Bagabuyo Vs Comelec
Bagabuyo Vs Comelec
Bagabuyo Vs Comelec
On October 10, 2006, Cagayan de Oros then Congressman Constantino G.
Jaraula filed and sponsored House Bill No. 5859: An Act Providing for the
Apportionment of the Lone Legislative District of the City of Cagayan De
Oro.[3] This law eventually became Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9371.[4] It increased
Cagayan de Oros legislative district from one to two. For the election of May 2007,
Cagayan de Oros voters would be classified as belonging to either the first or the
second district, depending on their place of residence. The constituents of each
district would elect their own representative to Congress as well as eight members
of the Sangguniang Panglungsod.
Section 1 of R.A. No. 9371 apportioned the Citys barangays as follows:
Legislative Districts The lone legislative district of the City of Cagayan De Oro is
hereby apportioned to commence in the next national elections after the
effectivity of this Act. Henceforth, barangays Bonbon, Bayabas, Kauswagan,
Carmen, Patag, Bulua, Iponan, Baikingon, San Simon, Pagatpat, Canitoan,
Balulang, Lumbia, Pagalungan, Tagpangi, Taglimao, Tuburan, Pigsag-an,
Tumpagon, Bayanga, Mambuaya, Dansulihon, Tignapoloan and Bisigan shall
comprise the first district while barangays Macabalan, Puntod, Consolacion,
Camaman-an, Nazareth, Macasandig, Indahag, Lapasan, Gusa, Cugman, FS
Catanico, Tablon, Agusan, Puerto, Bugo, and Balubal and all urban barangays
from Barangay 1 to Barangay 40 shall comprise the second district.[5]
The core issues, based on the petition and the parties memoranda, can be limited to
the following contentious points:
1) Did the petitioner violate the hierarchy of courts rule; if so, should the
instant petition be dismissed on this ground?
2) Does R.A. No. 9371 merely provide for the legislative reapportionment of
Cagayan de Oro City, or does it involve the division and conversion of a
local government unit?
3) Does R.A. No. 9371 violate the equality of representation doctrine?
Except for the issue of the hierarchy of courts rule, we find the petition totally
without merit.
The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over petitions for certiorari,
prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.[11] It was pursuant to
this original jurisdiction that the petitioner filed the present petition.
While this jurisdiction is shared with the Court of Appeals[12] and the
RTCs,[13] a direct invocation of the Supreme Courts jurisdiction is allowed only
when there are special and important reasons therefor, clearly and especially set
out in the petition. Reasons of practicality, dictated by an increasingly
overcrowded docket and the need to prioritize in favor of matters within our
exclusive jurisdiction, justify the existence of this rule otherwise known as
the principle of hierarchy of courts. More generally stated, the principle requires
that recourse must first be made to the lower-ranked court exercising concurrent
jurisdiction with a higher court.[14]
The petitioner insists that R.A. No. 9371 converts and divides the City of Cagayan
de Oro as a local government unit, and does not merely provide for the Citys
legislative apportionment. This argument essentially proceeds from a
misunderstanding of the constitutional concepts of apportionment of legislative
districts and division of local government units.
(3) Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable,
continuous, compact, and adjacent territory. Each city with a population of at least
two hundred fifty thousand, or each province, shall have at least one
(4) Within three years following the return of every census, the Congress
shall make a reapportionment of legislative districts based on the standards
provided in this section.
The need for a plebiscite under Article X, Section 10 and the lack of requirement
for one under Article VI, Section 5 can best be appreciated by a consideration of
the historical roots of these two provisions, the nature of the concepts they embody
as heretofore discussed, and their areas of application.
A Bit of History.
The Jones Law or the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 maintained the
apportionment provision, dividing the country into 12 senate districts and 90
representative districts electing one delegate each to the House of
Representatives. Section 16 of the Act specifically vested the Philippine
Legislature with the authority to redistrict the Philippine Islands.
Under the 1935 Constitution, Article VI, Section 5 retained the concept of
legislative apportionment together with district as the basic unit of apportionment;
the concern was equality of representation . . . as an essential feature of republican
institutions as expressed in the leading case of Macias v. COMELEC.[31] The case
ruled that inequality of representation is a justiciable, not a political issue, which
ruling was reiterated in Montejo v. COMELEC.[32] Notably, no issue regarding the
holding of a plebiscite ever came up in these cases and the others that followed, as
no plebiscite was required.
Article VIII, Section 2 of the 1973 Constitution retained the concept of equal
representation in accordance with the number of their respective inhabitants and on
the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio with each district being, as far as
practicable, contiguous, compact and adjacent territory. This formulation was
essentially carried over to the 1987 Constitution, distinguished only from the
previous one by the presence of party-list representatives. In neither Constitution
was a plebiscite required.
Under these separate historical tracks, it can be seen that the holding of a
plebiscite was never a requirement in legislative apportionment or
reapportionment. After it became constitutionally entrenched, a plebiscite was also
always identified with the creation, division, merger, abolition and alteration of
boundaries of local government units, never with the concept of legislative
The legislative district that Article VI, Section 5 speaks of may, in a sense,
be called a political unit because it is the basis for the election of a member of the
House of Representatives and members of the local legislative body. It is not,
however, a political subdivision through which functions of government are carried
out. It can more appropriately be described as a representative unit that may or
may not encompass the whole of a city or a province, but unlike the latter, it is not
a corporate unit. Not being a corporate unit, a district does not act for and in behalf
of the people comprising the district; it merely delineates the areas occupied by the
people who will choose a representative in their national affairs. Unlike a province,
which has a governor; a city or a municipality, which has a mayor; and a barangay,
which has a punong barangay, a district does not have its own chief executive. The
role of the congressman that it elects is to ensure that the voice of the people of the
district is heard in Congress, not to oversee the affairs of the legislative district.
Not being a corporate unit also signifies that it has no legal personality that must be
created or dissolved and has no capacity to act. Hence, there is no need for any
plebiscite in the creation, dissolution or any other similar action on a legislative
Equality of representation.
The petitioner argues that the distribution of the legislative districts is
unequal. District 1 has only 93,719 registered voters while District 2 has
127,071. District 1 is composed mostly of rural barangays while District 2 is
composed mostly of urban barangays.[43] Thus, R.A. No. 9371 violates the
principle of equality of representation.
A clarification must be made. The law clearly provides that the basis for districting
shall be the number of the inhabitants of a city or a province, not the number of
registered voters therein. We settled this very same question in Herrera v.
COMELEC[44] when we interpreted a provision in R.A. No.
7166 and COMELEC Resolution No. 2313 that applied to
the Province of Guimaras. We categorically ruled
that the basis for districting is the number of inhabitants of the Province of Guimar
as by municipality based on theofficial 1995 Census of Population as certified to b
y Tomas P. Africa, Administrator of the National Statistics Office.
The petitioner, unfortunately, did not provide information about the actual
population of Cagayan de Oro City. However, we take judicial notice of the
August 2007 census of the National Statistics Office which shows
that barangays comprising Cagayan de Oros first district have a total population of
254,644, while the second district has 299,322 residents. Undeniably, these figures
show a disparity in the population sizes of the districts.[45] The Constitution,
however, does not require mathematical exactitude or rigid equality as a standard
in gauging equality of representation.[46] In fact, for cities, all it asks is that each
city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand shall have one
representative, while ensuring representation for every province regardless of the
size of its population. To ensure quality representation through commonality of
interests and ease of access by the representative to the constituents, all that the
Constitution requires is that every legislative district should comprise, as far as
practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacent territory. Thus, the Constitution
leaves the local government units as they are found and does not require their
division, merger or transfer to satisfy the numerical standard it imposes. Its
requirements are satisfied despite some numerical disparity if the units are
contiguous, compact and adjacent as far as practicable.
The petitioners contention that there is a resulting inequality in the division of
Cagayan de Oro City into two districts because the barangays in the first district
are mostly rural barangays while the second district is mostly urban, is largely
unsubstantiated. But even if backed up by proper proof, we cannot question the
division on the basis of the difference in the barangays levels of development or
developmental focus as these are not part of the constitutional standards for
legislative apportionment or reapportionment.What the components of the two
districts of Cagayan de Oro would be is a matter for the lawmakers to determine as
a matter of policy. In the absence of any grave abuse of discretion or violation of
the established legal parameters, this Court cannot intrude into the wisdom of these