Introduction To Membrane Computing: Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú

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Introduction to

Membrane Computing

Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú

Department of Algorithms and Their Applications,

Faculty of Informatics, Eötvös Loránd University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
[email protected]
 Membrane Computing
(bio-inspired computing, motivations, results,

 Membrane systems (P systems)

(the basic variant, computational power, size complexity)

 P systems with only communication

(symport/antiport P systems, universal antiport P

 Active P systems
(P systems with division, solving NP complete systems)

 Topics for future research

Bio-inspired Computational Models
Bio-inspired Models of Computation
Some Distributed Bio-Inspired
Computational Models
Membrane Systems (P systems)

Computational models abstracted from the

architecture and the functioning of the
living cell

(Gheorghe Paun, 1998)

Membrane systems – the cell

(The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing,

Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, eds., Oxford University Press, 2010)
A membrane structure
A hierarchical arrangement of regions where multisets
of objects evolve according to given evolutionary rules
Membrane systems, multiset rewriting rules

The rules
change the objects
move the objects between neighboring regions

The rules are applied

in parallel
in a synchronized manner
Computations by a membrane system
 The system starts in an initial configuration, and
evolves according to its rules,

 by changing, creating, deleting, and moving the

objects between the regions in parallel.

 Some of the evolutions/computations are defined to

be successful (no rule is applicable in any of the
regions, a final configuration is reached, etc.), and these

 a result (a number or a vector of multiplicities of objects

in the regions)
P system – the basic variant

(Paun, 2002)
P systems

 Main components  Other main

 Objects  Type of rule
 Rules application
 Underlying graph  Mode of use
(architecture) accepting)
 Type of result
Variants of P systems

 Objects: symbols, strings, spikes, arrays, trees, …

 Data structures: multisets, sets (languages)
 Location of objects: in the regions, on the
membranes, combined cases
 Form of rules: multisets of string rewriting rules,
(purely) communication rules, rules with membrane
creation, division, dissolution, spike processing, etc.
Variants of P systems - continued

 Control of application of rules: (catalysts),

priority, promoters, inhibitors, etc.

 Membrane configurations: cell-like (tree), tissue-like

(arbitrary graph), static or dynamic communication
channels (population P systems)

 Type of the membrane structure: static, dynamic,


 Timing: synchronized, asynchronous, etc.

Variants of P systems - continued

 Application of rules:maximal parallelism,

minimal parallelism, bounded parallelism
 Successful computations:global halting,
local halting, etc.
 Modes of using the system: generating,
 Types of output: set of numbers, set of
vectors of numbers, languages, yes/no answer
Research Directions/Issues

 computing power, computational efficiency,

 descriptional complexity, normal forms, hierarchies,
 implementations,
 simulations,
 semantics, model checking, verifications,
 relations to dynamical systems
Types of Results
 universality, computational completeness
 collapsing hierarchies, infinite hierarchies,
 normal forms,
 polynomial solutions to NP-complete problems and even
to PSPACE-complete problems (with time/space
 classifications, comparisons with Chomsky and
Lindenmayer hierarchies,
 comparisons with classic complexity classes, new
complexity classes
Types of Applications

 biology/biomedicine,
 population dynamics, ecosystems,
 economics,
 optimization,
 computer graphics,
 linguistics, natural language processing
 computer science,
 cryptography
Links to other models

 Petri nets,
 process algebra,
 X-machines,
 lambda calculus,
 ambient calculus, brane calculi
Coverage of the Domain

The Oxford Handbook of

Membrane Computing.
(Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa,
eds.), Oxford University Press, Oxford,
P systems - the area

Standard features/characteristics:
distribution, communication, modularity,
dynamic change of structure, etc.

Unconventional features:
unbounded, massive parallelism,
properties which mimic properties of
natural systems.
Three basic models

 Symbol-object P systems (the basic model)

 Symport/antiport P systems (purely

communicating P systems)

 Active P systems (P systems with division)

Symbol-object P systems

Cell-like membrane systems operating with

multisets of objects and use
evolution and communication rules
Symbol-object P systems – the notion
Symbol-object P systems – variants

rule u->v

Cooperative, non-cooperative P system

|u|=1 – non-cooperative, |u|≥1 – cooperative P system

Symbol-object P systems – functioning

(w1,…,wm) – initial configuration

(w’1,…,w’m) – configuration
Configuration change:

by non-deterministic maximally parallel application of rules

(as many rules are applied simultaneously as possible in the P
Symbol-object P systems – result of

Computation: sequence of configurations starting from the initial


Successful computation: halting computation

Result of computation: the number of (vectors) of objects in

the output region at halting; or, the number of objects that
leave the system in a successful computation


Computed set of numbers:

Idea: # is used
for controlling the
Symbol-object P systems - Notations
Some results

(flattening the P system)

(non-cooperation does not imply much power)

(cooperation results in the maximal power)

How to prove

Proof idea: (matrix grammar in Z-normal

simulating P system
Basic extensions - dissolution

- after using this rule, the region is dissolving


Proof idea:
E0L system

Simulating P system
Basic extensions – priorities among the rules

A system deciding
Whether k divides n
Symport/antiport P systems

Membrane systems with communication only

Symport/antiport rules

 Symport rule: (u,in) or (u,out)

 Antiport rule: (u,out;v,in)

u,v multisets
Symport/antiport P system

No new object is generated, objects can only be communicated

Symport/Antiport P system

At the beginning, we put k copies of b into the skin membrane.

If k is not the power of 2, then the system never halts.
Computational Power

 Any computable set of numbers can be

obtained with a symport/antiport system with
9 membranes.
(Paun, Paun, 2002)

 The number of membranes or the size of

the rules can be decreased.
Computational Power

If the number of object-types (symbols) is

Computational Power

Variants with “tissue” structure

Symport/antiport systems can be

It is possible to
simulate a universal
register machine

The universal register machine has

a very small mumber of instructions

(Korec, 1996)
Universal antiport P systems

(Csuhaj-Varjú, Margenstern, Vaszil, Verlan, 2006)

Register Machines
Simulation of a decrement instruction
An antiport P system simulating a register

The simulating register machine:

Universal antiport P systems

Variants of the result with different parameters:

Active Membrane Systems

One of the most important features of the cell is replication.

One type of replication is division (mitosis).

This way we are able to get 2n copies of the cell in n steps.

What about labels? Several membranes may have the same

label. (Labelling is not necessarily a one-to-one mapping.)

We also allow electrical charges of the membranes from the

set {+,-,0}, where 0 is the neutral polarization.
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Active Membrane Systems
Configuration, Transition, Computation
Notation, Result
Solving SAT in linear time
Propositional formula in conjunctive
normal form
Solving SAT in linear time

The SAT problem can be solved in linear time with

respect to the number of variables and the number
of clauses by a P system with active membranes
using rules of the forms (a), (b), (c),(e) (with 2-
divisions only).
Solving SAT in linear time

Propositional formula

P system
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time
Solving SAT in linear time

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