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Abstract—The proportional integral derivative (PID) controller The field of Fuzzy control has been making rapid progress
is the most widely used control strategy in industry. The in recent years. Fuzzy logic control has been widely exploited
popularity of PID controllers can be attributed partly to their for nonlinear, high order & time delay system [2].
robust performance in a wide range of operating conditions and This paper has two main contributions. Firstly, a PID
partly to their functional simplicity. This paper presents design of
controller has been designed for higher order system using
PID controller using Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) technique for higher
order system. A Fuzzy logic controller using simple approach & Ziegler-Nichols frequency response method and its
smaller rule set is proposed. Simulation results are demonstrated. performance has been observed. The Ziegler Nichols tuned
Performance analysis shows the effectiveness of the proposed controller parameters are fine tuned to get satisfactory closed
Fuzzy logic controller as compared to the ZN tuned PID controller loop performance. Secondly, for the same system a fuzzy logic
& fine tuned PID controller. controller has been proposed with simple approach and smaller
number of rules (four rules) as it gives the same performance as
Index Terms—PID controller, Ziegler-Nichols tuning, Fuzzy
logic controller, simulation.
by the larger rule set [1], [3], [7], [8], [9], [10]. Simulation
results for a higher order system have been demonstrated. A
performance comparison between Ziegler Nichols tuned PID
I. INTRODUCTION controller, fine-tuned PID controller and the proposed fuzzy
The proportional – integral – derivative (PID) controller logic controller is presented. The paper has been organized as
operates the majority of the control system in the world. It has follows, Section-II explains generalized model of PID
been reported that more than 95% of the controllers in the controller. Section-III describes the design consideration for a
industrial process control applications are of PID type as no higher order system. Section IV presents design of PID
other controller match the simplicity, clear functionality, controller using Z-N technique. Section V presents design of
applicability and ease of use offered by the PID controller [3], fuzzy logic controller using simple approach and smaller rule
[5]. The PID controller is used for a wide range of problems like base. Section VI finally conclusion close the paper.
motor drives, automotive, flight control, instrumentation etc.
PID controllers provide robust and reliable performance for
most systems if the PID parameters are tuned properly. Various
tuning methods are explained in [4], [6]. Among the tuning A PID controller is described by the following transfer
methods, the Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) technique has been very function in the continuous s-domain
influential. Ziegler-Nichols presented two tuning methods, a
step response method and a frequency response method [4], [6]. Gc(s) = P+I+D
The frequency response method is more reliable than the step = Kp+ Ki /s + Kds………….. (1)
response method [4]. In this paper, we will investigate Or Gc(s) = Kp (1 + 1/ Tis + Tds) … (2)
frequency response method for higher order system. A survey
of various sophisticated PID software packages & hardware Where Kp is the proportional gain, Ki is the integration
models is found in [5]. coefficient and Kd is the derivative coefficient. Ti is known as
integral action time and Td is referred to as derivative action
Manuscipt received July 20,2007. time. Such a controller has three different adjustments (Kp, Ti,
S.R.Vaishnav is with the Electrical Engineering Department, G.H.Raisoni & Td), which interact with each other. For this reason, it is very
College of Engineering, Nagpur. (M.S.), India.
(Email: [email protected]) difficult and time consuming to tune these three parameters in
Dr.Z.J. Khan is with the Electrical Engineering Department,Rajiv Gandhi order to get best performance according to the design
College of Engineering, Chandrapur (M.S.), India. specification of the system.
(Email: khanzj1@ rediffmail .com)
[1] H.Ying, Fuzzy Control & Modeling:Analytical foundations and
applications. New York, IEEE Press, 2000.
[2] J. Xu and X.Feng, “ Design of Adaptive Fuzzy PID tuner using
optimization method, ” Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on
Intelligent Control and Automation, China, 2004, pp. 2454 –2458.
[3] J. Zhang, N. Wang and S. Wang, “A developed method of tuning PID
controllers with fuzzy rules for integrating process,” Proceedings of the
American Control Conference,Boston, 2004, pp. 1109-1114.
[4] K. Astrom and T. Hagglund, PID controllers: Theory, design and tuning.
2nd ed., The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA),
[5] K.H. Ang, G. Chong and Y. Li, “PID control system analysis, design and
technology,” IEEE transaction on Control System Technology, Vol.13,
No.4, 2005, pp. 559-576.
[6] P. Cominos and N. Munro. “PID controllers: recent tuning methods and
design to specification, ” IEE proceedings,Control Theory and
Applications, 2002, pp. 46-53.
[7] S.Chopra, R.Mitra and V.Kumar, “Fuzzy controller:Choosing an
Fig. 10. Step response with FLC appropriate & smallest rule set, ”International Journal of Computational
The time response parameters percent overshoot (Mp), Cognition, Vol.3, No.4, 2005, pp. 73-78.
[8] S.R.Vaishnav and Z.J.Khan, “Design of PID & Fuzzy logic controller for
settling time (ts) and steady state error (ess) for Ziegler Nichols higher order system,” International Conference on Control & Automation
tuned PID controller (ZNPIDC), fine-tuned PID controller (ICCA'07), Hongkong, China, 2007, pp. 1469-1472.
(FTPIDC) and fuzzy logic controller (FLC) for the higher order [9] Y.Yongquan, H.Ying and Z.Bi, “The dynamic fuzzy method to tune the
weight factors of Neural fuzzy PID controller,” IEEE, 2004, pp.
system are presented in table II. 2397-2402.
[10] Z.Y. Zhao, M. Tomizuka and S. Isaka, “ Fuzzy gain scheduling of PID
TABLE II. TIME RESPONSE PARAMETERS controllers, ” IEEE transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Vol.23, No.5, 1993, pp. 1392 -1398.
MP (%) ts(sec) ess
ZNPIDC 71.9 6.33 0
FTPIDC 19.8 5.81 0
VI. 4.75
The paper presented an overview of PID controller, design
of PID controller using Z-N technique and design of fuzzy logic
controller for higher order system. Simulation results using
MATLAB / SIMULINK are discussed for Ziegler Nichols
tuned PID controller, fine tuned PID controller and the Fuzzy
logic controller.
Ziegler Nichols technique gives high overshoot and
settling time with zero steady state error. Initial controller
parameters obtained using Z-N formula need to be adjusted
repeatedly through computer simulation to get satisfactory
performance. Fine tuned PID controller gives zero steady state
error and smaller overshoot and settling time than Ziegler
Nichols tuned PID controller.
The Fuzzy Logic controller gives no overshoot, zero
steady state error and smaller settling time than obtained using
Ziegler Nichols tuned PID controller and fine tuned PID
controller. The simulation results confirms that the proposed
Fuzzy logic controller with simple design approach and smaller
rule base can provide better performance comparing with the
Ziegler Nichols tuned PID controller and fine tuned PID