Archiving Object RV - LIKP

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The document describes various tables used for transportation, addresses, serial numbers, foreign trade, and more.

Some of the main tables described are LIKP (Delivery), LIPS (Purchase Order), SADR (Address Management), SERxx (Serial Number Management), and VBFA (Sales Document Flow).

Deliveries must have a completed goods movement status, putaway status, and WM status. The underlying purchase order must be archived if no follow-up functions are linked. Transportation planning must also be finished.

Archiving Object RV_LIKP

Tables Name Table Description

/SPE/CD_DOCFLOW Document Flow for Transportation Cross-Docking

/SPE/CD_PROC_ITM Cross-Docking Process: Item Information
/SPE/INSPECRESC Inspection Outcome: Item Codes
/SPE/INSPECRESH Inspection Outcome: Header
/SPE/INSPECRESP Inspection Outcome: Item
/SPE/RET_CARRSEL Table of allowed carriers for a returns delivery item
/SPE/RETPACKPROP Table for storing Packaging Proposal Information
ADR10 Printer (Business Address Services)
ADR11 SSF (Business Address Services)
ADR12 FTP and URL (Business Address Services)
ADR13 Pager (Business Address Services)
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR3 Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR4 Teletex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR5 Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 E-Mail Addresses (Business Address Services)
ADR7 Remote Mail Addresses (SAP - SAP - Communication; BAS)
ADR8 X.400 Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR9 RFC Destinations (Business Address Services)
ADRCOMC Comm. Data Serial Number Counter (Business Address
ADRCT Address Texts (Business Address Services)
ADRG Assignment of Addresses to Other Address Groups (BAS)
ADRGP Assignment of Persons to Further Person Groups (BAS)
ADRT Communication Data Text (Business Address Services)
ADRU Table for Communication Usages
ADRV Address Where-Used List (Business Address Services)
ADRVP Person Where-Used List (Business Address Services)
CDCLS Cluster structure for change documents
CDHDR Change document header
CDPOS_STR Additional Change Document - Table for STRINGs
CDPOS_UID Additional Table for Inclusion of TABKEY>70 Characters
CMFK Storage Structure for the Error Log Header
CMFP Storage Structure for Errors Collected
DGMSD DG: Dangerous Goods Document Table DGMSD
DLFLD Non-Changeable Delivery Fields
EIKP Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data
EIPO Foreign Trade: Export/Import: Item Data
EIUV Foreign Trade: Incompletion Log for Foreign Trade Data
KOCLU Cluster for conditions in purchasing and sales
LEDSPD_FLOW Document Flow for Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
LIKP SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LIPS SD document: Delivery: Item data
LIPSDG Appendix Table for Dangerous Goods Data
LIPSPO LIPS Reference Data Purchase Order
LIPSRF LIPS Reference Data
NAST Message Status
OBJK Plant Maintenance Object List
SADR Address Management: Company Data
SER00 General Header Table for Serial Number Management
SER01 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Delivery
SER02 Document Header for Serial Nos for Maint.Contract
SER03 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Goods Movements
SER04 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Inspection Lot
SER05 Document Header for Serial Numbers for PP Order
SER06 Document Header for Serial Numbers for Handling Unit
SER07 Document Header for Serial Numbers in Physical Inventory
SHP_IDX_CRED Outbound Deliveries in Credit Check: Blocked and Released
SHP_IDX_EXIB Inbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_EXOB Outbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_GDRC Inbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Receipt
SHP_IDX_GDSI Outbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Issue
SHP_IDX_PICK Outbound Deliveries: Not Picked
SHP_IDX_PUTA Inbound Deliveries: Not Putaway
SHP_IDX_ROGR Rough Goods Receipts for Vendor
SHP_IDX_UNCH Outbound Deliveries: Unchecked
STXB SAPscript: Texts in non-SAPscript format
STXH STXD SAPscript text file header
STXL STXD SAPscript text file lines
TSEGE Time Segment Events
TSEGEADR Time Segment Address for Event
TSEGH Time Segment Header
TSEGR Time Segment Relationships Between Events
TVPOD Sales Document: Delivery: POD Data
VBFA Sales Document Flow
VBPA Sales Document: Partner
VBPA3 Tax Numbers for One-Time Customers
VBUK Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
VBUP Sales Document: Item Status
VBUV Sales Document: Incompletion Log
VEPVG Delivery Due Index
VKDFS SD Index: Billing Initiator
VLBL Express Delivery Company's Data Field
VLKPA SD Index: Deliveries by Partner Functions
VLPKM Scheduling agreements by customer material
VLPMA SD Index: Delivery Items by Material
VTDST Status of deliveries within transportation planning
VTRDI Shipment Planning Index
VTRKH Tracking Data - Header
VTRKP Tracking Data - Item
WAPPTV Appointments: Worklist
SAP Conditions

Standard SAP Conditions for Archiving.

 Archiving object RV_LIKP is used to archive deliveries (inbound and outbound.
 The following checks are carried out on a delivery before it can be archived
o Residence time (mandatory)
o Flow (mandatory)
o Status of the shipment document
o Status of billing document
o FI (optional)
o Check residence of flow documents (optional)
o Alternative database access (optional)

Outbound deliveries:
 If the shipment containing the delivery has a status of ‘A’ or ‘B’ (not processed or partially
processed), then the delivery cannot be archived. If the shipment has status C (completed),
then the system also checks whether it has already been archived. If this is not the case, then
the delivery cannot be archived.
There Should be no subsequent processes that must access the delivery slip (VBUK-GBSTK = ' '
or VBUK-GBSTK = 'C').

 The document should both not relevant for transportation planning or the transportation
planning is finished and the respective transportation in which the delivery is contained has
already been archived.
If the delivery is relevant for the transportation planning, but you do not want to assign it to
any transportation, the document can be made archivable by setting the transportation
blocking reason. The subsequent documents of the delivery must also be completed.

 The subsequent delivery documents must also be closed. For a billing document as a
subsequent document, both the posting status and the overall status must be 'Completed'.

Inbound deliveries:
 Inbound deliveries or shipping notifications can only be archived if the overall processing status
is either 'Not relevant' or 'Completed' (VBUK-GBSTK is ' ' or 'C').
the following prerequisites must be met in detail so that the overall processing status is
o If the document is relevant for goods movements, the goods movement status has to
be 'Completed' (goods movement status VBUK-WBSTK is 'C' or ' ').
o If the inbound delivery is relevant for putaway, the putaway must be completed
(putaway status VBUK-KOSTK is 'C' or ' ').
o If the inbound delivery is relevant for processing using Warehouse Management, the
WM activities must be completed (WM status VBUK-LVSTK is 'C' or ' ').

 If no follow-up functions such as putaway or goods receipt posting are linked with the delivery
or the shipping notification, the underlying purchase order must be archived.

 The document should both not relevant for transportation planning or the transportation
planning is finished and the respective transportation in which the delivery is contained has
already been archived.

Residence time/retention period of data in the system/Other Conditions

 The Residence period can be set in customizing. The residence time is set per Delivery Type and
Sales organization; there is one more parameter Check billing documents for completion- If you
set this parameter, the system checks whether a billing document has been forwarded to
Financial Accounting.
 The residence time for the Deliveries can be calculated optionally according to.
o Current data minus creation date
o Current data minus last change date
 The system first checks whether the residence time set in Customizing for the Delivery has been
 There are four options in the Write programs:

o If change date is ticked: If this indicator is set the residence time is calculated based on
the last change date not the creation date. (For deliveries that were not modified, the
change date is identical to the creation date.)
o If Check Flow Document is ticked: If the checkbox is set, then the residence time is
calculated on the basis of the creation date or change date of the last flow document
and If the checkbox is set, then the residence time is calculated on the basis of the
creation date or change date of the last flow document.
o Do not check transportation planning status: Set this indicator if you want that the
transportation planning status is not checked during the archivability check.
o If the 'Check flow documents residence' indicator was set for the archiving programs,
the residence time of the subsequent documents is also checked against the residence
time stored in Customizing

 Outbound deliveries should be archived before sales documents and billing documents because
of the sequence of the links between the documents specified in the document flow. Inbound
deliveries that are not relevant for goods transports can be archived after the orders to which
they belong have been archived.
AMKOR Conditions

Amkor Conditions for Archiving.

 The Residence time is set in customizing.
 The Conditions are put in Write program for Archiving.
Deliveries (In Amkor case only Outbound) are selected based on the entered selection screen
Created date (LIKP-ERDAT).
 Additional condition “Change date Residence time” is ticked and the Residence period is
calculated based on the above selected data minus Changed date of the document (LIKP-
ERDAT) instead of Created date (LIKP-ERDAT).

 All other Check boxes are marked Un ticked (below is a sample).

Residence time/retention period of data in the system/Other Conditions
 The Residence Time set in Customization is 365 days in CQA & EQA (In Production it will be set
to 455 days) and is independent of Sales Org and Delivery Type.

 The SD_VBRK is dependent on following Objects:

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