Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Considering Three Failure Modes

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KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (2014) 18(2):488-496 Geotechnical Engineering

Copyright ⓒ2014 Korean Society of Civil Engineers

DOI 10.1007/s12205-014-0552-9 pISSN 1226-7988, eISSN 1976-3808

Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Considering Three Failure Modes

Hyung-Joon Seo*, In-Mo Lee**, and Seok-Won Lee***
Received November 8, 2012/Accepted April 15, 2013/Published Online Janunary 1, 2014



Soil nailing is a reinforcing method using the shear strength of in-situ ground and the pullout resistance of soil nailing. In the
current korean slope design standard, only the pullout failure and the shear failure are considered as the main design factors.
However, in the slope of an actual construction site, multi-face excavation is executed rather than full face excavation, and face
failure can therefore occur in each excavation step due to the decrease of confining pressure on the excavation face during the top-
down excavation. Therefore, it is necessary to include face failure as the main design factor in the slope design. This study verifies
theoretically the mechanical behavior of face failure as well as pullout failure and shear failure. The constrained conditions for each
failure mode are defined, and the optimization of soil nailing design is proposed on this basis. The design variables considered for the
three failure modes are the bonded length of nail, the number of nails, and the prestress. These three design variables are estimated
from the optimization design procedure proposed in this study considering constrained conditions. As the optimization design
procedure of soil nailing proposed in this paper considers not only the pullout and shear failures but also face failure, it could be a
more satisfactory design procedure in the actual field.
Keywords: soil nailing, shear failure, pullout failure, face failure, prestress

1. Introduction main design factors. However, in the slope of an actual construction

site, multi-face excavation is executed rather than full face
Soil nailing is a reinforcing method using the shear strength of excavation, and a face failure can therefore occur in each
in-situ ground and the pullout resistance of soil nailing by excavation step due to the decrease of confining pressure on the
inserting the nail (reinforcing material) into the ground and excavation face during the top-down excavation. In face failure,
unifying it with the ground through grouting (Xue et al., 2011; the ground begins to fall away from the excavation face to the
Su et al., 2007; Pradhan et al., 2006; Yin and Su, 2006; Junaideen et final total failure surface continuously as shown in Fig. 1. In this
al., 2004). It is a passive method because it resists only when a case, a method such as prestress is required to apply the
ground displacement occurs. On the other hand, the anchor confining pressure onto the excavation face. Therefore, it is
method restricts the initial ground displacement by applying the necessary to include face failure as the main design factor in the
prestress in advance. In both methods, the skin friction between slope design.
ground and grouting and the tensile yield load of the inserted This study verifies theoretically the mechanical behavior of
reinforcing material are considered as the main resistances in the face failure as well as pullout failure and shear failure. The
design. Tan and Chow (2004) classified the failure mode of constrained conditions (stability analysis) for each failure mode
ground inside the slope as pullout failure, shear failure, and face are defined, and the optimization of soil nailing design is
failure. Turner and Jensen (2005) then carried out field tests on proposed on this basis. The design variables considered for the
the basis of these three failure modes. The Federal Highway three failure modes are the bonded length of nail, the number of
Administration (FHWA, 1998) of USA defined the three failure nails, and the prestress. These three design variables are
modes according to failure surface as shown in Fig. 1. Pullout estimated from the optimization design procedure proposed in
failure is caused by the deficiency of skin friction between this study considering the constrained conditions. As this study
ground and grouting, and shear failure is caused by the includes not only the bonded length of the nail and the number
deficiency of the tensile yield load of reinforcing material. of nails but also the prestress, the face failure in each
In the current korean slope design standard (KISTEC, 2006), excavation step can be considered in the optimization design
only the pullout failure and the shear failure are considered as the procedure.

*Ph.D., School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea (E-mail: [email protected])
**Member, Professor, School of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, Korea (E-mail: [email protected])
***Member, Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental System Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul 143-701, Korea (Corresponding Author, E-mail:
[email protected])

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Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Considering Three Failure Modes

assumed as 45+φ/2 as shown in Fig. 7. However, this plane

wedge failure mechanism can be transferred to other failure
mechanisms such as log spiral mechanism. Main purpose of this
paper was to suggest overall flow of optimization of soil nailing
design. Therefore, plane wedge failure mechanism which is
relatively simple model was used in this study. In Fig. 2, l1~ln
refers to the nail length inside the failure surface; smin refers to the
minimum center to center distance between nails; Wtot is the total
soil weight inside the total failure surface; L is the longitudinal
length of excavated plane; H is the excavation depth; and Z is the
Fig. 1. Three Failure Modes
horizontal distance from the excavation surface to total failure
surface at the ground surface.

2. Constrained Conditions for Three Failure Modes 2.1 Constrained Condition for Pullout Failure
In soil nailing, the grouting is conducted after drilling the
The aim of this study is to propose an optimization design ground to resist the pullout failure through the skin friction
procedure that considers all three failure modes in a vertical between the ground and the grouting. The resistance to pullout
slope such as a retaining wall. To define the constrained failure can be divided into two elements. The first element is the
conditions for each failure mode, a theoretical review was first resistance by shear strength (c, φ) of the ground itself (resistive
conducted. For the pullout and shear failures, the resistances weight by shear strength) against the total soil weight (Wtot) that
(skin friction and tensile strength of reinforcing material) were causes the slope failure as indicated in (i) of Fig. 3. If the shear
theoretically verified as shown in Fig. 1, to determine whether strength of ground is larger than the shear stress by soil weight,
the resistances could hold the ground (soil wedge) on the the stability is maintained and no reinforcement is needed.
potential total failure surface. In the case of face failure with Otherwise, reinforcement such as soil nailing or anchor method
multi-face excavation, as the potential failure surface can change is required. When the resistive weight by shear strength (c, φ) is
in each excavation step, a theoretical review was carried out on subtracted from the total soil weight (Wtot), the residual soil
the failure surface of each excavation step (rather than on the weight (Wresidual) can be obtained as in Eq. (1).
potential total failure surface) to estimate the confining pressure
(such as prestress) on the excavation surface, as a design cL ---------- tanφ + W tot cosθ tanφ
variable. Finally, by using the optimization design procedure W residual = W tot sinθ – ------------------------------------------------------------------- (1)
which was induced on the basis of constrained conditions derived
from each failure mode, the design variables such as bonded Here, θ is 45+φ/2, φ is the internal friction angle, c is the
length of nail (X1), number of nails (X2), and confining pressure cohesion, and FS1 is the safety factor for the slope.
on excavation surface were estimated (see Fig. 2). In this study, The second element of the resistance to pullout failure is the
Rankine earth pressure theory (Rankine, 1857) was used and resistance by skin friction (Tskin) of soil nailing as indicated in (ii)
thus the angle of failure surface (θ) in the vertical slope was of Fig. 3, which can be calculated with Eq. (2).
DπX1 X2
Tskin = τ f ------------------
- (2)
Here, τf refers to the unit skin friction and FS2 is the safety factor
for pullout failure.

Fig. 2. Design Variables in Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Fig. 3. Pullout Failure on Total Failure Surface

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Hyung-Joon Seo, In-Mo Lee, and Seok-Won Lee

In this study, the skin friction theory proposed by Wang and

Richwien (2002) is applied to obtain τf as in Eq. (3).
τ f = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- σm (3)
( 1 + υ)
1 – 2 ---------------------------------------- - f tanψ
( 1 – 2υ ) ( 1 + 2K 0 )

Here, f is the friction angle between ground and grouting and its
value is tan δ. In the case of a rough surface such as a grouting
surface, δ can be regarded as φ (Wang and Richwien, 2002). υ is
Poisson’s ratio, K0 is the coefficient of earth pressure at rest, ψ is Fig. 5. Shear Failure on Total Failure Surface: (a) Resistance by
the dilatancy angle, and σm is the mean normal stress onto the Ground Itself, (b) Resistance by Reinforcing Material
grouting surface.
Therefore, the constrained condition for pullout failure (g1(X))
(whereby the result of subtracting the resistive weight by the skin
developed in this study. Here, the constrained condition for shear
friction of soil nailing (Eq. (2)) from the residual soil weight (Eq.
failure can be called the constrained condition for tensile failure.
(1)) should not be greater than ‘0’) can be derived as in Eq. (4).
The resistance to shear failure can be divided into two elements
⎛ cL ---------- tanφ + W totcosθ tanφ⎞ as shown in Fig. 5. Firstly, Fig. 5(a) shows the ground itself
g1 ( X ) = Wtotsinθ – ------------------------------------------------------------------⎟ × cosθ × cosβ
⎜ resisting the earth pressure by soil weight. Therefore, the residual
⎜ FS1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠ soil weight (Wresidual), whereby the resistance by the shear
f DπX 1 X2 strength of ground is subtracted from the total soil weight (Wtot),
– -------------------------------------------------------------------------- σ m -----------------
-≤0 is the same as that in Eq. (1). Secondly, the resistance by
( 1 + υ ) FS2
1 – 2 ----------------------------------------- f tanψ reinforcing material against the shear failure can be represented
( 1 – 2υ )( 1 + 2K0 ) (4)
by the yield load (tensile strength) of reinforcing material as
Here, b represents the nailing angle as shown in Fig. 3. shown in Fig. 5(b) and Eq. (5).
Tyield X2
2.2 Constrained Condition for Shear Failure Ttension = ----------------
- (5)
For soil nailing, various reinforcing materials with tensile
strength such as steel bar, PC strands, and steel pipe are used as Here, Ttension refers to the tensile strength of reinforcing material,
the nail. When a shear failure occurs on the failure surface, the and FS3 is the safety factor for the shear failure.
reinforcing material (nail) mobilizes the tensile strength as The resistance to shear failure then resists with the tensile
shown in Fig. 4. That is, the earth pressure by soil weight on the strength of the reinforcing material to the same extent as the
nail induces the ground displacement on the failure surface. If the residual soil weight estimated in Eq. (1), and it is presented as
ground condition is as stiff as a rock showing brittle behavior, the Eq. (6). Then, Eq. (6) becomes the constrained condition (g3(X))
reinforcing material may be cut by the shear stress. However, as for the shear failure.
soil nailing is generally used in the flexible ground condition H - tanφ W
⎛ cL --------- + totcosθ tanφ⎞
showing ductile behavior, the flowing-down soil weight induces sinθ T yield X 2
g3( X ) = W totsinθ – -----------------------------------------------------------------⎟ – ----------------
⎜ - ≤ 0 (6)
the tensile behavior of the nail by pulling down the nailed body. ⎜ FS1 ⎟ FS 3
⎝ ⎠
For this reason, in the current korean slope design standard
(KISTEC, 2006), the behavior of reinforcing material by the
2.3 Constrained Condition for Face Failure
shear failure is not considered as a shear behavior but as a tensile
While the stability of the pullout failure and the shear failure
behavior. Therefore, the tensile behavior theory is applied and
are checked on the total failure surface after the entire excavation,
the stability of the face failure is checked on every failure surface

Fig. 4. Tensile Behavior of Nail due to Shear Failure Fig. 6. Change of Failure Surface in Each Excavation Step

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Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Considering Three Failure Modes

Fig. 7. Estimation of Prestress in Each Excavation Step

generated in each excavation step as shown in Fig. 6. On starting Tprestress, 1st = X3, 1st × X2, 1st (8)
the excavation, the horizontal stress on the excavation surface
Therefore, the prestress required in the 1st excavation step can
becomes ‘0’ and consequently face failure can occur. Even
be expressed as Eq. (9) by using Eqs. (1), (7), and (8).
though reinforcing factors of inside failure which are tensile
strength of reinforcement and skin friction exist, the face failure H
⎛ cL ---------- tanφ + Wtot cosθ tanφ⎞
can occur by non-horizontal stress. In the end, the total failure h1( X ) = Wtot sinθ – -----------------------------------------------------------------⎟ × cosθ × cosβ

can be induced by the expansion of the face failure. To secure the ⎜ FS1 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
stability of the face failure, the skin friction of soil nailing
s -X
(similar to Eq. (2)) should be larger than the residual soil weight πDπ --------- 2, 1st
– ---------------------------------- – [ X3, 1st × X2, 1st ] = 0
(similar to Eq. (1)) induced on the face failure surface. If the skin
FS 2
friction is smaller than the residual soil weight, additional
confining pressure such as prestress is needed. In this study, a (9)
theoretical review was carried out to estimate the required nd
In the 2 excavation step, if there is some residual pressure
prestress in each excavation step to resist the face failure. Here, even after subtracting the resistances by the ground itself, the
the prestress means that the reinforcing material is actively skin frictions of soil nailing in the 1st and 2nd excavation steps,
stressed in the prestressing process. and the prestress applied in the 1st excavation step from the soil
As shown in Fig. 7, face failure can occur in the 1st excavation weight, the relevant pressure should be applied as the prestress
step according to the excavation depth. As indicated in Eq. (1), on the excavation surface. When this process is repeated until the
face failure is first resisted by the shear strength of ground itself on nth excavation step, the prestress required in each excavation step
the face failure surface. The skin friction of soil nailing (Tskin, 1st) can be estimated as Eq. (10).
mobilized outside the face failure surface in the 1st excavation step
becomes Eq. (7). Here, the design variables, X □ ‚ △ in Fig. 7 has a ⎛ cL ---------- tanφ + W totcosθ tanφ⎞
notation as follows: 1, 2 and 3 in □ means the bonded length of hn( X ) = W totsinθ – ------------------------------------------------------------------⎟ × cosθ × cosβ

⎜ FS1 ⎟
nail, the number of nails and the prestress, respectively. 1st, 2nd ⎝ ⎠
and nth in △ means the first excavation step, the second
⎛ n------------------
( n + 1) ⎞
–1 s
excavation step and the nth excavation step, respectively. Therefore, ⎝ 2 ⎠ s -X
X2, 1st is the number of nails in the 1st excavation step; and s is the τDπ ---------------------------------- X2, 1st 1 τDπ --------- 2, nth
center to center distance between nails. – – ∑ X 3, nth × X 2, 1st –
FS 2 (n – 1 )
FS 2

τDπ --------- s -X –X3, nth × X2, nth = 0

2, 1st
tanθ (10)
Tskin, 1st = --------------------------------- (7)
The prestress estimated in each excavation step differs. In
If the face failure cannot be resisted by the shear strength of general, the prestress increases as it moves from the top to the
ground and the skin friction of soil nailing, additional confining bottom. Therefore, when the constructability of soil nailing is
pressure is needed as in Eq. (8). Here, Tprestress, 1st is the total considered, it is reasonable to calculate the average prestress
required prestress in the 1st excavation step; and X3, 1st is the (X3, avg) as in Eq. (11) and apply it uniformly in each excavation
required prestress for each nail in the 1st excavation step. step.

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Hyung-Joon Seo, In-Mo Lee, and Seok-Won Lee

X3, 1st + X3,2nd + … + X3, (n – 1)th + X3, nth assumed that the grouting is injected into the whole borehole.
X3, avg = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (11)
n When the pressurized grouting is applied, the radius of the nailed
body increases and thus the distance between nails increases
The prestress must be determined as smaller than the tensile
more than in the gravitational grouting method. Therefore, if the
strength (yield load) of the reinforcing material (nail). Excessive
longitudinal length (L) and the excavation depth (H) of the
prestress could be helpful in restricting the initial ground
excavated plane are divided by the minimum distance between
displacement; however, it reduces the tensile strength of the
nails (smin), determined considering the grouting method (see Fig.
reinforcing material to the same extent as the applied prestress,
2), the constrained condition for the number of nails (X2) can be
weakening the long term slope stability. Therefore, the application
expressed as Eq. (13).
of prestress obtained by using the proposed method in this study
can not only prevent the face failure but also secure the long term g4 ( X ) = X2 ≤ L ⁄ smin × H ⁄ s min (13)
slope stability by using the minimum tensile strength of
reinforcing material. 3. Optimization of Soil Nailing Design

2.4 Constrained Conditions according to Construction In this study, the constrained conditions for the pullout failure and
Conditions the shear failure on the total failure surface were defined and two
Besides the constrained conditions for the pullout failure, the additional constrained conditions were also defined according to
shear failure, and the face failure on the failure surface, the construction conditions. Considering these four constrained
additional constrained conditions can be defined according to the conditions on the total failure surface, the optimization design
construction conditions. Firstly, the nails should be installed at procedure for the soil nailing is derived as shown in Fig. 8. In
least up to the outside of the failure surface. That is, the bonded addition, the procedure for determining the required prestress in
length of nail (X1) (see Fig. 2) should be longer than ‘0’ as defined each excavation step is proposed, considering the constrained
in Eq. (12). condition for face failure as shown in Fig. 8. The design variables
are the bonded length of nail (X1), the number of nails (X2), and
g2 ( X ) = X1 > 0 (12) prestress (X3). The objective function can be expressed as Eq. (14).
l1 + l2 + …… + ln – 1 + ln
f ( X ) = ⎛ ---------------------------------------------------
- + X1⎞ X2
Secondly, in the soil nailing, the reinforced boundary (nailed
body) per hole differs according to the grouting method. It is ⎝ n ⎠

Fig. 8. Optimization Design Procedure

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Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Considering Three Failure Modes

Fig. 9. Optimization of Soil Nailing Design: (a) Optimization on Total Failure Surface, (b) Estimation of Prestress

When the objective function is optimized with the four constrained conditions, the optimization design procedure should
constrained conditions on the total failure surface, the upper and be repeated by changing the design variables until the estimated
lower boundaries of the design variables can be determined as design variables satisfy the constrained conditions. Through this
shown in Fig. 9(a). Consequently, the designer can choose the process, the design variables (the bonded length of nail (X1), the
bonded length of nail and the number of nails on the boundary number of nails (X2), and the prestress (X3)) can be determined.
(Zone ‘A’ in Fig. 9(a)) as well as the distance between nails by
arranging nails to fit the excavated plane. With the determined 4. Example of Optimization of Soil Nailing Design
distance between nails and the number of nails, the number of
nails to be installed in each excavation step can also be The proposed optimization design procedure considering the
determined. If the number of nails obtained from the optimization three failure modes is applied to certain ground and construction
design procedure is substituted into Eq. (10), the prestress for conditions, and its procedure and results are examined to confirm
each excavation step can be estimated as shown in Fig. 9(b). The the validity of the proposed optimization design procedure. The
determined prestress in each excavation step must be smaller applied ground and the construction conditions are shown in
than the tensile strength of reinforcing material as shown in Fig. Table 1 and Fig. 10. For the yield load of the nail, the properties
9(b). If the estimated prestress is larger than the tensile strength, of Φ25 mm steel bar, which has been generally used in the soil
the designer should go back to the former step and increase the nailing, were applied. For the construction conditions, the
prestress of the former step. By repeating this process, the diameter of drilling hole was assumed to be the diameter of the
prestress in each excavation step can be determined. Summing nailed (grouted) body and the minimum distance between nails
up these prestresses, the average prestress is finally estimated. was set as 1.5 m, which is the minimum distance between nails
Prestress is a method used to confine the ground by extending of general gravitational soil nailing. The safety factors were
the reinforcing material. As the prestress is applied, the resistible determined on the basis of those in the korean slope design standard
tensile strength of the reinforcing material is decreased.
Consequently, the constrained conditions for shear failure are Table 1. Ground and Construction Conditions
changed and the tensile yield load of reinforcing material (Tyield) Cohesion, c (kPa) 30
in Eq. (6) becomes the residual (remaining) yield load of Internal friction angle, φ (o) 30
reinforcing material (Tresidual) as in Eq. (15). Ground Dilatancy angle, ψ (o) 10
H - tanφ W
cL ---------
Properties Poisson’s ratio, υ 0.3
⎛ + totcosθ tanφ⎞

g3 ( X ) = Wtotsinθ –
sinθ Tresidual X 2
-⎟ – -------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------- -≤0 Coefficient of earth pressure at rest, K0 0.5
⎜ FS1 ⎟ FS 3 Unit weight, γ (kN/m3) 20
⎝ ⎠
(15) Nail Properties Yield load of steel bar (kN) 203
Diameter of nailed body (m) 0.105
Since the constrained conditions on the total failure surface are Excavation depth, H (m) 10
re-established in this way, the optimization design procedure Conditions Longitudinal length of excavated plane,
should be conducted again. In other words, if the initially L (m)
determined design variables (X1, X2) satisfy the re-established Minimum distance between nails, smin (m) 1.5
constrained conditions, the initial design variables can be Slope, FS1 2.0
determined as the final design variables. However, if the initially Safety Factor Shear failure, FS3 2.0
determined design variables do not satisfy the re-established Pullout failure, FS2 2.0

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Hyung-Joon Seo, In-Mo Lee, and Seok-Won Lee

(KISTEC, 2006).
When the ground and construction conditions in Table 1 are
substituted into four constrained conditions of Eqs. (4), (6), (12)
and (13), the upper and lower boundaries of the objective
function can be obtained according to each constrained condition
as shown in Fig. 11(a). The designer can select the appropriate
design variables between the two boundaries on the basis of
stability and economy. In this example, the 5-step excavation
with 2.5 m bonded length of nail, 90 nails, and 2.0 m distance
between nails was selected as shown in Fig. 11(b).
After the optimization design for the total failure surface (Fig.
11) is carried out by following the procedure as indicated in Fig.
8, the confining pressure should be estimated in each excavation
step. In this example, the prestress was selected as a method of
confining pressure. The prestress is estimated in each excavation
Fig. 10. Ground and Construction Conditions step. For example, the prestress in the 1st excavation step can be

Fig. 11. Optimization Design for Total Failure Surface: (a) Application of Each Constrained Condition, (b) Selected Design Variables

Fig. 12. Estimation of Prestress: (a) Prestress in Each Excavation Step, (b) Estimated Prestress

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Optimization of Soil Nailing Design Considering Three Failure Modes

estimated with Eq. (10). That is, by substituting 18 as the number reinforcing material. By using one of these methods, the stability
of nails per excavation step (which was obtained in the of soil nailing considering the three failure modes can be
optimization design procedure for total failure surface as shown secured.
in Fig. 11) into Eq. (10), the prestress can be estimated. However,
the estimated prestress should be smaller than the tensile strength 5. Conclusions
of the reinforcing material as shown in Fig. 12.
According to Fig. 12(a), as the soil weight inducing failure is The aim of this study was to theoretically verify the mechanical
very small in the 1st excavation step, face failure does not occur behavior and the resistive element of face failure in soil nailing
even if the prestress is not applied. However, as the excavation as well as other conventional design factors such as pullout
step increases, the prestress also increases. As shown in Fig. failure and shear failure. With the theoretical verification of face
12(a), when the excavation step increases, the curved line failure, the required prestress was newly added as a design
obtained by Eq. (10) is shifted to the right, increasing the variable of soil nailing in addition to conventional variables such
prestress in each excavation step. The prestress estimated in each as the bonded length of nail and the number of nails. For the
excavation step is presented in Fig. 12(b). The average prestress three design variables selected in this method, the optimum
estimated with Eq. (11) was about 40 kN. As shown in Fig. 8, values were determined on the basis of constructability, stability,
once the prestresses are estimated, the optimization design on the and economy through the optimization design procedure in
total failure surface should be conducted again. This is because, consideration of the three failure modes proposed in this study.
as mentioned above, the application of prestress decreases the Some findings drawn from this study are as follows.
tensile strength of the reinforcing material to the same extent as For the optimization design on the total failure surface, four
the applied prestress. Therefore, the residual (remaining) tensile constrained conditions were defined. Pullout failure occurs when
strength of reinforcing material becomes 163 kN, whereby the the soil weight inducing failure is greater than the skin friction
prestress was subtracted from the yield load of the reinforcing under the condition that the tensile strength of reinforcing
material (203 kN in Table 1). material is sufficiently secured. On the other hand, shear failure
When the constrained conditions for shear failure are re- occurs when the soil weight inducing failure is greater than the
estimated with Eq. (15), we can see in Fig. 13 that the initially tensile strength of reinforcing material while the skin friction is
estimated design variables are beyond the constrained conditions sufficiently secured. In both failure modes, the residual soil
for the shear failure. That is, the reduction of tensile strength of weight after the resistance by the soil strength itself was checked
reinforcing material by the applied prestress induces the shear to determine how much it could be resisted by the skin friction
failure. To satisfy the constrained conditions for the shear failure, and tensile strength of the reinforcing material, and this was
the designer should select one of the following three methods: re- verified theoretically. On the total failure surface, the constrained
estimate the design variables from the newly-established upper condition for the minimum length of nail according to the
and lower boundaries; increase the diameter of reinforcing construction condition and the constrained condition for number
material to increase the tensile strength of reinforcing material or of nails according to the minimum distance between nails were
add another reinforcing material; apply the confining pressure by also proposed.
using a method other than the prestress application with the In the slope of an actual construction site, multi-face excavation
is executed via top-down excavation. Therefore, on the excavation
surface, face failure can occur due to the decrease of confining
pressure. To prevent this, it is necessary to apply confining
pressure such as prestress on the excavation surface. In this
study, a theoretical equation to obtain the reasonable confining
pressure was proposed to apply the minimum necessary prestress
in each excavation step.
Finally, by applying four constrained conditions and the equation
for prestress estimation, the optimization design procedure of
soil nailing considering three failure modes was proposed as
follows. Firstly, with four constrained conditions on the total
failure surface, the design variables (the bonded length of nail
and the number of nails) are set as an objective function and
optimized. Secondly, with the estimated number of nails, the
prestress in each excavation step is estimated considering the
constrained conditions for face failure. Lastly, as the applied
prestress decreases the tensile strength of reinforcing material,
the constrained conditions for the shear failure should be re-
Fig. 13. Review of Initially Estimated Design Variables established and the optimization design procedure is repeated

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Hyung-Joon Seo, In-Mo Lee, and Seok-Won Lee

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