Clinical Presentation and Management of Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy
Clinical Presentation and Management of Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy
Clinical Presentation and Management of Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is the most frequent cause of severe physical disability in childhood. Dyskinetic cerebral palsy (DCP) is Lancet Neurol 2017; 16: 741–49
the second most common type of cerebral palsy after spastic forms. DCP is typically caused by non-progressive Department of Rehabilitation
lesions to the basal ganglia or thalamus, or both, and is characterised by abnormal postures or movements associated Sciences (E Monbaliu PhD,
Prof H Feys PhD) and
with impaired tone regulation or movement coordination. In DCP, two major movement disorders, dystonia and Department of Development
choreoathetosis, are present together most of the time. Dystonia is often more pronounced and severe than and Regeneration
choreoathetosis, with a major effect on daily activity, quality of life, and societal participation. The pathophysiology of (E Ortibus PhD), KU Leuven,
both movement disorders is largely unknown. Some emerging hypotheses are an imbalance between indirect and Leuven, Belgium; Dominiek
Savio Instituut, Gits, Belgium
direct basal ganglia pathways, disturbed sensory processing, and impaired plasticity in the basal ganglia. Rehabilitation (E Monbaliu); Department of
strategies are typically multidisciplinary. Use of oral drugs to provide symptomatic relief of the movement disorders Pediatrics, Sahlgrenska
is limited by adverse effects and the scarcity of evidence that the drugs are effective. Neuromodulation interventions, Academy, University of
such as intrathecal baclofen and deep brain stimulation, are promising options. Gothenburg, Gothenburg,
Sweden (K Himmelmann PhD);
Evelina Children’s Hospital,
Introduction We critically reviewed the literature to provide an Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS
Cerebral palsy comprises a group of developmental update on the diagnosis and management of DCP, and Foundation Trust, King’s
disorders of movement and posture, attributed to non- identify research priorities. This Review will focus on the Health Partners, London, UK
(J-P Lin MD); Department of
progressive disturbances that occurred in the developing clinical presentation, the management, and emerging Rehabilitation Medicine,
fetal or infant brain. The motor impairments are often therapeutic approaches of this motor disorder. VU University Medical Center
accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception, Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
cognition, communication, and behaviour, by epilepsy, Clinical presentation Netherlands (L Bonouvrié MD);
Department of Neurology,
and by secondary musculoskeletal problems.1 Motor impairments are often more severe in people Maastricht University Medical
Cerebral palsy is the most common cause of severe with DCP than in patients with the other types of Center, Maastricht,
physical disability in early childhood, with a prevalence of cerebral palsy.7 Non-motor comorbidities are also Netherlands
(Prof R J Vermeulen MD);
1·7–3·1 per 1000 livebirths in high-income countries, and common; more than half of patients with DCP have a
Department of Neurology,
higher prevalence in low-income countries.2,3 Cerebral combination of severe intellectual impairment, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
palsy is clinically categorised into spastic, dyskinetic, and anarthria, and epilepsy.4,5,7 Visual and hearing Brussels, Belgium
ataxic cerebral palsy on the basis of the predominant impairments are also common.5 Despite normal (Prof B Dan PhD); and Inkendaal
Rehabilitation Hospital,
motor disorder.1 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy (DCP) is birthweight in most cases, more than half of patients
Vlezenbeek, Belgium
characterised by abnormal postures or movements became underweight at follow-up in a population-based (Prof B Dan)
associated with impaired muscle tone regulation, study from western Sweden, presumably as a result of Correspondence to:
movement control, and coordination comprising two high energy expenditure due to involuntary movements Prof Bernard Dan, Department of
major movement disorder patterns: dystonia and combined with poor feeding, dysphagia, gastro- Neurology, Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Brussels CP122,
choreoathetosis.4 DCP is sometimes referred to as oesophageal reflux, and suboptimal nutritional intake.7,8
dystonic, athetoid, extrapyramidal, choreoathetotic, or Sleep and respiratory function are often disturbed. [email protected]
choreoathetoid cerebral palsy. DCP accounts for up to Drooling, dental problems, constipation, faecal and
15% of cerebral palsy cases, making it the second most urinary incontinence, pain, and musculoskeletal
common type after spastic cerebral palsy.2,5 deformities9 (including scoliosis) are common, and
DCP can have many causes, including perinatal degenerative cervical changes causing myelopathy and
hypoxia–ischaemia in infants born near to term, neonatal motor deterioration have been described in adults.10
hyperbilirubinaemia, brain maldevelopment, intracranial Mental health problems, including depression, are
haemorrhage, stroke, or cerebral infection.5 Hyper increasingly recognised. The risk for early death in
bilirubinaemia-induced kernicterus (ie, deposition of these patients is higher than in other types of cerebral
bilirubin in the basal ganglia) can occur during the palsy,11 and in the general population, most commonly
preterm and term period. This condition has become less through respiratory failure due to aspiration and
common in high-income countries because of preventive pneumonia.
strategies, but is still a notable issue in low-income
countries. In addition to primary prevention of Dystonia and choreoathetosis
hyperbilirubinaemia, postnatal monitoring remains Dystonia and choreoathetosis are present in most DCP
essential, and promising prevention approaches have cases (figure 1; videos 1–4),4,12 but they can be identified as See Online for videos
been developed in resource-constrained settings.6 Causes distinct movement disorders.1,13,14 Both movement
outside the neonatal period, such as cardiorespiratory disorders occur independently, but dystonia pre
arrest or near drowning in the first year, are rarer. dominates in most patients with DCP.4 In childhood,
dystonia refers to abnormal postures, involuntary choreoathetosis and other hyperkinetic movement
twisting, and repetitive movements due to sustained or disorders. Several video-based measurement scales can be
intermittent muscle contractions.11–13 Choreoathetosis in used to evaluate the severity of dystonia in DCP, such as
cerebral palsy is characterised by hyperkinesia and the Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMS),18
muscle tone fluctuation. Although choreoathetosis can the Barry-Albright Dystonia Rating Scale,19 and the
be separated into chorea (ie, rapid, involuntary, jerky, and Dyskinesia Impairment Scale.20 The BFMS and Barry-
often fragmented movements) and athetosis (ie, slower, Albright Dystonia Rating Scale show good reliability in
constantly changing, writhing, or contorting move DCP but have limited sensitivity.21 These limitations and
ments), this distinction does not appear to be clinically the absence of choreoathetosis measurements are resolved
useful in people with DCP.13,14 in the Dyskinesia Impairment Scale (DIS), which was
Dystonia and choreoathetosis are complex and difficult specifically developed for the assessment of people with
to measure. However, reliable measurement is crucial for DCP.20,22 The DIS consists of dystonia (DIS-D) and
the characterisation of clinical patterns and evaluation of choreoathetosis (DIS-CA) subscales that determine the
the effects of targeted management. Clinical measures presence of and rate the severity (amplitude and duration)
can be used for discriminative, predictive, or evaluative of either movement disorder in various regions of the
purposes. The Hypertonia Assessment Tool15,16 body during activity and rest. The BFMS and DIS are used
distinguishes dystonia from other hypertonic movement as outcome measures in intervention studies, such as
disorders, such as spasticity and rigidity. However, the those investigating deep brain stimulation (DBS)23 or
current evidence base is insufficient to precisely intrathecal baclofen.24
differentiate between different types of cerebral palsy or Dystonia is often more noticeable and severe than
between motor disorders, such as dystonia and choreoathetosis.4 Both are generalised over all body
choreoathetosis, in so-called pure DCP and spasticity. regions (arms, legs, trunk, neck, mouth, and eyes), with
Dystonia can be exacerbated by non-specific stimuli, higher severity in the upper limbs than in the lower
including emotion, cognitive tasks, stress, pain, and the limbs, and both substantially increase with activity.
intention to move, and is always relieved by sleep; by Dystonia has a major effect on the daily activity, quality of
contrast, spasticity is a velocity-dependent increase in life, and societal participation of individuals with DCP.8,25
muscle tone.17 To date, no established clinical measure can Dystonia particularly affects posture, mobility, hand and
discriminate between hyperkinetic movement disorders. oral-motor function, and—to a lesser extent—non-verbal
Therefore, good familiarity with the operational consensus communication.4 By contrast, no functional associations
definitions is crucial for the reliable recognition of with choreoathetosis have been found, which suggests
that the sustained muscle contractions typical of dystonia
restrict functional abilities to a much greater extent than
the hyperkinetic hallmarks of choreoathetosis.4
Occasionally, status dystonicus can occur, which is
characterised by prolonged or increasingly frequent
generalised dystonia and requires early detection and
urgent management.26
Around 70% of patients with DCP have lesions in the
basal ganglia or thalamus, or both on MRI (figures 2, 3);
other brain lesions can also occur and few patients have
apparently normal scans.4,7,28–30 The basal ganglia and
thalamic lesions can be associated with the higher
vulnerability of these regions because of high metabolic
C D demand during the late third trimester of pregnancy27 or
the perinatal period. In neonates with kernicterus, often
associated with high-frequency deafness, the globus
pallidus is usually involved,31 but brain lesions are not
always seen in the years following development of
kernicterus. More severe presentations in DCP include
cortical-subcortical involvement with increased dystonia
and spasticity.27,32 A pattern of increasing clinical severity
has been described based on an MRI classification
system.33 MRI does not necessarily detect the full extent
Figure 1: Abnormal posture and movements in dyskinetic cerebral palsy of the affected brain region, therefore research with more
(A) Primitive asymmetric tonic neck reflex typically present in patients with dyskinetic cerebral palsy. (B) Lack of
advanced imaging techniques is recommended; however,
coordination when in an upright position and grasping objects. (C) Large, uncontrolled involuntary
choreoathetosis movements during activities. (D) Dystonic postures and movements due to sustained or imaging is difficult to perform in these patients because
intermittent muscle contraction. of the involuntary movements and postures.
Table: Medications used to manage dystonia and choreoathetosis in patients with dyskinetic cerebral palsy
On the basis of dramatic positive outcomes in patients development, in people with DCP, dystonia presents in
with inherited (primary) dystonia,76,77 DBS has been early life before functional motor patterns have developed
increasingly used in people with DCP over the past and, when they do, those movements and postures are
decade.23,37,78–81 Studies of DBS in people with DCP often often abnormal.37,88
describe the reduction of dystonia rather than its effects Currently, the globus pallidus internus is the target of
on functionality, quality of life, or choreoathetosis.25,82–84 choice for electrode implantation in people with DCP.56
The responsiveness of dystonia to DBS treatment is DBS programming is personalised based on subjective
variable85 and usually less beneficial than in patients with evaluations of clinical benefit; an objective approach to
inherited (primary) dystonia.86 Long-term data are rare, parameter selection would require better understanding
but a case series follow-up study in Italy that of the underlying pathophysiology. DBS is generally safe,
included 15 patients reported that improvements in and a reversible method of treatment. Complications
BFMS values were sustained for up to 2 years after such as intracerebral haemorrhage or ischaemic
implant.79 infarction are rare, but infection and hardware problems
The relatively modest and often delayed effects of DBS of the implanted pulse generator can occur.89 More severe
in people with DCP might be due to abnormal plasticity adverse events of DBS have been reported in children
and an altered neuronal cortex-basal ganglia network.34,87 than in adults;23 however, large cohort studies have
Whereas in inherited (primary) movement disorders, reported low infection rates of less than 5% in children
dystonia becomes symptomatic after a period of normal younger than 7 years.90
Responsiveness of choreoathetosis to DBS has not focus on goal-directed strategies that consider general
been documented, and little is known about the effect of guidelines to handle postural asymmetry and individual
DBS on daily activity, societal participation, or quality of needs.49 Verbal communication is almost always affected
life. Various collaborative efforts are underway to in people with DCP,100,101 therefore augmentative and
systematically collect data on individuals with DBS, alternative communication intervention is often needed.
including age of implantation, history of eventual Without appropriate communication intervention, the
musculoskeletal changes, activity levels, and inclusion in intellectual level of the individual with DCP could be
an international registry.23,91 underestimated.7 In addition, given the potential for
Botulinum toxin is often used to decrease dystonia in brain plasticity, cognitive training and motor learning
people with DCP.92 Botulinum toxin causes selective research is warranted in DCP management.
(focal) muscular denervation that is temporary and
reversible. Its therapeutic value has been much more Conclusions and future directions
extensively assessed in inherited (primary) dystonia than Many epidemiological studies2,102 are currently underway;
in people with DCP. Botulinum toxin is also used in these studies are mostly population-based or registry-
individuals with hip dislocation or disabling limb based and focus on the identification of risk factors that
dystonia. A few small studies have indicated that will eventually lead to the implementation of preventive
botulinum toxin has an effect on dystonia and pain in strategies. Hypothermia for term and near-term neonates
people with DCP.93,94 Many issues remain unresolved with hypoxia–ischaemia,103 and magnesium sulphate and
because of variation in injection methods and a shortage other agents as neuroprotective approaches for fetuses are
of knowledge of the determinants of local spread and promising approaches under investigation.104 Population-
distant effects.55 To date, no specific indication is available based follow-up programmes and studies will add to
for choreoathetosis. the evidence base regarding long-term secondary
As musculoskeletal deformities seen in patients with complications and results of management.
DCP and those with other childhood dystonias9 are often Current management options are mainly based on
associated with pain, patients might undergo orthopaedic clinical presentation. To evaluate the efficacy of therapy
surgery.49 However, before orthopaedic surgery is done, it and to adjust and delineate management, well designed
is recommended that attempts are made to control studies and systematic use of meaningful outcome
dystonia and choreoathetosis with oral drugs, intrathecal measures are needed. Future research should include
baclofen, or DBS. Furthermore, based on our clinical additional objective and quantitative tools to assess
experience, the results of soft tissue orthopaedic surgery dystonia and choreoathetosis. Moreover, owing to the
in patients with DCP are not as predictable as in patients relatively small population of patients with DCP,
with spastic cerebral palsy, and adverse outcomes can multicentre studies are crucial for the development of
easily occur. By contrast, orthopaedic procedures can be evidence-based guidelines for the management of
carried out more safely in patients with DCP than in dystonia and choreoathetosis. Specific evaluation of
those with spastic CP. rehabilitation strategies, including physical, occupational,
The medical management options discussed are not and speech and language therapy, is urgently required.101
appropriate as standalone treatment. Combinations with Robotics and other emerging technologies have the
rehabilitation approaches carried out by physiotherapists, potential to increase independent mobility. Better
occupational therapists, and speech and language understanding of motor learning processes is needed to
therapists are key components of the management of implement these new technologies.
dystonia and choreoathetosis. Evidence for rehabilitative To date, medical interventions in DCP (eg, intrathecal
strategies is mostly based on studies in spastic cerebral baclofen, DBS, and botulinum toxin) have mainly
palsy and remains scarce in DCP.95,96 Current practice is targeted dystonia but not choreoathetosis, which requires
therefore mainly based on clinical expertise. This expertise more research attention. Further research into the effect
is usually offered by dedicated multidisciplinary rehab of interventions on daily activities, societal participation,
ilitation teams designing individualised management quality of life, pain, nutrition, and sleep is also required.
programmes that begin as early as possible in the life of The clinical interrelationship between dystonia and
the patient. Use of a family-centred approach and the choreoathetosis after different interventions is also worth
concepts developed in WHO’s International Classification further research.
of Functioning, Disability, and Health can ensure the The neurophysiological basis of dystonia and choreo
development of skills and good quality of life.97–99 athetosis should be explored. To date, there are no
Most patients have substantial motor disability, animal models for DCP.105 Increased insight into the
therefore optimal seating and positioning should be neurophysiological circuits in patients with DCP can be
ensured to increase stability and the coordination of obtained during intraoperative pallidal recordings of
movements for mobility (including electronic local field potentials and microelectrode recordings.
wheelchair use) and hand function. Combined with Neuronal firing frequencies have been shown to
medical management, rehabilitative research should correlate with dystonia phenotype and the timing of the
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