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That which is put on to decorate, beautify, embellish, add luster to, and make the person himself, or that which he represents, pleasing or attractive. It may be for
a good or for a deceptive purpose.

The temple in Jerusalem and Solomon’s governmental buildings were beautifully adorned, to the delight of the queen of Sheba. (1Ki chaps 6, 7, 10) The temple
rebuilt by Herod was a magnificent edifice adorned with fine stones and dedicated things. But Jesus showed that these material adornments would be of no avail
when God’s judgment came upon Jerusalem for her unfaithfulness.—Lu 21:5, 6.

The Proverbs show that if a great number of people choose to live under and delight in the rule of a king, this is one measure of his success. It is an adornment
to him, recommending and adding luster to him as a ruler. (Pr 14:28) Jehovah is such a ruler by his Messianic Kingdom.—Ps 22:27-31; Php 2:10, 11.

Christian Counsel on Personal Adornment. Jesus and his apostles counseled constantly against putting trust in physical things and putting on a false show by
means of material adornment. The apostle Paul said that Christian women should “adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not
with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb.” (1Ti 2:9) During the days of the apostles it was a custom among women in that world of Greek
culture to go in for elaborate coiffures and other adornment. How appropriate, therefore, is Peter’s counsel to women in the Christian congregation not to put emphasis
on ‘the external braiding of the hair and the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments’ but to let their adornment be, as with the faithful women of
old, “the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit”!—1Pe 3:3-5.

The apostle Paul points out that the Christian can, by fine works of incorruptibleness in his teaching, seriousness, wholesome speech, and right conduct in all his
ways of life, adorn the teachings of God, making them attractive to others. (Tit 2:10) In this spiritual way, the Christian congregation, the bride of Christ, eventually
appears in her full beauty to her husband Jesus Christ. She is similarly described at Revelation 21:2 as “prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Her spiritual
beauty is a direct contrast to the adornment of Babylon the Great, spoken of as adorned with material things, the wage of her prostitution.—Re 18:16; see


Important, too, is a wife’s keeping adornment in the right perspective. The apostle Peter stressed that a Christian wife is not to put the main emphasis on
making herself attractive by means of showy adornment. He said: “Do not let your adornment be that of the external braiding of the hair and of the putting on of gold
ornaments or the wearing of outer garments.” (1 Peter 3:3) In the first century C.E., women spent much time and effort in braiding their long hair into elaborate,
attention-getting designs, including harps, trumpets, wreaths and crowns. Additionally, they adorned themselves with very ornate apparel and an abundance of gold
chains, rings and bracelets. For a Christian woman, such extreme attention to physical adornment was inappropriate, as it would suggest that her main object in life
was her own person rather than her being pleasing to Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, women who live mainly for show or fashion are often the
victims of pride, envy, and status seeking, which rob the mind and heart of a spirit of calmness and produce frustration and irritability.
However, this does not mean that a Christian wife would give little attention to her appearance. When similarly counseling against showy dress, the apostle
Paul also said: “I desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind.” (1 Timothy 2:9) So a Christian wife does well
to watch that she does not present an unsightly appearance to her husband by being careless about her dress, grooming and physical appearance. Furthermore, the
Bible states that “the woman is man’s glory.” (1 Corinthians 11:7) Clearly, a lazy, unkempt woman is no credit or glory to her husband. She degrades his appearance
in the eyes of others. And if the husband takes reasonable pride in his own appearance, by sloppiness his wife could be a source of much irritation. Hence, it is most
desirable that a Christian woman’s dress and adornment indicate that she has good judgment in choosing what is modest, or decent, and becoming to her person.


Nevertheless, a Christian wife’s real beauty lies in what she is at heart. The apostle Peter wisely urged that her adornment “be the secret person of the heart in
the incorruptible apparel of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God.” (1 Peter 3:4) This “quiet and mild spirit” is not to be confused with a
veneer of outward sweetness. For example, a woman may be soft spoken and meekly submit, in word, to the wishes of the family head. Yet, she might, at heart, try to
dominate her husband by being rebellious, plotting and scheming.
In the case of the woman who genuinely possesses “the quiet and mild spirit,” this humble spirit is a reflection of her true inner self. How can a woman
determine whether this “spirit” is part of her permanent adornment? She might ask herself: ‘What happens when my husband, on occasion, is inconsiderate,
unreasonable or shirks his responsibility? Do I often flare up, become enraged and harshly censure him for his failings? Or, do I usually strive to remain calm inside
myself and avoid open confrontation?’ A woman with a “quiet and mild spirit” is not just seemingly peaceful on the surface but like an active volcano inside herself,
ready to erupt. No, under trying circumstances, she seeks to maintain a calm and even temperament both outwardly and inwardly, causing observers to be deeply
impressed by the inner strength she shows and the kind way in which she handles herself.

Risks of Body Piercing

Piercing various body parts for the wearing of jewelry is very popular, especially among youths. “Unfortunately, they seldom think about the consequences of this
step,” says the Polish magazine Świat Kobiety. “The period of youthful rebelliousness passes, and an eyebrow studded with pieces of metal stops being considered
an ornament.” And although the metal may be removed, scars will remain. Additionally, piercing facial skin can damage nerves and blood vessels and result in “loss of
feeling” as well as “infections and wounds that take a long time to heal.” Bacteria thrive in the “damp and warm environment” of the mouth, so piercings there often
lead to infections and even tooth decay. Fat cysts in the form of hard papules can develop in pierced areas rich in fat cells, such as the navel and the ears. The article
warns that “metal ornaments often contain an admixture of nickel. People allergic to that metal may experience allergic symptoms, such as swelling and an itchy rash.”

Customs have changed completely since Peter penned those words, but the principles upon which his portrait rests are timeless. If you are ever in doubt as to what
pattern in dress you should follow, take another look at Peter’s picture of the Christian woman and ask yourself, Which will survive Armageddon, a style of hair
braiding or the quiet and mild spirit?

As Peter’s use of the word, in 1 Peter 3:3, shows, the simplest meaning of kósmos is “arrangement,” also “adornment, beauty, ornament,” because something well
arranged has a beauty to it. In agreement with this, in the Christian Greek Scriptures, kósmos many times means the arrangement as it is connected with mankind as
a whole. So, at times, the inspired writers use kósmos to mean that framework of surroundings, that arrangement of things, into which man is born and in which he
exists and to which he has to give a relative consideration and respect. This framework of things that surround and affect mankind has been built up here on earth.
Now note some uses of the word kósmos in this second sense.

On what kind of adornment should Christian women place the emphasis?

On the secret person of the heart, a mild and quiet spirit.—P. 174.

the Bible emphasizes that they be used in modesty and with soundness of mind. (1 Timothy 2:9) The apostle Peter pointed out that what is “of great value in the eyes
of God” is “the quiet and mild spirit.” In view of ever-changing styles and fashions, this surely is fine advice for Christian women, young and old.—1 Peter 3:3, 4.

THE PROMISE: “Define Your Identity”

The book Shiny Objects explains: “A common way we tell others who we are (or would like to be) is through our use and display of material possessions.”
Marketers know this and work to associate product brands—especially luxury brands—with specific lifestyles and values.

How do you see yourself, and how do you want others to see you? As stylish? As athletic? No matter what image you want, marketing promises that if you
simply buy the right brand, you can adopt the brand’s identity as part of your own.

REALITY CHECK: No product purchase can change who we really are or give us admirable qualities, such as honesty and personal integrity.

Principle: “Do not let your adornment be . . . the putting on of gold ornaments or the wearing of outer garments, but let it be the secret person of the heart.”—1 Peter
3:3, 4.
Motives Matter

The apostle Paul wrote: “Let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this your decision, not to put before a brother a stumbling block or a
cause for tripping.” (Romans 14:13) How does this apply to what we choose for personal adornment?

First, Paul tells us not to be “judging one another.” We must guard against ‘putting before a brother a stumbling block.’ Standards of what is acceptable may vary
from land to land and culture to culture. What is acceptable in one time and place may be inappropriate in another. We should not stumble or offend others by wearing
adornment that our culture associates with an objectionable lifestyle. Godly women do well to ask themselves: How does the community view what I wear? Are
members of the congregation embarrassed, puzzled, or ashamed because of what I wear? Even if a Christian woman has a right to dress or groom in a certain
manner, she will forgo that right if her style of grooming would be offensive.—1 Corinthians 10:23, 24.

Also, focusing too much attention on one’s appearance can lead to an unwholesome attitude. Today in many lands some women flirtatiously use adornment to
attract attention to themselves in an immodest way. However, Christian women strictly avoid such a misuse of adornment, striving to be sound in mind and chaste in
their personal affairs, “so that the word of God may not be spoken of abusively.”—Titus 2:4, 5.

Godly women understand that to whatever extent they choose to use external adornment, their real beauty lies within “the secret person of the heart” and is thus
reflected in their attitude and demeanor. (1 Peter 3:3, 4) The woman who makes sensible choices regarding her manner of dress, her use of cosmetics, and her
jewelry gains the respect of others and honors her Creator.


An outward indication of the spirit that impels a person is his dress, grooming, and hygiene. In many lands, standards of dress have fallen so low that one
television commentator suggested that soon there will be nothing left for prostitutes to wear. Even girls not yet in their teens have been caught up in this trend—“long
on skin, short on modesty,” said one newspaper report. Another trend is to dress in a slovenly manner that reflects a spirit of rebellion as well as a lack of dignity and
As servants of Jehovah, we rightly want to look our best, which means dressing in a way that is neat, clean, in good taste, and appropriate for the occasion. At
all times, our appearance ought to reflect “modesty and soundness of mind,” which along with “good works” is fitting for anyone—male or female—“professing to
reverence God.” Of course, our main concern is, not to draw attention to ourselves, but to “keep [ourselves] in God’s love.” (1 Timothy 2:9, 10; Jude 21) Yes, we want
our most beautiful adornment to be “the secret person of the heart . . . , which is of great value in the eyes of God.”—1 Peter 3:3, 4.
Keep in mind, too, that our clothing styles and grooming can influence how others view true worship. The Greek word rendered “modesty,” when used in a
moral sense, expresses the thought of reverence, awe, and respect for the feelings or opinion of others. Our goal, therefore, should be to subordinate our presumed
rights to the consciences of others. Above all, we want to bring honor to Jehovah and his people and to recommend ourselves as God’s ministers, doing “all things for
God’s glory.”—1 Corinthians 4:9; 10:31; 2 Corinthians 6:3, 4; 7:1.
Our dress, grooming, and cleanliness are even more important when we are engaging in the field ministry or attending a Christian meeting. Ask yourself: ‘Do
my appearance and personal hygiene draw undue attention to me? Do they embarrass others? Do I consider my rights in these areas to be more important than
qualifying for service privileges in the congregation?’—Psalm 68:6; Philippians 4:5; 1 Peter 5:6.
The Bible does not set out for Christians a list of rules on dress, grooming, and hygiene. Jehovah has no desire to deny us our freedom of choice or the use of
our thinking faculties. Rather, he wants us to become mature people who reason on Bible principles and who “through use have their perceptive powers trained to
distinguish both right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:14) Above all, he wants us to be governed by love—love for God and neighbor. (Mark 12:30, 31) Within those
boundaries, there is the potential for great variety in dress and grooming. Evidence of this can be seen in the colorfully dressed, joyful throngs of Jehovah’s people no
matter where on earth they are gathered.

“Do not let your adornment be that of . . . the wearing of outer garments, but let it be the secret person of the heart.”—1 Peter 3:3, 4.

Avoid styles that highlight sexuality. They make you appear desperate and self-absorbed.

DID YOU KNOW . . . ?

The first impression you make often depends on what you’re wearing.

The family member or mature friend I could consult about a clothing item I would like to buy is .....

The next time I purchase an outfit, I will consider the following factors: .....

What I would like to ask my parent(s) about this subject is .....

At the Kingdom Hall: The Kingdom Hall is our place of worship. We are there at the invitation of Jehovah God. In that sense, we are guests. (Ps. 15:1) Are we
exemplary guests when we come to the Kingdom Hall? Do we give appropriate attention to our dress and grooming? Surely we should want to avoid adornment that is
casual or extreme. Whether attending conventions or our weekly congregation meetings, Jehovah’s people are noted for their mannerly appearance befitting those
professing to reverence God. (1 Tim. 2:9, 10) Thus we show due consideration and respect for both our heavenly Host and the other guests that have been invited.

Adornment That Pleases Jehovah: Jehovah’s people are on display for all the world to see. (1 Cor. 4:9) We are generally noted for our fine standard of dress
and grooming. Applying the Scriptural principles found at 1 Timothy 2:9, 10 and at 1 Peter 3:3, 4 has resulted in great changes in the appearance of many compared
with how they looked when they began associating with the Christian congregation. This is in sharp contrast to the steadily deteriorating standards of dress and
grooming that we see in the world. We want to be on guard that we do not become like the world in our appearance—wearing outlandish clothing, promoting worldly
fads in hairstyles, or being immodestly dressed. Our exemplary dress and grooming should help new ones who attend the convention to see how Christians ought to
adorn themselves.
While the general impression left as a result of last year’s conventions was very favorable, worldly dress and grooming continue to be a problem with some of
the brothers and sisters, especially during leisure time. While making our plans to attend the convention, we should analyze ourselves as to our dress and grooming.
Parents, wisely monitor what your young children and teenagers are going to wear. Make sure we are not letting worldly styles and fads have a bad effect on our
Christian appearance.

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