The Strengths Perspective. Proving My Strengths
The Strengths Perspective. Proving My Strengths
The Strengths Perspective. Proving My Strengths
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on helping them identify their strengths and take by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Results
charge of their own plans—both core principles of have shown that long-term SBCM, up to nine
strengths-based practice. Experiences like those of months, provided during aftercare treatment, led
MacFarlane and the care coordinators I trained in to improved retention in aftercare services and
reduced drug use and criminal justice involve
Florida are typical of social workers who practice
from the strengths perspective. ment (Rapp, Siegal,Li,& Saha, 1998; Siegal et al.,
Although practitioners and the clients they serve1996; Siegal, Li, & Rapp, 2002).The relationship
may believe it is effective, strengths-based casebetween SBCM and improved outcomes was not
direct. Rather it was mediated by the apparent
management will remain only a "feel good" state of
ability of strengths-based case managers to en
mind without empirical support for its effectiveness.
That lack of legitimacy would be most unfortunatecourage retention in aftercare. SBCM was also
associated with improved employment function
because strengths-based practice reflects several of
social work's core values. Some work toward evaluat ing, although the effects were mediated by time
ing the effectiveness of the approach has been taking (Siegal et al., 1996).This is not surprising given
place in several locations and demonstrating that we case management's focus on assisting clients with
do have some empirical basis for several elements employment. One study suggests that SBCM may
of the strengths perspective. operate as a stand-alone treatment intervention,
Dr.Charles Rapp (no relation),Dr.Dennis Salee rather than just as an adjunct to treatment (Siegal,
Rapp, Li, Saha, & Kirk, 1997).
bey (emeritus), and others at the University of Kansas
CCC Code: 0037-8046/07 $3.00 C2007 National Association of Social Workers 185
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Recently, CITAR has begun to examine
Brun, C., & Rapp, R. C. (2001). Strengths-based
the possible benefits of SBCM delivered at the management: Individuals' perspectives on streng
beginning of the treatment continuum. A brief and the case manager relationship. Social Work, 46
model of SBCM, up to five sessions delivered in
Gardner, L. I., Metsch, L. R., Anderson-Mahoney, P.,
two months, was found to improve linkage with Loughlin,A. M., del Rio, C., Strathdee, S., Sansom,
medical care among people who were recently S. L., Siegal, H. A., Greenberg, A. E., Holmberg, S.D.,
& the Antiretroviral Treatment and Access (ARTAS)
diagnosed as HIV-positive (Gardner et al., 2005). Study Group. (2005). Efficacy of a brief case manage
As yet unpublished results demonstrated that ment intervention to link recently diagnosed HIV
infected persons to care. AIDS, 19,423-431.
among people with substance abuse problems
MacFarlane, C. D. (2006). My strength: A look outside
there was a significant improvement in linkage the box at the strengths perspective. Social Work, 51,
rate for the group that received brief SBCM
Marty, D., Rapp, C. A., & Carlson, L. (2001).The experts
compared with the standard care group. speak: The critical ingredients of strengths model
Qualitative studies are particularly suited to help case management. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 24,
ing identify the elements of strengths-based case
Rapp, C. A., & Chamberlain, R. (1985). Case management
management that are associated with the outcomes services for the chronically mentally ill. Social Work,
mentioned earlier. In one ethnographic study,
Rapp, R. C. (2006).The strengths perspective and persons
clients identified the focus on strengths and the with substance abuse problems. In D. Saleebey (Ed.),
relationship with their case managers as central to The strengths perspective in social work practice (4th ed.,
pp. 77-96). New York: Allyn & Bacon.
their continued participation in treatment (Brun & Rapp, R. C., Siegal, H. A., Li, L., & Saha, P. (1998). Predict
Rapp, 2001). Elsewhere, clients noted that learning ing postprimary treatment services and drug use
outcome: A multivariate analysis. American Journal of
how to identify and set goals was one of the most
Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 24,603—615.
beneficial activities they had with strengths-based Redko, C., Rapp, R. C., & Carlson, R. G. (in press).
case managers (Rapp, 2006) and that the work Understanding the working alliance between persons
with substance abuse problems and strengths-based
ing alliance between client and case manager was case management. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
critical to their success (Redko, Rapp, & Carlson, Saleebey, D. (2006). The strengths perspective in social work
practice (4th ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon.
in press).
Siegal, H. A., Fisher,J. H., Rapp, R. C., Kelliher, C.W.,
The work we and others have conducted still rep Wagner, J. H., O'Brien,W. F., & Cole, P. A. (1996).
resents SBCM research in its infancy. What is really Enhancing substance abuse treatment with case
management: Its impact on employment. Journal of
needed is a comprehensive research agenda that sys Substance Abuse Treatment, 13, 93-98.
tematically examines the outcomes and mechanisms Siegal, H. A., Li, L., & Rapp, R. C. (2002). Case manage
ment as a therapeutic enhancement: Impact on
of action associated with strengths-based approaches.
post-treatment criminality. Journal of Addictive Diseases,
Both the National Association of Social Workers 21,37-46.
Siegal, FT A., Rapp, R. C., Li, L., Saha, P., & Kirk, K.
and the Institute for the Advancement of Social
(1997).The role of case management in retaining
Work Research are important in promoting such clients in substance abuse treatment: An exploratory
an agenda.These organizations, and social work analysis. Journal of Drug Issues, 27,821-831.
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