17 4

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RA17-4 is a martensitic stainless steel alloy that combines high strength with corrosion resistance. It has good fabricability and is strengthened through simple low-temperature heat treatment.

RA17-4 has high tensile strength and hardness up to 600°F. It is corrosion resistant with excellent oxidation resistance up to 1100°F. Common applications include gate valves, aircraft parts, chemical processing equipment, and fasteners.

RA17-4 undergoes an austenitic transformation when solution treated at 1900°F, then transforms to martensite on cooling. Subsequent aging at 900-1150°F precipitates to strengthen the alloy and increase ductility and toughness.


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Performance Profile
Features RA17-4 is an age-hardening martensitic alloy
• High tensile strength and hardness to combining high strength with the corrosion resis-
600°F (316°C) tance of stainless steel. Hardening is achieved
• Corrosion resistant by a short-time, simple low-temperature treat-
• Excellent oxidation resistance to about ment. Unlike conventional martensitic stainless
1100°F (593° C) steels, such as type 410, RA17-4 is quite weld-
• Fabricable able. The strength, corrosion resistance and sim-
plified fabrication can make RA17-4 a cost-effec-
• Simple low-temperature heat treatment
tive replacement for high strength carbon steels
• Creep-rupture strength to 900°F (482°C) as well as other stainless grades.

Applications Physical Properties

• Gate valves Melting Range 2560-2625°F (1404-1440°C)
• Aircraft structures, accessories, engine for condition H 900
parts Density, lb/in3 0.282
• Chemical processing equipment Electrical resistivity,
• Food processing machinery ohm • circular mil/ft 463
• Pump shafts, gears, plungers, Magnetic Permeability,
• Valve stems, balls, bushings, seats at H = 100 Oersted 90
H = 200 Oersted 56
• Pulp & paper mill equipment
Maximum 135
• Fasteners
Mean Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion,
Chemical Composition, % inch/inch °Fx10-6
Min Max - 100 to 70°F 5.8
Chromium 15.00 17.50
70 to 200°F 6.0
Nickel 3.00 5.00
70 to 400°F 6.1
Copper 3.00 4.00
70 to 600°F 6.3
Manganese -- 1.00
70 to 800°F 6.5
Silicon -- 1.00
Columbium 5xC 0.45 Thermal Conductivity
+ Tantalum Btu • ft/ft2 • hr • °F
Carbon -- 0.07 at 300°F 10.3
Phosphorus -- 0.040* 500°F 11.3
Sulfur -- 0.030* 860°F 13.0
Molybdenum 0.05 900°F 13.1
Iron remainder Specific Heat, Btu/lb°F 0.11
*0.025 max, AMS 5622 Poisson’s Ratio, 70°F 0.272
Modulus of Elasticity,
Specifications psi x 106
UNS S17400 AMS 5604, AMS 5643 Tension, 70°F 28.5
AS 7474 200°F 28.0
ASTM A 564, A 693, A 705, Type 630 400°F 27.0
ASME SA-564, SA-693, SA-705, Type 630 600°F 26.0
UNS S17480: AMS 5803, AWS A5.9 ER630 Torsion, 70°F 11.2
The mechanical and corrosion data in this brochure were developed
UNS W37410: AMS 5827, AWS A5.4 E630 by Carpenter Technology.
The chemistry limits for RA17-4 are nearly identical to
DIN 1.4548, X5CrNiCuNb17-4-4.
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Mechanical Properties

Representative Tensile Properties, Longitudinal Direction

Elong. Impact,
UTS 0.2% YS % in 2” Red. of Hardness Charpy V-Notch
Property ksi ksi or 4XD Area % Brinell Rockwell ft.-lbs.
H 900** 200 185 14 50 420 C 44 15
H 925 190 175 14 54 409 C 42 25
H 1025 170 165 15 56 352 C 38 35
H 1075 165 150 16 58 341 C 36 40
H 1100 150 135 17 58 332 C 35 25
H 1150 145 125 19 60 311 C 33 30
H 1150-M 125 85 22 68 277 C 27 100

** For applications requiring greater impact toughness, aging for 4 hours develops typical properties UTS - 196 ksi, 0.2% YS - 181 ksi,
Elong. In 2" - 14%, Reduction of Area - 52%, Hardness - Rockwell C43, and Charpy V-notch impact - 20 foot-pounds.

Heat Treatment
RA17-4 is a martensitic, precipitation-hardening stainless steel. At the solution treating temperature, 1900°F
(1040°C), the metal is austenitic but undergoes transformation to a low-carbon martensitic structure on cooling to
room temperature. This transformation is not complete until the temperature drops to 90°F (32°C). Subsequent
heating to temperatures of 900 to 1150°F (480 to 620°C) for one to four hours precipitation strengthens the alloy.
This hardening treatment also tempers the martensitic structure, increasing ductility and toughness.

Solution annealing should be performed in air, argon or dry hydrogen. Cracked ammonia and endothermic
atmospheres are likely to contaminate the metal. Remove machining oils and forming lubricants before solution
annealing. Plasma cut surfaces should be ground or machined off before heat treatment to avoid possible cracking.

Heat Treatments for RA17-4 and Their Designation

Designation Processing
Condition A* Heated at 1900°F ± 25°F for 1/2 hour, air (Solution treated) cooled or oil quenched to below
90°F. Normally performed at mill.
H 900 Condition A material heated at 900°F ± 15°F for 1 hour and air cooled. Maximum hardness
but low toughness. Sensitive to stress corrosion cracking. Heating 4 hours improves tough-
ness with about 4 ksi reduction in tensile and yield.
H 925, H 1025, Condition A material heated at specified temperature, and air cooled.
H 1075, H 1100
H 1150
H 1150-M Condition A material heated at 1400 ± 25°F for 2 hours, air cooled, then heated at 1150 ±
15°F for 4 hours and air cooled. This heat treatment used for maximum toughness, and for
cryogenic applications to -320°F.
* For most applications, RA17-4 should not be used in Condition A. This is true even though the desired tensile strength may be provided by that
condition. While the alloy is relatively soft in Condition A, the structure is untempered martensite that has low fracture toughness and ductility, with
poor resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. Superior service performance is assured by using RA17-4 in the heat-treated condition.
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Dimension Change in Hardening - RA17-4 under- Welding

goes a volume-contraction when it is hardened. This Sections up to 1” thick are normally welded in the
produces a predictable change in dimensions that annealed (A) condition. Highly restrained joints or
must be taken into consideration if parts made of heavier sections are best welded in conditions
RA17-4 must be manufactured to close tolerances. H1100 or H1150. Welding of RA17-4 in conditions
The dimensional contraction in hardening Condi- H900 through H1075 is not recommended.
tion A material to Cond. H 900 amounts to 0.0004- No preheat is usually necessary for sections up to
0.0006 inches per inch. Hardening to Cond. H 1150 4” thick. For restrained welds a 200-300°F (100-
produces a contraction of 0.0008-0.0010 inches per 150°C) preheat is beneficial.
inch. Dimensional changes for other conditions are Matching composition ER630 wire or E630 cov-
proportional. ered electrodes (AMS 5803, 5825 or 5827) are
normally used. Joints to carbon or low alloy steel
ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 Code Case 2223-1 lists may be made with ERNiCr-3 wire or ENiCrFe-3
the following allowable design stresses. No weld- covered electrodes. For GMAW, 75%Ar 25%He
ing permitted except nonpressure parts. See case shielding gas is suggested.
2223-1 for rules. Postweld heat treatment (PWHT) is required. For
single pass welds on condition A base metal, simply
Temp Allowable Stress, ksi aging to condition H 900 through H 1150 usually
suffices (H 900 condition has very low notch
F Condition
toughness). For multipass welds the structure should
H1100 H1150 be solution annealed after welding, followed by an
aging treatment 900-1150°F.
100 35.0 33.7
Notches must be avoided and partial penetration
200 35.0 33.7
welds with their built-in notches are quite undesirable.
300 35.0 33.7 For improved notch toughness in the weld bead,
400 34.1 32.8 consider making the root pass only with ERNiCr-3
500 33.3 32.1 (alloy 82) wire to maximize ductility.
600 32.8 31.6 For more detailed information on RA17-4, request
Bulletin 1740.

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