Sheet5 Thermo Elect.

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Menofia University Thermodynamics

Faculty of Engineering 1st Year

Elect. Power Eng. Dept. 2016­2017
Sheet (5)

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

1. An inventor claims to have perfected an engine which will produce power from energy
transferred as heat from a 1300 K flame. Energy will be rejected as heat to the ground
at 290 K. 75% efficiency is claimed. How would you evaluate this claim?
2. An inventor claims to have developed a refrigeration system that removes heat from
the closed region at ­12 °C and transfers it to the surrounding air at 25 °C while
maintaining a COP of 6.5. Is this claim reasonable? Why?

3. An air conditioner removes heat steadily from a house at a rate of 750 kJ/min while
drawing electric power at a rate of 6 kW. Determine
a. The COP of this air conditioner, and
b. The rate of heat transfer to the outside air.

4. Determine the COP of a heat pump that supplies energy to a house at a rate of 8000
kJ/h for each kW of electric power it draws. Also, determine the rate of energy
absorption from the outdoor air.
5. An air­conditioning system is used to maintain a house at a constant temperature of 20
°C. The house is gaining heat from outdoors at a rate of 20000 kJ/h, and the heat
generated in the house from the people, lights, and appliances amounts to 8000 kJ/h.
For a COP of 2.5, determine the required power input to this air­conditioning system.
6. When a man returns to his well­sealed house in a summer day, he fined the house is at
32 ºC. He turns on the air conditioner, which cools the entire house to 20 ºC in 15
minutes. If the COP of the conditioning system is 2.5, determine the power drawn by
the air conditioner. Assume the entire mass of the house is equivalent to 800 kg of air.

7. Two Carnot engines A and B are connected in series between two thermal reservoirs
maintained at 1000 K and 100 K. Engine A receives 400 kW of heat from the high
temperature reservoir and rejects heat to the engine B. Engine B takes in the heat
rejected by engine A and rejects heat to the low temperature reservoir. If engines A and
B have equal thermal efficiencies, determine:
a) The heat rejected by engine B.
b) The temperature at which heat is rejected by engine A.
c) The work done by each engine.
d) If the engines deliver equal amounts of work find:
i) The efficiencies of engines.
ii) The amount of heat taken in by engine B.
8. A heat engine is used to drive a heat pump. The heat transfer from the heat engine and
from the heat pump is used to heat water circulating through the radiators of a building.
The efficiency of the heat engine is 27% and coefficient of performance of the heat
pump is 4. Evaluate the ratio of the heat transferred to the circulating water to the heat
transferred to the heat engine.

9. A Carnot heat engine receives heat at 750 K and rejects the waste heat to the
environment at 300 K. The entire work output of the heat engine is used to drive a
Carnot refrigerator that removes heat from the cooled space at ­15 °C at a rate of 400
kJ/min and rejects it to the same environment at 300 K. Determine
a) The rate of heat supplied to the heat engine, and
b) The total rate of heat rejection to the environment.
10. A heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 800 and 20 °C. One­half of the work
output of the heat engine is used to drive a Carnot heat pump that removes heat from
the cold surroundings at 2 °C and transfers it to a house maintained at 22 °C. If the
house is losing heat at a rate of 62000 kJ/h, determine the minimum rate of heat supply
to the heat engine required to keep the house at 22 °C.
11. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at 600 ºC and 40 ºC. The
engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between the same 40 ºC reservoir
and a reservoir at ­18 ºC. The heat transfer to the heat engine is 2100 kJ and there is a
net work output from the combined plant of 370 kJ evaluate:
i) The heat transfer to the refrigerant
ii) The net heat transfer to the 40 ºC reservoir.
12. An irreversible heat pump is designed to remove heat from the atmosphere at 7 ºC and
to supply 43.2 MJ/hr of heat to a constant­temperature reservoir at 420 K. The COP of
the actual heat pump is 80% of that of a Carnot heat pump operating between the same
tow temperatures. The heat pump is driven, through a transmission the output of heat
engine which takes heat from a constant­temperature reservoir at 1050 K and rejects

waste heat to the same 420 K reservoir used by the heat pump. The thermal efficiency
of the actual heat engine is 75% of that of a Carnot heat engine operating between the
same two temperatures. In addition, the transmission which delivers the actual work
output of the heat engine to the heat pump is only 80% efficient. Determine
a) The COP of the actual heat pump
b) The power input required for the actual heat pump. In kW.
c) The rate of heat input from the 1050 K reservoir to the actual engine,
in kJ/h.

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