1) Bengaluru, India has experienced rapid urbanization that has disrupted its original network of over 19,000 lakes from the 5th century. These lakes previously supplied over 50% of the city's water and supported a rich ecosystem.
2) The lakes were part of an integrated social-ecological system where the surrounding agricultural landscape and wetlands recharged the lakes and depended on them for irrigation. Local communities managed the lakes for uses like fishing, irrigation, and religious festivals.
3) As the city modernized and imported water from rivers, many lakes were drained or became polluted from urban development. This disrupted the integrated lake network and ecosystem and reduced the lakes to isolated and polluted remnants.
1) Bengaluru, India has experienced rapid urbanization that has disrupted its original network of over 19,000 lakes from the 5th century. These lakes previously supplied over 50% of the city's water and supported a rich ecosystem.
2) The lakes were part of an integrated social-ecological system where the surrounding agricultural landscape and wetlands recharged the lakes and depended on them for irrigation. Local communities managed the lakes for uses like fishing, irrigation, and religious festivals.
3) As the city modernized and imported water from rivers, many lakes were drained or became polluted from urban development. This disrupted the integrated lake network and ecosystem and reduced the lakes to isolated and polluted remnants.
Original Description:
Article on Bengaluru lakes, by Harini Nagendra, Ecologist, published in Seminar Magazine
1) Bengaluru, India has experienced rapid urbanization that has disrupted its original network of over 19,000 lakes from the 5th century. These lakes previously supplied over 50% of the city's water and supported a rich ecosystem.
2) The lakes were part of an integrated social-ecological system where the surrounding agricultural landscape and wetlands recharged the lakes and depended on them for irrigation. Local communities managed the lakes for uses like fishing, irrigation, and religious festivals.
3) As the city modernized and imported water from rivers, many lakes were drained or became polluted from urban development. This disrupted the integrated lake network and ecosystem and reduced the lakes to isolated and polluted remnants.
1) Bengaluru, India has experienced rapid urbanization that has disrupted its original network of over 19,000 lakes from the 5th century. These lakes previously supplied over 50% of the city's water and supported a rich ecosystem.
2) The lakes were part of an integrated social-ecological system where the surrounding agricultural landscape and wetlands recharged the lakes and depended on them for irrigation. Local communities managed the lakes for uses like fishing, irrigation, and religious festivals.
3) As the city modernized and imported water from rivers, many lakes were drained or became polluted from urban development. This disrupted the integrated lake network and ecosystem and reduced the lakes to isolated and polluted remnants.
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Maps, lakes and citizens
URBANIZATION is increasingly of the local king Kempe Gowda’s
emerging as one of the most signifi- kingdom.4 These settlements, along cant drivers of global environmental with the surrounding agricultural change.1 The impacts of city growth landscape that sustained their pre- are especially noticeable in India, sence, required the availability of a where urban landscapes have grown continuous supply of fresh water. at unprecedented rates over the last However, unlike many other old settle- two decades, converting a predomi- ments, the city of Bengaluru was nantly rural population to one which located in the rain shadow of the is rapidly becoming dominated by city Deccan hills, and lacked the presence dwellers. Bengaluru, India’s third of a large river to provide fresh water.5 largest city with a population of over Fortunately, the undulating topo- six million and a decadal growth rate graphy of this region gives rise to a of 38% between 1991-2001,2 is a case number of small streams, which were in point, providing a characteristic dammed to form a multiple series of example of rapid expansion at the tanks throughout the larger region.6 expense of natural ecosystems. Inscriptions found near the lakes indi- While Bengaluru has undoub- cate that some of them date at least as tedly experienced an explosion in far back as the 5th century.7 growth in recent decades, the settle- Indeed, for those of us living in ments around the city have a recorded concrete dominated city environ- history that dates at least as far back ments today, the network of lakes in as the 5th century CE.3 Urban settle- the Bengaluru area was unimaginably ments, however, made their first appearance only in the 16th century 3. B.L. Rice, Epigraphica Carnatica Volume IX: Inscriptions in the Bangalore Dis- when it was established as the capital trict. Mysore Government Central Press, Bangalore, 1905. * The author greatly appreciates inputs pro- 4. B.L. Rice, Mysore: A Gazetteer Compiled vided by the BBMP Chief Engineer (Lakes) for Government, revised edition, volume II – and his team, M.B. Krishna, S. Subramanya, Mysore, by districts. Archibald Constable and Ramesh Sivaraman, Gladwin Joseph, Rohan Company, Westminster, UK, 1897(b). D’Souza, Priya Ramasubban and Vinay 5. B.L. Rice, Mysore: A Gazetteer Compiled Sreenivasa during multiple discussions on for Government, revised edition, volume I Bengaluru’s lakes. Funding for these activities – Mysore in General. Archibald Constable was provided by a Ramanujan Fellowship and Company, Westminster, UK, 1897(a); from the Department of Science and Techno- S. Srinivas, Landscapes of Urban Memory: logy, and is gratefully acknowledged. The Sacred and the Civic in India’s High-Tech 1. N.B. Grimm and S.H. Faeth, N.E. Golu- City. Orient Longman, Hyderabad, 2004. biewski, C.L. Redman, J. Wu, X. Bai and 6. B.L. Rice, 1897(a), ibid. J.M. Briggs, ‘Global Change and the Ecology 7. B.L. Rice, 1905, op cit.; T.V. Annaswamy, of Cities’, Science 319, 2008, 756-760. Bengaluru to Bangalore: Urban History of 19 2. H.S. Sudhira, T.V. Ramachandra and Bangalore From the Pre-historic Period to the H.S. Bala Subrahmanya, ‘City Profile: Banga- End of the 18th Century. Vengadam Publica- lore’, Cities 24, 2007, 379-390. tions, Bangalore, 2003.
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dense. In 1830, for instance, a mind fishing, drinking water and domestic festivals were initiated or concluded boggling 19,800 lakes were recorded uses.11 All were rain fed. The small at local lakes.13 Critical for conserva- in the surrounding region of Mysore.8 and medium tanks were seasonal; only tion, lakes also supported a range The surface water provided by these large tanks were perennial. of important local flora and fauna, lakes earlier constituted over 50% of Lake ecologies were connected including a rich diversity of birds, the water supply of Bengaluru.9 Yet to and maintained by human manage- insects and aquatic life. this lake network now lies disrupted ment in a closely linked social- and in decay, with many lakes con- verted to urban land uses, and others polluted and choking with waste, or ecological system. Wetlands, orchards and agricultural fields surrounded the lake, and were in turn irrigated by A s the city began to import piped water from the Cauvery river in the completely dry and weed infested. water from open wells that were early 20th century, lakes lost their dependent on the groundwater table importance as suppliers of fresh
O ver the past three years, we have
been engaging with the Greater recharged by nearby lakes. Water was used for drinking, for domestic pur- poses such as washing, and to replen- water, and instead started being blamed for a host of ills such as flood- ing and malaria. Many of the city’s Bengaluru Municipal Corporation, or ish the groundwater table. In the lakes were drained and converted to the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara monsoon, rain water overflowed from other land uses, including bus stands, Palike (BBMP), in an effort to under- lakes into adjacent wetlands, and was golf courses, malls and residential stand how lakes can be managed and used for agriculture. When water areas.14 With urbanization, much of restored for urban use, while still levels began to recede, cattle grazed the wetland agricultural landscape maintaining their significance for on the wetlands, which were largely around lakes has been converted to conservation. An examination of the designated as gomala – common impervious concreted surfaces. Ins- traditional uses of these lakes, their property wetlands where community tead of rainwater precipitation, sew- ecology, and structure is helpful in grazing took place. There was exten- age and effluents fill the few lakes that understanding how it may be possible sive fishing in the wetlands and lakes. remain, converting them from sea- to develop urban oriented, yet ecologi- Idols were immersed in the tanks sonal to perennial ecosystems and cally and socially inclusive, lake res- during festivals. drastically altering their biodiversity. toration plans. Most surviving lakes are heavily pol- The original network of lakes in Bengaluru was created by checking the flow of rainwater through earthen T he wetland-agricultural-grazing- orchard landscape surrounding the luted with sewage and industrial waste and have significantly reduced water levels. Due to the disruption of embankments along a topographic lake acted as a natural watershed this previously well-planned and gradient, such that the outflow of basin to recharge the lake with fresh maintained extensive network into a water from a lake at a higher level sup- precipitation. Since most lakes were few isolated and disconnected lakes, plied water to the lakes at a lower level seasonal, and pollution levels were significant flooding is often reported through canals.10 Lakes were linked low, it was easy to control siltation. in the monsoon season.15 through a web of canals or kaluves, The silt was extracted annually in the The change from agrarian to connected to the surrounding agricul- smaller lakes, and every few years for urban land use has moved in parallel tural wetland landscape. They ranged the large lakes in the dry season, for with changes in lake management in size from small ponds (kuntes or use by local communities as inputs and administration. Historically, lakes donnes) less than a hectare, used for into agriculture.12 These lakes also were managed by the village commu- cattle washing and drinking, to exten- constituted important sacred spaces, nities living adjacent to the lake, sive large lakes (keres) of hundreds of and many important local religious sometimes with financial support hectares in area, used for agriculture, from the kings.16 Specific families and 11. F. Buchanan, A Journey From Madras Through the Countries of Mysore, Canara, 8. B.N. Sundara Rao, Bengalurina Itihasa and Malabar. Volume I, reprinted in 1999. 13. S. Srinivas, 2004, op cit. (A History of Bangalore). Vasanta Sahitya Asian Educational Services, New Delhi, 1807. 14. K. Gowda and M.V. Sridhara, ‘Conserva- Granthamala, Bangalore, 1985. tion of Tanks/Lakes in the Bangalore Metro- 12. F. Buchanan, 1807, ibid.; BBMP, Namma 20 9. S.U. Kamath, Karnataka State Gazetteer: Bangalore District. Lotus Printers, Bangalore, Bengaluru Nisarga: An Action Plan for politan Area’, Management of Environmental Quality 18, 2007, 137-151; BBMP, 2010, Development of Bangalore’s Lakes. Bruhat 1990. Bangalore Mahanagara Palike, Bangalore, op cit. 10. B.L. Rice, 1897(a), op cit. 2010. 15. BBMP, 2010, op cit.
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communities were designated to main- implement new public-private-part- increasing urbanization they also play tain lake canals, bunds and desilting, nership (PPP) approaches to lake a new role as urban recreational and specific groups were given per- management met with widespread spaces, and locations for reconnecting mission to use the lake for fishing, col- resistance from civil society, environ- with ‘nature’ in the city.24 lection of fodder, agriculture, washing mentalists and activist groups, and of clothes and so on.17 These specia- lized, locally varying and adaptive roles played by different communities resulted in a number of public inter- est litigations which have for the time being arrested this process. Currently, A lthough lake restoration pro- grammes have been undertaken in the were gradually replaced by formal lake governance is in the process of past, they have not only been expen- governance structures imposed by the being consolidated, with the BBMP sive but lake condition has often Mysore princely state and British gov- assuming responsibility for the main- deteriorated soon after in many cases. ernment agencies.18 Later, a bewilder- tenance of a majority of the lakes Restoration has often been piecemeal ing array of government departments within city limits, along with the LDA – one lake is treated, but the upstream became involved with aspects of lake and BDA which continue to manage and downstream lakes remain pol- management, with overlapping juris- a small number of lakes. luted, and kaluves continue to be dictions. These included the Depart- blocked, so the lake soon returns to ment of Minor Irrigation, Department of Fisheries, Ecology and Environ- ment Department, Karnataka Forest C urrently, there are about 210 lakes located within the administrative its original polluted condition. Lake dredging is largely based on consi- derations of engineering and cost, Department, Lake Development boundary of greater Bengaluru. 22 with lakes dredged in a u-shaped Authority, Karnataka State Pollution Given the terrible condition of most bowl. Yet most of these lakes have Control Board and the Bangalore of these lakes, the BBMP and BDA a completely different profile, with Development Authority.19 are planning large-scale restoration deep water storage areas near the and rejuvenation programmes. These downstream bund, and shallow water
I n 1983, in response to increased
public concern about the condition of need to be carefully designed.Although these lakes are of human origin, they have over centuries acquired natural storage in the upstream areas. Waterspread areas of the lake have been encroached upon to create lakes in the city, the state government characteristics and become nature water intensive, ornamental gardens constituted an expert committee to preserves. Yet their transformation and play areas, and extensive planta- investigate this issue. The recommen- into urban landscaped spaces is per- tions of water hungry species such dations of this committee, popularly haps the most significant change in as Acacia auriculiformis, casuarina, known as the Laxman Rao Commit- their recent history. While these lakes eucalyptus and silver oak have been tee, led to the transfer of administra- are undoubtedly critical sources of planted around several lakes, drying tion of most of the city’s lakes to the water supply, and important nature up the water table. There is a clear Karnataka State Forest Department.20 preserves, they also form vital social need to treat each lake as a unique While this resulted in the survey, fenc- spaces in a cramped, concrete domi- individual entity, with its own appro- ing and protection of several of the nated city environment. priate method of restoration based city’s lakes, the situation continued to Given the high levels of socio- on the size of the lake, its drainage deteriorate. economic, cultural and linguistic pattern with reference to the sub- In 2002, the Lake Development diversity in the city, lakes can become watershed in which it is located, the Authority was constituted as an auto- contested public spaces, especially land use and vegetation in the peri- nomous body responsible for the in locations such as Bengaluru, whose phery, the biodiversity, and current maintenance and restoration of lakes historic use and design have changed patterns of human use. in Bengaluru.21 The LDA attempt to over time. For instance, for many of A number of urban researchers, the earlier inhabitants of the city, lakes naturalists and concerned citizens 16. B.L. Rice, 1897(a), op cit. continue to have a significant role in have engaged in extensive discussions 17. F. Buchanan, 1807, op cit.; B.L. Rice, religious and sacred rituals23 – but with with the BBMP over the past three 1897(a), op cit. years, seeking to develop guiding 18, S.U. Kamath, 1990, op cit. 21. Ibid. 21 24. J. Nair, The Promise of the Metropolis: 19. K. Gowda and M.V. Sridhara, 2007, op cit. 22. BBMP, 2010, op cit. Bangalore’s Twentieth Century. Oxford 20. Ibid. 23. S. Srinivas, 2004, op cit. University Press, New Delhi, 2005.
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principles for lake restoration and a separate path has been created to proper biodiversity support, it is management that are geared towards allow cattle to approach the lake for a important that lakes provide as many conservation in urban environments, wash. At the western end, a children’s micro-habitats as possible. Thus, lakes while paying attention to the need for playground has been designed in a should not be dredged in a u-shape, as urban recreation, social inclusion, location adjacent to a nearby school happens in most current restoration maintenance of cultural diversity, and for children from less wealthy, periph- programmes, but with a sloping basin providing space for traditional liveli- eral city areas. This play area will having a deep and a shallow end, hoods and the urban poor. serve a dual purpose, with the children such that species adapted to different from the school utilizing it during water depths can be supported.
I n one lake in Bengaluru, the Kai-
kondanahalli lake, which is located weekdays, while enabling access to lake visitors during mornings, eve- nings and weekends. I n urban areas, given the serious on Sarjapur road at the south-eastern dearth of large open spaces for exer- periphery of the city, a group of inter- ested and committed local citizens formed the Kaikondanahalli Kere B ased on this experience, the group has also developed guidelines to facili- cise and recreation for both adults and children, paths have been pro- vided around the lake periphery for Abhivruddhe Samasthe (the Kaikon- tate a larger rejuvenation programme walking, jogging and exercise, and danahalli lake development organiza- aimed at restoring and conserving a with play areas for children. Unfortu- tion), interfacing with the BBMP to network of lakes in south-eastern nately, this development of recrea- develop an integrated plan for lake Bengaluru. What are the guiding prin- tional areas has usually been at the restoration that incorporates attention ciples that we can follow? Lakes have expense of conservation. Thus, recom- to conservation, water rejuvenation, different uses and benefits, and there mendations have been made that pro- urban recreation, and socio-economic are synergies and trade-offs between tection for the lake biodiversity be requirements of a wide strata of soci- these factors. Instead of valuing one provided by keeping a buffer distance ety. This group not only includes a benefit, e.g. water recharge, or bird of 150-300m to separate the walk- diversity of representation from origi- diversity, above all other factors, an ways, play areas and other areas of nal inhabitants of peri-urban villages integrated approach needs to be fol- human use from lake habitat, and around the lake and from recently lowed that incorporates a proper screening these areas from the lake built high-end apartments and resi- consideration of all these different by planting trees, bamboo, and tall dential layouts, but also incorporates factors. shrubs. The marshy and shallow considerations of engineering, eco- Groundwater recharging cons- water section of each lake, where logy, education, communication, and titutes probably the most critical use biodiversity levels are maximum, governance. of lakes in water-starved Bengaluru. should also be separated from human Once heavily polluted with sew- In addition, however, lakes act as disturbance, without walkways or age from nearby residential areas, this green spaces, lung spaces and areas for play areas. Boating also creates severe lake has now been restored by dredg- micro-climate control. Consequently, disturbance to bird life, and should ing the basin to remove silt, diverting many previous lake restoration pro- not be allowed. sewage, restoring the bund, and plant- grammes have converted part of the Unfortunately, most lake resto- ing a rich variety of locally suited, waterspread area into islands, gardens ration programmes pay little or no biodiversity friendly trees and plants and tree parks – a well-meaning exer- attention to the traditional and cur- around the periphery. Based on inputs cise that unfortunately results in reduc- rent uses of lakes by local residents from this group, the lake waterspread tion of the primary benefit of the lake and the urban poor. While lakes cons- area has been maintained during reju- as a body for storage of fresh water. titute a public commons and should be venation to the maximum possible Lakes also act as an important accessible to all, several of the lakes extent without uprooting existing refuge for birds, insects, amphibians, 25. M.B. Krishna, B.K. Chakrapani and trees, and a walkway created around reptiles, fish, planktons, and other T.K. Srinivasa, Water Birds and Wetlands of the lake which avoids the marshy, water and wildlife. Over 140 species Bangalore: A Report on the Status, Water Qual- biodiversity rich southern end. of birds, 66 forms of phytoplankton, ity, Plankton and Birds of the Lakes in and 22 Taking into account the require- 62 forms of zooplankton, 16 species Around Bangalore and Maddur, Karnataka, India. Birdwatchers’ Field Club of Bangalore ments of cattle owning households of amphibians and 41 species of fish and Bangalore Urban Division, Karnataka from the nearby peri-urban villages, inhabit Bengaluru’s wetlands.25 For State Forest Department, 1996.
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in the city are now surrounded by of sectors, including the government, private landowners and lack public local citizens, researchers, NGOs, and access. Traditional uses of lakes business is required to make effective include idol immersion, irrigation, progress towards sustainable ecologi- domestic use, grazing, washing of cat- cal and environmental planning. Yet, tle, and silt extraction. Lakes also con- this is hard to achieve in the context stitute important religious and sacred of life in an urban environment, where spaces. Thus, sacred trees like the the social, cultural, and linguistic banyan and peepal should be pro- heterogeneity, coupled with economic tected where present around lakes. inequalities, make it particularly chal- Further, there should be provision for lenging to create social capital and washing of clothes and cattle washing facilitate collective action. in a confined upstream enclosure, without polluting the lake. Controlled harvesting of grass for grazing should be permitted at the marshy end, as A series of ‘design principles’ out- lining conditions that can facilitate this will prevent the lake from being successful collective management of encroached by grass. natural resources were formulated by Elinor Ostrom.26 These include the
F inally, governance processes for
lake maintenance need to be clearly need for the people affected by man- agement of natural resources to pro- vide some inputs into making rules formulated. Lake monitoring and related to their management; for regu- maintenance should involve local lar monitoring of the resource and communities, elected representatives, prompt punishment of offenders; and government officials, schools and for people who maintain the resource colleges, researchers and NGOs, and to have the assurance that they will disadvantaged groups. Regular moni- continue to have rights of management toring of water condition, pollution over the long-term. None of these hold and biodiversity needs to be con- true in the Indian city context. ducted across all lakes, and nearby Yet, the experiences in Benga- schools and colleges should be luru, and some other Indian cities involved in such studies, resulting in indicate that sustained engagement by greater local awareness and involve- citizens can result in change. While ment, as well as in building local the progress achieved may not be opti- scientific capacity. mum or ideal, it does represent a step Conservation in urban settings forward, and the social capital and requires concerted, committed action potential for collective action that has from a number of sectors that takes been built can be capitalized on for into account principles of ecology, future urban conservation initiatives. along with a proper recognition of After many decades of neglect, lake the role played by nature in an urban management in Bengaluru shows setting, where recreation, access some signs of hope. If citizens of to greenery, and considerations of Bengaluru can mobilize the adminis- technical and economic feasibility trative and political will to sustain must simultaneously incorporate the these programmes at a larger scale, requirements of citizens from varied then there is truly some hope for a socio-economic and cultural back- green urban future. grounds. Consequently, the chal- 23 26. E. Ostrom, Understanding Institutional lenges of urban conservation remain Diversity. Princeton University Press, severe. Collective action by a number Princeton, New Jersey, 2005.