BSL Proficiency Test
BSL Proficiency Test
BSL Proficiency Test
A) Prescriptive B) Descriptive
1) Only (A)
2) only (B )
3) Both A) and B)
Question: 2) Grammar is
a) One part
b) Two parts
c) Three parts
d) Four parts
Question: 4) The pattern of English sentence is SVO whereas the pattern of Hindi sentence is
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A) A phrase
B) A clause
C) A word
D) None of these
A) A state
B) An action
C) Both action and state
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
A) A Regular verb
B) An irregular verb
A) An inflection
B) A derivation
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B
A) Helping verb
B) Main verb
1) Only A
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2) Only B
3) Both A and B
Question 11) Modal verbs display following feature of the verb
A) Mood
B) Aspect
C) Tense
1) Both A and B
2) Only B and C
3) Only A
Question 12 Main verb and Helping verb differs from each other in terms of
A) Negation
B) Interrogation
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B
A) Number
B) Tense
C) Person
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only c
4) All three A,B,C
A) Preposition
B) To infinitive marker
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B
A) Future Tense
B) Present Tense
1) Only A
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2) Only B.
A) – ed
B) – ing
C) –en
D) None of these
A) A Direct object
B) An Indirect object
C) A Complement
D) An Adverbial
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only D
5) Both A and B
A) A helping verb
B) A main verb
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B
A) He is known by me
B) I am known by him
C) He was known by me
D) He is known to me
A) Same Meaning
B) Different Meaning
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A) An infinite verb
B) A finite verb
A) Permanency
B) Temporariness
C) A definite action in the past
A) Permanency
B) Temporariness
C) A definite action in the past
A) Time specific
B) Non Specific about Time
C) Both Time specific and Non Specific time.
A) Result oriented
B) Process oriented
C) Both A and B
A) Result oriented
B) Process oriented
C) Both A and B
A) A state
B) An event
C) Combination of state and an event
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B) Indefinite arrangement in the future
A) Ability
B) Permission
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B
A) A content word
B) A functional word
1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Both A and B.
A) Content word
B) Functional word
A) Content word
B) Functional word
Question 35 in the sentence I water my plants every day. The word water is used as:
A) Noun
B) Verb
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