BSL Proficiency Test

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English Proficiency Test for Teachers

Date …………….
Name ……………………………………………………………….
Maximum marks: 100

Instructions:1) there are fifty (50) questions of 2 marks each.

2) All questions are of multiple choice.
Question: 1) A grammar is

A) Prescriptive B) Descriptive
1) Only (A)
2) only (B )
3) Both A) and B)

Question: 2) Grammar is

A) A set of rules explaining, word order

B) A set of rules explaining, Phrase order
C) A set of rules explaining, clause order
D) A set of rules explaining , sentence order

Question: 3) A sentence can be divided into:-

a) One part
b) Two parts
c) Three parts
d) Four parts

Question: 4) The pattern of English sentence is SVO whereas the pattern of Hindi sentence is


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Question: 5) The smallest unit of a sentence is

A) A phrase
B) A clause
C) A word
D) None of these

Question 6) A verb manifest

A) A state
B) An action
C) Both action and state
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C

Question: 7) The verb ‘be’ is :

A) A Regular verb
B) An irregular verb

Question 8): English Grammar has

A) Three tense system

B) Two tense system

Question 9): The tense is represented by

A) An inflection
B) A derivation
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B

Question 10) A verb can be

A) Helping verb
B) Main verb
1) Only A

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2) Only B
3) Both A and B
Question 11) Modal verbs display following feature of the verb

A) Mood
B) Aspect
C) Tense
1) Both A and B
2) Only B and C
3) Only A

Question 12 Main verb and Helping verb differs from each other in terms of

A) Negation
B) Interrogation
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B

Question 13) A finite verb show

A) Number
B) Tense
C) Person
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only c
4) All three A,B,C

Question 14) Particle “to” can function as

A) Preposition
B) To infinitive marker
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B

Question: 15 the verb “will” indicates

A) Future Tense
B) Present Tense
1) Only A

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2) Only B.

Question: 16 A strong verb has a suffix of

A) – ed
B) – ing
C) –en
D) None of these

Question 17 A transitive verb takes

A) A Direct object
B) An Indirect object
C) A Complement
D) An Adverbial
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only D
5) Both A and B

Question: 18 The verb “have” is

A) A helping verb
B) A main verb
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B

Question 19 The passive of the sentence “ I know him” is

A) He is known by me
B) I am known by him
C) He was known by me
D) He is known to me

Question 20 Prepositions can have

A) Same Meaning
B) Different Meaning

Question 21 in the sentence “I am solving a test paper” the verb solving is

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A) An infinite verb
B) A finite verb

Question 22 the defining feature of Simple Present Tense is

A) Permanency
B) Temporariness
C) A definite action in the past

Question 23 the defining feature of Present Continuous Tense is

A) Permanency
B) Temporariness
C) A definite action in the past

Question 24 The Present Perfect tense is

A) Time specific
B) Non Specific about Time
C) Both Time specific and Non Specific time.

Question 25 The Present Perfect tense is

A) Result oriented
B) Process oriented
C) Both A and B

Question 26 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is

A) Result oriented
B) Process oriented
C) Both A and B

Question 27 A habit in the context of tenses is

A) A state
B) An event
C) Combination of state and an event

Question 28 the sentence “I am visiting my friend tomorrow” depicts following meaning

A) Definite arrangement in the future

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B) Indefinite arrangement in the future

Question 29 I will visit my friend my friend tomorrow depicts following meaning

A) Definite arrangement in the future

B) An intention.

Question: 30 Sentence ‘You can write’ now means

A) Ability
B) Permission
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B

Question 31 Past Perfect Tense means:

A) Acton happen before another action in the Past

B) Action happens in the past.

Question 32: A word can be

A) A content word
B) A functional word
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B.

Question 33 Noun belongs to category of

A) Content word
B) Functional word

Question 34: Preposition belongs to the category of

A) Content word
B) Functional word

Question 35 in the sentence I water my plants every day. The word water is used as:

A) Noun
B) Verb

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