Case Digest: National Artist For Literature Virgilio Almario, Et Al. V. The Executive Secretary, Et Al. Facts
Case Digest: National Artist For Literature Virgilio Almario, Et Al. V. The Executive Secretary, Et Al. Facts
Case Digest: National Artist For Literature Virgilio Almario, Et Al. V. The Executive Secretary, Et Al. Facts
On April 3, 1992, Republic Act No. 7356, otherwise known as the Law Creating
the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, was signed into law. It
established the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) and gave
it an extensive mandate over the development, promotion and preservation of
the Filipino national culture and arts and the Filipino cultural heritage.
CCP Board of Trustees and the NCCA have been mandated by law to promote,
develop and protect the Philippine national culture and the arts, and
authorized to give awards to deserving Filipino artists, the two bodies decided
to team up and jointly administer the National Artists Award.
On April 3, 2009, the First Deliberation Panel met. A total of 87 nominees were
considered during the deliberation and a preliminary shortlist of 32 names was
On April 23, 2009, the Second Deliberation Panel shortlisted 13 out of the 32
names in the preliminary shortlist.On May 6, 2009, the final deliberation was
conducted by the 30-member Final Deliberation Panel comprised of the CCP
Board of Trustees and the NCCA Board of Commissioners and the living
National Artists.From the 13 names in the second shortlist, a final list of four
names was agreed upon namely: Manuel Conde, Ramon Santos, Lazaro
Francisco and Federico Aguilar-Alcuaz.
Legal Standing
In this case, the petitioning National Artists will be denied some right or
privilege to which they are entitled as members of the Order of National Artists
as a result of the conferment of the award on respondents Guidote-Alvarez,
Caparas, Masa and Moreno. In particular, they will be denied the privilege of
exclusive membership in the Order of National Artists.
Equal Protection
Thus, in the matter of the conferment of the Order of National Artists, the
President may or may not adopt the recommendation or advice of the NCCA
and the CCP Boards. In other words, the advice of the NCCA and the CCP is
subject to the Presidents discretion.
In this connection, the powers granted to the NCCA and the CCP Boards in
connection with the conferment of the Order of National Artists by executive
issuances were institutionalized by two laws, namely, Presidential Decree No.
208 dated June 7, 1973 and Republic Act No. 7356. In particular, Proclamation
No. 1144 dated May 15, 1973 constituted the CCP Board as the National Artists
Awards Committee and tasked it to "administer the conferment of the
category of National Artist" upon deserving Filipino artists with the mandate to
"draft the rules to guide its deliberations in the choice of National Artists".