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Course : English

Task : Contraceptive Pill

lecturer : Hasnani, S.S.,M.Hum.


1. A. Ayu Rezki Indriani (173145301041)

2. Erliati (173145301042)
3. Hariyati (173145301043)
4. Eva Anita Lestary (173145301044)
5. Komala Dewi Muslimin (173145301045)
6. Andi Nurhazima WM (173145301046)
7. Nykita Ulfana Sari Fachry (173145301047)
8. Nining Ariesti (173145301048)


A. Definition
Birth control pills are contraceptives or preventive contraceptives used by oral medications
containing progesterone and estrogen synthetic hormones. Birth control pills are preferred
because they are relatively, easy to obtain and use, and the price is cheap
B. Type of contraceptive pill
1. MONOFASIK is a combination pill that is available in a 21 tablet pack containing the
active hormones estrogen and progesterone in the same dose, with 7 tablets without
active hormone.
2. BIFASIK is a combination pill that is available in 21 tablet packs containing estrogen
and progesterone active hormones with two different doses, with 7 tablets without
active hormone.
3. TRIFASIK is a combination pill that is available in 21 tablet packs containing estrogen
and progesterone active hormones with three different doses, with 7 tablets without
active hormone.
C. How Contraception Pills Work Combination
1. Prevent implantation, Pressing ovulation, Thicken cervical mucus, Affect the
movement of the tube so that transport ovum disrupted.
D. Advantages and Disadvantages of Contraceptive Pills
1. Advantages: Does not interfere with intercourse, Can be used in adolescence until
menopause, Easy to stop at any time, Fertility soon returns after pill termination, Helps
prevent: ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, dysmenorhea, acne,benign
abnormalities in the breast
2. Disadvantages: Boring, causing bleeding spots and nausea (especially in the first 3
months), weight gain, failure, breast tenderness, nausea, dizziness, Lowering libido
(decreased desire for sex, not protecting themselves from STDs or HIV / AIDS
E. Indication of Contraceptive Pills.
1. Age of reproduction, fat / lean, great menstrual pain, irregular menstrual cycle, history
of ectopic pregnancy
F. Contra indications Contraceptive Pills.
1. Pregnant / allegedly pregnant, vaginal bleeding unclear cause, Heart disease, stroke, or
blood pressure> 180 / 110mmHg, Often forget to use pills
G. How to Use Contraceptive Pills.
1. Initial use of birth control pills: Can be used at all times of origin sure is not pregnant,
first drink it on the day of 1-7 menstrual cycle, After Childbirth (6 months
breastfeeding), Combination Pills can be given immediately after the miscarriage
2. Instructions In the Client: in drinking every day and at the same time, the first pill is
taken on the day of 1-7 menstrual cycle, Usage based on the number of pills, If the
client is not menstruating, do a pregnancy test
H. Side Effects Contraceptive Pills Combination and Handling.
1. Amenorhea: Make sure pregnant / not, When pregnant stop using pills, If not pregnant,
give counseling, Try to give pills with higher doses of estrogen
2. Irregular bleeding / spotting: Explain that changes in regular menstrual patterns occur
in the first 2-3 months of use. If bleeding persists, replace the pill with a higher
estrogen dose (50 μg) until bleeding is resolved, then back at the initial dose,
pregnancy, if not pregnant, suggest taking pills at dinner or before bedtime
I. Conclusions
Birth control pills are contraceptives or preventive contraceptives used by oral medications
containing progesterone and estrogen synthetic hormones. Birth control pills are preferred
because they are relatively easy to obtain and use, and the price is cheap.
Birth control pills or oral contraceptives pill are hormonal contraceptives in the form of
drugs in the form of pills put through the mouth (taken), containing estrogen and / or
progesterone hormones. aims to control birth or prevent pregnancy by inhibiting the release
of ovum cells from the ovaries each month. The birth control pill will be effective and safe
when used correctly and consistently.
Every woman needs to talk to a doctor, nurse or other health worker to decide which pills
are best for her. With some types, every Pill in the package has the same amount of
hormones as the other, the numbers change throughout the month but they all work the
same way to prevent pregnancy.


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