Business Intelligence Syllabus Fall 2017

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Course Syllabus

Course Name Business Intelligence

Course Code BUS 503
Credit Hours 1
Course Prerequisite None
Quarter / Year Fall 2017
Instructor Shams Naveed Zia
Class MBA
Session Day & Time 6885- Tue/Fri [6:00 – 9:00 pm]
6895- Wed/Sat [6:00 – 9:00 pm]
6897- Wed/Sat [11:30 - 1:30 pm]
Email [email protected]

[1]. Course Description:

Business intelligence (BI) refers to technologies, applications and practices for the collection, integration,
analysis, and presentation of business information. The purpose of business intelligence is to support better
business decision making. This course provides an overview of the technology of BI and the application of BI to
an organization’s strategies and goals.

[2]. Course Objectives:

To equip students in understanding the concepts of Business Intelligence
To understand the technological architecture of Business Intelligence Systems
To understand tools and techniques to perform “Business Performance Management” using BI
To utilize Mining Algorithms in development of Business Intelligence Applications

[3]. Learning Outcomes:

L01: Understand the concepts and concepts of Business Intelligence
L02: Apply Business Intelligence concepts in Business Environment
L03: Identify the technological architecture that makes up BI systems
L04: Use software like Weka to apply data mining algorithms

[4]. Text Books:

a. Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach by Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun
Delen, 4th Edition, Pearson

Note: In addition to book resources, the additional resources will be provided by the resource person in the form
of handouts, selected readings from the reference books, slides, case studies / research papers / articles etc.

Reference Books
c. Business Analytics -Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting by Gert Laursen & Jesper Thorlund, Wiley
2010 [BA]
[5]. Grading Policy / Student Assessment:

Assessment Instrument Percentage Marks

Exam 50 marks
Assignments 25 marks
Quizzes 25 marks

[6]. Weekly Course Outline:

Session Topic Reading Assignment Hands-On
1 Course Overview Using Dashboard Based Business Intelligence
Systems: An approach to improving business
performance, by Owen P. Hall, Jr., PE, PhD
2 An Overview of Business Chapter # 1 Introduction to
Intelligence, Analytics, and Data PowerBI
Science Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st
Century by Thomas H. Davenport and D.J.
3 Descriptive Analytics Chapter # 2
Nature of Data and Statistical Modeling
4 Descriptive Analytics Chapter # 2 Create Dashboards
Data Visualization using PowerBI

The Intersection of BI and Revenue

Management Hugh J. Watson with Jon A.
5 Business Intelligence and Data Chapter # 3 Introduction to R as a
Warehousing Data Sciences Tool
6 Predictive Analytics Chapter # 4 Predictive Analytics
Data Mining Process, Methods, and Algorithms using R --
7 Predictive Analytics Chapter # 5
Text, Web, and Social Media

8 Prescriptive Analytics: Chapter # 6 Predictive Analytics

Optimization and Simulation using R -- Time Series
Data Analysis
9 Big Data Concepts and Tools Chapter # 7 Integrate R with
4 Vs of Big Data PowerBI

[7]. Expected Class Conduct:

Students are supposed to be regular and punctual in the class or as per IBA policy.
Students would not be allowed to go outside during the class or as per IBA policy.
Cell phone should remain on silent mode during the class or as per IBA policy.
A fixed time and duration of break will be specified, those students who will come late after the break will
be marked late for that class or as per IBA policy.

[8]. Teaching and Learning Methodology:

Formal classroom lectures
Case studies, Research Articles and Class discussion
Lab exercises and Computer based Assignments
Presentation etc.

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