Acceptance of The Mineralogical Society of America's Public Service Medal For 2001

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American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 798, 2002

Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America’s Public Service Medal for 2001


Department of Mineral Sciences, MRC: NHB 119, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560-0119, U.S.A.

Mr. President, friends, and colleagues, I am very grateful and

proud to be this year’s recipient of the Mineralogical Society
of America’s Public Service Medal.
When learning of the award I could not help but think back
to 1984 when I was contemplating a job offer from the
Smithsonian, only hesitating even slightly because I had al-
ways pictured myself in an academic position. I really wanted
to teach and it wasn’t obvious to me then that there was much
opportunity to do that at the Smithsonian. During a phone con-
versation, however, with Tom Simkin and Dan Appleman, both
in the Smithsonian’s Department of Mineral Sciences, I was
explaining my quandary, when they finally said: if teaching is
what you want to do, where else but here can you teach 6 mil-
lion people per year? My decision was made and I have never
regretted it.
The Smithsonian Institution is, of course, a special place. I
can’t imagine a better place to work; each day offers the poten-
tial of some fascinating gem, mineral, or person coming through
the door. But even more importantly, the combination of its
research programs and public outreach makes the Smithsonian
a truly unique and vital interface between science and the pub-
lic. With over 9 million visitors annually to the Natural History
Museum and the ten’s of millions more that are contacted by
the many outreach programs, there is an unparalleled potential
to convey to the public the importance and wonders of miner- The response of the public to our new exhibit hall, as well
als and earth science. Obviously, a major factor for my stand- as my experiences in other outreach activities makes it clear
ing here today is this commitment by the Smithsonian to a duel that the public, of all ages, is fascinated by minerals and earth
mission of research and public education. science in general. But I guess that really isn’t so surprising;
Although awards tend to recognize one individual, the ac- after all doesn’t everyone have at least one rock collection as a
complishments that lead to the award almost invariably are a kid? And it is also nice to know that they seem genuinely sup-
product of many people’s efforts. Certainly, such is the case portive of those of us who want to study them. Minerals are a
here. I am truly fortunate to work with a group of colleagues great way to get scientists and the public, especially kids, talk-
that have a great enthusiasm for their science and for public ing to each other. Let us keep up our side of the conversation.
outreach, and they foster an environment that encourages and Finally, I want to thank my wife Ann for her interest in my
supports a great variety of outreach activities. We are espe- work and encouragement during the long years of exhibit build-
cially proud of the Geology, Gems, and Minerals Hall that was ing. I have also benefited greatly from having worked with Peter
completed in 1998, and is now visited by approximately 8 mil- Buseck and Charles Burnham, who enthusiastically encouraged
lion people annually, making it the Smithsonian’s most popu- my research and interest in public outreach. I am especially
lar exhibit. It was a ten year project that involved every member indebted to my former colleague Daniel Appleman, whose pas-
of our department and many very talented people from our sion and talent for explaining science to the public were a won-
public programs staff, and in particular, my colleagues Sorena derful inspiration to many. And thanks to all of you who have
Sorensen, Jim Luhr, Mike Wise, Dick Fiske, Tim McCoy, and assisted with many of our projects and for the enthusiasm with
Glenn MacPherson who were equal partners in this endeavor. which you have supported them. It means a great deal to us.
This award is as much theirs as mine. Again, thank you for this award.
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