BIO blo bfology (COWb form)
SONG bdng bedd t ng 8100EF bfodef btologtcal defense
800 MO bow door BIOL blol biological
SDP be doubl - paper bonded ( fnsul) BIOL blot biology
8DPN b@n beqmn OIONICS bion~cs biological ● lectronfcs
em bdr b 1rider OIOR blor business fnput output rerun
SOS bds bonded doublo sflk ffnsul) BIPO btpd blpart{ng doors
SOS bds brssS dfvtd-r strip BIT blt binary dtg{t
SDSD bdsd base detonating s81f BITE btte built-in test equipment
destroying S! TUM bi turn b{tumtnous
mu bdu bob dunm?y un~t b] barrage jafmners
SW bdv binary dlvtde :: b] break jaw
00VG tadvg bow dtvlng BK ---- black (altn ●bbr)
SOY bdy boundary UK bk barge, k neck down
BOZR bdzr but ldozer SK bk brake
SE be back end BKo bkd blackboard
SE be 8as* 8jection BKffl bk dn break down
BE Be e8- BKDNO 10 bkdnd{o breakdown diode
Bt be bell end BKCO bk gd background
9E be breaker end BKLT bklt booklet
6EC0 beco booster ●ngfne cutoff BK$ bks barracks
BEF bef buffered emftter follower BKSLF btcslf bzckshelf
BEL CRK bel crk bell crank EKT bk t bucket
Ol!oc beoc battery ●chelon operattng BL ---- blue (zltn ●bbr)
eont ro ! BL bl backlash
SER b-r b~t error rate BL bl base l~ne
BERTH berth berthing 9L bl bend ltne
SES bes black enamel slate BL bl billet
SESS 68ss Oessemer 8L bl blade
nEss bess binary ●lectromagnetic bl bleed
sfgnal signature ~: bl bone ltne
9ETU, , betw between EL bl bottom Iayer
8CV WV beve 1 BL bl breech load~ng
OF bf back feed BL bl buflding line
OF b? bsekfaee BL bl but-lfve
SF bf base fuze OL bl butt Ilne
of bf beat fr=~ency BL bl buttock ?Ine
Of bf bofler feed BL STL bl Stl billet steel
w bf boldface (type) BLAP bl~p blind load andrplug
w bf both faces DLhT bl&t bltrtd load and tracer
OF bf bottom face SLC blc boundary layer control
aFco bf CO band filter cutoft BLD bld balanced line drtver
OFCT bfct boiler fe=d cmpound tank BLD bid bllnder
UFO bfd back focal distance BLOG bldg bu~ld{ng
eFQ bfd bookform ctrawfng 8LDR bldr bleeder
OFE bfe b8am forming electrode ELF blf baryta l!ght flfng
BFG bfg buffing ELK blk black
8FL bf 1 back focal length BLK blk blank
UFO bfo beat frequency oscillator BLK blk b 1ock
of P bfp boiler fees pu~ BLKG blkg b)anktng
9fR bf r -f ore BLKG blkg blocking
SFR bf r bltp fYams rat!o B LKGD blkgd blank{ng die
EfR bfr buffer BLKN blkn b 1 ●ck en
BFW bfw boiler feed water BLKNG blkng blackening
BG bg back gear BLKT blkt blankwt
BG bg Defg$ BLMTH blmth bellmouth
8W bgp barrier grease proof BLN bln b 1end
OH btl bo~ler house DLNG blng belling
BH Bh llrfnell hardness BLO blo b 1over
8MA bha base helix ●ngle BLR blr bofler
SHO bhd bulkhead BLST blst ballast
WIN 9 hn Br{nell hardness mer BLSTG PWO blstu pwd blastinq powder
bnp boiler horsepower BLT blt - bolt -
:!$ bw braks horsepower BLT blt borrowed Ilght
81 bl base fgnitton OLT 87 blt bt bolted bonnet
s: b{ black tron BLTIN blttn buflt-in
BICONO b i COnd btcond~t~onal BLU blu blue
BIL btl basfc inwulse tnsulatton BLU blu b- ltve un~t
1●ve ! OLVO blvd boulevsrd
OIL btl blue indicating Ilght OLW blw below —
Downloaded from

29 my 19::1


9LUDN b 1wdn b 1oudown BP w base pttch

BLWS blws bellws 8P m base plate
SLUT blwt blw torch BP m between perpendiculars
lstic mtssile
black poudw
EM bm bench mark 8P m boilfng point
BM bm breech mechanfsm BP w bolted plate
BM9DR bmbdr bombard i er BP m bottom plane
BME bench maintenance equipment 8P w single paper bonded (insul )
BMEP bmeP brake =an ● ffective iiPc bpc back pressure control
pressure 8P0 bpd barrels per day
SMEWS BME WS Ballistic Mlssfle Early BPO bpcl bush~ng potenttal device
btarntng System BPG bpg breSkpUIS@ generator
aMG browning machine gun BPH bph barrels per hour
SMKR b-r DO~lermakeP BP I bpi bits per Inch
BMSS bmss buoy messenger 8PLA bpla bow piane
BMST RG bmst rg beamsteertng BPRF bpr f bullatproaf
i3MTLC bmtlc bimetal!~c BPS bps bearing procur-nt
BMVP bmvp barrier moisture vapor proof specification
BMW bmu beanwidth BPS bps bits per second
llMXfl bmx r batch mixer OPT bpt bfpost
9N bn battalion BPU bpu basic processing un{t
SN bn btnary ~r OR ---- brown laltn ●bbr}
8F4 Bn bull nosa BR br bedroom
BNCH bnch bench BR br bend radius
mNcHBo bnchbd benchboard BR br book rack
BNCL bnc 1 binnacle BR br branch
BNCLR bnc 1r binocular 8R br brush
bnd band 8R br buffer regfster
bnd bonded BR STD Br Std British Standard
BNO 01S bnd dfS band dtsplay BRAZ braz brazier
bndg bond t ng BRC brace braC@
moz bndz bonder t 28 SRCH brch broach
,BUF bnf b- nose fuze BRD brd bra i d
8* bng bending BRO brd bra i ded
WLS bnls boneless BROG brdg br t dge
bnr burner BRG brg bear I ng
SNS BNS bombing navigation system BR~ brghd bricigehead
BNSH bnsh burnfsh BRH brh brush holder
on t bonnet BRHG Brhg breaching
Bo bo bsll out SRI br i bearing range indicator
Bu 00 beat oscfl)ator tiRIL brtl brflltance
00 be bimkout ORK brie break
60 bo blocking oscillator BRK brk brick
BO bo blowoff BRK80 bricbd brakebanci
BO/BS bo/bs bolted on base BRKG brk g breaking
SOA boa breakoff ● ltitude BRKR brk r breaker
808 bob bobb t n BRKY brk t brccket
aoc boc Blwout Cofl 8RLP brlp bur 1 ap
Euc boc body on chassfs 8RLS BRLS Barrier Ready Ltght System
mi3 bed hiociwmfcal oxygen demand BRN brn brwn
BOD bod blackout door 8RNG brng burn Tng
Bor bof basic oxyg~n furnace SRNSHR brnshr burn{ sher
Eofs bof S black otl finish slate BRP brp beacon ranging pUlS8
SUG bog bofling BRRU brrd barred
bet) erwakoff height BRRG brrg barring
BOLS bols bolster BRS brs brass
BOLT bolt beam of light transistor BRSIT brs i t boreslght
bomb ~ardment (projectile) ORST STR brst str bursting strength
BOMST bores t bonbsight 8RSTR brstr burs ter
BOPRESS boPross boiler pressure 9RT br t brfght
80s?4 bosn boatswain 8R1 br t brightness
Boss Soss bioastronautics orbltlng SRTH brth brea t i’m
space station ORTkiR brthr breather
80T bet bot tom BRZ brz braze
BOTMG botmg bottoming 8RZ brz bronze
sow blackout wtndw BRZG brzg brazing
BoMR bowr boiler water es bs binary SUbtraCt
BP w back pressurm BS bs black scale
BP bp bandpass as bs bo- Service
m m base percussion
Downloaded from

29 my 1981

8UN backward wava magnetron
8s bs bonded S{ngl - stlk f {nsul)
BUO bwo backward wave oscillator
8s bs borescopa barrter waterproof
both sides BwP
0s bs bwpa backward wave power
Ssc bsc baste ●npllf}er
Osc bsc boroslllcate crown
mm bwr bandufdtn ratfO
BSFL b,f 1 mndstm fllt*r
8WS beveled WO~ sfd~ng
SSUQ bs~ bush i w
EWSTRN bwstrn boWStrtng
elsut bsk t basket baCk w~ter ValV8
bus selector BUV
8SLR bslr boxcar detector
axDT bxdt
8SMITH bsmi th blaCkSIIIlth
BXF bx f box ftn
0s?47 bsmt basement
BYNT bynt buoyant
BSP bsp tml?stop
BY? byP bypass
8SR bsr blip scan rat\O
c c capac~tanCe (co~ form)
8ST LT bst It blua stern light
c cast (co~ form)
BST RKT bst rkt boost FOCk=t
cathode (CO* form)
; c
SSTB bs tb btst8b18 clear: reset
c c
Ssra bStr booster
c c collector (electron device)
bt barge. trslnfng
ST c c C~ (dfagram)
ST bt bathyt-r-graph
c c conductor fcom form)
ST bt bent .. c cotton I insul )
BT bt bus tla “
c courses
8TCR btcr butcher
c cycle lco~ form)
BTO btd bm testfng device ;

c stngle cotton (~nsul)
BTDL BTOL back transfent diode loglc
;TOC Ctoc center to center
BTF btf b- tall fuse
clkA c8 a ce~artmnt ●nd ●ccess
BTFL btfl butterfly
CbO chd commmtcattons and data
BTH bth bertm
call egd controls ●nd dtsplays
BTL btl bottle
Cbtl c6h coat ●nd hat hooks
BTLL btll bottom lead left
commmtcattons and
CbN cbn
BTLR btlr bottom lead right navigation
BTN btn button
C&T cb t communications a- t=~e~try
BTIWO btnhd button head
C/N c/n carrter to noise
8T0 b to b~ing thrwgh overcast
c/o consist of
barrel tile rwf c/o
DTR btr c/u camier wave
bus transfer c/w
6TR btr coqlete wtth
bush transfer c/w c/w
OT’R btr cab I ●
CA ca
DTRY btry bat tery c ~rca
CA ca
8TS bts blue tool steel clear aperture
OTST btst bootstrap cab t n
CA8 cab
OTU B tu I!Drttish themmal unit cabinet
CAB cab
btwld buttwld
CACE cacb co~ress~ ● tr c{rcuit
Ou Etu bulk (substrate l(el~tron breaker
CAO cad Cabltng diagram
au bu bureau cartr~d~ acttvated devtce
Cao cad
Su bu bushe 1 cofmunicatfons ●ccess devtce
CAD cad
bubmem bubble memofy
CAO cad co~ensatti ●valanche diode
bum buckrm
CAO cad conputer access devtce
tnJic baCkWp interceptor control
Duxc CAO CAO conWJter ● ided design
BUIS BUIS Barrier Up Indicator System
cadi coqwter ●ccess devfce tnwt
bull bulletin CAOI
BULL cAm cade ccmqauter ●ccess ctevic-
8UP bend up output
Bus bus bus t ness coded ●utomatic gafn control
cAa Cage
BUSH ---- bushtng (a\tn abbr) CAI comutur-af~d tnstmct~on
Suss buss buoy unde-ater sound stgmal Ca ! caliber
WN butn butanw ca I calfttrate
euz buz buzzer CAL C81 callbratiom
av Dv back vtew Ca 1 calorie
8V bv break- Volta= CALC talc calculate
8VC bvc black varnfSh Ca-rlC cam ca~er
CAN cam Chtiout ●nd ●utomatic
BVGE bvge beverage monltor~ng
Ow bu Bandwidth cewwuter-ai~d manufacture
cm CAM
SW bw below water centralfzd ●utomattc
au SW biological warfare message ●ccountln9
9W bbl both ways CANAC c~ter-autmatti
Bw W Braldti w(ro ●rmr masur~nt ●nd control
au a SM bwasm bread wrapptng ●nd s,alfng camof camouflage
math 1ne CAMR camr camera
BW LT bv t b- ~i@t
CAN can canopy
DUG BWG Olrmlngham w~r= Ga= cane cmce 1
8UL Bw 1 belt work lfne canal candelabra
Downloaded from

29 My 1981


CAM SCR Carw SCr candelabra screw Cas cm controlled bltp scan
cAMrlL cant( 1 cantilever C8SMP Cbshp cobbler shop
CAWRAN cantran cancel led transmission CST Cbt cmba t
CANV canv canvas Cau cluster boa unft
CAP cap capacitance C8X Cbx cam box
CAP cap, capacitor cc cc cam chafr
CAP cap capacity cc cc cam Chafr
CAP cap capi tal cc cc close coupled
CAP SCR cap scr cap scrw cc cc Closfng coil
CAPE cape communications ●utomatic cc cc color code
processing equlpnwnt cc cc commn coilector
CAPST caps t capacitor start cc cc cross coupie
CAPST8R capst8r capacitor start and run cc cc cubic cent~meter
CAR car cargo CCA cca circuit card ass-ly
CAR6 carb carburetor CC8 ccb concrete block
CARS care carburizc ccc ccc conponent change control
CARP carp carpet ccc ccc concrete celltng
CARP carp comqwted ● {r release point cm ced central co-and decoder
CARR earr carrier CCD ccd charge coupied 0UV\C13
CARR CUR carr cur carrter current Cco ccd core CUrrent drfver
CAS eas calculated ●irspeed CCF cc f concrete floor
CAS cas cal~brated air speed CCFt Ccft controlled current feedback
CAS cas cascade transfo-r
CAS cas castle CCG Ccg cargo center of gravity
cAs MJT cas nut castle nut CCG Ccg constant current generator
CASE case cowuter automated support cm Cchk Cont{nutty check
eq4ipment CCN Ccm constant current modulation
CASS cass cassette cm ccm controlled carrier
CAT cat carburetor air temperature modulation
CAT cat catalog cm CCM counter countermeasures
CAT cat catapuit CCN’D Ccnd continuous current
CAT cat category monitoring device
CAT cat clear atr turbulence CCN coinnand control nuber
CAT CA7 computerized ●xial ccn cuntract change nottce
tomography CCD Cco crystal controlled
CATE cate couputer aided test oscillator
equipment CCOP Ccop constant control oil
CATki cath cathode pressure
CATLHO catlhd cattle htde CCP consolidated cryptologic
CATV catv cable televtsfon program
CATV catv cofmmntty antenna television CCR ccr control contactor
cAU cau crypto ●ncillary unit Ccs Ccs cont~nuous Comerctal
CAUT taut taut ion service
CAV cav cavity Ccs Ccs hundred call seconds
CAVU cavu Ceflfng and vlslbllity CCSA ccsa co-n-control switching
unl imited arrangement
CAX eax cof!awnlty ●utomatic exchange CCSL CCSL Compatible current-sinking
CB Cb catch basfn logic
CB cb ce!mnt base CCT cc t circle cutting
CB Cb center of buoyancy CCT cc t constant current transformer
CB Cb circuit breaker CCTV Cctv closed circuit television
CB CB citizens’ band Ccu ecu camera control unit
cO Cb coaswon base Ccu Ccu common control unit
C8 cb comon battery Ccu cm coronary-care unit
Ca es c~arator buffer Ccw ecu Counterclockwise
CB Cb cmponent boar8 CCWRH ccurh canvas covered wtre rope
Cll C8 continuous taloudown handratl
CBA cba cqenent beard ●ss-?y co cd cable act
CBAL cba 1 counterbal ●nte CD cd candle
CBD Cbd carbide CD cd capacitor diode
CSLRD Cb I rd cable reed co cd card
CEIM Cbm chemical biological co cd center distance
nunitions CD cd circuit description
CBNU Cbmu current bft mon{tor unit CD cd co{n di~le
C8N ctan carbine co cd cold drawn
CBN TET ctJn tet carbon tetrachlortue CD cd conm?on digft~zer
CSORE chore counterbore CD cd cord
CFiOREO cboreo count-rbore other side co cd crystal driver
C8PMP cbPm cold brine pu?v CD cd current density
Cm CBR chemical btologfcal co PL cd p! cadmium plate
radtolog~cal (warfare) CD ROR cd rdr card reader
C8S cbs call box station Cl)A cda comand data acuuisltton

Downloaded from

29 }ky 1981


Cdb currmt blt dats CFAl! CF AE contractor furnished
Cdc cold Clrabmcomw ● trcraft ●quipment
CDC cde construction desfgn crfterla CFAR CFAR constant false ● larm rats
COtL Cde 1 constant delivery CFC Cfc central f)re control
CDF cdf c-fried dfstrfbutton frame CFE CFC contractor furntshed
COG cdg capac{tor diode gate ●qu{~nt
CDI cd f COUrSe devistton fndicator CF F Cf f crttical fltcker frequency
CDL COL capacitor-diode Iogtc CF L Cf 1 calibrated focat length
cm Cdm condemn CFL Cf 1 confltct
coo Cdo conmun~ty dfal office CfLG . Cflg counterflasning
CDP Cdp conqwessor dtsctmrge CFM cfm cathode follower mixer
pressure CFM cfm center frequency modulation
CDR edr conmmnd destruct recefvw cm cfm cubic foot ($eet) per Intnute
CDR cdr critfcal design revtmw crP CFP contractor furnished
COR cdr current df-t~onal relay preperty
CDRILL cdrfl? Cwntcrdrt 11 CFR cf r carbon film resfstor
CDRYLLO cdrillo countwdrtll othen side CFR Cfr crossfire
CDRL cdr I contractdata retwirments CF s Cfs carrier frsqmncy shift
list CF S Cf s center frequency
CDS cds cold drawn stsel stabilization
Cos cds single cotton double s{lk CFS Cf s cold finished steel
(insul) CF s efs confuse
CDT cd t cosnwnd destruct transfaittur Cf s Cfs cubic foot i feet) per second
COTY cdty Continous cAJty C?SN cfsn confusion
CDW Cdw cnflIed drtwtng water CFT Cf t clean fuel oil tank
cow Cdw c~t=r dat= word CG Cg cage
CDWR ccfur CfM)St Of dFaWM CG Cg center of gravtty
COWR cdur chilled dri-ing water CG Cg chain grate
return CG Cg clutter gate
COWT edw t cordue 1t . CG Cg phosgene
Cox Cdx control differential CG LKR cg lkr cleaning gear locker
transmitter CGS c 9s centfswter gram secorm
CE ee eonaaon emitter CGSFU Cgsfu ceramic glazed structural
CE comunicatlons electronics facing units
:: Ce cmmmtator end CGSFU . Cgs f u cl~ar giazed structural
Cu conducted emisston factng untts
%A cea cfreular wrror ●verage CGSUO Cgsub ceramtc glazed structural
CEF Cef caerter ● limlnat{on ftlter unit base
CEI cc f contract ●nd {tern CGSUE cgsub clear g!azed stmctural
CEL ee I celesttal unit base
CEM Celn c-n t CGU Cgu caramtc glazed units
CEM CEM c~nicattons electronics m Ch case tmrden
meteof-ologlcal m Ctl cha i n
CEM WRT Cem mort cement mortar al ch chief
CENC cemc counter electromotive cell a+ Ch chiffonier
CEM~ Cemt counter ● lectromotive force Cn ch choke
CEP cep circular error probability Ch coat hook
CER cer ceramic z ch conductor head
CERFS CER~S Cofmmnity educational radio Cl+ LKR ch I&r chiffonier locker
ffxed servfce CH MIR clt mtr chiffonier mirror
CERMET e8ram t ceramic metal element CHAL Cha 1 challenge
CERME7 cerme t ceram~c to metal (seal ) chain chmmf er
CERT cert cert i fy mm ---- chamer (altn abbr)
~ET cet Cunulattve elapsed time CHAN channe I
CF Cf cable fuzing [firing) aWN Em than ●nt channel ●ntry
CF Cf carrier frequency SIEE 8ELOW SEE l!ELOW channel shifter
CF Cf cathode follower aMAP chap chsp tw
CF ef cement floor aMAR char character
c? Cf center of ftotation c1MS chas Cbassts
CF Cf centr~fuga? force aK Chc check cofl
CF Cf co~l fln~sb aK chc choke COII
CF Cf cold ftnished aw Clld chord
CF Cf co-are [for re+erenctng) c!~EM Chem chemical
CF Cf concept fornuiatton am ---- change (altn abt$r)
CF ef confer (conpare) (for a* chg charge
referencing I a WV chgov change over
Cf Cf cooltng fan ffiR Chgr charger
Cr Cf counterftre :* Chk check
CF51 cf8{ contractor furnfsh ●nd Cl*8 Chk b check blt
Install a 4KR Chk r checker
CFAC CFAC contract furntshed ● lrcra?t 4LD Chid chilled
●~tpment : -n -r eha-r
. . . . . ● ☛☛☛ B***** ● *.*** ● ***** ● ***

CH&N SHFTR than shftr channel shifter

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29 WY 1981


ch~ change CLN c)n c1 inometer

Chp chopper CLO Clo closet
chr character eeg~ster CLOS Clos c I osure
Chr ctirom ( um CLP Clp clam
CHROM chrom chrom i nanC8 CLP INSUL Ctp insu~ clam tnsulatfom
CHRST chrs t charactertsttc CLP SCR elp scr Clati screw
Chw chilled water CLPR clpr caltper
c1 Cl cast tron CLPR clpr c t apper
c1 Ci ctrcutt interrupter CLR clr clear
CI c{ c~tmr fndfcator CLR Clr collar
CI et conftguratlon Item CLR clr co I or
c! Ct counter tntelltgenCe CLR clr coo 1 ●r
CIC CIC co-at ~nformation cent8r CLR clr current limiting resistor
CICND BOX cicnd box cast iron conduit box CLRG clrg clearing
cii eid coqso-t Identlflcatfon CLRG clrg coll~ctor Ffng
CID NO cid no coqonent fdentlffcatien CLRN C!rm cool room
nu**r CLS Cls classify
CXF Cff cost , Insurance ●nd freight CLS Cls constant level speech
CIFAX Cifax enciphered facsfmlle CLSC Clsc coalesce
cofmamtcat Ions CLSTBfl clstbb cluster bo-
C: L Cil clear indicating lfght CLT Clt cleat
CIN Cirl carrier input CLTG Cltg eollscting
CIN cin code identification number CLTH clth cut length
CINE eine cinematography ic CLTHG c1 thg clothing
CI P Ctp cast iron pipe CLTR cltr clutter
CIP eip c~ressor \nlet pressure CL7RM c1 trm clutter map
C2R cir c~rcle CLTV Cltv collective
CIRC circ circular CLU Clu central logtc unit
Cxs Cts clos=-in s~port CLV Clv clevts
CXT Cit coaqressor ‘inlettemperature CLWG Clwg clear wire glass
cd Cj construction jotnt q calibrated magniftcattm
CK ck cork z cm center matched
cm ckb cork base CM cm chemical milling
CKao ck bd cork board u cm circutt master
CKo ckd co@pl@tely knocked doun CN cm comnand module
~e ck f Curk f?oor CN cm cure memory
CKPT ckpt Cockpi t CM cm corrective maintenance
Ckt check teq81ate CM countermeasures
CKT Ckt circuit %50 CNbo countermeasures ●nd
CKT OKR ckt bkr circuit breaker Ialtn ●bbr) deception
CKT CL Ckt c1 circuit closlng cma contact making [or
CKT OP Citt Op circuft opening breaking) aavneter
Q(TF cktf ctrcuit finder mm -d com { ne
CL c1 carload mm c-d c-$ ned
CNBSTR cmstr co-s tor
CL cl center llne
CL c1 class Cmc contact making clock
CL c1 clearance CNcs Cmcs cam case
CL cl c 10s0 C* conmand
CL cl closed loop core me~ry drfver
CNOAC Cmdac current mode dlgftal to
c1 C)osing
% cl clutch ●nalog converter
CL cl contact lost CMOTY cmdty corwnodi ty
CL CI crane load CNET mm?t coated metal
CL Cllp cl Ip CMF Crnf coherent memory filter
CM?LR Cmflr cam fol louor
CLA Cl@ center ttne ●verage
CLA cla clearance ●-ray CM+ countermeasures, homing
CLAC C18C closed loop ●
f+roach c9ntrol CMIL Cmt 1
mode logic
CLAMTI clamti clutter locked ● irborne CML
moving target tndfcator CMLDEF cmldef chemical defensm
am elar clarification cmT Cmnt Conwen t
Cms Cnws carbon mlyedenum steel
CLASS class classlftcatlon
CLB . clb cent*r line bend CNos CMos coaqlemantary metal-oxide
CLD cld coo 1ed semiconductor
CLOY Cldy cloudy cowonent metal parts
CLE Cle closed Rnd z corrugated metal p~pe
CLG Clg cel 1 ing CNPo c-d co~ound
CLG Clg coo 1 i ng CNPKT CnQtct ca~ocket
CLU Clj control joint CNPLM cnplm Cufqi 1emen t
CLK elk e 1ock CNPNT cwqant c~onent
CLKG clkg caulki~ CNPR cltQr coware
CLKJ clkj caulked joint CNP s Cms eenti-ter per second
CLN cln c 1●an

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COGS COGS Contimous Orbttal Gutdanco
Ws Cnps eomQ8ss
UPSCTY Cllqmcty computer security
CONO coho coherent oscillator
CMPSN cnqxn Cqos t t i Ofi
COIN co~n counterinsur~wy
CNP ST cmQst c~os 1 te
COL co I co I Umn
-T et c~tc cold leg
CMPTG cwptg e~tlng
COL 1 DAR CO1 tdar coherent ltght detection
CMPTR cnptr c~ter and ranging
Cmr comnon mod= rej-”t ion collimator
COL:M coltm
cmr coamuntcations -on r=e18y
COLL Coil CO1 Iector
mm Cmr)e cam rol Ier eO~ lotd
cms current modc switchff% collaboration
CUSHF7 Cmshf t camshaft
co 1Og cologarlthm
Corwntt COLOG
Cmt co 1ps collapse
cmv m contact makfng volt-ter communication Ifne
COLT colt
CN cn can terminator
cn ch~n@ notice
COM com comon
% en chloracetop-mne cmeinat~on
COM8 c-
Q4A cna copper ntckel ●lloy
COMB c- combining
a’da cnc 1 Comb eowdwst ion
CNCR cncr concurrent c0n43ustlble
:OMBL comtY 1
C?4CTRC Cnc t rc concentric
X)MCM comcm comnunlcat ions
CNcv cncv concave counter-asures ●nd
CNo cnd Condu i t deception
CNOCT cndc t Conoc t
mMo UC Cored UC cofnnand weapon carrier
C?4DCT cndc t Conduettvl ty commmicatfons lntell Igence
:UM I NT comtnt
CNOCT cndc t conductor commmicat~ons janmitng
mNdAM comj am
Ws Cnds condensate cowmerc ia 1
mm Cowl1
CNI CN I ccwmmmicatton navigation comnunhcat~on
mm Comn
\denttficatiom commutator
mw Coma’n
cns ch!oracetop~- solution
CONWEO comneed conwunicattons wed
CNSLtl cns 1d consol idata
CONNET Comne t CoImmJnlcattons network
UUSP crisp consplwws IY
cow Com coherent master oscillator
CNTFJRO entfard centert30ard conpan~on
cum cntd contained co~ensator
cow Coq
CNTFGL cntfgl cm conpfler
C$STNR cntnr container
compa co~ressed alr
CNTQR cntor eontaetor c~ressor expander
CNTR cntr counter co~i ier ass-ler
COMPASS conq2ass
Cuvc envc convenience co~ensate
CONPEN conpen
CNVR cnvr conveyor c~os~tion floor
CoMw Conwf
co central office
change or-r COMPL CorrpI complete
co co COrrpoo 1 cofmmnications tag pool
checkout COMPOOL
co co cONPR ---- c~ressor (altn abbr~
co co cl-amt eo~ositlon roof
~MPR cofrpr
co co c~any cowpwwating
co co Cute+ f compartment
COMPT Conp t
co eo cutout cowarator
COA Coa constant output a~liffer
cOMPTR conw t r c~tometer
CDAM coam coarn 1ng c(M4SAT cwwmmications satellite
COAR coar coherent ●rray radar comsn conmisston
COAX coax comtran commercial translator
C(I8S Cobb cobb I cr concession
CON con
msmw Cobcrm cobalt chrome construction spectflcatfon
CON SPEC con spec
COBI cob t coded blphase ---- concmtrlc (altn abbr)
COBOL COBOL coamm business-orient~ concentrate
1anguag8 concrete
CONC cone
cm cod Coding conclusion
COOAN COOAN carrier operated device ---- conditton (altn abbr)
antlnolse CONO
---- conductor faltn abbr)
correlation dfsplay CONO
CQOAR coda~ Cond condenser
analyzt~ and recording
CONOTN conatn cwndittor~
COuec codec coder decoder cenferonco
cow conf
CODI T cod t t computerdfr=t to t*leWa~ CONF conf confidential
cot Coe cab over •~lne conf 1ne
Cmf conf
COEO coed ccwuuter operated conf conformance
electronic display CONF
conf Ig configuration
cOefflcfent CONF I G
COEF coef conf 1●x concf~tioned reflex (machine!
cur cot conical fin congruent
CON(3R congr
Corr Cof f cofferdam conj conjunction
coffee mill CONd
mm cofml con 1 eonf ca !
cognizant COW.
au cog corm connection

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eenn c6nnector COTAR cotar correlated orientation

COWI OIAG corm d{ag eonnect$on diagram tracking and ranging
COM4RO0 cennrod connectl~ ‘rod COTH coth hyperbolic cotangent
CONSCAN conscan conical scan Cov eov cover
CONSEC consec consecutive Cov Cov cutoff valve
CONSXM cons{m console staulator Cov Cov cutout valve
Cmsl cons t constant COVERS covers coversed stne
CONSTR cons t r constraint COWL cow I cowl I ng
CONSTR constr construction COZ I Coz t commumtcattons zone
CONSULT consu 1 t consultant lnd~cator
~NT cent contact CP CP cam
CONT cent contents CP candlepower
CON7 con t eont i nue z CP center of pressure
CONT cent continued laltn ●bbr) CP Cp center punch
CONT con t continuous CP CP centipoise
CONT con t control CP Cp cesspool
CO?’4T cent controller CP Cp change point
CONT CKT cent ckt control circutt CP Cp chemically pure
CONT HP Cent hp continental horsepower CP Cp c~ecuit package
COf4T UO cent ud control word CP Cp circular pitch
CONTA conta control ●ss-ly CP Cp ctrcular polarization
CONTAN cent am contaminated CP CP claw plate
CONTO con td Coflt t nued CP 7 clay pipe
coNTn contr contract CP CP Ciock pu?se
CONTR contr contractor CP CP close packed
CONTRAIL central 1 condensation trail CP w coefficient of performance
CONTRIE contrib contriwtfon CP w cold punched
CONTRO contro contracting offtcer CP CP c-and pulse
CONTW contv continuous wtnoow CP Cp concrete piercing
coNTWR contwr conning tower CP Cp cone point
CONV conv convention CP “ CP constant pressure
CONV cvnv convert v control point
coNV conv converter %cs CPACS coded pulse anticlutter
CONV conv COnVUrtibl ● system
CONVG convg convergence CPAN cpam centtnental polar ● tr mass
CONVN conv n convection CPBL Cpbl capab 1e
CoNVR comvr convector CPC cl= cement plaster cet?tng
COOL coo 1 cool ant CPC clock pulsed control
COORD coord coordinate CPC Cpc conputer process control
COP cop coppor gt’f PEOP Cpctl prop controllable pitch propeller
COP PL cop pl copper plate cpd contact potentfal.difference
COPO eopd coppe~ed C$V cpe centra? processing element
COR cor carrier operated relay CPE cpe CirCUlar probable error
cm cor contactor, running CPFF Cpf f test p)us fixed fee
COR eor corner CP I Cp 1 cost plus fncenttve
COR 80 car bd corner bead CP I Cp 1 crash posit ton tnd{cator
CORA cora condi ttoned response ●nalog CPIN Cptn Cramkpfn
fmachine) CPL Cpl cement ptaster
CORAO corad corre}atton radar CPL cpl coup I e
CORAL cora I cO~and radio 1 ~nk CPLO cpld cwp 1ed
CORAL cora 1 correlation rad{o link CPLG Cplg coupl ing
mRcN corcn coercion CPLR cplr center of pillar
CORP corp corporation CPLR cplr coup 1●r
CORR corr corree$ CPLRY cplry capil lary
mRR corr corrugate CPLRY 76S cplry t8b capillary tube and bulb
CORR F130 corr fbd corrugated f{bertsoard CPM cpm card per minute
CORRE corre correlate CPM Cpm Crttfcal path mthod
CORRES corres correspond CPNTR cpn t r carpenter
Cos Cos cassette-operated system CPO Cpo commd pulse output
Cos Cos contactor, starting CPPO cppd capped
Cos Cos eos t ne CPREF cpref candelabra prefocused
~SAL cosa 1 coordinated shipboard CPRtSS cpress coqound pressure
● llouancm ?tst CPRS cprs corfpress
COSH cosh hypereol~c cosine CPRSN cprsn co~resslon
COST cost contaminated oll settltng CPRSR cprsr co~ressor
t ●nk CPS Cps Clrcutt package schematic
Col cot cotangent Cps CMPSG CpS ~sg co-ass coqensattng
CoT cot cotter CPSE cpse counterpoi se
COT cot cotter p{n CPSK Cpsk coherent phase shfft key{ng
cot cot cotton CPSL Cps I capsu 1e
COT WEB cot web cotton W@Dblng CPSN cpsn capstan
CPT Cpt casement projected transom


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CPT Cpt control power transfo-r CRYPTO crypto cryptography
WT Cp t crit~cal path tccftntae CRYST crys t crystal 1 {ne
Cpu central process~ng unft Cs Cs carbon steel
CPUNCH cpunch counterpunch Cs Cs carrfer supply
CPU Cpw cofmwrc{al projected wtndow Cs Cs case
CQ Cq c~rcial ~ality Cs Cs cast steel
CR cr cathode ray Cs Cs cast stone
CR cl= Chmge requmst Cs Cs center section
CR cr cola relled Cs clese support
CR cr eou$sat ready E: es co~l stietch
CR cr complete round Cs Cs Comercfal Stanaard
CR cr co~onent repatr Cs Cs c~n steel lproject(le)
CR Cr continuous rod Cs Cs conducted susceptlbtltty
CR cr control relay Cs Cs control switch
CR Cr cwitrol room Cs Cs core shift
CR cr controlled rectlffer Cs Cs current sertes
CR cr Cred ~ t Cs Cs cycle Shift
cr crew (as spaces) Cs Cs single cotton stngle silk
: cr crystal mctifter (tnsul)
CR cr curr8nt relay Csu csb concrete splash block
CR NOLY cr moly chrome molybdem Csc Csc cartrtdge storage case
SEE BELOW SEE BELOW chrome tanned leather Csc Csc cosecant
CR VAN cr van chrome vanadium Cscn csch hyperbel!c constant
CRAN cram card random ●ccess -mrY CSCH csch hyperbolic cosecant
CR8NT crbnt carbonate CSCR CSCR cofrplementary semiconductor
cRllso crbsd curbs i de controlled rectif~er
CRC erc c~lete round cnart CSD Csa cold side
CRCLT Crcl t circulate Cso csd constant spemd drtve
CRCMF ercmf circumference CSD Csd core sh~ft ertvee
CRCTD crctd corrected Cst cse coamuntcations suppof-t
CROF crdf cathode ray d{rectton finder ● lement
CROL crd 1 crad 1e CSE cse core storage element
CRE ere corroston resistant CSG Csg cas { ng
CUES cres corrosion resistant steel CSHAFT cshaf t crankshaft
CRFT crf t crwfoot CSNG Cshg Cush t ng
CRG crg carr t ●ge CSK csk countersink
CRIT crtt Crftical CSKH cskh countersunk head
CR17F crt tf critical fr~ency CSKO csk O countersink other s~de
CRK crank crank CSL Cs ? console
CRKC crkc crankcase CSM esm comnand and Servfce mcluie
CRKSHV crkshv cranksheave CSMITM CSmf th COppWSmlth
CRM Crm chrome CSMT csmt Cfrcutt switchtng magnetic
CRM CRM counter radar measures t ●pe
CRMt Crmt chromate CSORO csoro contcal scan on Pecetv= only
CRN crn crane CSP Csp coder se~entlal pulse
CRN crown crwn csa cs r cowmunicatlons satel}fte
WNNTC crnmtc chronometer {c re 1 ●y
CRNMTR crnmtr chronometer CSR csr control shift register
Cl?o Cro catfpde ray oscillograph CSR cs r customer signature recfu~red
CRQ cro oscil lograph Css Css control sttck s.eerlng
CROM CROM control read-only memory Csse essb co~attble single Stdeeand
CRp Crp (H-1* CSTG Cstg cast~ng
CRPL crp 1 chromium plate CSTL Cstl castel late
CRS crs coars= CSTR cstr cantster
CRS crs cold rolled steel Csu Csu ctrcu~t swltcm~ng unit
CRSNO Crshd crosshead mu Csw control power suiteh
CRSNO SIN CrShd stn crushed stone CT Ct center tap
CRSN crsn corrosion CT et cmramic ttle
CRSV crsv corrostve CT CT c~uter$zed tomography
CRSVR crsvr crossover CT Ct count
CRT crt cathode ray twbe CT Ct current transformer
CRT cr t ctrcult requirement tamle CT-PS Ct-ps changeable type plate style
CRTG crtg cartr~dge cT/M ctlm count per m!nute
CRTOG crtog cartographer CTIS et/s count per second
CR~s crts controllable radar target cTbM ctam continental tropical ● l?’
simlator mass
CRU I S cru fs Crufstng CTa ctb Cmramlc ttle base
CRV crv curve CTC Ctc cam tim!ng contact
CRV Wa crv dwg curve drawing CTC CTC Centralized Traf@lc Control
CRVG cryg carry{ng CTCCC Ctccc close type control circuit
CR YOG cryog cryogenic contact
CRYPTA crypts cryptoanalys {8 cm etd coa ted
. ..** .*9.. ● .**e ● **** ● .**- ●

CR TAN LTHR cr tan lthr chrome tanned leather

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29 my 1981


CTc Cta cable termtn8t ion equipment CMIF Cuif continuous wave
CTE Cte central timing equipment intermediate frequency
CTF Ctf ceramic tile floor CUP cirwlatfng water pu~
CTG Ctg coat i ng Cus ms control wheel steerfng
CTG Ctg crating cut Cw t hundredueigh t
C7G Ctg cuttfng Cx Cx control transmitter
CTGH Ctgm cryptography CY Cy cyc I ●
CTL c~v centra I CYCLO Cyc 10 cyclotron
CTL CTL conplemantary transistor CYL ey 1 cyl tnder
Ioglc CY L Cy 1 cylindrical
ctL CTL core transistor Iogtc CYL CART cyl cart cylindrical cartrtdge
CTLRY Ct Iry cutlary CYLL Cyll cylinder lock
CTLST Ctlst catalyst cYls Cyls cyl Indrfcal surface
CTN ctn carton CYN cyn cyan i de
CTR ctr center o d deep
CTR Ctr con tour 0 d depth of Sh\p
CTR ctr cut ter 0 d double (co- form)
CTRF etrf center frequency 0 d double ftnsull
CTRG ctrg centarlng D L? era~n (electron devfce)
CTRL Ctrl control (coqmters) ObC e8c dtsplay and control
. CTRS Ctrs contrast DbCU dacu d~splay and control unit
Cts Cts close to shoulder 08 F daf determination ●nd ftndings
CT SktFT etshft counteeshaf t ohm dam dressed ●nd matched
CTSK ctsk countcrsu- Obs d8 S display ●nd storage
CTT Ctt card-to-tape tap- DIA dla dlgitat to ●nalog
CTU Ctu central ttmtng un$t OA da decimal to ●nalog
CTWALK Ctwa?k catwa lk PA da drtft angle
CTWT Ctwt counterweight DAC dac dtgital to analog convmrter
CTY Cty county OAC dac document ●vail ability code
Cu Cu crystal unit, pfezoe ectrfc OACDN dacon data controller
Cu cubic OACT dact direct acting
: Cu piezwlectric crysta unit OAO dad double acting door
CU FT Cu ft cubic foot ffeet) OAGC dagc delayed ●utomatic gain
CU IN cu \n cubic Inch cent f-o 1
CUM cu m cubtc mtef OAM dam descriptor attribute matrix
cu - Cu m“” cubic milltmetmr DAMLG damlg dental ●malgamator
Cu Yo = Yd cubfc yard 0- daw ctlstributlon anplifler
CUB cub cubicle OAP da~ data automation proposal
CUJT CUJT e~lementary untjunction DAR dar *+ense acquisition radar
transistor OART dart data analysts recording tape
CULV Culv culvert OAS das direct ●ctfng steam
CUM cum cuaulattve DASTARO OASTARO deStrOyer 8ntlsubmar}-
mu Cuo copper oxide transportable array
CUP cup cupboard detection
CUR cur current OASTM dastm double ●cting steam
CURT curt curtain OAT da t datum
Cusn CUSR cushion 0A7ACOM da t●corn data Communications
CUST Cust custody OAVC davc detayed automat~c volume
CUST Cus t customer control
CUTS cuts cut stone OAZO dazd double anode zener diode
Cv Cv check valve 08 a decibel
Cv Cv Conbat vehicle 0s * distribution box
Cv Cv continuously varlabie 08 * double biased (relay)
Cv Cv counter voltage us db double bottom
Cv Cv single cotton varnish 0s do double braid (insul)
( $nsul ) 08 Qb dOUbl@ break
CVK Cvk center l~ne Verttcal keel 0S * dry bulb
CVL Cv I Ctvtl OBAO abao digttal block ANO-OR gate
CV?4TL cvnt I conventfon81 080 -e detector back bias
CVRSN cvrsn conversion 008 -b detectorbalanced bias
Cvx Cvx convex Oec *C diameter bolt circle
m m chemical warfare OBC digital to binary convert-r
m Cu clockwise DUD diesel belt drfve
.Cu Cw cold water 06F dbf demodulator band ftlter
Cw CM continuous wave 06FS dbfs dull black fintsh slate
Cuba Cwa r cont~nuous wave acqulsltfon OBNP -hp draubar horsepower
radar 09 I dbt differential Deartng
WC Cvc clear write condtt~on Indicator
mfM Cufwl continuous uave freqency 08L dbl doub 1e
modulated 08L ACT dbl ●ct double ●cting
CV9 corrugated wtre glass 09Lf dblf double face
CUI cut continuous wave tllumlnator DBLR dblr doub 1er

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08LU ‘Olw double wall 00T E ddte dfgltal data terminal
08P araubar pull equ 1pment
09SP dbsp double based sol{d Ow digftal dtstrfbut{ng unit
profm 11 ●nt Uov ddv deck drain valve
DSU7 dbut data base update ttmm DE de diesel electric
Dew dcsfgn bandufdth OE de digital encoder
DC * oamage contrel OE de double enamel (insul)
Oc de ctepth charge OE de deuble ●nd
DC ac Gimct current DE de drive ●nd
DC de double contact DE LT de It deck edge light
Oc de double cotton (~nsul) OEA dea diethamolamine
OCD dcd decode OEARTG deartg deaerating
Oco dcd double channel duplex DEC Oec~er
DCDR dcdr decooer OEC dec dec i ma 1
0C9S dcds double cotton doub?a sf?k DECAL deca I decalcoman ia
(insul) OECARE Oecarb decareurtzatton
OCF EM dc?em dynamic crossed field DECN decn decision
.Iectren mltlpl~catlon OECDMPN dec~n decoauress ton
OCG ‘dcg diode Capacttor gste OECONTN decontn decentamtnation
ock’lAN dchan dif$wenm channel OECR deer decrease
Ocwm dchem dry chemical OECRT decrt decrement
DCX8 dctb data Cofmmntcations f~ut DED ded dedendum
buffer OEO ded d~esel ●ngine dtrect drtve
DCKG dck g dock \ ng DEF def defective
DCL dcl door closer OEF de f def ●nse
OCLR dclr decelerate DEF de+ deftnttion
OCLU dclu declutctl OEFL def ! def lect
Dc$4Ps dcq! s Uegauss$ng co-ass OEFT deft definite time
DCMPTR dcnptr degausslng coqwter DEtI deg degree
den cfestgn change notice D:GUSG degusg degaussing
den drawing change not~ce OEL de) . delineation
OCR *r data conversion receiver OEL~ de)e delete
OCR dcr digital Convarsfon receiver OEMA dema distributed ●missten
dcr a~rect current restorer magnetron a~l ifier
OCR dcr drawing chaqe request , OENOB demob demobilize
Ocs dcs double cotton stngle silk OEMOO demod demodulator
( ~nsul ) OEN den denote
OCT L OCT L dfrect coupled transistor OCNG deng Utesel eng+ne
logic otNs dens dens 1 ty
OCTP dctp duct type OEP departure
eata control unit OEP depos{ t
dcu decade counting unft OEP INST dep inst depot installed
dcu dectmal countfng unit OEPR depr depression
dcu digital counting untt DEPT dep t department
Ocv dcv double cutton varntsh OER der derma t ~ne
I Insul) OER der dtesel engine reduction
00 dd deep drawn drive
00 dd delay driver OCRIV deriv derivative
00 dd diesel direct OES des designation
00 dd dfg~tal data OES des designator
00 dd dtscmnectlng device OESCP descp description
DO dd double diamond OESCR aescr describe
00 dd drydock OCST des t destruct~on
00 dd retch door OESTN destn destination
DOA dfg~tal differential OESTR destr destructor
●na 1yzer OESTR FIR destr fir destructive firing
DOA digitally directed ●nalog OET det detatl
Ooc d{gftal data converter OE? det detector
Ooc ddc ci~g~tally directed control OET de t determinant
Ooc dual diversity cxaratur DET de t detonator
DOD 000 direct distance d?aling OETl+I detn detention
00 I dd t depth dev~ation tndfcator oE TN detn determination
OOL ddl etlgital data link Ow ---- develop (altn ●bbr)
OOM derived delta waxWlatton OEV dev deve?~nt
DON ddm dffferenm in depth of OEV dev devfate
mlatton OH EOL dev ●ql devlatfon Sq,#alfzer
OQPC we digital data processing ocv HGT dev hgt devel~ed height
equipment DCV La dev lg developed length
DOR ddr dlgfta! data receiver OEV m dev Wd developed wfdth
OOR dar direct drfve OEVN dawn deviation
001 dd t doppler data translator OEVR devr distortion ●laminating
voltage regulator

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29 My 1981

Oxnls dtnus dig{tal nulttb8am st.ertng
DCU distant early warntng
OINA dins dtrect notse ●~lfftcation
DEwTRG dw t rg deu. tcrlng
010 dio d t Ode
OF df defogging
DIOPT dtopt dtOpter
or df dense flint
DIP OIP dual inllne package
OF Df Ofci(e fix
OIPLXR dtplxr dtplCXer
OF df direct ton finder
OIPX Citpx diplex
of df dissipation factor
OIR dir direct
OF df double feeder
IIR atr direction
or df douglas flr
IXR dlr dfrect{onal
OF df .drfnklng fountatn dtrector
IIR dtr
OF df drtve fit
)IR COtQ4 dir Corm direct connect
OF d~ drop fOr@
IIR COUP dir COUP directional coupler
DFOEL dfdel deferred dellvery directional f{~ter
deflatlng IIR FLT dir flt
OF L df 1 dtsassewble
Uraftlng machine )ISASSM disassm
DFMACH df m~eh disass~ly
)!SASSY disassy
Of R df r defrost
)Isc disc diSCOnmeCt
OFR dt r defrosting
JIscn d ~SCt’1 discharge
OFSK df sk double frequemy shift
)ISLVD dislvd
IISM dism d$Smantle
Df 7 d+ t desecrating +med tank
IISP disp dispatcher
OF1 OFT discrete Fwrier transfo-
)ISP disp dispensary
OFT &f t draf t dispenser
)ISP disp
oFT df t drift
)lSPL dis~l displacement
OF7G df tg drafting
>1 SPN dtspn disposition
OFTR df tr def lector
11ST dist distance
OFT S- df tsm draftsman
31ST dist distant
DG dg dlfferenttal generator
dist distrtct
directional gyro 31s1
DG * 21STING dtst~ng distinguish
DG * dtsk gr~nd distortion
DISTN distn
DG * dogged d{strtbute
DISTR distr
DG * double giass (tnsul) distribution
DISTR distr
OG Cig double groove (lnsu? } distr~wtor
DISTR distr
DGDP dgdp double groove double
digttal televfs~ofl
DITS dits
petticoat {Insult spectrometer
dtaphra~ gland ..
OGLO dgld dlv diverter
*grease DIV
*R dgr dtvtde
OIV dfv
DGs *S degwssing Systm dlvfslon
Dxv dtv
DGSFR 09s f r degasff~er
w dj dr~ll jig
dg t atgft
dtgttal Ott m
DGTL dgt 1 *
DG7ZR dgtzr digitizer
dk hse deck house
DGz dgz designated ground zero
dke deck ed~
dhd double heat si~ diode DKE
DKPG dkpg depth keeping
*d Clrap h8-r die
OL dl data II*
WY dehumicfffy
OL dl data list
OHP ahp developed horsewer
OL dl day letter
ahu double hung windows
dayl ~ght
m dl
01 al delclng
DL dl dead light
D! di demand indicator
dl dead load
01 U( dev~atiOn lndlcator
:: dl delay line
OIA d{a defjcfency in ● llouame
OL dl double ●cetats (insul)
OIA dia dlamet~r
OL dl drawing Itst
01AG diag diagonal
dla data If* ●ddress
OIAG diag dt ●grars OLA
OLC dlc direct lift contrel
01AGR d t agr diagrafwsatfc
OL IL~ dl ilmn dial illumination
DIAL PHTH dial phth dfallyl phttwlate dial indicating
OLINDG dl indg
kiAa d i aph” diaphraq
OLL dll design limit load
010 010 data item deSCrtpt~On
DLO d10 daylight opening
010 010 direct inward dialing
OLO dlo double local osclllctor
OIEL diel dielectric
DLOCX d 10Ck dial lock
oIFA dtfa dtfferentfal •~lfflcr
OLR dlr *a 1● r
OIFF dlff difference
dffferent!al OLS dls data Ilnk set
oIff dtff
OLS dls data Ijnk Sinulator
OIFF TR dtff tr dffferent~sl tim relay
DLT dlt data line translator
OIFFR dlffr diffr~CtfO~
OLTM dl tm data link test messagm
OIFFUS dlffus dtffust~
OLVY dlvy de 1 i very
OIGICOM Ctigtcom dfgftal commmications
DLX dlx de I Uxe
DIQ4 dfgn diagnostic
0s dlx dle lock
OIHY dihy dfhydrate
OLY dly delay
DIL dj 1 dl lute
OLY dly dot?y
OIL dt 1 dilUtiOn
m demand meter
DIM dim dfamtsion

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


Da a dtcsclawcbmlcal DPDT dpdt two pole double throw

m * dtscard message OPOT SU dpdt SW double pole double throw
DNA dma direct memory ●ccess Sw I ten
digttal mtcrucfrcuft DPfC *fc dotm)e pole front connected
dmd d 1 ●mend DPFT dp?t desk . double pedestal
DME design margtn evaluation flat-top
ONE OME dtstancm measurtng ●quipment DPG *g da- i ng
damage QPH ~h diamond pyramtd hardness
DMGT ~t data management OF I *t detectea pulse interference
DMGz dmgz demagnet f ze DPL *I double propellant loading
drop llt*nho18 DPLR dplr dopu \er
DML dml demolttlon OPLXR dplxr dup I ●xer
DNNRLZR dmnrlzr oemfneral Izer OPM DPM data 13rOCeSSfng m8Chine
d~ode microwav~ oscillator OPNL *I distribution panel
OMPG -f% DPO double pulse operatton
DNPR s: d8nQer OPO z dripproof open
DNR difmner OPP dripproof protected
DNSTt4 dmstn demonstration DPR g: dtazoprlnt
OMTZR ctmtzr demsgnetizwr DPR dpr double pulse ranging
DMX dmx data wltfptex OPRP *W drtpproof ●nd rat prOOf
m dn deIt8 ●~lttude DPS drlpproof Semt-enclosed
ON an dOWn DPSK ~:k d~fferenttaI phase shfft
DNA dna doss not ●~ly keying
~OFT end f t down draft DPST dpst double pole single throw
dng d{n{ng DPST dps t two pole single throw
ONT L dntl dental DPST SW dpst SW double pole single throw
DN7 RD dntrd Uenatured SWi tch
dnu do not us- O’PSTK ~S tk d+pstick
do Utcsel 011 OPT dpt drfpproof totally enclosed
= do dissolved OXy~n OPTM dptu desk. double pedestal
Do ao d$tto typewriter
00 do draw out data processing unit
006 eoe oat~ of birth OPV *V dry pipe valve
Doc doc data output chmneI data qualfty numttor
WC dOC document OR dr dead reckoning
000 000 direct outward dialing OR dr dtscriminatfon radar
DOL do 1 dynamic octal load Oa dr door
mm aom ~stic OR dr drafting request
DOPLOC dop I @. doppler phase lock DR” dr dratn
mR dor date of requmst OR dr dram
WRAN doran ~ler ran9s ●nd navigation OR dr drill
00s dos disk-operat- system OR dr drf)l rod
00VAP dov aP doppler veloctty and OR dr drive
posit~on DR6A draa data reduction and ●naIysis
Doz doz dozen DRA dra dead reckontng analyzer
OP dP da-roofing ORCDG drcdg data recordfng
w * dash pot (r81ayl ORCTY drcty directly
OP data processing DRCTY drcty directory
OP % deck piercfng ORD drd drum read driver
DP m deflection plate ORDCN drdcn data reduct~on
OP * demand met-r printtng ORDP dr~ detection radar data
OP depth processing
0? : descrtpttve pattern DROTO drd to detection rndar data takeoff
DP dew point ORE dre dead reckoning ●quipment
DP z dtal pulstng DREC drec detection radar ● lectrentc
UP m dtamtral pttcn co~onen t
DP * differential pressuro DRET dre t direct reentry t81CSIetrY
DP double paper (tnsull DRGR drgr dredger
DP : double pole OR1 dr i deacl rectcontng Indtcator
OP * drtl? plate ORK drk derr f Ck
UP * dripproof DRM am drafting room manual
DP * dry battery ORO dro data readout
OP dual purpose ORCl dro destructive readout
DP 2 two po!e DROS dros direct readout satelllte
OP Su m Sw dOUble pole swttch OROT drot delayed range on target
DPSC dpbc double pole back cunnected ORPR drpr drawing practice
OPC dpc double pa-r singlo cotton DRR drr digital radar relzy
(tnsul) URRL drr 1 d!gttal radar relay lfnk
DPO @d dfgftal phase dffferencs DRS drs dressed ( Iunber)
DPDC @dc double paper double cetton ORSG drsg dressing
( tnsul) 9asR drsr dresser
DPt?T ~d t double PO1O double throw ORT dr t data rmckoning tracer

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


ORT drt dead reckoning tracr OTL OTL diode transistor logic
ORTA drta drlptank DTMF dt!nf ~al tone wulttfrequency
DRTL DRtL diode resistor trans~ster OTO dto data takeoff
logic OTP dtp drum timing pulse
ORTR drtr dead reckonfng trainer DTPB dtpb divtCled time pulse
ORU dru d~iv. unit distributor
DRVR drvr er t ver OTR dtr definite time relay
0s ds d~a- SCal@r DT R dtr demand total izfng relay
m ds decannlng scuttle DTR80 d t rbd daughtarboard
0s ds diode swttch OTRS dtrs distress
0S ds discard~ng sabot OTT dtt detent
0s ds disconnect switch OTU dtu digital telew=try unit
0s ds domestic Seevice OTV dtv digital television
0s ds double sflk (.insul) OTVC dtvc d~gftal transmission and
0s ds dovmspou t verification converter
0s 0s draft stop OTVN dtvm differential thermocouple
DS LT ds It clack surface light voltmeter
0S60?+ ds$dh data switching ●nd data DTY CY dty Cy duty cycle
handling OUM -m dummy
DSAR dsllr data storage ●nd retrieval OUMR *W- dust ●nd moisture
0s8 dsb dOUble %i-band DUNC dune ~ underwater measuring
OS8L dsb I disable dev t ce
DSC dsc data synchronizer channel OUP ~llcate
OSCAPRS dscaprs dental suction ●pparatus OUT tit device under test
DSCC dscc desiccant 0V8D dvbd dfesel v-be?t drive
OSCONT d~cont discontinue DVC dvc dev fce
DSCRM dscrm d~scrimtnator OVL dv 1 deve 1op
OSCT dsct double secondary current DVL dv 1 dfrect voice line
transformer OVM dvm digi tal vol tmeter
OSD dsd dual speed drive OVPP I dvpp t daylight view plan pOSitiOn
DSE dse data StOragQ WulVnt $nd\cator
DSZNGA dsenga disengaging DVR dvr .,dlvar
OSGN ds gn destgn OVST dvst direct view storaga tube
OSHR dshr dish rtnsing OVT L dvtl @ovetail
OSIF 0s1: deep space instru-ntatlon m du dishwasher
facii~ty Ow w distilled water
DsL ds 1 deep scattering layer @u double wetght
OSL ds 1 diesel K * drop wire
O$LTR dsl tr desal ter DW * du~ ualter
DSNTZ dSntZ Uesensfttze Owo drum write driver
OSNTZ dsntz desensltizi ng Dwo dunta waiter door
DSPEC dspec design specification DWEL duel dwelling
OSPL dsP 1 display OWG dug draw~ng
OSPL dsp 1 disposal OWL *I designed water line
DSPLN dsp I n discipline OWL *I dominant wavolongth
OSPM dspm double strokes per minute DWL dul dowe 1
OSPNSG uspnsg dispensing OWLFEO du)fbd dOUbl@ wall fiberboard
OSR dsr data scanntng and routing OWN dun drawn
0ss8 dssb double single sideband OUR dbtr drawr
0s7 ds t display storage tube Dus dus drop wood siding
OST ds t door stop DWt dut deadue i ght
OSTL dst! distill at pennyue i gh t
DSTLT astlt distillate dx dup I e%
Osu dsu data syncnrontzer untt % dxe data transmitting eeluipment
Osu DSU dtsk storage unit OY aty duty
DSLJ esu drum storage unit DY * day
DSUPHTR dsu~htr desup-rheater DYE ayb dynamic braking
DSV dsv double silk varnish linsul) OYG dry i ng
DSW asw door sultch OYUR % dehydrator
01 dt decay time OVN *n dynamt c
OT dt deep tank DYN dyn dynanm
OT dt ctfe tmlate 0- dynm dynamotor
07 dt dwb)@ thrw Ovw dynmt dynamite
07 dt drain tile OYNMT ~mt dynamometer
OT dt dual tires E east
df dust ttght E E Smltter (electron devfce)
;;A dta dlffwentlal therms 1 E e enamel ( !nsul )
●nalysfs ETOE etee ●nd to 8nd
OTCM dtch detached Ebl ●b i equ$p and install
atd dated EBSP ●s sp ●quipment ●nd spare parts
1% dt8 data terminal Wqulpment EA 8s ●aCh
OTER alter d{ ther tAc Qac ●xpected approach cloarancc


Downloaded from

29 ?tily 1981


CAROM E AROM ●lectronically ● ?tcrable EDAC edac ●rror detectfon ●nd

read-only mawmry correction
EAS eas ~fvalent. atr speed EOC ●dc ●namel double cotton (insul)
EM eax ● lectronic ●ut=atic EDCV edcv ●namel double cotton
●xchange vamlsh ( tnsul 1
ED AS8 eb ●sb ●bony ●sbestos Eoo 8dd engineering data depository
EBC eec -a#!o1 bonded Sl~le COttOn Enoo EOOCI ●x~anded direct dfstarn ●
({nsul) dlal(ng
EBCDIC EBCOIC ●xpanded binary-coded EDOF ●dd f error detect~on ●nd
decfmal interchange code decfs~on fee-aek
EEOC ebdc enamel bonded double cotton EOE ode emergency dece}eratlng
[ tnsu!) ~relay)
EEloP ebdp enme) doubl- paper ,bonded EDFA edf ● el~ctronic different$a
( tnsul ) analyzer
EBOS ebds enamel bonded double silk EDGE edge electronic data gather
( insul ) ●quipment
EB2C eblc ● lectron b~ardment EDGW Ulgw ●dgeu I se
fnduced co~ctivity EOI TAR ●df tar e}~ctrontc dtgttal tracking
EBP ●f)p enamel stngle paper bonded ●nd ranging
( tnsul ) Em ●dm e)ectrtcal discharge
EBPA ebpa .Iactron besm parametric machfntng
a~li+ter Em effecttve dia~ter of
EBS ecas ●namel oonded sfngle stlk objecttve
4 irlsul ) EOP EDP ● lectronic data processing
EC ●e edge connector EDPE edpe electronic data processing
●c emergency coordinator equ i pmefi t
:: ●c ena=l single cotton ( tnsul) EDR edr equivalent direct radiation
EC ec •~t~t controller EDS eds enamel double silk (Insu? 1
Ec SW ec Sw 8- CQI1 suttch EDSV ●dsv enamel double sllk varnish
EC WIRE ec wire ●xtra control wtre (insuli
ECA eca ●~lpment condftlon ●nalysts EDT edt electrfcal dfscharge tube
Ecc UC eccentric Cwc educ ●ducation
ECC “ Ecc ●rror correction code EWC educ educator
ECCM ECCM ● lectronle counter EDUC educ eductor
countermeasures EDY?MT edynmt ● iectrfc dyna~ter
ECCSL Eccst. emitter-coupled EED electroexplos~ve devfCe
current-steered Ioglc t EG eeg ● lectroencepha Iogram
Eca ecd estlmatcd c~letlon date EEG e*g electroencepma
ECDC ●cdc electrochemical diffused EF ●f each face
co! ?ector EF e+ emitter fol?ouer
ECG ecg c}ectrocard fogram EF ●f extra ffne fthreads)
ECG ecg e?ectrocardi ograph EF61 efel engineer furntsh and tnstall
ECH ech ache 1 on EFC ●fc engtneerlng field change
ECL “ ec 1 eddy current loss EFC efc equivalent full charge
ECL ECL emttter coupled logtc EFF ●f f effective
ECM ECM electronic countermeasures EFF ●f f efftctency
!5CME ECME electronic countermeasures EFL ef 1 !affect!ve focal length
environment EFL ef 1 eff)uent
E CMP ECMP ● lectronic countermeasures EFL ●f 1 equivalent focal length
program EFT ef t effect
ECN ecn ●ngineering change notice E?T EFT electronic funds transfer
ECN ecn equipage category numer EG eg for example
ECO ec o electron coup)ed oscillator EG =9 single enamel stngle glass
Eco eco electronic checkout ( lnsul )
ECO ●co eng{neor{ng change order EGO egd electrogasdynami cs
ECQN ecun econani ze EGO EGO eccentric orbit geophysical
ECON aeon economizer ot3servatory
ECP ecR engineering change proposal EGRD ●grd eye ~ard
ECR ecr= eng!neerfng change request ~GS egs ● lectronic gl!de slope
ECRA ecra engineering cnange re~est/ EGT eg t exhaust gas tCWQeratUre
authorization E GV egv ex~t gutde vane
Ecs Ecs Emergency Coolant System EHF en f end half
ECV ecv enamel stngle cotton EHF eh f ●xtremely hfgh frequ@ncY
vsrnlsh [ {nsul J EHP ehp effectfve horsepower
ED ed edge distance EHP ehp electrfc horsepower
ED ad edltfon EHV ●hv extra hfgh Voltage
ED ●d engine drive Euu ehu extre?m high water
ED ad envelope drawfng EI ●t electrmlc tnterface
ED ed ●rror detecting El ●l ●nd ftem
ED SK ad Sk ●ngineering department EI ●i engfneertng {nstallatfon
sketch EIhT efbt ~lacement tnstallat~on
CGA eda electronic dtg~tal ●nalyzer ●nd test

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29 My 1981


EIC ● ic e+tpment tdenttflcat ion EM&R mar emergency
Code EMF emf ● lectromotive force
Exo LT ● td It emergency Identiflcatfon EMI emi ●lectromagnet fc fnter?ermce
1 fght EM:NT emtnt ●lectromagnetic intelligence
Ed ●j electronic Jansning GNP eq electromagnetic pulse
EUCTR ●jctr sjector EMP ●np e~ennage
EJN @jn ●j8ct\on WPL eupl amp 1Oyee
EUN ST ●jn st ●jection s-at WPs enps emwgency power Supp I y
EK ek singlo ●namel single EMG ●lectromagnetic qstet
cellophane (~nsul) EMU emr electromagnetic radfatlon
CL el ●ach layar EMS ems electromagnet lc surve{l lance
EL e] elastlc ltmit emsn emtssion
EL el e)ectrolumtnescent EMT emt electrical wmtalllc tubfng
EL el ● levat~on ENTR emtr emi tter
EL el eye lens EMJ ●w electrofnagnetfc units
EL el stngle enamel single E!W eum e-l ator
acetate (\nsul) EWL ellml ewulsion
ELAS elas elastic EN en ●ngtneertng notice
ELAS ● Ias 81asticity ENAN enam enamel
EL8 elb ● 1bow ENOL -1 enab 1e
ELCTC e)ctc electrical contact ElWA? encap encapsulate
CLCTC8R elctcbr electrical contact bwsh ENCD encd encode
ELC7D ● lctd electrode ENCDR encdr encoder
ELCTLT elctlt electrolyte HJCL ●nc 1 enc I ose
ELCTLT elctlt ●lectrolytic ENCL ●nc 1 enclosure
ELCTRG ●lctrg electrical contact rfng ENCSD ●ncsd ●ncasmd
ELCTRN elctrn ● lectron ENG eng ●ng t ne
ELEC elec electrtc ENG E- English
ELEC ● lec ● lectr~cal ENG RM ●ng rm ●ngine room
ELECTC ● lectc ● lectronic control ENGA ●nga engage
—.— BELOW SEE SELOW electrochemtstrv
SEE ENGA enga engag \ ng
ELEK e)ek electronic - ENGR ●ngr ●ngineer
ELEM elem element ENGRG ●ngrg ●ngineering
ELEM elem ● limentary E-V engr-v engrave
.ELEV elev elevate Em engv ●ngtne v-belt
ELEv elev ● levator ENGY engy energy .,
ELEX elex electrentcs ENLG enlg enl ●rge
ELF elf explostve ●ctuated ltght ENLGO ●nlgd en] ●rged
fflter ENRGZ Wflrgz energ t ze
ELF elf extremely low frequency ENSI ens I ecp~valent noise sideband
ELFC 81fc ● lectro)uminesccnt Iqsut
ferraelectric cell EMT ant equtvalent noise te~erature
ELHYD e 1hyd electrohydraul ic ENTC ●ntc ●ngine negative torque
ELIG e?lig eltgttiie control
fLIM el tm el tm~nate ENTR entr enter
ELIN7 el int electronic lntefllgence ENTR entr entrance
ELMCH elmcfl electrofmchanieal ENUN enumeration
ELNC ●lng elongate EW env enve I ope
ELONG elong elongation EWIR env t r ●nvirenmen t
ELP’ elp ● lliptical ENVIR env t P ●nvtronmen tal
ELPC elpc e!ectrolumtnescent EO eo ●ngine ofl
photoconductive EO ●o englneer?ng order
ELPH elph ●lliptical head Eo eo ●thylene ox?8e
ELPNEU e 1pneu electrouneumat~c EOA eoa ●nd of address
ELS ELS ●arth landing system EOU electronic order of battle
ELSEC ●s 1ec electronic securfty Eoc eoc edge of cutter
ELSSE ● lsse electronic stty screen EOO ● lements of data
●quipment EOD ●od ●xplosfve ordnance disposal
ELV elv ●lectrically operated valve EOLB eolb end of line block
ELW ● lw extreme low wat=r WLN eolm electro-optical light
EM em electromagnetic modlJlator
EM em ang~neertng memorandum EOM eom end of mssage
EM ●m enlisted men EONS eoms ●nd of message sequence
EM em epftaxial mesa EOP eop end of part
EM em expam metal EOR eor ●ng!ne order
EMA ema ● lectron~c missile EOT eo t end of tape
●c~isition COT eo t end of transm~ssion
EM8 ●mb ehoss
ENC emc ●lectromagnetic end of tape pulse
co~atibflfty electrlc pane)
EMO emd electric motor ertven e]~trically polarized
. ..* . . ● ☛ ● ☛☛☛☛☛ .**e* ● *m**. .**.** ●

ELECTROCHEM electrochem electrochemistry

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EP ●p ~tneerfng practtce ESP ●sp especially

EP * epitaxla) p)anar ESPAR ●spar ●lectronically steerablo
EP * explosion proof phased ●rray radar
EP w 8xtreme pressure ESPEC espec ● lectrical specification
EPao 9p& d SIoctr)c power ●nd ESR esr ● lectron sptn resonance
d~strlbutton ESR esr equivalent series resistance
EPSX EPSX e)ectrontc private branch ESS 8ss ● lectronic switching system
exchange ESS ESS emergency sn~p servtce
EPO epd 81ectric power distr~but~on ESSU essu ● lectronic selective
EPI apt ● lectronic posttion suitching unit
{ndtcator EST es t electrostatic storage tube
EPI apt ●xpsnded postt{on Indfcator EST ●st estimate
EPL epl electroplate ESTS estb establ lsh
EPO epo engtne propeller order ESTD estd electronic standard
CPP -P emergency power package ESTN ●stn endstone
tPR epr ● lectron paramagnettc ESU ●su electrostatic units
rosonmco ESV ●sv earth satellite vehicle
EPR ep r ●xhaust pressure ratio Esv esv enamel single si’lk varnlsn
EPROM eprom ●rasable programabl~ i insul )
read-only memory El et edge thickness
EPS ups electrtc power Supply El ●t ●lapsed time
EPT ept 8xternal pipe thread ET et ● lectrical tfme
EPU e!ectrtc power unit ETA ● ta ●sttmated ttme of ●rrival
EPU ●pu emergency power unft ETAS etas ● ffectfve true ●trspeed
EPWR epw r emergency power ETC etc et cetera
EQ ---- e~al (altn ●bbr) ETCG ETCG 81apSed ttHw code generator
EQ eq equation ETCH ● tch etching
EO SP ---- equally spaced (altn abbr) ETD ● td estimated tfma of departure
EOL eql equa 1 E70T etdt ●xtrusion trim ●nd drill
EQL eq 1 -a 1 i zof- te~l ate
EQL eq I e~ally ET! eti elapsed time indicator
EQL SP eql sp equally spaced ETR ● tc ●stimated time of r=turn
tEQPT eqp t ~ipmnt ETS ets endless tangent screw
EOUIL equil equflibrfum” ETSO etsq electrical time superquick
Eot.lxv equlv ~fvalent ET7 ● tt ●xtrusion trim tenplate
ER er echo ranging ETV ● tv ●durational televlsten
ER er ● lectrfcal resistance ETVN 8tvm ● lectrostatic
ER ar ● lectronic reconnaissance. transistorized voltmeter
ER ER emerge~y room EUR eur emergency unsatisfactory
EReM grbm axtended range ballistic report
mtsst Ie EUV guv extreme ultraviolet
E RCG ●rcg erect i ng EVA ev ● extra vehicle activ!ty
ERCR ercr erect or CVAC ● vac evacuate
ERECT ● ree t ●rect ion EVAC ●v ●c evacuator
ERN ern engineering release nottce EVAL eva? evaluate
ERP erp ●$fectiv~ radfated power EVAP ev*p .vsporate
ERR err engineering release record EVAP evap evaporator
ERR err” errer EVLTN evl tn ●valuation
ERRC errc error correction EVM 8vm ● lectronic voltmeter
ERRC ●rrc expendabill ty, EVOM ev om electronic voltotwmmter
recoverabil fty, EVRLK evrltc ●ver 1ock
reparability cost EVSO uv sd energy variant sequential
ERS Ors ●rased detectton
ERS em expanded radar service EU ew ●ach way
ES es echo Soundtng EM EW ● lectronic warfare
Es es ● iectron?c swftcntng EUASER ewaser electromagnetic wave awl
Es es ● lectrostatic by stimulated emission of
ES es enameI Sfngle sflk (fnsul) radiation
Es es equal sectfon EM@ embedded wtrtng board
EsA ESA engineering support ●ctivity EMC ewc c!ectrtc water cooler
EsAR esar electronically steerable EWO Wo engfneertng work order
array radar EWR ewr ●arly uarntng radar
ESC esc ●scaPe EX ●x exawle
Esc ●sc escutcheon EX ex ●x tra
ESCi. ●scl escalator EXAM exam examination
EsF ●sf ● lectrostatic focustng EXC ●xc excavate
ESG ●sg ●lectrically suspended gyro Exc ●xc ●xcellent
ESG 8sg ●xpanded sweep generator Exc ●xc ●xcep t
ESHP ●shp =quivalent shaft horsepower Exc ●xc ●xcttat~on
ESK ●sk engtnecring sketch EXCH exch ●xchange
ESNTL esnt I essential CXCL ●xcl exclude
ESP esp electron stream potenttal EXCL exe] exclusive

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29 May 1981


Excsv ●xcsv ●xcwssfve FAC ?●c forward atr controller
EXCTR ●xctr ●xciter FACI FACI first artfcl~ conff~ratfon
EXEC 8xec execute inspection
EXEC ●xec ●xecut i ve fACIL facfl facility
EXER exer ●xercfse F ACT fact factual co~tler
EXH exh ●xhaus t F AC? FACT fully ●utomatfc c~ller
EXH exh ●xhfbf t translator
E XHV ●xllv exhaust vent FAGC f agc fast ●utomatfc ga~n contrel
EXP 8X$ ●xpansion FAI fai frequency ●zfwth intensity
EXP ,Xp ●xpense FAl fat fresh ● tr Inlet
EXP ●xp ●xperiment FAIR fatr fafring
EXP ●xp ●x~rtmental rm f ●m frost liar
CXP exp ●xposed FAO f 80 ftnish ● ll over
EXP ●xp ●xpress FAR far fa]sa ●larm rate
EXP 8xp 8xpulston FAR far f~rst ● larm register
EXP UT ●xp jt ●xpanston joint FAR f 8P forward ●c~isition radar
EXPED ●xpea ●xpedt tc FAS f ●s fueling ●t’sea
EXPEN expcn ●xpendable FAST fast fast ●utomatic shuttle
EXPL exp ) cxplanat~on transfer
EXPLD expld ●xp Ioda FASTAR fastar fr=quency ●ngIo scanning,
EXPLN exp I n exploston tracktng and ranging
cxPfuo expnd ●xpenditure FAT f8t f~ee ● ir temperature
EXPNT expnt ●xponent FATOL fatdl frequency ●nd t~- dlvtston
EXPNT ●xpnt ●xponential link
EXPO expo expert~tal order FATR fatr ftxed ●uto transformer
EXPSR ●xpsr exposure F AV fav favorable
EXST ●xst ●x4sting FAX fax facsimile
EXT ●xt 8xtensfon FE fb flat bar
EXT ex t ●xteptor FB fta fuse block
EXT ex t pxtcrnal F5CK f bck firebr!Ck
EXT ex t extfngutsh FBoc fbdc fiberboard corrugated
EXT ●x t ●xtinguisher FBDS f bti fiberboard soli’d
exTo extol ● xtrdde F8M fbm board foot (measure)
CXTG ●xtg ●xtracting FBM fbm fleet ballistfc missile
EXTM extm ●xtreme f8M fbm ?oot bmrd measure
EXTNO extnd ● xtender FeoE fboe Frequency band of efnissfon
~XTR ---- ●xtrude (altn abbrl FBR fbr feedback resistance
EXTR extr ●xtractor FBR fbr fiber
EX7RADOP ●x tradop ●xtended range doppler FBR80 f brbd flberbeard
EXTRN extrn extruston FURS fbrs f i brous
EYLT eylt eyelet FBT fbt form block tawlate
EYPC eypc eyep 1ace F8T fbt forward ballast tank
F f fighter lalreraftl FC fc ferrtte core
F f ftre fc ffle cabtnet
f f #tat-band metalllc ●rmor % fc ftre clay
(insul) FC fc fire control
F f Flint FC fc front connected
r f f orem FCA f Ca functional eenfiguratfon
f fr~ency (cob form) ●ud i t
; f intorcoptor (aircraft) FC8 f cb free cutting brass
FTOF ftof face to faca FCC f cc face centered cubic
f6A f68 fore ●nd ●ft FCG fcg facing
Fs8 fab fire ●nd bflge FCG f Cg fuel contents gauge
FhOF fadf fuel ●nd defustllng FCI FC1 functional configuration
f6F faf ffre ●nd flushing identification
F/A RATIO fta ratio fuel ● ir ratio fco f co cleanout flush with
F/O f/d faco or field of drawing f$nished floor
F/P f/p flat pattern FCR f cr fire control radar
FIS fls ftrlistl one St- FCR Fcr 4use eur~mnt rating
F2S T2s finish two sides FCRLS FCRLS Flight Control Reacly Ltght
FA fa fteld ●rtillery system
FA f8 ftnal ●ss~ly fcs FCS Fire Control System
FA fa forced atr FCSG f CS9 fomsing
FA fa fr~e aperturo fCSLE fcsle forecastle
r As f ab fabrtcate FCST fcst forecast
F A8 f ●b first ● id box FCT fct ftlament center taP
fABL fa81 fire 818MI bell FCTN fctn function
FA8WH f ●bwh f)ush ●rmor balance FCTY fcty factory
uatertlght hatch FD fd feed
fabx fire ● larm box fD fd flange focal dtstance
f ●c factor Fe fd floor dratn
f 2C ffold ●ccelerator Fo fd forced draft

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29 my 1981


PO fd f Ound FGN fgn fore 1gn

m *d fr~emcy dlverstty FGR f gr f t nger
Fo $d f—w—=y divfs~on FGY f gy f Oggy
m fd front of dash FH ---- flat head (altn abbr)
FDAI fdat tlight director ●nd FH fh fire hose
altltucie Indfcator FH fh full hard
roe fdb ffeld dynamfc brakfng FHC fhc fire hose Cabfnet
Foa fm forced dra?t blower FHP fhp fractional horsepower
FWK fdbk fmack FHP fhp frlctlon horsepower
?DBLR fdblr freq4ency doubler FHR f hr ffre hose rack
FDC fdc ftrn departmt connection FHT fnt fully heat treated
FDC f dc fire dlreotton center FHY f hy fire hydrant
fDoL fddl fr~y dfvtsion data I\nk FI f{ fi-ld intensity
FOE fde ffcld dec818rator FIC ftc frequency interference
FDFL fdf 1 fluid flow control
fm f dg fractional doppler gate FIFO FIFO first-!n-ffrst-out
FOI fdi field dtscharge FIG fig f i gure
FDM fdm fr~ency dtvtslon wultiplex FII FIX Federal Item Identfflcatton
F~ fdn foundattotl FIIG FIIG Federal Item Identlftcatton
F 9P +* full dog point Guide
FDPL fdpl fluid pressure Itne F!IN FIIN Federal Item Identff{catton
FOR fdr f ceder Nuwber
Pm f dr +tndar FIL fil f I lamnt
FDR f dr fire door FIL fll fillet
FOR f dr fltght data recorder FIL ftl ftlltster
FOR f dr fr~oncy dfvcrsfty radar FIL fil fuel injection ltne
FDRY f dry f Oundry FILH fllrl flllister head
Fosvc f dsvc food sewlce FILL ftll filling
FDTT fdtt. full duplex teletype FIN ffm full tndicator mmmmmnt (as
FDW fdw feed water used fn ANSI Y14.S)
FOWL fdwl fiberboard double wal? FIN ---- ftntsh (altn abbr)
~DX f dx ful) duplex FIN fin ftnanctal
FE8 Feb February FIP ftp fuel injection punp
FEB ?eb functional electronic block FIR flr fired
FECP fecp formal eng{neerfng change FIR flr fuel tndlcator readfng
proposa I FIR flr full tndicator readtng
FED Fed Federal FIS fls floattng-point instruction
FEZ @ef flrfng error indicator set
FELR telr fe81er FK ftc f Ork
FELR felr feeler FKD fkd forked
FEM fem female FL f? ftlter (c- form)
FER f er forward engine room FL fl flashlng
FER CON fer con ferrule contact FL fl flat
FESE fese field enhanced secondary FL fl flood (vent)
emlssten FL fl floor
FC7 FET ffeld effect transistor FL fl floor line
FEXT fext fire ●xttngufsher FL t! flow
?F ff fa~lure factor FL fl flutd
F? *f ~~ie finish FL fl f 1ush
F* ff ffre ftghting FL fl flute lead
FF ff fltp flop FL fl focal length
FF ff fotlowtng FL fl footlawbert
FF ff force feed FL/W fl/w flash weldfng
FF ff full fteld FLA fla full-loact ●nperes
FFAR ffar folding ftn afrcraft rocket FLO fld fatrlead
FFC ffe fltp flop co~l~ntary FLD fld fle?d
FFD ffd field forcing (decreasing] FLOG fldg fold!ng
FFEC ffec ffeld frms ●mission current FLDK fla flight deck
FFl ffi ffeld forctng (trtcreastng) FLDNG f 1dng flooding
FFILH ffilh flat fill tster haad FLDO fldo final limit down
FFL ffl female f18red FLDT fldt floodlight
FFI. ff? tteld failure FLEA flea flux logic element array
FFL ffl flfp flup latch FLEX flex flexible
FFL ffl front focal length FLEX flex f 1exure
FfP ffp firm fixed prfce FLF flf ffnal Iimlt forward
FFRR ffrr full fre~ency range FLFT flft full load fram ttme
recording FLG flg fI●nge
FFT FF7 fast FourlQr transform F LG flg flooring
PC fg filament ground fLGSTF flgstf flagstaff
FG fg frog FIGSTN f Igstn flagstone
FGD f gd fine grain data FLU flh final Ilmtt hoist
?G#3 fgd f org8d FLH flh flat head

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29 my 1981


P Lnls flhls flashtcss FMR fmr frequency modulated radar
FLSDEN flieen fllght data ●ntry FUR f- frequency modulated receiver
FLIR flir forwsrd Iodk{ng lnfra- FMS fms floating machine shop
FLKO flkd fluked FMS f ms free machintng steel
FLL fll final Ilmit Iouer FMT fmt flush wmtal threshold
FLL fll flow line FMT fmt frequency modulated
FLLD flld full load transmitter
FLM f lm flalm FN fn f!nd ~er
FLM RES flm res flame ruslstant FN fn flat nose (project~le)
FLU RTD flm rtd flame retardant FNN f nh flashless nonhygroscopfc
?LMB f!we flananable FNI fnt fan ~n
FLMPRF f lnywf flameproof FNO f no fan out
FLMPRS f 1mprs film processing FNPT fnpt fusion point
FLMSD f lmsd fllnl sound FNSH f nsh finish
FLMT f)mt f 1ushmount FNSII SPEC fnsh spec finish specification (no
FLMTT flmtt flametight numer )
FLN fln flatten FO fo fast operate (relay)
F LN fln fuel line Fo fo flat oval
FLNO flng fuel tng F13 fo foldout
FLOCOM f 1 Ocom floating coummtator FO fo fuel 0{1
FLORA f 1 ora ffre locat!on radar FOA f oa forced oil ●nd afr
F LOT flot flotation F08 fob free on board
FLPR flpr f 1 ●pper FOB fob front of board
FLR flr fa~lure FOC foc focal
FLR flr filler Foc f Oc f Ocus
FLR flr f~nal IImtt revarse FOC f Oc full operational capablltty
FLRD flrd f I ●red FOFM fefwl fog foam
FLRG flrg flarlng FOL fel follow
FLRT flrt flow rate FOLQ folq foam liquid
FLRY flry f 1urry FOP fop fuel oil pump
FLSP flsp fltght space FORff forg forging
FLSW flsw flw Swttch FORM form formation
fLT flt f8ult FORM form fomla
FLT flt flashlight FORTRAN FORTRINM forwla translation
FLT flt flight . FOSGEN fosgen fog oil smoke generator
FLT flt float F07 fot frequency of optiwm
FLT PLN flt pln flfght plan operation
FL7D f)td fluted FOT fot fuel 011 tank
FLTG fltg floating FOT #ot fuel oil trsnsfer
FL7L fltl flightltne FOLIO fouo for official use only
FLTP fltp flush type Fovu fovh f)ush o$ltight ventilation
FLTR f)tr filtar hole
FLU flu final llm~t up FOY f Oy foyer
FUJOR f 1Uor fluorescent FP fp faceplate
F LUSOC f lUSOC fluted socket FP fp feedback positive
FLUSOCN f IUsoctl fluted sock~t head FP fp field protective
fLiJT flut f lutter FP fp fireplace
?LW flu flat washer FP fp flat po~nt
FLUK fluk flat work FP fp fore peak
FLUP flwp follou up FP fp forward perpendicular
FLYUHL flyuhl flyuheei FP fp freezing potmt
FLYWT flyut flyweight FP #p fungus proof
FM fm fan markmr FP I fp t faded pr!or to lnterCept
FM fm fathom f? I fpt fluorescent penetrant
FM fm fteld manual inspection
FM fm f~re main FPIS fpfs forward propagation
FM fm frequency modulation Ionospheric scatter
FM fm frequency aultfplex FPL fpl ftre plug
Fm fm tltan$um tetrachlortde FPL fpi frequency phase lock
FMAN f man f oremn FPM f pm foot (feet) per mtnutc
FMCW f new frequency modu?atcd FPUT fpot feedback potentiometer
continuous wave fPPR fppr flshpaper
FMF8 fmfb frequency modulation FPRF fprf flrepruof
f eem?ack FPS fps focus projection ●nd
FMFM fmfm frequency modulation scanning
frequency modulation FPS fps foot (feet] per second
fML fml feedback w!ttple loop FPS FPS foot pound second (System)
FMt. fml Formel (Inwll FPT fpt female pipe thread
FMOP fmop frequency modulation on the FPTS fpts forward propagation
pulse? tropospheric scatter
FMPM f- frequency smdulatton phase m fr failure rat.
modulation FR fr fast release (relay!

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29 my 1981


$R fr f~eld revers{ng F SW f Sw field swftch

FR fr frame FSW f Sw franm synchronization word
FR fr from FT ft flush threshold
FR fr f ren t FT ft foot (feet)
PR BEL fr be? from below F’1 ft frequency tracker
FR FY fr fy fr~nch fry FT ft fume tight
FRAC f rac fractional FT ft functional test
FRAG f rag fra~tatien FT LB ft lb foot pound force
FRAUO fraud fraudulent FT&TW f t6tw desk. cO*inat!on flat-top
FREEEO f reebd freeboard ●nd typewriter
FREQ f req f reqmncy FTC ftc fast time constant
FREQ CNG freq chg frequency chmger FTD f te fitted
FREQ CONV freq conv frequency convorter FTD f td frequency translation
FREQ INO freq tnd frequency fndicatw distortion
FREQM f reqm frequency meter FTF ftf flared tube fitttng
FRES f res fire reststant FTFGS ftfgs flared tube fftttng gasket
FRHGT f rhgt free height sea 1
FRICT frict frtctlon FTG f tg fitt!ng
FRM f rm fire room FTG ftg footing
FRMU f rmr former FTHRO f thrd female thread
FRNG f rng fringe FT1 fti frequency ti- indicator
FRT frt fretght FTK f tk fwl tank
FRTN frtn front end FTM f tm flextble theatre missile
FRWK frwk t r ●rework FTN f tn fortification
FRZ frz freeze FTP f tp fuel transfer puw
FRZR frz~ freezer FTR ftF feather
FS fs far side FTR ftr ftxed transom
Fs Fs Federal Speclffcatton FTR ftr flat tile roof
Fs fs feedback stabtllzed FTR ftr functional test requirement
Fs fs female soldeved FT7 ftt” flat trim t-late
FS fs field service FU fu fuse
Fs fs fin stabilized FU8X fubx fuse box
FS fs ffnish specification FUHLR fuhlr fuse holder
( numr ) FUd fuj front upset jaw
FS fs fire station FUL ful fulcrum
FS fs ftrtng set FUNO f Und fundamental
Fs fs fere~gn s~rvfce FUNL furll f urine I
FS fs foresight FUR fur fur?ong
FS fs freight supply (vessel) FUR f Ur furnace
FS fs frequency sh{ft fURN furn furnish
FS fs full size fURN f urn furniture
FS fs functional sehematfc FUS ---- fuselage (altn abbr)
F$ fs fuselage station FUSLG fuslg fuselage
FS 6s sulfur trfexide FUT fut future
ChlOrSUlfOniC ●cid FV fv flush valve
FsBL fsbl feasible rv fv flux valve
FSBL fsbl fusible FV fv front view
FSBL CUT fsbl cut fusible Cutout fv fv full voitage
FSC FSC Federal Supply Class FVO f vd front vertex back focal
Fsc f Sc full scale distance
FSC1 fscl fre~ency space FVR fvr fuse voltage rattng
eharaeteristie t~edance FW fw face width
FSCIL FSCIL Federal Supply Catalog FW fw fire wall
Identification List FW fu fresh water
Fs~ FsCM Federa) Supp)y Code for FM fw full wave
Manufacturers F WO f wd forward
FSD fsd f)ying spot digftlzer FWDCT f Udc t fresh water drain
FSD f Sci forecast support date collecting tank
?Sc f se fle]d support ●quipment FWK fuk field weakening
FSK f sk frequency shift keying FWP fwp feed water puwq
FSM f sm fleId strength meter F WP fwp fresh water puq
F sMWQ t Smwo ffeld service modification fWPLN fwpln faitwater planes
work order FWR fwr full wave recttfier
?SN F SN Federal stock Wmmer F XD f xd fixed
FsN f sn fuel servfca nozzle F%? f Xp ffxed point
FSP fps fremency standard prtmary FXTR fxtr f i xture
FSR fsr ffeld strength radfo fY fy ftscal year
FsR fsr frequency scan radar FYIQ fytg for your information ●nd
FS$N fssn fission guldantw
F$T fst forged stw} Fz ?Z fuze
PST fst frequency shfft transmission FZSTO fzsto frozen storage
?STNR fstnr fastener o ---- green Ialtn ●bbr)

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


G G gato (electron devie8) GEF gef ground equtpment fa lure
G 9 9 t rder GEN gen generation
G 9 glass (insull GEN gefl generator
G 9 glyptal cloth (fnsul) GEN CONT gen cent general contractor
G gram GENG ge~ gasoltne engtne
G : grav t ty GENL genera I
G 9 grounded (outlet) GEOL gee 1 geolog~cal
G 9 stngle glass (insul) GEOMAG =9 geomagnetfsm
G grtd grfd GETOL ground effect take off and
G4kC ga e ~idance ●nd control 1 andt ng
GAN gh n gu{dance ●nd navtgatfon GF gf gas ftlled
G-A g-a grwnd to ● lr GFAE GF AE govern~nt furntshed
G-G . ground to ground ● ircraft equipment
GA ;ag w- GFO gfd gap ftller. data
GA ga gas ●~liftcatfon GF E GFE government furnished
GA gl$de ●ngle equ t preen t
GA : graphic ammeter G?EL GFEL government furnfshed
GABD gabd gauge board ●qutment llst
GADL gad I grwnd to air data It?!& GFF gf f granoltthlc ffnfsh floor
GAG gag ground to ● ~r to ground GF I gf 1 gap ftller tnput
GAI ga t gate ●larm indicator GF I gf i ground-fault interrupter
GAL ga 1 ga 11 ons GFLO gfld generator field
GALL gall ga 1 I ery GFM GFM government furnished
GALV galv gslvantc materfal
GALV galv galvanize GFO gfo gap ffller output
GALVI galvt galvanized iron GFP GFP government furntshed parts
G4LVN0 gal vnd galvamnealed GFP GFP governwwnt furntshee
GALVNN ga IVm galvanometers property
GALVS galvs galvanized steel GFP$S GFP6S government furnfshed
GALY galy galley property ●nd servtces
GAM gam guided ● ircraft mlS311e GFR gf r gap ffllar radar
GAPL gap 1 group ●ss~ly parts ltst GFU gfu glazed facing unit
GAR gal- garag8 GGL ggl ground glass
GAR gar gutded ● {reraft rocket GHA Greenwtcti hour ●ngle
GAR80 garbd garboard Cl gf gray fron
GAS gas gaso I ine GIOEP GIOEP Governnwtnt-Industry Data
GAS /W 9as/w gas weld Exchange Program
GAT ga t general avfatton transponder GIGO gtgo garbage in, garbage out
GAT GA? Greenwtch ●pparent ti~ GIL gf I green tndfcatfng lam
GAT ga t ground to air transmitter GIHLS GIRLS Generalized Information
GATR gatr ground to ● tr transmitter Retr~eval ●nd Llsttng
race fver system
GetG *9 garbage GIT git graph isomorphtsm tester
Gc guidance control GJ 9J grown junction
GCA ~A ground controlled approach GL gl glass
GCC Gcc ground control center GL gl grade ltne
GCD gcd gain centroi drtver gl green light
GCD gcd greatest comon divisor % gl gun laying
GCI GC: ground controlled GLB glb glass block
interception GLD gld gold
GCL gc 1 ground control landing GLE GLE government loaned ewipment
GCMPS gems gyroco~ass GLX glt g] fder
GCN gcfl gag- code number GLUSS gloss glossary
GCR grOUnd controlled radar GLPG glpg gtouplug
GCRG :Fg ~n carriage GLS gls glide slope
GCT GC7 Greenuich ctvfl t(me GLT glt gu{de light
GO gd graphic demand meter GLTN gltn guillotine
GO * ground detector GLV glv globe valve
GO gci grown dtffused GLWB glub glazed wallboard
GO * guard GLYCN g}ycn glycerine
GOE gde ground data @Wi~nt GLZ glz glaze
GDE gde guide GM P gaseous mfxture
GDE gde gut am GN geometric m?an
GOLK gdlk grid leak GN ~ grid modulation
GONC gdnc gu 1 dance GM guided mlsslle
GDOP gdop geometr~c dflutfon of GN : metacentrlc hetght
prec{slon GMAT GNAT Greenwich mean astronomical
GOR gdr guard rail tlm
GE ge gas ●jectfon GMBL *I gf~al
GECC gecc gasoltne engine. close gun motor carrfsge
coup 1ad guided mtsstle
GEO gad gasolfne engfne driven countermeasures

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29 ?iay 1981


ma greet gun metal GRSHfT grshf t gearshaft
gml guided missile launcher GRTG grtg gratfng
GNLOG gmleg garnish mo!dfng GRTN grtn . grid return
GM* ground mamtng radar GRTR g~tr grater
GNr G Greenwich mean time GRv grv gruove
WTRY gmtry geometry GRVA grva 9raphic var~ter
guaranteed mtniaum value GRVO grvd groovca
m general not~ GRVG grvg grooving
GNu ground GRVR grvr groover
Q4LTD gnltd granulated URWT grwt gross weight
GWz gnoz grease nozzle Gs g% ground speed
Gt’JP gas nonverslstmt GSAP gsap gun sight ●iming pOint
gocr gated off controlled GSS gse gypsum s~athi~ board
Pecttft@r GSBR gsbr gravel-surface bu{ld-up roof
GOE GOC ~vernment owned ●quipment GSDA gsda ground speed drift angle
~E GQE ground operation Squlpmnt GSE GSE ground support ●qui~nt
-R gopr gas operated GSFU gsfu glazed structural facing
GOR gor ‘general operational un~ ts
requirewwn t GSIL Gsil Gsrman silver
Goss Goss ground operational support GSKT gsk t gasket
system GSR gs r glide slope receiver
gov governor Gss GSS Ganma Scintillation System
Z:G govg governing GST G$T Greenwich stdereal time
GOVT gov t govemmen t Gsu gsu glazed structural units
Gox gox gaseous oxygen GSU8 gsub glazed structural unit base
GP gang punch GSV gsv globe stop valve
GP 9P gss persistent Gsv gsv ~ided space vehicle
w general purpose GSWR gswr galvanized steel wire rope
w z glide path Gt gt gastight
Gv ground protactlve (relay) GT gt grease trap
GP 9P group GT gt gross ton
GPB gpa gemral purpose ●~ltfier GT gt ground transmtt
“ GPATE gpate ~ral purpose ●utomatic GTC gtc gain time control
test ●quipment GTC gtc gas tu-tne compressor
GPc gpc gypsum p18ster Cefllng GTL gtl government test laboratory
GPER GPER general plant equipmnt GTO gto gate turnoff
requirements GTR gtr garter
GPF $pf gasproof GTRS gtrb gas turbine
GPFf ~h gallons per hour GTV gtv gate valve
GPH gph graphtte GUAR guar guarantee
GPr *i ground posltfon indicator gun gunnery
GPW gallons per m~nute Gus gus gusset
GPS ~ ga~lons per second WT gut gutter
GPW gpw 9YPsm Plaster wall GVA gva graPhic k!lovolt a~ere
GR gt- gear meter
Ga gf- gerwmnium reeti?ter GVL gvl grave !
GR gr grab rod GVU gross veh~c)e weight
GR gr grade ewe gypsum wallboard
GR gr grain GUT $ glazed wall t!le
GR gr grid resistor GwTa gwtb glazed wall t$le base
GR gr gross GY ---- gray (altn ●t3Dr)
GR he gr ab gr@e abt!ity OYM 9P gymnastum
GR LP gr Ip ground lz~ GYP 9YP gypsum
GR& gra gray GYRO gyro gyroscoPe
GR &a grad gradient Gz gz ground zero
mm gran grm i te Gz righting ●rm
GRAM gran granodize GZ7 % Creenwlch zone tim
GRe grb granolithic base i+ h hatch
GRBX grbx g9arbox H h head (cm form)
GRc grc gearcase H h heavy (insul)
GRD grd grind H h high
GRDL grdl grtudle H h horizontal lcom form)
GRom grdtn graduation H h mstard gas
Cuf 9P f group repetition frequency H GALV h galv hot galvanize
GRG 9-9 gear ~ng I’iloti htoh heel to heel
GRK grit gear rack *C hbc head and cover
GRL gr I grflle H&o had hardened and dtspersed
grn green H8G hbg harden and grind
= groin gr~t HA ha half ●alder
GRP glass reinforced p~asttc HA ha hardness assura=e
grph graPh i C H& ha high ●ltitude
ms grs grease
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29 by 1981


i4A0 had heat ●ctuatCd device HOST MS t headset
HAF ha f hesvy ●lrcrpft fuel How hardware
HALO halo hfgh ● ltitu- 10V OPetlf~ HoWc hardware cloth
HAP HAP high a!tftude ~latform HDwo hardwood
HAPOAR napdar hard pulnt demw’mtratlon Iiox tu!x half ~lex
●rray radar HE he heat ●xchange ‘
HARhl barn harness HQ he heavy enaml (Insul)
HARM LTHR barn lthr harness leather HE he high explostve
HARP - Harp Halpern ●nti-radar point HEAA heaa h{gh ●xplosive ●ntiaircraft
HARP harp high ● ltltude relay point HEAF heaf heavy end avtatfon fuel
HASP hasp high ● ltttude sOUtiing HEAP heap high ●xplosfve armor
projectile ptercing
t4ATCDS ha teds high-altitude terrain HEAT heat high explosfve ●ntftank
contour data sensor rtEec hebc heavy enaml banded Sfngle
HATRAC hatrac handover trmsfer ●ti cotton (Insul )
receiver accupt change UESDC hebdc heavy ●namel bonded double
HAV hav haversine cotton ( insul I
HAZ haz hazardous HEBOP heavy ena~l double paper
W hb half breadth bonded t insul I
H8 hb heavy barrel (rifle) HE80S hebds heavy enamal bonded dOUble
HE hb homtng beacon silk (instJl )
He hb hose bib HEBP heavy ●namel single paper
HSCN men hazard beacon bonded ( insul )
HSPMP ~w hot brtne w MEDS hebs heavy ●ns-l bonded single
Hc handcrank . silk (insul)
Hc he heattng Cabi,Wt HEC hec heavy ●namel stngle cotton
Hc he hexacf’!lor8thane {insul )
Hc he high capacity (projectile) MECV hecv heavy ●namel single cotton
Hc he high carbOn varnish (fnsul )
Hc he holdfng coil HEOC hedc heavy enamel double COttOn
NC he! hose claw I Insul )
u hc hydraulic clean HEDCV hedcv heavy enamel double COttOn
Hc he screening s-k- !mfxtUrQJ varnish [ Insul )
HCG hcg horizontal Iocatlun of HEDS beds heavy enamel double sflk
centee’of gravity ( insul)
HCI *I hamness-crlttcal ttem HEOS beds high exploslve d~scard~ng
HCL hcl horizontal centw Itne safaot
hen hydrocyantc ●cid HEDSV hedsv heavy enamel double silk
hconn hos* connectoP varnish ( insul )
HCP hcp hardness-critical process HE f hef htgh wnwrgy fuel
HCP hcp hexagonal close packed HEG heg heavy ●namel single glass
Hcs hcs high carbon steel (insul )
HCSHT hcsht high carbon steel heat HE I he! high expiosive incwwilary
tr~a ted HEXT hett high exp)oslve Incendiary
homing c~arator untt with tracer
Hcu hydraulic cyclfng unft HEK hek heavy ●namel single
Ho hd. hand (c- fermi cellophane ( inSUl )
Ho hd harbor defensa HEMU hybrid electromagnetic wave
Ho hd hard HEP h- high ●xplostv8 plasttc
HD hd harmonfc distortion HERA hers high ●xplosive rocket
Ho hd head ●ssisted
Ho M head dtametor MERd herj high ●xplosfve ramjct
HO hd headed MES hes heavy ●ns-l stngle silk
HD M hwvy Cmty [ insul )
m CR hd Cr hard chromium HEs has high ●xplosive spotting
HO ORN hd dm hard drawn i+EsT hes t HEAF emergency servtce tanks
HODK handbook MESV hesv heavy enamel single stlk
HOCP hdcp hand { cap varnish (Insul )
HOEP Map htgh densfty electronic t’tt7 M?t heterodyne
packaging HET het high ●xploslve utth tracer
HOG hdg headt ng lux hex hexagon
WI hd $ ttorfzontal dtspIay Indlcstor HEX Ho hex hd hexagonal head
HOL bd I handle -x Soc hex Soc hexagonal socket
HO!-G hdlg handlfng HEx SOCH -X soch hexagonal socket head
HOLS MIs headIess w hf htgn frequency
Mn harden w hf holdlng ftxture
Mns hardness we hfb hand form block
How hdov hardovcr HFCUR hfcur high frequency cUrrent
HDP horizontal data processing Hfn hfd hydro form dte
hdr header HfOf hfdf high frequency dtrectton
HOS* hdsilk handshake (cofput8rsl ftnder

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29 ?by 1981


HFMF hfmf hone-finish mono-l ithic WIL HNIL hfgh-noise-lfrTNnity logic
f 1oor HNTG hntg hunt~ng
HF9 hfo high frequency oscillator W4YCNB hnycb honeycowb
HFR hfr hetgtit finder radar Hoe height of burst
HF S flfs hyperftne structure Hoe hob hom!ng on offset beacon
l+ x hf x hfgh fre?sncy transceiver Hoc hoe height overlap coverage
HG13N hgbn herr \ ngbone imGtN hogen hold off generator
HGc hgc hyperbolic clean H&J boj home on jawwnlng
HGPS hgps high grade plow steel MJL hol hol low
ffiR s hgr hanger HOM horn i ng
HGsu hgsu horn gap switch ~N hon honorary
HGT hg t hefght HORIZ ---- horizon Ialtn ●bbr)
HH hh handho I d HORIZ her t z horizontal
w hh handho 1● HOSP hosp hospi tal
MD hhd hogshead mu how howitzer
HI FI ht f{ high f~dellty HP w htgh paSS
HI KJN ht hum high humidtty HP w high pressure
HIAC hiac high sccuracy HP m horizontal polarization
HIMP t?t~ htgh Smpact HP w horsepower
HINT htnt high intensity HP m hOt press
HIPAR htpar high power ●cquisition radar HP i+R hp hr horsepower hour
HIPoT hipot high potential HPA hpa high power a~llfier
HIPOTT hlpott htgh potentta) test )+8 hinged plottfng board
HIPRI hfpri h~gh priority HPO :: hard po~nt defense
HIR hir horizontal t~lse reaction HP F hpf hlghe$t Possible fW@enCY
MIRAC hirac high random access HPFL hpfl h!ghpass filter
HbJ hj hinge jaw HPLR hplr h~nge ptllar
tlu hj hose jacket f tnsul I HPOT hpot hel {potentiometer
* mP hkp hookup HPR hpr hopper
HL RI hand lantern HPS hps high pressure St@afW
HL hl hau 1 HPT high po~nt
HL h.1 heel ltne HPT $: htgh pressure test
HL hl highltne Ha m hea~arters
Fit hl hfnge Ifne HR handling room
i+LBR hlbr heel breaster HR E height range -
HLURO hlbrd ha 1herd HR hr hook rail
HLCL hlcl heltcal HR hr hose rack
HLCPs hlcps Wltcal co~ressfon HR hr hot roll~d
HLCPTR hlcptr helicopter HR hr hOUr
HLOG hldg ho)d{~ HRf hrf height range finder
HLDN hldn ho 1ddown HR I hr 1 hetght range fndlcator
HLDR hldr ho? der HRIR hrlr high resolution infrared
HLEXT hlext helical ●xtanston HRL hr I horizontal reference line
HLFM hlfm hat fmuon HRPO hrpo hot rolled pickled and oil
HLG hlg hot leg HRS hrs hot rolled steel
HL L HL L htgh-level language HRT hr t high resolution tracker
(c~ters 1 HRv hrv hypersonic research vehtcle
HLNG hing headlining ilRZN hrzn hor t zon
HLP hlp helper HS hs hardness surveillance
HL$O hlsd heel sanding Hs hs high speed
HLTL hltl h~gh level transistor logic % hs hing~d seat
i4LTTL hlttl htgh 10VOl transistor Ms hs horizon sensor
transistor logic i+s hs horizontal shear
HLXA hlxa heltx ●ng!o HSBR hsbr h~gh speed bombing radar
NM Iwl hardness maintenance i+sc hsc ha-tlcally swaled
w hm hollow metal container
hmc howitzer motor carriage Hsc hsc horizon scanner
*D Wmid HSO hsd high speed data
HMo hmd hum{df ty tisD hsd hotsfae
HMOF hmdf hollow metal door and frame HSE hs ● house
HMG hq kavy mach$ne gun HSG hsg hous { ng
Hwc hmnc harmonic HSH1.D hshld househoid
I-MR hmr hm’!sner i+sI hs I horizontal situation
HNo COW hnd cent hand control indicator
WO GEN hnd gen hand generator HSM hsm high speed memory
Wo R$T hmd r~t hand reset HSP hsp high speed printer
W40RL hndr I hand rail HSPTR hsptr high speed paper tape reader
WOST hnds t handset HSR hsr high speed reader
I+40UL hndw 1 hand wneel Hs s hs S high speed steel
W4F8R hnfbr horn fiber H$T hs t hoist
hng hangfng HS TM hsth hose thread
hng h ?nge —

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29 by 1981


hs zd hermetically sealed zener HY9APT hyaapt hybrid dtgttal analog ●-

diode pulse tfme
km ht half tone t’tYoN hydm hydrometer
NT ht heat WOR hydr hydraul ~c
MT llt heavy thermoplastic (insul) HYORELC hydre 1c hydroelectric
ffT ht htgh tenston HYDRST hydrst hydrostatic
m ht hollow ttlo ktYoto hydtd hydrated
Ht ht horizontal tabulation HYP hyp hypotenuse
w ht hot tln HYPERB hyperb hyperbola
W RES ht res heat r-si%t{w HYPH hyph hydrophore
UT TR ht tr heat treat HYPOTH hypo th hypothetical
WA hta haavfer than ● ir HZNP hz~ horizontal tnpulse
WC! htct htgh tenstle cast iron HZRN hzrn hor{zomtal reaction
PfTD htd hea taa I \ interlocked metallic ●rmor
NW Rtf height ftndi~ ( fnsul )
HTG htg heating 1 f lntrtns~c (1) type
WYL HT L high-threstild Iogtc semiconductor matertal
htm hard tub. modulator I t from Icon@ form)
HTM htm tt{gh tefqserature lbC t 6C installation and checkout
HTNSL htns 1 high tenSile 18M iilm installation ●ne maintenance
UTR htr heater IbO #&o tnlet ●nd wtlet
HTRK htrk half track 180H faoh inlet ●nd outlet head
UTs hts hefght telllng surveillance 15S Ibs ~nterchangeabil[ty ●nd
HTS hts high tensile steel substitution
HTs hts h{gh tensfle strength Ibt ibt Identification and
HTSHLD htshld httat $hteld traceabtllty
NTSK htsk heat si~ IIF {/f image to frame ratio
htv hypersonic test ventcle I/m I/m Ins!de of metal
NV hv high veloclty 1 {0 f/0 fnput output
w hv htgh voltage 1/0s i /ob fnput-output buffer
HWAP hv 8P hfgh veloc~ty ●rmor p~ercing I /OE t/oe Input-output element
PtuaP hv ●p hypervel-fty armor plerc~ng I/OR 1 /or {nPut-output register
HVAPDs w ●pas hyperveloctty armor IA lntttal ●ppearance
pfercf~ d~scardf~ SabOt 1 acs ; :Cs International Annealed
WAR hvar high velocity ● ircraft Copper Standard
rocket IAD 1 ●d fnltfstfon area
hvc ‘ hardemd voice ctrcuit discriminator
WCH hvch haraened voice channel I AF taf Inft!al ●pproach fix
HVDC hvdc high voltage dfrect Curreht I AGC t ●ge instantaneous automatic
HUDF hvdf htgh and very high gain centrol
frequency dtrectton IAI {ai tnformattonal ●cquts~tlon
ftndtng ●nd tnterpretatton
Hws hvps high voltage power supply I AS f 8s imwdtate ●ccess storage
HVR hv r hfgh vo!tage regulator IAS t ●s Indtcated ● ir spead
HVRNC hvrng hover i ng I AT Iat tnd~catect air t~erature
Hvss hvss hortzental volute spring I AVC t ●vc instantaneous ●utomatic
suspension volu~ control
HVTP hv tp htgh velocity target IAU i ●w tn accordance with
practice 1% tb incendiary bo~
HWP hvt~ hyperveloclty target IB fb inner bottom
practice ib fnStfUCtlOn bOOk
Hvwos hvtpds hypaevelocfty target ::. froning board
practtcc dtscaratng sabot 1BEM : b- iron body bronze mounted
hv y heavy IBCN i bcn tdentiftcation beacon
w hu half wave IllE Ibe Inner back end
h half uord IDID ibid in the sam place (for
w hw head kfind referencing )
w hw hot water 18P ibp tnitial boll!ng point
w k how I ●r IBRL tbrl tnitial ~ release line
WC hot water eirculat~ng Ic tc ~~ulse conductor
huh hat water heater IC tc init~al Conditions
hu 1 high water line Ic tc Instruction card
HUL hw I hotwel i Ic \nteurated ctrcuft
WY huy h I ghuay !: fc nte;lm change
HXUXL hxwx 1 height by wtdth by length IC tc ntertor conammicatlon
we hyb hybr ~d Ic Ic nternal cotiust{on
HYBMED hybmed hybr~d microelectronic Ic lC on char!’ber
dev 1 ce IC & FCD {c 6 fed ntertor coimun{catton and
HYCOL hyco I hyeria Comuter lfnk ftre control dtstrfbutton
HYD ---- hydraulic (ALTN ABf3R) IC ORUM ~c drum ntercofmunicatton drum
fiw hyd hydrant

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29 my 1981


ICAS Icas tntorm{ttent comerclal and I FT fft Intermediate frequency
●mateur service transformer
ICUM t cbm tnterconttnental ball tstic IG IG lgnttor Ielectron devfce)
missf 18 lG Ig tnerttal guidance
IC9R f cbr ice cuber IGE i ge in ground effect
Ico t cd interface control draw$ng IGEN i gen current source
ICE i co tncreased co@mt IGFET IGFET ~nsulated gate field effect
● ffectiveness transistor
ICE ice tnternsl c-stton engtne IGFET IGFET Isolated gate fteld effect
ICF tcf inspection check ftxture transistor
I- tcm intercomwunicat~on (short I GMT igmt l~tngemsnt
form) ION t gn ignttjon
Ic?w i mcp interchannel master pulse rGN i gn ignitron
ICMPS t Cnps induct~on c-ass IGNTR Igntr ~gni tor
I CR i cr tron cure r-actor 1Gs t 9s inertial *ldance system
ImM I crm tee cream IGT tgt f ngo t
I Cs Ics Intercomumtcatlon System 1GV fgv tnlet guide vane
Xcs t Cs tnterphone control station Iwr lhff inhtblt halt fltp-flop
ICT ict lnSp*CtiOn check t~?ate IHP fhp indtcated horsepower
I CT tct insulating core transformer IHPH i hph Indicated horsepower hour
ICT 1 c1 :nternattonal Crit!cal IHSBR t hsbr inproved hfgh speed b-lng
Tables radar
ICTctl ictcd insecticide 11 tf item Identification
Xcu Icu Intensive-care unit IIL IIL integrated fnjection logic
Icv i Cv internal correction voltage IIR ilr integrated instrumentation
t Cw interrupted continuous wavo radar
% {d indicator dr~ver IK {k inner keel
ID id induced draft IL i) inclined ladder
SD id inside diameter IL t] tndex ltst
ID id internal diawRter IL il inslee layer
10 id the s8m IL tl instruction leaflet
10 LT {d It identification lfght ILA {la instrument landing ●pproach
10 No id no identification nufmwr I LAs ILAS Instrument Landing Approach
I Da i da {nput data assew@}er System
I DAC f dac interconnecting d{gital ILAS Ilas interrelated logfc
●nalog convortor ●ccuwlatlng scanner ----
I OCTR fectr \nductor ILLUM fllum illuminate
10DD x 000 \nternstional dtrect 1LLUS f I IUS Illustrate
distant. d$aling I LO 110 In lieu of
SDW Ident Identtcal ILPFL Ilpfl ideal lowpass filter
XDENT ident identtftcatlon rl.s ILS Instrument Landing System
XOEW I@ent Identify 11S ILS integrated Iogtstlc 5upp0rt
10F idf tntermedlate dtstrfbutlng IM im ~~ulse modulation
frame IM im inner marker
IDFO idfo tdentlfled foe IM tm interceptor mtssfle
IOfR tdfr Identtfted frtendly IM lm intermediate missile
IOL idl taller lM im intermediate modulation
I UP 1OF integrated data precesslng IM tm Intermodulation
IDRTY tdrty ind~rectly I MAG i mag imaginary
10S fds intermedtata drum storage IMC Imc instrument meteorological
I OSM \dsm fnertial demand servomotor condition
IDTY Idty intermittent duty IMD id intwwedulatlon distortion
10X { dx f ndex IMEP tmep fndleated nan effective
IE ie that is peessure
Zf if fnstde frosted 2WI imh inlet manhole
IF 14 Instruction folder IMI {ml fwroved manned Interceptor
IF if !ntermed{ate frequency IMIR imir interceptor missile
IFA tfa intermediate frequency tnterrogatlon radar
●~lifier IUX7 imft imitation
1?s ifb Invitation for bid I ML trnl Instde mold line
IFC ffc instantaneous frequency IMNED i nsned tmediate
correlation xm tmn tndlcateci math nuwtter
rFE ife Inner front ●nd I UP i- luQact
IFF IFF Identification friend or foe IMP Ps iUq3 ps {~roved plow stee!
XFFS tffs tdenttftcatlon frtend or IMPATT i~att Iwact ●valanche transit
foe switching circutt tfm
IFI tfi lnfllght ~nsertion lNPD { md l~sdance
IFL Ifl inflatable IMPF {qf l~erfect
IFL-DFL ffl-dfl Inflating-clef latfng INPL tnq)l i~lement
tFR IFR lnstrumnt fl{ght rules IMPLR fnplr i~eller
IFRU tfru interference rejection unit IMPLS tmpls Iwpulse
IFS ffs Intermediate frecpemy strip

Downloaded from

29 &ky 1981

INSOL Insol Insoluble
lMPR f-r i ~edor i nsp Inspect
i~regnatQ INSP
IMPRG i wprg
INSP insp Inspection
IMPRL imprl ~~erlal Insert
i ~rov ~~rovement
IMPROV INST ..-. Instrument (altn ●bbr)
SNPRSN t ~rsn tuqmession
INST tnst Insert screw thread
IMPS i Wps i npose instantaneous
INST tnst
lNRS i mrs tmmrs t on tnstitute
INST tnst
tsu inertial measurent unit ~nstantanews relay
IW INST RLY fnst r!y
in 1nch inertlaless scanning,
INSTAR instar
:: LB in lb ‘~rich-pound and rangi~
lNACTV tnactv inactivate I
instal 1
{ nadequa te
NSTL “ instl
1NAO { nad NSTL Instl installation
IN80 i nbd Inboard installer
NSTLR instlr
I NC tnc incorporated
tisTM ins tm instru-ntatton
INCANO i ncand incandescent
NSTPN instpn instrument panel
INCSR t ncBf incubator tnstruct
NST’R tnstr
INCOT incdt incident tnstructton
‘WTR instr
IWIN incin incinerator instrument
:NSTR instr
INCL tnc! *nClude insufficient
[Nsuf i nsuf
INcl. tncl inclustve Insulate
incln Incllned
INsut I nsu 1
INCLN INSUL i nsu 1 insulatim
INCLR ~nclr fntercoolef insulator
lNSUL t nsu 1
Incls tnc]osure integral
INCLS [NT i nt
1- incm incom$ng Interim
[NT i nt
INCNO t ncnd incendiary interrupter (relay)
[NT int
I NCOH f ncoh incoherent internal connection
[NT CON int con
i ncm fnco~lete
ItuoMfJ INTCMG i ntchg interchangeable
I NCOR i ricer incwrect interchanger
t NTCt+GR intchgr
1NCR i ncr tncrease interconnection
INTCON \ntcon
I tUR i ncr 1ncr~t intercept
INTCF i ntcp
IN@ i ncr interrupt contr~l re9tster intercylinder
2NTCYL intcyl
1?40 i nd tndicata integrate
INTEG 1 nteg
lNO fnd Indicating intelligence
. INTEL intel
I No tnd indicator intensity
lNTEN t nten
lNO ind tmctance interc~nicating
INTERCOM i ntereom
INO 1nd t-ctame s*lf
Intercom intercomntcatton
i nd induction INTEKOM
I NO intergovt intergovermnta 1
I No 1 nd i n-s try interface
INTFC intfc
IND LP ind 1P Indicating lam intk intake
inducta=e regulator I NTK
INO REG fnd r-g
Intl internal
indefinite INTL
INOEF i ndef tntl international
independent INTL
INOEP i ndep interlock
INTLK intlk
INOE? ! nde t indeterminate intermediate
INTMO intmd
INOL indl industrial intermittent
INTMT i ntmt
I NO(IC t ndoc indoctrinate
INTPH i ntph interphtme
INOT indt i neen t interphase transformer
INTPHTR intphtr
INOTR indtr ~ndicator transmitter interpole
INTPO intpo
INOV i ndv individually interpret
INTPR intpr
INF { nf infin~te tnterior
INTR tntr
INFO tnfo information
INTRC ~ntrc tntricate
IN: RN i nf rn inference interference
I~RF tntrf
It’=8 9nhe tnhibit interrogate
INTRG i ntrg
INIT imit initial introduction
INTRO intro
INIT ~nit initiation interpolation
INTnPL tntrpl
JW 1nj inject tnterpupillary
1NTRPM% tntrptry
lNd fnj injection interrupt
INTRpT intrpt
I NL in] inlet intersect
ItWSCT tntsct
IP#P i nop inoperative intership
INTsl’@ fntshp
I tU)RG i norg Inorganic interstate
INTSTG tntstg
INP Inp input instrumentation television
I NW intv
INO i nq inqufry interval
INTVL {ntvl
I NR I nr inner
IWVLM intvlm intervalo~ter
INRT inrt inert inverter
lNV i nv
INRTFLR tnrtflr inert filler invariant
INVAR i nvar
INRTG inrtg inert gas investigation
INVES I rives
INRTL ~nrtl inertial Involute
INVLT invlt
INS ins inside inventory
INVN i nvn
INS Ins nsure inverse
INVS 1nvs
INS CHAR tns char nsert character invert
INV7 invt
INSC #nsc ascription
IWO i nwd i nuard
INSEP i nsep nseparable
INXLTR inxltr \nput translator



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29 *y 1981


Ioc f Oc tnfttal operating IRREG t rreg trregu]ar
(Operational) Capability IRS 1rs ftem reductton studies
IOL {01 instantaneous overlosd IRT lrt tnfrared tracker
!0?4 i om lncrt opcrattonal mtssfle lRT I rt interrogator responder
10~ tom Interoffice memorandum transducer
I ONO I ono ionosphere IRTS {rts infrared target seeker
IF Ip tdent{ficatfon of post tlon Is fs incomplete se~ence (relay)
1P tp itmact point Is is industrial service
1P ip initial point Is is trisect screen
1P ip instruction plate Is is fnventory schem)e
1P tp Instruction pulse IS fs island
1P ip tntercept point I SAP i sap information sort and predict
1P fp fnterchangeaole Soltd a- 1s8 t sb independent sideband
screen panels I SGN tsgn tnsignta
1P lp fntertiiate pressure I SLN tsln isolation
1P ip interpost ISLN WV isln wd tsolation ward
1P Ip Iron ptpe ISLR Islr Isolator
IPA tpa intermediate powr ●~lifler 1S0 t so isometrtc
XPAOAE ipadaa integrated fmssive-actton I SOL tsol \solate
detectton ●nd ●cquisltton 1S0S tsos isosceles
●qu t preent ISPEC f Spec insulation spectftcatlon
rPB fP8 illustrated parts breakdewn I Ss \ss issue
I PSM 1pbm Interplanetary ball tstic ISSL tssl lnit~al spares support list
mfssile 1ST 1ST Internatton.1 Standard
I Po f pd tnsertion phese delsy Thread lmetric)
I PO ipd tssue priority designator I STAR istar image storage translation
I POP t pdp tntervals of pulsations of ●nd reproauctton
dimfnfshlng pertod lSVN 1syn Inductosyn
IPI tpi tdentif{ud prior to IT ft !nstructlon tag
intercept IT it insulating transformet-
IPL ipl indentured parts ?tst IT ft internal translator
I PM i pm interruptions per minute IT it interrogator transponder
1?s 1ps tncn per second IT8E i tae, integrated time and
rPs “ 1ps Instrumentation pover supply absolute error
IPS IPS International Pfpe Standard ITAS t tas indicated true ● tr speed
IPS Ips tntermptions per second I TOE I tde interchannel time
I Ps t ps tron pipe sfz. displacenmmt ●rror
I PT ipt tntwnal pipe thrsad ITIN tttn {tinerary
IPT ipt Iron pipe thread ITI. itl inverse time ltmlt
IR if Informatlurt retrteval I TM 1 tm interceptor tactical wtisstle
IR ir {nfrared I’TR ftr Inverse time relay
IR ir fnsfde radtus ITS t ts insulation test
rR ir insulation resistance speclficatton
IR ir ~nte~rogator responder ITS t ts intermediate tape store
IRACOR t racqr tnfrared acquisition radar ITT ttt {nside trim teqJlate
I RPil t rah tnfrared ● !ternate head lU tu ~denttftcatton unit
IRAN t ran ~nspection ●nd repatr ●s Iv iv Inttial velocity
nec~ssary IV iv intermed~ate Voltage
!RASER i raser tnfrared maser IVo { vd tmage velocity detector
IRATE IRATE tnte~im remote area IW tw tndtrect waste
termtnal ●qut~nt !J J joiner
x ROM irbm Intermediate range d 1 joist
ball lstic mlss{le J J jute asohalted, nonmtall~c
I UC fro information retrieval center armor ( insul )
IRCCN I RCCU infrared counter 4P jhp jo~sts and planks
countermeasures dam j amg ja=~ng
I RCN 1 RCM Infrared countermeasures dAN dan danuary
ZRIA iris tnfrared tnfortuatton ●nd JAN JAN doint Army-Navy
●nalysts dANAf @N&F do!nt Army-Navy-Air Force
I RM frm infrared measurement uJAP Jap japanned
I RMa i rma tnfrared mtss utstance dATO UATO Jet ●ssisted takeoff
approximator w ]b junction box
I RMRA t rmra {nfrared monochrornattc IJc janitor’s closet
radiation dc ;: jotnt co~ound
IRMREtM i rmrbm intermediate m8d~um range dCT Jet junction
ball tst{c missile UFET UFET junctton fteld effect
IROS IROS increase re11at3tlity of transistor
operational system m jk jack
I RPM t rpm ~nfrared physical dKSCR jkscr jack screw
measurement at jkt jacket
IRR t rr intelligence radar reporttng dMPR J-r jurrper
I RRAO t rrad Infrared range ●nd detection m jn join

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29 by 1981


just 1 llalson (atrcraft)
Jnl j ourna 1
notlceabl~ dtffermcm
(Conm fore)
dmo Jnnd just not nottccablo
df f ference L 1 1Ow
do jo job Or-r L 1 sfngle ●cetate (Insul)
JOG jog joggle L list llst
dOP doP jotnt operati~ proccduros LAI l&l launch ●nd Imact
UP jet propelled L/R I/r locus of radius
bJPF7 Jpf t jotner ptlaster fume ttght LA la lead ●ngle
UPNT jpnt jotner p~laster nontight LA 18 ?tghtning ●rrester
UR jr junior LA la load adjuster
URC I jre{ jam’ning radar coveragm LAB 1 ●b laboratory
Indicator LAB LA8 low altttude bo-ing
JS {; ja-ing to signal LAB IL Iabil ltght aircraft binary
Us joint support ~nformat~on link
dl . Jt Jlg tem)ate LABS LAOS low ● ltitude botiing System
UT jotnt LAO 1 ●d 1 adder
dl B ; :b joint bar LAOAR 1●dar laser detectfon and ranging
dTsN jtsn jettison LAOU 1 add low ● ltttude droguc delivery
dUL du I duly LAE 1 ●e left ●rithetlc 81ement
dlm Am dune LAG 1 ●g 1 agg i ng
dusl just justtficatlon LAN 1am Iamlnate
du jw jacket water LANA LAMA local ●utomat~c message
K K cathode (electron device) ●ccounting
K k cellophane !tnsul) LANG 1ang 1mguage
K k stngle cellophane f insul) LAW 1anh 1 aunctT
K k tanker (aircraft) LAI’UUET 1 ●nnet large artlftcial neuron
KAL kal kalamein network
KALD kald kalametn door LAPT lapt local apparent t{me
K8 kb knee brace LAO 1 ●q I ●cquer
KCP k Cp k~’s cement plaster LAR lar local acquisition radar
KCPC k CpC kmene’s cewnt plaster LARF 1 ●r+ low ● ltitud= radar fuzlng
ceiltng LARP 1am line ●utomattc reperforator
KD tcd kfln drted LAS las light actfvated Swftefl
KD kd knock dOVn LAS Ias low ● lloy stee)
w KDF kdf kalar!wtn doOr ●nd frame LASCR 1 ●scr Ilght-acttvated
Kg ko ktnetic energy semteenductor controlled
USNE klne tcinescope Fectifi@r
KIP klp key intullfgence position LASER 1●ser light a~llflcatton by
KL kl key locker stiwlated emisston of
KLA kla klystron ●q!llfter radiation
KLO klo klystron oscillator LASO 1aso 10U ● ltitude search option
KN kn knot LASSN t assm line anplffter ●nd super
kN SW tcn sw kntfe switch sync mixer
KN8L kntJl knife blaae LAT lat latitude
KNED kned knffe ●dge LATL latl lateral
KNRL knrl knurl LAU t au 1 sundry
KO ko kfckoff (relay} LAV 1av lavatory
KO &o knockout LB lb letter box
KP kp keypunch LB tb lifeboat
KP kp klckpipe Ll! lb llne buffer
KPe D kp4d kick plate and drip LB lb linoleum base
KPG k pg k ●up i ng L6 ?b local battery
KPL kpl kick plate LB lb pound
KPLS kpls key pulsing u FT lb ft pound-force foot
KPSM kpSm klystron power supply LB l?f lb In pwnd-force fnch
modulator LBK lbk left bank
KRAL kral Koroseal L8L Ibl 1 abe I
KRSN krsn kerusene L8M lbm load buffer memory
KSR ksr keyboard send ●nd receive LSP 1bP length between
KsT kst key5ea t perpendlcul ars
UVM kvab kilovolta~ere hour LBR 1br 1umber
KVAFW kvalm! kflovoltawere hOur meter L8RT lbrt f iberty
KVAM kvam ki lovolta~ere inter LBRY 1bry I t brary
KUHN kuhm kilowatt hour meter LBYR lbyr labyrinth
KUY kwy keyway L8YRPK 1byrpk labyrtnth pack
KVt30 k ybd keyboard LC LC inductance capacitance
I cellulose acetate ( tnsul 1 LC lC launch coqlex
: L fnductanc8 lconb furm) LC Ie laundry chute
L 1 lead sheath (insul I LC IC lead COver~
L 1 left LC Ic learning curve
L 1 lew?site LC lC length of chord

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


Lc lC I!ght CaSC LEA 1ca llne equal tztng awplffler
Lc lC limited coordination LED LED light emitting diode
LC IC line carry~ng LEIO !eld IOU energy \on detector
LC Ic load carrter LCd 1ej Iongitudtnal expanston joint
LC Ie Iosd center LELU lelu launch ●able Ioglc unft
Lc Ic load co~ensating {relay) LEM LEM lunar excursion module
LC lC low carbon LEP lap lowest ●ffectlvc powr
LC lC lower case LEPT lept long endqrance patrolling
LC lc lox clean torpedo
LC Ic stngle acetate single LER I er Ieadlng edge radius
cotton (tnsul ) LES 1●s launch escape system
Lca ) cb longitudinal positton of LES 1es loep error signal
C=nter of buoyancy LET let launch escape tower
Lcc LCC launch control cl?nte~ LET let linear energy transfer
LCD lfautd-crystal 01sP18Y L EU Ieu launch ●nabllng unft
:%L LCDTL o~d c~en%atd dto~ LEVMETR levmetr levelonmter
transistor logic LF lf lawn faucet
LCE 1Ce aunch cowplex *ipment LF lf life float
LCE 1Ce 08d clrcuft efficiency LF lf l+ne feed
LCF lcf ogttudinal position of LF If linoleum floor
center of flotatlon LF If load factor (tabular)
LCG 1Cg Ongltudtnal positfon of LF If low frequency
center of gravity LFC t fc low frequency correction
LCH 1ch ● tch LFO lfo low frequency oscillator
LCHR 1Chr launcher LFOM lforn low-frequency outer marker
LCL lC1 I oca 1 LFRD LFRO tot fraction reliability
LCL LCL lower control limit d8ftnition
LCM 1cm lead coated ~tal LFS Ifs “ launch facility sirrulator
LcM lcm least cOnmOn nultiple LFS ifs, loop feedback signal
LCN \ cn load classtficatton ~er LFT lft ?tfttng
low ceolant LG ---- long (altn ●bbr)
LCP 1Cp left circular polar.izatfon LG lg length
LCR LCR inductance capacitance LG lg light gun
resistance LG Ig )oop gain
LCRV ) crv length of curve LG/D )g/d length-to-diameter ratio
LCS lCS Iifm-cyc)e survivability LGA 1ga light gun a~lifier
LCSW 1Csw latcn checking switch LGC 1gc IOglc
LCT LCT local civil time LGE 1ge 1 ●rge
LCT let locate LGG 1gg light gun pulse generator
LCT Ict tocust LWVTE Ignmvte Ilgnum vitae
LCTN ;ctn location LH Ih left hand
LO Id Ieadtng LH Ih itter hook
LO ld line drautng LPI OR It! dr eft hand drive
LO id list of drawings LHA 1ha ocal hour angle
LD Id 1oad LHS 1hs eft hand stale
LD ld loglc drtver LI Ii etter of intent
LO W Id * 1 ●ndma rk 12 Ii w intensity
LOA 1da l~ne driving a~l!fier LIC lic i tense
LOA 1da locate drum ●c3dress LIC LIC inear integrated circuft
LDEI ldb light distribution box LID lid eadless inverted device
LOO Idb low drag boti LIO lla ibrary issue document
LOC tdc ?Ine drop c~ensator LID lid locked tn deVfC@
LDC I ac ltnear Oetonattng cord L 10AR 1 idar light detection ●nd ranging
LOET )det level detector L I FMOP Iifmop linearly frequency
LOG 1dg landfng modulated pulse
LOG 1dg loading LIFO LIFO l-ast-in-ftrst-out
LOG CR Idg gr landing gear LIM lim I imer
LDISCR Idiscr ]evel discriminator LIM Iltn IImit
L= ldk lower deck LIM SW tm sw imtt switch
LOP 1* language data process~ng LIMDIS Itils !mited distribution
L OR 1Ur leader LZN in ineal
L OR 1dr loader LIN In i near
LOR 1dr low data rat8 LXN \n iquid nttrogen
LORI Idri low data rate fnput LINOL tnol ~noleum
LDRSP I drsp leadership LIQ !q iqutd
LOT Idt linear d{fferontlal Lm FL iq fI tquid fuel
transformer LIRLY frly aad indicating relay
Lt le large end LIS fs oop input signal
LE )e Iaunchtng eqatpment LIT tt i tter
LE le leading edge LITHO 1tho ithograpfl
LE le Ilfting eye L2TW t tho i thographic
LE 1* low explosive

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29 tiy 1981


LIV lfv lunar ●nd Interplanetary LOG 109 logarithm
vehtc)~ LOG 1Og Iogtsttc
LIZ ltz 11 zard LOGCON 1ogcom Iogtstic co-nicat{on
Ld IJ life jacket LOGFTC Iogf tc logarithmic fast ti-
LK lk llnk constant
LK MASH Ik W8Stl lock washer LOL 101 length of lead (actual )
LKO lkd 1oeked LOM lom light-optic mtcroseopo
LKD C Jkd c locked closed LOM Iom low order memory
LKO O lkd O I ockd open LONG 1ong I Ong 1 tude
LKG lkg leakage LONG 1Ong Iongitudtnal
LKG lkg 1ock I ng LONGN 1ongn Iongeron
LKG lkg lmkt~ LOP I Op llne of position
LKGE Ikge I t*age LOP 1Op local operatfng procedure
LKNT lknt locknut LOP lop Iubrtcat!ng 011 ~
LKR lkr 1ocker LOPAIR lopair long path infrared
LKROT Ikrot )oCkWd rOtOr’ LOPAR 1opar low power ●cquisttfon radar
LKSCR lkser lock screw LOQG loqg locked oscillator
LKT lkt 1 Ookout quadrature grtd
LKUP Ikup lock up LOR 1or lunar orbit rendezvous
LKWR Ikwr lockwire LORAO 1 orad long ranga ●ctfve detectson
LL 11 light lock LORAN 1oran long range navtgat{on
LL 11 Itva load LOREC 1orec long range ●arth current
LL 11 load ltst conmwn~cat ions
LL 11 loft lln- LORO 1oro lobe on recetve only
LL II Iofted Itne LOS 10s !tne of Signt
LL 1? )oudness level LOS 10s 10ss of signal
LL 11 low level LOSS LOSS Landtng Observer Signal
LLL LLt. low l@v@I logfc System
LLLTV Illtv low light level television LOX 1ox ll~ld oxygen
LLRES 11 res load Itmtting resistor LP lp ltnear programntng
LLT Ilt long lead tfme LP Ip. long persistence
LLTT lltt lmdl!ne teletype LP Ip long playing
LLYP Ilyp long leaf yellow pine LP 1p lW pass
LM lm launch mount LP Ip low potnt
LM Iwl left male LP lp low pressure
LM lm list of maturial LPC 1pc loop cuntrol (relay)
LNC lmc least material condition LPCU 1 pcu long puls8 continual wave
LNO lme lens modulated oscillator LPFL )pfl lowpass filter
LNP8LK l~b;k Impblack LPFM lpfm low-powered fan marker
LNR lmr lowest maxi-m range LPG 1pg 1●pp I ng
LNT LMT local mean tim LPG I pg ?tqufd petroleum gas
LMTG Imtg ttm{ttng LPHLDR lphldr lanqmolcier
LMTR lmtr llmlter LPL lpl llghtproof louver
LMU Inu llne monitoring unit LPLR Iplr lock pillar
LN In togartttwn (natural) LPM Ipm ltne per minute
LN In natural logarithm LPN 1pn long part nu~er
LN80 ! nod lens board LPO 1 po low power output
LNG 1rq Iongthening LPOX 1pox low pressur- oxygen
LNG 1ng ltntng LPR I pr 1ooper
LNSP 1nsp lens speed LPRSVR I prsvr Iffe preserver
LNTL Intt I intel LPS 1ps Ilghtpruof shade
LMYO 1nyd 1 ●nycrd LPSD I psd logically passive self-~al
LO 10 local oscillator l.PTR Iptr Itne printer
LO 10 lock on LPV I pv Itghtproof vent
LO LO lubrication ordor LPVOR I pvor low-powr vor
LOA 1Oa length overall LPU I pw lumen per watt
LOAC 1oac low ●ccuracy LOGLS lqg!s liquid {n glass
LOAMP 1oa~ logarithmic ●~tifler LONETR Iqmetr ltquidometer
Los 10b lfmfted operating base LQR 1qr 1 ~quor
LOS 1Ob ltne of balance LR If- ladder rung
L08AR I @bar long Base!lnc radar LR Ir Ilqutd rocket
L(IC ---- locate (altn abbr} LR Ir load rat~o
LOC 1Oc launch eperatlons center lr load resistor (relay)
Loc 1Oc local ~zer :: tr tong range
LOC CIT 10C Cit fn the place cfted {for MA 1ra llne rece!ving •~lffter
refwenctng) LRA 1rs locked-rotor ●n@eres
LOCO 1Oco locOmotiv~ LRC 1rc load ratfo control
LOEP 1eep Ilst of effectlv8 p8ges LRO 1rd long range data
LOF 104 locaI escfllator frquency LRE 1re llqutd rocket •ng~m!
LOFAR Iofar low frequency acquisition L~I lrl left right tndfcator
●nd rangtng LRI lrl long range interceptor
LOFF Ieff leakoff . LRZ Irl long range radar fnput

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29 *y 1981

LRIRR lrft-r Iow-resolution Infrared LUM I urn luminous
radlometmr LUN 1un lunette
LRR 1rr long range rsdar LUS 1us load update Subset
Ls 1s launcher Sfte UJT Iut launch u-ilica) tower
LS )s left qlde LV Iv launch vehtcle
Ls IS I Imstone LV lV 1cave
LS 1s ltst of spectftcat~ons LV lV low voltage
LS !s loudspeaker LVCO 1 vcd least voltage coincidence
LSA LSA limited-space-charge detector
●ccamulatfon (microwavm LVO 1vd louvered door
diodes) LVD 1vd low voltage drop
LSB 1sb least significant bit LVOT lvdt linear vartable
LSB 1sb lW speed buffer differential transformer
LSB 1sb lowr sideband LVL lV1 1eve I
LSD 1sd long side LVO 1Vo” louver openfng
LSD 1 sd 10U speed data LVP 1Vp low voltage protection
LSOT lsdt local sidereal time LVR 1vr 1ever
LSHG 1shg Iashfng LVR lvr louver
LSHI LSHI large scale hybrid LVRE lvre low voltage release effect
integration LVRLSE lvrlse 10U voltage release
LSI LSI large scale integration LVS I Vs leaves
LSM 1 sm ]agncher status multiplexer LVS lVS low velocity scanning
LSMITH lsmlth ~ocksm?th LVTR )vtr ]OW vhf transmitter
LSP I Sp low speed recei ver
L SR Isr load shifting resistor LWil I* long wheelbase
Lss 1ss launch status summarizer LWC 1UC lightweight concrete
LSST Isst ltst of specifications and LUXC luic lightweight insulating
standards concrete
LST Ist local standarcl time LWL lW1 load water line
LSTM )stm low steam LML lw.1 low water line
LSVG I Svg ltfesavlng LWR 1wr 1ouer
l.SW LT lSW It laming signal wand light LUST lust lowest
LT It language translation LYR 1yr layer
LT lt large tug LYT Iyt layout
LT It laundry tray LZT LZT local zone ti~
LT It lead tim M m bendtng mment
LT It light M m magnaflux
LT It Itght trap M m manila (rope)
LT lt logfc theory M m mass
LT It low tension M m metacenter
LT TK It tk light tank M m meter f instr’, cob form)
LTA 1 ta llghter than M m mOde
LTBO t bn lifiar time base oscillator M m model (military
LTC t lattice nofmmclature~
LTC tc load tap Changtng M m mound
LTC tc longitudinal time constant MeF m4f male and female
LTD ta ? tm~ ted M8X tit ~ve~nts and !denttflcation
LTEMP t em low te~erature MhR mkr maintenance ●nd repatr
LTG tg lightening Mas mss maintenance ●nd supply
LTG tg ltgtlting M/D m/d message per day
LTti t gh lightening hole M/F m/ f make from
LTi+R 1thr leather M/s m/s magnetostr?ction
LTID ltid light-intensity detector MA ma master
LTL ltl l!sting t~me lfmlt m ma memory address
LTM ?tm line type modulation MA ma mercury ●rc
LTPO LTPO lot tolerance percent MA ma message ●sstiler
defective MA ma metal ●nchor
LTPR 1tpr long taper MA ma mission accowllshed
L TO Itq low torque M&A ma ● maxinum authorized altitude
LTR ltr letter M&c mac mean aerodynamic chord
LTR 1 tr Ietterlng MACH Mach Mach nu~er
LTRN Itrn 1 ●ntern MACH math math i ne
LTRPRS 1 trprs letter press MACS mats medium ● ltitude
LTSW Itsu Ifght switch comunicattons sate! l{te
LW 1 tu !Ine terminating unit MAO MAO magnetic a!rborne detection
Li.1 Iu IOgtc Untt MAOAR madar malfunction ●nalysts
LUB 1ub lubricate detection ●nd recerding
LU80 I ubo lubricating 011 MAOO10A madd i da magnetic drum digital
LU07 Iutst Iubrfcant dffferent!al ●naiyzer
LUO 1ud llft-up door MADt4 madm medium atomic demolition
LUF Iuf lowest usable freqUenCy nunition
L Wf 1uhf lowest usable high frequency
Downloaded from

29 tiy 1981


NAone medrw magnetic dmmt race! v$ng MOD motor belt drive!
equfpment M8GE missfle borne gutdance
MAOT madt m{croalloy dlffusect equ t pment
trans~stor MBK W&#lttple beam klystran
MAFD mafd mini-m ●equisit!on flux MflL SIObiI@
derisl ty M9R marker Deacon recetver
MaG mag magaztne MBR mechanical buff*r register
MAG mag magn8t M8R memer
MAC mag magnettc MUR nultiple boti rack
MAG-THOR utag- thor tnagnestum- thortum NBS magnetron beam suitchfng
MAGAf4P maga~ magnetic ●~l!fier !40s main “bang” suppressor
MAGI magi nultlarray ganana ~rradtator NUT matn ballast tank
MAGNOO Wl*gmod magnetic modulator MaT matn battle tank
MAGN magn magnetron MC magnettc core
MA(3TO magtd magn i tude MC mafn cwlant
MAH mah mahogany kc” major c~onent
MAI?4T maint maintenance manhole cover
MAd ma J major z medicine cabinet
MAL ma I malleable MC mil!tary characteristics
MALE male fiulttaperture logic element MC mode change
MALF malf malfunction MC momentary contact
MAM mam ml 11 iwmneter MC motor chatn
MAN ---- manual [altn ●bbr) MC moving CO{l
MAN OVLD man ovld manual overload MC wltichlp
MANAM manam manual ●nundnents MC wltiple contact
MA?JO mand mandatory MC SWGR metalclad switchgear
MANF manf manifold MCSG mapping charting and
MANOP manop manual of operations geodetic
HAN7RAC mantrac manual ●ngle tracking MCA mtninum crossing
capability Mm metal cornq bead
MAIWV manuv maneuweri ng xc maintenance ef close contact
MAf3S MAOS metal-aluminum-oxide silicon UC -dified close control
MAP map manifold ●bsolute pressure MWtal COVer@ door
MAP map mapp f ng MCE mll ~tary characteristics
NAP map -ssage ●cceptance pulse equipment
MAPG mapg maxi-m ●vailable Pouer gafn ‘ ma{l chute
MAPU MAPU memory ● llocation ●nd Dm’lm mechanically cooled
protection untt McnRf mechanically refrigerated
MAR Mar March MCJ4RY math t nary
MAR mar mar~ne MmsT machtnist
MARG marg margin magnetic core memory
MARS MfJRS Mllltary Afffllated Radio att)ttary characteristics
system motor vehicles
MARS mars wlttaperture reluctance mtne countermeasures
Sui tch thousand ctrcul,ar mfls
MA!j mas metal anchor slots manual change order
MASER maser mtcrowave ●~l{flcation by MCP metal castfng pattern
stiw~ated emtssion 0? manua? changa ro~cst
radtatitm master change rfSCOrd
MASK mask masking EL master cross-reference ?tst
MASU masu machtned surface Mcs mtcrwave carrier supply
MAT ma t matrtx Mcsw motor circuit swttch
MAT mat mtcroalloy transistor xl msfn control tank
MATCON mat con microwave aerospace message construction unit
terminal control metal casement window
MATH math mathematical modulated continuous wave
MATH math mathematics m matn drum
MATL matl material MD manual data
MATW matw metal ●uning type window MD mean devfation
MAVAR mavar moauiatlng ●~llfler using MO motor direct
var~able r8sctance motor dfrect connected
MAX max maxiuum MOF main dlstr~buttng fraam!
MAX CAP fnax cap maxiaum capmclty MOF manual dtrectfon finder
MAX FLT max flt maximm flight MoGt midget
MAY May May MOI magnetfc directlfon
MS * mail box indlcater
MB m main battery (gunsl Nox manual data Input
Ma * make break MO: mfss distance indfcator
M9 m memory buffer NOIF ma-al data input function
MS m model block Mozu manual data input unit
ME m motorboat MOL mtddlc
mea make before break module

Downloaded from

29 Xay 1981


maximum c!eslgn meter MFC mfc manual frequency control
MOM med{um MF C mfc mlcrofunctfonal circuit
metal dielectric metal MFCC mf cc misstle flight caution
[filterl corrtctor
MOM mobile depot maintenance MFC$ MFCS missfle fire control system
MOM mdn medi an MF O mf d magnet{c fre~ency detector
mdr master data record MFQ mf d manufactured
MOR mdr mission data reduction MFEO mf ad maxinum flat envelope delay
MOR mdr -lttehannel data recorder MFG mf g manufacturing
MORL mdr I mandrel MFG INFO mfg tnfo manufacturing tnformatton
Mos msster dtmenslon MFG SPEC nlfg Spec manufacturing spectf~cat~on
Speciffcatlon MFUOF MFH9F -an fl tght hours between
Mos mds mintwm dlscerntble signal fai lure
MOSE mdse merchandise MF MC mf hc misstle fl~ght hszard
MOt MDT mean dwn ttme corridor
MOT mdt moderate MFLRD mf Ird ma)e flared
MOU message decoder unit MFP mfp -Ittfrequency pulsing
ME me mftor ●d MFR mf r manufacture
ME ME mbfl{ty equtpment MFS mf s marine f~ntsh slate
MEA ma mtniwm enroute aItitude hfFsrlJ Infsfu matt finish 5trUctural
MEAR mar matntenancc englneertng facing units
●nalysts record MFSK mf sk Wlttple frequency shfft
MEAS mess measure key+ng
MECH -h mechanical MFT mf t mechanized flame thrower
MECH mech mechan f sm MG m machine gun
UCco -0 main ●ngtne cutoff m magnettc ●rmature
MCCZ mecz mechantze MG 2 motor generator
MED ---- medium (altn abbr) % w?ttgage
MED mad medical z manual gatn control
MED MED mtcroelectronlc device m& mtsstle gutdance ●nd control
MEL met melamine MGE maintenance ground equtpment
MELEC me}ec ts~croelectron~cs MGF mgf magntfy
UELEM mlem miero=lement Kc -9 memory gate generator
MELVA Wlva mflttary electronic Ifght MGL mgl margtnal [relay)
valve MGL mgl mogu 1
UCu memory wlttple yn motor carrtage
SEE BELOW SEE BELOW memory address counter magnet o
SEE BELOW SEE OELOW nmmory ●ddress register MGR mgr manager
UCMS Wwm memkwane M(?S mgs metal gravel stop
MEMO mmo mmorandum ml mgt management
MCMPT mefwt memory potnt MGTMTR sgtmtr magnetometer
MEP mean ● ffectlve pressure w mh magnettc head
UER mer -rfdtan NH mh manho I e
?4ERCH mwsrch mercharttab le we mine hauling bogie
ME Ss mess mssenge~ #lo mhd magnetohYdroUYnam lC
MET met fwtal masthead
MET met metallurgical mhd -ium hard drawn
MET met wlttemltter transistor metering head differential
nETB metb metal base MHO LT mhd ?t masthead l~ght
METC mete metal curb MtiE MriE materials handling equfpmnt
METCAL metcal meteorological cal Ibratfon MHF tif medium high fre~ency
MCTO metal -tal door *W mhhu mean higher htgt’! water
METF metf -tal flashing WL mhl mast hull loop
M6TG metg mtal grill medtum htgh pressure
UET4 metj swtal jalousfe MD lwlpd Iaasonite hydropress d+e
M~TM H tln metal mold mhr missile hazard report
METP metp metal partltlom mht mean high tide
METP metp metal porttorl mean h~gh water
MCTR metr metal roof MI ml malleable iron
MCTRL metrl meteorologtca 1 Mt mi manual tnput
METS mats nultal strtp MI rnt manufacturing tnstructton
METS Wts moetIe engtne test stand MI mt master {tern
MEW MCU m~crouave ●arly warntng MI mi medium tntens!ty
MEUS MEWS mtss!?e early warntng system Ml mt mfle
MEZZ Wzz mezzantne MI mf wtual tnductmce
Mf mf matn feed MIA mta metal tnterface ampltfler
MF mf mastfe floor MIC mfc mtcromter
w mf medium frequency MIC fnlc microphone
Mf mf m~crofllm MIC mfc monttortng tdent{ffcatlon
M? mf motor fteld and correlstton
MF8S mfns magazt- floodtng and MIC MIC -nolfth~c integrated
sprinkling etrcutt
● ☛☛☛☛ ● ☛☛☛☛ ● ☛
. . . ● o@ ● .s90=
☛ ● **** ● ** ● ☛☛☛✌☛ ● ☛☛

,%?4ADRS C2JTR mem adxs cntr memory address counter

MEFlADRS RGTR mem adrs rgtr memory address register

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


MI CAM mtcafn mt croamnet8r MLTPL mltpl lmltiplme
MICELEM mtcelem micrashone ● lemnt MLU mlu mtsce)laneous livw untt
MICNPTR mlc~tr mtcrocmutt!r M1.w mlw mean low water
MICR m~cr magrte t * c I* character w Ran mfadle marker
recognl t Ion material manqpitnent code
MICR mtcr mt croscope maximm matertal condftlon
MICROMIN mieromtn micromtntature mortar motor carrier
MID ---- mfddle ialtn ●bbr) master makeup ●nd display
MI DAR mi dar mtcrowave detection ●nd MMF Hmlf magn9tomotive force
rang~ng WOO nmod mtcromodule
MIWP m{ dop missile cloppler Mm ms magnettc mtne sweeping
NIL mi 1 m~ I Itary lmllt metal mount
MXL-STO MI L-STD Military Standard (book} MN m main
MI LSPEC MILSPEC M~l{tary Spectffcatton MNCMPTR nmcnq tr mtnlcquter
MIN mtn mfntuun WF Rn -f rm mainframe
MIN min minor MNG ~ managing “
MIN mln minute MNL manua 1
MINIAPS m{n~aps miniature sccessory power MNL OPR mnl Opr manually operated
supply MNos mos meta!-ni tride-oxtde sillcon
MI NICOM mtnicom mini-m conammtcations MNPUR manpower
MINTR mintr miniature MNRL mr 1 mineral
MIP mtp manual tnput processing WSTB mnstb monostable
MIP mip minlwm t~ulse pulse WWSTBNV mnstbmv motistable WItlvfbrator
MIP mip miss~le Inqact predictor MO m machine operation
MIPE mipe modular information MD m manual output
processing equtpment IW m masonry openfng
WIPRCS miprcs microprocessor MO m master oscillator
MfR mir memory t-t regfster NO m month
MIR mtr mi rrur NO mo motor operated
MIS mts metal Insulated NOA matrix output ●mpltfier
semiconductor MOS LT z lt man overboard and breakdown
MI Sc mtsc miscel laneous 1 lgilt
MIT mit master instruction tape. Moc moe magnet{c optic converter
MIT mtt mi ter MOCA wca miniwm obstruction
MITE mite master instrumentation clearance ●ltltude
timing equipment MDCAN mocan motor can
MITE m{ te missfle Integration Wo mode 1
termtnal equipment Moo modification
MXYE mi te wlttple Input termfnal mo uud modtfy
equipment mm -d modulator
MZTO mf to mfntmum tnterval takeoff mD Wd moaulus
MIU fntu malfunction \nsertton unit MOOEM fmdem modulator demodulator
MIU miu message Injection unit MOOR modr monodetail drawing
Mu mj masttc joint MOL mol molecule
m * mark MDL UT ml Wt molmcular wetght
MUD wkd mark ed ~LELEX molelex molecular ● lectronics
MicGS ti gs mark~ngs NOM mom momentary
WR I?#cr marker WN mon moni tor
*r marker radio beacon NON mm monument
E: Nus meter-kt Iogram-second MONO mono monopnon~c
MKUP *up makq Morwc monoc monocoque
ML ml major lob. NO~G monog mnograph
ML ml material list MOP modulation on the pulse
ML ml -Id line M2PA mops mastee oscillator power
ML ml monolithic asq31{fier
MLCS Wlicb multi layer circuit board MOPAR mofmr master oscillator power
MLD mld master layout duplicat8 •~l ifier radar
MLD mld middle Iandtng MOPR mopr mop rack
MLO mld mfntnum line of detect~on MOPTAR moptar Wltlp?e object phase
MLD mld mo 1ded tracking and ranging
MLOG mlog molt?tng NOR mor memory output regtster
MLF ml f Nltf lateral force MORT mor t master operational
MLU mlg main landing gear recording tape
ML I ml i fnini~m line of interception MORT mor t mrse taper
MIwL mI 1 master lines layout Mos Mos metal oxide S@mlCOftdUCtOr
MLLP mllp manned Iumar landing program MOS Rws mosaic
MLLW mllw mean lower low water NOSFET MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor
MLU mlo maste~ layout original field-effect transistor
MLP mlp metal lath ●nd p~aster WST NOST -tal Oxide semico-ctor
MU mls metal slftting trans~stor
MLT mlt mean low tfde MIT mot maxtmum operatfng time
MLT SP mlt sp aulttspeed MOT Wt motor

Downloaded from

29 hy 1981


w V medium pressure Mso MSO mean solar day
MP V melting point MSE MSE maintenance support
MP w nultfplier phototube equipment
MP w wu!ttpule MSG msg mapper sweep genarator
MPAM nq2am maritime polar ●lr mass MSG msg messag8
MPc npc motion pfcturs control panel MSG Insg miscellaneous siwlatlon
WC trpc nultiple purpose generation
coawwnicatl ons mm msgg message generator
WPc maximm permtssfble exposure MSHG mShg meshing
MPG fwg micrwave pulse generator MSI !4SI medtum scale Integratim
MPG fmg mfles per gallon MSL msl mean sea level
MPH fl@l miles per hour MSL ml missile
W 1 ml magnetfc parttcle inspection MSLY msly mostly
MPS -l mean po{nt of f~act MSMP msnq3 master senslt!zed mater~al
MPIC ~tc message processing print
tnterrupt count MSN msn mtssion
WPIR Up+r mtssll~ prectsion MSNRY msnry masonry
tnstrumentatfon radar M$P msp metal splash pan
MPK llpk maintenance parts k{t MSR msr mtneral surface roof
MPL -l maintenmcc parts list MSRE M$RE moon signal rejection
MPN -n most probable number equ t preen t
MPO Wo maxlmm povcr output Mss Mss Mi?ltary Supply Standard
MPP most prObattI@ position MST ms t machtne SteeJ
UPP flvP motion picture projecter MST MST mean solar ttme
MPPf+ mph motion picture phonographic MSTC mstc masttc
unit MSTRE mstre mo i sture
MPR wqr monopulse radar MSU Insu message sultching unit
MPT Oq3t male pipe thread MSW Insw master switch
MPTR tfvtr mobile positton track~ng MSVNC msync master synchronizer
radar MT mt magnettc tape
MR mr machine rffle MT mt mail tray
MR mr marble MT mt fnaxlmum torque
Mu mr material request MT mean tide
MR mr medium range MT % mean time
MR mr message repeat MT mt mechanical transport
MR Inr mtcromfniaturt relay UT mt metal threshold
MRA mra mtninwm receptton •}t~tude MT mt motor transport
MRAPCON mrapcon mobfle radar ●pproach MT mt mount
control MT mt wltiple transfer
MRe mrb marble base MTM mtam maritlne trupfcal air mass
MROM mrbm medium range ball lstlc MT8 mtb maintenance of true Im9arlng
miss$le MTBF MTBF mean t!me between fat lures
M~OM mrbm midrange [medium rangel MTEiM MT8M mean ttme between
ball tsttc fa~ssile maintenance
MRCL mrc I mercur f ● 1 MTBMA MTBMA mean time between
MRO mrd metal rolltng door maintenance act tons
MRF fnr f marble floor #f7eR MTBR mean time between removal
MRG mrg moor tng M7C mtc master tape control
MUH mr h mechanical record~ng head MTC tlttc memory test co~uter
MR I mr 4 miscellaneous radar \nput MTC MTC mission and trafftc control
MRm mrnd maintenance requ~red not MTCF MTCF mean ttme to Catastrophic
devetoped fai lure
MRO mro midrange object{”~e MTCHD mtchd mat ched
MRR mrr medfum range ratlar MTD mtd mean temperature difference
MRS mrs maintenance requirement Mm mt d mount ed
substantiated MTo mtd w)tiple target deceptton
MRS mrs manned reconnaissance MTE mte maxlnwn tractctng error
satellite MTE mte wltlsystem tqst equ~pment
MRT mr t marble threshold MT: mt f mechanical time fuze
MRT mr t mfldeu resistant thread MTG mtg meeting
MRU mru message retransmission unit MTG mtg mount i ng
MRU mru mlcrowavc relay unit MTG mtg wultiple trigger generator
Muu mru mobtle radiO un!t ?41Gc mtgc mounting center
Ms ms magnetic storage Mm mth magnetic tape handler
MS ms manuscript MTHBO mttmd motherboard
MS MS mark sensif$g MTHD mthd m t hod
MS Ms Milttary Standard (sheet) MTHRD mthrd male threadd
MS ms multiple seot,ton MTl mt i Wving target ind!cator
WS L? ms !t minesweeping light M?L mt 1 master tape loadlng
4s8 msb most slgn~flcant btt MTLC mtlc mtallic
MSCP mscp -an spherfcal candlepower MTLZ mtlz metal lfze
MSCR mscr machtne screw MTMS mtms magnettc tape transmissions

Downloaded from

29 May 1981

MTN mtn Wu)tton MXPL mxf 1 mtxed flow
NTONS MTONS metal -thfck-oxfde-nl trtde MXG mxg mtxtng
sflicun MXR mxP mf xee
MTOS MTOS metal-thick--oxide stllcon w T tnx t ntixture
MT R mtr magnetic tape recorder MZL mz I muzz 1e
MTR MIR mean t{me to restore N n electron [n}-type
MTR mtr wnrter ( fnstrl semiconductor material
MTR mtr metering N N National form (thread)
MTR mtr mlsstle tracktng radar N N north
MTRCL fntrcl motorcycle N n novelty (tnsul )
MTRON mtrdn motor driven N n nylon I insul I
MTRE mtre nwlttple tape recorder end MA na next ●ssemly
MTRG ---- 8Uter\~ (altn ●ebr) NA na not applicable
MTRS mtrs mattress MA na not available
MTRs mtrs multiple tape recorder start MAC nac nace 1 ) e
MTS mts matertai test specification NAtoP natop navigational aid
UT s lnts motor operated transfer inoperative for parts
swf tch NAR nar narrow
MTsQ mtsq mechanical tl= superquick NAs NM National Aerospace Standards
MTTE mtte magnettc tape teminal NAS P4AS National A~rcraft Standards
equ i preen t NAT na t natural
MTTF MTTF man time to failure NATL natl national
MTTFF MTTFF mean time to first failure NAUT nau t nautical
MTTM MTTM mean time to maintain NAV nav naval
MTTR MTTR mean tlm to repair NAV nav navfgate
MTU Intu magnetic tape unit NAV nav navigation
MTVAL mtval mast-r tape validation NAV 8RZ nav brz naval bronze
MTWF mtwf metal thru wall flashlng NAVAIO navaid navigational ●td
MTZ mtz motor{zed NAVAR navar navigational radar
M.J IlnJ memory unit NAVARW nav~rho navigation and radio homing
w mu moe~le unit NAVCN navcm navigation counter~asures
w ImJ nulttple unit ●nd deception
M,lt)R mdr nwltidotail drawing NAVSAT navsat navigation satellite
WF IIUf maxifwm usable frequency NE nb narrow band
m.Jf Wuf wffler No nb no bias (relay)
Wfo Wfd makeup feed Noc WC mclear. biological chemical
WLR nwlr na411er NEDFX nbdf X narrow band Dicke-fix
WLT IIUlt nultiple Mm nbs natural black slate
WLT ImJft swltipllcation Nes N9 S New Sritlsh Standard
WILTH wulth nultilith (l~ertal wire gage)
MJLTR multr wltt~ter NC nc chloropicrin stannic
9WLTR ImJltr -lt~plier chloride
WN mun wnitions MC p~,: National coarse ( thread)
Wsa wsb WUbile unit support b8Se u nc network controller
WT ml mean up time NC NC no change
WT ImJt mockup t-late Nc PC no cot!
M.JT Rut wlti late nc no connection
Wuw IMJSfC wtre % nc noise correlation
UJx mx nu!ttplex MC nc normally closed
Mv mv mean vartation NC NC numerical control
Mv mv nultiv{brator NCA nca ntckel copper ●lloy
w mv nuzzle veloclty nch not chcd
MVS mvb motor v-belt ncm noncorrosive metal
MVOL mvb 1 movable NCOMUL ncoti 1 noncombust lble
W/c mvc manual volume control ncp normal Circular pitch
MUG mvg moving NCPLD ~ld noncouplea
MVP mvp magnetic vector potential ncu nozzle control unit
MVP mvp methyl-violet paper ND nil no drawing
MVS mvs ma~etic voltage Stabilizer NDa nondirectional beacon
MVs mvs mifiiaum visual-signal WE MOE nondestructive ●valuation
MVT mv t movement Nor NOI nondestructive tnspect~on
MW w medium wave NOL ndl need 1●
mvn rmtor whale boat No? normal diametral pttch
NW MWQ Nuslc WiPe Gage NOR ndr network data reduction
WI fmdl message waltlng fndfcator NORO ndro nondestructive read-out
MW1. ITul mill tuatt log{c NOS nds nuclear detection satellite
Mwo mo modification work order NOT NOT nondestructive testing
NW maxlf!um working pressur- NEC NEC National Electrical Code
MUP m~rane waterproofing NCC necessary
MUR lm4r mean width ratio NECS NIECS National Electrical Code
NW Wv max~wm uorktng voltage Standards
Mxom mxdcr mode trans~cer NE F NE F National extra fine (thread)

Downloaded from


MFU nefd noise equivalent flux NOL ml normal overload
dons t t y NOM nom nomtnal
MEG neg negative NOMAD nomad naval oceanographic
NEGPR negpr negative prtnt meteorological automatic
NEIL ne{) neon indicating l~ght dev 1ce
NELEC nelec nonelectric NOMEN nomenclature
NEhCL none 1 nonenc I osure NOW LMS nonf 1~ nonflansnab 18
NEP nep noise equivalent power NONSTD nonstd nonstandard
?4EPQ nepd nois8 ●quivalent power NONSYN nonsyn nonsynchronous
oens ~ ty nutier of passes
?wsc NESC National Electrical Safety mR nor notice of revision
code norm norms I
NET net net explosive wight ?mRM norm nqrmal ize
NET net no~se e~ivalent t~erature F5s Ms not othervtse specified
NET net not earlier than Nose nose nonoscillating
Nan neu t neutral Nov Nov Novemer
NEUT neut neutralizing Noz no z nozzle
NEWS news naval .Iectronic warfare NP NP National pipe [thread)
sinulator NP w nickel plated
NF NF National fine (thread) NP w nonprocurab Ie
NF NF National fornulary NP W nonpropel led
NF nf near face NPA -a normal pressure ●ngle
NF nf noise factor (figure) NPE7 met nonpetroleum
NF nf noise figure NPIN npin negative-posit iv-- intrinslc-
NF nf notse frequency negative (electron aevlce)
NF nf nose fuse NPL npl nameplate
NFL nfl navy standard flange NPN npn negattve posltlve negatfve
RF so nf se nonf used ( transistor)
NFT nf t normal fuel oil tank NPNP mm negative-posl tfve-negat lve-
NG ng narrw gage posttive lelectron device)
NG ng - 90- NPO npo negative posittve zero
ngen noisc generator NPR npr no~se power rat~o
National gas outlet fthread) NPRN nprn neoprene
W’4 nh nonhygrosCop IC NPs NPS Navy Prtmary Standards
WA nha next higher asse-ly NPSc NPSC straight thread (pipe
NI nt noise index coup] ings)
NI SIL ni sil ntckel silver NPSF NPsF thread for press tfght
NIS nfb noninterference basis joints
?41c nie negative i~edance converter N*SH npsh and nipples
NIC nic not in contract NPSL NPSL locknut pipe thread
NIWP nf cop nickel copper NPSM npsm joints
NIP nip nipple NPT NP? National taper pipe (thrsad)
NIR nir no indiv~*al requirement NPT NPT taper pfpe thread
NKS nis not tn stock NPTF nptf tight jotnts
NI T.ROS nitros nitrostarch NPTR NPTR taper pipe thread (rall)ng
NITSTL nitstl nttrtde steel f Ixtures)
w nk neck NR nr negat$ve resistance
NUL *1 nickel NR nr notse ratio
NL nl n(ght letter M nr nonreactive Irelayl
Ml. nl no 1●ad NR nr nuclear reactor
NL CHG n 1 cng normal charge NRCP nrcp nonreinforccd concrete pipe
ML LT nl It net lay~ng ltght NRO nrd ~gative resistance d~ode
NLD nld no load NRo nre nonreplenishable demand
NLFT nlft no load fram tinm NRETN nre tn nonreturn
NLG nlg nosm ?andlng gear NRIP nrtp nunmer of rejected infttal
nlnr nonl Inear p i Cicups
NLR nlr nois~ load ratio NRL nr I ntght ratton locker
NLT nlt no later than NRVSBL nrvsb 1 nonrevers ible
NLT nlt normal lube o~l tank NRZ nr z nonreturn- to-zero
m run no mssage NRzc nrzc nonreturn- to-zero-change
NM nm noise meter N@ZL nrz I nonreturn- to-zero- level
NM nm nonmetal 1 Ic NRZN nrzm nonreturn- to-zero-mark
NM nm nuclear magnetron MS MS Nat{onal spectal [thread)
NMAG nma g nonmagnetl c MS ns near side
Ml ml nautical m~les Ns ns nickel steel
NNR nmr no maintenance required N$ ns nonsew~ceabl e
fwR nmr nuc)~ar magnetic resonance NSt ns 1 nonsatellfte \denttfication
No no normally @pen NSLF nslf nonse 1f
No no -er NSS NSS Navy Secondary StandarQs
fmca noccc no control ctrcuit contacts MST ns t nonsl tp tread
nog -er i ng NT nt navy type
Wz no i not othewlse tdentlfied -

Downloaded from

29 hhy 1981


NT nt nOnt \ght OCLO Ocld Oil cooled
NTc ntc negative tenQaratur9 OCLNR oc I nr oil cleaner
coefftcfent OCLR oclr oil cooler
N7FY ntfy nottty Oco Oco open close open
NTM ntm night message OCONT ocont oil control
NW ntn neutron OCP operating leperational)
NTP ntp noemal t~rature ●nd control procedure
pressure OCR ocr oil circuit recloser
NTPt. ntpl nut plate OCR ocr opttcal character
NTs nts negattve torque signal recogni tion
NTS nts not to scale OCR oc r overcurrent relay
NW ntu nunber of transfer units OCT Ott octagon
NTUK ntuk network 0C7 act octal
NTws n tws non track W{le scan UCT Ott octane
NTWT ntwt net welgttt OCT Oc t October
WC fvuc nucl~ar Oc t Octuple
MJDE7 nude t mclear cletection 00AWR octahdr octahedra I
NW rum mmra 1 00 olive drab
MM num fumertcal 00 : ordnance data
. NVR nv r no voltage r81ease 00 Od outside dianmter
Nu nw nuclear w=apon 00A oda other design acttvity
Nuo number of words 00XFF odiff oil differential
NUDEN nwden nunmer of words per entry orbital determi-tion module
NWG NWG Nat{onal Wire Gage :% Odn own doppleP nu]lif!er
NUT nw t nonuatwtight ODON Odom odometer
NYL ny 1 ny I on ODOP Odop offset doppler
o ---- orange (attn abbr) 00P open dripproof
0 0 ordinate 00PP open drfpproof protected
OTOO Otoo out to out ODPSK odpsk O{i dipstick
O&c 08 c operation ●nd checkout 007 Odt outside diameter tube
O&m 08 m ooeration and maintenance ODU Odu. output display unit
OAR 08 r overhaul ●nd repair 00VAR odvar orbit determination and
Q/u oim outside of metal vehicle ●ttitude r8fe~e
o/P o/p ozalid print OE Oe open end
oA oa output axis Ocm origimal equipment
OA Oa overa 11 manufacturer
OAIOC oa{de operational ●ssistance ●nd or of outside face
instructive data ~( pment OF of overfrequency
OAME o ●me orbital ●ttitude ●nd OFCE of ce office
manwvering ● lectron c%. OfCL Ofcl Offfcial
OAO O&lo orbiting ●stronomical OFFEN Offen offens~ve (anvnuntt ton)
observatory OFG of 9 opttcal frequency generator
OAP Oap offset ●imtng point OFLTR of 1 tr oil filter
OAT oat overall test OFP Ofp oscilloscope face 91ane
08 ob . ObSCUr. OFR ofr overfrequency relay
09 Ob output buffer OFS of s offset
00A oba oxygen breathing apparatus OFT of t outfit
090 obd omnlbearing distance OG Og object glass
08E obe wterbaek ●nd OGE OGE operating ground equipment
0S I ob i omnibearing indtcator OGL Og I obscure glass
oBd obJ object 000 orb~ting geophysical
OBdV obJv objective observatory
QBL OB1 ottlfque OGR ogr outgoing repeater
08LN obln obligation OGT Ogt wtgofng trunk
OEtRNR obrnr u~l burner 06T Og t outlet gas tenqerature
08s obs obsw-ve OGM Ogw overload gross weight
09s Obs obsolete OH oh open hearth
Oes obs omnibearing seiector OHA oha outside helfx ●ngle
OUST obs t obstacle ONN ohm ottRsneter
oBsTr4 obstn obstruction OHM CM ohm cm ohm centimeter
08SV Obsv Observation 01 Oi oi 1 tmersee
on’ obv obverse Oi wil insulated
Osw obw observation window %fc Otfc otl tnsulated fan ceoleo
Oc Oc an center OIL 01? orange Indicating I\ght
Oc Oc operating characteristics Ozsc o~sc otl tnsulated self cooled
Oc Oc outside circumfw-cnce OIWC Otwc oil tmersed water cooled
DC Oc overcurrcnt Od Oj open jotstad
Oco Ocb otl circuit breaker OL 01 open loop
Oca ocb overrtd~ control bfts OL 01 over 1●p
ecc occupation OLVL Olvl otl level
Occ Occ occupy on Om outer marker
ochr oil catcher OML om1 outsfde mold ltne


Downloaded from

29 i%y 1981


omnldtrect ton OSCRN oscrn otl screen
omnld~rectional radto rmge OSE OSE operational support
ot’4s output nultfp18x equ f preen t
s ynchront zer 0S1 0s 1 oil seal
ONOZ Onoz oil nozzle OSL 0s1 outstanding leg
OP w observation post Osuv Oslw one shot wulttvibrator
OP Op Ofl ~ OSP Osp ofl suction pu~
t)P Op of Iproof OSP Osp operating steam pressure
UP m out-of-prtnt OSR Osr operat~onal scann~ng
oP A Opa opeque recogn$t$on
OP A 09a optoelectronic pu)se OSR osr output shift register
●wlifter OT Ot of;tlght
OPCOM opcom operations comunicatlons OT Ot overtone
OPDAR opdar optical detection and 0T8E othe operational test and
rang t ng ●valuation
OPI1 Optl opalescent indicating light OTCCC Otccc open type control clraft
oPt-G Oplg Ofl plug contacts
OPM Opm operation per mtnute 07(3 Otg oi 1 temperature gauge
OPN epn oil pan OTH oth over the hortzon
OPN Upn uperzt~on OTK otk oil tank
OPNG Opng open i ng UTP Otp of true poslt!on
OPNL opn 1 operattona 1 OTR outer outer
OPP Opp octal print Punch OTT Ott Outstde trim te~late
CPP Opp oppose OUT out outgofng
OPP Opp Oppos 1 te OUT out outlet
OPP CE Opp C* opposite co-tator end OUT out output
OPP W40 Opp hnd opposite hand OUT out outside
OPP PE Opp pe oppostte pulley end 0UT80 outbd outboard
QPPOR oppor opportunity OUTXLTR outxl tr output translator
oPPR oppr offset pr~nt~ng press Ov Ov open ventilated
t?PR opr opener Ov Ov orbiting veh!cle
OPR Opr operate Ov Ov over
OPR apr opera tor Ovao ovbd overboard
OPRS oprs oi ) pressure Ovcs? Ovcs t overcast
C)PRT opr t operator table OVE ove on vehicle equipment
OPSD opsd opens i de OV?L Owfl overf low
OPT ---- optional (altn abbr) aw ovh oval head
OPT opt optical OVHO Ovhd overhead
OPT Opt optllm#W OVHG Ovhg overhanging
OPT AX out ax optical ●xis ovt4L Ovhl overhaul
OPTAR optar optical ●utomatic rang{ng OVLO ovld overload
DP7L Optl optional OVP Ovp oval point
or oil ring OVPRESS ovpress overpressur \zed
:: or ordnance requirements OVPWR ovpwr overpower
or outPut register OVRO ovrd override
z or outside radius OVRM Ovrm overarm
ORO ord optical rotary dispersion OVRN ovrn overrun
ORD Qrd order Ovs Ovs overstze
ORO orcl ordinary OVSP Ov Sp overspeed
ORO orcl ordnance OVTR ovtr overtrave 1
ORUIR ore i r omn~range cf~gttal radar QW Ov v overvol tage
ORF Orf oefflce w Ow outer wing
ORG org organ ~c OWAVE ouave ordfnary wav~
ORG org organtzatfon OWF Ou f optlwm working frewenc~
ORIENT orient orientation OWGL 0W9 I obscure u~re glass
oR3G Orlg origin Ows Ows operational weather support
ORIG orig origtnal Ow Ow open window unit
ORIG or$g originator Oxo oxd oxide
ORLY orly overload relay Oxo oxd ox\dtZed
ORN orn orange 9XY Oxy oxygen
ORN orn ornament 02 Oz ounce
0s 0% Ofl switch OZ IN oz in ounce-fncn
as 0s one shot P P hole ipJtype sem~conductor
0s 0s operating systcm matertal
0s 0s otherwfse Speciffed P P page
0s49 Osad over short ●nd damage P paper [c5* form)
os&Y Osay outs~de screw ●nd yoke P : paper (insul)
Usc Osc oscillate P P period
Osc Osc oscillator P P ptlaster
OSCG Oscg osctllat~ng P P p~ tch
OSCG Oscg osctl lograph. strtng P P plate (electron devtca)
OSCGRM oscgrm oscf ? Iogram P P plate (tube)

Downloaded from

29 *Y 1981


P pole PAN -... parallel (altn ●Bbr)
P P power (c- form] PAR par prectsfon ●pproach radar
P P probe PARA para paragraph
P P sfngl* paper ( fnsul ) PARANP para~ parametric ●nqltfter
P port port PARDOP pardop passive rangtng doppler
P FRM p frm post forming PAREN paren parentheses
PTOP ptop potnt-to-point PARK park parkerized
P&& ph a prtce and ●vai lability PARSYN parsyn parametric syntttests
Pam pbdd plubtng ●nd deck drafn PART part partla?
P&t Pb t power ●nd Ilghtlng PARV parv paravane
PaL OISTR ml distr power ●nd Ilghttng SEC BELOW SEE 9ELOW paravane ●nd stores crane
distribution PASS pass passage
ma pao paints and 011s PASS pass passenger
mu Pbo ptctclod ●nd oiled PAT pat parametric arttftcial talker
P5PP PePP pull ●nd push plate PAT pat passive ●ngle track
?8 s p&s port ●nd starboard PAT pat patent
PbT pat posts ●nd tt-ers PATHOL pathol pathological
P-D p-d punch die PATPEND pa tpend patent pending
P-P P-P paak to peak PATRIC patrtc pattern recognttlon
P-s p-s parallel -to-sertal Interpretation and
P-v p-v peak to vall@Y correlation
P/A p/a polar to ●nalog P ATT patt pattern
P/e p/b pad ●nd boom (refueling) PAV pav phase angle v01tf!J@3ter
P/I p/f production (Ilustratton PAV pav posltton and veloclty
?/0 p/o part of PAVE pave position and veloctty
PA pa pending avaflabflfty extraction
PA pa p-r ●nplif~er PAVT pavt posttion and velocfty
PA pa prsarm tracking
PA pa pressure angle PAX pax private automattc exchange
PA pa profile angle Ps pb painted base
PA pa puelic address Pe pb paper base
Ps pa pulse ●ffqltffer PEt pb pull box
PIMOAR paadar passive ●trborne detectfon Pe pb push button
●nd rmglng Pe HA pb sta push button statton
PMX pabx prtvate ●utomatic branch Po SW pa Sw pull button sultch
●xchange Pm pbd paperboard
PAC pac prfmary ●
ddr~ss’ Code P9D Pbd pressboard
PACE pace performance ●nd cost P8F0 pbfcl pierce blank and form dic
evaluation PWP Pbhp pound-force per brake
●ACE pace precision analog ca~uttng horsepower
~ipment PalT pbtt partty b{t
PACt pace prelaunch ●utomattc PBL pb ! photo butt line
Ch-ckout ●qu{pment PER pbr precision ~tng range
PACN PACM passive countermeasures Pex pbx prtvate branch exchange
PACN pacm pulse ●nplttude COde Pc P= parts catalog
modulation Pc PC personnel carrier
PACOR p8cor passive correlation ●nd Pc pc phase coherent
rang t ng Pc pe photocomctor
PACR pacr perimeter acquisition radar Pc pc p t ece
PAO pad padder (capacitor) Pc PC pttch ctrcle
PAO pad power ●~lfflcr driver Pc pc plug cock
PAD pad propellant ●ctuated device Pc pc point of curvo
PAOAR padar passtve detectton and Pc PC power conversion
ranging Pc pe prtnted ctrcu{t
PAOWC PADLOC passive deteCt tOn and Pc pc program counter
location of PC pc proposed change
countermeasures Pc pc pulsattng current
PADRE padre portable ●utomatic data Pc PC pulse compression
recording ●~tpment Pc w sfngle paper stng!c cotton
PAOS paas passtve ●ct$vc data (insul)
si~latlon PCMC PC* ptece mark
PAL pal permtsstve ●ctton link PCAt+ pcbh packtng crating and handl!ng
PAL pa 1 prescribed ●ctfon link PCA pca physical Conflguratlon ●udft
PAM pam pulse ●mplftude modulation PC9 pcb power clrcuft breaker
PANFM pamf m pulse ●~lttude modufatton PC% printed circuft board
frequency modulation Pcc pcc point of conqmund curve
PAN pan panoramic Pcc pcc production conqx-ess{on
PAN pan pantry capability
PANAR panar panOPamfC radar PCD Pcd pound per cap~ta per day
PAN9 panb pantc bolt PCD power control and
PANT pant pantograph dlstrlbutton
PnP pap pterced ● lumlnum plank Pm Pcd program changa dec~ston

. *“””” **” “ .-**. . . . . ● ✎✎☛ ✟✎✎✌✎ ✎ ✎

..**. ● ☛✍
● ☛☛☛☛ ● ●

PART STR CRA parv scr cra paravane and scores crane
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?9 May 1981


Pcf pc ? POWCI par CUbf C foot PEP pep plan>r ept taxial passlvated
Pcr pc f power cathoae follower [ transistor)
PCF pc f pulse to cycle fraction PER per person
PCH pch f)unch PERC pert percussion
PcnBi3 pehbd patchboard PERD perd periodic
PC?% pchg punch f ng PERF perf perfect
PcHT pch t parchment PERF pm f perforate
PCI PC i pertptteral Cofmand indfcator PERF perf performed
Pc x pc i phys~cal configuration PERI per i perimeter
identification PERIS per 1s perfscope
Pcl Pc I product configuration PERM perm permanent
tdentfftcation PERM perm permission
PCL pc 1 pencfl PERMB pern@ permeability
PCM pm pulse code modulation PERM!NVAR perminvar permeability ifwarfable
Pcm pcmd PU15~ cOde ~dUlatiOn PERP perp perpendicular
digital PERS pers personne 1
PCMFM pcmf m pulse cooe modulation PERSP persp perspective
frequency modu18t\on PERT PERT performance evaluation and
PCN pcn position control nutier review technf~e
PCP pcp program change proposal PES pes photoelectric scanner
PCP pep pulse comparator PETN petri pentaerythryte tetranftrate
Pcs Pcs Primary Coolant System PETRO pet ru petroleum
PCT pc t percent PEU polyurethane
PCTM pctm pulse count modulation PF pf potnt of frog
Pcu pcu power control un!t PF pf power factor
pd PaSSlve d8teCtiOf7 PF pf prof i le
;: pd pitch diameter PF pf pulse frequency
PD pd pivoted door PF9 pfb preformed beam
Po pcl point detonating PFO pfd preferred
Po pd potential d-vice PFbl pfm power factor meter
PO pd potential difference PFM pfm pulse frequency modulation
PO pd power distribution PFR pfr part failure rate
PO pd prtme dr~ver PFT pf t portable flame thrower
PO pd pulse doppler PG P9 pressure gage
Po pd pulse *ration PG P9 ,. provtng ground
Poc pdc singlo paper double cotton PG P9 pulse generator
(Insul) PGMT Pmt pigment —
POF pdf point detonating fuZ@ PGRF pgrf pulse group repetition
POIO pdto photodiode frequency
Pox S(3+ pdt SCh puw@ d{scharge PGT P9t pigtail
POISPL pdispl positive displacmnt pH pH hydrogen-ion concentrattan
POL pd 1 parts deletion I{st PH ph phase
P OM pam pulse duration modulation PH SRZ ph brz phosphor i3rOnZe
POMFM pdmf m pulse duratton modulation PHAR phar pharmacy
frequency modulation PHARMACOL pharmacol pharmacologic Cal
PHCV-SD phcv - sd phase conversion and
P OK par power directional relay
FOR pt?r priorfty data reduction
POR par program drum recording PHEN phen phenol~c
Pos pas P* phh philltps heaa
purchasing department
specification PHI phi position homtng tndicator
Peso pasa PHM phm phantom
point detonating self
PHM phm phase meter
POVN PHOC phoc photocopy
pdv n power drtven
PHOFL phof 1 photoflash
PE p* permanent echo
PE PHONO phOnO phonograph
pe p~nion end
PE PHOS phos phosphate
p, potential energy
PC Pws phos phosphoresce t
pe probable error
PHOTO photo photograph
PE pe program element
PE PWTOLITH photolfth photolithographlc
pe pulley end
PHP php pound-force per horsepower
PE CARD pe card production ●stfmate card
PEC pec photoelectric cell PHP phP propeller horsepower
PHR phr phrase
Pco pec pedestal
PEU pe j premoided expansion jotnt PHR pnr pound-force per hour
PHR phr preheater
PELEC pelec photoelectric
PHRHO phrhd pufp hydraul!c ram hand
PELR pelr peeler
PEN pen penetrate
PHSP phsp phase splitter
PEN pen pentrat~on
PHT pht preheat
PWO penal pwtd t ng
P1-iYs Phys physfcal
PCNRAC p~rad penetration radar
P!’fY s phys physics
PENT pen t pen t ode
PHYSIOL physiol physiological
PCP pep peak envelope power
PI pt point inftfatlng

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29 My 1981


Px pf point tnsulatfng PLGL plgl plate glass
PI pt potnt of f-act PLGR p!gr p 1unger
PI pi point of intersection PLK plk plank
PI pt program interrupter PLKn plkr peacoat 10CkStr
PI PI programd tnstructtun PLL pll pallet
PXQ pib po I ●r ionosphere bmaCOn PLL pll phase locked 100P
P18 pib pulse {nterfermce blanker PMm plfte plutitng
PIHO plbd pofnt tnltiattng base PLN pln plane
detonating PLNG ping planntng
PIC ptc pOly8tnyl_ insulated PLNR plnr p)anar
conductor PLNT pint planet
PICE plce programmable integrated PLNTY plnty planetary
control ●qutpment PLO plo phase locked oscfl?ator
PIE pie pulse Interference PLOT plot plotttng
eltminatlon PLQ plq p I ●cwe
Pxl. pil purple ind~cating light PM plr pillar
PILOT pilot automatic pilot PLR plr plters
PXM plm pulse interval modulation Pt.R plr puller
PIN p!n pinton PLRO plrd pull rod
PIN pin position fnd{cator PLRS plrs pelorus
PIN ptn positive Intrinsfc negative PLRSTN plrstn pelorus stand
(transistor) PLRT plrt polarity
PINSTD pinstd preirwert8d PLS pls parce fs
PION pton p i Oneer PLS pls pulse
PIP pip plant in place PtSN plsn pulsation
PIRT pirt prectsion infrared tracking PLSR p?sr pulsator
PISAB ptsab pulse interference PLSS piss prelaunch status si~lator
separation and blank~ng PLS7C plstc plastic
PIT ptt peripheral tnput tape PLT plt pilot
PIU piu p?ug-in untt PLT plt port l~ght
PIV piv post indicator valw PLT plt procurement lead ttm8
P!x pix picture PLT LT plt .lt pilot ttght
PdCTL pjctl projectile PLTG pltg plating
PUTN pj tn projection PLWS p ~ths ptlot hous-
PdTR pj tr projector PL7R pltr plotter
Pu pk pack PLVRZQ plvrzd pulverized
PK pk peak PLYPH p 1yph polyephase
PKG pk g package PLYWO plyvd p 1ywood
PUG pk g pack I ng PLZ plz polartze
PKT pk t pock et PLZD plzd polartzed
PKWY pk Wy parkuay P(.ZN pizn polarization
Pt. pl pad 1ock PM pm afternoon tpost mertdtem)
PL pl parting llne fcastfngsl PM v permanent magnet (speaker)
PL pl parts Ifst PM pm phase wdulation
PL pl phase line PM P pilot motor
PL pI pftch ?lne PM pm plaster master
PL pl p I ●ce PM pm . post merldfem (aftel-noon)
PL pl platn PM pm pound-force per mtnute
PL p] plate PM pm preventive maintenance
VL pl plug PM w pulse modulation
PL pl private Ifne PMC pmc propellant monitor and
PL pl proparty I{ne contre I
PL pl proportional limit PMC pmc pumice
PL U pt u pluggable un~t PMO psul program mon{tor{ng ●nd
PL/ f PL/ t programing language 1 diagnosis
PLA pla programmable logic array PME photomagnetoelectric
PLAOS p I ads parachute Iou ●ltitude PME pme precision measuring
delivery system equipment
PLAS plas pl ●ster PMET pme t painted metal
PLAT plat platinum PMFLT pmf 1 t pamphlet
PLATF platf platform Pffi Pm9 prediction marker generator
PLB plb pull button PMI pml permanent manufacturing
PL%O plbd p)ugboard information
PL8LK p)blk pl~lOU block Pm pm pitch mark
PLC plc power ltne carrier PMM pulse mode multiplex
PLC plc prograssnable logic PMntc = permanent magnet movable
controller coil
PLCY plcy policy Pm Pw
Pm pld psy load PMPSCT pspsct pum suction
PLO pld plated PMT pmt payment
PLG pig p?lfng PUT pmt photo wlttplfer tube
PMT pmt program master taPe

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?9 :kl)f


mu plaster mockup PPLN ppln p!peltne
PMLJ portabie memory unit PPM ppr?l parts per mlllton
PMVR pmv r prime mover PPN ppm perfodtc permanent magnet
W pn part nu~er PPM ppm pulse postt{on modul.tton
PN pn posttiv8 negativo PPM 1N ppmttl pulse per minute
(transistor) PPP PPP peak pulse power
PNDLR pndlr pendu I ●r PPR ppr paper
Pt+Eu pneu pneumatic PPS pps provtslontng performance
PM+ pnh pan head schedu 1e
PNIP pnip post t~ve-negatfve- fntrlnsic- PPS pps pulses per second
postttvc [electron dcvlce) PPT ppt poppet
PNL pn I pane 1 PPT ppt prec~p{tate
PNNT pnn t pennant PPT ppt product posttfontng ttme
PNP Pm posttfve negatfve posft~ve PPT ppt punched paper tape
r trmststor) PPTR pptr page pr!nter
pnpn posittve-negat ive-post ttve- PR pr patr
negatlve (electron dev~ce) PR pr pipe rail
PNT pnt paint PR pr pressure ratio
PNT STGR pnt stgr pafmting stringer PR pr pulse rate
PNlm pntgn pentagon PR pr purchase request
PC) po parking Orbft PRAC prac practtce
Po planetary orbit PR8 prb parabola
Po : post offtce PROO prbd paraboloid
Po po power oscillator PR8LC prblc parabollc
PO po production order PRBNT prbn t preben t
PO Po purchase order PRC pre pferce
PgGo POGO polar orb~tfng geophyslc~l PRC prc point of reverse curve
observatory PRCH prch preeharge
m r pot program of ~nst~ction PRCNT Prcnt parachute
PaL po I petroleum, otls ●nd PRCMT prcm t procurement
Iubrtcants PRCN prcn precfslon
POL po I polar PRCPTN prcptn prectpltat~on
PUL po I poltstl PRCS Drcs
. process
PgLTt’ml polthn polyethylene (tnsu)} PRCS SPEC prcs spec process spectf~cat~on (no
POLYEST po 1yes t polyester ~er )
POMSEE POMSEE Performance Opnl ●nd Matnt PRCSG prcsg processing
Standards for Electronic PRCST prcs t precast
Eqpt PRO prd push rod
PON pen +n toon Pt?E-S pre-s preshavlng
POP pop WPP t n9 PREAMP preanp prea~llfier
POPO popd power operated IJREC prec precedence
Puu por porro PRED pred pred~ctton
PORC pore purcelatn PREF pref preference
PORM porm plus or m{nus PREF pref pref i x
PORT port photo optical recorder PREf pref prefocused
tracker PREFAB pref ●b prefabricated
PORT port portable PRGFW prefmd preformd
Pos ---- posftfon (altn ●bbrl PREL2M prel fm prellm?nary
Pos pos positive PRELORTR prelortr prectston long-range
PUSN posn post tion tractctng radar
PCISN SW posn sw position switcn PREM pram prem ~um
puss poss possession PREP prep preparation
POT pot potential PREP P- prepare
POT pot potentiometer PRES pres present
Pow potw potable water PRESCR preser prescription
Puv pov peak operating voltage PRESS press pressure
PP pane! po~nt PRESSAR pressar presentation equtpment for
PP E piptng slow scan radar
PP power plant Pam prev prev t ous
PP ;; pressureproof PRF prf preof
PP PP push PU1l PRF prf pulse repetttton frequewy
PP8 ppb parts per bfll~on PRFCN prfen purtficatton
PPB PPB provtslontng parts breakdown PRFCS prfcs pref ecus
PPE p~e ptpet PRFM prfm performance
P? E ppe p~pette PRFRO prf rd proofread
PPE ppe prenu@ulatlon processing PRFT prf t press ftt
●qu~pment PRFT prf t presserfoot
PPG PPg ptpe plug PRG prg purge
PPH pptl pulse per hour PRGM prgm program
PPI pp4 pictortal pos!tton fnd!cator PRGM RCTR prgm rgtr program reg~ster
PP r pp i plan posltlon Indfcator
PPKG ppk g pow~r package


Downloaded from

29 My 1981


PRG?4G prgmg progrmmti ~ PRv prv peak ‘reverse voltage
Pf?Gf4R prgmr programmr PRV prv pressure reducing valve
PRI pr f prfmary PRV prv propeller revolution
PR1 pr { priorfty PRVU prw preview
PR I pr { pulse rate indicator Ps Ps . chloropicrtn
PRIN prin prtnctpal Ps ps passing scuttle
PRIS PRIS Propeller Revolution Ps point of switch
Indicator System Ps :: polystyrene
PRKG prkg park { ng Ps ps potentiometer syncfiro
PRL pr ? parallel Ps ps pover supply (CO- form)
PRLX prlx parallax Ps Ps process speciftcatiofl (u/
PRM prm Prtme nutier )
PRM prm prfmfng Ps ps proof shot (projectile)
PRM pulse rate modulation Ps ps pull suitch
PRMLD ;%d premo 1dad Ps ps pulsa sense
PRUR prmr primer Ps ps pulse str~tcher
PRM7R prmtr parameter PS LT ps lt port stale light
PRN prn pseudo-random notse Pscu psa power supply control unit
PRt4 prn pulse ranging navlgatton Pso psd phase senstttve demodulator
PRNG prng purging Pso psd powr spectral densfty
PRNTG prntg printing PSD psd pulse shape discriminator
PRO pro propeller order Psf psf pound-$orce per square foot
PROB prot) probab I ● PSN psfl phase shift
PR08 prob prob 1em PSNO psM phase-shift drfver
PROC ---- procur~t faltn ●bbr) PSI ps f pound-$orce per square inch
Puoc proc pr~rc Ps I psi protosynthex index
PROC proc proceedings PSXA psta pound-force per squaro tnctv
PROCU procu processing unit ●bsolute
PROO prod procwct PSIG pslg pound-force per square #rich
prod production . gage
PROF prof professional PSIV pstv passtve
PROG prog progress PSK psk phase shfft key{ng
PROG prog progression PSL ps 1 pipe s)eevo
PROtJ proj project PSL ps 1 pressure seal ““
u PROW prom progrmmmble read-only PSM psal prism
~ry ●SNR psnr positioner
PROM prom pro~te PSP psp pierced steel plank
PROP prop propelled PSR psr plow steel rope
PROP prop propeller PST pst past8
PROP prop propelling Pst pst pastry
PROP prop property PST ps t potnt of sptral tangent
PROP prop preprfetor PstL pstl ptstol
PROPN propn proportion PSTL pstl postal
PROSIGN prosfgn procedure sign PS7N pstn piston
PROT pro t protect Psu psu pouer supply unit
. PROT pro t protective Psv psv prtserve
PROT OEV prot dev protect~ve devtce PSVT psvt passtvate
PROTO pruto prototype PSVTN psvtn preservation
PRoTR prot r protractor PSVTV psvtv preservative
PROV prov provide PW psu potent{al switch
PROV prov provision Pswao psubd power switchboard
PROWORO prouord proc~re uord PT pt paper tape
PRP P- putse repetition period Pt pt part
PRP prp purp I● PT pint
PRP Pm purpuse PT $ pipe tap
PRPHL prph 1 peripheral Pt pt P~ ttc tube
PRPLN prp 1n propulsion pt point
PRPLT prpl t propellant :; pt potnt of tangency
PRPNE prprw propane PT pt potentfal transformer
P~PSD prpsd proposed PT pt print
PHPSL prps 1 proposa I pt pulse time
PRR prr pulse repetition rate ;: pt punched tape
PRS prs press PTC ptc positive tenq3erature
PRSO prsd prmssed coefficient
PRSO MET prsd met pressed mtal PTCT ptct pro tec t
PRSR prsr presser PTO ptd pa~nted
PRSRZ prsrz pr~ssurfze P7D ptd printed
PRSTC prstc prosthetic PTFE ptfe polytetraf luoroethy)ene
PRT prt pulse repetition tfme PTL pt 1 pstrol
PRTKT prttc t parts t(tt PTL pt 1 p(ntle
-. PRV pw Peak ~nversc (reverse) P7LY ptly partly
voltage I Pm ptm pulso time mocWlat{on

Downloaded from

29 ?~y 1981


PTML PTML pnpn transistor magnettc Qnvc qavc quiet automatic volu-
logic control
PTUTLG ptmtlg pf tometer log 08 * qutck break
PTWX ptmux pulse-time multiplex Qc Qc quality control
PTN ptn parti tion QC w qufck cleaning
PTO pto power takeoff QCI qc f qualtty conformance
PTOUT ptout printout inspection
PTR ptr PaP8r tape reader QCL qcl quality characterlst{cs llst
ptr position track radar QCR OCR quality control reliability
ptr printer QD:SC qdlsc quick disconnect
ptr processor tape read ODR qdr quality def~c!ency report
PTS pts pneumattc test set QORNT qdrn t quadrant
PTS PTS propellant transfer system QORTR qdrtr quxlrsture
ptt push to talk OE v Waltty evaluation
PTTZ ptti preclsc tfme ●nd time acc ~ictc ●ngine changa
tntorval of qf qtck ftrtng
PTUT ptwt photo type traveIi~ wave QFIRC qf i rc quick fix interference
tube reduction Capabllfty
Pm pty party QGv q9’f qJ8ntized gate video
w pertp-ral unit Ico*utors) QIK qik ~ick
w z pickup QL ql quick took
Pu w power unit OUT qltt quick look tntWmediat8 tap8
PUAR pua r pulse ●c~lsltlon radar QM w quadrature modulation
PUB ---- pUbltCat{On (altn ●bbr) QNQB ~tek make, ~ick break
PU9?4 pubn publication ONCH qnch quenched
Publr PWT programmable untjunction Qoo qod quick opentng dev{ce
transistor QPL ml qualtfie procWcts list
PUL pu I pulley QPP WP ~anttzeu pulse position
PULV putv pulverizer QR qr -ire
Pm pur purlficr QUA qra Wick react!on ●lert
PuRm purch purchase QRC qre quick reaction capability
Pv pv p,lan view QRCG qrcg quasi-ranclom code generator
Pv pressure vessel QRY qry quarry
Pvc . Fc polyvlnyl chloride QT qt WadfUPIW therwuplastlc
PVWTU pvmtd preservation mthod ( insul )
PVNT pvn t pr~vont Q7 qt qu?rt
wau pvor preciston vhf omni range QTB qtb quarry tit. bask
PVR pvr pru~sion voltage referencm Q7f qtf quarry ttle floor
PVT pv t pivot QTR qt r quarry tile roe f
Pm pv t pressure VOIUWS8 t~erature QTR qtr *arter
PVT pv t private Q7RS qtrs quarters
Pu passing window QTY qty quanttty
Pw : pflot wire QTZ qtz ~artz
Pw pw ptvoted Window QUAD ---- quadrant (a tn ●bbr)
Pu P pla~n washer QUAD quad quadrangle
Pw pw prtnted wiring QUAOR quadr quadrup I ●
Pu pw projected window WAL qua I quailftcatlon
Pw pw pulse width QUAL qua 1 qualitative
PUA pwa printed-wtrlng ●ssmly WAL qua I quality
Pwe pwb prtnted w{rtng board WANT quant quantitative
pwc process water cooler QUASER q,iaser ~antum a~liftcation by
E pwc pulse width coded Sttsmlated emission of
Pwd -Or radiat{on
pwd pulse width discriminator QUAT qua t quaternary
PuaP pudp powder passing QUEST West quest ion
WC pw PUISQ width ●ncoder WIES quies quiescent
Pwz pv i proxtm{ty uarn~ng {ndicator QUIN quin quintuple
Pww pm pulse width modulation WOT quo t quotation
PUR pvr power WOT quo t quottent
PWR SPLV pur sp 1y power supply QVT qv t quality ver{ficatfon testing
Pwwt pwr!l poverhouso R ---- radtus (altn ●bbr)
PWTR pwtr pewter R ---- r8d faltn ●bbr)
PU7R pwtr pure water R r radar [comm form)
PXSTR pxstr phototranst stor R r raft
PYGN py9n pyrogen untt R r ratio
PVR pyr pyramt d R r reconnaissance (aircraftl
PYRC pyro pyrotechnic R R resistance (comb form)
PVRQW pyrom pyrumeter R r r+ght
a Q drone (aircr8ft) R r ring
Q&b qsa question ●nd ●nswer R r r f ser
QA quality ●ssurance R r rubber ( insul I
z Cta qutck ●cting R r rubber sheath

Downloaded from

29 May 1981


new r chg recmced charge RAR rar recor~ ●nd report
nil o R80 research and development RAs ras replenishment ●t sma
R&P rfip rules and proc-ros RASER rasar radio freq ●~llftcat~on DY
R&R r8 r remove ●nd rep)ace stlwlated emlsston af
R4T RBT research ●nd technology rad!ation
R-W r-w read urite (head) RASTAC rastac random ●ccess storage ●nd
R/R r/r readout ●nd relay control
R/W r/w rtght of way RAT vat ra taau
R& ra radar altlmeter RATAN ra tan radar ●nd television ● fd to
R& ra rayon f insul I navtgat!on
RA ra read ●npltfter RATE rate remote automatic telemetry
RA ra reductton of ●rea equ I pment
R& LT Pa It range 1 Ight RATO RATO rocket-assisted takeoff
RAACT raact radtoacti Ve RAVE rave radar ●cquisition visual
RAB rab rabbet tracking equipment
RAC rac rapid ●ct~on change RAVEN raven ranging ●nd veloclty
RACON racon radzr beacon navigation
RACY rac t reverse ●cttng RAWIN raw t n radar wind
RAO rad radiate RAUINDS raw t nds radar w~nd sounding
RAD r aa radio RAYOIST raydtst ray path distance
RAD rad radius RAZEL razel range aziwuth and SIevatton
RAO HAZ rad haz radiation hazarQ RAZON razon range ●nd az{WUth only
RAO INSP rad insp radiographic ~nSpeCtiOn R8 rb rel~y block
RAD OPR rad opr radio operator RS rb return to bias
RADAL rada 1 rad~o detection and locatlon RB rb revision block
RADAR radar rad~o d8teCtfOn ●ti ra~l%l RB f-b rubber base
RAOAS raaas random ●ccess discrete RBOT rbb t rebabbit
address system RBOE rtlde radar brfgftt dlsPlaY
RAOAT rada t radar Oata transmission equtpment
RAOAY raday radio day RSE rbe relative biological
RAOCW racichm radfo chemistry effectiveness
RAOCM RAOCN radar countcrmeaswes ●nd R8K rbk right bank
deception RSN rbn radio beacon
RADCDN radcoti radar data converter RUN r i bbon
RADOEF radde f radiological defense 99R rbr rubber
RAO(!M r a dem random acc8ss delta ROS rbs redar bo!m~ng score
modulation RC f-c range correction
RAOIAC rad i ac radiation detection nc rc rate of change
indicating ●nd coqutatlon RC rc reactor c~artment
RAOINT radfnt radar intelligence RC rc rear con~tton
RAO!ST radfst radar distance Indicator RC rc reinforced concrete
RADL radl radiological RC remote control
ltAOMDN radmon radiological monitoring Rc E Yesfstance capacitance
RAON radn radiat+on ac rc .-esolver control
RAOOP ratfop radaroptica 1 RC CPLD ac Cp)d resistance capacitance
RADOT radot real ttme ●utomatic dig~tal coup 1ed
optical tracker RCC rcc reader common contact
RADVS radvs radar altimeter and doppler RCC rcc rubber covered cable
velocity sensor RCCP rccp reinforced concrete eu)vert
U40WAR RAOVAR radiological warfare p!pe
RAFAR rafar radio ●utomatic facsimile RCO rcd record
●nd repr-ctfon RCO rcd reverse current device
R6FAX rafax radar facsfmtle transmission WDG ?cdg eecordlng
Rax ra i random access and tnqu~f=y RCDR rcdr recorder
RAIAM ra i am random-access $ndestructive RCG rcg reverberation control of
advanced nwmory gain
RALU ralw rsdtoactive llquid waste RCNT rch t ratchet
2AM ram radar ●bsorbing materta? RCI rc t Fadar coverage i~dfcator
RAM ram radtat~on ● ttenuation RCL rc 1 reca I 1
measurement RCL rc I recoi i
RAM ram random-access hemory RCLO relet ?ecl Ined
RAM ram rapid ●rea maintenance RCLMG rcimg reclaiming
R- ram recording ●meter RCLS rcls recol I less
RANCID rancid real ●nd not corrected RCM RCM radar countermeasures
Input data RCMPRS rc~rs recowqress ton
RANCOM rancom random coftmunicatlons RCN rcn recreation
satal)~te RCNOT rend t recondition
RAO rao rudder ●ngle order RCNTR rcntr rfng cwnter
RAPCOE rapcoe random ●ccess programntng RCO rco reactor core
and checkout equipment RCO rco remote contrnl oscillator
RAPCON rapcon radar ●pproach control RCGNT rcont rod contrel
..—. RAR Far radio ●coustic ranging RCP Pcp reinforced concrete pipe

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29 my 1981


rcp rfght circular Polar lzatlon RECALC reca Ic recalculated
rep t receipt RECO ---- received (altn ●bbr)
rcp t receptacl@ RECHRG ructwg recharger
RCPTM rcptn reception RECXP rectp rec$procati ng
RCS RCS rwact ton control system RECIRC rec I rc recirculate
Rcs Rcs reentry control system RECL rec I reclosing
RC$ RCS Rewrote Control System RECM recm recomwend
RCT rc t resolver control transfornnw RECOG recog recogni tton
RCTL reststor capac~tor RECDN recon reconnaissance
transistor logtc RECONO reeond recondense
rctn reaction RECP ---- receptacle (altn ●bbr)
R- rcur recurrent RECT rec t rectangle
rcv rece t ve iiECT rect rectangular
RCVD rcvd received RECT rec t rectifier
RCVG rcvg receiving RECY recy recoverabil ity
Rcvu rcvr rec. I vor RED red red
RCW rcvy recuvery REDAP redap reentrant data processing
Ro ---- round (altn ●bbr) REDSG redsg redesignate
RO rd radar data REDWN redun redr ●wn
RU rd radfatton detection REF re f refer
R9 rd random drtft REF ref fwferenc.
RO rd read REf re f refinery
Ro rd register drtve REF DES ref dms reference designation
RO rd read RCFL ref 1 raferenc8 line
RD rd roof drain REFL ref 1 reflectance
RD rd root dlamater R~FL ref 1 reflector
RD rd rotodollw REFLO ref 1d reflected
RDC rdc racliac REFR refr refrigerate
RDC v Cjc race RCFR refr refr~gerator
RDCN rdcn rwc tton REFRD re f rd refrigerated
RDCR rdcr reducer REG ----- register (altn ●bbr)
ROUR rddr rod drtve REG ---- r=gular (altn ●bbr)
RGF rdf radar dfrection finding REG ---- regulate (altn ●bbr)
RDF rdf radto d{rectton ftndtng REG ---- regulator (altn ●bbr)
RDG rdg resolver differential RCGAL rega 1 range and evaluation
gewra tor ~idance for ●pproach ●nd
ROG rdg ridge landing
RDG rdg round t ng REGEN regen regenerate
rdh roundhead REGEN regen regenerat ive
RU I rdt radio dopplw Inertial RE I ret request for engineering
ROL rd 1 radia) information
ROM rdm recordtng demand meter REIMU ret- re i mmurse
RDMI rdm.i range drift measuring unit REINF re i nf retnforce
RONG rdng readfng REU re j reject
ROMS rdns readfness REL ---- release [altn ●bbr)
RmuT rdou t readout REL r. I relative
ROR rdr radar REL re 1 rescue ~ipment locker
RUR rdr reaar RGLEL reIbl reliability
ROR XMTR rdr xmtr radar transmitter RELOC re 1oc relocated
ROS/M rd~lm Founds por m~nute REM rem rema i noer
ROTb~ rdtl%e research developfmmt test REM rem remov ●b 1●
●nd evaluation REM rem roentgen ●~lvalent mafmnal
RDTR rdtr rad(ator REM COV rem cov removable cover
@ox rdx cyelonite RtMAO reread rmote magnetic anomaly
ROY rdy ready detect ton
RE rs radtated emfsston Rmc r- resin encapsulated fnlca
RE re ree I capacitor
REAC reac reactance RCD reo regenerated ● }ectrlcal
REAC reac rsactlve output
RCAC reac reactor REORf3 meorg reorganize
REACTVT rose tv t reactivate Rt? rep range error probabil!tv
READ reaa radar echo ●ugmentation RCP rep represent
dev ~ce REP rep reentgen ●quivalent physical
RCASM ---- reass~le (altn abbr) RCP8 repb republic
RE~ssEM reassem reasse-le REPL rep’ rep I ●ce
REASSY reassy reassentlly REPPAC reppac repetftivaly pulsed PJas~
RE8E rebe recovery beacon evaluation ●ccelerator
REC rec racess REPRO repro reproduce
mc rec recessed REPRO repro reproduc!bl ●
Rcc rec request for engineering RSPRO repro reproduction
change RKQ r ●q request
mc Mccl’i rec mech recui I mchanism

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29 My 1981


Rco req require RGL rg I regui ●te

REQO reqd re~ tred RGLR rglr regular
REON reqn requ~ sit ion RGLTO rgl td regulated
RCQT reqt requ t rement RGLTR rgl tr regulator
RERL rer 1 resf dual equivalent return RGN rgn region
loss RGNG rgng r~gging
RES r QS r8s~arch RGT rg t resonant gate transistor
RES res res 1stance RG7R rgtr register
RES res resistor RH rh relatlve humidtty
@CS fLD rcs fld rest-al fteld RH r-h right hand
RESC rese rest i nd RH Rh Rockwell hardness
RESEAT roses t reseating RHOR rh dr right hand drive
RESIO res id res i-a I RH Pt. rh p! rhodtum plate
RESIL r~si 1 resi 1 {ent RHO rat Ihead
RESN resn resonant RHD rhd return head
RESN r8sn resonate RHEO rheo rheostat
RESOLN resoln resolution RHI rh i radar height indicator
RCSP resp respccttvaly RHI rh 1 range hd!!i@t Indicator
RCSP resp respons~bl ● RHU rhj rubber hose jack~t
RESTR restr restorer RFOC rhk reefing hook
RESUP resup resupply R~O rhod rhod f urn
RET ret retain RHOMt? rho- rho- ic
RETM ret nn retenslon RHOMO rho- r~o td
RETP rw tp retape RttP rhp reduced hard pressure
RETR retr ret race RHR rhr reheater
RETR retr retract RHR rhr roughness he~ght rating
RETR retr retractable RHS rhs right hand side
RETRO ret ro retroactive R! rl radar tnput
RETRO retro qetrogradm RI rl range Inst rumentatlon
RETROG ret rog retrogress Ive RI rl reflective ~nsulatton
REV rev rev i ew RI ri r8qUlre tdentlflcat~on
REV rev rev t se RI rt routing ind{cator
REV rev r~vfsion R18 rib ribbed
REV rsv revolution RIC rfc radar fnput control
REV CUR rev cur reverse current RIO rid radar input drum
REVEL reve 1 reverberation elimination RIO rld reset inhtblt drum
RWDCON revocem rewrote volume control RIFI rlfl radfo ~nterference f!eld
REUK reuk rework intensity
REY rey reentry RIL rll radto interference Iewl
RF rf radio frequency RIL rll red tndfcating la-
Rf rf raised face RIM rim radar ~nput mapper
RF rf range finder RIM rim radiant Intensity
RF rf rapid fire measurement
WA rfa radio frequency •~ltfter RIN rtn radio inertial
RFC rfc radio frc~8ncy choke RING ring ringer
RfCR rfcr ref ●cw R:NSUL rinsul rubber insulation
RFD rfd rafsed face diameter RINT rint radar Intermittent
RFG tfg receive format generator RINT r(nt radiation intelligence
RFG rfg roof tng RIOMETER rtometer relative ionospheric
RFGT rfgt refrigerant opacity meter
Rfti rfh raised face height RIOT riot real tlms tnput output
RF I rf f radio frm~ency interfe~enco transducer
RF I rf i ready for issue RIP r$p radar identification point
RF L Ffl refuel RIS RIS Revolution Indlcattng system
RFLX rflx ref lex RIV riv radio lnf}uence vo)tage
RFM rfls reactivo factor mater RIV riv river
itFNA r~na red fuming nttric ●ctd RdE rje remote job entry
mfNo rfnd ref ined RK rack rack
RfP rfp . request for proposal ‘ RKR rkr rock •~
RfRC rfrc refractory RKRA *ra rocker ●rm
RFS rfs regardless of feature size RK7 rkt rock ● t
RfU rfw request for valver RKVAN rkvam recorcl~ng ktlovolt-a~re
RfW rfw reserve feed water meter
RG rg receptton good RL ---- rail (altn abbr)
rg remction gearbox RL RL resistance inductance
x rg reset gate RL rl rOCket launcher
RG rg reticulated grating RL rl roof leader
RG rg reverse gsto nLAOO r 1●dd radar low ●ngle drogue
RGINI rgl n I regtster (n) stages delivery
rgd rlgtd RLC RLC resistance lncWctancQ
rgh rough capacitance
RLCR rlcr rai lcar

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29 May 1981


RLD rld radar Iaydown deltvery RPC rpc remote position control
RLO f-la rolled RPC rpc remote power control
RLF rlf reIfef RPD rpd radar planning deVIC@
RLG rlg ratting RPD rpd renewal parts data
RLR rlr roller RPDR rpdr reproducer
RLR ERG elr brg roller baar{ng RPF rp f radiometer p&2rfOrManCe
RLS r)s radar line of stght factor
RLSE rise release PPG RPG report program generator
RLT rlt relate RP 1 rpi raear preclpttation
RLTN rltn relation integrator
RLV rlv rel Ieve” RPL rpl renewal parts leaflet
RLXf’4 rlxn relaxation RPLNG rplng replenishing
RLY rly relay RPLR rplr repel ler
RM rm range marks RPLSN rp 1sn repulsion
RM rm raw material RPLT rplt repel lent
RN rm remedial maintenance RPM rpm remote performance
RM rm room moni tor!ng
RMAX rmas range maxinum RPM rpm Pevo!utions per mtnute
RMGF rmgf radar mapper, gap ffller RPMC rpe remote performance
RW refrigerator mechanical monitoring ●nd control
househo I d RPNSM rpnsm replen~stment
RM1 rm i radio magnet{c tndicator RPPI rpp i remote plan position
RMJ rmj ramjet tndtcator
RMLR rmlr radar mapper, long range RPQ rpq request for price quotatton
RW ~ radar map matching RPR rpr read printer
RNR rmr reamer RPR rpr repa I c
RMS rms root mean square RPRT rpr t report
RMS rms square root of mean square RPS rps revolutions per second
RMT rmt remote RPS rps rotating passing scuttle
nw rmv Wwkve RPT rpt . rep. a t
RN rn radio navigation RPTC rptc repeating co~ 1
RN rn reference noise RPTN rptn repetition
RNO rncl round RPTR rptr repeater
RNOM rndm random RPVNTV rpvntv rust preventive
RMF rnf radio noise factor (f{gure) RQC rqc radar quality control
RNG rng range RR rr rai lroad
RNGG rngg ringing RR rr rapid rectll~near
RNL rn 1 renews I RR rr recurrence rate
RNLT rnlt running light RR rr rellef raciti
RNR rnr runner RR rr rev{ston record
RNV f-nv radio noise voltage RR rr roll roofing
RNWBL rnwb 1 renewab I e RR I rr ! range rate indicator
Ro re radar operator RRRV rrrv rate of rise of recovery
RO ro recetv~ only vol tage
RO ?-0 rough opening RS rs radiated susceptibility
RO f-o runou t Rs rs range selsctor
RQ \ RO rol ro rollon/rolloff Rs rs range surve!l lance
Roe rob radar out of battle Rs rs ready service
ROC roc rece~ver operating RS rs reverberation strength
Characterlsttcs RS rs right side
ROC roc required for operational Rs rs ~bble StOn@
capabi ! ity RS& I rs5 1 receipt stowage and Issue
ROE roe reflector orbital equipment RSALT rsalt running signal and ●nchor
ROFT rot t radar off target 1 tgnts
ROH roh regular overhaul RSO rsd ra i sed
ROU ro j range on janan+ng RSO rsd roll]ng steel door
ROM r om read only nwmory RSI rs i reflected Stgnal Indicator
ROOT root relaxation oscillator RSIM rstm radar Stwulator
opt{cally tuned RsL rs I reconnaissance and security
ROT rot radar on target line
ROT rot reserve otl tank RSLVR rslvr reselver
MY r rot rotate RSN rsn reason
ROTI roti recordfng optical tracking RsP rsp render safe prc7CedUre
instrument RSP rsp respwnder beacon
ROTOMT rotomt rotometer RSPU rspd respond
ROTR rotr receive only tape perforator RSPS rsps response
ROTR rotr rotator RSPTR rsptr respirator
ROT S rots rang. on target s~gna\ RsPV rspv respective
ROUT rout rout t ne RSQ rsq rescue
R? rp reference pulse RSQEiT rsqbt rescue boat
RP rp reviston proposal RSS rss root sum square
RPA rpa radar performance analyzer RSt rs t radar start —

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29 May ~981


RST rst retnforcfng steel RV rv rear view
RST rs t reset-set trtgger RV rv reentry vehfcle
RST rs t restore RV m relief valve
RSTG rstg roast 1 ng RVA rv ● reactive volta~ere meter
RSTPF rstpf rustproof RVARM rvarm recording varmeter
RS7R rstr restrict RVOT rvdt rotary variable
RSV rsv reserve ‘ differential transfornu?r
RSVR rsvr reservo fr RVLG rvlg revolvtn~
RT rt r=dar trigger RVLV rvlv revolve
RT rt rad$o telephone RVM rvm react~ve voltmeter
RT rt rainttgnt RVP rvp reid vapor pressure

RT rt range tracking RVR rv r runway visual range

RT rt rate RVS rvs reverse
UT rt real tfme RVSBL rvsbl reversible
RT rt racetver transmitter RVT rv t rivet
RT ft rocket target RVTD rvtd riveted
RTANG rtamg right ●gle RW ru raw water
RTC rtc reader tape contact RWC ratrtuater conductor
RTCL rtcl rettcle RWC read write co~ute
RTCU rtcu real time control ufllt RWG RUG Roebl\ng Wire Gage
RTD rtd range time decoder RWHO rwhd rawhide
RTD rtd resistance tewerature RWUO rwnd rev i nd
detector RWY runway
RTO rtd retard RX rx resolver transmitter
R70C rtdc retardation coil RY f-y rai lway
RTDD rtdd real ttme data dtstrlbution RYN ryn rayon
RTOD rtdd remote timing and data Rz rz rwturn to zero
utstribution RZL rz 1 return to zero level
RTOOC rtddc real tim d{g~tal data RZM rzm return to zero mark
correction s ---- slate (altn ●bbr)
RTE rte route s s scuttle
RTEL rtel radio telephony s s Second (come form)
RTEM rtem radar tracking error s s silk ( insul )
measurement s s single silk (insull
RTF rtf ~r til- #loor Sof t
RTG rtg rattng : ; source (electron *V ce
RTIP rttp radar target identification s s south
point s Stale Side
RTL rt 1 radar threshold limit SMi LT Sah It signal and homing light
RTL rt 1 ~~inforced tile Ilntel saP s&p stake ●nd platform
RTL RTL reststor transistor logic s-t strtp tin
RTLG rtlg Padio telegraph ;/: s/r send ●nd receive
RTM rtm radar target material S/T SI t search/track
RTM rtfn rapid tuning magnetron Sls Sls surfaced or dressed one side
RTM rtm receiver transmitter SISIE stsle surfaced or dressed one
modulator side ●nd one ●dge
RTM rtm recording tachometer . S2S S2S surfaced or dressed tvo
RTN rtn M turn s ides
RTNG rtng retaining S4S S4S surfaced or dressed four
RTNR rtnr rota i ner sides
RTOT rtot range track on target SA sa sail area
RtPH r tph round trips per hour ;: sa sense aaplifier
RTR rtr rotor sa shaft alley
RTRSW rtrsw rotary swttch SA sa small ●rms
RTRV rtrv retrieve SA sa spectrum analyzer
RTRY rtry rotary sa stress ●nneal
RTT rtt rsdtation traciclng %A saa small arms ●mmnft ion
transducer SAOO sabo sense ●-lifter blocklng
R7T rtt ra~io teletype oscillator
RTTL rttl rattail SAtlRE sabre secure ●irborne bo~tng
RTTL rttl runntng telltale light radar ~ipment
RTTV rttv real time television SAC sac sprayed acoustical ceillng
RTTY rtty raaio teletypewriter SACE SACE semiautomatic checkout
RTV rtv reentry test vchtcle equipnwmt
RTWS r tws raw tape write sutmodule SADIE sadte scanning ●nalog to digftal
Rti ?-U range user input equipment
RU ru reproducing unit SADM sadm special atomic demolition
Rus ---- rubber (altn abbr) nunitfon
Ruo rud rudder SAF saf safety
Russ russ russet SAGE SAGE semfautematfc ground
RV rv rated voltage environment
-- SAW sahf semiautomatic height finder

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SAL Sa 1 salinfty SCARF’ scarf side IOokfng coherent ● ll
SAL 5* I sal ino~ter range focused
SAL Sa 1 saluting SCAT SCAT sequential eonponent
SAL Sa I shipboard ●l loumcs 1 ist automat~c testtng
SALV Salv salvage SCAT scat space communications ●nd
SAM sam selectlve ●utomatic tracktng
monitoring SCAT scat surface controlled
sam surface to ● ir mtsslle ●valanche transistor
Sm sam synchronous ●-l itude SCAV seav scavenge
modulation Scc Scc single conductor cable
san sandu I eh Scc Scc sfngle cotton covered
San sanitary (insul)
sap semiarmor pfercfng SCD scd screen door
SAPC s ●pc Suspended ●coustical Sco Scd specfflcat~on control
plaster calling draw i ng
SAPfm sspon saponify SCDP Scalp steel cadmium plated
sAR sar storage ●ddress register SCOR Scdr screwdriver
SARU sard Stmlated ● ircraft radar SCE sce sfgnal condlttonlng
data equipment
SAT sat saturate SCE sce source
SATAN satan satellite active null tffer SCF Sc f satellite control faciltty
SATC sate suspended ●coustical tflc sch socket head
ceillng :%0 sched sch- 1e
SATFY Satfy satisfactory SCHEM Schem schemattc
SATL satl satellite SCHLT Scf’11 t Searchl tght
SATPA17 satpatt satelltte paper tape SCI se i sc f ence
transfers SCINT scfnt Setntfllator
se sb secondary battery SCLER sc 1er scleroscope
$8 Sb Serfal binary SCLY SCly scul Iery
SE sb sertal block Scnm Scmod scale mode!
sb service bulletfn SCN scn specification change notice
= sb s i deband SCNA scna sudden cosmic noise
S8 sb silver braze ●bsorption
so S8 silver braztng Scng scmn i ng
58 sb sleeve bearing := scnr scanner
so sb smoeth bore SCNTN scntn self contained
S.8 sb solid body Sco Sco subcarrfe~ oscillator
sb soot blower SWQA scoda scan coherent dopple~
E Sb spin block attachment
SE sb splash block scent ship control
sb Stove bolt :%% scope osci I loscope
= sb stuffing box SCORE score satellfte cowputer operated
sb synchronization bft readiness e~ipment
;:A Sba standard beam ●pproach Scou Scou shtp course
SEK sbk single beam klystron SCOUT SCOUT surface controlled oxfde
SBM sbm submersible unlpolar transistor
SEs S8S semiconwctor Bilateral SCP Scp sphertcal candlepower
Swt tch Scn scr screw
SBSP Sbsp single base sol{d propellant SCR SCR semiconductor controlled
SaSm sbstr substrate rectifier
SET set surface barrier transistor SCR scr short circuit ratto
sbu sflver braztng union SCR GT scr gt screen gate
SBu Sbu steel bas~nt window SCRDS scrdb screwed bonnet
SEX Sox S Band transponder SCRON scrdn screw down
SC Sc saturable core SCRN scrn screen
SE Sc sca 1e SCRTERM scrterm screw terminal
Sc shaft center SCRTHII scrthd screw thread
z Sc shaped charge Scs Scs semiconductor controlled
se Sc signal conditioner Swf tch
SC Sc single contact Scs Scs single channel st~lex
Ss se smooth contour Scs Scs stabflfzatlon and control
Sc Sc solar cell systems
SC se spacecraft Scsfi scsh structural carbon steel hard
sa sca small caliber anmunftfon SCSM scsm structural carbon steel
SCA SCA subcarrfer authorization mad i urn
Scnom scadar scatter detection ●nd Scss Scss structural carbon steel soft
rmg t ng SCT Sc t structural clay tfle
Scala sca I o scannfng loual oscillator SCTO sctd scattered
‘CAM scsn antenna scan SCTR sctr scooter
Em scap sflmt compact ●uxllfary SCTR sctr sector
povw’ SCTY Scty Securt ty

Downloaded from

29 my 1981


Scu Scu scanner control uni t SEOPSN seopsn select operate sense
Scu s Cu singlo conditioning unft SEP sap separate
SCUBA SCUBA self contatned underwater SEP 58P separator
breath{ng ●pparatUS SEP Sep Sept-er
SCUP Scup scupper SEP sap star epltaxial planar
SCY L Scy 1 sfngle cyl{nder SEQ Seq sequence
so Sd saf~ty destructor SEQ CHK seq chk sequence check
so se sa~le aata SER ser ser~al
so Sd sel~ destroying SER ser sertes
so sd shell destreylng SERG Serg sef-v1ng
so Sd shower dra~n SERNO serno serfal nutier
SD Sd soft drawn SERR serr serrate
so sd spectral distribution SERR serr serrated
so Sd standard deviation SERV ---- serv~ce (altn abbr))
SD se sweep driver SERVO servo servomechanism
so Si. sd bl sand blast SESAME sesame service. sort ●nd rmrge
SDA sda source data automation SET set setting
sdc signal data converter SET set solar energy thermionfc
X Sec situst~on dtsplay convsrter SETLG setlg settling
SDOU Sddu st~lex data dlstrtbutlon SETR setr setter
unit SEW sew sewage
SDF7N sdf tn soda fountain SEW sew sewer
SDG sdg siding SF Sf sea flood
SDG sdg siwlated data gene~ator SF Sf semifinished
SDG Sdg situation display generator SF Sf service factbr
SDGH sdgh swet dough SF Sf slip flt
SDIS Sd!s ship distance SF Sf slow fire
SDIS SDIS Shtp Draft Indlcattng System SF Sf sput face
SDIT Sdi t shtp draft fndtcator SFA Sfa service-factor ●~eres
transmitter SFB sfb sol td fiberboard
SOL sdl saddle SFC Sfc speciftc fuel consu~tion
SON 5 Su Sen 8 Su step down ak step up SFOR sfdr single feeder
SOR sdr sender SFGO Sfgd safeguard
SDR Sdr sounder SFLS Sfts Semtf lush
SDT sdt stnulated data tape Sfo Sfo servfce fuel oil
SDV Sdv slowed down video SFO Sfo spot face other sfde
SE se single end SFPRF sfprf sem{f {reproof
SE special equtpment SFSC7 Sfsct smooth face structura clay
St! :: support equ~pment tflo
SE se system engineering SFT Sft shaf t
S&c Sec secant sf7 gx7 sft ●xt shaft extension
SEC sec second SFTR sftr shlpfttter
SEC Sec secor~dary SFXO sfxd Semtf{xed
SEC see secret SG Sg sawtooth generator
SECH sech hyperbolic secant SG Sg single groove (tnsul)
SECO Seco sequential codfng SG Sg structural glass
SECOR secor sequential collat~on of SG Sg swam glider
range SG8 Sgb swi tchgear block
SECRG secrg Secur t ng SGO Sgd signed
SECT sect section SGOE Sgde steering gear dual ●mergency
SED sed sedan SGL Sg 1 sfngle
SEDC sedc steam engine d rec t Sgm spark gap modulation
connected :%FU Sgsfu salt glazed structural
SEG seg sea)tng facing units
SEG seg segment SGSP Sgsp single groove single
SEU se j slidtng ●xpans on joint petticoat (insul)
SEL se I select SGSU8 Sgsub salt glazed structural un{t
SEL sel selectivity base
SEL se I selector SGW Sgw security guard window
SEL RGTR sel rgtr select reg~ster SH sh sc!eroscope hardness
SELCAL selcal sol~ctive call{ng Si-1 Sh shack I e
SELF CAL self cal Self calibrating SH Sh share
SELF Ct. self cl self clostng SH sh sheet
SELF PROP self prop salf propelled St+ sh sheeting
SELS sels solsyn WI SH shteld (electron device)
SELSYN so I syn self synchronous SH stl shower
SEM SEM scann$ng electron mfcroscove SH sn shunt
SEMICONO semi cond semiconductor SH67 sh~t shower and toilet
SEN sen sefnlenclosed SH Aes sh abs shock absorber
SEN sen sense SH BL sh bl shot blast
SENS sens Sensttive SH COHN sh corm shore connection
SENS sens sensltivtty WI TR sh tr shunt tr~p

Downloaded from

~’? ?My 19&l


SN9LDR Shbldr shipbuilder SIR sim s!mt )ar
Sfwr shtppfng container SIM slm “Stwulator
SWP Shep solar htgh energy
partfcles SXNCON s i mcom sfmulator conptler
SHF shf shtft SIMICOR simtcor stnultaneous nultlpla mage
mr snf super htgh fre~Y corr81atton
sHfTGR Shf tgr shaft gear SINP St- spectftc ifqulso
SHIRAN shlran S band hfgh accuracy SIN stn . Stne
rang$ng and navigation SINAD s tnad stgnal plus nolso ●nd
Shk shmnk distortion
SW shock shock SI?W s{nh hyperbol~c sine
SHL shl shell SINS SINS Sh’fp Inertial Navigational
SHL shl shel Iac System
SHLo shld shfeld s! POP Sfpop satelltte {nformatton
SNLD shld shle)ding procedure eperattonal
sFtmR shldr shou 1der program
SHLN shin shor*ltne SIR sir stgnal to interference ratio
S-R Shwscr shoemaker SIS Sls satelllte interceptor system
Sm s hn shown S1S Sls standard Instruction set
SNOOOP shod- short ra~ dopp)er SIT sit sttuation
WORM shoran short range navigation SITC site search ~nformatfun tape
SWRT short short ctrcutt ●qu f preen t
Shp shaft horsep-=r S IWOR studr stdevtnder
Shp shape %J Sj slip joint
SNPm Shpbd shipboard SK Sk Stnk
SNPCL Shpc 1 shfp class SX Sk sketch
SNPNG shpng sht~$~ 9X sk sk i nned
s?iPRf Snprf shakeproof SK sk sk ! nner
SNPT Shpt shipment SK LT Sk It stat$on keeping Itghts
SHRAP shrap shrapm I SKD Sk d sktllea
SNRD shrd shroud SKO Sk d skirted
SNRof shrdf shroud fin SK7 Sk t sktrt
SHROR shrdr shredder SKT StCt socket
~RNG shrng shearing SL %1 saf8 locker
SNRP S?W-P . sharpener SL SI sand loaded
SH9TS shsts ship status SL S1 sea level
SW short short St. 81 slide
SNTDN sht dn Stmlt down SL S1 slidtng
SNTC shtc short time constant SLA Sla spacecraft Iem adapter
SNTG Shtg shortag* SLAR slar side looking afrborne radar
Snthg sheatnlng SLATE slate small lightweight altltude
SNTL Shtl shuttle transmission equipment
SHTR Shtr shutter SLB Slb side lobe blanktng
SNTSO shtsd short Stale SLB Slb s~gnal lfght barU
SHV shv sheave SL8L slbl soluble
SK Sz International System of SLEM slbm sea launched 13alllstic
Unt ts missile
SI St salfnlty indteator SLC SIC stale lobe cancellation
SI St standing lnstruct~on SLC Slc s! tce
SI s! System% International SLD Sld ssaled
d’llnttes SLD Sld Slidtng door
S1 LT St It side light SLO sld s 1Oudowll
SIA sia standard lnstrumnt ●pproach St,DR sldr so 1 der
SIAM Siam slgnaI fnforw?atton ●nd SLF Slf straight-line frequency
monitoring SLFCLN slfcln self cleantng
SIB Sfb standard tron bar SLFGEN slfgen self generating
SIR sid seal tn device SLFINO slfind self indtcattng
SID sid standard Instrument SLFLKG slflkg self locking
departure SLFSE slfse self sealtng
SID Sid sudden Ionospheric SLFTPG Slftpg selt tapptng
disturbance SLG Slg s 1udge
SIF Stf selecttve tdentfficat~on SLQ Slg slug
feature SLCR slgr slinger
SIF Sif Singlo face SLP Slp s 1op9
SIF Sif sound {nt@rmedlate frequency SLPL Slpl sea loadlng pipelfne
SIG Sfg signal SLR Slr side looktng radar
SIGINT stgint signal tnte!lfgence SLS Sls sea level static
SIL Sil silmtcm SLS Sls side lobe suppression
SXL sit silver SLSP Slsp slow speed
SIL Sil speech interf~renco level SLT Slt self Ioading tape
SZL PL Si! pl sflver plat8 ST Slt skyl ight
SXLG Sllg sflencing SLT Slt slate
s:= Sils SilV8r’ soldor SL7 sIt SItt

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29 ?’kY1981 ●


=T Slt spectal launch trajectory SODAR sodar sound detect ton ●nd r8ngtng
SLT Slt Spotl tgnt SOFAR sofar sound fixtng ●nd rangfng
SLTD sltd slotted SOI so f space obJect identlf{cation
SLV Slv satelllte launching veh!cle SOL sol solenoid
SLV Slv sleeve SOL sol solfd
SLVG Stvg sleevtng SOL HGT sol hgt solid hefght
SLVT Slvt so I vent SOLB solb start of ltne block
SLW Slw store logtcal word SOLN soln solution
SLWL Slwl Stratqht Ilna wavelength SOLO solo selecttve optical I=k-on
$LY P Slyp short-leaf yellOW ptn~ SOLV Solv solenoid valve
SM sm service module SOM Sofn start of message
SM sfn sma 11 SOM-H sore-h start of message-high
S?4 sm smooth precedence
SM sm smoothfng SOM-L sore- 1 start of message-low
SM Sm strategic mfsslle precedence
~ACN smach sounding machinm SOMP SOUQ start of message prlorlty
Smd submartne mine depot SUNAC sonac sonar nace!le (sonacelle)
SMEK smek summary message enable SONAR sonar sound nav{gatton ●nd ranging
keyboard SC3N0 Sonb sonobuoy
SMF smf selar magnetic ftelcl SONCM60 SONCM80 sonar countermeasures and
Sm S* smoke deceptton
SMK GEN sti gen smoke generator SONCR Soncr sonar control room
SMKLS S*1S smokeless SONOSW Sonosw sonosui tch
SMLS smls seamless SOP sop scavenging 011 PUT
smnk smooth neck SOR sor specific operational
:2 sflq3 sensfttzed materfal pr’ nt requirement t
SMP SW sound motfon picture SORTE sorte sunmry of rad~ation
SNPHR srfphr semaphore tolerant electronics
SMPLG Smplg sa~l fng SORT I sort 1 satelllte orbftal track and
Sns sms sfl~co-manganese steel intercept
SMSA smsa shop mtssfle ass~ly ●nd SOS7EL SOSTEL solid state electon~c logic
maintenance SOsus Sosus sound and surveillance
SMT smt square mesh tracking system
SMTK Smtk SW tank Sov Sov shutoff valve
SWT Smut shrink mockup tewplate sow sow start of word
Snv smy surmnary SP Sp one pole
SN sn sewlce note SP Sp saqle part
SN sn signal to nofse SP Sp Sequential phase
Srf sn sfne of the anplitude SP Sp shear plate
SN sn s iren SP Sp short perslstmce
Su sn sofid neutral SP Sp single pole
SNOR Snbr snubber SP Sp smokeless powder
SNO snd sound 5P Sp Q soil pipe
SNDG Sndg sending SP Sp space
SIWG sndg sound i ng SP Sp spare
SNDPRF sndprf soundproof SP Sp spare part
SNF Srlf system noise factor [figure) SP Sp spectal (co~ form)
Sw snh ma tch SP Sp special (projectflel
SNI sn i sequence nU!!t)er ~ndicator SP Sp special purpose
StUL Snk 1 snorke t SP Sp specific
SNL sn I standard nomenclature Itst SP Sp speed
SNM snlg signaling SP Sp splashproof
SNo sno stock nutier 5P Sp splitting
SNR snr signal to noise ratio SP Sp Spoo 1
SNR snr sonsr SP Sp standp~pe
SNSL sns 1 stock nun@3er sequence SP GR Sp gr specific gravity
lfstlng SP W Sp ht Spec?f!C heat
SNSR snsr sensor SP LT Sp lt speed light
SNTR sntr slnter SP PH Sp ph spl~t phase
SNTR sntr sintered SP Sw Sp Sw single pole swttch
SNT 20 sntzd sensf tized $P VOL Sp Vol specfffc volume
SNTZG sntzg sensftfztng SPA spa S faand power anpllfler
SNY sny sunmy SPA spa sudden phase anomaly
so so shop order SPACECOM spacecofn space co-ntcatfons
so so slow operate (relay) SPAR spar super prectston appruach
so stock order radar
;: so stop order SPAR spar ~Ynchronms pOSf tlon
SOAR soar safe operating area ●ttitude recorder
Scc Soc service and overhaul change SPAT spa t s!licon precision alloy
Soc Soc society transistor
SoCl) socd source control drawing SPC Spc specla? co-n lpro]ectf!e)
SOCN socn source centrol nu-er SPC Spc stJspended plaster ceiling


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$PCAT spca t special category Sa SQ superqutck

SPCC Spcc sia~p parts control center SQ CM sq cm square centimeter
SPCHG spchg supercharge SQ FT Sq ft square foot
SPCL Spc I spec f ● 1 SQ IN sq ~n square inch
SPCLN SPC I n spectal clean~ng SO KM sq km square kt lometer
SPCONV spconv speed converter SOCC2 Sqcg squirrel cage
SPCR Sper spacer SOH sqh square head
SPCTG Spct g spherical Cartrfdge SON sqn squadron
SPOL spd 1 spindle SORT sqrt s~are root
SPDOM Spdofn speedometer sow Sqw squarewave
SPDR spdr sp { der SQZGR s qz gr squeeze grtp
SPOS spds safe practice data sheet Sn sr saturable reactor
SPOT Spelt s~ngle pole double throw SR Sr se)ective rtnglng
SPDT Sw Spd t SW s{ng)e pole Oouble throu SR sr selenium rectifier
SW! tcrl SR Sr senior
SPE spe stored program element SR sr shift register
SPEC spec Speclffcation SR sr short range
SPCC Spec spec i men SR sr slip ring
SPEED speed stgnal processing ~n SR sr slow release (relay)
evaluated electronic sr solid rock-t
dev 1Ces ;: sr sound rangtng
SPFT Spft desk. single pedestal SR sr speclsl regulations
flat-top SR sr speeu recorder
SPG Spg spool tng SR sr splft ring
SPH Sp?l space heater SR sr stateroom
SP#+ER spher spherical SR sr surveillance radar
SPHN Spnn s t phml SRA sra specialized repair ●etfvity
SPK spk spark SRAM Srafn short range attack miss!le
SPK Spk sp$ke sRt3M s rbm ShOFt range bal?fstic .
SPUR spkr speaker mtssfle
SPL ---- special (altn abbr) SRCH srch search
SPL Sp I separate parts ltst SRD srd step-recovery dtode
SPL Sp I single propellant loadlng SRE s re surveillance radar ● lement
SPL Sp I spfral SRG srg surge
SPL WPN Spl Wp?l special weapons SRKN srkn single rotating knife
SPLC Splc splice SRLY srly series relay
SPLN Spin spline SRNG s rng syringe
SPLTR spltr splftter SROO srod stove rod
SPU Splx strfplex SRP Srp sonobuoy referenced position
SPLY Sply Supp 1y SRPG srpg scraping
sPt4 spm shots per mfnute SRPR srpr scraper
SPM spm strokes per minute SRR srr sound recorder reproducer
SPNR spnr spanner SRTC srtc search radar terrain
SPNSN spnsn suspension clearance
SPP Spp st}ll p$cture projector SRVCLG srvclg service ceiling
SPPL Spp 1 spark plug SRVL srvl survival
SPR spr sense printer Ss same size
SPR Spr silicon power recttffer :: SS semi steel
SPR spr spring Ss Ss service sink
SPR spr sprinkler Ss Ss ship servtce
SPRDR Sprdr Spreader Ss Ss signal Strength
SPREG spreg speed regulator Ss Ss single shot
SPRG sprg sprinkling Ss Ss slop sink
sPRKT Sprk t sprocket Ss Ss smoke stand
sPRT sprt support Ss Ss solid state
SPS Sps smple per second Ss Ss spin stabilized [rockets)
SPS Sps service propulsion system Ss Ss star shell (Illuminating’
SPS Sps spectal serv~ces projectile)
SPSCR spscr special scrw Ss Ss straight shank
SPSHP sps~p special shaPed Ss Ss subsystem
SPST Sps t $Ingle pole sinyle throw Ss Ss sum?lng selector
~PST SW Sps t Sw single pole single throw SS LORAN ss loran skywave synchronized long
Swi tctl range navigation
SPT Splft split SS LT Ss It starboard side llght
SPT Spt septuple Ssho ss8d synchronization separatur
SPT Sp t sprayt~ght and dtgltizer
SPTT Sptt single pole triple throw SSAC ssac suspended sprayed
SPTW Sptw desk . single pedestal ●coustical ceiltng
typewriter Sss Ssb stngle Sieeband
SPVN gpvn supervision SS8D ssbd single sideboard
SPYP Spyr sprayer SS80 SS80 single swing blocking
so Sq square oscillator

1 4
Downloaded from


Ssm ssbr smooth surface butltup roof STC Stc sensitivity ti- control
Ssc Ssc Soltd state Ctrcutt STCH Stcrl stitch
Sscr Sscf s~gnal strength cent-r STCW Stew system time code word
f Pequeney STO S td standard
SSCR sscr setscrtw STOF stdf standoff
SSCRN sscrn St lkscreen ST9VG S tdvg stern diving
Sscu Sseu spec~al stgnal conciit~ont~ STDY Stdy steady
ul14 t STDZN s tdzn Standaraizat ion
Sso Ssd soltd state detector STEM stem storable tuoular extendible
SSD Ssd subso~l Clraln ~~
SSE Sse solfd state ● lectronics STEM sten stenel 1
SSE SSE system safety engineering STER ster seater
SSF SSf saybolt seconds furol STER ster sterfltzer
SSFL Ssfl steady state fermi level STEREO stereo stereopnon$ c
SSFM ssfm single stdeband frequency STFG Stfg stuff!ng
modulation S7G Stg stage
SSG Ssg search signs? generator STG Stg starting
SS1 Ssi sectur scan \ndicator STG LT Stg lt steering light
SSXG Sstg singlo signal STGEN s t gen steam generator
SSK SSk sot) stack STGR stgr strlngcr
SSM s Swl stngle sfdeband modulation STIF stif sttffener
SSM Ssm solid state m8t8r181s STINFO stlnfo sctentif~c ●nd techntcal
SSM s sm surface to surface missi18 tnformatton
SSND s Smd stlicon stud mounted diode STIR stir st 1rrup
Sso Sso steady state oscillation STK stk stack
SSP Ssp ship S~- S7K stk Stock
ssPM Sspm single strokes per mtnute STK stk strake
SSR ssr s=condary surveillance radar STL St 1 steel
SSR ssr Slate shingle roof STL Stl studto transmitter ltnk
Sss Sss silicon synsnetrtcal switch STLR stir semitral Ier
Sss Sss solid state switching S7LT Stlt. stelllte
SST Sst stainless steel STNG Sting steaming
SST SST supersonic transport STML stml stisulate
SS7G Sstg ship servtce turbo generator STNT s tmt statement
SSTU Sstu seamless steel tubfw STN stn stone
Ssu Ssu saybolt seconds untversal Snm stng sustaining
Ssv Ssv ship to surface vessel STNLS stnls stainless
SSv Ssv static self vcr$ficatton S70L STOL - short takeoff and Iandfng
Ssw Ssu Synctlro switch STOR stor storage
Ssu Ssw synchronlztng switch STP s tp selective tape prtnt
ST St sawtooth STP s tp starq3
ST St schmltt trigger STP s tp strip
ST St Schu!er tuning STPO Stpd strfpped
ST St self trapping STPDN s tpan step down
ST St single tire STPG s tpg stepping
ST St stngle turn STPL stpl stern plane
ST St Sl~l@-thrUW STPNG s tpng stopping
sT St sounding tube STPR Stpr short taper
s? St steam STPR s tpr stepper
:: St store STPR stpr stripper
St street s7n str straight
ST & SP St 8 Sp start and stop STR str strainer
ST BRZ st brz statuary bronze S7R str stream
ST LT St lt stern light STR str strength
ST PR st pr stattc pressure STR str stripping
STA sta station STRAT strat strategic
STA Sta stationary S7RAT0 strato stratosphere
ST M stab stabi 1 izer STRAW straw stuultaneous tape r-ad ●nd
STABY s t aby stabtlity wr i te
STAE stae second time ●round echo STRBK Strbk strongback
STALO stale stabilized local oscillator STRD strd stranded
STAMO stamo stabilized master oscillator STRG strg steering
STAN stan stanchion STRG strg strong
START start starter STRK strk stro~e
STAT stat photostat S7RL strl structural
STAT stat status STRLN strln streaml ine
S18 Stb shore termfnal box $TRM Strm storeroom
STB S tb stable STROSE s t robe stroboscope Ic
STBO Stbd starboard STRP Strp strapped
sTeLN stbln stabilization STRUCT Struct structure
STBSCP s tescp stroboscope STS STS special test system
STBY s tby standby STS Sts special treatment steel

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‘?9 ~ly 1981


STs’f stsh stab fltzed shunt SWBHD Swbhd suash bulkhead
SIT Stt singl- targ*t track SWCP Swcp saIt water Circulating puap
STTU sttr Stator Suo Swd sfde water depth
SW Stu sPeCfal twst unit SWF Swf short wave fadeout
mu 9 tu step up SWG SWG 8rlttsh Standard Wire Gage
mu s tu system tfmfng unft SUG SWG Stubs Wire Gage
SW Stw stem Watwr SWG Swg swage
S7UG s tug s twage SWG SW9 swtng
STMP s twp steam wrklng pressure SWG SKT Swg D&t swinging bracket
STUV !ttuy Stalrwy SUGo stqd sdinging door
Su Su supply unft SWGR swgr switchgear
SUE sub submarfne SW Sw 1 safe uorklng load
SU8ASSY Sumssy Subasse?lt)ly SWLOG SW~dg socket welding
SU8~L subca 1 subcaliber SWOG Swog spectal weapons overllght
sum sub j subject guide
*NG Sumag submerged Suov Suov switchover
SUWG Submg submergence SUP safe wrkfng pressure
SUBMIN subm t n subminiature SUP salt water pu~
Swo Subq subse~en t SWP sweep
su8st subs t Substitute SW EXP ‘J ●xp sweep ●xpand
SU8STA subs t ● substatlun SWP INTEG SWP \nteg swe~ integrator
SUllSTR Sutlstr substructure SUR swr standing wave ratto
SUUTR suet r subtraction (voltage)
Suc sue succeeding SUR swr steel wire rope
SUCT Suc t sue t ton SUR Swr sw{tch ra{ls
SWT sudt stlicun unilateral diffused Sws Svs switch stand
transistor SUSG Swsg security window screen ●nd
SW Su f sufficient guard
SUFF Suff suffix SWT Swt sweat
sud Suj stale upset jaw SUT Swt swftch ttes
SUN sum sum t ng SUTL Swtl surface wave transmission
Suw sum surface to unde~ater )fne
mtsslle SWVL Sw 1 swivel
SUM sum system check ●nd utility SXL Sxl “ sexless (connector)
master Sxs Sxs step by step
SUPCUR supcur supertmosed current SXT Sxt sextuple
SUP ERHET SUporhe t superheterodyne SX7N sxtn sex tant
SUPERS7R supers t r superstructure SYM ---- symmetrical (altn abbr)
SUPHTR supht r superheater SYM Sym Symo 1
SUPPL Supp 1 Supple$mmt SYNN Sywml syfmuetrical
sUPPR suppr suppress SYMP sywQ sy~oslum
SUPSD supsd supersede SYN syn synchronous
SUPSENS supsens supersensl tfve SYN INO syn ind synchronization Indicator
SUPT sup t superintendent SYN LP syn 1P Synchranfztng lanu
SUPV Supv superv 1se SYN RECP syn recp synchronizing rec~ptacle
SURF surf surf ●ce SYNC sync synchronize
SURG surg surgical SYNC CONV sync conv synchronous converter
SURGE surge sorting updatfng report SYNCOM syncom synchronous orb~t!ng
generating etc comsmmtcations satellite
SURV surv survey SYNS syns synopsis
Sus Sus semicu~tor unilateral SYNSCF= synscp synchroscope
Swf tch SYNTH synth synthetic
Sus Sus Ytgnal underwater sound SYNTI synt i synchro tie
SUSP Susp suspend SYS Sys system
Sv Sv safety valve T t sfngle therwplasttc (Insul)
Sv Sv self ventilated T t synthetic thermo-plastlc
SV Sv self ver~fication (insul)
Sv Sv stale View T t t-bar ~structural shape)
Sv Sv single s~lk varn!sh ~ tnsul) T t teeth
SVCE svce serv 1ce T t thermoplastic I insul )
sVMTR svmtr servomotor T t time
Svo Svo servo T t toilet
SVTL Svtl Semivftal T t total trim
SW Sw salt water T tee tee
Sw Sw short ● ave T test test (altn ●bbr)
SW Sw stngle wetght T tooth tooth
Su SW spot wld TbB tab top aml bottom
SW Sw swash Tb8B t&bb top and bottom bolt
Sw Sw SWi tch 1601 t8Bf turn and bank indicator
Sw SW Switchband wound (relay) TbD tbd transmission ●nd
sue Sut) short wheel base distribution
sum Swbd switchboard

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29 my 1981


L T8ATT tbatt torpedo battery
7boA tnda trackfng ●nd data
●cqu~sit t-on TBAX tbax tube axtal
T8E t6e test ●nd evaluate Toc tbc toss boti computer
TaG t8g tongue ●nd groove TBD ted to be determ~ned
TbG tbg tracking ●nd gutdance TBE tbe thread both ends
TBH t6h test and handl{ng TBG tbg tub i ng
78P tAP tfme and pwcuss~on TO I tbt target beartng tndlcator
1/8 1/8 title block TBL table tab}e
T/E TIE tables of equtpment TBLft tblr tumbler
T/F t/f ttm of fail TBO tbo ttme between overhaul
T/FR t/fr top of frame Tc tape core
7/0 t/o tables of organtzatton TC % technfcal Circular
T/O&E t/Obe tables of organization and TC tc techntcal control
qu i p-n t TC tc tenq2erature coefflc{ent
T/R t/r ttme of rtse TC tc tefrperature conqmnsat!ng
T/RbG t/rkg transmtt receive $ Ward TC tc terra cotta
7A ta table of allowances 7C tc thermocouple●
TA ta target ● rea TC tc thread cutt~ng
T AAR tsar target ● rea ●alysts radar TC tc time constant
TAB tab tabular TC tc timed clostng
TM tab tabulate TC tc toilet case
TAESIM tabsim tabulator stwlator TC tc top chord
TAEiSOL tabso 1 table solutfon TC tc trip coil
TAC t ac tactical TCA tca terminal control ●rea
TAC t ac transistorized ●utomattc TC8V tcbv temperature coefficient of
. breakdown voltage
T Ac tac translator asse-ler Tcc tcc travel correction calculator
cowpfler TCC tcc turbine close cwpled
tACAN TACAN tacttcal atr nav?gatton T CD tcd thyratron core driver
TACCAR taccar ttme ●verage clutter TCG teg tune controlled gain
coherent airborne radar ‘TCn tch t~orary construction hole
TACDEN t acden tacttcal data entry TCH tch transfee in channel
TACH tach tachometer TCI ‘ tci terrain clearance ~ndfcator
TAO tad target acqutsttion data TCL TCL transistor coupled logfc
TA~ t adm tacttcal ● tomic demolftien Km tcm . telemetry code modulation
nunltion TCP tcp traffic control post
TaOR tadr tabUlated drawtng YCR tcr t~erature coefficient of
TAP taf trim ●fter formtng resistance
TAL tal tailor TCE tcr transfer contrul regtster
TALT talt tracking ● ltitude TCTO TCTO time comlfance techntcal
TAM tarn technical annmm~tlon order
TAN tan tangent wu tcu tape control untt
TAN tan tanned TCU tcu threshold control unit
TAFU4 t anh hyperbolic tangent TCU tcu transmission control untt
TAP AC tapac tape automatic positioning TCUL tcul tap changing under load
●nd control TCZD tczd te~erature co~ensated
7/lPAK t apak tape pack Zener diode
TAPE tape tape automatic preparation 70 td table of dfstrtbution
equipment TO tank caestroyer
TAR TAR terrain avoidance radar TD % technical directtve
TARAN taran tact+cal ● ttack radar and TD td temperature differential
navtgatton TD td testing dev{ce
TARP tarp tarpaulin TO td t~le drain
TARS tars terrain ●nalog radar TO ta ttme delay
sfwlator TD td time difference
TAS tas true airspeed to td transmitter dtstrtbutor
TASC tasc terminal area sequencing TD td turbine direct
●nd control TD td turbfne drfven
TASCON t ● scon te!evtsion automatic TDA tda tunnel diode am~ffier
sequence control TDC tdc time delay closing
TASE tase tacttcal atr support element TDC tde top dead center
TAS I tasi ttme ass~gnment speech TDCU tacm transistor driver core
interpolation memory
TASR tasr terminal area surveillance TDCTL TDCTi. tunnel diode charge
radar transformer logic
TAT tat target aircraft transmitter too tdd target detecting device
TAT tat true i9{r tewerature TDU tdd telemetry data digitizer
te tabulation block TOOL tddl time dtvision data link
;: TB technical bulletln TOEC tdec tel~hone lfne dfgftal
TB tb termina! board error checking
TB te ttle has- TOG tdg twtst drill gage
TBA tba terminal board ●ssewbly

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29 *Y 1981


tdh total dynamfc head TFZ tfz tatl fuze
7010 td~o t~m!ng data tn@t output Tu tg tail gear
TDIS7R td$str tape distributor TG tg terminal guidance
TDL TOL tunnel d~ode log~c TQ tg torpedo group
mu tdm tWldem TGC tgc transm~t ga~n control
TOM tdm time dfviston multiplex TGI tgl target intensif fer
TON tdn target dopp;or null fficr TGL tgl toggla
Too tdo time delay opentng TGLS tgls tongueless
TDPL tdpl technical data package Ilst TGT tgt tail gate
Tm tdr torqe differential recefver TGT tgt target
TDS tds tape data selector 7H th the?-motd
70s tds track data stmlator TM th tOilet paper holder
tDST tdst track data storage the thermal converter
TOT tdt target des~gnation THO thd thread
transmitter TUB thd total harmonic dtstortlon
TDTL TDTL tunnel diode transistor THDNK thdnk threaded neck
Iogt,c THOPC th~ threadpiece
Tou tdu target detectton unit THEOR theor theoretical
TDx tdx thermal demand transmitter THERM therm ther~ter
n te tangent elevatfon TUERm them thermostat
TE te tmrm{nal ~ipment TW thk thtck
7E te thermal element Tt+(F thkf thick film
TE te thermoelectric T=NR thknr thickener
TE te totally enclosed T!UNS thkns thickness
TE te tratllng edge THKR thkr thicker
TE te transverse electric THM thm therm
TE te transverse ● lectrostatic tHNs t hlns thermistor
TE/R te/r trail~ng ●dge radius TmR thor transistorized high speed
TEASE tease tracking errors ●nd OperatiOnS recorder
slw)ation evaluation THP t hp thrust horsepower
TC8 teb tone ●ncoded burst THWB thpfta treated hard pressed
TEW tech techni ca 1 f~berboard
TECH t ●ch technician THR tfw -threshold
7COL TEDL transferred-electron-device THR t hr thrust
Iogtc TnRM thrm thermal
TEFC tefc totally ●nclosed fan cooled THRMSTC thrmstc thermostatic
TEd tej transverse expanston joint THRQT thro t throttle
TEL te I telephone TNRSHL thrsh 1 thrust shell
TEL tel telephone station THRT thrt throat
TELB telb telephone booth THRU thru through
TELECOM te 1ecem teiecomnunl cattons THTR thtr theatre
TELEDAC teledac telemetric data convarter THUR thwr thrOWer
TELERAN teleran television ●nd radar TWT thwt throwout
navigation THYNOTROL thymotrol thyratron motor control
TELESAT telesat telecomumlcatfons satellite THYR thyr thyristor
TELMTR te?mtr telefmtor TI tf tape inverter
TELSCOM telscom telemetry surveillance TX t! target identification
Commmications TX ti time index
TEM tem tenper TI ti track inttiate
TEN t●m transverse electromagnetic 71 ti transmission fdentff{catfon
TEMP tew electrical resistance TIC tic te~erature indicating
t~rature control Ier
TEMP te~ t~erature TICTAC tictac time compression tactfcal
TEMP f●wp tewporary consrnwticat ions
TEMPL tml tenplate TIF tif telephone interference
TER ter terrazzo factor
TER ter tertiary TIM tim ttma meter
TER8 terb terrazzo base TIM ttm track imttation
TERcOM tcrcom terrain contour mapping TIP tfp track inttfation ●nd
TERM term termtnal prediction
TERNN termn termination TIP tip turbine inlet pressure
TERR terr terr~tory 7XPI tipf tact!cal tnformatlon
TET tet tetrachlortde processing ●nd
TET tet tetrode Interpretation
TETFLEYNE tetfleyne tetrafluoroethylene TIR t~r target llJuminatlng radar
TF tf thin film TIR tlr total tndfcator readfng
Tf tf thread formtng TIROS t 1rus TV tnfrared observation
TF tf tile floor satellite
TFG tfg transmit format generator TIT ttt turbfne inlet temperature
tfl teflon (insull TIU ttu tape fdentlffcation untt
tfr terrain followtng radar T@ tjc trajectory chart
TF7 thfn ftlm transistor TdP tjp turbo jet propulsion


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29 MY 1981


TK tk tank TO TO technical order

TKL tk 1 tackle To to timed Opaning
7KR tkr tanker TO to turnout
TKT tk t ticket to Lt to It towtng Ifght
TL tl talk l~%t~ T08 tob toboggan
T& t? thrust ltn= 706 ORZ tob brz tobin bronze
tie line Toc toc technical order co-l iance
TL tl
TL tl tfme Imgth TOE toe thread one end
TLE tle tenqmrature l!mi ted emfssim TOW tohm tero~tev
tlg tatl landing gpar Tmi toj track on jamim
tlg te I egraPh TOL tol tolerance
TLG t)g ttlttng TONLAR tonl ●r tone operated net 10sS
TLK tlk test li~ ●djuster
TLLD tlld total load TOPG topg topping
T LM tlm telemetev 70?0 topo topography
TLMY tlmy telemetry ToPSEC topsec top secret
TLPC tlpe taflplece TOR tor total izing relay
. TLn tlr tfller TORM tom torquemter
TLRMTD t 1rmtd trailer mounted TORNL tornl torsional
tls talemetry Ifsting submodule TORP torp torpedo
TLSCP t 1Scp t91escope TORSXO torsio torsiograph
TLSfT tlsft tallshaft 70s tos tape-operated system
TLU tlu table lookup Tot tot time over target
TLV tlv threshold limit values TOT tot tot81
TLY t?y tally TOT tot turbine outlet tewerature
TM tm tactical m$sstlc tC)TLZ tot)z total ize
TM TM technical manual TOUA tows terrain ●nd obstacle
TM tm t~erature meter warning and ●vo~dance
TN tm titam~um chloride TP tp target practice
TN tm tone modulation 1P tp test point
‘TM tm training manual 7P tp tie plat-
TM tm transverse magnetic TP tp time puise
TM6 tti thimle 7P tp tirnin9 point
TNO tll@ tum@le 7P tp tO~dO part Of beam
TMER t-r ti-r 1P T? true position
TNC tmc transport movement control 7P tp true profile
7MCOMP tmcom telemetry Conputatfon TP OR tp dr tape drive
TNO t- tacttcal mission data TPA tpa tape pulse amlifier
TMO tmd theoretical maxinum densfty 7PG tpd tapped
TMO tmd timed 7PD tpd terminal protective devtce
TMFL tmf 1 ti~ of flight TPO tpd t~m pulse distributor
TMG tmg tfmtng tPf tpf theoretical point of fog
~ TNGO tmgd timing devices TPG tpg tappvng
Tms t mos thermosetti ng TPG tpg timing pulse generator
mm) t ~d tewpered TP~ tpho telei3hotograph
TMPRG twrg t~er i ng 7P I tp i tape phase tnverter
TMPROC t~roc telemetry processing 7P I tp i target pasition indicator
TMR tmr timer TPI tp i teetn per inch
TNS t ms tf~ and -tfon study TPI tpi threads per inch
??4s tms typ8 model sertes TPt. tp 1 triple
TMX tmx telenwter transmitter TPL tp 1 treplcalized
TN TN technicaI note TPLW tplw trfpie wall
TN tn thermonuclear TPN tpm telemetry prucessor moduie
TN tn tone TPR tpr taper
m tn trac8r nueer TPR tpr teleprinter
TN tn track ~r TPR tpr telescopic photographic
TN tn train recorder
TN TN true north TPS tps task parameter syntneslzer
TN8ALM tn~alm tone and alarm TP$N tpsn transposition
TNO t nd t i nned TPT tpt tappet
TNOZR tndzr tenderizer TPT tpt target pract?ce with tracer
TNG t ng tongue TPTG tptg tuned plate tuned grid
TNG t ng training TPTOL tptol tme posftton tolerance
TNL tnl tunne I TR tr tape recorder
TNLDIO tnldie tunnel diode TR TR technicai report
TNR t nr thinner TR tr toothed ring
TNSL tnst tensi ie TR tr towel rack

TNSN tnsn t ●ns i on TR tr trace

TNT tnt trtnftrotoluem TR tr tracking radar
TNTV tntv tentative tR tr transformer recttfier
To to takeoff TR tr trarlsmit recetve
TR tr transmitter receiver

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29 May 1981


m tr transom TRsR trsr taxi and runway
TR truss truss surveillance radar
Tmcow t racom tracking comparison 7RST trst throttle reset
TRAJ traj trajectory TRTD trtd treated
TRAN tram tracking ●nd ●utomatfc TRTNT trtmt treatment
monttortng TRU tru transportable radio unit
TRAU tram tracking radar automat$c TRUN trun t runn t on
mont toring TRUT trut time remaining unt{l
TRANS ---- transfer (altn ●bbrl transltton
TRANS t rans transmittance TRVLG trvlg travellng
TRAMS trans transparent TRVLUT trvlmt travel Iimtt
TRANSA transa transaction TRVLR trvlr traveler
TRANSP transp transportation TRWA t rwa trackway
TRANSV transv transverse TRX t rx trtplex
TRAP trap trapezeid TS taper shank
TRAPATT TRAPATT trapped-plasma 1S “ :: Telegraph System
●valanche- triggered ts tensile strength
transt t ;; TS test spectficatlon (nu~er)
TRAV trav traversing ts tiw swftch
TR9 t rb treble :: ts tool steel
TRCR trcr tracer TS ts tube shest
TRO t rd trmad TS ts type spectftcat~on
TRO t rd turbine reCWction drfve TS8POP tsapOp testfng and popping
Tmto trdto tracktng raUar data takeoff TSC tsc tape station conversion
TREC t rec track~ng radar electronic TSCLT tscl t transportable satelltte
convonen t communications link
TRF trf tuned radfo fr~ency termfnal
TRFC trfc traffic TSOU tsdu tar~t system data update
TRG t rg tral!lng TSE tse tactfcal support element
TRW trh truss head TSG tsg “ time signal generator
TRI tri tacttcal reconnaissance TSI-OH tsi-oh tube sheet tnlet and outlet
intelligence head
TRl trt trfode TSIMS tsints telemetry simlatton
TRIO trib” tributary submodu 1e
TRKC tric tracking radar input and TSL tsl typesetting lead
correlation TSN tsn time since new

TRID trial track identtty 7s0 tso time since overhaul

TRIG trig trfgger TSPCC t spec test specification (no
TRIG trig triggering nutie r )
TRXG trig trigonometry TSQ tsq tfm ●nd super~ick
TnK t rk tractc TSR tsr tile shingle roof
TRK t rk truck TST tst test
t rk trunk TS7EQ tsteq test quipment
tRKG trkg track 1ng TSTG tstg testing
TRK Wi+L trkwhl trickwheel TSTR tstr tester
TRLR trlr trai Ier TSTRZ tstrz transistortzmd
TRLY trly trol ley TSW t Sw t~crature switch
TRMR t rmr trtnwner T SW t Sw test switch
TRN t rn trade name TT tt teletype
TRN CRO trn Crd turn coordination Tt tt tile threshold
TRN LT trn It turntng light TT tt timing ●nd telemetry
TRNftKL trnbk I turnbuck 1● TT tt total tfme
t rnd turned TT tt trfple thermoplastic (Insul )
TRNGL t rng I triangle TTA tta test target ●rray
TRNGR t rngr turning gear TTB ttb teletype buffer
TRNPS trnps transpose TTC ttc tape to card
TRNR t rnr tra~ner T7E t te telephone termtnal equipment
tRNSN trnsn transition TT I tti time to intercept
TRNTBL trntbl turntable TTL TTL transistor transistor logtc
TRUO t roo transponder on off TTM ttm tw tone modulation
TRQPO t ropo troposphfwe 7TMF ttmf touchtone -Itlfrequency
TRP t rp trade pattern TTNG t tng tigtttentng
TRP t rp trfpped TTO tto transmitter turnoff
TRP t rp tripptng TTP t tp tape to print
TRPt. trpl terneplate TTR ttr target tracktng radar
TRO t rq tor~e TTR ttr teletype translator
TRR t rr tactical range recorder TTR ttr tifw tewerature recorder
TRR trr target ranging radar TTU ttu thrust termination un~t
TRsaG trsbg transcribing TTY tty teletypeurfter
TRSOR trsbr transcriber tun tuning
TRSC9 trscb }ranscribe TUNG tung tungsten
TRSN trsn torsfon

Downloaded from

29 ti~y 1981


Tun tur turret Ucso ucsd universal conwmmtcatlons

TURB t urb turb I ne switching device
TUR80 ALT turbo alt turbo alternator Uo ud underground Utstributlon
TURBO GEN turbo gen turbine generator [Ctriv=r) UOL ud 1 uniform data link
TURN turn - turning UOL ud 1 up data link
TUT tut transistor under test UOT ud t undewater demol ftlon team
TUT tut tube under test UOT ud t universal data transcriber
Tv tv televisfun UOTO udtd upda ted
Tv tv transport vehicle UDT I Udti universal digital
Tvc Cvc thrust vector controi transducer indicator
TVOP tvdp terminal vector display unit UE Uc unit of equtpment
TVEL tvel track velocity UF Uf ultrasonic frequency
TVG tvg time varlstton of gatn w Uf unit of fire
TVG tvg time varfed gatn UFAED uf ●ed unit forecast authorization
TV I tv{ telavlsion interference equipment data
TVM tvm tac~ter voltmeter UFN ufn until further notice
TVM t vm transistor veltnwter UFO Ufo unidentified flytng object
TVOR tvor terminal VHf omn!range UFR uf r underfre~ency relay
lW tw tafl wind uGNl) Ugnd underground
Tw tw teamwork UN Utl underhatch

TW tw t~erature well ml uh unit heater

Tw tw t~ered water UHF uhf uttra high fre~ency
TM tw tight wrapped UNF /HF uhf /hf ultra htgh frequencyihigh
TN tu tile wainscot frmcfuency
TW tw ttme word UHFOF Uhfdf ultra-hig~ frequency
TW tbi traveling wave direction findtng
Tw tw true watt UNPFO uhpfb untreated hardpressed
TM tw twisted fiberboard
TW tw typewriter uhr ultra high resistance
TWA twa traveltng wave ●mltfier UNT uh t underheat
TWC TWc truncated whituorth coarse UNT uh t untversal horizontal
thread Uxc Uic unit identtftcat~on cede
TWF TWF truncated whltworth fine Ud Uj uniun joint
thread W7 UdT unijunction transistor
TWN twm traveltng wave maser UK Uk unit check
TWMSK t-k traveling wave auttiple UL Ut usage list

beam klystron UL F Ulf ultra low frequency

TWR twr tower ULM ulm ultrasonic !$ght modulator
TWS tws track whfle scan LILT Ult ultimate
TWS Tws truncated whitworth spectal Umilical
thread UN8C Utic u~il ical cord
TWSEI twsb twin sideband UME UME unit monthly equipment
TWSRO twsro track while scan on receive unsatisfactory materfal
only notice
TWT twt traveling wave tube UMR umr upper maxinum range
TWX tux telegraphic message Ukm3s IJmJs unbleached wslin
TWX twx teletypewriter exchange UN UN unified
TWY tuy taxiway UN un union
TXTL txtl textile UN unit unit
TYOE t yc?e type designators UNAUTHO unautM unauthorized
TYP t yp typtcal we Unb union bonnet
TYPL typl type plate UN8 Unb universal navigation beacon
TYPSTG typstg typesetting UNULK Unblk unblinking
UA L uh 1 upper and lower UNC unified coarse thread
u/o U:o used on UMCLAS unclas unclassified
u/u u/w used with UNCLP unc 1p unc Jam
UAM uam underwater to ● ir mfssile wow Uncond unconditionally
UAR uar use as reqtred UNCTO unctd uncoated
UART uart universal ●synchronous und under
receiver-transmi tter Undc undercurrent
us ub underwater b8ttery UNOEF undef undef Ined
us ub U8S~ block UNOETM Undetnl undetermined
UBO ubd utility btnary dmp UNOF L4ndf underfrequency
U6 I TRON ubt tron undulating beam Interaction UNOLD Undid under load
electron tube UNOV undv undervol tage
ueL *I unbleached UNEF UNE F unified ● xtra fine thread
Uc Uc unit cooler UNF un f unfuzed
UCI Uc t utilfty card tnput UNF UNF un~fied fine thread
UCL UCL upper control limlt UNF I N unf In unf inished
. UCMT Ucmt unglazed c8ramic mosaic tf!~ W:f unif un i f orfn
Uca UCo utfllty co~iler IJNIF COW unff caef unlformtty coefficient
UCON ucon utility control

Downloaded from

29 May 1981


uN1f ET unitet un$polar ft-ld effect Uw w unconventional warfare
transistor UWT Uw t WIft W0t9ht
lJNIv Untv un t versa 1 LiWTM wtm underwater team
unk nom UMTR wtr underwater
UNL un 1 un i oad t ng v ---- violet [altn abbr)
UNLIM unl tm unltmtted v v valve
UNLKG unlkg unlocktng v v varntsh f !nsul )
-D U-d unmarked v v vertical (co* form)
Uwwo umntd unmown t ●d v v volt
UNPs Unps untversal power supply v v vol tage
UNREP unrep underway replentshnumt V AOJ R v ●dj r voltage adjusting rheostat
UNRGLTD unrgl td unregulated VIM v/ut volt per meter
UNS UNS unified special thr=ad V/MIL v/mi 1 volt per mil
UNSUPPR unsuppr unsuppressed VM vab verticaI ZSSQ*IY bufldlno
UNT W untw untwist VAC v ac ●lternating current volts
Uoc Uoc ultimate operational VAC vac vacant
capabfl{ty VAC vac v ●cuum
UOL Uo 1 underwater object locator VAC V8C volt ● l ternating current
Uus Uos unless otherwtse speclfted VACT vact Alternating current test
UPC UPC untversal product code Vol ts
UPOFT Updf t updraft VACW vacw alternating current working
UPR Upr upper Vol ts
UPS ups uninterrupted powr supply VAL val valley
UPS ups uninterruptible power supply V4L va 1 value
UPWD upwd ward VAN v am VOI tafmneter
UR UR unsatisfactory report VAP PRF vap prf vaperproof
Uu Ur urtnal VAR var variable
UR ur utfltty room V AR Var vartance
URG urg urgent VAR var variation
URT ur t upright VAR var various
lJRWC Urwc urtnal water closet VARW varhm varhour inter
us us undersize VARISTOR varistor vartable rfKiStOr
us underspend VARITRAN varltran variable voltage transformer
us :: Uniform System {lens VARM varm varweter
marking] VARN varn varni sh
us us ~ft- States VARR varr vtsual ●ural radio range
us us unservicabl e VAS I vast visual ●pproach slope
USAS USAS USA Standard indicator
use usb unified S-bard V#l E VATE versatile ●utomatic test
Usll usb upper stdeband equtfxmsnt
USFU Usfu unglazed structural facing w vb valve box
unl ts Vc Vc varnish ca~ric (insul )
USG USG United States Gage Vc UC vttriflecl clay
UsM usm underwater to surface Vc Vc voice coil
mtssf 18 Vc Vc VOIUme of co~artment
Uss Uss United States Standard VC8 vcb vert{cal location of the
UsTZO ustzd unsensi t{zed center of buoyancy
Usuei usub unglazed structural un~t VCE vce verttcal centrlfuga)
base VCG Vcg vertical location of the
Usw Usw undersea warfare center of gravity
UT Ut unlverssl ttme VCL Vc 1 vertical center line
UTC UTC coordinated unfversal ttme VCM v cm vibrating coil magneto-ter
UTC Utc unit time coding Vco Vco voltage cofi-rol led
U7EELRAD utee; rad ut~llzation of enemy oscillator
●lectromagnetic radiation VCOP Vcop variable control Otl
UTIL Utfl Utiltty pressure
UTIL Utll utilization vCSR vcsr voltage controlled sh{ft
UTN utn utensi I register
UTRTO utrtd untreated VCT Vet vitrified clay tile
Uts Uts ultimate tensile strength VcT vet voltage control transfer
UTS UTS unive;”sal tfnw standards Vcxo Vcxo voltage control led crysta’
UUM uum underwater to underwater oscillator
mlssi!e Vo V@ vandyke
WT Uu t untt under test Vo vd vault door
Uv Uv ultraviolet Vo Ve void
UVASER uvaser ultraviolet a~llffcatlon w Vd voltage drop
by sttwlated emlsslon O* Voa vda vidaro distribution •~llf er
radiation Voc vdc direct current volts
Uvo uvd undervoltage devlcm Vd c VOI t direct eurren*
VFLT Uvflt ultraviolet floodlight JO%t vdct dtrect current test vul~s
Au w ultrasonic wave VOcw vdcw dfrect current working volts
Downloaded from

29 hy 1981


VDCL vale! variable deltvwry VILP Vtlp vector tmedance loCuS
WET Valet voitage detector plotter
VOfG vdfg variable diode function Vl#-VAR v t m-var vacuum tnductlon
generator melt-vacuum arc refmlt
Vo I vdi vertical display indicator VINP VI- vertical Inqulse
VOL vdl ventllattng deadlight VINT VINT vtaeo integration
Vos vds varfable depth sonar VIO Vio violet
VOT Vd t vtdeo display te-inal VIP Vtp value in performance
Vc Ve value wtgtneertng VIP VIP varfable tnformatton
VE ve venttlatfng e~tpment processing
VEE v eb variable elevation beam VIP Vip vfsual Identification pOint
VECO Veeo vernier engine cutoff VIS Vis vtsual
VEDAR vedar vfs~ble energy detection VLSC Vlsc Vtscostty
and ranging vISIO vfstd vfsual fdentff}cation
VEG ~ v eg vegetable VI SUR Vismr viscometer
VEH veh vebtcle VXT Vlt Vttreous
VEI ve ~ value engineered tndlcator VIZ Vfz name I y
VEL V@I vellum VL V1 ver-tlcal ladder
VEL ve 1 velocity VLA vla very low altitude
VENT vent venti late VLAOO v I add vtsual low ●ngle drogue
VENT vent ventt Iator de 1 I very
VEREl verb verbatim VLC Vlc vital load center
VEROAN verdan versattle differential VLCR vlcr vartable length cavity
●nalyzer resonance
VERIF ver i f verification VLD vld visual Iaydown deiivery
VERLORT verlort very long range tracking VLf Vlf very low frequency
VE RN vern vernfer VLFS Vlfs variable IOU frequency
VERNITRAC vernitrac vernier tracking by s tandarcl
●utomatfc correlation VLN7RC vlmtrc volumetric
VERS vers versed sine VLP Vlp vertical landing po~nt
VERST vers t versatf Ie VLR vlr very long range
VERT ver t vertical VLR V!r very low range
VEST V*S t vestibule VLSI VLSI very large-scale Integration
VEV vev voice ●xetted vocoder VLT Vlt volute
Vf Vf variable freq4ency VM tiln velocity momlation
w Vf vector field VM v- VOI tmeter
w Vf voice frequency VK V- vfsual meteoriogtcal
VFA Vfa vartable gafn s~llfier condl tlons
vFC Vfc voice freqency carrier VMC VW visual meteoroglcal
VFCTT Vfctt voice frequency carrier VNXL vnx 1 vaneaxial
teletype Vo Vo voice
VFL PT Vfl pt variable floating point VO!MNC vobanc voice band co~ression
VFO Vfo variable frequency Voc Voc voice order circuit
osci 1 later VOCOM Vocom voice cowmunicatlons
W R visual flight rules VOOAS vodas voice operated dWiC@
VFREQ CLK variable fr~WtCy CIOCk 8ntt-stng
VFTLG Vftlg voice fremancy telegraph VOOAT voda t voice operated device for
VGP I Vgp { visual glide path Indtcator automatic transmission
VGS Vgs vfsual glide slope vow vogad voico operated ga{n
VGS z Vgs t visual 91 $de sIope ~ndteator ●djusting aevice
VH vh vent hole VOL Vol Volm
#t Vh Vi@ers hardness VOLCAS volcas voice operated loss control
VHF vhf very htgh fr@qU@nCy ●nd suppressor
VHFDF vhfdf v~ry-htgh frequency VOM Vom volt-ohm mi I?iamweter
dlrectfon ftnding VOR VOR very hfgh f=QUenCy
VI Vf video Integrator omnidtrwctional and radio
VI Vt Vlscostty index range
VI vi volume tndicator VOROME vor~ VHF omnirange distance
V!a vib vtbrate measurtng ●qutpment
VIB vie vibration VORLOC vor 1oc very-hfgh frewency
VIC1 Vtcl veloctty indicating omnirange local lzer
c!oherent integrator Vox Vox votce operated transmitter
VIO vid V i deo keyer
VIDAMP v i dam video a~lffter VP Vp vapor pressure
V$DAR v idar velocity tntegratfon VP Vp vent pipe
detection and rangfng VP Vp vertical pIanntng
VIDF vldf vtdeo f~ency Vp Vp vertical polar~zation
VIL Vtl village VPCA vpca video prelaunch conanand
VPM Vpml vibration per minIJte
VPR vpr vaporize
VPU Vpu v{brator power unit

Downloaded from

29 hy 1981
VR Vr voltage regulator w w wide
VR8 v rb VHF recovery beacon w w wtre (co~ form)
VRCTR vrctr varactor w w wire ●rmor rwnd ( insul )
VRD V rd vacuum tube relay drivsr W&M GA W6M GA Nashburn and Moen Gage
VRFI Vrf i voice report~ng fault w/ W/ wtth (CO* form)
tndicator U/so w/ho with blowout
VRFY vrfy varify u/D u/d wt thdrawn
VRIS vrls varlstor W/EbSP w/ei3sp wtth equipmnt and spsre
vRL vr I vertical reference 1 ine parts
VRLY vrly voltage relay w/o w/o Wi thout
VRPS vrps volta9e re~lated power W\O E&SP WIO ●hsfs without equtpment and spare
supply parts
VRS VP% veloclty response shape u/oBo W/ obo wtthout blowout
VRSA vrsa voice r~orting signal w/w w/w wlndtng to Vi~ing
●ss-ly UA wa wainscut
VRTY vrty variety UA wa waveform ●nalyzer
Vw Vru voltage readout unit WA wa wtre ●sse-ly
VRYG vryg varytng WA wa workshop ●sse~ly ( torpedol
Vs Vs vspor sea) WAOS VAOS wide-area data servtce
Vs Vs vent stack MAF wa f width ●cross flats
Vs Vs versus VAF wa f wtring ●round frame
Vs Vs voltmeter switch WAG wag wagon
VS8 vsb vesttgial Sideband WAMOSCOPE wamoscope wave modulated osc~l loscope
VSBL v~bl visible WAN wan wani gan
Vsc Vsc voltage saturated capacitor WARHO wa rhd warhead
VSCF Vscf variable speed COnStant WARR warr warranty
frequency VATS WATS wide-area
VSD v~d variable speed drive telecowmuntcat tons servtce
VSG Vsg variable sp~d gear WATU wa tw wood awning type w{ndow
Vs I Vsl video sweep integrator we * wagon box
VSM 4Sm v~st{gtal sideband uO Wb wash bucket
modulation Wo Wb wt bulb
Vso Vso very stable oscillator Ws Wb whale boat
VSR vsr very short range WE Wb wheel base
VST Vst valve seat us Wb wheelbarrow
VSTM vstm valve stem U9 Wb wide band
V$TOL vstoL v~rttcal ●nd short takeoff U9 Wb wood base
●nd landfng we Wb work bench
Vsu v Sw voltzge standing wave Wacl Wbc t wideband current transfornx?r
VSWR vswr voltage standing wav9 ratio WBD wbd wideband data
VT Vt proxtmity (fuze) WBO wbd wire bound
VT Vt vacuum tube WBOFX wbdf X wtde band Oicke fix
VT Vt vaportight Moot. wbd 1 wideband data lfnk
VT Vt voice tube WBF Wbf wood block floor
VTIP Vtip visual target MUG Wbg webb i ng
identification po{nt MEL Wbl wood bloci(tng
VTL VTL variable-threshold logic W9Nt. *n 1 widebnd noise limiting
VTM vtm voltage tunable magnetron UBR wbr word buffer register
VTO v to voltage tunable osci Ilator U8RS wbrs wrought brass
VTOL VTOL vertical takeoff ati landing was *S work breakdown structure
VTR Vtr vertical radfal WBX Wbx wooden box (ammo)
VTR Vtr video-tape rUCOrdtW MC * water closet
VTVM v tvm vacuum tuba voltmeter % * wapon carrier
VTX Vtx vertex WC Wc wheel center
vu vu Volum. unit Wc WC worktng ctrcle
VULC Vulc vulcantze WCF Wcf white cathode follower
VUTS Vuts ver{ficatlon unit test set WWR wchr water chtller
Vvc Vvc volta~-vartable capacftor WCLD weld water cooled
VVR vvr varfable voltage rectlfler WCM wcm wired core matrfx
Vvs s Vvss vertical volute sprfng word co~iner and
Suspension iiultlplexer
VWL vu? varisble word length WCP Ucp wing chord plane
VWP Vwp varfable wtdth pulse Ma wcr watercool er
Vxo Vxo variable crystal oscillator tics Wcs wrftable control store
w ---- white (altn ●bbr) WCTG Wctg woodcuttlmg
w ---- wtdth [altn ●bbr) Wcu Wcw wood casement window
u w waste bfo wd watt demand meter
w w wa$t Wo L/d whole depth
w w West Wo wd wtdth

WO Wd w~nd
bfD Wd ulndow dimension
WO wd wood

Downloaded from

Z9 by 1981


Wd wood door WN Un winch

we word ‘ WNo Wnd wound
MD wd work day WNDLS Wndls utndiass
u080R udbor wood boring WNOR wndr wt rider
Wcff wood door and fra- Wc) Wo wipe out
WOF ud f uoodruff WP T waste ptpe
wtnding WP - water plane
WOIR uciir wind dlrectlon UP T water pump
Wdo w \ ndow UP w weatherproof (Insul)
WOP wood panel UP w wet process
wEA we a wa ther UP * white phosphorus
WEAT wea t weather tight UP w wood pattern
WET wet wapons effectiveness UP w word processing
testing . UP w working point
WETM wetm weather tesm UPS wpb write printer binary
WF Uf wash fountatn WPC Wpc watt per candie
UFG bffg waterfog WPO upd write printer dectmal
UN{ er UPFC Wpfc waterproof fan cooled
WFR Wf r
UFS Wf s wnod furring strips UPG *9 waterproof Ing
WG Wg wavegu i de WPG W9 wtping
WC Wg Wedge wPd wj weakened plane joint
Wg window guard WPM upm word per minute
WG Wg wing WPN upn weapon
WG Wg wire gage WPR wpr working pressure
WGL btg 1 wire glass UPS Wps waterproof shroud
WI+ Wh wal I hydrant UPS ups word per second
WH Wh water heater WPU Wpu wri te punch
w wh Wa t thour UR wr wall receptacle
WH Wn wheel house WR ur wardroom
Uhc watthour inter with contact m wr washroom
device WR wr weather resistant
whdm watthour deman~ meter Wn Wr white room
WHL wh 1 watthour meter with loss WR wr wire rope
co~ensator WR wr wrench
*L wh 1 whee 1 VR wr wrl ter
Wi’lm watthour meter WRU wrb wardrebe
WHs Whs white scale WRDIR wrdir wreng direction
WHs E uhse warehouse WRG Urg wear t ng
Wtfl Wht watthour demand meter WR3 wrg wiring
thermal type WRGR Urgr ur f nger
Wnt uhf te WRK urk wreck 1ng
WI W1 wrought lrOn Ui=L wr 1 uing reference I tne
WIL Wi I white indicating lan13 *i/RN wrn warn 1ng
Wd Wj water jacket WRPG wrpg warp i ng
utJ wj wood jalousie waT wr t water round torpedo
WK wk week WRT wr t wrought
WK Wk work Ws Ws waste stack
UK L7 * It wake light Ws us water surface
WKG &g work t ng Us Us Weapon System
WKR wkr wrecker us Ws weapons specifications
WKs Wks workshop us Ws weattir stripping
UL WI water line us Ws wetted surface
ML Ml wavelength us us u~reless set
UL w! white light us Ws wrought steel
ML WI Wind load uSF Ws f weather support force
WL w? wire list Wsffi ushg washing
ML Ml work 1 ine bfsHLD wshid windshield
wLa Wlb wal 1 board WSHR wshr washer
WLC Wlc wildcat WsL Ws1 weather seal
WLD wld we I ded USP Wsp uorklng steam pressure
WLDNT W!dmt weldment \iSR wsr wood shingle rQOf
WLOR uldr ue 1dCr wS7L Ustl uhlstle
MLDS Ulds weidiess USTPN ws tpn wr~st p~n
WLSL Wlsl wa 1sea I WT Wt weight
WM Um warm i ng UT Wt wood threshold
Mu Um water meter WTCC Utcc water turb~ne closed coupled
WM m wattmeter WTO wtd water turbine dtrect
w Wm ufre mesh WTG Wtg waiting
WMGR uwgr worm gear WTG Wtg weighting
WMSFT Wmsft wormshaft WTI+URF uthprf weatherproof
WMWNL -n I Uo rmwnee 1 WTR Utr water

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29 by 1981


UTRPRF utrprf uatcrproof XMTL xmt 1 transmittal
UTRTT wtrtt Watertight XMTR xmtr transmitter
UTRZ wtrz wfnt8rfze XPL Xp 1 exp?osfve
WTUR8 Wturb wata= turbine XPLD xpld explosive d
w w Wim Unit XPNOR xpndr transponder
WJ w work Urltt XPT Xp t crosspoint
w wu WOrkShOp unft ( torpedo) XRE F x ref cross reference
w w wal 1 vent XSECT Usect cross section
w w Wcrktng voltage XSTR xstr ● xtra strong
w w wat8rwa I 1 XSTR xstr transistor
m w wir8 way XTAL Xtal crystal
w w wire wound XTALK xtalk crosstalk
w w wfr* wrap XTLO Xtlo crystal oscillator
WUHL Wbfhl waterwheel XWAVE xwave extraerd~nary wave
x x by (between dimensions) XX STR xx str double extra- s t rong
x x ●xperimental testing Y ---- yellow (altn abbr J
fafrcraft) Y v transitional te:ting
XARM x*rm cross ●ru (aircraft)
XBAR xbar crossbar YD yd yard
X8RA xbra cross bracing YEL ye 1 y8110w
X81 Xbt crossbar tandem YIL yil yellow indfcattng lam
IcCUW4 Xconn crmss connection YLT ylt yellow light
XCVR xcvr transceiver YP YP yield point lpst)
XCY Xcy cross country YR* yr year
XOCR xdcr transducer Ys ys yield strength Ipsi) ‘
XFMR Xfmr transformer Yvc yvc yellow varnish cantwic
XFR xfr transfer ( insul)
WAIR xha i r eresshair z z zone
XMVY Xflvy extra heavy ZA Za z8ro ●djuster
XING Xing cross f ng ZSA Zsa zero set ●~lifler
XLTR xltr translator ZT Zt zone tim
XLW% XI* ●xtra long wheel base Z7C Ztc zero t~srsture coeff}c~ent
XUSN xmsn transmission ZXCFAR zxcfar zero crossing canstant
XMT =mt transmft false ● larm rate
XMTO xmtd transmitted ZZR Zzr zigzag riveting
XMTG Xmtg transmitting


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29 Play 1981

International Interest. Certain provisions of this standard are the

subject of international standardization agreement QSTAG 229. When
revision or cancellation of this standard is proposed which will affect
or violate the international agreement concerned~ the Preparing activity
will take appropriate reconciliation action through international
standardization channels, including departmental standardization offices
if required.

Custodians: Preparing activity:

Army - AR Army - AR
Navy - SH
Air Force - 16 (Project DRPR-0216)

Review activities:
ArIW - AT, AV, CR, ME, MR,
Navy - AS, EC, YD

User activities
Navy - MC, OS
Air Force - 1?


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INSTRUCTIONS: [n ● comnuing dbrt to nmke ouc standardization docurnsnts bottar, the DoD proti~ tlda form for w in
submitting comments snd suggestions for itnproveumnta. ~ wrs Of niditary 4t811&di=tiOn dunmmnta U@ invitd to ~tide
mggationk TM form msy k d8tacbo& foidod ●long tha Iinu iodicatod, hpad aAong th 100- edge (DO JV07’STW%E), md
L maiid. Xn bbek 5, b M -C M possible ●bout ~cubr probhm ~ such u Wordimg which -quhd intarPIwtation, was “
too rigid, mtncth, -. UBbiguo- or wu iocosnpatibis, -d gim pro- wordiog changu wbicb =uld ailoviata tba Enter in block 6 anY mnsarh not Aatod to ● spocifk paragraph of tho documont. If bAock 7 i, tilled out, ao
acknowhd~mnmt will ba maihd to you within 30 days to lotyou know that your coamenta =r9 ~ed snd m ~

N07Z: This form may notbe uaadto request copiti of docurnene, nor to mquut wmhom devistiomt, OF ciuificmtion of
sp-ilktioo mquiromeats on cumnt contrmts. Cornmeata submitted on thk form do mot constiturs or imply ●timizatioo
to wmivoany portiom of tho refmwnccd docucrsmt(s) or to amend contractual requimnen~.


* ,
4 1


US Army Armement Research and Development Command
Dover, NJ 07801
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