Sciencedirect: Radiology Case Reports 11 (2016) 328 E331
Sciencedirect: Radiology Case Reports 11 (2016) 328 E331
Sciencedirect: Radiology Case Reports 11 (2016) 328 E331
Case Report
Recurrent urinary tract infections in an adult with a duplicated renal collecting system
Junaid Raja MD, MSPH, MSa,*, Amir M. Mohareb MDb, Bilori Bilori MDa
Department of Internal Medicine, Yale Waterbury Internal
Medicine Residency program, 64 Robbins St, Waterbury, CT 06708,
Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
articleinfo abstract
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Raja).
1930-0433/ © 2016 the Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. under copyright license from the University
of Washington. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Radiology Case Reports 11 (2016) 328e331 329
complained of malodorous urine with left-sided tenderness. Laboratory work-up was significant
flank pain but did not have dysuria. At home, she for a marked leukocytosis, acute kidney injury,
noted that her random blood sugars surpassed 300 and an anion gap metabolic acidosis with positive
despite strict adherence to a carbohydrate- serum ketones. Urinalysis showed pyuria and
controlled diet and insulin regime. The night bacteriuria. The patient was diagnosed with
before presentation, the patient also experienced diabetic ketoacidosis with pyelonephritis as a
fever and chills. The patient also shared a history presumed source of infection. She was managed
of frequent UTIs as a child and young adult, with crystalloid fluid resuscitation, an insulin
including a similar episode approximately 6 weeks infusion, and she was initiated on empiric
before this presentation, for which she was seen at ceftriaxone. Initially, the patient clinically
an outside hospital. improved with ceftriaxone targeting Escherichia
On presentation, the patient's vital signs were coli, the organism isolated from an admission
initially within normal limits, and her examination urine culture. However, on hospital day 3, she
was remarkable for a fatigued appearance, dry again began to experience highgrade fevers and
mucous membranes, tachycardia, dry and warm rigors despite appropriate therapy. This raised the
skin, and left flank and costovertebral angle suspicion for complicated pyelonephritis with
abscess formation.
Given her young age, history of recurrent UTIs, urology and interventional radiology. Ultimately,
and persistent fevers, she underwent a serial ultrasound follow-up imaging and
retroperitoneal ultrasound, which showed an fluoroscopic drainage of the duplicated system
approximately 6 6-cm heteroechogenic mass on occurred over the following 2 months by
the superior pole of her left kidney with variable interventional radiology, and the patient recovered
Doppler flow (Fig. 1). This finding was without complication.
determined to be quite concerning as either a
severely damaged and infected portion of the
kidney versus malignancy. To further characterize Discussion
this mass, she underwent computerized
tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of Diagnosis of a duplicated kidney is the best made
the abdomen, which showed a 6.1 6.7 5.5-cm radiographically by identification of dual
heterogeneous-enhancing softtissue mass that was collecting systems. The redundant renal moiety
consistent with a duplicated collecting system on can often be atrophied and may thus have variable
the superior pole of her left kidney, although it was size and appearance on diagnostic imaging, often
initiallymistakenfor representinga being confused for renal cysts [7]. Traditionally,
masssuspiciousfor cystic renal cell carcinoma ultrasound and voiding cystourethrograms have
(Figs. 2 and 3). Ultimately, magnetic been used to visualize the complete urinary tract
and to show evidence of reflux [8]. More
conventionally, contrast-enhanced computerized
tomography scan can demonstrate the redundant
ureter and evidence of associated hydronephrosis.
The two most important clinical consequences
of a duplex kidney are vesicoureteral reflex and
ureterovesicular junction obstruction. Previous
reports on this condition in children detail the
many possible anatomic variations of a duplicated
collecting system, differing mostly in where the
redundant ureter inserts [9]. Clinical presentations
associated with
resonance imaging characterized abscess
formation within the duplicated kidney.
UTIs[1]. Patients who are symptomatic most often
She subsequently underwent interventional
present during childhood, with adult cases more
radiologyguided percutaneous drain placement
often being discovered
that initially yielded over 20 cc of purulent
material with culture positivity for E. coli. She was
then continued on oral cefpodoxime to complete
her 28-day course (based on microbiologic
tomatic patient have come to clinical attention
sensitivities) and continued to improve clinically
earlier in life.
with arrangements made outpatient follow-up with
When the diagnosis of duplex kidneys is made
in children, radioisotope studies can be conducted
to quantify differential
Fig. 1 e Sagittal ultrasound of left kidney acutely infected duplex kidneys should receive
demonstrating echogenic superior pole density. antibiotic therapy, along with abscess drainage
renal function in the normal kidney and when indicated, before definitive management of
redundant renal moiety [8]. Surgical extraction is the duplicated collecting system.
not without risk as over half of pediatric Of all adult patients withUTIs, the proportion
patientswill haveat least aslightdecreasein renal with hitherto undiagnosed anatomic renal
function, and approximately 8% of patients will abnormalities is suspected to be quite low.
have more dramatic decrease in renal function Similarly, pyelonephritis is a clinical diagnosis
[3]. Although there have not been similar studies and doesnot ordinarilyrequireimaging,especially
conducted in adults with duplicated systems, we inpatientswho respond to therapy [10]. Expert
postulate as a parallel a higher proportion of this clinical opinion states that even in patients with
subset may suffer from a significant decrease in recurrent UTIs, routine urologic imaging has a
renal function. As in our case, patients with low diagnostic yield [11]. The decision to pursue
330 Radiology Case Reports 11 (2016) 328e331
Fig. 2 e (A) Coronal view of CT abdomen with intravenous (IV) contrast demonstrating superior pole
abscess. (B) Sagittal view of CT abdomen with IV contrast demonstrating left duplex kidney with
superior pole abscess.
diagnostic imaging in such patients often depends on specific
Fig. 3 e (A) Coronal view abdominal T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging demonstrating left renal
abscess. (B, C) Coronal view abdominal magnetic resonance imaging T2-weighted demonstrating left
dual ureters.
Radiology Case Reports 11 (2016) 328e331 331
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