Talisman 4Th Edition Errata (V1.2) : Rule Book
Talisman 4Th Edition Errata (V1.2) : Rule Book
Talisman 4Th Edition Errata (V1.2) : Rule Book
1. On page 4, in Setting Up, it has "The diagram on page 5"; this should read: The
diagram on page 6”
3. On page 6, in the Assassin description, the word “sneeks” should read “sneaks”
4. On page 6, in the illustration of the Minstrel set-up, there should be 1 red Strength
counter and 4 blue Craft counters depicted.
The Minstrel already has 3 Objects: Armour, an Axe and the Amulet (Magic
Object). He can freely claim the Gold Counters and the Maiden. Since he can
only carry 4 Objects (5:3), he must choose carefully what to take. The Water
Bottle could be useful as he is about to lose 1 Life to the Desert. However, since
he started with, and still has no spells but has a sufficient Craft to allow him
some, he takes the Wand first and immediately draws a Spell Card from the
Spell stock pile. It is a Healing Spell. A bit of good luck as now he can cast it on
his next Turn to restore the Life he will lose to the Desert. He decides to ditch
the Amulet by placing it face up in the Desert Space and to also take the
Talisman. He now has his four Objects: Armour, Axe, Wand and a Talisman.
He must now follow the instructions on the space, which is to lose 1 Life. His
Turn now ends.
When he moves on his next Turn, the Sword, Water Bottle and the Amulet will
remain face up in the Desert for the next Character who lands there.
8. On page 14: The end of 14:9 refers you to rule 9:8 this should refer to 9:9
9. On page 15, the second last sentence of 15:2 should read:
If two of the same numbers are present, handle them in the order that they were
11. On page 16, the end of 16:4 and 16:8 refers you to "a Stand-Off (16:10)", these
should read (16:11)
12. On page 16, there are two rules 16:10; the second rule (STAND-OFF) should be
14. On page 17, rule 20:2, the first sentence should read:
They are treated in all aspects like Adventure Cards, except that instead of
being placed on a discard pile when not needed, they are instead returned to
their appropriate stock pile and available to other Characters once more.
15. On page 17, the "Example of Carrying Too Much" should read:
The Wizard has a Mule and is using it to carry 8 Objects. The Thief casts the
Mesmerism Spell on him and takes the Mule. The Wizard can now only carry 4
Objects and so must immediately place 4 of the Objects in his possession face
up on the Space (the Wizard's choice). The Thief may then claim them if
possible, if he is on the same Space (12:1).
16. On page 18, the “Example of a Turn” all “Ruins” should read Runes
17. On page 20 (the back page), one of the arrows is pointing in the wrong direction.
In the right hand column after "ENCOUNTER THIS SPACE" NO, there is the
question "Are there any face up Cards there? (13:5)" The NO answer has the arrow in
the wrong direction; reverse the direction of the arrow.
18. On page 20, the text "CARD ENCOUNTER Follow the rules (16:1-10)" should
read: (15:1-10)
19. On page 20, in the right-hand column of options, after "If there were any Enemies,
did you defeat or Evade them all?” the YES option goes to "Does the Encounter result
in you missing a turn". The text should read:
Does the Encounter result in you being moved to a different Space?
20. DESERT - both Desert spaces should read:
Draw 1 Card and then Lose 1 life. Do not draw a Card if there is already one in
this space.
22. Dwarf - the Dwarf’s fourth special ability should read:
You need only roll 1 die if you attempt to open the Portal of Power by Craft.
25. The Lion adventure card should have a 2 for its encounter number (not "3" as