Eisenberg Model

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A new method for estimating the effects of

thermal radiation from fires on building


Torvi, D. A.; Hadjisophocleous, G. V.; Hum, J.


A version of this paper is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans :

Proceedings of the ASME Heat Transfer Division - 2000, p. 65-72


David A. Torvi, George V. Hadjisophocleous and Joe Hum

Fire Risk Management Program

National Research Council of Canada
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
T: (613) 993-4757; F: (613) 954-0483
E: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Hazard Model calculates the time-dependent probability of death due

A new model for estimating the effects of high thermal radiation to being exposed to high thermal radiation heat fluxes from a fire in a
heat fluxes on occupants has been developed. This model allows the building, and breathing or being exposed to hot or toxic gases. This
user to specify the type of clothing worn by typical occupants (e.g., model is based on techniques commonly used to estimate hazards in
street clothing or protective clothing), percentage of body covered by industry. However, when it comes to assessing the effects of high
clothing, and occupant characteristics (e.g., age). Numerical models thermal radiation heat fluxes, most existing techniques do not take
of heat transfer in fabrics and skin are used to estimate the times into account advances in medical treatment for burn victims, the
required to produce burn damage to bare and clothed skin. These characteristics of different occupant groups in buildings, and
skin burn estimates are used along with occupant characteristics to advances in industrial protective clothing. Therefore, a new model
estimate the time-dependent probability of death from a fire. This for estimating the effects of high thermal radiation heat fluxes has
paper reviews existing models for estimating the effects of high heat been developed. Results from this new model can be combined with
fluxes on occupants, describes the heat transfer models used to make results from existing models in FIERAsystem for assessing the effects
skin burn estimates, and compares the results of the new model with of hot and toxic gases in order to estimate the total probability of
those from existing models. death in a building fire.
In this paper, existing models used to estimate the probability of
INTRODUCTION death due to high thermal radiation heat fluxes are first reviewed,
One of the most active areas of research in fire science is the along with concerns about using these methods in computer fire
development of computer models to evaluate fire protection systems models, such as FIERAsystem. Techniques used by the new model to
in buildings. This has been fueled to a certain extent by the estimate burn damage to bare and fabric-covered skin are described,
movement in Canada and other countries from prescriptive to along with methods used to estimate probabilities of death based on
objective or performance-based building codes. These types of these burn damage estimates and occupant characteristics. Results
building codes provide greater flexibility in design by allowing from the new and existing models are then compared. Issues in
engineers to demonstrate the performance of fire protection systems implementing the new model within computer fire models are also
to building officials using engineering calculations. In order to identified, along with areas of further research needed to improve life
evaluate the impact of design features on life safety in objective or hazard models.
performance-based codes, models are needed to evaluate the effects
of fires on people, especially the high thermal radiation heat fluxes NOMENCLATURE
from fires. AG age (years)
One computer fire model that has recently been developed is the AREA percentage of body’s surface area with at least second degree
National Research Council of Canada’s (NRC’s) FIERAsystem (Fire burn damage
Evaluation and Risk Assessment system), which uses time-dependent CA apparent heat capacity (J/m3·ºC)
deterministic and probabilistic models to evaluate the impact of cp specific heat (J/kg⋅°C)
selected fire scenarios on life, property and business interruption G blood perfusion rate (m3/s/m3 tissue)
(Hadjisophocleous, et al., 1999). The current FIERAsystem Life h convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m2·ºC)
k thermal conductivity (W/m⋅°C) The thermal load, V, for a particular exposure duration, t, is
P probability (dimensionless) calculated using the following equation (Tsao and Perry, 1979):
PF pre-exponential factor (s-1) t
q" heat flux (kW/m2) V= (q" ) 4/3 dt (2)
R universal gas constant (8.314 J/kg·mol·ºC)
T temperature (°C, K)
The probit can then be used to determine the probability of death,
t time (s)
using the following equation:
V thermal load ((kW/m2)4/3·s or (kW/m2)2·s)
Y −5
x distance from surface (m) 1 exp(-t 2 )
Y probit function (dimensionless) P= dt (3)
2π 2
Z function of age and percentage of body’s surface area with at − oo
least second degree burn damage There are several differences between the conditions associated
with Eisenberg’s data and modelling the effects of an industrial
Greek Letters hazard today (Hockey and Rew, 1997). Deaths during the nuclear
∆E activation energy (J/mol) blasts may have been due to pressure effects as well as high heat
Φ factor to account for various levels of exposed skin area fluxes. The medical treatment for burns has improved substantially
(dimensionless) since 1945. The population exposed to the nuclear blast would likely
γ the extinction coefficient for the fabric (m-1) contain a much larger percentage of both very young and very old
ρ density (kg/m3) people than in an industrial setting today. As well, the exposed
ξ dummy variable for integration population likely had a lower level of clothing (coverage, thickness
Ω value of Henriques’ burn integral (dimensionless) and mass/unit area) than in a typical industrial setting today.
On the other hand, for the same heat flux, radiation from a
Subscripts nuclear blast should inflict less damage to human skin than radiation
b blood from a fire. Radiation from a fire is primarily infrared, while
c core radiation from a nuclear blast is primarily ultraviolet. Human skin
conv convective will absorb practically all of the incident infrared radiation, but will
ex exposure absorb a substantially smaller percentage of incident ultraviolet
fl flame radiation. Therefore, some believe that Eisenberg’s model may still
g hot gases be used today, as the conservative assumptions may balance out the
i initial non-conservative assumptions.
Lees method used in Lees (1994) Tsao and Perry (1979) revised the Eisenberg model to account
o outside surface for the differences between primarily infrared and ultraviolet
rad radiative exposures. Tsao and Perry’s probit function for fatalities is:
s skin
TNO method used in TNO Green Book (1992) Y = -12.8 + 2.56 lnV (4)

CURRENT METHODS FOR PREDICTING THE EFFECTS OF where V is given by Eq. (2). Many of the same comments on the
HIGH HEAT FLUXES ON OCCUPANTS Eisenberg, et al. model are also applicable to the Tsao and Perry
Good reviews of current methods for predicting the effects of model.
high heat fluxes on occupants can be found in Hockey and Rew The models developed by Eisenberg, et al., and Tsao and Perry
(1997), Rew (1997), and Hymes, et al. (1996). Current methods use do not consider occupant characteristics. The data used to develop
either thermal load criteria, or specific heat flux thresholds. Single the probit function was based on males and females of all ages and
heat flux thresholds specify a maximum heat flux that can be physical abilities. In reality, occupant characteristics will vary by
tolerated by individuals. However, these thresholds ignore transient building. For example, occupant characteristics will be considerably
heat transfer in the skin, and the non-linear nature of Henriques’ burn different in seniors residences, aircraft hangars, shopping centres and
integral (Henriques, 1947) and other techniques used to predict burn industrial settings. Hymes, et al. (1993) indicated that the two most
damage. As FIERAsystem is concerned with calculating time- important factors in predicting deaths from burn injuries are the
dependent probabilities of death, only models based on thermal load patient’s age and area of skin burn.
criteria will be discussed in this section. Neither of the two models consider the effects of clothing.
Many of the thermal load criteria are based on the work of Clothing can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on whether the
Eisenberg, et al. (1975), who developed a probit relation using data incident heat fluxes are high enough to ignite the clothing. If they are
from the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Estimates of smaller, then the clothing can protect the underlying skin by slowing
the heat fluxes at different distances from the nuclear blasts, the rate of heat transfer to the skin and thus reducing burn injuries. If
population data and distributions of deaths were used to develop the the heat fluxes are high enough to ignite the clothing, then burn
following probit function, Y: injuries can be more severe than those caused to bare skin by heat
fluxes from the original hazard.
Y = 14.9 + 2.56 lnV (1) One model that does include the effects of clothing is described
in the TNO Green Book (1992). This method first calculates the
probability of burn damage to bare skin. This probability is used
along with an assumed age distribution of the population and 10-69 and ordinary clothing is used. In an industrial setting, the age
percentage of skin that is exposed, and the burn mortality charts of distribution will likely be narrower and specialized protective
Bull (1971), to calculate the probability of death. For example, for clothing may be used. However, the general approach described in
the same age distribution as the Dutch population as a whole, a the reference could still be used to derive a model for the specific
probability of death of 14% is calculated when 20% of the total skin scenario of interest. The factor, Φ, is used in Eq. (7) to account for
is damaged. The TNO Green Book method treats clothing by the assumption that only one half of the surface of the body will be
assuming that no burn damage occurs to clothed skin unless the exposed at a time to thermal radiation, until the point where the
clothing ignites. If clothing does ignite, the probability of death is clothing ignites, thus exposing the entire body.
assumed to be 100%. Ignition of clothing is predicted to occur for a Rew (1997) compares predictions for the duration of a given
thermal load, VTNO between 2.5(10)4 and 4.5(10)4 (kW/m2)2s, where: heat flux necessary to cause ignition of clothing materials made using
t various models in the literature. Besides the two models described
VTNO = (q" ) dt (5) above, a model developed by Hymes, et al. (1996), is also examined.
Hymes, et al.’s model predicts the time to ignition of various fabrics
for a given heat flux, based on simple heat transfer theory and
Some of the assumptions in the TNO method may be overly
experimental results. Rew found that the TNO criterion was more
conservative. As medical treatment for burns has improved in the
conservative than the model of Hymes, et al. for exposures of
last 30 years, using Bull’s mortality charts may overpredict the
durations between 10 and 30 s. For exposures greater than 10 s, the
probability of death for given burn damage. Assuming a probability
Lees criterion was more conservative than either the TNO or the
of death of 100% when clothing ignites may also be very high. For
Hymes, et al. models.
example, Lawrence (1991) presents data from the Birmingham
The FIERAsystem Life Hazard Model (Hadjisophocleous, et al.,
Accident Hospital in the UK between 1981 and 1987 that indicates
1999) calculates the time-dependent probability of death for
that only 20% of patients whose clothing caught on fire actually died.
occupants in a compartment due to the effects of being exposed to
On the other hand, the TNO method assumes that unless clothing
high heat fluxes, and hot and/or toxic gases. This model uses input
ignites, there is no burn damage to clothed skin. In reality, there may
from other FIERAsystem models that calculate the heat fluxes in the
be some damage. For example, thermal mannequin tests of flame
compartment, and the temperature and chemical composition of hot
resistant garments, such as ASTM F1930-99 (American Society for
gases. In this paper, only the portion of the model that deals with
Testing and Materials, 1999), indicate that for high heat flux
high thermal radiation heat fluxes will be discussed.
exposures, skin burns may occur even if the garments do not ignite.
The time-dependent probability of death from exposure to high
In addition, the probability of death calculated using the TNO
thermal radiation heat fluxes, at a given location in the compartment,
approach would be a step function: a small change in the thermal
is calculated using the sum of the heat fluxes from the fire and the
load from just below to just above the ignition criteria will increase
heat fluxes from the hot smoke layer. Heat fluxes are calculated at a
the probability of death from 14% to 100%. This would make it
height of 1.0 m off the ground, approximately at the mid-section of
difficulty to apply this method in computer fire models.
most occupants. Tsao and Perry’s (1979) model is used to calculate
Lees (1994) also developed a model that accounts for the effects
the probability of death from the heat flux data. The decision to use
of clothing. The probit equation used in this model is based on
this model was made because of the fact that the revised vulnerability
experimental data from skin burn experiments using pigs:
model of Tsao and Perry does consider the differences between the
nuclear blasts, which the Eisenberg vulnerability model is based on,
Y = -10.7 + 1.99lnVLees (6)
and fires, which are being modelled here. In addition, it is more
conservative than the Eisenberg model.
0 As Tsao and Perry’s model does not consider clothing or
and Φ = a factor to account for various levels of exposed skin area occupant characteristics, an improved model for high heat flux
= 0.5 (for a normally clothed population), or exposures has been developed. In order to model occupants in a
= 1.0 (when ignition of clothing is predicted) variety of buildings, this model allows the user to specify the type of
clothing worn by typical occupants (e.g., ordinary street clothing or
Ignition of clothing is predicted to occur at a thermal load, VLees, of protective clothing), the percentage of body covered by clothing, and
1800 (kW/m2)4/3·s. This value was calculated by converting the the age of occupants. The model calculates the overall probability of
lower value of the TNO criterion (used with Eq. (5)), so that it can be death to occupants with time based on burn damage to bare skin,
used with Lees’ definition of the thermal load (Eq. (7)). Lees’ model burn damage to clothed skin, and burn damage to skin after the
was derived using the burn mortality data in Lawrence (1991), destruction of clothing. Techniques used to calculate each of these
assumptions about the age distribution of occupants, percentage of three types of burn damage are discussed in the following sections.
body that is bare skin, and relationships between the thermal load
(Eq. (7)), the depth of skin burn damage and the probability of death.
This may make the model, as it is described in the reference, difficult Burn Damage to Bare Skin
to use in cases where occupant ages and types of clothing are quite Burn damage to bare skin is estimated using a finite element
different from the assumptions in the model. For example, in Lees’ heat transfer model of bare skin, developed by Torvi and
model, the age distribution is assumed to be equally distributed from Dale (1994). Heat transfer in the skin is assumed to be transient and
one-dimensional. There are three layers of skin: the epidermis, the fire hazard under consideration, and the modes of energy transfer
dermis and subcutaneous layer, each with its own thermal properties. which must be considered. For example, a heat transfer model for
The bioheat transfer equation for blood perfused skin, first proposed firefighters’ protective clothing, exposed for a relatively long period
by Pennes (1959), is used to calculate the temperature within the of time to thermal radiation at a distance, will be different from a
skin: model of a lightweight protective coverall engulfed in a flash fire.
2 Therefore, a general model of heat transfer in clothed skin, which
(ρ cp)s ∂∂Tt = ks ∂ T2 - G (ρc )b (T − Tc ) (8) will be suitable for all exposures, cannot be specified. A module
∂x must be developed for each particular hazard of interest. For
The boundary conditions are: demonstration purposes, a finite element heat transfer model
developed by Torvi and Dale (1999) of a single fabric layer (0.7 mm
at the heated surface (x = 0), for t > 0 thick), an air space (6.4 mm thick), and skin under bench top test
∂T conditions used to simulate a flash fire, will be used in this paper.
- ks = q" (t) (9) Heat transfer in the clothing and skin is assumed to be transient and
∂x one-dimensional. Five cubic Hermitian elements are used to
where represent the fabric, one element is used to represent an air space
q"(t) = the time dependent heat flux on the surface of the skin. between the fabric and the skin, and five elements are used to
represent the three layers of skin described in the section on the bare
and at the base of the subcutaneous layer of the skin (x = L), for t > 0 skin heat transfer model. Details about the assumptions made in
developing the heat transfer model, and about the techniques used to
T = Tc (10) treat various modes of heat transfer can be found in Torvi and Dale
The core temperature of the body, Tc, is assumed to be 37°C. (1999). The following differential equation was developed for the
temperature distribution in the fabric-air gap-test sensor system.
The initial condition is a given temperature distribution in the skin,
∂T ∂ æ ∂T ö
Ti(x), at time zero. C A (T ) = ç k(T ) + γ q rad exp(- γx ) (14)
T(x, t = 0) = Ti(x) (11) ∂t ∂x è ∂x
Five finite elements, which use cubic Hermitian temperature CA = the apparent heat capacity of the fabric, and
interpolation polynomials, are used to represent the skin: one element q"rad = the portion of the net radiative heat flux on the surface of
for the epidermis, two for the dermis, and two for the subcutaneous an infinitesimal element of fabric.
layer. It was found in previous research that five Hermitian elements The initial condition is a given temperature distribution in the
provided the same or better accuracy as nine quadratic or eighteen fabric, air gap and skin, Ti(x), at time zero.
linear elements (Torvi and Dale, 1994). Once the temperatures
within the skin are determined using the finite element model, the T(x) = Ti(x) (15)
times required to produce second and third degree burn damage are
calculated using Henriques’ skin burn integral (Henriques, 1947): The boundary condition at the heated surface, x = 0, during the
dΩ ∆E exposure, (i.e., for 0 < t ≤ tex) is
= PF exp(− ) (12)
dt RT ∂T
-k = q"conv = h fl ( T g - T x = 0 ) (16)
The temperature, T, in Eq. (12) is the absolute temperature at the ∂x
basal layer (base of the epidermal layer of the skin) for second degree where
burns (K), and is the absolute temperature at the base of the dermis q"conv = the convective heat flux,
for third degree burns (K). hfl = the convective heat transfer coefficient for the hot gases
Equation (12) can be integrated to produce from the burner, and
t Tg = the temperature of the hot gases from the burner.
Ω= PF exp (- ) dt (13)
RT The boundary condition at the base of the subcutaneous layer was given
This integration is performed over the time the basal layer or dermal earlier as Eq. (10).
base temperature, T, is greater than or equal to 44°C for second and
third degree burns, respectively . This temperature was found to be the
threshold temperature for thermal damage. Second degree burns are Burn Damage After Destruction of Clothing
said to occur when Ω is unity at the basal layer, while third degree In addition to burn damage caused by heat transfer through
burns are said to occur when Ω is unity at the dermal base. Further clothing to the underlying skin, burn damage can occur after the
information on this skin burn model, including the values of the destruction of clothing. If this clothing is flammable, then severe
individual thermal properties used in the model, can be found in Torvi burn damage can occur to large portions of a person’s skin due to
and Dale (1994). burning fabric being in close proximity to, or in contact with, the
skin. This damage can be reduced if a person takes evasive action,
Burn Damage To Clothed Skin such as stopping, dropping and rolling. For clothing that is flame
In order to evaluate the damage to clothed skin, heat transfer resistant, exposure to bare skin can occur if the clothing is weakened
models of clothing and the underlying skin must be used. These by the exposure to the point that it can break open when a person
models are very reliant on the boundary conditions used to represent takes evasive actions.
The program assumes that destruction of the clothing occurs and predisposing factors (e.g., drugs or alcohol1). However, this
when the surface temperature of the fabric reaches the fabric second model was only marginally better in fitting the statistical data.
destruction temperature, which is specified by the user of the model.
For a flammable fabric, this would be the ignition temperature,
whereas for a flame resistant fabric this would be the temperature
beyond which the fabric is weakened to the point where it can break
open. As mentioned earlier, most current models assume a
probability of death of 100% as soon as the clothing ignites, which
may be overly conservative. Therefore, to take into account that a
person can take evasive action when their clothing is on fire, and that
less than 100% of people whose clothing catches on fire will die, the
model assumes that there will be a time delay after the fabric reaches
the destruction temperature before all of the underlying skin is
damaged. The time for burn damage to the underlying skin is
calculated as the sum of the time required to destroy the fabric and
the time required to produce burn damage to the underlying skin Fig. 1 Probability of Death As a Function of Area of Second
from the incident heat flux. This latter time is taken to be equal to Degree Burn Damage Calculated Using Hymes, et al. (1993)
the time required to produce third degree burns to bare skin for the Model for a 35 Year Old Person
same incident heat flux, as calculated by the bare skin heat transfer
model described earlier in the paper. In order to use Eq. (17) in this model, a function must also be
specified to account for changes in the area term with time. In
Total Probability of Death Due to High Thermal Radiation between the times of the specific events calculated by the various
Heat Fluxes modules (e.g., time to second degree burn of bare skin), the area term
Based on information on burn damage to clothed and unclothed is assumed to vary directly with the depth of burn damage. This
skin and the percentages of clothed and bare skin, the total time- allows the model to allow for variations in skin and fabric thickness,
dependent skin surface area that receives burn damage is calculated. and fabric-skin spacing, over an individual’s body, and from
The model assumes that unless clothing ignites, only one half of the individual to individual. During the development of the single layer
body will be exposed to the high thermal radiation heat fluxes from fabric heat transfer model, it was found that the time required to
the fire. This will be the case as a person attempts to escape from a produce burns was a linear function of fabric thickness, within
hazard, such as a pool fire, and this logic was also used by Lees reasonable limits of the nominal thickness of a fabric (Torvi and
(1994) in developing his model. Once the clothing ignites or is Dale, 1998). During the development of this life hazard model, the
destroyed, it is assumed that the person’s entire body will be burned. time required to produce second or third degree burn damage was
Therefore, the total area of the body with burn damage is: also found to be a linear function of the epidermis and dermis
• half of the percentage of bare skin area when second degree thickness, respectively. Therefore, this life hazard model assumes
burns occur to bare skin, that the depth of burn, and hence the area of the body receiving at
least second degree burn damage, is a linear function of time in
• 50% of the total area when second degree burns occur to clothed
between the specific events, which are calculated by the heat transfer
skin, and
models of bare and clothed skin.
• 100% after fabric ignition and the subsequent time delay.
For some applications, criteria based on burn injuries are used,
The total surface area of skin receiving at least second degree
rather than the probability of fatality. For example, Hymes, et al.
burns is then combined with the age of the occupant to determine the
(1993) state that criteria should “consider not only lethality but also
probability of death using the burn mortality information from
disfigurement in survivors”, because of the large physical and
Hymes, et al. (1993). Hymes, et al. presented the following model of
emotional effects of burn injuries on patients. If an engineer wishes
burn injury mortality, based on a logit analysis of data from over
to set fire safety objectives based on preventing any injury to
3000 burn injury patients treated between 1971 and 1980 in the West
occupants, rather than objectives based on avoiding fatalities, then
Midlands Regional Burns Unit in Birmingham, U.K.:
the new model can be used to estimate when second degree burn
z damage would occur to bare and clothed skin.
P= z
where: In order to demonstrate the new life hazard model, four constant
P = the probability of an individual’s death (0 ≤ P ≤ 1) heat flux exposures were selected: 80, 60, 40, and 20 kW/m2. These
Z = -7.575 + 0.07184 (AG) + 0.1135 (AREA) heat fluxes represent a range of hazards from a direct exposure to a
AG = the age of the patient + 0.5 (years) flash fire (80 kW/m2) to the expected heat fluxes to workers who may
AREA = the percentage of the body’s surface area with at least be in the vicinity of the flash fire. The heat flux in the model was
second degree damage (0 ≤ AREA ≤ 100) varied through the selection of the convective heat transfer
coefficient in Eq. (16), which simulates altering the height of the
As an example of the use of Eq. (17), Fig. 1 shows the probability of
death as a function of percentage body burns for a 35 year old person. 1
Hymes, et al. also argued that these factors likely affect the probability of a
Hymes, et al. presented a second model, which also takes into fire occurring more than they affect the probability of survival from burn
account factors such as the type of injury (burn, scald or inhalation) injuries.
flame from a laboratory burner in a bench top test of a flame resistant 0.7 mm thick, was used in the heat transfer model. In many cases, a
fabric. The results from the new life hazard model were compared person would wear multiple layers of clothing, which would help to
with results using three existing models, described earlier in this increase the time required to produce second degree burns to clothed
paper: Eisenberg, et al. (1975), Tsao and Perry (1979) and skin.
Lees (1994). The TNO model was not included in this comparison, Lees’ model was much less conservative than the new model or
as the portion of Lees’ model for ignition of clothing is based on the the other two existing models. Lees notes this in the paper describing
TNO ignition criteria. As a test case, a 35 year old person was his model (Lees, 1994). Much of the difference between Lees’ model
chosen, with 20% bare skin, and clothing with a destruction and the new model is due to the ways in which fabric ignition and
temperature of 400ºC. subsequent skin damage is handled. In addition, the new model also
The times to the three events of interest for the four different considers damage to clothed skin that does not ignite, which is not
heat fluxes are shown in Table 1. As mentioned earlier, It is assumed considered by Lees. The examples given in Lees’ paper are for very
that only the side of the person facing the fire can be burned, until the high heat flux exposures, between 72 and 173 kW/m2, which are
point at which the fabric is destroyed and burn damage can then more severe than the cases studied here, or in most building fires.
occur to the rest of the person, due to ignition and fire spread on the For the 80 kW/m2 case, there was more agreement between the new
fabric. Based on these assumptions, 10% of the body will have burn model and Lees’ predictions than for the lower heat flux cases. It
damage when second degree burn to bare skin is predicted. For a 35 may be that Lees’ model is more suitable to higher heat flux
year old person, the corresponding probability of death predicted by exposures. In addition, if appropriate clothing for these higher heat
Eq. (17) is 0.020. When second degree burn to clothed skin is flux exposures (e.g., higher destruction temperatures and thicker
predicted, 50% of the body will have burn damage, and the fabrics) was included in the fabric heat transfer model, this should
corresponding probability of death is 0.657. After the destruction of also result in less conservative predictions, which will be closer to
clothing, when 100% of the body has burn damage, the probability of those made by Lees’ model. This will be discussed in the next
death is 1.000. paragraph. It should be noted that Lees’ model also assumes evenly
The time-dependent probabilities of death for a 35 year old distributed ages of occupants between 10 and 69, whereas a 35 year
person calculated using the different methods are shown in Fig. 2. old person was assumed for the new model. Age has a significant
For most of the heat flux levels, the probabilities of death predicted effect on the predictions made by the new model, as shown in Fig.
using the new model were between the probabilities predicted using (1).
Tsao and Perry’s and Eisenberg, et al.’s models. This allows the As an example of how fabric and occupant parameters affect the
model to account for the fact that medical treatment has improved results of the new model, the percentage of bare skin, and fabric
since the data from the nuclear explosions, yet also demonstrates that destruction temperature were varied in the new model for a heat flux
a primarily ultraviolet exposure will be less severe than a primarily of 80 kW/m2. Increasing the fabric destruction temperature will
infrared exposure. At the lowest heat flux level (20 kW/m2), decrease the probability of death, once second degree burns occur to
predictions made by the new model were even more conservative clothed skin (Fig. 3). This demonstrates the importance of using
than the Tsao and Perry model. This may be because the heat protective clothing in an industrial setting. Protective fabrics may
transfer model of the fabric was developed for higher levels of have a destruction temperature of 500ºC or more, as compared to
thermal radiation (the model was validated with experimental data for ordinary fabrics, whose destruction temperature may be of the order
a nominal heat flux of approximately 80 kW/m2 – Torvi and of 300-350ºC (e.g., Hymes, et al. (1996) lists a piloted ignition
Dale (1999)). Thus, it may be used outside of its range of validity in temperature of 285ºC for a denim fabric sample). Besides age
the 20 kW/m2 case. Physiological changes such as increased (Fig. 1), the percentage of bare skin has a significant effect on the
sweating and blood flow rates, that would help to protect the skin probability of death (Fig. 4). This demonstrates the importance of
under these lower heat flux conditions, were not included in the heat occupant characteristics. For example, the same fire will have a much
transfer models of bare and clothed skin. In addition, the new model larger effect on people dressed in shorts and t-shirts in a shopping
initially predicts a higher probability of death than Tsao and Perry’s, mall than the employees of an industrial facility who are provided
or Eisenberg, et al.’s model. This may be due to the skin burn model with proper protective clothing. In addition, the population
predicting the onset of second degree burns relatively quickly, as distributions in the two buildings will also affect the probability of
compared with other models that are found in the literature. For death from the fire. The ability to include these occupant and fabric
example, Rew (1997) compares the different thermal doses used by factors, is a very big advantage of the new model over existing
various authors to predict first, second and third degree burns. There models, which cannot easily account for all of these factors when
is also a difference between predicting threshold and deep second estimating the effects of fire in a wide range of occupancies.
degree burns. It should also be noted that only a single layer fabric,
Table 1. Times to Key Events as Calculated by the New Life Hazard Model

Heat Flux Time for 2nd Time for 2nd Time for Time for 3rd Degree Time to Skin Burn
(kW/m2) Degree Burns to Degree Burns to Destruction of Burns to Bare Skin (s) Damage after
Bare Skin (s) Clothed Skin (s) Fabric (s) Destruction of Fabric
20 3.60 19.80 23.00 21 44.00
40 1.36 10.95 4.90 13 17.90
60 0.80 7.95 2.80 11 13.80
80 0.56 6.30 1.85 9 10.85

Fig. 2 Probability of Death Estimated Using Existing Models and New Life Hazard Model (35 Year Old Occupant, 20% bare skin,
Incident Heat Fluxes of 20, 40, 60, and 80 kW/m2)

Fig. 3 Probability of Death Estimated Using New Life Fig. 4 Probability of Death Estimated Using New Life
Hazard Model for Various Fabric Destruction Hazard Model for Various Percentages of Bare
Temperatures (35 Year Old Occupant, 20% Bare Skin (35 Years Old, Incident Heat Flux of
Skin, Incident Heat Flux of 80 kW/m2) 80 kW/m2, Fabric Destruction Temperature of
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Processes Leading to Irreversible Epidermal Injury,” Archives of
A new model for estimating the effects of fire on building Pathology, Vol. 43, pp. 489-502.
occupants has been described in this paper. The model uses
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These skin burn estimates are used along with occupant Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Books, Suffolk, U.K.
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The main area of future work needed to increase the utility of
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temperatures expected in these exposures will also be needed. Fatal Injury from Burns,” Transactions of the Institution of Chemical
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Physiology, Vol. 14, 1959, pp. 93-122.
development of the heat transfer models described in this paper.
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the development of the existing FIERAsystem Life Hazard Model, Radiation on Humans,” HSE Contract Research Report No.
and Mr. Martin Will, who assisted in developing new user interfaces 129/1997, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Books, Suffolk, U.K.
for previous heat transfer models. Financial support for this work
from the Canadian Department of National Defence Fire Marshal’s TNO, 1992, “Methods for the Determination of Possible Damage to
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(The Green Book),” Report CPR 16E,The Netherlands Organisation
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